1 | {
2 | "name": "sharp",
3 | "description": "High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, AVIF and TIFF images",
4 | "version": "0.33.5",
5 | "author": "Lovell Fuller <npm@lovell.info>",
6 | "homepage": "https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com",
7 | "contributors": [
8 | "Pierre Inglebert <pierre.inglebert@gmail.com>",
9 | "Jonathan Ong <jonathanrichardong@gmail.com>",
10 | "Chanon Sajjamanochai <chanon.s@gmail.com>",
11 | "Juliano Julio <julianojulio@gmail.com>",
12 | "Daniel Gasienica <daniel@gasienica.ch>",
13 | "Julian Walker <julian@fiftythree.com>",
14 | "Amit Pitaru <pitaru.amit@gmail.com>",
15 | "Brandon Aaron <hello.brandon@aaron.sh>",
16 | "Andreas Lind <andreas@one.com>",
17 | "Maurus Cuelenaere <mcuelenaere@gmail.com>",
18 | "Linus Unnebäck <linus@folkdatorn.se>",
19 | "Victor Mateevitsi <mvictoras@gmail.com>",
20 | "Alaric Holloway <alaric.holloway@gmail.com>",
21 | "Bernhard K. Weisshuhn <bkw@codingforce.com>",
22 | "Chris Riley <criley@primedia.com>",
23 | "David Carley <dacarley@gmail.com>",
24 | "John Tobin <john@limelightmobileinc.com>",
25 | "Kenton Gray <kentongray@gmail.com>",
26 | "Felix Bünemann <Felix.Buenemann@gmail.com>",
27 | "Samy Al Zahrani <samyalzahrany@gmail.com>",
28 | "Chintan Thakkar <lemnisk8@gmail.com>",
29 | "F. Orlando Galashan <frulo@gmx.de>",
30 | "Kleis Auke Wolthuizen <info@kleisauke.nl>",
31 | "Matt Hirsch <mhirsch@media.mit.edu>",
32 | "Matthias Thoemmes <thoemmes@gmail.com>",
33 | "Patrick Paskaris <patrick@paskaris.gr>",
34 | "Jérémy Lal <kapouer@melix.org>",
35 | "Rahul Nanwani <r.nanwani@gmail.com>",
36 | "Alice Monday <alice0meta@gmail.com>",
37 | "Kristo Jorgenson <kristo.jorgenson@gmail.com>",
38 | "YvesBos <yves_bos@outlook.com>",
39 | "Guy Maliar <guy@tailorbrands.com>",
40 | "Nicolas Coden <nicolas@ncoden.fr>",
41 | "Matt Parrish <matt.r.parrish@gmail.com>",
42 | "Marcel Bretschneider <marcel.bretschneider@gmail.com>",
43 | "Matthew McEachen <matthew+github@mceachen.org>",
44 | "Jarda Kotěšovec <jarda.kotesovec@gmail.com>",
45 | "Kenric D'Souza <kenric.dsouza@gmail.com>",
46 | "Oleh Aleinyk <oleg.aleynik@gmail.com>",
47 | "Marcel Bretschneider <marcel.bretschneider@gmail.com>",
48 | "Andrea Bianco <andrea.bianco@unibas.ch>",
49 | "Rik Heywood <rik@rik.org>",
50 | "Thomas Parisot <hi@oncletom.io>",
51 | "Nathan Graves <nathanrgraves+github@gmail.com>",
52 | "Tom Lokhorst <tom@lokhorst.eu>",
53 | "Espen Hovlandsdal <espen@hovlandsdal.com>",
54 | "Sylvain Dumont <sylvain.dumont35@gmail.com>",
55 | "Alun Davies <alun.owain.davies@googlemail.com>",
56 | "Aidan Hoolachan <ajhoolachan21@gmail.com>",
57 | "Axel Eirola <axel.eirola@iki.fi>",
58 | "Freezy <freezy@xbmc.org>",
59 | "Daiz <taneli.vatanen@gmail.com>",
60 | "Julian Aubourg <j@ubourg.net>",
61 | "Keith Belovay <keith@picthrive.com>",
62 | "Michael B. Klein <mbklein@gmail.com>",
63 | "Jordan Prudhomme <jordan@raboland.fr>",
64 | "Ilya Ovdin <iovdin@gmail.com>",
65 | "Andargor <andargor@yahoo.com>",
66 | "Paul Neave <paul.neave@gmail.com>",
67 | "Brendan Kennedy <brenwken@gmail.com>",
68 | "Brychan Bennett-Odlum <git@brychan.io>",
69 | "Edward Silverton <e.silverton@gmail.com>",
70 | "Roman Malieiev <aromaleev@gmail.com>",
71 | "Tomas Szabo <tomas.szabo@deftomat.com>",
72 | "Robert O'Rourke <robert@o-rourke.org>",
73 | "Guillermo Alfonso Varela Chouciño <guillevch@gmail.com>",
74 | "Christian Flintrup <chr@gigahost.dk>",
75 | "Manan Jadhav <manan@motionden.com>",
76 | "Leon Radley <leon@radley.se>",
77 | "alza54 <alza54@thiocod.in>",
78 | "Jacob Smith <jacob@frende.me>",
79 | "Michael Nutt <michael@nutt.im>",
80 | "Brad Parham <baparham@gmail.com>",
81 | "Taneli Vatanen <taneli.vatanen@gmail.com>",
82 | "Joris Dugué <zaruike10@gmail.com>",
83 | "Chris Banks <christopher.bradley.banks@gmail.com>",
84 | "Ompal Singh <ompal.hitm09@gmail.com>",
85 | "Brodan <christopher.hranj@gmail.com>",
86 | "Ankur Parihar <ankur.github@gmail.com>",
87 | "Brahim Ait elhaj <brahima@gmail.com>",
88 | "Mart Jansink <m.jansink@gmail.com>",
89 | "Lachlan Newman <lachnewman007@gmail.com>",
90 | "Dennis Beatty <dennis@dcbeatty.com>",
91 | "Ingvar Stepanyan <me@rreverser.com>",
