8.98 kBJSONView Raw
2 "unreleased": [],
3 "releases": {
4 "1.1.15": ["[Fixed] Printing during the publish command"],
5 "1.1.14": [
6 "[Improved] Link to changelog in update message",
7 "[Improved] Only prompt to update when not running on CI",
8 "[New] Add a new `--appcast` option for the publish command to specify the local path to the appcast (or skip the appcast update)"
9 ],
10 "1.1.13": [
11 "[Improved] Handle manifest path in skpm config",
12 "[Improved] Allow to publish without bumping the version (if it already was bumped manually in the package.json for example)"
13 ],
14 "1.1.12": ["[Improved] More personalization of the template"],
15 "1.1.11": [
16 "[Improved] Ask to confirm before adding the plugin to the registry"
17 ],
18 "1.1.10": [
19 "[Improved] Use keychain instead of keytar (#192)",
20 "[Fixed] Update notification will now show the -g option"
21 ],
22 "1.1.9": ["[Fixed] Fix log tailing ending while it shouldn't (#187)"],
23 "1.1.8": [
24 "[Improved] `skpm log` will now print logs from all the Sketch variants (normal, beta, xcode)",
25 "[Fixed] Fix log on Sketch 52"
26 ],
27 "1.1.7": [
28 "[Fixed] Handle description defined in manifest.json when publishing"
29 ],
30 "1.1.6": ["[Fixed] Handle template of plugins without menu"],
31 "1.1.4": [
32 "[Improved] Print something when creating or publishing a plugin on a CI"
33 ],
34 "1.1.3": [
35 "[Improved] The login method will now ask for the token if called without instead of showing an error",
36 "[Fixed] The help of the publish command was causing the command to expect 15 arguments"
37 ],
38 "1.1.2": [
39 "[Fixed] Spaces are replaced by dots in the GitHub asset URL so do that in the appcast as well"
40 ],
41 "1.1.1": ["[Fixed] Fix missing argument when deleting existing branch"],
42 "1.1.0": [
43 "[Improved] Don't swallow the developer mode prompt when creating a plugin",
44 "[Improved] Use the name of the plugin for the sketchplugin filename",
45 "[Improved] Add something nice to the body of the PR to the registry",
46 "[Fixed] Make sure that origin is up to date with upstream when creating a PR to add the plugin to the registry",
47 "[Fixed] Reset the existing PR when publishing again before the PR is merged"
48 ],
49 "1.0.15": ["[Improved] Print error log when installing dependencies fail"],
50 "1.0.14": ["[Fixed] Fix getting the author name when publishing"],
51 "1.0.13": ["[Improved] Populate the author field with the git user"],
52 "1.0.12": ["[Fixed] `name` should actually be the name of the repo"],
53 "1.0.11": ["[Fixed] Make sure that a `description` is set when publishing"],
54 "1.0.10": ["[Fixed] Typo when checking for 'prepare' script on publish"],
55 "1.0.9": [
56 "[Improved] More information about the token needed to publish releases"
57 ],
58 "1.0.8": ["[Improved] Warn when installing `skpm` locally"],
59 "1.0.7": ["[Improved] `skpm log` now create the log file if not found"],
60 "1.0.6": ["[Improved] Minimize output on publish"],
61 "1.0.5": [],
62 "1.0.4": ["[Improved] Cleaner logs"],
63 "1.0.3": [
64 "[Improved] Look for `prepare` script when publishing (`prepublish` is deprecated in npm@5)"
65 ],
66 "1.0.2": ["[Fixed] Typo when publishing a plugin"],
67 "1.0.1": [
68 "[Fixed] Fix conflicting arguments in `publish` command (see https://github.com/yargs/yargs/issues/929)"
69 ],
70 "1.0.0": [
71 "[New] Support custom webpack config: create a webpack.skpm.config.js on the root of your project and export a function taking the default webpack config as an argument",
72 "[New] Replace `skpm init` by `skpm create my-plugin`. It takes a github repository as the `template` option in order to bootstrap the plugin with a specific template",
73 "[Improved] Split out the `build` and `link` command to a separate package (skpm-builder). This ensure that the installed dependencies are minimal",
74 "[Fixed] Lazy requiring `keytar` would sometime fail #75"
75 ],
76 "0.11.0": [
77 "[New] Support glob in resources",
78 "[New] allow to `require` html, and other static files",
79 "[Improved] add prettier, eslint and embrace es6"
80 ],
81 "0.10.5": [
82 "[Improved] Trim empty new lines in sketchtool run output (Thanks @stwind) #63",
83 "[Fixed] prevent duplicate onRun and `undefined` identifiers (Thanks @stwind) #62"
84 ],
85 "0.10.4": [
86 "[Improved] Allow spaces in plugin name (Thanks @mcansh) #61",
