1 | import chalk from "chalk";
2 | import * as os from "os";
3 |
4 | import { createFromJSON, DepGraph } from "@snyk/dep-graph";
5 | import {
6 | BaseImageRemediationAdvice,
7 | ContainerTarget,
8 | Issue,
9 | Options,
10 | ScanResult,
11 | TestResult,
12 | } from "./types";
13 |
14 | const BREAK_LINE = os.EOL;
16 |
17 | export async function display(
18 | scanResults: ScanResult[],
19 | testResults: TestResult[],
20 | errors: string[],
21 | options?: Options,
22 | ): Promise<string> {
23 | const result: string[] = [];
24 | let index = 0;
25 | for (const testResult of testResults) {
26 | const formattedIssue: string[] = [];
27 | for (const issue of testResult.issues) {
28 | formattedIssue.push(formatIssue(testResult, issue));
29 | }
30 | result.push(formattedIssue.join(BREAK_LINE));
31 | result.push(includeSectionSeparator());
32 |
33 | const scanResult: ScanResult = scanResults[index];
34 | const metadata = formatMetadataSection(scanResult, testResult);
35 | result.push(metadata);
36 | result.push(includeSectionSeparator());
37 |
38 | const summary = formatSummary(testResult);
39 | result.push(summary);
40 | result.push(includeSectionSeparator());
41 |
42 | const remediations = formatRemediations(testResult);
43 | if (remediations) {
44 | result.push(remediations);
45 | result.push(includeSectionSeparator());
46 | }
47 |
48 | const suggestions = formatSuggestions(options);
49 | if (suggestions) {
50 | result.push(suggestions);
51 | result.push(includeSectionSeparator());
52 | }
53 |
54 | const userCTA = formatUserCTA(options);
55 | if (userCTA) {
56 | result.push(userCTA);
57 | }
58 |
59 | index += 1;
60 | }
61 |
62 | return result.join(BREAK_LINE);
63 | }
64 |
65 | function includeSectionSeparator(): string {
66 | return BREAK_LINE;
67 | }
68 |
69 | function formatIssue(testResult: TestResult, issue: Issue): string {
70 | const result: string[] = [];
71 | const issueData = testResult.issuesData[issue.issueId];
72 | const severity = capitalize(issueData.severity);
73 | const pkg = issue.pkgName;
74 | const color = getColor(issueData.severity);
75 |
76 | const header = color(`✗ ${severity} severity vulnerability found in ${pkg}`);
77 | const description = ` Description: ${issueData.title}`;
78 | const info = ` Info: https://snyk.io/vuln/${issue.issueId}`;
79 | const introduced = ` Introduced through: ${formatIntroduced(
80 | issueData.from,
81 | )}`;
82 | const from = formatFrom(issueData.from);
83 | const fixedIn = formatFixedIn(issue);
84 |
85 | result.push(header);
86 | result.push(description);
87 | result.push(info);
88 | result.push(introduced);
89 | result.push(from);
90 | if (fixedIn) {
91 | result.push(fixedIn);
92 | }
93 | result.push("");
94 |
95 | return result.join(BREAK_LINE);
96 | }
97 |
98 | function capitalize(word: string): string {
99 | return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
100 | }
101 |
102 | function formatIntroduced(fromList: string[][]) {
103 | const result: string[] = [];
104 |
105 | for (const from of fromList) {
106 | result.push(from[0]);
107 | }
108 |
109 | return result.join(", ");
110 | }
111 | function formatFrom(fromList: string[][]): string {
112 | const result: string[] = [];
113 | let counter = 0;
114 | const max = 3;
115 | for (const localFrom of fromList) {
116 | if (counter >= max) {
117 | break;
118 | }
119 | counter += 1;
120 |
121 | result.push(` From: ${localFrom.join(" > ")}`);
122 | }
123 | if (fromList.length > max) {
124 | result.push(` and ${(fromList.length = max)} more...`);
125 | }
126 |
127 | return result.join(BREAK_LINE);
128 | }
129 |
130 | function formatFixedIn(issue: Issue): string | undefined {
131 | if (!issue.fixInfo || !issue.fixInfo.nearestFixedInVersion) {
132 | return undefined;
133 | }
134 |
135 | return chalk.bold.green(` Fixed in: ${issue.fixInfo.nearestFixedInVersion}`);
136 | }
137 |
138 | function formatMetadataSection(
139 | scanResult: ScanResult,
140 | testResult: TestResult,
141 | ): string {
142 | const result: string[] = [];
143 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Organization:", testResult.org));
144 |
145 | const packageManager = scanResult.identity.type;
146 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Package manager:", packageManager));
147 |
148 | const target: ContainerTarget = scanResult.target as ContainerTarget;
149 | const projectName = target.image;
150 | const image = target.image.replace("docker-image|", "");
151 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Project name:", projectName));
