1 | 'use strict'
2 |
3 | const debug = require('debug')('snap-shot')
4 | const stackSites = require('stack-sites')
5 | const callsites = require('callsites')
6 | const la = require('lazy-ass')
7 | const is = require('check-more-types')
8 | const getSpecFunction = require('find-test-caller')
9 | const {strip} = require('./utils')
10 | const snapShotCore = require('snap-shot-core')
11 | const compare = require('./compare')
12 |
13 | const isNode = Boolean(require('fs').existsSync)
14 | const isBrowser = !isNode
15 | const isCypress = isBrowser && typeof cy === 'object'
16 |
17 | let fs
18 | if (isNode) {
19 | fs = require('./file-system')
20 | } else if (isCypress) {
21 | fs = require('./cypress-system')
22 | } else {
23 | fs = require('./browser-system')
24 | }
25 |
26 | const opts = {
27 | show: Boolean(process.env.SHOW),
28 | dryRun: Boolean(process.env.DRY),
29 | update: Boolean(process.env.UPDATE),
30 | ci: Boolean(process.env.CI)
31 | }
32 |
33 | const SNAP_SHOT_EXTENSION = '.snap-shot'
34 |
35 | function getSpec ({file, line}) {
36 | return getSpecFunction({file, line, fs})
37 | }
38 |
39 | function dataDriven (fn, inputs) {
40 | la(is.fn(fn), 'expected a function for data-driven test', fn)
41 | la(is.array(inputs),
42 | 'expected list of inputs', inputs, 'to function', fn.name)
43 | const name = fn.name
44 | const behavior = inputs.map(given => {
45 | const args = Array.isArray(given) ? given : [given]
46 | return {
47 | given,
48 | expect: fn.apply(null, args)
49 | }
50 | })
51 | return {name, behavior}
52 | }
53 |
54 | function snapshot (what, update) {
55 | const sites = stackSites()
56 | if (sites.length < 3) {
57 |
58 | if (this && this.test && this.test.title) {
59 | debug('no callsite, but have test title "%s"', this.test.title)
60 | return this.test.title
61 | }
62 | debug(sites)
63 | const msg = 'Do not have caller function callsite'
64 | throw new Error(msg)
65 | }
66 | debug('%d callsite(s)', sites.length)
67 |
68 | const caller = sites[2]
69 | const file = caller.filename
70 |
71 |
72 | const line = caller.line
73 | const column = caller.column
74 | const message = `
75 | file: ${file}
76 | line: ${line},
77 | column: ${column}
78 | `
79 | debug(message)
80 | let {specName, specSource, startLine} = getSpec({file, line, column})
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | if (!specName) {
85 | const caller = sites[3]
86 | const file = caller.filename
87 | const line = caller.line
88 | const column = caller.column
89 | debug('trying to get snapshot from %s %d,%d', file, line, column)
90 | const out = getSpec({file, line, column})
91 | specName = out.specName
92 | specSource = out.specSource
93 | startLine = out.startLine
94 | }
95 |
96 | if (!specName) {
97 |
98 | const sites = callsites()
99 | const caller = sites[1]
100 | const file = caller.getFileName()
101 | const line = caller.getLineNumber()
102 | const column = caller.getColumnNumber()
103 | debug('trying to get snapshot from callsite %s %d,%d', file, line, column)
104 | const out = getSpec({file, line, column})
105 | specName = out.specName
106 | specSource = out.specSource
107 | startLine = out.startLine
108 | }
109 |
110 | if (!specName) {
111 | console.error('Problem finding caller')
112 | console.trace()
113 |
114 | const relativeName = fs.fromCurrentFolder(file)
115 | const msg = `Could not determine test for ${relativeName}
116 | line ${line} column ${column}`
117 | throw new Error(msg)
118 | }
119 | debug(`found spec name "${specName}" for line ${line} column ${column}`)
120 | la(is.unemptyString(specSource), 'could not get spec source from',
121 | file, 'line', line, 'column', column, 'named', specName)
122 | la(is.number(startLine), 'could not determine spec function start line',
123 | file, 'line', line, 'column', column, 'named', specName)
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 | if (is.fn(what) && arguments.length > 1) {
130 | debug(`data-driven test for ${what.name}`)
131 | la(is.unemptyString(what.name),
132 | 'input function is missing name', what.toString())
133 | what = dataDriven(what, Array.from(arguments).slice(1))
134 | }
135 |
136 | const setOrCheckValue = any => {
137 | const value = strip(any)
138 | snapShotCore({
139 | what: value,
140 | file,
141 | specName,
142 | compare: compare,
144 | opts
145 | })
146 | return value
147 | }
148 |
149 | if (is.promise(what)) {
150 | return what.then(setOrCheckValue)
151 | } else {
152 | return setOrCheckValue(what)
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | if (isBrowser) {
157 |
158 | la(is.fn(fs.init), 'browser file system is missing init', fs)
159 | snapshot.init = fs.init
160 | }
161 |
162 | module.exports = snapshot