87 "[Fixed] fix publishing to registry even with -n flag"
88 ],
89 "0.10.3": [
90 "[New] Handle `command.handlers`",
91 "[Improved] More precise error message",
92 "[Fixed] Fix creating PR to registry",
93 "[Improved] More precide message when no GitHub token",
94 "[Fixed] Fix some typos when publishing a repo (Thanks @bomberstudios) #55"
95 ],
96 "0.10.2": [
97 "[Fixed] Fix capitalization of `webpackHeaderFooterPlugin` (Thanks @kannonboy) #52"
98 ],
99 "0.10.1": [
100 "[New] allow to namespace all the skpm configuration in the `package.json` by `skpm` (Thanks @chrislloyd) #44"
101 ],
102 "0.10.0": [
103 "[New] allow to export multiple commands per file and to import images",
104 "[New] add webpack plugin to write stuff at the bottom of a file",
105 "[New] set `context` as a global",
106 "[Improved] watch `manifest.json` and rebuild the plugin when changed",
107 "[Fixed] Fix setting the developer mode",
108 "[Fixed] Fix copy for the github asset when publishing"
109 ],
110 "0.9.16": ["[Fixed] Fix running the command after build on Sketch 44+"],
111 "0.9.15": [
112 "[New] Set `author` in manifest.json from package.json",
113 "[New] Allow to set `appcast` to false to disable it"
114 ],
115 "0.9.14": [
116 "[Fixed] resolve `sketch-module-*` packages via require.resolve"
117 ],
118 "0.9.13": [
119 "[Improved] When publishing, check if the sketchplugins/plugin-directory repo already contains the plugin. If not, open a PR to add it.",
120 "[Fixed] Use the `appcast` field instead of `appcastURL` (see http://sketchplugins.com/d/229-updating-plugins/33)"
121 ],
122 "0.9.12": [
123 "[Fixed] The require call to the `config` util used the wrong path (Thanks @markdalgleish)"
124 ],
125 "0.9.11": [
126 "[New] Warning to restart Sketch 45+ when linking",
127 "[New] Create and update appcast.xml when publishing (see http://sketchplugins.com/d/229-updating-plugins)",
128 "[Improved] Proper permissions check when publishing"
129 ],
130 "0.9.10": [
131 "[New] save plugins to config when installing/uninstalling plugins",
132 "[New] publish and check for compatible sketch version",
133 "[Improved] only save non-default config",
134 "[Improved] add default sketch compatible version on init"
135 ],
136 "0.9.9": ["[New] `clearTimeout`, `setInterval`, `clearInterval` polyfills"],
137 "0.9.8": [
138 "[New] `setTimeout` polyfill",
139 "[Improved] clearer message for release assets"
140 ],
141 "0.9.7": [
142 "[Fixed] Replace ES6 deconstruring by manual deconstruring to support nodejs 4"
143 ],
144 "0.9.6": ["[Improved] Use production skpm registry"],
145 "0.9.5": [
146 "[Improved] Keep Sketch on the background with the -r build option",
147 "[Improved] Use COScript instead of sketchtool for the -r build option"
148 ],
149 "0.9.4": [
150 "[New] basic error handling on -r build option: check for `Unknown command ‘run’` and `no such file or directory` and display some helper message",
151 "[Fixed] Look for polyfills in skpm's node_modules as well as the file node_modules"
152 ],
153 "0.9.3": [
154 "[Fixed] Fix -r option of the build command when the output path have a space"
155 ],
156 "0.9.2": [
157 "[Fixed] Look for webpack loaders in skpm's node_modules as well as the file node_modules"
158 ],
159 "0.9.1": [
160 "[New] `log` command to show the Sketch.app logs",
161 "[Improved] fail safe when inputing a unknown command"
162 ],
163 "0.9.0": ["[Improved] `fetch` and `console` are now polyfilled on demand"],
164 "0.8.2": [
165 "[Fixed] fix a bug with the new .babelrc parsing - if a skpm project doesn't have a .babelrc and a parent directory does, babel-loader tries to use the parent .babelrc file."
166 ],
167 "0.8.1": [
168 "[New] option to specify which repo to use with `skpm publish`",
169 "[New] option to not bump the version with `skpm publish`",
170 "[Fixed] fix uploading the zip asset when using `skpm publish`"
171 ],
172 "0.8.0": [
173 "[Improved] add babel-preset-airbnb by default",
174 "[New] add `.sketch.js,.js` resolve stack in webpack config",
175 "[New] add `--run` flag to `build` command to run the command once built",
176 "[Improved] Switch from `rollup` to `webpack` to build plugins",
177 "[Improved] Use `object-assign` instead of `Object.assign` to increase node support",
178 "[Improved] exit process when user webpack config can't be read",
179 "[Fixed] fix lint everywhere and run `standard` on travis"
180 ]
181 }