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456 "source": "https://www.ana.co.jp/en/eur/the-ana-experience/brand/"
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523 {
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557 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
558 },
559 {
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561 "hex": "A81C7D",
562 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
563 },
564 {
565 "title": "Apache Cassandra",
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567 "source": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Cassandra_logo.svg"
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569 {
570 "title": "Apache CloudStack",
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572 "source": "http://cloudstack.apache.org/trademark-guidelines.html"
573 },
574 {
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576 "hex": "E8E8E8",
577 "source": "https://cordova.apache.org/artwork/"
578 },
579 {
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582 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
583 },
584 {
585 "title": "Apache ECharts",
586 "hex": "AA344D",
587 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
588 },
589 {
590 "title": "Apache Flink",
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592 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
593 },
594 {
595 "title": "Apache Groovy",
596 "hex": "4298B8",
597 "source": "https://groovy-lang.org/"
598 },
599 {
600 "title": "Apache Hive",
601 "hex": "FDEE21",
602 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
603 },
604 {
605 "title": "Apache JMeter",
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607 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
608 },
609 {
610 "title": "Apache Kafka",
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612 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
613 },
614 {
615 "title": "Apache Kylin",
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617 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
618 },
619 {
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622 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
623 },
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625 "title": "Apache NetBeans IDE",
626 "hex": "1B6AC6",
627 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
628 },
629 {
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632 "source": "https://apache.org/logos"
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634 {
635 "title": "Apache Pulsar",
636 "hex": "188FFF",
637 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
638 },
639 {
640 "title": "Apache RocketMQ",
641 "hex": "D77310",
642 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
643 },
644 {
645 "title": "Apache Solr",
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647 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
648 },
649 {
650 "title": "Apache Spark",
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652 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
653 },
654 {
655 "title": "Apache Tomcat",
656 "hex": "F8DC75",
657 "source": "https://apache.org/logos/"
658 },
659 {
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663 },
664 {
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672 "source": "https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe/blob/a7fcc6b13831302e27f79a6fcaaf58e3a40517df/logo.svg"
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678 },
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683 },
684 {
685 "title": "Apple Arcade",
686 "hex": "000000",
687 "source": "https://www.apple.com/apple-arcade/"
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689 {
690 "title": "Apple Music",
691 "hex": "FA243C",
692 "source": "https://www.apple.com/itunes/marketing-on-music/identity-guidelines.html#apple-music-icon"
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694 {
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697 "source": "https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/marketing/"
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699 {
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701 "hex": "9933CC",
702 "source": "https://www.apple.com/itunes/marketing-on-podcasts/identity-guidelines.html#apple-podcasts-icon"
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704 {
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706 "hex": "000000",
707 "source": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AppleTV.svg"
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712 "source": "https://appsignal.com/"
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714 {
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716 "hex": "00B3E0",
717 "source": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Appveyor_logo.svg"
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722 "source": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Aral_Logo.svg"
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724 {
725 "title": "ArangoDB",
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727 "source": "https://www.arangodb.com",
728 "guidelines": "https://www.arangodb.com/resources/logos"
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730 {
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732 "hex": "1793D1",
733 "source": "https://www.archlinux.org/art/",
734 "guidelines": "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:TrademarkPolicy#Logo_Usage_Guidelines"
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736 {
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739 "source": "https://graphisoft.com/contact-us/press-relations#/documents/archicad-logo-98604"
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741 {
742 "title": "Archive of Our Own",
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744 "source": "https://archiveofourown.org/"
745 },
746 {
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749 "source": "https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/tree/master/tools/misc_resources/"
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751 {
752 "title": "Arduino",
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754 "source": "https://cdn.arduino.cc/projecthub/img/Arduino-logo.svg"
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756 {
757 "title": "ARK Ecosystem",
758 "hex": "C9292C",
759 "source": "https://ark.io/press-kit"
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761 {
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766 {
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768 "hex": "10A0CC",
769 "source": "https://gitea.artixlinux.org/artix/artwork/src/commit/256432e3d06b3e9024bfd6912768e80281ea3746/icons/logo-gray.svg"
