7.42 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Ancestor, ExtendedType, Location, Node, NodeEntry, Operation, Path, PathRef, Point, PointRef, Range, RangeRef, Span, Text } from '..';
2import { Descendant } from './node';
3import { Element } from './element';
4export declare type BaseSelection = Range | null;
5export declare type Selection = ExtendedType<'Selection', BaseSelection>;
7 * The `Editor` interface stores all the state of a Slate editor. It is extended
8 * by plugins that wish to add their own helpers and implement new behaviors.
9 */
10export interface BaseEditor {
11 children: Descendant[];
12 selection: Selection;
13 operations: Operation[];
14 marks: Omit<Text, 'text'> | null;
15 isInline: (element: Element) => boolean;
16 isVoid: (element: Element) => boolean;
17 normalizeNode: (entry: NodeEntry) => void;
18 onChange: () => void;
19 addMark: (key: string, value: any) => void;
20 apply: (operation: Operation) => void;
21 deleteBackward: (unit: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block') => void;
22 deleteForward: (unit: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block') => void;
23 deleteFragment: (direction?: 'forward' | 'backward') => void;
24 getFragment: () => Descendant[];
25 insertBreak: () => void;
26 insertFragment: (fragment: Node[]) => void;
27 insertNode: (node: Node) => void;
28 insertText: (text: string) => void;
29 removeMark: (key: string) => void;
31export declare type Editor = ExtendedType<'Editor', BaseEditor>;
32export interface EditorInterface {
33 above: <T extends Ancestor>(editor: Editor, options?: {
34 at?: Location;
35 match?: NodeMatch<T>;
36 mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest';
37 voids?: boolean;
38 }) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined;
39 addMark: (editor: Editor, key: string, value: any) => void;
40 after: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
41 distance?: number;
42 unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block';
43 voids?: boolean;
44 }) => Point | undefined;
45 before: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
46 distance?: number;
47 unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block';
48 voids?: boolean;
49 }) => Point | undefined;
50 deleteBackward: (editor: Editor, options?: {
51 unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block';
52 }) => void;
53 deleteForward: (editor: Editor, options?: {
54 unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block';
55 }) => void;
56 deleteFragment: (editor: Editor, options?: {
57 direction?: 'forward' | 'backward';
58 }) => void;
59 edges: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => [Point, Point];
60 end: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => Point;
61 first: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => NodeEntry;
62 fragment: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => Descendant[];
63 hasBlocks: (editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean;
64 hasInlines: (editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean;
65 hasPath: (editor: Editor, path: Path) => boolean;
66 hasTexts: (editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean;
67 insertBreak: (editor: Editor) => void;
68 insertFragment: (editor: Editor, fragment: Node[]) => void;
69 insertNode: (editor: Editor, node: Node) => void;
70 insertText: (editor: Editor, text: string) => void;
71 isBlock: (editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element;
72 isEditor: (value: any) => value is Editor;
73 isEnd: (editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean;
74 isEdge: (editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean;
75 isEmpty: (editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean;
76 isInline: (editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element;
77 isNormalizing: (editor: Editor) => boolean;
78 isStart: (editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean;
79 isVoid: (editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element;
80 last: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => NodeEntry;
81 leaf: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
82 depth?: number;
83 edge?: 'start' | 'end';
84 }) => NodeEntry<Text>;
85 levels: <T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?: {
86 at?: Location;
87 match?: NodeMatch<T>;
88 reverse?: boolean;
89 voids?: boolean;
90 }) => Generator<NodeEntry<T>, void, undefined>;
91 marks: (editor: Editor) => Omit<Text, 'text'> | null;
92 next: <T extends Descendant>(editor: Editor, options?: {
93 at?: Location;
94 match?: NodeMatch<T>;
95 mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest';
96 voids?: boolean;
97 }) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined;
98 node: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
99 depth?: number;
100 edge?: 'start' | 'end';
101 }) => NodeEntry;
102 nodes: <T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?: {
103 at?: Location | Span;
104 match?: NodeMatch<T>;
105 mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest';
106 universal?: boolean;
107 reverse?: boolean;
108 voids?: boolean;
109 }) => Generator<NodeEntry<T>, void, undefined>;
110 normalize: (editor: Editor, options?: {
111 force?: boolean;
112 }) => void;
113 parent: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
114 depth?: number;
115 edge?: 'start' | 'end';
116 }) => NodeEntry<Ancestor>;
117 path: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
118 depth?: number;
119 edge?: 'start' | 'end';
120 }) => Path;
121 pathRef: (editor: Editor, path: Path, options?: {
122 affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | null;
123 }) => PathRef;
124 pathRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<PathRef>;
125 point: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
126 edge?: 'start' | 'end';
127 }) => Point;
128 pointRef: (editor: Editor, point: Point, options?: {
129 affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | null;
130 }) => PointRef;
131 pointRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<PointRef>;
132 positions: (editor: Editor, options?: {
133 at?: Location;
134 unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block';
135 reverse?: boolean;
136 voids?: boolean;
137 }) => Generator<Point, void, undefined>;
138 previous: <T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?: {
139 at?: Location;
140 match?: NodeMatch<T>;
141 mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest';
142 voids?: boolean;
143 }) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined;
144 range: (editor: Editor, at: Location, to?: Location) => Range;
145 rangeRef: (editor: Editor, range: Range, options?: {
146 affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'outward' | 'inward' | null;
147 }) => RangeRef;
148 rangeRefs: (editor: Editor) => Set<RangeRef>;
149 removeMark: (editor: Editor, key: string) => void;
150 setNormalizing: (editor: Editor, isNormalizing: boolean) => void;
151 start: (editor: Editor, at: Location) => Point;
152 string: (editor: Editor, at: Location, options?: {
153 voids?: boolean;
154 }) => string;
155 unhangRange: (editor: Editor, range: Range, options?: {
156 voids?: boolean;
157 }) => Range;
158 void: (editor: Editor, options?: {
159 at?: Location;
160 mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest';
161 voids?: boolean;
162 }) => NodeEntry<Element> | undefined;
163 withoutNormalizing: (editor: Editor, fn: () => void) => void;
165export declare const Editor: EditorInterface;
167 * A helper type for narrowing matched nodes with a predicate.
168 */
169export declare type NodeMatch<T extends Node> = ((node: Node, path: Path) => node is T) | ((node: Node, path: Path) => boolean);
170//# sourceMappingURL=editor.d.ts.map
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