7.05 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var Tool_1 = require("./../Tool");
5 * The entry class of all object in Sideral
6 */
7var SideralObject = (function () {
8 function SideralObject() {
10 /**
11 * Unique id of the object
12 * @readonly
13 */
14 this.id = SideralObject.generateId();
15 /**
16 * Name of the object (used to identify object, you should not forget to fill this value)
17 * @type {string}
18 */
19 this.name = "";
20 /**
21 * Properties of the object
22 */
23 this.props = {};
24 /**
25 * Last values of properties of the object
26 */
27 this.last = {};
28 /**
29 * Context is a object which you can store anything, the content of the context will be passed to its children
30 */
31 this.context = {};
32 /**
33 * List of all signals of the element
34 */
35 this.signals = {
36 update: new Tool_1.SignalEvent(),
37 propChange: new Tool_1.SignalEvent(),
38 addChild: new Tool_1.SignalEvent(),
39 removeChild: new Tool_1.SignalEvent()
40 };
41 /**
42 * List of all children of this object
43 */
44 this.children = [];
45 /**
46 * Parent of this object
47 */
48 this.parent = null;
49 /**
50 * Know if this object has been initialized
51 * @readonly
52 */
53 this.initialized = false;
54 /**
55 * Know if this object has been killed
56 * @readonly
57 */
58 this.killed = false;
59 }
60 /* LIFECYCLE */
61 /**
62 * Lifecycle - When initialized by a parent (called only once when the instance is attached to the lifecycle of the game)
63 * @access public
64 * @param props - properties to merge
65 */
66 SideralObject.prototype.initialize = function (props) {
67 var _this = this;
68 if (props === void 0) { props = {}; }
69 Object.keys(props).forEach(function (key) { return _this.props[key] = props[key]; });
70 this.initialized = true;
71 };
72 /**
73 * Lifecycle - Destroy the current instance
74 * @access public
75 */
76 SideralObject.prototype.kill = function () {
77 var _this = this;
78 this.killed = true;
79 Object.keys(this.signals).forEach(function (key) { return _this.signals[key].removeAll(); });
80 this.children.forEach(function (child) { return child.kill(); });
81 if (this.parent) {
82 this.parent.children = this.parent.children.filter(function (child) { return child.id !== _this.id; });
83 this.parent.signals.removeChild.dispatch(this.name, this);
84 this.parent = null;
85 }
86 };
87 /**
88 * Lifecycle - Called every loop
89 * @access protected
90 * @param {number} tick - The tick factor (to prevent the dependance of the framerate)
91 * @returns {void}
92 */
93 SideralObject.prototype.update = function (tick) {
94 this.children.forEach(function (child) { return !child.killed && child.update(tick); });
95 this.signals.update.dispatch(tick);
96 };
97 /**
98 * Lifecycle - Called before a next game loop
99 * @access protected
100 * @returns {void}
101 */
102 SideralObject.prototype.nextCycle = function () {
103 var _this = this;
104 var propChanged = [];
105 this.children.forEach(function (child) { return child.nextCycle(); });
106 Object.keys(this.props).forEach(function (key) {
107 var prop = _this.props[key];
108 if (typeof prop !== "object" && prop !== _this.last[key]) {
109 propChanged.push(key);
110 _this.last[key] = _this.props[key];
111 }
112 });
113 propChanged.forEach(function (prop) { return _this.signals.propChange.dispatch(prop, _this.props[prop]); });
114 };
115 /* METHODS */
116 /**
117 * Set new properties to the object. All attribute contained in "props" are public and can be edited by external source.
118 * Properties can be observe via the "propChange" event. Update a property attribute via "setProps" will not fire the "propChange" event.
119 * @access public
120 * @param props - Properties to merge
121 * @returns Current instance
122 * @example
123 * this.setProps({
124 * test: 1
125 * });
126 *
127 * this.props.test; // 1
128 */
129 SideralObject.prototype.setProps = function (props) {
130 var _this = this;
131 Object.keys(props).forEach(function (key) { return _this.last[key] = _this.props[key] = props[key]; });
132 return this;
133 };
134 /**
135 * Remove a property from the lifecycle of the object
136 * @param name - Name of the property to remove
137 * @returns Current instance
138 */
139 SideralObject.prototype.removeProp = function (name) {
140 delete this.last[name];
141 delete this.props[name];
142 return this;
143 };
144 /**
145 * Add an item to the current object. The item added will enter into the lifecycle of the object and will become a children
146 * of this object. The method "initialize" of the item will be called.
147 * @access public
148 * @param item - A SideralObject
149 * @param props - Props to merge to the item
150 * @returns The item initialized
151 */
152 SideralObject.prototype.add = function (item, props) {
153 var _this = this;
154 if (props === void 0) { props = {}; }
155 if (!(item instanceof SideralObject)) {
156 throw new Error("SideralObject.add : item must be an instance of Sideral Abstract Class");
157 }
158 item.parent = this;
159 Object.keys(this.context).forEach(function (key) { return item.context[key] = _this.context[key]; });
160 this.children.push(item);
161 item.initialize(props);
162 this.signals.addChild.dispatch(item.name, item);
163 return item;
164 };
165 /**
166 * Add multiple items
167 * @param params - Parameters of the multiple add
168 */
169 SideralObject.prototype.addMultiple = function (params) {
170 var _this = this;
171 params.forEach(function (param) {
172 _this.add(param.item, param.props);
173 if (param.assign) {
174 _this[param.assign] = param.item;
175 }
176 if (param.callback) {
177 param.callback(param.item);
178 }
179 });
180 return this;
181 };
182 /**
183 * Check if a property (an attribute from "this.props") has changed
184 * @access public
185 * @param propName - name of the property to check
186 * @returns Property has changed ?
187 */
188 SideralObject.prototype.hasChanged = function (propName) {
189 if (!this.props[propName]) {
190 return false;
191 }
192 return this.props[propName] !== this.last[propName];
193 };
194 /* STATICS */
195 /**
196 * Generate an unique id
197 * @returns The unique id
198 */
199 SideralObject.generateId = function () {
200 return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x100000);
201 };
202 return SideralObject;
204exports.SideralObject = SideralObject;