1 |
2 | ## `stdlib` Experiments
3 |
4 | [stdlib](https://stdlib.io) is a Javascript library supporting both NodeJS and web browsers. Quoting the authors:
5 |
6 | > Stdlib is a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numeric computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.
7 |
8 | The examples below are adapted from various `stdlib` documentation examples, although many uses of `console.log()` have been replaced with writing to Smartdown variables and having these variables rendered via Smartdown cells. The other minor change needed to use `stdlib` within Smartdown is to replace usage of `require('@stdlib/foo/bar')` with a reference to Smartdown's bundled version `Stdlib.foo.bar`. This is currently necessary because `stdlib` is being bundled (via Webpack) with Smartdown. Eventually, this will be replaced with a more dynamic mechanism.
9 |
10 | The source for this example can be viewed and transiently edited at [Smartdown Stdlib Example](https://smartdown.site/?url=lib/gallery/Stdlib.md)
11 |
12 |
13 | ### CDF Experiments
14 |
15 | Trying to plot the CDF for various $\sigma$ and $\mu$ versions of the normal distribution.
16 |
17 | Based upon the Stdlib examples:
18 |
19 | - https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/math/base/dists/normal/cdf
20 | - https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/plot/ctor/
21 |
22 |
23 | ```javascript/playable
24 | const thisDiv = this.div;
25 |
26 | var toHTML = Stdlib.vdomToHtml;
27 | var randn = Stdlib.random.base.boxMuller;
28 | var plot = Stdlib.plot.ctor;
29 | var cdf = Stdlib.math.base.dists.normal.cdf;
30 |
31 |
32 | var x = new Float64Array( 100 );
33 | var y1 = new Float64Array( x.length );
34 | var y2 = new Float64Array( x.length );
35 | var y3 = new Float64Array( x.length );
36 | var y4 = new Float64Array( x.length );
37 | for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
38 | x[ i ] = (((i + 1) * 1.0) - x.length / 2) / 25.0;
39 | y1[ i ] = cdf(x[i], 0, 1);
40 | y2[ i ] = cdf(x[i], 0, 0.5);
41 | y3[ i ] = cdf(x[i], 0, 0.2);
42 | y4[ i ] = cdf(x[i], 0, 0.1);
43 | }
44 |
45 | var h = plot( [x, x, x, x], [y1, y2, y3, y4], {
46 | yMin: -0.1,
47 | yMax: 1.1,
48 | 'description': 'Plotting the CDF of the Normal Distribution',
49 | 'title': 'CDF of the Normal Distribution for various σ',
50 | 'labels': [
51 | 'σ = 1',
52 | 'σ = 0.5',
53 | 'σ = 0.2',
54 | 'σ = 0.1'
55 | ],
56 | lineWidth: 5
57 | });
58 |
59 | thisDiv.innerHTML = Stdlib.vdomToHtml( h.render() );
60 |
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ---
64 |
65 | ### Machine Learning
66 |
67 | From this example: https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/ml/online-binary-classification
68 |
69 | I honestly don't understand this example (yet), I've just transliterated it to Smartdown.
70 |
71 | ```javascript/playable
72 | var binomial = Stdlib.random.base.binomial;
73 | var normal = Stdlib.random.base.normal;
74 | var exp = Stdlib.math.base.special.exp;
75 | var onlineBinaryClassification = Stdlib.ml.onlineBinaryClassification;
76 |
77 | var phat;
78 | var lp;
79 | var x1;
80 | var x2;
81 | var y;
82 | var i;
83 |
84 | // Create model:
85 | var model = onlineBinaryClassification({
86 | 'lambda': 1e-3,
87 | 'loss': 'log',
88 | 'intercept': true
89 | });
90 |
91 | // Update model as data comes in...
