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1var pull = require('pull-stream')
2var tape = require('tape')
3var series = require('run-series')
4var crypto = require('crypto')
6var createSbot = require('secret-stack')({
7 caps: {shs: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('base64')}
8 })
9 .use(require('ssb-db'))
10 .use(require('ssb-replicate'))
11 .use(require('..'))
13var botA = createSbot({
14 temp: 'alice',
15 port: 45451,
16 host: 'localhost',
17 timeout: 20001,
18 replicate: {
19 hops: 2,
20 legacy: false
21 }
24tape('check that friends are re-emitted when distance changes when `hops: 2`', function (t) {
25 var changes = []
26 var hops = {}
28 // currently, the legacy api has a thing were it sends `{id: sbot.id, hops: 0}` twice,
29 // just gonna make the test more forgiving for now.
30 pull(
31 botA.friends.createFriendStream({
32 live: true,
33 meta: true,
34 hops: 2
35 }),
36 pull.drain(function (m) {
37 if (hops[m.id] !== m.hops) {
38 changes.push(m)
39 }
40 hops[m.id] = m.hops
41 })
42 )
44 var feedA = botA.createFeed()
45 var feedB = botA.createFeed()
46 var feedC = botA.createFeed()
48 series([
49 // feedA -> feedB
50 cb => {
51 feedA.publish({
52 type: 'contact',
53 contact: feedB.id,
54 following: true
55 }, cb)
56 },
57 cb => {
58 t.deepEqual(changes, [
59 { id: botA.id, hops: 0 }
60 ])
62 changes.length = 0
64 // feedB -> feedC
65 feedB.publish({
66 type: 'contact',
67 contact: feedC.id,
68 following: true
69 }, cb)
70 },
71 cb => {
72 // follow feedA
73 botA.publish({
74 type: 'contact',
75 contact: feedA.id,
76 following: true
77 }, cb)
78 },
79 cb => {
80 t.deepEqual(changes, [
81 { id: feedA.id, hops: 1 },
82 { id: feedB.id, hops: 2 }
83 ])
85 changes.length = 0
87 // follow feedB
88 botA.publish({
89 type: 'contact',
90 contact: feedB.id,
91 following: true
92 }, cb)
93 },
94 cb => {
95 t.deepEqual(changes, [
96 { id: feedB.id, hops: 1 },
97 { id: feedC.id, hops: 2 }
98 ])
100 var G = {}
102 series([
103 cb => {
104 botA.friends.get(function (err, g) {
105 t.error(err)
107 G[feedA.id] = {}
108 G[feedA.id][feedB.id] = true
109 G[feedB.id] = {}
110 G[feedB.id][feedC.id] = true
111 G[botA.id] = {}
112 G[botA.id][feedA.id] = true
113 G[botA.id][feedB.id] = true
114 t.deepEqual(g, G)
116 cb()
117 })
118 },
119 cb => {
120 botA.friends.get({
121 source: botA.id
122 }, function (err, g) {
123 t.error(err)
124 t.deepEqual(g, G[botA.id])
125 cb()
126 })
127 }
128 ], cb)
129 },
130 cb => {
131 botA.friends.get({
132 dest: feedB.id
133 }, function (err, g) {
134 t.error(err)
136 var _c = {}
137 _c[feedA.id] = true
138 _c[botA.id] = true
140 t.deepEqual(g, _c)
142 cb()
143 })
144 },
145 cb => {
146 botA.friends.get({
147 source: botA.id,
148 dest: feedB.id
149 }, function (err, follows) {
150 t.error(err)
151 t.equal(follows, true)
152 cb()
153 })
154 },
155 cb => {
156 botA.friends.get({
157 source: botA.id,
158 dest: feedC.id
159 }, function (err, follows) {
160 t.error(err)
161 t.notOk(follows)
162 cb()
163 })
164 }
165 ], t.end)
168tape('legacy blocking / unblocking works', function (t) {
169 var feedD = botA.createFeed()
170 var feedE = botA.createFeed()
172 series([
173 cb => {
174 feedD.publish({
175 type: 'contact',
176 contact: feedE.id,
177 following: true
178 }, cb)
179 },
180 cb => {
181 botA.friends.get({
182 source: feedD.id,
183 dest: feedE.id
184 }, function (err, follows) {
185 t.error(err)
186 t.equal(follows, true)
187 cb()
188 })
189 },
190 cb => {
191 feedD.publish({
192 type: 'contact',
193 contact: feedE.id,
194 blocking: true
195 }, cb)
196 },
197 cb => {
198 botA.friends.get({
199 source: feedD.id,
200 dest: feedE.id
201 }, function (err, follows) {
202 t.error(err)
203 t.notOk(follows)
204 cb()
205 })
206 },
207 cb => {
208 feedD.publish({
209 type: 'contact',
210 contact: feedE.id,
211 blocking: false
212 }, cb)
213 },
214 cb => {
215 botA.friends.get({
216 source: feedD.id,
217 dest: feedE.id
218 }, function (err, follows) {
219 t.error(err)
220 //should not go back to following, after unblocking
221 t.notOk(follows)
222 cb()
223 })
224 }
225 ], t.end)
228tape('hops blocking / unblocking works', function (t) {
229 var feedF = botA.createFeed()
230 series([
231 cb => {
232 botA.publish({
233 type: 'contact',
234 contact: feedF.id,
235 blocking: true
236 }, cb)
237 },
238 cb => {
239 botA.friends.hops(function (err, hops) {
240 t.error(err)
241 t.equal(hops[feedF.id], -1)
242 cb()
243 })
244 },
245 cb => {
246 botA.publish({
247 type: 'contact',
248 contact: feedF.id,
249 blocking: false
250 }, cb)
251 },
252 cb => {
253 botA.friends.hops(function (err, hops) {
254 t.error(err)
255 t.equal(hops[feedF.id], -2)
256 cb()
257 })
258 }
259 ], t.end)
263tape('hops blocking / unblocking works', function (t) {
264 var feedH = botA.createFeed()
265 var feedI = botA.createFeed()
266 series([
267 cb => {
268 botA.publish({
269 type: 'contact',
270 contact: feedH.id,
271 following: true
272 }, cb)
273 },
274 cb => {
275 feedH.publish({
276 type: 'contact',
277 contact: feedI.id,
278 following: true
279 }, cb)
280 },
281 cb => {
282 botA.friends.hops(function (err, hops) {
283 t.error(err)
284 t.equal(hops[feedH.id], 1)
285 t.equal(hops[feedI.id], 2)
286 cb()
287 })
288 },
289 cb => {
290 botA.publish({
291 type: 'contact',
292 contact: feedI.id,
293 blocking: true
294 }, cb)
295 },
296 cb => {
297 botA.friends.hops(function (err, hops) {
298 t.error(err)
299 t.equal(hops[feedH.id], 1)
300 t.equal(hops[feedI.id], -1)
301 cb()
302 })
303 },
304 //after unblocking, goes back to 2,
305 //because H follows.
306 cb => {
307 botA.publish({
308 type: 'contact',
309 contact: feedI.id,
310 blocking: false
311 }, cb)
312 },
313 cb => {
314 botA.friends.hops(function (err, hops) {
315 t.error(err)
316 t.equal(hops[feedH.id], 1)
317 t.equal(hops[feedI.id], 2)
318 cb()
319 })
320 }
321 ], t.end)
325tape('finish tests', function (t) {
326 botA.close()
327 t.end()