1 | ## Mandelbrot, ThreeJS, WebGL
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3 | **Requires WebGL be enabled in your browser.**
4 |
5 | This is a one-pint demo of how ThreeJS and Smartdown can be used to understand the [Mandelbrot Set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set). Although Smartdown is not intended to be a programming language to build *apps* with, it is perfect for *Explorable Explanations* such as this Mandelbrot Explorer.
6 |
7 | *This is a draft. I want to add more prose and more parametrization.*
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9 | ---
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11 | [Zoom Out](:=zoom=zoom/2.0) [Zoom In](:=zoom=zoom*2.0) [Up](:=posY=posY+0.1/zoom) [Down](:=posY=posY-0.1/zoom) [Left](:=posX=posX-0.1/zoom) [Right](:=posX=posX+0.1/zoom) **AutoZoom** [](:Xbounciness)
12 |
13 | [Entire Set](:=posX=0.6;posY=0.0;zoom=1) [Region A](:=posX=0.570;posY=0.630;zoom=25) [Region B](:=posX=0.190;posY=0.650;zoom=50) [Region C](:=posX=0.04292602539062498;posY=0.6965332031250012;zoom=2048)
14 | [Set X/Y/Zoom](:=useCoordinates=1) [](:?coordinates)
15 |
16 | ```javascript/playable/autoplay
17 | var vertexShader =
18 | `
19 | precision highp float;
20 | uniform float zoom;
21 | varying vec2 pos;
22 |
23 | void main () {
24 | pos = position.xy / zoom;
25 | gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
26 | }
27 | `;
28 |
29 | var fragmentShader =
30 | `
31 | precision highp float;
32 | uniform float zoom;
33 | varying vec2 pos;
34 | uniform float posX;
35 | uniform float posY;
36 |
37 | void main () {
38 | vec2 basePos = vec2(pos.x - posX, pos.y - posY);
39 | vec2 fractal = basePos;
40 | int iterations = 20 + int(zoom);
41 |
42 | for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
43 | if (i > iterations) {
44 | break;
45 | }
46 | fractal = basePos + vec2(
47 | fractal.x * fractal.x - fractal.y * fractal.y,
48 | 2.0 * fractal.x * fractal.y
49 | );
50 | }
51 |
52 | // interpolate fractal color over position
53 | float x = abs(fractal.x);
54 | float y = abs(fractal.y);
55 | float z = (x + y);
56 | float magnitude = length(fractal);
57 | x = 2.0 * magnitude * x;
58 | y = 2.0 * magnitude * y;
59 | if (x > 1.0) {
60 | x = 1.0;
61 | }
62 | if (y > 1.0) {
63 | y = 1.0;
64 | }
65 | if (z > 1.0) {
66 | z = 1.0;
67 | }
68 | gl_FragColor = vec4(x, y, z, 1.0);
69 | }
70 | `;
71 |
72 | var that = this;
73 | var myDiv = that.div;
74 | myDiv.style.background = 'darkslateblue';
75 | myDiv.style['vertical-align'] = 'center';
76 | myDiv.style['text-align'] = 'center';
77 | myDiv.style['padding'] = '5px';
78 | var width = 450.0;
79 | var height = 350.0;
80 |
81 | smartdown.setVariable('posX', 0.6, 'number');
82 | smartdown.setVariable('posY', 0.0, 'number');
83 | smartdown.setVariable('zoom', 0.666, 'number');
84 | myDiv.innerHTML = '';
85 | var scene = new THREE.Scene();
86 | var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75.0, width / height, 0.1, 1000.0);
87 | camera.position.z = 1;
88 |
89 | // create canvas
90 | var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
91 | renderer.setSize(width, height);
92 | myDiv.appendChild(renderer.domElement);
93 |
94 | // create mandelbrot mesh
95 | var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2.0, 2.0, 0.0);
96 | var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
97 | uniforms: {
98 | zoom: { type: 'f', value: that.env.zoom },
99 | posX: { type: 'f', value: that.env.posX },
100 | posY: { type: 'f', value: that.env.posY }
101 | },
102 | vertexShader: vertexShader,
103 | fragmentShader: fragmentShader
104 | });
105 |
106 | var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
107 | scene.add(mesh);
108 |
109 | var zoomOld = null;
110 | var posXOld = null;
111 | var posYOld = null;
112 | var bouncinessOld = null;
113 | var coordinatesOld = null;
114 |
115 | function render(delta) {
116 | var posX = that.env.posX;
117 | var posY = that.env.posY;
118 | var zoom = that.env.zoom;
119 | var bounciness = that.env.bounciness;
120 | var coordinates = that.env.coordinates;
121 | var coordinatesNew = `${posX}/${posY}/${zoom}`;
122 | var useCoordinates = that.env.useCoordinates;
123 |
124 | if (delta) {
125 | if (useCoordinates) {
126 | var coordinatesParts = coordinates.split('/');
127 | posX = Number(coordinatesParts[0]);
128 | posY = Number(coordinatesParts[1]);
129 | zoom = Number(coordinatesParts[2]);
130 | coordinatesNew = coordinates;
131 | that.env.useCoordinates = 0;
132 | that.env.posX = posX;
133 | that.env.posY = posY;
134 | that.env.zoom = zoom;
135 | }
136 |
137 | if (bounciness || bouncinessOld ||
138 | zoom !== zoomOld ||
139 | posX !== posXOld ||
140 | posY !== posYOld) {
141 | zoomOld = zoom;
142 | posXOld = posX;
143 | posYOld = posY;
144 | bouncinessOld = bounciness;
145 | coordinatesOld = coordinatesNew;
146 | smartdown.setVariable('coordinates', coordinatesNew);
147 | var bounce = bounciness ? (1.25 + Math.cos(delta / 2500)) : 1;
148 | mesh.material.uniforms.zoom.value = zoom * bounce;
149 | mesh.material.uniforms.posX.value = posX;
150 | mesh.material.uniforms.posY.value = posY;
151 | renderer.render(scene, camera);
152 | }
153 | requestAnimationFrame(render);
154 | }
155 | else {
156 | requestAnimationFrame(render);
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 | render();
161 | ```
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163 | ---
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165 | [Back to Home](:@Home)
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