1 |
2 |
3 | const la = require('lazy-ass')
4 | const is = require('check-more-types')
5 |
6 | // storage adapter for Cypress E2E testing tool
7 |
8 | /* global cy, expect, fetch */
9 | la(is.fn(fetch), 'missing fetch')
10 | const filename = 'snap-shot.json'
11 |
12 | let snapshots
13 |
14 | function loadSnapshots () {
15 | return snapshots
16 | }
17 |
18 | function saveSnapshots (snapshots) {
19 | const text = JSON.stringify(snapshots, null, 2) + '\n'
20 | cy.writeFile(filename, text)
21 | }
22 |
23 | function init () {
24 | // for now disable
25 | return Promise.resolve()
26 | // // find out the source for all test -> this spec file
27 | // const sites = callsites()
28 | // la(sites.length, 'missing callsite')
29 | // const specFileUrl = sites[1].filename
30 | // la(is.webUrl(specFileUrl), 'missing spec url', specFileUrl)
31 | // console.log('loading spec from', specFileUrl)
32 |
33 | // // specFileUrl is something like
34 | // // http://localhost:49829/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/integration/spec.js-438
35 | // // we will need to get "true" filename which in this case should be
36 | // // cypress/integration/spec.js
37 | // const pIndex = specFileUrl.indexOf('?p=')
38 | // const dotJsIndex = specFileUrl.indexOf('.js-', pIndex)
39 | // const specFile = specFileUrl.substr(pIndex + 3, dotJsIndex - pIndex)
40 | // console.log('specFile is "%s"', specFile)
41 |
42 | // // ignore arguments for now
43 | // api.fromCurrentFolder = () => specFile
44 |
45 | // // cache the fetched source, otherwise every test fetches it
46 | // const shouldFetch = api.readFileSync === dummyReadFileSync
47 | // if (shouldFetch) {
48 | // return fetch(specFileUrl).then(r => r.text())
49 | // .then(source => {
50 | // // ignores filename for now
51 | // api.readFileSync = () => source
52 | // })
53 | // .then(() => {
54 | // return fetch('/__cypress/tests?p=./' + filename)
55 | // .then(r => r.text())
56 | // .then(function loadedText (text) {
57 | // if (text.includes('BUNDLE_ERROR')) {
58 | // return Promise.reject(new Error('not found'))
59 | // }
60 | // cy.log('loaded snapshots', filename)
61 | // // the JSON is wrapped in webpack wrapper ;)
62 | // const req = eval(text) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
63 | // snapshots = req('1')
64 | // })
65 | // .catch(err => {
66 | // console.error(err)
67 | // snapshots = {}
68 | // })
69 | // })
70 | // } else {
71 | // return Promise.resolve()
72 | // }
73 | }
74 |
75 | function raiseIfDifferent ({ value, expected }) {
76 | cy.then(() => {
77 | expect(value).to.equal(expected)
78 | })
79 | }
80 |
81 | function dummyReadFileSync () {
82 | throw new Error(`In the browser, please call snapshot.init()
83 | before calling tests, like this:
84 | const snapshot = require('snap-shot')
85 | beforeEach(snapshot.init)
86 | `)
87 | }
88 |
89 | // TODO replace exposed API with error methods that wait id:2
90 | // Gleb Bahmutov
91 | // gleb.bahmutov@gmail.com
92 | // https://github.com/bahmutov/snap-shot-core/issues/87
93 | // until "init" is called
94 | const api = {
95 | loadSnapshots,
96 | saveSnapshots,
97 | init,
98 | readFileSync: dummyReadFileSync,
99 | raiseIfDifferent
100 | }
101 | module.exports = api