92 | for ( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ) {
93 | x1 = normal( 0.0, 1.0 );
94 | x2 = normal( 0.0, 1.0 );
95 | lp = (3.0 * x1) - (2.0 * x2) + 1.0;
96 | phat = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp( -lp ) );
97 | y = binomial( 1, phat ) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
98 | model.update( [ x1, x2 ], y );
99 | }
100 |
101 | // Extract model coefficients:
102 | var markdownCoefficients =
103 | `
104 | ### Model Coefficients
105 |
106 | $$
107 | ${model.coefs}
108 | $$
109 | `;
110 |
111 | // Predict new observations:
112 | // console.log( 'Pr(Y=1)_hat = %d; x1 = %d; x2 = %d', model.predict( [0.9, 0.1], 'probability' ), 0.9, 0.1 );
113 | // console.log( 'y_hat = %d; x1 = %d; x2 = %d', model.predict( [0.1, 0.9], 'link' ), 0.1, 0.9 );
114 | // console.log( 'y_hat = %d; x1 = %d; x2 = %d', model.predict( [0.9, 0.9], 'link' ), 0.9, 0.9 );
115 |
116 | const p1 = 0.9;
117 | const p2 = 0.1;
118 | const predictionProbability = model.predict( [p1, p2], 'probability' );
119 | const predictionLink12 = model.predict( [p1, p2], 'link' );
120 | const predictionLink22 = model.predict( [p1, p2], 'link' );
121 |
122 | var markdownOutput =
123 | `
124 | ### Output
125 |
126 | |Expression|Value|$x_1$|$x_2$|
127 | |:---:|---:|---:|---:|
128 | |$\\hat{P_r(Y=1)}$|${predictionProbability}|${x1}|${x2}|
129 | |$\\hat{y}$|${predictionLink12}|${x1}|${x2}|
130 | |$\\hat{y}$|${predictionLink22}|${x2}|${x2}|
131 | `;
132 |
133 | smartdown.setVariable('MarkdownCoefficients', markdownCoefficients);
134 | smartdown.setVariable('MarkdownOutput', markdownOutput);
135 | ```
136 |
137 | [](:!MarkdownCoefficients|markdown)
138 | [](:!MarkdownOutput|markdown)
139 |
140 | ---
141 |
142 | ### Unicode Sparklines
143 |
144 | From https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/plot/sparklines/unicode/column
145 |
146 | For this example, we modify the use of `console.log()` to instead place the Unicode sparkline into a Smartdown variable, where it will be rendered automatically as it is updated.
147 |
148 | #### The Generated Plot
149 | [](:!SparklinePlot)
150 |
151 |
152 | #### The `Stdlib.plot.sparklines.unicode.column` script
153 |
154 | ```javascript/playable
155 | var randu = Stdlib.random.base.randu;
156 | var columnChart = Stdlib.plot.sparklines.unicode.column;
157 |
158 | var chart;
159 | var data;
160 | var id;
161 | var i;
162 |
163 | // Generate some random data...
164 | data = new Float64Array( 30 );
165 | for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
166 | data[ i ] = randu() * 100.0;
167 | }
168 |
169 | // Create a new column chart:
170 | chart = columnChart();
171 |
172 | // Set the chart data:
173 | chart.data = data;
174 |
175 | // Configure the chart to support streaming data:
176 | chart.window = data.length;
177 | chart.yMin = 0.0;
178 | chart.yMax = 100.0;
179 |
180 | // Update the terminal chart with new data every second:
181 | id = setInterval( update, 1000 );
182 |
183 | // After some time, stop updating and close:
184 | setTimeout( stop, 20000 );
185 |
186 | function update() {
187 | // Update the chart with new data:
188 | chart.push( randu() * 100.0 );
189 |
190 | var rendered = chart.render();
191 | smartdown.setVariable('SparklinePlot', rendered);
192 | }
193 |
194 | function stop() {
195 | clearInterval( id );
196 | }
197 | ```
198 |
199 | ---
200 |
201 | ### Plots
202 |
203 | Adapted from https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/plot/ctor
204 |
205 | This example generates a plot as *virtual DOM*, which is then converted to HTML prior to rendering within the Smartdown-created playable's div (`this.div`).
206 |
207 |
208 | ```javascript/playable
209 | const thisDiv = this.div;
210 |
211 | var toHTML = Stdlib.vdomToHtml;
212 | var randn = Stdlib.random.base.boxMuller;
213 | var plot = Stdlib.plot.ctor;
214 |
215 | var now;
216 | var x;
217 | var y;
218 | var i;
219 |
220 | // Create some data...
