1 | ## Experimenting with Cuneiform
2 |
3 | I really like the look and technical design of [Neo-Assyrian cuneiform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuneiform_script#Assyrian_cuneiform), and because my software and company are oriented around creating permanent technical documentation that will stand the test of time, and because I've adopted the *clay* metaphor in my software, it seemed like a good idea to use cuneiform to try to develop a logo.
4 |
5 | I'm not an artist and can barely handle a pencil, but I can write code. So I studied the basic elements of the glyphs and broke them down into a single *stalk* element, which can be parametrized to achieve all of the possibilities in Neo-Assyrian. Note that the earlier cuneiforms are not as amenable to this, because they had yet to be standardized and mechanized.
6 |
7 | One of my favorite glyphs is `KIR7 (NIM× NÍG.KÁR)` (TBD add good link and definition), which shows different examples of stalks composited together to form a figure:
8 |
9 | ![](/resources/KIR7_NIM_NIG_KAR_.png)
10 |
11 | ### Work-in-progress
12 |
13 | This is a work-in-progress that may eventually become a separate blog post. Right now, I'm trying to unify all three of the diagrams to use a common definition of my `stalk` function. However, each of the diagrams originally used a custom `stalk` function with slightly different internal parameters, including the arc-depth for the arc at the bottom of the stalk. I need to improve `stalk` to make this parameter explicit so that each of the diagrams can have its appropriate curvature.
14 |
15 | ### Reusable `stalk` definition
16 |
17 | Example of a reusable function, `stalk`, which can be used by subsequent playables. Note the `p5` initial parameter, which must be replaced with the per-playable (sketch) instance of `p5`, by using the construct:
18 |
19 | ```javascript
20 | const stalk = window.stalk.bind(this, p5);
21 | ```
22 |
23 | I've set this `stalk` definition to `/autoplay` to ensure it executes before the other, optionally playable content.
24 |
25 | ---
26 |
27 |
28 | ```javascript/autoplay/playable
29 | function stalk(p5, arrowTailX, arrowTailY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, stalkWidth, stalkHeight, angle, fillColor, bgColor) {
30 | // console.log('stalk1', window.p5, this.p5, p5, this, arguments, arrowTailX, arrowTailY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, stalkWidth, stalkHeight, angle, fillColor, bgColor);
31 |
32 | p5.push();
33 | var tx = arrowTailX;
34 | var ty = arrowTailY;
35 | // p5.fill(bgColor);
36 | p5.translate(tx, ty);
37 | p5.rotate(angle);
38 |
39 | arrowTailX -= tx;
40 | arrowTailY -= ty;
41 | var halfWidth = arrowWidth / 2;
42 | var thirdWidth = arrowWidth / 3;
43 | var quarterWidth = arrowWidth / 4;
44 | var threeQuarterWidth = 3 * arrowWidth / 4;
45 |
46 | p5.noStroke();
47 | p5.fill(fillColor);
48 | p5.triangle(arrowTailX - arrowHeight, arrowTailY, arrowTailX + arrowHeight, arrowTailY, arrowTailX, arrowTailY + arrowHeight);
49 |
50 | p5.fill(fillColor);
51 | p5.rect(arrowTailX - stalkWidth / 2, arrowTailY, stalkWidth, stalkHeight + arrowWidth / 4);
52 |
53 | p5.fill(bgColor);
54 |
55 | arrowWidth += arrowWidth * 0.35;
56 | arrowTailY -= arrowHeight * 0.2;
57 |
58 | p5.noStroke();
59 | // p5.strokeWeight(2);
60 | // p5.stroke('yellowgreen');
61 | p5.arc(
62 | arrowTailX,
63 | arrowTailY,
64 | arrowWidth,
65 | arrowHeight,
66 | 0 + p5.PI * 0,
67 | p5.PI - p5.PI * 0,
68 | p5.CHORD);
69 |
70 | p5.pop();
71 | }
72 | window.stalk = stalk;
73 | ```
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 | ### Trying to replicate Neo-Assyrian Cuneiform
78 |
79 | ```p5js/playable/autoplay
80 |
81 | var stalk = null;
