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1var logger = require('debug')
2var traverse = require('traverse')
3var errToPOJO = require('./lib/err-serialization')
4var noop = function () {}
7 * @param {Object} socket
8 * @param {Object} tree
9 * @param {String} clientOrServer
10 */
11module.exports = function (socket, tree, clientOrServer) {
12 var debug = logger('socket.io-rpc:' + clientOrServer)
13 /**
14 * for external use, simple function is used rather than an event emitter, because we lack event emitter in the browser
15 * @type {{batchStarts: Function, batchEnds: Function, wasCalled: Function, calling: Function, response: Function}}
16 */
17 var eventHandlers = {
18 batchStarts: noop,
19 batchEnds: noop,
20 calling: noop,
21 wasCalled: noop,
22 response: noop
23 }
24 var socketId
25 var deferreds = []
27 var invocationCounter = 0
28 var endCounter = 0
29 var remoteCallEnded = function (Id) {
30 if (deferreds[Id]) {
31 delete deferreds[Id]
32 endCounter++
33 eventHandlers.response(endCounter)
35 if (endCounter === invocationCounter) {
36 eventHandlers.batchEnds(endCounter)
37 invocationCounter = 0
38 endCounter = 0
39 }
40 } else {
41 // the client can maliciously try and resolve/reject something more than once. We should not throw an error on this, just warn
42 throw new Error('Deferred Id ' + Id + ' was resolved/rejected more than once, this should not occur')
43 }
44 }
46 /**
47 * @param {String} fnPath
48 * @returns {Function} which will call the backend/client when executed
49 */
50 function prepareRemoteCall (fnPath, argumentLength) {
51 function remoteCall () {
52 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
53 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
54 if (rpc.reconnecting) {
55 reject(new Error('socket ' + socketId + ' disconnected, call rejected'))
56 }
57 invocationCounter++
58 debug('calling ', fnPath, 'on ', socketId, ', invocation counter ', invocationCounter)
59 var callParams = {Id: invocationCounter, fnPath: fnPath, args: args}
60 socket.emit('call', callParams)
61 eventHandlers.calling(callParams)
62 if (invocationCounter === 1) {
63 eventHandlers.batchStarts(invocationCounter)
64 }
65 deferreds[invocationCounter] = {resolve: resolve, reject: reject}
66 })
67 }
69 remoteCall.remoteLength = argumentLength
71 return remoteCall
72 }
73 var rpc = prepareRemoteCall
74 socket.rpc = rpc
75 socket.rpc.events = eventHandlers
76 var remoteNodes = {}
78 /**
79 * @type {boolean} indicates when client is reconnecting
80 */
81 rpc.reconnecting = false
83 if (clientOrServer === 'client') {
84 rpc.initializedP = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
85 var assignAndResolveInitP = function () {
86 socketId = socket.io.engine.id
87 resolve()
88 }
89 socket.on('connect', function () {
90 assignAndResolveInitP()
91 debug('connected socket ', socketId)
92 }).on('connect_error', function (err) {
93 if (!socketId) {
94 reject(err)
95 }
96 }).on('reconnect', function () {
97 if (!socketId) {
98 assignAndResolveInitP()
99 }
100 debug('reconnected rpc socket', socketId)
101 rpc.reconnecting = false
102 })
103 })
104 } else {
105 socketId = socket.id
106 }
108 socket.on('disconnect', function onDisconnect () {
109 rpc.reconnecting = true
110 }).on('connect_error', function (err) {
111 debug('connect error: ', err)
112 for (var nodePath in remoteNodes) {
113 remoteNodes[nodePath].reject(err)
114 }
115 }).on('call', function (data) {
116 debug('invocation with ', data)
117 if (!(data && typeof data.Id === 'number')) {
118 return socket.emit('rpcError', {
119 reason: 'Id is a required property for a call data payload'
120 })
121 }
123 /**
124 * @param {String} resType
125 * @param {*} resData
126 */
127 var emitRes = function (resType, resData) {
128 resData.Id = data.Id
129 socket.emit(resType, resData)
130 eventHandlers.wasCalled(data, resData)
131 }
132 try {
133 var method = traverse(tree).get(data.fnPath.split('.'))
134 } catch (err) {
135 debug(err, ' when resolving an invocation')
136 return emitRes('reject', errToPOJO(err))
137 }
138 if (method && method.apply) { // we could also check if it is a function, but this might be bit faster
139 var retVal
140 try {
141 retVal = method.apply(socket, data.args)
142 } catch (err) {
143 // we explicitly print the error into the console, because uncaught errors should not occur
144 console.error('RPC method invocation ' + data.fnPath + 'from ' + socket.id + ' thrown an error : ', err.stack)
145 emitRes('reject', errToPOJO(err))
146 return
147 }
149 Promise.resolve(retVal).then(function (asyncRetVal) {
150 emitRes('resolve', {value: asyncRetVal})
151 }, function (error) {
152 emitRes('reject', errToPOJO(error))
153 })
154 } else {
155 var msg = 'no function exposed on: ' + data.fnPath
156 debug(msg)
157 emitRes('reject', {error: {message: msg}})
158 }
159 }).on('fetchNode', function (path) {
160 debug('fetchNode handler, path ', path)
162 var methods = tree
163 if (path) {
164 methods = traverse(tree).get(path.split('.'))
165 } else {
166 methods = tree
167 }
169 if (!methods) {
170 socket.emit('noSuchNode', path)
171 debug('socket ', socketId, ' requested node ' + path + ' which was not found')
172 return
173 }
174 var localFnTree = traverse(methods).map(function (el) {
175 if (this.isLeaf) {
176 return el.length
177 } else {
178 return el
179 }
180 })
182 socket.emit('node', {path: path, tree: localFnTree})
183 debug('socket ', socketId, ' requested node "' + path + '" which was sent as: ', localFnTree)
184 }).on('node', function (data) {
185 if (remoteNodes[data.path]) {
186 var remoteMethods = traverse(data.tree).map(function (el) {
187 if (this.isLeaf) {
188 debug('path', this.path)
189 var path = this.path.join('.')
190 if (data.path) {
191 path = data.path + '.' + path
192 }
194 this.update(prepareRemoteCall(path, el))
195 }
196 })
197 var promise = remoteNodes[data.path]
198 promise.resolve(remoteMethods)
199 } else {
200 console.warn('socket ' + socketId + ' sent a node ' + data.path + ' which was not requested, ignoring')
201 }
202 }).on('noSuchNode', function (path) {
203 var dfd = remoteNodes[path]
204 var err = new Error('Node is not defined on the socket ' + socketId)
205 err.path = path
206 dfd.reject(err)
207 }).on('resolve', function (data) {
208 deferreds[data.Id].resolve(data.value)
209 remoteCallEnded(data.Id)
210 }).on('reject', function (data) {
211 deferreds[data.Id].reject(data.error)
212 remoteCallEnded(data.Id)
213 })
215 /**
216 * @param {String} path
217 * @returns {Promise}
218 */
219 socket.rpc.fetchNode = function (path) {
220 if (remoteNodes.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
221 return remoteNodes[path].promise
222 } else {
223 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
224 remoteNodes[path] = {resolve: resolve, reject: reject}
225 debug('fetchNode ', path)
226 socket.emit('fetchNode', path)
227 })
228 }
229 }