221 | now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
222 | x = new Float64Array( 100 );
223 | y = new Float64Array( x.length );
224 | for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) {
225 | x[ i ] = now + (i * 360000);
226 | y[ i ] = 50.0 + (10.0 * randn());
227 | }
228 |
229 | // Create a new plot:
230 | var h = plot( [x], [y], {
231 | 'width': 500,
232 | 'height': 500,
233 | 'xScale': 'time',
234 | 'xTickFormat': '%H:%M'
235 | });
236 |
237 | // Render as a virtual DOM tree:
238 | var vtree = h.render();
239 | // console.log( JSON.stringify( vtree ) );
240 | smartdown.setVariable('treeJSON', vtree);
241 |
242 | // Transform the virtual DOM tree to HTML:
243 | var html = toHTML( vtree );
244 | // console.log( html );
245 | thisDiv.innerHTML = html;
246 |
247 | ```
248 |
249 | ##### The generated virtual DOM Tree
250 |
251 | [](:!treeJSON|json)
252 |
253 |
254 | ---
255 |
256 | ### NLP (Natural Language Processing)
257 |
258 | Derived from this example https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/nlp/lda
259 |
260 | This version of Smartdown includes a subset (1930-2010) of the full 1790-2016 [SOTU State of the Union Dataset](https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/datasets/sotu), because the data is currently being bundled with the rest of Smartdown, and is quite large. In the future, the `stdlib` datasets will be optionally and dynamically loadable, which will reduce the default Smartdown bundle size and enable a much richer set of data to be used.
261 |
262 | This example also uses the [English Stop Words Dataset](https://stdlib.io/develop/docs/api/@stdlib/datasets/stopwords-en).
263 |
264 |
265 | #### Smartdown outputs
266 |
267 | The following smartdown cells will be populated with values generated by the `stdlib` script below. They are initially empty or undefined.
268 |
269 | ##### Stopwords
270 | [](:!stopwords)
271 |
272 | ##### State of the Union Texts (first 100 characters)
273 | [](:!speechTexts)
274 |
275 | ##### Average $\theta$ per topic
276 | [](:!yearsMD|markdown)
277 |
278 | ##### Top words associated with each topic
279 | [](:!topicMD|markdown)
280 |
281 |
282 | ##### The playable `stdlib` example.
283 |
284 | ```javascript/playable
285 | var that = this;
286 |
287 | // Hack to keep the progress bar up while everything happens in
288 | // this long-running script. Better would be a smartdown.setProgress()
289 | // method that would not leak the implementation details.
290 | //
291 | var saveProgress = this.progress; // Oh, the hack
292 | this.progress = null;
293 |
294 | Stdlib.loadSOTU(function() {
295 | var roundn = Stdlib.math.base.special.roundn;
296 | var stopwords = Stdlib.datasets['stopwords-en'];
297 | var lda = Stdlib.nlp.lda;
298 |
299 | var STOPWORDS = stopwords();
300 | var terms;
301 | var model;
302 | var str;
303 | var i;
304 |
305 | smartdown.setVariable('stopwords', STOPWORDS);
306 |
307 | function getText(e) {
308 | function remove(word) {
309 | var RE = new RegExp('\\b' + word + '\\b', 'gi');
310 | str = str.replace(RE, '');
311 | }
312 |
313 | str = e.text.toLowerCase();
314 | STOPWORDS.forEach(remove);
315 | return str;
316 | }
317 |
318 | var startYear = 1930;
319 | var endYear = 2010;
320 |
321 | var speechTexts = null;
322 | var speeches = Stdlib.datasets['sotu-data'];
323 |
324 | speechTexts = speeches.reduce(
325 | function (
326 | accumulator,
327 | speech,
328 | currentIndex,
329 | array) {
330 | if (speech.year >= startYear && speech.year <= endYear) {
331 | accumulator.push(getText(speech));
332 | }
333 | return accumulator;
334 | },
335 | []);
336 |
337 | var trimmedTexts = speeches.map(function(speech, index, array) {
338 | return speech.text.slice(0, 100);
339 | });
340 | smartdown.setVariable('speechTexts', trimmedTexts);
341 |
342 | model = lda(speechTexts, 3);
343 |
344 | // model.fit(1000, 100, 10);
345 | model.fit(100, 50, 10);
346 |
347 | // Safari (at least on my machine) will timeout and Chrome will give a warning
348 | // if we try to execute too many iterations, so I'm using smaller parameters than would
349 | // be used in a non-browser context. Perhaps Service Workers would alleviate this?