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771 {
772 "title": "ArtStation",
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774 "source": "https://www.artstation.com/about/logo"
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776 {
777 "title": "arXiv",
778 "hex": "B31B1B",
779 "source": "https://static.arxiv.org/static/base/0.15.2/images/arxiv-logo-web.svg"
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781 {
782 "title": "Asana",
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796 {
797 "title": "Aseprite",
798 "hex": "7D929E",
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801 {
802 "title": "Ask Ubuntu",
803 "hex": "DC461D",
804 "source": "https://askubuntu.com/",
805 "guidelines": "https://stackoverflow.com/legal/trademark-guidance"
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807 {
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812 {
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818 "title": "ASUS",
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830 "source": "https://atarivcs.com/"
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832 {
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843 "title": "Audacity",
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850 "source": "https://www.audi.com/ci/en/intro/basics/rings.html"
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855 "source": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Audible_logo.svg"
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857 {
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862 {
863 "title": "Audioboom",
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874 "hex": "ED2B88",
875 "source": "https://aurelia.io/"
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877 {
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882 {
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886 },
887 {
888 "title": "Autodesk",
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892 {
893 "title": "AutoHotkey",
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897 {
898 "title": "Automattic",
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900 "source": "https://automattic.com/press/brand-materials/"
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902 {
903 "title": "Awesome Lists",
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915 "source": "https://docs.amplify.aws/"
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920 "source": "https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/devops/artifacts/"
921 },
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923 "title": "Azure Data Explorer",
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925 "source": "https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/data-explorer/"
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928 "title": "Azure DevOps",
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930 "source": "http://azure.com/devops"
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933 "title": "Azure Functions",
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940 "source": "https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/blob/dc7872262c9b059c574bd16fc4cfedbb6bdf156e/icons/file_type_azurepipelines.svg"
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947 {
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950 "source": "https://github.com/babel/website/blob/93330158b6ecca1ab88d3be8dbf661f5c2da6c76/website/static/img/babel-black.svg"
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955 "source": "https://info.badgr.com/"
956 },
957 {
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960 "source": "https://badoo.com/team/press/"
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969 "hex": "0052CC",
970 "source": "https://www.atlassian.design/guidelines/marketing/resources/logo-files"
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978 "title": "BandLab",
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990 "source": "https://www.bankofamerica.com/"
991 },
992 {
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995 "source": "https://home.barclays/"
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999 "hex": "6078FF",
1000 "source": "https://baremetrics.com/"
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1002 {
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1004 "hex": "1D2D35",
1005 "source": "https://basecamp.com/about/press"
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1007 {
1008 "title": "Bata",
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1037 "guidelines": "https://support.beatport.com/hc/en-us/articles/200353255-Beatport-Logos-and-Images"
1038 },
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1042 "source": "https://www.elastic.co/brand"
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1044 {
1045 "title": "Beats by Dre",
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1047 "source": "https://www.beatsbydre.com/"
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1050 "title": "Behance",
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1082 "source": "https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-app-rooms/blob/0fcf9636a3ba683296326f46354265917c4f0ea4/app/assets/images/icon.svg",
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1088 "source": "https://www.bigcommerce.co.uk/press/media-kit/"
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1103 "source": "https://bit.dev"
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1111 "title": "Bitcoin",
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1204 "source": "https://www.bmw.de/"
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1206 {
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1212 "title": "BookBub",
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1222 "title": "BookStack",
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1224 "source": "https://www.bookstackapp.com/"
1225 },
1226 {
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1234 "source": "http://getbootstrap.com/about"
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1271 {
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1274 "source": "https://www.britishairways.com/travel/home/public/en_ie/"
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1276 {
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1319 "source": "https://buildkite.com/brand-assets"
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1381 {
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1389 "source": "https://design.ubuntu.com/downloads/"
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1391 {
1392 "title": "Canva",
