1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 'use strict';
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 | const { familySync, versionSync } = require('detect-libc');
9 |
10 | const { runtimePlatformArch, isUnsupportedNodeRuntime, prebuiltPlatforms, minimumLibvipsVersion } = require('./libvips');
11 | const runtimePlatform = runtimePlatformArch();
12 |
13 | const paths = [
14 | `../src/build/Release/sharp-${runtimePlatform}.node`,
15 | '../src/build/Release/sharp-wasm32.node',
16 | `@img/sharp-${runtimePlatform}/sharp.node`,
17 | '@img/sharp-wasm32/sharp.node'
18 | ];
19 |
20 | let sharp;
21 | const errors = [];
22 | for (const path of paths) {
23 | try {
24 | sharp = require(path);
25 | break;
26 | } catch (err) {
27 |
28 | errors.push(err);
29 | }
30 | }
31 |
32 |
33 | if (sharp) {
34 | module.exports = sharp;
35 | } else {
36 | const [isLinux, isMacOs, isWindows] = ['linux', 'darwin', 'win32'].map(os => runtimePlatform.startsWith(os));
37 |
38 | const help = [`Could not load the "sharp" module using the ${runtimePlatform} runtime`];
39 | errors.forEach(err => {
40 | if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
41 | help.push(`${err.code}: ${err.message}`);
42 | }
43 | });
44 | const messages = errors.map(err => err.message).join(' ');
45 | help.push('Possible solutions:');
46 |
47 | if (isUnsupportedNodeRuntime()) {
48 | const { found, expected } = isUnsupportedNodeRuntime();
49 | help.push(
50 | '- Please upgrade Node.js:',
51 | ` Found ${found}`,
52 | ` Requires ${expected}`
53 | );
54 | } else if (prebuiltPlatforms.includes(runtimePlatform)) {
55 | const [os, cpu] = runtimePlatform.split('-');
56 | const libc = os.endsWith('musl') ? ' --libc=musl' : '';
57 | help.push(
58 | '- Ensure optional dependencies can be installed:',
59 | ' npm install --include=optional sharp',
60 | '- Ensure your package manager supports multi-platform installation:',
61 | ' See https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/install#cross-platform',
62 | '- Add platform-specific dependencies:',
63 | ` npm install --os=${os.replace('musl', '')}${libc} --cpu=${cpu} sharp`
64 | );
65 | } else {
66 | help.push(
67 | `- Manually install libvips >= ${minimumLibvipsVersion}`,
68 | '- Add experimental WebAssembly-based dependencies:',
69 | ' npm install --cpu=wasm32 sharp',
70 | ' npm install @img/sharp-wasm32'
71 | );
72 | }
73 | if (isLinux && /(symbol not found|CXXABI_)/i.test(messages)) {
74 | try {
75 | const { config } = require(`@img/sharp-libvips-${runtimePlatform}/package`);
76 | const libcFound = `${familySync()} ${versionSync()}`;
77 | const libcRequires = `${config.musl ? 'musl' : 'glibc'} ${config.musl || config.glibc}`;
78 | help.push(
79 | '- Update your OS:',
80 | ` Found ${libcFound}`,
81 | ` Requires ${libcRequires}`
82 | );
83 | } catch (errEngines) {}
84 | }
85 | if (isLinux && /\/snap\/core[0-9]{2}/.test(messages)) {
86 | help.push(
87 | '- Remove the Node.js Snap, which does not support native modules',
88 | ' snap remove node'
89 | );
90 | }
91 | if (isMacOs && /Incompatible library version/.test(messages)) {
92 | help.push(
93 | '- Update Homebrew:',
94 | ' brew update && brew upgrade vips'
95 | );
96 | }
97 | if (errors.some(err => err.code === 'ERR_DLOPEN_DISABLED')) {
98 | help.push('- Run Node.js without using the --no-addons flag');
99 | }
100 |
101 | if (isWindows && /The specified procedure could not be found/.test(messages)) {
102 | help.push(
103 | '- Using the canvas package on Windows?',
104 | ' See https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/install#canvas-and-windows',
105 | '- Check for outdated versions of sharp in the dependency tree:',
106 | ' npm ls sharp'
107 | );
108 | }
109 | help.push(
110 | '- Consult the installation documentation:',
111 | ' See https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/install'
112 | );
113 | throw new Error(help.join('\n'));
114 | }