1 | ## P5JS Conic Section
2 |
3 | The goal here is to build a demonstration of how the various Conic Sections are defined geometrically as well as parametrically by illustrating the cross-section created by a plane intersecting two mirrored cones.
4 |
5 | This demonstration is a work in progress. The ellipse drawn is incorrect, but a start.
6 |
7 | This demonstration also shows off the interaction between Smartdown variables and the P5JS sketches, where the **Show Plane** button simply sets a boolean flag called `ShowPlane`, which the P5JS will respond to.
8 |
9 | ---
10 |
11 | [Show Plane](:XShowPlane)
12 |
13 | [Showing Plane](:!ShowPlane)
14 |
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16 | ```p5js/playable/autoplay
17 | var PI = Math.PI;
18 | var HALF_PI = PI / 2.0;
19 |
20 | var geom = {
21 | sketchWidth: 0,
22 | sketchHeight: 0,
23 | coneWidth: 0,
24 | coneHeight: 0,
25 | planeWidth: 0,
26 | planeHeight: 0,
27 | cardWidth: 0,
28 | cardHeight: 0,
29 | planeThickness: 0
30 | };
31 |
32 | var speed = 0.05;
33 | var ax = .01;
34 | var ay = ax;
35 | var az = ay;
36 | var dx, dy, dz;
37 | var pg;
38 |
39 | p5.windowResized = function() {
40 | var w = p5.windowWidth - 30;
41 | var h = Math.round(1.5 * w);
42 |
43 | geom.sketchWidth = w;
44 | geom.sketchHeight = h;
45 | geom.coneWidth = Math.round(w / 3);
46 | geom.coneHeight = geom.coneWidth;
47 | geom.planeWidth = Math.round(w / 2);
48 | geom.planeHeight = 3 * geom.planeWidth;
49 | geom.cardWidth = w;
50 | geom.cardHeight = Math.round(0.6 * w);
51 | geom.planeThickness = 10;
52 | p5.resizeCanvas(geom.sketchWidth, geom.sketchHeight);
53 | pg = p5.createGraphics(geom.cardHeight, geom.cardHeight);
54 | };
55 |
56 | p5.setup = function() {
57 | dx = p5.random(-speed, speed);
58 | dy = p5.random(-speed, speed);
59 | dz = p5.random(-speed, speed);
60 |
61 | p5.createCanvas(10, 10, p5.WEBGL);
62 | p5.normalMaterial();
63 |
64 | smartdown.setVariable('ShowPlane', true, 'boolean');
65 | p5.frameRate(5);
66 | p5.windowResized();
67 | };
68 |
69 | p5.draw = function() {
70 | p5.background('lightgray');
71 | p5.pointLight(250, 100, 100, 5 * geom.sketchWidth, 0, 5 * geom.sketchWidth);
72 | p5.pointLight(100, 100, 250, 0, 5 * geom.sketchWidth, 5 * geom.sketchWidth);
73 |
74 | var zoom = (p5.sin(p5.frameCount * 0.1) + 2) * geom.sketchWidth * 2;
75 | zoom = geom.sketchWidth * 1.5;
76 | p5.camera(0, 0, zoom, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
77 | ax += dx;
78 | ay += dy;
79 | az += dz;
80 |
81 | p5.push();
82 | p5.rotateX(ax);
83 | p5.rotateY(ay);
84 | p5.rotateZ(az);
85 | p5.ambientLight(100, 100, 100);
86 | p5.pop();
87 |
88 | p5.push();
89 | p5.normalMaterial();
90 | p5.translate(
91 | 0,
92 | -1.5 * geom.coneHeight,
93 | 0);
94 | p5.cone(geom.coneWidth, geom.coneHeight);
95 | p5.pop();
96 |
97 | p5.push();
98 | p5.normalMaterial();
99 | p5.translate(
100 | 0,
101 | -0.5 * geom.coneHeight,
102 | 0);
103 | p5.rotateX(PI);
104 | p5.cone(geom.coneWidth, geom.coneHeight);
105 | p5.pop();
106 |
107 | if (pg) {
108 | pg.push();
109 | pg.clear();
110 | pg.rect(0, 0, geom.cardWidth * 0.58, geom.cardHeight * 0.58);
111 | pg.textSize(12);
112 | var ew = geom.cardWidth / 2 + (ax * 10) % 40;
113 | var eh = geom.cardHeight / 2 + (ay * 10) % 40;
114 | pg.text('ax ' + ax, 20, 20);
115 | pg.text('ay ' + ay, 20, 40);
116 | pg.text('ew ' + ew, 20, 60);
117 | pg.text('eh ' + eh, 20, 80);
118 | pg.text('w ' + geom.sketchWidth, 20, 100);
119 | pg.text('h ' + geom.sketchHeight, 20, 120);
120 | pg.pop();
121 |
122 | pg.push();
123 | pg.stroke(0, 0, 0);
124 | pg.ellipse(geom.cardWidth * 0.3, geom.cardHeight * 0.7, ew, eh);
125 | pg.pop();
126 |
127 | p5.push();
128 | p5.translate(
129 | -5,
130 | geom.cardHeight - 50,
131 | 50);
132 | p5.texture(pg);
133 | p5.ambientLight(254, 254, 254);
134 | p5.plane(geom.cardWidth, geom.cardHeight);
135 | p5.pop();
136 | }
137 |
138 | if (env.ShowPlane) {
139 | p5.push();
140 | p5.translate(0, -geom.coneHeight, 0);
141 | //p5.translate(
142 | // (1 * ax) % geom.planeHeight,
143 | // (1 * ay) % geom.planeHeight,
144 | // (1 * az) % geom.planeHeight);
145 | p5.rotateX(ax);
146 | p5.rotateY(ay);
147 | p5.rotateZ(az);
148 |
149 | p5.ambientLight(150, 150, 150);
150 | p5.specularMaterial(254);
151 | p5.box(geom.planeWidth, geom.planeHeight, geom.planeThickness);
152 | // p5.sphere(10);
153 | // p5.torus(geom.planeThickness, geom.planeThickness / 2, 24, 16);
154 | p5.pop();
155 | }
156 | };
157 | ```
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160 | ---
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162 | [Back to Home](:@Home)