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1479 "source": "https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/blob/327e1624d22936abb43068e1f57054e43c9c6819/logo/logomark-colored.svg"
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1486 {
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1492 "title": "Chase",
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1496 {
1497 "title": "ChatBot",
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1519 "source": "https://www.chevrolet.com/content/dam/chevrolet/na/us/english/index/shopping-tools/download-catalog/02-pdf/2019-chevrolet-corvette-catalog.pdf"
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1524 "source": "https://uk.ceair.com/newCMS/uk/en/content/en_Footer/Support/201904/t20190404_5763.html"
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1529 "source": "https://www.csair.com/en/about/investor/yejibaogao/2020/"
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1589 "source": "https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/blob/7d8305ce4d12683853a563b9d6ea54e0d4686a2f/samples/img/logo.svg"
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1596 {
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1601 {
1602 "title": "CLion",
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1604 "source": "https://www.jetbrains.com/company/brand/logos/",
1605 "guidelines": "https://www.jetbrains.com/company/brand/"
1606 },
1607 {
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1609 "hex": "00AEF0",
1610 "source": "https://cliqz.com/design"
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1612 {
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1617 {
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1620 "source": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clojure_logo.svg"
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1623 "title": "Cloud 66",
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1625 "source": "https://www.cloud66.com/"
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1627 {
1628 "title": "Cloud Foundry",
1629 "hex": "0C9ED5",
1630 "source": "https://www.cloudfoundry.org/",
1631 "guidelines": "https://www.cloudfoundry.org/logo/"
1632 },
1633 {
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1635 "hex": "1997B5",
1636 "source": "https://www.cloudbees.com/"
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1638 {
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1653 {
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1663 {
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1666 "source": "https://brand.clubhouse.io/",
1667 "guidelines": "https://brand.clubhouse.io/"
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1672 "source": "https://clyp.it/"
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1720 "source": "https://codeclimate.com/github/codeclimate/python-test-reporter/badges/"
1721 },
1722 {
1723 "title": "Codeberg",
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1725 "source": "https://codeberg.org"
1726 },
1727 {
1728 "title": "Codecademy",
1729 "hex": "1F4056",
1730 "source": "https://www.codecademy.com/"
1731 },
1732 {
1733 "title": "CodeceptJS",
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1735 "source": "https://github.com/codeceptjs/codeceptjs.github.io/blob/c7917445b9a70a9daacf20986c403c3299f5c960/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
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1737 {
1738 "title": "CodeChef",
1739 "hex": "5B4638",
1740 "source": "https://www.codechef.com/"
1741 },
1742 {
1743 "title": "Codecov",
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1747 {
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1752 {
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1755 "source": "http://codeforces.com/"
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1757 {
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1760 "source": "https://www.codeigniter.com/help/legal"
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1764 "hex": "F45E3F",
1765 "source": "https://codemagic.io/"
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1767 {
1768 "title": "CodeMirror",
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1770 "source": "https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/blob/6e7aa65a8bfb64837ae9d082b674b2f5ee056d2c/doc/logo.svg"
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1772 {
1773 "title": "CodeNewbie",
1774 "hex": "6BD80B",
1775 "source": "https://community.codenewbie.org/"
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1777 {
1778 "title": "CodePen",
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1780 "source": "https://blog.codepen.io/documentation/brand-assets/logos/"
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1783 "title": "CodeProject",
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1798 "title": "CodeSandbox",
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1800 "source": "https://codesandbox.io"
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1810 "source": "https://github.com/codewars/branding"
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1812 {
1813 "title": "Coding Ninjas",
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1815 "source": "https://www.codingninjas.com/press-release"
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1819 "hex": "F2BB13",
1820 "source": "https://www.codingame.com/work/press/press-kit/"
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1830 "source": "https://coffeescript.org/"
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1845 "source": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Commerzbank_logos"
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1847 {
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1850 "source": "https://github.com/common-workflow-language/logo/blob/54b1624bc88df6730fa7b6c928a05fc9c939e47e/CWL-Logo-nofonts.svg"
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1860 "source": "https://concourse-ci.org/"
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1883 {
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1886 "source": "https://www.hashicorp.com/brand",
1887 "guidelines": "https://www.hashicorp.com/brand"
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1889 {
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1900 "title": "Convertio",
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1902 "source": "https://convertio.co/"
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1904 {
1905 "title": "Cookiecutter",
1906 "hex": "D4AA00",
1907 "source": "https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter/blob/52dd18513bbab7f0fbfcb2938c9644d9092247cf/logo/cookiecutter-logo.svg"
