1 | [![CI](https://github.com/pikapkg/snowpack/workflows/CI/badge.svg?event=push)](https://github.com/pikapkg/snowpack/actions)
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3 | <p align="center">
4 | <img alt="Logo" src="https://www.snowpack.dev/img/logo.png" height="240">
5 | </p>
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7 | <p align="center">
8 | <strong>Snowpack</strong><br/> Build web applications with less tooling and 10x faster iteration. No bundler required.
9 | </p>
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11 | ```bash
12 | npm install --save-dev snowpack
13 | ```
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15 | 1. Instead of bundling on every change, just run Snowpack **once** right after `npm install`.
16 | 2. Snowpack re-installs your dependencies as single JS files to a new `web_modules/` directory.
17 | **↣ Snowpack never touches your source code.**
18 | 3. Build your app, import those dependencies via an ESM `import`, and then run it all in the browser.
19 | 4. Skip the bundle step and see your changes reflected in the browser immediately after hitting save.
20 | 5. Keep using your favorite web frameworks and build tools! Babel & TypeScript supported.
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22 | **💁 More info at the official [Snowpack website ➞](https://snowpack.dev)**
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24 | ## Examples
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26 | > 🆕 Check out **[`snowpack-init`](https://github.com/pikapkg/snowpack-init)**! Instantly bootstrap a starter app with Snowpack + Preact, Lit-HTML, TypeScript, and more.
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28 | - A basic, three-dependency project: [[Source]](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/pika-web-example-simple) [[Live Demo]](https://pika-web-example-simple.glitch.me/)
29 | - To-do app with server-side render (Preact + HTM + Express): [[Source]](https://github.com/beejunk/universal-pika-example) [[Live Demo]](https://safe-everglades-56846.herokuapp.com/)
30 | - Terminal Homepage (Preact + Typescript + Babel): [[Source]](https://github.com/ndom91/terminal-homepage) [[Live Demo]](https://termy.netlify.com)
31 | - Electron (using Three.js): [[Source]](https://github.com/br3tt/electron-three)
32 | - TypeScript (using Preact): [[Source]](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/pika-web-ts-preact) [[Live Demo]](https://pika-web-ts-preact.glitch.me/)
33 | - Vue (using httpVueLoader): [[Source]](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/pika-web-vue-httpvueloader) [[Live Demo]](https://pika-web-vue-httpvueloader.glitch.me/) [By: [@thiagoabreu](https://github.com/thiagoabreu)]
34 | - Vue (using JSX): [[Source]](https://gitlab.com/unclejustin/snowpack-vue) [[Live Demo]](https://snowpack-vue.netlify.com/) [By: [@unclejustin](https://gitlab.com/unclejustin)]
35 | - PWA-Starter-Kit (lit-html + Redux): [[Source]](https://github.com/Polymer/pwa-starter-kit/issues/339)
36 | - LitElement + lit-html PWA: [[Source]](https://github.com/thepassle/reddit-pwa) [[Live Demo]](https://angry-turing-4769b3.netlify.com/)
37 | - [Heresy](https://github.com/WebReflection/heresy) and [LighterHTML](https://github.com/WebReflection/lighterhtml): [[Source]](https://github.com/AhnafCodes/SAltEnv/)
38 | - Hyperapp and JSX (using Babel): [[Source]](https://github.com/Monchi/snowpack-hyperapp) [[Live Demo]](https://snowpack-hyperapp.netlify.com/)
39 | - React PWA Starter (React + Styled components + Workbox): [[Source]](https://github.com/matthoffner/es-react-pwa) [[Live Demo]](https://es-react-pwa.netlify.com/)
40 | - Preact, JSX, Fragment, Router, CSS Grid, Typescript, Babel: [[Source]](https://github.com/crra/snowpack-doodle)
41 | - React, JSX, Material-UI and super basic routing: [[Source]](https://github.com/jmetev1/snowpackJSXreact)
42 | - A basic svelte setup powered by svelvet: [[Source]](https://github.com/jakedeichert/svelvet)
43 | - React Component Library w/Storybook! (React, Typescript, Material-UI): [[Source]](https://github.com/snikas/React-Component-Library)
44 | - 🙋♀️ Have a great example you'd like to share? Create it on [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/), [Glitch](https://glitch.com), or [GitHub](https://github.com/new). Then add it here via PR.