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1var path = require('path');
2var fs = require('fs');
3var fileset = require('fileset');
5var READ_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
6var RELATIVE_PATH_SIGN = "../";
7var seq = 0;
8function filesFor(options, callback) {
9 if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
10 callback = options;
11 options = null;
12 }
13 options = options || {};
15 var root = options.root,
16 includes = options.includes,
17 excludes = options.excludes,
18 realpath = options.realpath,
19 relative = options.relative,
20 opts;
22 root = root || process.cwd();
23 includes = includes && Array.isArray(includes) ? includes : ['**/*.js'];
24 excludes = excludes && Array.isArray(excludes) ? excludes : ['**/node_modules/**'];
26 opts = { cwd: root, nodir: true };
27 seq += 1;
28 opts['x' + seq + new Date().getTime()] = true; //cache buster for minimatch cache bug
29 fileset(includes.join(' '), excludes.join(' '), opts, function (err, files) {
30 if (err) { return callback(err); }
31 if (relative) { return callback(err, files); }
33 if (!realpath) {
34 files = files.map(function (file) { return path.resolve(root, file); });
35 return callback(err, files);
36 }
38 var realPathCache = module.constructor._realpathCache || {};
40 async.map(files, function (file, done) {
41 fs.realpath(path.resolve(root, file), realPathCache, done);
42 }, callback);
43 });
48 //This method search for file recursively from given folder and up.
49 findFileRecursively: function (filename, workspacePath, lookInParentFolders, logger) {
50 var searchedPaths = {};
51 do {
52 var filePath = path.resolve(workspacePath, filename);
53 // Already searched at
54 if (searchedPaths[filePath])
55 return null;
56 logger.debug("Looking for '%s' at '%s'", filename , path.normalize(workspacePath));
58 // Mark current path as visited.
59 searchedPaths[filePath] = true;
60 try {
61 // Check if file exist and not directory
62 var f = fs.statSync(filePath);
63 if (f.isFile()) {
64 logger.debug("found file: '%s' in: '%s'", filename , path.normalize(workspacePath));
65 return filePath;
66 }else{
67 workspacePath = levelUp(workspacePath, filename, logger);
68 }
69 } catch (e) {
70 workspacePath = levelUp(workspacePath, filename, logger);
71 }
72 if (!lookInParentFolders){
73 logger.debug("should not search in parent directories, breaking out.")
74 break;
75 }
76 } while (workspacePath.length > 1);
77 logger.info(filename + ' not found');
78 return null;
79 },
81 copyFileAsIs : function (inputFile, outputFile, name, logger, callback) {
82 logger.info("Copying file '" + name + "' as is.");
83 // non JavaScript file, copy it as is
84 var readStream = fs.createReadStream(inputFile, {
85 'bufferSize': READ_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE
86 });
87 var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(outputFile);
89 readStream.on('error', callback);
90 writeStream.on('error', callback);
92 readStream.pipe(writeStream);
94 var _this = this;
95 readStream.on('end', function () {
96 logger.debug("Finished copying '" + name + "'.");
97 callback(null, name);
98 });
99 },
100 copyDir: function (from, to, ignoredRelFiles, callback, onFileCopied, onFileError) {
101 var _this = this;
102 var processedFilesLookup = {};
103 ignoredRelFiles.forEach(function (f) {
104 processedFilesLookup[f] = true;
105 });
107 var existingDirsLookup = {};
109 filesFor({
110 root: from,
111 includes: ['**/*'],
112 excludes: [],
113 relative: true
114 }, function (err, files) {
115 if (err) {
116 return callback(err);
117 }
118 var copyErrors = [];
119 files.forEach(function (relFile) {
120 if (processedFilesLookup[relFile]) return; //already processed/instrumented this earlier
121 try {
122 inputFile = path.resolve(from, relFile);
123 outputFile = path.resolve(to, relFile);
124 var dir = path.dirname(outputFile);
125 if (!existingDirsLookup[dir]) {
126 mkdirp.sync(dir); //has no effect if dir already exists
127 existingDirsLookup[dir] = true;
128 }
129 var stat = fs.statSync(inputFile);
130 if (stat.isDirectory()) {
131 mkdirp.sync(outputFile); //outputFile is a directory -- create it
132 existingDirsLookup[outputFile] = true;
133 } else if (stat.isFile()) {
134 fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, fs.readFileSync(inputFile));
135 if (onFileCopied != null)
136 {
137 onFileCopied(inputFile);
138 }
139 }
140 } catch (e) {
141 var msg = "Error copying file " + inputFile + " to " + outputFile + ": " + e.toString();
142 if (onFileError != null)
143 {
144 onFileError(inputFile, msg);
145 }
146 }
147 });
149 if (copyErrors.length)
150 err = new Error("Some files could not be copied:\n" + copyErrors.join('\n'));
151 return callback(err);
152 });
153 },
154 scanDirRecursively: function (directoryName, logger) {
155 var fileNames = [];
156 try {
157 walk(directoryName, fileNames, "");
158 return fileNames;
159 }catch(err){
160 logger.error("Error while trying to get all files under '" + directoryName + "'. ", err);
161 return [];
162 }
163 },
165 removeRelativeSigns: function (filePath) {
166 if (filePath.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH_SIGN) == -1) {
167 return filePath;
168 }
169 var trimmed = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(RELATIVE_PATH_SIGN) + RELATIVE_PATH_SIGN.length);
170 return trimmed;
171 }
174function levelUp(workspacePath, filename, logger) {
175 logger.debug("file: '" + filename + "' not found in: '" + path.normalize(workspacePath) + "'. searching in parent directory");
176 workspacePath = workspacePath + '/..';
177 return workspacePath;
179function walk(directoryName, fileNames, baseFolder){
180 var files = fs.readdirSync(directoryName);
181 files.forEach(function (file) {
182 var fullPath = path.join(directoryName, file);
183 var relativePath = path.join(baseFolder, file);
184 var stat = fs.statSync(fullPath);
185 if (stat.isDirectory()) {
186 walk(fullPath, fileNames, relativePath);
187 } else {
188 fileNames.push(relativePath.replace(/\\/g,'/'));
189 }
190 });
\No newline at end of file