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1909 {
1910 "title": "Corona Engine",
1911 "hex": "F96F29",
1912 "source": "https://coronalabs.com/",
1913 "guidelines": "https://coronalabs.com/presskit.pdf"
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1915 {
1916 "title": "Corona Renderer",
1917 "hex": "E6502A",
1918 "source": "https://corona-renderer.com/about"
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1920 {
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1926 {
1927 "title": "Couchbase",
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1932 "title": "Counter-Strike",
1933 "hex": "000000",
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1936 {
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1938 "hex": "2E3084",
1939 "source": "https://www.countingworks.com/blog"
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1941 {
1942 "title": "Coursera",
1943 "hex": "0056D2",
1944 "source": "https://about.coursera.org/press"
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1947 "title": "Coveralls",
1948 "hex": "3F5767",
1949 "source": "https://coveralls.io/"
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1951 {
1952 "title": "cPanel",
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1954 "source": "https://cpanel.net/company/cpanel-brand-guide/"
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1956 {
1957 "title": "Craft CMS",
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1959 "source": "https://craftcms.com/brand-resources"
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1961 {
1962 "title": "Creative Commons",
1963 "hex": "EF9421",
1964 "source": "https://creativecommons.org/"
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1966 {
1967 "title": "Crehana",
1968 "hex": "4B22F4",
1969 "source": "https://www.crehana.com/"
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1971 {
1972 "title": "Crowdin",
1973 "hex": "2E3340",
1974 "source": "https://support.crowdin.com/using-logo/"
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1976 {
1977 "title": "Crowdsource",
1978 "hex": "4285F4",
1979 "source": "https://crowdsource.google.com/about/"
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1982 "title": "Crunchbase",
1983 "hex": "0288D1",
1984 "source": "https://www.crunchbase.com/home"
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1986 {
1987 "title": "Crunchyroll",
1988 "hex": "F47521",
1989 "source": "https://www.crunchyroll.com"
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1991 {
1992 "title": "CRYENGINE",
1993 "hex": "000000",
1994 "source": "https://www.cryengine.com/brand"
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1996 {
1997 "title": "Crystal",
1998 "hex": "000000",
1999 "source": "https://crystal-lang.org/media/"
2000 },
2001 {
2002 "title": "CSS Wizardry",
2003 "hex": "F43059",
2004 "source": "http://csswizardry.com"
2005 },
2006 {
2007 "title": "CSS3",
2008 "hex": "1572B6",
2009 "source": "http://www.w3.org/html/logo/"
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2011 {
2012 "title": "Cucumber",
2013 "hex": "23D96C",
2014 "source": "https://cucumber.io"
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2016 {
2017 "title": "curl",
2018 "hex": "073551",
2019 "source": "https://curl.haxx.se/logo/"
2020 },
2021 {
2022 "title": "CurseForge",
2023 "hex": "6441A4",
2024 "source": "https://www.curseforge.com/"
2025 },
2026 {
2027 "title": "Cycling '74",
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2029 "source": "https://cycling74.com/"
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2031 {
2032 "title": "Cypress",
2033 "hex": "17202C",
2034 "source": "https://cypress.io"
2035 },
2036 {
2037 "title": "D-Wave Systems",
2038 "hex": "008CD7",
2039 "source": "https://www.dwavesys.com/"
2040 },
2041 {
2042 "title": "D3.js",
2043 "hex": "F9A03C",
2044 "source": "https://github.com/d3/d3-logo"
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2046 {
2047 "title": "Dacia",
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2049 "source": "https://www.dacia.ro/"
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2051 {
2052 "title": "DAF",
2053 "hex": "00529B",
2054 "source": "https://www.daf.com/en"
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2056 {
2057 "title": "Dailymotion",
2058 "hex": "0D0D0D",
2059 "source": "https://about.dailymotion.com/en/press/"
2060 },
2061 {
2062 "title": "Daimler",
2063 "hex": "E6E6E6",
2064 "source": "https://designnavigator.daimler.com/Daimler_Corporate_Logotype_Black_DTP",
2065 "guidelines": "https://designnavigator.daimler.com/Daimler_Corporate_Logotype"
2066 },
2067 {
2068 "title": "Dark Reader",
2069 "hex": "141E24",
2070 "source": "https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/pull/3348#issuecomment-667090608"
2071 },
2072 {
2073 "title": "Dart",
2074 "hex": "0175C2",
2075 "source": "https://github.com/dart-lang/site-shared/tree/master/src/_assets/image/dart/logo"
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2077 {
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2079 "hex": "001A4B",
2080 "source": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_Erste"
2081 },
2082 {
2083 "title": "Dash",
2084 "hex": "008DE4",
2085 "source": "https://www.dash.org/brand-assets/",
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2088 {
2089 "title": "Dashlane",
2090 "hex": "0E353D",
2091 "source": "https://brandfolder.com/dashlane/brandkitpartners"
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2093 {
2094 "title": "Dassault Systèmes",
2095 "hex": "005386",
2096 "source": "https://www.3ds.com/"
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2098 {
2099 "title": "Data Version Control",
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2108 {
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2110 "hex": "FF3621",
2111 "source": "https://www.databricks.com/",
2112 "guidelines": "https://brand.databricks.com/Styleguide/Guide/"
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2114 {
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2117 "source": "https://www.datacamp.com/"
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2119 {
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2128 "source": "https://www.datastax.com/brand-resources",
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2158 {
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2163 {
2164 "title": "De'Longhi",
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2166 "source": "https://www.delonghi.com/"
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6304 "source": "https://brand.opera.com/1472-2/opera-logos/",
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