92 | "Don Denton <don@happycollision.com>"
93 | ],
94 | "scripts": {
95 | "install": "node install/check",
96 | "clean": "rm -rf src/build/ .nyc_output/ coverage/ test/fixtures/output.*",
97 | "test": "npm run test-lint && npm run test-unit && npm run test-licensing && npm run test-types",
98 | "test-lint": "semistandard && cpplint",
99 | "test-unit": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text --check-coverage --branches=100 mocha",
100 | "test-licensing": "license-checker --production --summary --onlyAllow=\"Apache-2.0;BSD;ISC;LGPL-3.0-or-later;MIT\"",
101 | "test-leak": "./test/leak/leak.sh",
102 | "test-types": "tsd",
103 | "package-from-local-build": "node npm/from-local-build",
104 | "package-from-github-release": "node npm/from-github-release",
105 | "docs-build": "node docs/build && node docs/search-index/build",
106 | "docs-serve": "cd docs && npx serve",
107 | "docs-publish": "cd docs && npx firebase-tools deploy --project pixelplumbing --only hosting:pixelplumbing-sharp"
108 | },
109 | "type": "commonjs",
110 | "main": "lib/index.js",
111 | "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
112 | "files": [
113 | "install",
114 | "lib",
115 | "src/*.{cc,h,gyp}"
116 | ],
117 | "repository": {
118 | "type": "git",
119 | "url": "git://github.com/lovell/sharp.git"
120 | },
121 | "keywords": [
122 | "jpeg",
123 | "png",
124 | "webp",
125 | "avif",
126 | "tiff",
127 | "gif",
128 | "svg",
129 | "jp2",
130 | "dzi",
131 | "image",
132 | "resize",
133 | "thumbnail",
134 | "crop",
135 | "embed",
136 | "libvips",
137 | "vips"
138 | ],
139 | "dependencies": {
140 | "color": "^4.2.3",
141 | "detect-libc": "^2.0.3",
142 | "semver": "^7.6.3"
143 | },
144 | "optionalDependencies": {
145 | "@img/sharp-darwin-arm64": "0.33.5",
146 | "@img/sharp-darwin-x64": "0.33.5",
147 | "@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-arm64": "1.0.4",
148 | "@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-x64": "1.0.4",
149 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm": "1.0.5",
150 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm64": "1.0.4",
151 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linux-s390x": "1.0.4",
152 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linux-x64": "1.0.4",
153 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-arm64": "1.0.4",
154 | "@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-x64": "1.0.4",
155 | "@img/sharp-linux-arm": "0.33.5",
156 | "@img/sharp-linux-arm64": "0.33.5",
157 | "@img/sharp-linux-s390x": "0.33.5",
158 | "@img/sharp-linux-x64": "0.33.5",
159 | "@img/sharp-linuxmusl-arm64": "0.33.5",
160 | "@img/sharp-linuxmusl-x64": "0.33.5",
161 | "@img/sharp-wasm32": "0.33.5",
162 | "@img/sharp-win32-ia32": "0.33.5",
163 | "@img/sharp-win32-x64": "0.33.5"
164 | },
165 | "devDependencies": {
166 | "@emnapi/runtime": "^1.2.0",
167 | "@img/sharp-libvips-dev": "1.0.4",
168 | "@img/sharp-libvips-dev-wasm32": "1.0.5",
169 | "@img/sharp-libvips-win32-ia32": "1.0.4",
170 | "@img/sharp-libvips-win32-x64": "1.0.4",
171 | "@types/node": "*",
172 | "async": "^3.2.5",
173 | "cc": "^3.0.1",
174 | "emnapi": "^1.2.0",
175 | "exif-reader": "^2.0.1",
176 | "extract-zip": "^2.0.1",
177 | "icc": "^3.0.0",
178 | "jsdoc-to-markdown": "^8.0.3",
179 | "license-checker": "^25.0.1",
180 | "mocha": "^10.7.3",
181 | "node-addon-api": "^8.1.0",
182 | "nyc": "^17.0.0",
183 | "prebuild": "^13.0.1",
184 | "semistandard": "^17.0.0",
185 | "tar-fs": "^3.0.6",
186 | "tsd": "^0.31.1"
187 | },
188 | "license": "Apache-2.0",
189 | "engines": {
190 | "node": "^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0"
191 | },
192 | "config": {
193 | "libvips": ">=8.15.3"
194 | },
195 | "funding": {
196 | "url": "https://opencollective.com/libvips"
197 | },
198 | "binary": {
199 | "napi_versions": [
200 | 9
201 | ]
202 | },
203 | "semistandard": {
204 | "env": [
205 | "mocha"
206 | ]
207 | },
208 | "cc": {
209 | "linelength": "120",
210 | "filter": [
211 | "build/include"
212 | ]
213 | },
214 | "nyc": {
215 | "include": [
216 | "lib"
217 | ]
218 | },
219 | "tsd": {
220 | "directory": "test/types/"
221 | }
222 | }