1 | # socket.io-redis
2 |
3 | [![Build Status](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-redis/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-redis/actions)
4 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/socket.io-redis.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/socket.io-redis)
5 |
6 | ## Table of contents
7 |
8 | - [How to use](#how-to-use)
9 | - [CommonJS](#commonjs)
10 | - [ES6 module](#es6-modules)
11 | - [TypeScript](#typescript)
12 | - [Compatibility table](#compatibility-table)
13 | - [How does it work under the hood?](#how-does-it-work-under-the-hood)
14 | - [API](#api)
15 | - [adapter(uri[, opts])](#adapteruri-opts)
16 | - [adapter(opts)](#adapteropts)
17 | - [RedisAdapter](#redisadapter)
18 | - [RedisAdapter#sockets(rooms: Set<String>)](#redisadaptersocketsrooms-setstring)
19 | - [RedisAdapter#allRooms()](#redisadapterallrooms)
20 | - [RedisAdapter#remoteJoin(id:String, room:String)](#redisadapterremotejoinidstring-roomstring)
21 | - [RedisAdapter#remoteLeave(id:String, room:String)](#redisadapterremoteleaveidstring-roomstring)
22 | - [RedisAdapter#remoteDisconnect(id:String, close:Boolean)](#redisadapterremotedisconnectidstring-closeboolean)
23 | - [Client error handling](#client-error-handling)
24 | - [Custom client (eg: with authentication)](#custom-client-eg-with-authentication)
25 | - [With ioredis client](#with-ioredishttpsgithubcomluinioredis-client)
26 | - [Cluster example](#cluster-example)
27 | - [Sentinel Example](#sentinel-example)
28 | - [Protocol](#protocol)
29 | - [License](#license)
30 |
31 | ## How to use
32 |
33 | ### CommonJS
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | const io = require('socket.io')(3000);
37 | const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
38 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
39 | ```
40 |
41 | ### ES6 modules
42 |
43 | ```js
44 | import { Server } from 'socket.io';
45 | import redisAdapter from 'socket.io-redis';
46 |
47 | const io = new Server(3000);
48 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
49 | ```
50 |
51 | ### TypeScript
52 |
53 | ```ts
54 | // npm i -D @types/redis
55 | import { Server } from 'socket.io';
56 | import { createAdapter } from 'socket.io-redis';
57 | import { RedisClient } from 'redis';
58 |
59 | const io = new Server(8080);
60 | const pubClient = new RedisClient({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 });
61 | const subClient = pubClient.duplicate();
62 |
63 | io.adapter(createAdapter({ pubClient, subClient }));
64 | ```
65 |
66 | By running Socket.IO with the `socket.io-redis` adapter you can run
67 | multiple Socket.IO instances in different processes or servers that can
68 | all broadcast and emit events to and from each other.
69 |
70 | So any of the following commands:
71 |
72 | ```js
73 | io.emit('hello', 'to all clients');
74 | io.to('room42').emit('hello', "to all clients in 'room42' room");
75 |
76 | io.on('connection', (socket) => {
77 | socket.broadcast.emit('hello', 'to all clients except sender');
78 | socket.to('room42').emit('hello', "to all clients in 'room42' room except sender");
79 | });
80 | ```
81 |
82 | will properly be broadcast to the clients through the Redis [Pub/Sub mechanism](https://redis.io/topics/pubsub).
83 |
84 | If you need to emit events to socket.io instances from a non-socket.io
85 | process, you should use [socket.io-emitter](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-emitter).
86 |
87 | ## Compatibility table
88 |
89 | | Redis Adapter version | Socket.IO server version |
90 | |-----------------------| ------------------------ |
91 | | 4.x | 1.x |
92 | | 5.x | 2.x |
93 | | 6.0.x | 3.x |
94 | | 6.1.x and above | 4.x |
95 |
96 | ## How does it work under the hood?
97 |
98 | This adapter extends the [in-memory adapter](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-adapter/) that is included by default with the Socket.IO server.
99 |
100 | The in-memory adapter stores the relationships between Sockets and Rooms in two Maps.
