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1# Backend Interface
3Backend modules are Node.js [modules][nodemods] that listen for a
4number of events emitted from StatsD. Each backend module should
5export the following initialization function:
7* `init(startup_time, config, events, logger)`: This method is invoked
8 from StatsD to initialize the backend module. It accepts four
9 parameters: `startup_time` is the startup time of StatsD in epoch
10 seconds, `config` is the parsed config file hash, `events` is the
11 event emitter that backends can use to listen for events and
12 `logger` is StatsD's configured logger for backends to use.
14 The backend module should return `true` from init() to indicate
15 success. A return of `false` indicates a failure to load the module
16 (missing configuration?) and will cause StatsD to exit.
18Backends can listen for the following events emitted by StatsD from
19the `events` object:
21* Event: **'flush'**
23 Parameters: `(time_stamp, metrics)`
25 Emitted on each flush interval so that backends can push aggregate
26 metrics to their respective backend services. The event is passed
27 two parameters: `time_stamp` is the current time in epoch seconds
28 and `metrics` is a hash representing the StatsD statistics:
30 ```
31 metrics: {
32 counters: counters,
33 gauges: gauges,
34 timers: timers,
35 sets: sets,
36 counter_rates: counter_rates,
37 timer_data: timer_data,
38 statsd_metrics: statsd_metrics,
39 pctThreshold: pctThreshold
40 }
41 ```
43 The counter_rates and timer_data are precalculated statistics to simplify
44 the creation of backends, the statsd_metrics hash contains metrics generated
45 by statsd itself. Each backend module is passed the same set of
46 statistics, so a backend module should treat the metrics as immutable
47 structures. StatsD will reset timers and counters after each
48 listener has handled the event.
50* Event: **'status'**
52 Parameters: `(writeCb)`
54 Emitted when a user invokes a *stats* command on the management
55 server port. It allows each backend module to dump backend-specific
56 status statistics to the management port.
58 The `writeCb` callback function has a signature of `f(error,
59 backend_name, stat_name, stat_value)`. The backend module should
60 invoke this method with each stat_name and stat_value that should be
61 sent to the management port. StatsD will prefix each stat name with
62 the `backend_name`. The backend should set `error` to *null*, or, in
63 the case of a failure, an appropriate error.
65* Event: **'packet'**
67 Parameters: `(packet, rinfo)`
69 This is emitted for every incoming packet. The `packet` parameter contains
70 the raw received message string and the `rinfo` parameter contains remote
71 address information from the UDP socket.
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