1 | 'use strict'
2 |
3 | const fs = require('fs')
4 | const path = require('path')
5 | const debug = require('debug')('snap-shot-core')
6 | const verbose = require('debug')('snap-shot-core:verbose')
7 | const la = require('lazy-ass')
8 | const is = require('check-more-types')
9 | const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
10 | const vm = require('vm')
11 | const escapeQuotes = require('escape-quotes')
12 | const pluralize = require('pluralize')
13 |
14 | const removeExtraNewLines = require('./utils').removeExtraNewLines
15 | const exportText = require('./utils').exportText
16 | const exportObject = require('./utils').exportObject
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 | const cwd = process.cwd()
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | const fromCurrentFolder = path.relative.bind(null, cwd)
29 | const snapshotsFolderName = '__snapshots__'
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | const joinSnapshotsFolder = path.join.bind(null, cwd, snapshotsFolderName)
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | const snapshotsFolder = fromCurrentFolder(snapshotsFolderName)
44 | debug('process cwd: %s', cwd)
45 | debug('snapshots folder: %s', snapshotsFolder)
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | const resolveToCwd = path.resolve.bind(null, cwd)
56 |
57 | const isSaveOptions = is.schema({
58 | sortSnapshots: is.bool
59 | })
60 |
61 | const isLoadOptions = is.schema({
62 | useRelativePath: is.bool
63 | })
64 |
65 | function getSnapshotsFolder (specFile, opts = { useRelativePath: false }) {
66 | if (!opts.useRelativePath) {
67 |
68 | return snapshotsFolder
69 | }
70 |
71 | const relativeDir = fromCurrentFolder(path.dirname(specFile))
72 | verbose('relative path to spec file %s is %s', specFile, relativeDir)
73 |
74 |
75 | const folder = joinSnapshotsFolder(relativeDir)
76 | verbose('snapshot folder %s', folder)
77 |
78 | return folder
79 | }
80 |
81 | function loadSnaps (snapshotPath) {
82 | const full = require.resolve(snapshotPath)
83 | if (!fs.existsSync(snapshotPath)) {
84 | return {}
85 | }
86 |
87 | const sandbox = {
88 | exports: {}
89 | }
90 | const source = fs.readFileSync(full, 'utf8')
91 | try {
92 | vm.runInNewContext(source, sandbox)
93 | return removeExtraNewLines(sandbox.exports)
94 | } catch (e) {
95 | console.error('Could not load file', full)
96 | console.error(source)
97 | console.error(e)
98 | if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
99 | throw e
100 | }
101 | return {}
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | function fileForSpec (specFile, ext, opts = { useRelativePath: false }) {
106 | la(is.unemptyString(specFile), 'missing spec file', specFile)
107 | la(is.maybe.string(ext), 'invalid extension to find', ext)
108 | la(isLoadOptions(opts), 'expected fileForSpec options', opts)
109 |
110 | const specName = path.basename(specFile)
111 | la(
112 | is.unemptyString(specName),
113 | 'could not get spec name from spec file',
114 | specFile
115 | )
116 |
117 | const snapshotFolder = getSnapshotsFolder(specFile, opts)
118 |
119 | verbose(
120 | 'spec file "%s" has name "%s" and snapshot folder %s',
121 | specFile,
122 | specName,
123 | snapshotFolder
124 | )
125 |
126 | let filename = path.join(snapshotFolder, specName)
127 | if (ext) {
128 | if (!filename.endsWith(ext)) {
129 | filename += ext
130 | }
131 | }
132 | verbose('formed filename %s', filename)
133 | const fullName = resolveToCwd(filename)
134 | verbose('full resolved name %s', fullName)
135 |
136 | return fullName
137 | }
138 |
139 | function loadSnapshotsFrom (filename) {
140 | la(is.unemptyString(filename), 'missing snapshots filename', filename)
141 |
142 | debug('loading snapshots from %s', filename)
143 | let snapshots = {}
144 | if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
145 | snapshots = loadSnaps(filename)
146 | } else {
