1 | - **Character Name**: [](:?CharacterName)
2 | - **Music**: [](:XMusicOn)
3 |
4 | ---
5 |
6 | ```p5js/playable/autoplay
7 | // A sound file object
8 | var song;
9 | var spriteX;
10 | var spriteY;
11 | var statusHeight = 30;
12 | var controlHeight = 50;
13 | var trapezoidWidth = 100;
14 | var trapezoidHeight = 200;
15 | var upButton, downButton, leftButton, rightButton, spaceButton;
16 | var musicOn = env.MusicOn;
17 |
18 | var myCanvas;
19 | var myDiv = this.div;
20 | myDiv.style.setProperty ("width", "420px", "important");
21 | myDiv.style.setProperty ("height", "420px", "important");
22 | myDiv.style.setProperty ("margin", "auto", "important");
23 | myDiv.style.setProperty ("padding", "5px", "important");
24 |
25 | function centerCanvas() {
26 | if (myCanvas) {
27 | var x = (p5.windowWidth - myDiv.width) / 2;
28 | var y = (p5.windowHeight - myDiv.height) / 2;
29 | myCanvas.position(x, y);
30 | }
31 | }
32 |
33 | p5.preload = function () {
34 | // Load a sound file
35 | var sound = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/DoctorBud/fce56b81a1902c551c3dfe86afbaf6bb/raw/5c9ca439a6dfc234b48a677c22e3286850a7747b/Crystal2.ogg.mp3';
36 | song = p5.loadSound(sound);
37 | };
38 |
39 | p5.setup = function () {
40 | // song.loop(); // Loop the sound forever
41 |
42 | myCanvas = p5.createCanvas(400, 400);
43 | p5.textSize(20);
44 | p5.textFont('Helvetica');
45 | p5.strokeWeight(2);
46 |
47 | function makeButton(label, right, top, keyCode) {
48 | var result = p5.createButton(label);
49 | result.class('btn-mobile-button');
50 | // result.style('right', right + 'px');
51 | result.style('left', (200 + right) + 'px');
52 | result.style('top', (top) + 'px');
53 | result.size(25, 25);
54 | result.mouseClicked(function() {
55 | p5.handleKey(keyCode);
56 | });
57 | return result;
58 | }
59 |
60 | upButton = makeButton('↑', 60, 55, p5.UP_ARROW);
61 | downButton = makeButton('↓', 60, 115, p5.DOWN_ARROW);
62 | leftButton = makeButton('←', 30, 85, p5.LEFT_ARROW);
63 | rightButton = makeButton('→', 90, 85, p5.RIGHT_ARROW);
64 | spaceButton = makeButton('∞', 60, 85, 32);
65 |
66 | p5.windowResized();
67 | };
68 |
69 | p5.windowResized = function() {
70 | var w = 400; // p5.windowWidth - 40;
71 | var h = 400;
72 | p5.resizeCanvas(w, 400);
73 | centerCanvas();
74 |
75 | if (!spriteX) {
76 | spriteX = w / 2;
77 | }
78 | if (!spriteY) {
79 | spriteY = h / 2;
80 | }
81 | if (spriteX > w) {
82 | spriteX = w;
83 | }
84 | if (spriteY > h) {
85 | spriteY = h;
86 | }
87 | };
88 |
89 | p5.handleKey = function(key) {
90 | var delta = 5;
91 | if (key === p5.LEFT_ARROW) {
92 | spriteX -= delta;
93 | if (spriteX < 0) {
94 | spriteX = 0;
95 | }
96 | }
97 | else if (key === p5.RIGHT_ARROW) {
98 | spriteX += delta;
99 | if (spriteX > p5.width) {
100 | spriteX = p5.width;
101 | }
102 | }
103 | else if (key === p5.UP_ARROW) {
104 | spriteY -= delta;
105 | if (spriteY < 0) {
106 | spriteY = 0;
107 | }
108 | }
109 | else if (key === p5.DOWN_ARROW) {
110 | spriteY += delta;
111 | if (spriteY > p5.height) {
112 | spriteY = p5.height;
113 | }
114 | }
115 | else if (key === 32) {
116 | spriteX = p5.width / 2;
117 | spriteY = p5.height / 2;
118 | }
119 | };
120 |
121 | p5.keyPressed = function(e) {
122 | var validKeys = [
123 | p5.LEFT_ARROW,
124 | p5.RIGHT_ARROW,
125 | p5.UP_ARROW,
126 | p5.DOWN_ARROW,
127 | 32
128 | ];
129 |
130 | if (validKeys.indexOf(p5.keyCode) < 0) {
131 | return true;
132 | }
133 | else {
134 | p5.handleKey(p5.keyCode);
135 | }
136 | };
137 |
138 | p5.draw = function () {
139 | if (!musicOn && env.MusicOn) {
140 | song.loop();
141 | }
142 | else if (musicOn && !env.MusicOn) {
143 | song.stop();
