1 | ## Integrating GopherJS with Smartdown in two beers
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3 | A couple weeks ago on a November 2017 Friday evening, I set my mind to integrating a non-Javascript language into Smartdown in order to learn/teach such a language via Smartdown. After eliminating ClojureScript, ScalaJS, and KotlinJS via a fairly simple process of determining whether their demos worked offline, I settled on [GopherJS](https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs), the Javascript implementation of Go, as a worthy target.
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5 | Why? Because the [GopherJS Playground](https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs.github.io) worked wonderfully offline, proving that compilation of my Go source code was occurring in the browser, and satisfying my need for such a capability in Smartdown.
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7 | ### It took more than two beers
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9 | I'm going to write a more detailed article about this project, but I eventually succeeded in learning Go, adapting the GopherJS Playground to work as a UI-less body of code, and integrating this code into Smartdown in a reasonable way. This document is an example of the potential of GoDown, the Smartdown+Go integration.
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11 | ### Producer/Consumer Example
12 |
13 | This demonstrates the use of multiple Go packages, the use of the GopherJS DOM package, and the use of channels to communicate between multiple processes.
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15 | #### ProducerA
16 |
17 | Creates a Button that emits an "A" to the channel
18 |
19 | ```go/playable/autoplay
20 | package producerA
21 |
22 | import (
23 | "honnef.co/go/js/dom"
24 | "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"
25 | )
26 |
27 | func Producer(ch chan string) {
28 | d := dom.GetWindow().Document()
29 |
30 | myDivId := js.Global.Get("godownDiv_producerA").String()
31 | println("myDivId", myDivId)
32 | div := d.GetElementByID(myDivId).(*dom.HTMLDivElement)
33 | div.SetInnerHTML("")
34 |
35 | child := d.CreateElement("button").(*dom.HTMLButtonElement)
36 | child.Style().SetProperty("color", "purple", "")
37 | child.SetTextContent("Produce A")
38 | div.AppendChild(child)
39 | child.AddEventListener("click", false, func(event dom.Event) {
40 | ch <- "A"
41 | })
42 | }
43 | ```
44 |
45 | #### ProducerB
46 |
47 | Creates a Button that emits a "B" to the channel
48 |
49 | ```go/playable/autoplay
50 | package producerB
51 |
52 | import (
53 | "honnef.co/go/js/dom"
54 | "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"
55 | )
56 |
57 | func Producer(ch chan string) {
58 | d := dom.GetWindow().Document()
59 |
60 | myDivId := js.Global.Get("godownDiv_producerB").String()
61 | println("myDivId", myDivId)
62 | div := d.GetElementByID(myDivId).(*dom.HTMLDivElement)
63 | div.SetInnerHTML("")
64 |
65 | child := d.CreateElement("button").(*dom.HTMLButtonElement)
66 | child.Style().SetProperty("color", "purple", "")
67 | child.SetTextContent("Produce B")
68 | div.AppendChild(child)
69 | child.AddEventListener("click", false, func(event dom.Event) {
70 | ch <- "B"
71 | })
72 | }
73 | ```
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76 | #### Consumer
77 |
78 | Reads from the channel and displays a log of all received messages.
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80 |
81 | ```go/playable/autoplay
82 | package consumer
83 |
84 | import (
85 | "honnef.co/go/js/dom"
86 | "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"
87 | )
88 |
89 | func Consumer(ch chan string) {
90 | d := dom.GetWindow().Document()
91 | consumed := ""
92 | myDivId := js.Global.Get("godownDiv_consumer").String()
93 | println("myDivId", myDivId)
94 | div := d.GetElementByID(myDivId).(*dom.HTMLDivElement)
95 |
96 | for {
97 | div.SetInnerHTML("<h1>" + consumed + "</h1>")
98 | consumedChar, more := <- ch
99 | if more {
100 | consumed += consumedChar
101 | } else {
102 | break
103 | }
104 | }
105 | }
106 | ```
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109 | #### Main program invokes Producers and Consumer and then Chills
110 |
111 | All Go programs start with `main`. In this example, we just use `main` to tie together the various producer/consumer components and give them a shared channel for communication. It is totally possible, and reasonable to combine `producerA` and `producerB` into a parametrized package `producer`; but this demo evolved to show off the multi-package capability.
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113 |
114 | ```go/playable/autoplay
115 | package main
116 |
117 | import (
118 | "producerA"
119 | "producerB"
120 | "consumer"
121 | "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"
122 | )
123 |
124 | var ch chan string
125 |
126 | func main() {
127 | js.Global.Set("Godown_Shutdown", js.InternalObject(func(msg string) {
128 | close(ch)
129 | }))
130 |
131 | ch = make(chan string, 5)
132 | go producerA.Producer(ch)
133 | go producerB.Producer(ch)
134 | go consumer.Consumer(ch)
135 |
136 | println("All Done")
137 | }
138 |
139 | ```
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141 | ---
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