82 |
83 | const ksimImage = p5.loadImage('resources/KSIMGlyph.png');
84 | const sirImage = p5.loadImage('resources/SIRGlyph.png');
85 | const bgColor = 'white';
86 |
87 | function drawQ() {
88 | var centerX = p5.width / 2;
89 | var centerY = p5.height / 2;
90 | var stalkRadius = 100;
91 | var stalkDiameter = 2 * stalkRadius;
92 | p5.push();
93 | p5.strokeWeight(10);
94 | p5.stroke('darkslateblue');
95 | p5.fill('aliceblue');
96 | p5.ellipse(centerX, centerY, stalkDiameter, stalkDiameter);
97 | p5.pop();
98 |
99 | var arrowWidth = 40;
100 | var arrowHeight = 15;
101 | var stalkWidth = 6;
102 | var stalkHeight = 60;
103 | var stalkStagger = 0;
104 | var numSectors = 10;
105 | var sectorSize = p5.TWO_PI / numSectors;
106 |
107 | for (var i = 0; i < numSectors; ++i) {
108 | var fillColor = 254 * i / numSectors;
109 | var rotationAngle = sectorSize * i;
110 | var stalkDeltaX = p5.cos(rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
111 | var stalkDeltaY = p5.sin(rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
112 | stalk(centerX + stalkDeltaX,
113 | centerY + stalkDeltaY,
114 | arrowWidth,
115 | arrowHeight,
116 | stalkWidth,
117 | stalkHeight,
118 | rotationAngle + sectorSize,
119 | fillColor,
120 | bgColor);
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | p5.windowResized = function() {
125 | p5.resizeCanvas(p5.windowWidth - 70, 400);
126 | };
127 |
128 | p5.setup = function() {
129 | stalk = window.stalk.bind(this, p5);
130 | p5.createCanvas(100, 100);
131 | p5.windowResized();
132 | p5.background('aliceblue');
133 | p5.noStroke();
134 | };
135 |
136 | p5.draw = function() {
137 | drawQ();
138 | p5.fill(0);
139 | p5.image(ksimImage, 10, 0, 100, 100);
140 | p5.text('KSIM', 30, 100);
141 | p5.image(sirImage, p5.width - 150, 0, 100, 100);
142 | p5.text('ŜIR', p5.width - 100, 100);
143 | p5.frameRate(1);
144 | };
145 | ```
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 | ## InfoClay Logo
150 |
151 | ```p5js/playable/autoplay
152 |
153 | const bgColor = 'aliceblue';
154 | var stalk = null;
155 |
156 | function drawQ() {
157 | var centerX = p5.width / 2;
158 | var centerY = p5.height / 2;
159 | var stalkRadius = 100;
160 | var stalkDiameter = 2 * stalkRadius;
161 | var circleDiameter = stalkDiameter + 45;
162 | p5.push();
163 | p5.strokeWeight(8);
164 | p5.stroke('yellowgreen');
165 | p5.fill('aliceblue');
166 | p5.ellipse(centerX, centerY, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
167 | p5.pop();
168 | p5.fill('royalblue');
169 | p5.textFont('xkcd');
170 | p5.textSize(144);
171 | p5.text('I', centerX - 60, centerY + 45);
172 | p5.textSize(120);
173 | p5.text('C', centerX + 5, centerY + 30);
174 | var arrowWidth = 45;
175 | var arrowHeight = 25;
176 | var stalkWidth = 10;
177 | var stalkHeight = 35;
178 | var numSectors = 8;
179 | var sectorSize = p5.TWO_PI / numSectors;
180 |
181 | for (var i = 0; i < numSectors; ++i) {
182 | var fillColor = 254 * (i + 1) / numSectors;
183 | var rotationAngle = sectorSize * i;
184 | var stalkDeltaX = p5.cos(rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
185 | var stalkDeltaY = p5.sin(rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
186 | stalk(centerX + stalkDeltaX,
187 | centerY + stalkDeltaY,
188 | arrowWidth,
189 | arrowHeight,
190 | stalkWidth,
191 | stalkHeight,
192 | rotationAngle + sectorSize,
193 | fillColor,
194 | bgColor);
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 |
199 | p5.windowResized = function() {
200 | p5.resizeCanvas(p5.windowWidth - 70, 300);
201 | };
202 |
203 | p5.setup = function() {
204 | stalk = window.stalk.bind(this, p5);
205 |
206 | p5.createCanvas(100, 100);
207 | p5.windowResized();
208 |
209 | p5.noStroke();
210 | };
