1 | <p align="center">
2 | <img src="/assets/logo.png" alt="" width="330" height="" />
3 | </p>
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5 | <p align="center">
6 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/singledivui" target="_blank">
7 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/singledivui?style=flat-square" />
8 | </a>
9 | <a href="https://github.com/soundar24/singledivui/blob/master/LICENSE" target="_blank">
10 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/soundar24/singledivui?style=flat-square" />
11 | </a>
12 | </p>
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14 | <p align="center">
15 | <a href="https://singledivui.com"> https://singledivui.com </a> <br />
16 | </p>
17 |
18 | <p align="center">
19 | A list of Chart components that made with a <b>single div</b> element.
20 | </p>
21 |
22 | <a href="https://singledivui.com">
23 | <img src="/assets/showcase.png" alt="singledivui - Line chart, Bar chart, Area chart" />
24 | </a>
25 |
26 | ---
27 |
28 | ## Intro
29 | The SingleDivUI is a simple and smallest UI components library which includes Line chart, Bar chart, Area chart (and more coming on). Here the complete component was made up of with a single DIV element alone, with the CSS capabilities. There is no images, SVG or Canvas nothing used.
30 |
31 |
32 | ## Table of contents
33 |
34 | - [Getting started](#getting-started)
35 | - [Quickstart](#quickstart)
36 | - [APIs](#apis)
37 | - [Demos](#demos)
38 | - [Screenshots](#screenshots)
39 | - [Facts](#facts)
40 | - [License](#license)
41 |
42 |
43 | ---
44 |
45 | ## Getting started
46 |
47 | Refer the [Getting started](https://singledivui.com/docs/getting-started) documentation for the detailed information.
48 |
49 | ## Quickstart
50 |
51 | The simple and easiest way to try and start using **SingleDivUI's** Chart component is using the editable samples from **CodePen** or **StackBlitz**. Try the below basic chart,
52 | * demo based on **npm**
53 | * <a href="https://stackblitz.com/edit/singledivui-v1"> StackBlitz Demo </a>
54 | * demo based on CDN
55 | * <a href="https://codepen.io/soundar24/pen/zYmGPaz"> CodePen Demo </a>
56 |
57 |
58 | Just fork the above samples and try to edit yourself for more customization. Also refer the [API Reference](/docs/api-reference) document to know about the available options.
59 |
60 | ## APIs
61 |
62 | Here are the complete list of APIs from the Chart component.
63 |
64 | Please note that these are the all available API's with their default values. So to create a basic Chart you don't need to include all of these, for the customization only these needed.
65 |
66 | Refer the [Usage](https://singledivui.com/docs/getting-started#usage) section for the basic Chart creation, also refer the [API Reference](https://singledivui.com/docs/api-reference) for the detailed information of these APIs.
67 |
68 | ```JavaScript
69 | new Chart('#chart', {
70 | // type should be 'line', 'bar' or 'area'
71 | type: null,
72 | data: {
73 | labels: [],
74 |
75 | series: {
76 | points: [],
77 |
78 | // ------ for line-chart related customizations ------
79 | lineColor: null,
80 | lineSize: null,
81 | pointRadius: null,
82 | pointColor: null,
83 | pointBorderWidth: null,
84 | pointBorderColor: null,
85 | pointStyle: null,
86 | pointInnerColor: null,
87 | dotRadius: null,
88 |
89 | // ------ for bar-chart related customizations ------
90 | barSize: null,
91 | barColor: null,
92 |
93 | // ------ for area-chart related customizations ------
94 | areaColor: null
95 | },
96 | },
97 |
98 | graphSettings: {
99 | labelFontSize: '11px',
100 | labelFontFamily: 'Verdana, Arial, sans-serif',
101 | gridLineColor: null,
102 | gridLineSize: null,
103 | axisLineColor: null,
104 | axisLineSize: null,
105 | labelColor: null,
106 | labelDistance: null,
107 |
108 | xAxis: {
109 | verticalLabel: false,
110 | padding: [0, 0],
111 | labelFormatter: null
112 | },
113 | yAxis: {
114 | maxTicks: 10,
115 | startFromZero: false,
116 | labelFormatter: null,
117 |
118 | customScale: {
119 | min: null,
120 | max: null,
121 | interval: null
122 | }
123 | }
124 | },
125 |
126 | height: 260,
127 | width: '100%',
128 | responsive: true,
129 | stylesAppendTo: 'head'
130 | });
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ## Demos
134 |
135 | Refer the [Demos](https://singledivui.com/demos/line-chart/basic) section to check out multiple demo samples and customizations.
136 |
137 | ## Screenshots
138 |
139 | ![singledivui - line chart, bar chart, area chart - colourful appearances](/assets/Screenshot-1.png)
140 |
141 | ![singledivui - line chart, bar chart, area chart - customization](/assets/Screenshot-2.png)
142 |
143 | ## Facts
144 | - The complete rendering was done by CSS, and inside a single div alone
145 | - The size of the library is very small with no dependencies
146 | - No built-in interactions, based on the requirement it can be added in the near future
147 | - No animation, but still CSS transition will works on dynamic data update
148 | - Inspired by Lynn Fisher's CSS drawing with a <a href="https://singlediv.com/">single div</a>
149 |
150 | ## License
151 |
152 | [MIT](https://github.com/soundar24/SingleDivUI/blob/main/LICENSE)