1 | import * as fs from "fs";
2 | import * as path from "path";
3 |
4 | import { getImageArchive } from "./analyzer/image-inspector";
5 | import { readDockerfileAndAnalyse } from "./dockerfile";
6 | import { DockerFileAnalysis } from "./dockerfile/types";
7 | import { ImageName } from "./extractor/image";
8 | import { fullImageSavePath } from "./image-save-path";
9 | import { getArchivePath, getImageType } from "./image-type";
10 | import { isNumber, isTrue } from "./option-utils";
11 | import * as staticModule from "./static";
12 | import { ImageType, PluginOptions, PluginResponse } from "./types";
13 |
14 |
15 | export function mergeEnvVarsIntoCredentials(
16 | options: Partial<PluginOptions>,
17 | ): void {
18 | options.username = options.username || process.env.SNYK_REGISTRY_USERNAME;
19 | options.password = options.password || process.env.SNYK_REGISTRY_PASSWORD;
20 | }
21 |
22 | export async function scan(
23 | options?: Partial<PluginOptions>,
24 | ): Promise<PluginResponse> {
25 | if (!options) {
26 | throw new Error("No plugin options provided");
27 | }
28 |
29 | mergeEnvVarsIntoCredentials(options);
30 |
31 | if (!options.path) {
32 | throw new Error("No image identifier or path provided");
33 | }
34 |
35 | const nestedJarsDepth =
36 | options["nested-jars-depth"] || options["shaded-jars-depth"];
37 | if (
38 | (isTrue(nestedJarsDepth) || isNumber(nestedJarsDepth)) &&
39 | isTrue(options["exclude-app-vulns"])
40 | ) {
41 | throw new Error(
42 | "To use --nested-jars-depth, you must not use --exclude-app-vulns",
43 | );
44 | }
45 |
46 | if (
47 | (!isNumber(nestedJarsDepth) &&
48 | !isTrue(nestedJarsDepth) &&
49 | typeof nestedJarsDepth !== "undefined") ||
50 | Number(nestedJarsDepth) < 0
51 | ) {
52 | throw new Error(
53 | "--nested-jars-depth accepts only numbers bigger than or equal to 0",
54 | );
55 | }
56 |
57 |
58 | if (options.globsToFind) {
59 | options.globsToFind.include = options.globsToFind.include.filter(
60 | (glob) => !glob.includes("composer"),
61 | );
62 | }
63 |
64 | const targetImage = appendLatestTagIfMissing(options.path);
65 |
66 | const dockerfilePath = options.file;
67 | const dockerfileAnalysis = await readDockerfileAndAnalyse(dockerfilePath);
68 |
69 | const imageType = getImageType(targetImage);
70 | switch (imageType) {
71 | case ImageType.DockerArchive:
72 | case ImageType.OciArchive:
73 | return localArchiveAnalysis(
74 | targetImage,
75 | imageType,
76 | dockerfileAnalysis,
77 | options,
78 | );
79 | case ImageType.Identifier:
80 | return imageIdentifierAnalysis(
81 | targetImage,
82 | imageType,
83 | dockerfileAnalysis,
84 | options,
85 | );
86 |
87 | default:
88 | throw new Error("Unhandled image type for image " + targetImage);
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | async function localArchiveAnalysis(
93 | targetImage: string,
94 | imageType: ImageType,
95 | dockerfileAnalysis: DockerFileAnalysis | undefined,
96 | options: Partial<PluginOptions>,
97 | ): Promise<PluginResponse> {
98 | const globToFind = {
99 | include: options.globsToFind?.include || [],
100 | exclude: options.globsToFind?.exclude || [],
101 | };
102 |
103 | const archivePath = getArchivePath(targetImage);
104 | if (!fs.existsSync(archivePath)) {
105 | throw new Error(
106 | "The provided archive path does not exist on the filesystem",
107 | );
108 | }
109 | if (!fs.lstatSync(archivePath).isFile()) {
110 | throw new Error("The provided archive path is not a file");
111 | }
112 |
113 | const imageIdentifier =
114 | options.imageNameAndTag ||
115 |
116 | path.basename(archivePath);
117 |
118 | let imageName: ImageName | undefined;
119 | if (
120 | (options.digests?.manifest || options.digests?.index) &&
121 | options.imageNameAndTag
122 | ) {
123 | imageName = new ImageName(options.imageNameAndTag, {
124 | manifest: options.digests?.manifest,
125 | index: options.digests?.index,
126 | });
127 | }
128 |
129 | return await staticModule.analyzeStatically(
130 | imageIdentifier,
131 | dockerfileAnalysis,
132 | imageType,
133 | archivePath,
134 | globToFind,
135 | options,
136 | imageName,
137 | );
138 | }
139 |
140 | async function imageIdentifierAnalysis(
141 | targetImage: string,
142 | imageType: ImageType,
143 | dockerfileAnalysis: DockerFileAnalysis | undefined,
144 | options: Partial<PluginOptions>,
145 | ): Promise<PluginResponse> {
146 | const globToFind = {
147 | include: options.globsToFind?.include || [],
148 | exclude: options.globsToFind?.exclude || [],
149 | };
150 |
151 | const imageSavePath = fullImageSavePath(options.imageSavePath);
152 | const archiveResult = await getImageArchive(
153 | targetImage,
154 | imageSavePath,
155 | options.username,
156 | options.password,
157 | options.platform,
158 | );
159 |
160 | const imagePath = archiveResult.path;
161 | const imageName = archiveResult.imageName;
162 | try {
163 | return await staticModule.analyzeStatically(
164 | targetImage,
165 | dockerfileAnalysis,
166 | imageType,
167 | imagePath,
168 | globToFind,
169 | options,
170 | imageName,
171 | );
172 | } finally {
173 | archiveResult.removeArchive();
174 | }
175 | }
176 |
177 | export function appendLatestTagIfMissing(targetImage: string): string {
178 | if (
179 | getImageType(targetImage) === ImageType.Identifier &&
180 | !targetImage.includes(":")
181 | ) {
182 | return `${targetImage}:latest`;
183 | }
184 | return targetImage;
185 | }