211 |
212 | p5.draw = function() {
213 | drawQ();
214 | p5.fill(0);
215 | p5.frameRate(1);
216 | };
217 | ```
218 |
219 |
220 | ### Quantum Clay Logo
221 |
222 |
223 | ```p5js/playable/autoplay
224 | var stalk = null;
225 |
226 | var bgColor = '#400';
227 |
228 | function drawRing(sectorSkew, numSectors, centerX, centerY, qMode, cMode) {
229 | var stalkRadius = 70;
230 | var stalkDiameter = 2 * stalkRadius;
231 |
232 | var arrowHeight = 40;
233 | var arrowWidth = 60;
234 | var stalkWidth = 10;
235 | var stalkHeight = 5;
236 | var stalkStagger = 0;
237 | var sectorSize = p5.TWO_PI / numSectors;
238 |
239 | for (var i = 0; i < numSectors; ++i) {
240 | var fillColor = (254 * (i + 1) / numSectors) % 254;
241 | fillColor = p5.color(
242 | 120,
243 | 50 + 200 * ((i + 0) % numSectors) / numSectors,
244 | 200 + 50 * ((i + 0) % numSectors) / numSectors);
245 | var rotationAngle = sectorSize * i + sectorSkew;
246 | var stalkDeltaX = p5.cos(p5.HALF_PI + rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
247 | var stalkDeltaY = p5.sin(p5.HALF_PI + rotationAngle) * stalkRadius;
248 | var stalkWidthOverride = stalkWidth;
249 | var stalkHeightOverride = stalkHeight;
250 | if (qMode && (i === (numSectors - 1))) {
251 | stalkWidthOverride = 4 * stalkWidth;
252 | stalkHeightOverride = 1.0 * arrowHeight;
253 | }
254 | if (cMode && (i === 2)) {
255 | // stalkWidthOverride = 2 * stalkWidth;
256 | // stalkHeightOverride = 2 * arrowHeight;
257 | }
258 | if (cMode && ((i > 4) && (i < 6))) {
259 | continue;
260 | }
261 | stalk(centerX + stalkDeltaX,
262 | centerY + stalkDeltaY,
263 | arrowWidth,
264 | arrowHeight,
265 | stalkWidthOverride,
266 | stalkHeightOverride,
267 | rotationAngle,
268 | fillColor,
269 | bgColor);
270 | }
271 | }
272 |
273 | function drawQ() {
274 | drawRing(0, 6, p5.width * 0.3, p5.height * 0.375, true, false);
275 | }
276 |
277 | function drawC() {
278 | var skew = -0.165 * p5.PI;
279 | drawRing(skew, 6, p5.width * 0.748, p5.height * 0.635, false, true);
280 | }
281 |
282 | function drawBox() {
283 | var margin = 1;
284 | var arrowWidth = 60;
285 | var arrowHeight = arrowWidth / 2;
286 | var stalkWidth = 10;
287 | var fillColor = 'royalblue';
288 | // p5.background('lightyellow');
289 | // p5.fill('orange');
290 | // p5.stroke('green');
291 |
292 | stalk(margin + arrowWidth / 2,
293 | p5.height - (margin + arrowWidth / 2),
294 | arrowWidth,
295 | arrowHeight,
296 | stalkWidth,
297 | p5.height * 0.4 - 2 * (margin + arrowWidth),
298 | p5.PI,
299 | fillColor,
300 | bgColor);
301 | stalk(p5.width - (margin + arrowWidth / 2),
302 | margin + arrowWidth / 2,
303 | arrowWidth,
304 | arrowHeight,
305 | stalkWidth,
306 | p5.height * 0.4 - 2 * (margin + arrowWidth),
307 | 0,
308 | fillColor,
309 | bgColor);
310 | stalk(p5.width * 0.4 + margin + arrowWidth / 2,
311 | margin + arrowWidth / 2,
312 | arrowWidth,
313 | arrowHeight,
314 | stalkWidth,
315 | p5.width * 0.6 - 2 * (margin + arrowWidth),
316 | p5.PI + p5.HALF_PI,
317 | fillColor,
318 | bgColor);
319 | stalk(p5.width * 0.6 - (margin + arrowWidth / 2),
320 | p5.height - (margin + arrowWidth / 2),
321 | arrowWidth,
322 | arrowHeight,
323 | stalkWidth,
324 | p5.width * 0.6 - 2 * (margin + arrowWidth),
325 | p5.HALF_PI,
326 | fillColor,
327 | bgColor);
328 | }
329 |
330 | p5.setup = function() {
331 | stalk = window.stalk.bind(this, p5);
332 |
333 | p5.createCanvas(500, 500);
334 | p5.background(bgColor);
335 | p5.noStroke();
336 | };
337 |
338 | p5.draw = function() {
339 | drawQ();
340 | drawC();
341 | drawBox();
342 | p5.frameRate(1);
343 | };
344 | ```
345 |
346 | ---
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348 | [Back to Home](:@Home)
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