1 | # Contributing
2 |
3 | Interested in contributing to skale-engine? We'd love
4 | your help. Skale-engine is an open source project, built one
5 | contribution at a time by users just like you.
6 |
7 | ## Where to get help or report a problem
8 |
9 | * If you have a question about using skale-engine, start a discussion
10 | on [gitter] or on [google group]
11 | * If you think you have found a bug within skale-engine, open an
12 | [issue]. Do not forget to check that it doesn't already exist
13 | in our [issue database]
14 | * If you have a suggestion for improvement or a new feature, create
15 | a [pull request] so it can be discussed and reviewed by the
16 | community and project committers. Even the project committers
17 | submit their code this way.
18 |
19 | ## Submitting a pull request
20 |
21 | * Create your own [fork] on github, then checkout your fork
22 | * Write your code in your local copy. It's good practice to create
23 | a branch for each new issue you work on, although not compulsory
24 | * Your code must follow existing coding style, and tests must pass.
25 | To check coding style, run `npm run lint`.
26 | To run the tests, first run `npm install`, then `npm test`
27 | * If the tests pass, you can commit changes to your fork and then
28 | create a pull request from there. Reference any relevant issue by
29 | including its number in the message, e.g. #123
30 |
31 | [gitter]: https://gitter.im/skale-me/skale-engine
32 | [google group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/skale
33 | [issue database]: https://github.com/skale-me/skale-engine/issues
34 | [issue]: https://github.com/skale-me/skale-engine/issues/new
35 | [pull request]: #submitting-a-pull-request
36 | [fork]: https://github.com/skale-me/skale-engine