101 |
102 | When you run `socket.join("room21")`, here's what happens:
103 |
104 | ```
105 | console.log(adapter.rooms); // Map { "room21" => Set { "mdpk4kxF5CmhwfCdAHD8" } }
106 | console.log(adapter.sids); // Map { "mdpk4kxF5CmhwfCdAHD8" => Set { "mdpk4kxF5CmhwfCdAHD8", room21" } }
107 | // "mdpk4kxF5CmhwfCdAHD8" being the ID of the given socket
108 | ```
109 |
110 | Those two Maps are then used when broadcasting:
111 |
112 | - a broadcast to all sockets (`io.emit()`) loops through the `sids` Map, and send the packet to all sockets
113 | - a broadcast to a given room (`io.to("room21").emit()`) loops through the Set in the `rooms` Map, and sends the packet to all matching sockets
114 |
115 | The Redis adapter extends the broadcast function of the in-memory adapter: the packet is also [published](https://redis.io/topics/pubsub) to a Redis channel (see [below](#protocol) for the format of the channel name).
116 |
117 | Each Socket.IO server receives this packet and broadcasts it to its own list of connected sockets.
118 |
119 | To check what's happening on your Redis instance:
120 |
121 | ```
122 | $ redis-cli
124 | Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
125 | 1) "psubscribe"
126 | 2) "*"
127 | 3) (integer) 1
128 |
129 | 1) "pmessage"
130 | 2) "*"
131 | 3) "socket.io#/#" (a broadcast to all sockets or to a list of rooms)
132 | 4) <the packet content>
133 |
134 | 1) "pmessage"
135 | 2) "*"
136 | 3) "socket.io#/#room21#" (a broadcast to a single room)
137 | 4) <the packet content>
138 | ```
139 |
140 | Note: **no data** is stored in Redis itself
141 |
142 | There are 3 Redis subscriptions per namespace:
143 |
144 | - main channel: `<prefix>#<namespace>#*` (glob)
145 | - request channel: `<prefix>-request#<namespace>#`
146 | - response channel: `<prefix>-response#<namespace>#`
147 |
148 | The request and response channels are used in the additional methods exposed by the Redis adapter, like [RedisAdapter#allRooms()](#redisadapterallrooms).
149 |
150 |
151 | ## API
152 |
153 | ### adapter(uri[, opts])
154 |
155 | `uri` is a string like `localhost:6379` where your redis server
156 | is located. For a list of options see below.
157 |
158 | ### adapter(opts)
159 |
160 | The following options are allowed:
161 |
162 | - `key`: the name of the key to pub/sub events on as prefix (`socket.io`)
163 | - `host`: host to connect to redis on (`localhost`)
164 | - `port`: port to connect to redis on (`6379`)
165 | - `pubClient`: optional, the redis client to publish events on
166 | - `subClient`: optional, the redis client to subscribe to events on
167 | - `requestsTimeout`: optional, after this timeout the adapter will stop waiting from responses to request (`5000ms`)
168 |
169 | If you decide to supply `pubClient` and `subClient`, make sure you use
170 | [node_redis](https://github.com/mranney/node_redis) as a client or one
171 | with an equivalent API.
172 |
173 | ### RedisAdapter
174 |
175 | The redis adapter instances expose the following properties
176 | that a regular `Adapter` does not
177 |
178 | - `uid`
179 | - `prefix`
180 | - `pubClient`
181 | - `subClient`
182 | - `requestsTimeout`
183 |
184 | ### RedisAdapter#sockets(rooms: Set<String>)
185 |
186 | Returns the list of socket IDs connected to `rooms` across all nodes. See [Namespace#allSockets()](https://socket.io/docs/v3/server-api/#namespace-allSockets)
187 |
188 | ```js
189 | const sockets = await io.of('/').adapter.sockets();
190 | console.log(sockets); // a Set containing all the connected socket ids
191 |
192 | const sockets = await io.of('/').adapter.sockets(new Set(['room1', 'room2']));
193 | console.log(sockets); // a Set containing the socket ids in 'room1' or in 'room2'
194 |
195 | // this method is also exposed by the Server instance
196 | const sockets = await io.in('room3').allSockets();
197 | console.log(sockets); // a Set containing the socket ids in 'room3'
198 | ```
199 |
200 | ### RedisAdapter#allRooms()
201 |
202 | Returns the list of all rooms.
203 |
204 | ```js
205 | const rooms = await io.of('/').adapter.allRooms();
206 | console.log(rooms); // a Set containing all rooms (across every node)
207 | ```
208 |
209 | ### RedisAdapter#remoteJoin(id:String, room:String)
210 |
211 | Makes the socket with the given id join the room.