147 | debug('could not find snapshots file %s', filename)
148 | }
149 | return snapshots
150 | }
151 |
152 | function loadSnapshots (specFile, ext, opts = { useRelativePath: false }) {
153 | la(is.unemptyString(specFile), 'missing specFile name', specFile)
154 | la(isLoadOptions(opts), 'expected loadSnapshots options', opts)
155 |
156 | const filename = fileForSpec(specFile, ext, opts)
157 | verbose('from spec %s got snap filename %s', specFile, filename)
158 | return loadSnapshotsFrom(filename)
159 | }
160 |
161 | function prepareFragments (snapshots, opts = { sortSnapshots: true }) {
162 | la(isSaveOptions(opts), 'expected prepare fragments options', opts)
163 |
164 | const keys = Object.keys(snapshots)
165 | debug(
166 | 'prepare %s, sorted? %d',
167 | pluralize('snapshot', keys.length, true),
168 | opts.sortSnapshots
169 | )
170 | const names = opts.sortSnapshots ? keys.sort() : keys
171 |
172 | const fragments = names.map(testName => {
173 | debug(`snapshot fragment name "${testName}"`)
174 | const value = snapshots[testName]
175 | const escapedName = escapeQuotes(testName)
176 | return is.string(value)
177 | ? exportText(escapedName, value)
178 | : exportObject(escapedName, value)
179 | })
180 |
181 | return fragments
182 | }
183 |
184 | function maybeSortAndSave (snapshots, filename, opts = { sortSnapshots: true }) {
185 | const fragments = prepareFragments(snapshots, opts)
186 | debug('have %s', pluralize('fragment', fragments.length, true))
187 |
188 | const s = fragments.join('\n')
189 | fs.writeFileSync(filename, s, 'utf8')
190 | return s
191 | }
192 |
193 |
194 | function saveSnapshots (
195 | specFile,
196 | snapshots,
197 | ext,
198 | opts = { sortSnapshots: true, useRelativePath: false }
199 | ) {
200 | la(
201 | isSaveOptions(opts) && isLoadOptions(opts),
202 | 'expected save snapshots options',
203 | opts
204 | )
205 |
206 | const snapshotsFolder = getSnapshotsFolder(specFile, opts)
207 | debug('for spec file %s', specFile)
208 | debug('making folder "%s" for snapshot if does not exist', snapshotsFolder)
209 |
210 | mkdirp.sync(snapshotsFolder)
211 | const filename = fileForSpec(specFile, ext, opts)
212 | const specRelativeName = fromCurrentFolder(specFile)
213 | debug('saving snapshots into %s for %s', filename, specRelativeName)
214 | debug('snapshots are')
215 | debug(snapshots)
216 | debug('saveSnapshots options %o', opts)
217 |
218 | return maybeSortAndSave(snapshots, filename, opts)
219 | }
220 |
221 | const isValidCompareResult = is.schema({
222 | orElse: is.fn
223 | })
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 | function raiseIfDifferent (options) {
232 | options = options || {}
233 |
234 | const value = options.value
235 | const expected = options.expected
236 | const specName = options.specName
237 | const compare = options.compare
238 |
239 | la(value, 'missing value to compare', value)
240 | la(expected, 'missing expected value', expected)
241 | la(is.unemptyString(specName), 'missing spec name', specName)
242 |
243 | const result = compare({ expected, value })
244 | la(
245 | isValidCompareResult(result),
246 | 'invalid compare result',
247 | result,
248 | 'when comparing value\n',
249 | value,
250 | 'with expected\n',
251 | expected
252 | )
253 |
254 | result.orElse(message => {
255 | debug('Test "%s" snapshot difference', specName)
256 | la(is.unemptyString(message), 'missing err string', message)
257 |
258 | const fullMessage = `Different value of snapshot "${specName}"\n${message}`
259 |
260 |
261 | console.error(fullMessage)
262 |
263 | throw new Error(fullMessage)
264 | })
265 | }
266 |
267 | module.exports = {
268 | readFileSync: fs.readFileSync,
269 | fromCurrentFolder,
270 | loadSnapshots,
271 | loadSnapshotsFrom,
272 | saveSnapshots,
273 | maybeSortAndSave,
274 | raiseIfDifferent,
275 | fileForSpec,
276 | exportText,
277 | prepareFragments,
278 | joinSnapshotsFolder,
279 | snapshotsFolderName
280 | }