152 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Docker image:", image));
153 | if (testResult.docker && testResult.docker.baseImage) {
154 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Base image:", testResult.docker.baseImage));
155 | }
156 | if (testResult.licensesPolicy) {
157 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Licenses:", chalk.green("enabled")));
158 | }
159 | const platform = scanResult.identity.args?.platform;
160 | if (platform) {
161 | result.push(formatMetadataLine("Platform:", platform));
162 | }
163 |
164 | return result.join(BREAK_LINE);
165 | }
166 |
167 | function formatMetadataLine(header: string, info: string = ""): string {
168 | return `${chalk.green(
170 | )} ${info}`;
171 | }
172 |
173 | function formatSummary(testResult: TestResult): string {
174 | const depGraph: DepGraph = createFromJSON(testResult.depGraphData);
175 | const pkgCount = depGraph?.getDepPkgs()?.length || 0;
176 | const pathOrDepsText = `${pkgCount} dependencies`;
177 | const testedInfoText = `Tested ${pathOrDepsText} for known issues`;
178 | const vulnPathsText = formatVulnSummaryText(testResult.issues);
179 | let summaryText = `${testedInfoText}, ${vulnPathsText}`;
180 | if (testResult.issues.length === 0) {
181 | summaryText = chalk.green(`✓ ${summaryText}`);
182 | }
183 |
184 | return summaryText;
185 | }
186 |
187 | function formatVulnSummaryText(issues: Issue[]): string {
188 | if (issues.length > 0) {
189 | return chalk.bold.red(`found ${issues.length} issues.`);
190 | }
191 |
192 | return "no vulnerable paths found.";
193 | }
194 |
195 | function getColor(severity: string): (text: string) => string {
196 | let color: (text: string) => string;
197 | switch (severity) {
198 | case "low":
199 | color = chalk.bold.blue;
200 | break;
201 | case "medium":
202 | color = chalk.bold.yellow;
203 | break;
204 | case "high":
205 | color = chalk.bold.red;
206 | break;
207 | default:
208 | color = chalk.whiteBright;
209 | break;
210 | }
211 |
212 | return color;
213 | }
214 |
215 | export function formatRemediations(res: TestResult) {
216 | if (!res.docker || !res.docker.baseImageRemediation) {
217 | return "";
218 | }
219 | const { advice, message } = res.docker.baseImageRemediation;
220 | const out = [] as any[];
221 |
222 | if (advice) {
223 | for (const item of advice) {
224 | out.push(formatString(item)(item.message));
225 | }
226 | } else if (message) {
227 | out.push(message);
228 | } else {
229 | return "";
230 | }
231 | return `${out.join(BREAK_LINE)}`;
232 | }
233 |
234 | function formatString({ color, bold }: BaseImageRemediationAdvice) {
235 | let formatter = chalk;
236 | if (color && formatter[color]) {
237 | formatter = formatter[color];
238 | }
239 | if (bold) {
240 | formatter = formatter.bold;
241 | }
242 | return formatter;
243 | }
244 |
245 | function formatSuggestions(options): string {
246 | if (options.isDockerUser) {
247 | return "";
248 | }
249 |
250 | const dockerSuggestion: string[] = [];
251 | if (options.config && options.config.disableSuggestions !== "true") {
252 | const optOutSuggestions =
253 | "To remove this message in the future, please run `snyk config set disableSuggestions=true`";
254 | if (!options.file) {
255 | dockerSuggestion.push(
256 | chalk.bold.white(
257 | "Pro tip: use `--file` option to get base image remediation advice.",
258 | ),
259 | );
260 | dockerSuggestion.push(
261 | chalk.bold.white(
262 | `Example: $ snyk container test ${options.path} --file=path/to/Dockerfile`,
263 | ),
264 | );
265 | dockerSuggestion.push(BREAK_LINE);
266 | dockerSuggestion.push(optOutSuggestions);
267 | } else if (!options["exclude-base-image-vulns"]) {
268 | dockerSuggestion.push(
269 | chalk.bold.white(
270 | "Pro tip: use `--exclude-base-image-vulns` to exclude from display Docker base image vulnerabilities.",
271 | ),
272 | );
273 | dockerSuggestion.push(BREAK_LINE);
274 | dockerSuggestion.push(optOutSuggestions);
275 | }
276 | }
277 | return dockerSuggestion.join(BREAK_LINE);
278 | }
279 |
280 | function formatUserCTA(options): string {
281 | if (options.isDockerUser) {
282 | return "For more free scans that keep your images secure, sign up to Snyk at https://dockr.ly/3ePqVcp";
283 | }
284 | return "";
285 | }
286 |
287 | function padding(s: string, padding: number) {
288 | const padLength = padding - s.length;
289 | if (padLength <= 0) {
290 | return s;
291 | }
292 |
293 | return s + " ".repeat(padLength);
294 | }