212 |
213 | ```js
214 | try {
215 | await io.of('/').adapter.remoteJoin('<my-id>', 'room1');
216 | } catch (e) {
217 | // the socket was not found
218 | }
219 | ```
220 |
221 | ### RedisAdapter#remoteLeave(id:String, room:String)
222 |
223 | Makes the socket with the given id leave the room.
224 |
225 | ```js
226 | try {
227 | await io.of('/').adapter.remoteLeave('<my-id>', 'room1');
228 | } catch (e) {
229 | // the socket was not found
230 | }
231 | ```
232 |
233 | ### RedisAdapter#remoteDisconnect(id:String, close:Boolean)
234 |
235 | Makes the socket with the given id to get disconnected. If `close` is set to true, it also closes the underlying socket.
236 |
237 | ```js
238 | try {
239 | await io.of('/').adapter.remoteDisconnect('<my-id>', true);
240 | } catch (e) {
241 | // the socket was not found
242 | }
243 | ```
244 |
245 | ## Client error handling
246 |
247 | Access the `pubClient` and `subClient` properties of the
248 | Redis Adapter instance to subscribe to its `error` event:
249 |
250 | ```js
251 | const adapter = require('socket.io-redis')('localhost:6379');
252 | adapter.pubClient.on('error', function(){});
253 | adapter.subClient.on('error', function(){});
254 | ```
255 |
256 | The errors emitted from `pubClient` and `subClient` will
257 | also be forwarded to the adapter instance:
258 |
259 | ```js
260 | const io = require('socket.io')(3000);
261 | const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
262 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
263 | io.of('/').adapter.on('error', function(){});
264 | ```
265 |
266 | ## Custom client (eg: with authentication)
267 |
268 | If you need to create a redisAdapter to a redis instance
269 | that has a password, use pub/sub options instead of passing
270 | a connection string.
271 |
272 | ```js
273 | const redis = require('redis');
274 | const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
275 | const pubClient = redis.createClient(port, host, { auth_pass: "pwd" });
276 | const subClient = pubClient.duplicate();
277 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({ pubClient, subClient }));
278 | ```
279 |
280 | ## With ioredis client
281 |
282 | ### Cluster example
283 |
284 | ```js
285 | const io = require('socket.io')(3000);
286 | const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
287 | const Redis = require('ioredis');
288 |
289 | const startupNodes = [
290 | {
291 | port: 6380,
292 | host: ''
293 | },
294 | {
295 | port: 6381,
296 | host: ''
297 | }
298 | ];
299 |
300 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({
301 | pubClient: new Redis.Cluster(startupNodes),
302 | subClient: new Redis.Cluster(startupNodes)
303 | }));
304 | ```
305 |
306 | ### Sentinel Example
307 |
308 | ```js
309 | const io = require('socket.io')(3000);
310 | const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
311 | const Redis = require('ioredis');
312 |
313 | const options = {
314 | sentinels: [
315 | { host: 'somehost1', port: 26379 },
316 | { host: 'somehost2', port: 26379 }
317 | ],
318 | name: 'master01'
319 | };
320 |
321 | io.adapter(redisAdapter({
322 | pubClient: new Redis(options),
323 | subClient: new Redis(options)
324 | }));
325 | ```
326 |
327 | ## Protocol
328 |
329 | The `socket.io-redis` adapter broadcasts and receives messages on particularly named Redis channels. For global broadcasts the channel name is:
330 | ```
331 | prefix + '#' + namespace + '#'
332 | ```
333 |
334 | In broadcasting to a single room the channel name is:
335 | ```
336 | prefix + '#' + namespace + '#' + room + '#'
337 | ```
338 |
339 |
340 | - `prefix`: The base channel name. Default value is `socket.io`. Changed by setting `opts.key` in `adapter(opts)` constructor
341 | - `namespace`: See https://github.com/socketio/socket.io#namespace.
342 | - `room` : Used if targeting a specific room.
343 |
344 | A number of other libraries adopt this protocol including:
345 |
346 | - [socket.io-emitter](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-emitter)
347 | - [socket.io-python-emitter](https://github.com/GameXG/socket.io-python-emitter)
348 | - [socket.io-emitter-go](https://github.com/stackcats/socket.io-emitter-go)
349 |
350 | ## License
351 |
352 | MIT