1 | import { Dockerfile, Instruction } from "dockerfile-ast";
2 | import { UnresolvedDockerfileVariableHandling } from "../types";
3 | import {
4 | DockerFileAnalysisErrorCode,
5 | DockerFileLayers,
6 | DockerFilePackages,
7 | GetDockerfileBaseImageNameResult,
8 | } from "./types";
9 |
10 | export {
11 | getDockerfileBaseImageName,
12 | getLayersFromPackages,
13 | getPackagesFromDockerfile,
14 | instructionDigest,
15 | getPackagesFromRunInstructions,
16 | };
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | const installRegex =
21 | /(rpm\s+-i|rpm\s+--install|apk\s+((--update|-u|--no-cache)\s+)*add(\s+(--update|-u|--no-cache))*|apt-get\s+((--assume-yes|--yes|-y)\s+)*install(\s+(--assume-yes|--yes|-y))*|apt\s+((--assume-yes|--yes|-y)\s+)*install|yum\s+install|aptitude\s+install)\s+/;
22 |
23 | function getPackagesFromDockerfile(dockerfile: Dockerfile): DockerFilePackages {
24 | const runInstructions = getRunInstructionsFromDockerfile(dockerfile);
25 | return getPackagesFromRunInstructions(runInstructions);
26 | }
27 |
28 | function getRunInstructionsFromDockerfile(dockerfile: Dockerfile) {
29 | return dockerfile
30 | .getInstructions()
31 | .filter(
32 | (instruction) => instruction.getInstruction().toUpperCase() === "RUN",
33 | )
34 | .map((instruction) =>
35 | getInstructionExpandVariables(
36 | instruction,
37 | dockerfile,
38 | UnresolvedDockerfileVariableHandling.Continue,
39 | ),
40 | );
41 | }
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | function getPackagesFromRunInstructions(runInstructions: string[]) {
52 | return runInstructions.reduce((dockerfilePackages, instruction) => {
53 | const cleanedInstruction = cleanInstruction(instruction);
54 | const commands = cleanedInstruction.split(/\s?(;|&&)\s?/);
55 | const installCommands = commands.filter((command) =>
56 | installRegex.test(command),
57 | );
58 |
59 | if (installCommands.length) {
60 |
61 | for (const command of installCommands) {
62 | const packages = command
63 | .replace(installRegex, "")
64 | .split(/\s+/)
65 | .filter((arg) => arg && !arg.startsWith("-"));
66 |
67 | packages.forEach((pkg) => {
68 |
69 | let name = pkg.split("=")[0];
70 | if (name.startsWith("$")) {
71 | name = name.slice(1);
72 | }
73 | const installCommand =
74 | installCommands
75 | .find((cmd) => cmd.indexOf(name) !== -1)
76 | ?.replace(/\s+/g, " ")
77 | .trim() || "Unknown";
78 | dockerfilePackages[name] = {
79 | instruction,
80 | installCommand,
81 | };
82 | });
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | return dockerfilePackages;
87 | }, {});
88 | }
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 | function cleanInstruction(instruction: string): string {
95 | let cleanedInstruction = instruction;
96 | const runDefs = ["RUN ", "/bin/sh ", "-c "];
97 | const argsPrefixRegex = /^\|\d .*?=/;
98 |
99 | for (const runDef of runDefs) {
100 | if (cleanedInstruction.startsWith(runDef)) {
101 | cleanedInstruction = cleanedInstruction.slice(runDef.length);
102 | if (runDef === runDefs[0] && argsPrefixRegex.test(cleanedInstruction)) {
103 | const match = installRegex.exec(cleanedInstruction);
104 | if (match) {
105 | cleanedInstruction = cleanedInstruction.slice(match.index);
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 | return cleanedInstruction;
111 | }
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 | function getInstructionExpandVariables(
122 | instruction: Instruction,
123 | dockerfile: Dockerfile,
124 | unresolvedVariableHandling: UnresolvedDockerfileVariableHandling,
125 | text?: string,
126 | ): string {
127 | let str = text || instruction.toString();
128 | const resolvedVariables = {};
129 |
130 | for (const variable of instruction.getVariables()) {
131 | const line = variable.getRange().start.line;
132 | const name = variable.getName();
133 | resolvedVariables[name] = dockerfile.resolveVariable(name, line);
134 | }
135 | for (const variable of Object.keys(resolvedVariables)) {
136 | if (
137 | unresolvedVariableHandling ===
138 | UnresolvedDockerfileVariableHandling.Abort &&
139 | !resolvedVariables[variable]
140 | ) {
141 | str = "";
142 | break;
143 | }
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 | str = str.replace(
149 | RegExp(`\\$\{${variable}\}|\\$${variable}`, "g"),
150 | resolvedVariables[variable] || "",
151 | );
152 | }
153 |
154 | return str;
155 | }
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 | function getDockerfileBaseImageName(
162 | dockerfile: Dockerfile,
163 | ): GetDockerfileBaseImageNameResult {
164 | const froms = dockerfile.getFROMs();
165 |
166 | const stagesNames = froms.reduce(
167 | (stagesNames, fromInstruction) => {
168 | const fromName = fromInstruction.getImage() as string;
169 | const args = fromInstruction.getArguments();
170 |
171 | const expandedName = getInstructionExpandVariables(
172 | fromInstruction,
173 | dockerfile,
174 | UnresolvedDockerfileVariableHandling.Abort,
175 | fromName,
176 | );
177 |
178 | const hasUnresolvedVariables =
179 | expandedName.split(":").some((name) => !name) ||
180 | expandedName.split("@").some((name) => !name);
181 |
182 | if (args.length > 2 && args[1].getValue().toUpperCase() === "AS") {
183 |
184 | const aliasName = args[2].getValue();
185 |
186 | if (!expandedName) {
187 | stagesNames.aliases[aliasName] = null;
188 | } else {
189 | stagesNames.aliases[aliasName] =
190 | stagesNames.aliases[expandedName] || expandedName;
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | const hasUnresolvedAlias =
195 | Object.keys(stagesNames.aliases).includes(expandedName) &&
196 | !stagesNames.aliases[expandedName];
197 |
198 | if (expandedName === "" || hasUnresolvedVariables || hasUnresolvedAlias) {
199 | return {
200 | ...stagesNames,
201 | last: undefined,
202 | };
203 | }
204 |
205 |
206 | stagesNames.last = stagesNames.aliases[expandedName] || expandedName;
207 |
208 | return stagesNames;
209 | },
210 | { last: undefined, aliases: {} },
211 | );
212 |
213 | if (stagesNames.last) {
214 | return {
215 | baseImage: stagesNames.last,
216 | };
217 | }
218 |
219 | if (!froms.length) {
220 | return {
221 | error: {
222 | code: DockerFileAnalysisErrorCode.BASE_IMAGE_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
223 | },
224 | };
225 | }
226 |
227 | return {
228 | error: {
229 | code: DockerFileAnalysisErrorCode.BASE_IMAGE_NON_RESOLVABLE,
230 | },
231 | };
232 | }
233 |
234 | function instructionDigest(instruction): string {
235 | return Buffer.from(instruction).toString("base64");
236 | }
237 |
238 | function getLayersFromPackages(
239 | dockerfilePkgs: DockerFilePackages,
240 | ): DockerFileLayers {
241 | return Object.keys(dockerfilePkgs).reduce((res, pkg) => {
242 | const { instruction } = dockerfilePkgs[pkg];
243 | res[instructionDigest(instruction)] = { instruction };
244 | return res;
245 | }, {});
246 | }