144 | }
145 | musicOn = env.MusicOn;
146 |
147 | if (p5.keyIsPressed) {
148 | p5.keyPressed();
149 | }
150 |
151 | p5.background('lightgray');
152 |
153 | var forwardViewWidth = p5.width;
154 | var forwardViewHeight = p5.height - statusHeight;
155 | var forwardViewX = 0;
156 | var forwardViewY = statusHeight;
157 | var trapezoidX = forwardViewX + forwardViewWidth / 2 - trapezoidWidth / 2;
158 | var trapezoidY = forwardViewY + forwardViewHeight / 2 - trapezoidHeight / 2;
159 | p5.fill('lightblue');
160 | p5.stroke('darkslateblue');
161 | p5.rect(trapezoidX, trapezoidY, trapezoidWidth, trapezoidHeight);
162 | p5.fill('lightyellow');
163 | p5.quad(
164 | forwardViewX, forwardViewY,
165 | trapezoidX, trapezoidY,
166 | trapezoidX, trapezoidY + trapezoidHeight,
167 | forwardViewX, forwardViewY + forwardViewHeight);
168 | p5.quad(
169 | forwardViewX + forwardViewWidth, forwardViewY,
170 | forwardViewX + trapezoidX + trapezoidWidth, trapezoidY,
171 | forwardViewX + trapezoidX + trapezoidWidth, trapezoidY + trapezoidHeight,
172 | forwardViewX + forwardViewWidth, forwardViewY + forwardViewHeight);
173 | p5.fill('black');
174 | p5.stroke('black');
175 | var yDelta = 38; // FIXME - Trigonometry needed here
176 | p5.rect(forwardViewX + forwardViewWidth / 6, forwardViewY + yDelta,
177 | 1, forwardViewHeight - 2 * yDelta);
178 | p5.rect(forwardViewX + 5 * forwardViewWidth / 6, forwardViewY + yDelta,
179 | 1, forwardViewHeight - 2 * yDelta);
180 |
181 | p5.fill('red');
182 | p5.stroke('darkslateblue');
183 | p5.ellipse(spriteX, spriteY, 10, 10);
184 |
185 | p5.fill('black');
186 | p5.rect(0, 0, p5.width, statusHeight);
187 | var name = env.CharacterName || 'Dungeoneer';
188 | p5.fill('lightgreen');
189 | p5.stroke('lightgreen');
190 | p5.text(name, 5, 0.75 * statusHeight);
191 | };
192 |
193 | ```
194 |
195 | ---
196 |
197 | ## SmartDown Game Tech Example - Part I
198 |
199 | I initially began this project in late 2016, inspired by [Global Game Jam Weekend](http://globalgamejam.org). Although I didn't complete it during the Game Jam, I have been slowly advancing it and fixing Smartdown to make it more easy.
200 |
201 | This is an experiment in using [Smartdown](http://smartdown.site/?url=README.md) and [p5.js](http://p5js.org) to build a simple, but extensible and distributed, game. The game UI is primarily written using `p5.js`, and Smartdown is being used as a prose-oriented wrapper that also provides a way to render the `p5.js`. Smartdown *Variables* are used to communicate the player name and the MusicOn/Off status between the Smartdown and the embedded sketch.
202 |
203 | My goal with this first example is to build a rough skeleton of a game that has keyboard controls, some sort of goal or transition (e.g., to a next level), and some visual navigation. Currently, the keyboard controls can be used to move a little red dot around on the screen. There are currently no transitions or goals achievable.
204 |
205 | My ultimate goal, probably in Parts II or III of this sequence, is to build a Wizardry-style game with a simple vector hallway/room representation, and to be able to link different *levels* together via URL so that a dungeon can be stored and explored in a completely distributed fashion, with some authors hosting their content on GitHub, others on websites, and others via dynamically generated API servers.
206 |
207 | In theory, I could first try to implement my [Basilisk Game](http://doctorbud.com/celestial-toys/post/2015-02-03-slide-puzzle-combinators/) example, which was written as a ReactJS exercise.
208 |
209 | ---
210 |
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