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2 | # Home
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5 | Smartdown makes it easy to write multi-card notebooks that can be used to build *Choose your own Adventure*-style experiences, either for entertainment or education.
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7 | - [Enter the Dungeon](:@DungeonEntrance)
8 | - [Back to Home](:@./Home)
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11 | # DungeonEntrance
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14 | #### Dungeon Entrance
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16 | ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Basement-of-chillon-castle.jpg)
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18 | You are in a non-descript room, with a door to the [North ![](/resources/Dungeon_door.gif)](:@NorthRoom) and a metal gate to the [South ![](/resources/Gates_open.gif)](:@SouthRoom).
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20 | [Back to Home](:@Home)
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24 | # NorthRoom
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27 | #### Welcome to the North Room
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29 | There is a door to the [South](:@DungeonEntrance).
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31 | # SouthRoom
32 | ---
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34 | ## Welcome to the South Room
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36 | There is a metal gate to the [North [![](/resources/Gates_open.gif)](:@DungeonEntrance)](:@DungeonEntrance).
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