3.23 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1let { bold: b, yellow: y, red } = require('colorette')
2let { existsSync } = require('fs')
3let { join } = require('path')
5let ownPackage = require('./package.json')
7function npmCommands(pkg) {
8 let add = 'npm install --save-dev '
9 let rm = 'npm remove '
10 if (existsSync(join(pkg.path, '..', 'yarn.lock'))) {
11 add = 'yarn add --dev '
12 rm = 'yarn remove '
13 }
14 return { add, rm }
17module.exports = process => {
18 function print(...lines) {
19 process.stdout.write(lines.join('\n') + '\n')
20 }
21 function printError(...lines) {
22 process.stderr.write(lines.join('\n') + '\n')
23 }
25 function showHelp(plugins) {
26 print(
27 y('size-limit [OPTION]… [FILE]…'),
28 'Check the real performance cost of your front-end project to users',
29 '',
30 b('Core options:'),
31 ` ${y('--limit LIMIT')} Set size or running time limit for files`,
32 ` ${y('--json')} Show results in JSON format`,
33 ` ${y('--hide-passed')} Print only failed files`,
34 ` ${y('--highlight-less')} Highlight files with less than limit size`,
35 ` ${y('--help')} Display this help`,
36 ` ${y('--watch')} Runs in watch mode`,
37 ` ${y('--silent')} Show only failed limits`,
38 ` ${y('--debug')} Show internal configs for issue report`,
39 ` ${y('--version')} Display version`
40 )
41 if (plugins.has('webpack')) {
42 print(
43 '',
44 b('Webpack options:'),
45 ` ${y('--why')} Show package content`,
46 ` ${y('--save-bundle DIR')} Put build files to check them by hand`,
47 ` ${y('--clean-dir')} Remove build files folder before start`
48 )
49 }
50 print(
51 '',
52 b('Examples:'),
53 ' ' + y('size-limit'),
54 ` Read configuration from ${b('package.json')} or ` +
55 `${b('.size-limit.json')} and check limit`,
56 y(' size-limit index.js')
57 )
58 if (plugins.has('webpack')) {
59 print(
60 ' Show the size of specific files with all file dependencies',
61 ' ' + y('size-limit --why'),
62 ' Show reasons why project have this size'
63 )
64 } else {
65 print(' Show the size of specific files')
66 }
67 }
69 function showVersion() {
70 print(`size-limit ${ownPackage.version}`)
71 }
73 function showMigrationGuide(pkg) {
74 let { add } = npmCommands(pkg)
75 printError(
76 red('Install Size Limit preset depends on type of the project'),
77 '',
78 'For application, where you send JS bundle directly to users',
79 ' ' + y(add + '@size-limit/preset-app'),
80 '',
81 'For frameworks, components and big libraries',
82 ' ' + y(add + '@size-limit/preset-big-lib'),
83 '',
84 'For small (< 10 kB) libraries',
85 ' ' + y(add + '@size-limit/preset-small-lib'),
86 '',
87 'Check out docs for more complicated cases',
88 ' ' + y('https://github.com/ai/size-limit/')
89 )
90 let devDependencies = pkg.packageJson.devDependencies
91 if (devDependencies && !devDependencies['size-limit']) {
92 printError(
93 '',
94 `You need to add size-limit dependency: ${y(add + 'size-limit')}`
95 )
96 }
97 }
99 return { showVersion, showHelp, showMigrationGuide }