350 | //
351 |
352 | var yearsMD = '|Year|Topic 1 Average $\\theta$|Topic 2 Average $\\theta$|Topic 3 Average $\\theta$|\n|:---|---:|---:|---:|\n';
353 | for (i = 0; i <= 80; i++) {
354 | var year = (startYear + i);
355 | var theta0 = roundn(model.avgTheta.get(i, 0), -3);
356 | var theta1 = roundn(model.avgTheta.get(i, 1), -3);
357 | var theta2 = roundn(model.avgTheta.get(i, 2), -3);
358 |
359 | str = 'Year: ' + year + '\t';
360 | str += 'Topic 1: ' + theta0 + '\t';
361 | str += 'Topic 2: ' + theta1 + '\t';
362 | str += 'Topic 3: ' + theta2;
363 | yearsMD += `|${year}|${theta0}|${theta1}|${theta2}|\n`;
364 | }
365 | yearsMD += '\n';
366 |
367 | smartdown.setVariable('yearsMD', yearsMD);
368 |
369 | var topicMD = '|Topic|Words Most Associated with Topic|\n|:---|:---|\n';
370 | var trim = Stdlib.string.trim;
371 | var removePunctuation = Stdlib.string.removePunctuation;
372 |
373 | for (var whichTopic = 0; whichTopic < 3; ++whichTopic) {
374 | terms = model.getTerms(whichTopic, 20);
375 | var topicString = `|Topic ${whichTopic}||\n`;
376 |
377 | for (i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
378 | terms[i] = terms[i].word;
379 | const stripped = trim(removePunctuation(terms[i]));
380 | if (stripped !== '' && stripped !== '-') {
381 | topicString += `||${terms[i]}|\n`;
382 | }
383 | }
384 |
385 | var termsString = terms.join(', ');
386 |
387 | topicMD += topicString;
388 | }
389 |
390 | smartdown.setVariable('topicMD', topicMD);
391 |
392 | saveProgress.style.display = 'none';
393 | });
394 | ```
395 |
396 | ---
397 |
398 | ### Use Graphviz to display `stdlib` functions
399 |
400 | This is a *very quick hack* to demonstrate the synergy between Smartdown's playables, variables, and cells. It uses Graphviz to display the heirarchical structure of the `stdlib` namespace. For this example, we are only displaying the heirarchy under `stdlib.math`.
401 |
402 | [More Graphviz examples](:@Graphviz)
403 |
404 | [](:!plot|code)
405 | [](:!plot|graphviz)
406 |
407 | ```javascript/playable
408 |
409 | var index = 1;
410 |
411 | function generateTree(rootIndex, rootfIndex, rootName, root) {
412 | var source =
413 | `
414 | "node${rootIndex}" [
415 | shape = "record"
416 | label = "`;
417 | var keys = Object.keys(root);
418 | var fIndex = 0;
419 | var subroot = [];
420 |
421 | keys.forEach(function(k) {
422 | ++fIndex;
423 | ++index;
424 | var v = root[k];
425 | var line = ` "${rootName}" -> "${k}";\n`;
426 | line = `<f${fIndex}> ${k}|`;
427 | source += line;
428 |
429 | if (typeof v === 'object') {
430 | subroot.push({
431 | v: v,
432 | k: k,
433 | index: index,
434 | fIndex: fIndex
435 | });
436 | }
437 | });
438 | source = source.slice(0, source.length - 1);
439 | source += '"\n];';
440 |
441 | subroot.forEach(function(subroot) {
442 | source += generateTree(subroot.index, subroot.fIndex, subroot.k, subroot.v);
443 | source += `\n"node${rootIndex}":f${subroot.fIndex} -> "node${subroot.index}":f0;\n`;
444 | });
445 |
446 | return source;
447 | }
448 |
449 | var tree = generateTree(1, 0, 'stdlib', Stdlib.math);
450 | var plot =
451 | `
452 | digraph G {
453 | rankdir = "LR"
454 | ranksep = 1.5
455 | ratio="compact"
456 | node [
457 | fontsize = "10"
458 | margin = "0"
459 | shape = "rectangle"
460 | ];
461 | edge [
462 | ];
463 | "node0" [
464 | label = "<f0> math"
465 | shape = "record"
466 | ];
467 | ${tree}
468 | "node0":f0 -> "node1":f1
469 | }
470 | `;
471 | smartdown.setVariable('plot', plot);
472 | ```
473 |
474 | ---
475 |
476 |
477 | [Back to Home](:@Home)
478 |