1 | storage-sync-lite<br>
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6 | ================
7 |
8 | Easily store objects or any type of data to localStorage or sessionStorage.<br>
9 | Why this? When you store a JSON/object to localStorage or sessionStorage you need to stringify the data. After storing a number in localStorage when you will read it, you will get the number as a string. But storage-sync-lite allows storing and retrieving data without changing the type. If you store an object when you will read, it will return the object.
10 |
11 |
12 | ## Table of Contents
13 |
14 | - [Features](#features)
15 | - [Install](#install)
16 | - [Usage](#usage)
17 | - [API Reference](#API-Reference)
18 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
19 | - [License](#license)
20 | - [Author](#author)
21 |
22 |
23 | ## Features
24 |
25 | - Set, get and delete localStorage or sessionStorage without stringifying or changing the data type.
26 | - Change/update objects in localStorage or sessionStorage.
27 | - Clear localStorage or sessionStorage.
28 |
29 |
30 | ## Install
31 |
32 | ```sh
33 | npm i storage-sync-lite
34 | ```
35 |
36 | ## Usage
37 |
38 | Set and get local:
39 | ```javascript
40 | import { setLocal, getLocal } from 'storage-sync-lite'
41 |
42 | // Set/Store
43 | setLocal('user', {
44 | email: 'user@example.com',
45 | age: 25
46 | })
47 |
48 | // Get
49 | let user = getLocal('user')
50 | console.log(user) // Returns: { email: 'user@example.com', age: 25 }
51 | ```
52 |
53 | Change/update properties from local:
54 | ```javascript
55 | import { changeLocal, getLocal } from 'storage-sync-lite'
56 |
57 | // Change/update properties
58 | changeLocal('user', {
59 | name: 'Mr. User'
60 | })
61 |
62 | console.log(getLocal('user')) // Returns: { email: 'user@example.com', age: 25, name: 'Mr. User' }
63 | ```
64 |
65 | Delete data from local:
66 | ```javascript
67 | import { deleteLocal, clearLocal } from 'storage-sync-lite'
68 |
69 | // Delete single data from local
70 | deleteLocal('user')
71 |
72 | // Clear / delete all data from local
73 | clearLocal()
74 | ```
75 |
76 | Set and get session:
77 | ```javascript
78 | import { setSession, getSession } from 'storage-sync-lite'
79 |
80 | // Set/Store
81 | setSession('user', {
82 | email: 'user@example.com',
83 | age: 25
84 | })
85 |
86 | // Get
87 | let user = getSession('user')
88 | console.log(user) // Returns: { email: 'user@example.com', age: 25 }
89 | ```
90 |
91 | Change/update properties from session:
92 | ```javascript
93 | import { changeSession, getSession } from 'storage-sync-lite'
94 |
95 | // Change/update properties
96 | changeSession('user', {
97 | name: 'Mr. User'
98 | })
99 |
100 | console.log(getSession('user')) // Returns: { email: 'user@example.com', age: 25, name: 'Mr. User' }
101 | ```
102 |
103 | Delete data from session:
104 | ```javascript
105 | import { deleteSession, clearSession } from 'storage-sync-lite'
106 |
107 | // Delete single data from session
108 | deleteSession('user')
109 |
110 | // Clear / delete all data from session
111 | clearSession()
112 | ```
113 |
114 | ## API Reference
115 |
116 | ### `setLocal(name, value, options)`
117 |
118 | Stores a value in local storage.
119 |
120 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to store.
121 | - `value` (*): The value to store.
122 | - `options` (object, optional): Optional configuration object.
123 | - `options.expiration` (string | number | Date): The expiration date/time for the item.
124 | - `options.timeToLive` (number): The time to live in milliseconds.
125 |
126 | Returns the stored value.
127 |
128 | ### `getLocal(name)`
129 |
130 | Retrieves a value from local storage.
131 |
132 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to retrieve.
133 |
134 | Returns the value stored in local storage, or undefined if the item does not exist or has expired.
135 |
136 | ### `changeLocal(name, changes)`
137 |
138 | Updates a value in local storage with the provided changes.
139 |
140 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to update.
141 | - `changes` (object): An object containing the changes to apply to the stored value.
142 |
143 | Returns the updated value.
144 |
145 | ### `deleteLocal(name)`
146 |
147 | Deletes an item from local storage.
148 |
149 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to delete.
150 |
151 | ### `clearLocal()`
152 |
153 | Clears all items from local storage.
154 |
155 | ### `setSession(name, value, options)`
156 |
157 | Stores a value in session storage.
158 |
159 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to store.
160 | - `value` (*): The value to store.
161 | - `options` (object, optional): Optional configuration object.
162 | - `options.expiration` (string | number | Date): The expiration date/time for the item.
163 | - `options.timeToLive` (number): The time to live in milliseconds.
164 |
165 | Returns the stored value.
166 |
167 | ### `getSession(name)`
168 |
169 | Retrieves a value from session storage.
170 |
171 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to retrieve.
172 |
173 | Returns the value stored in session storage, or undefined if the item does not exist or has expired.
174 |
175 | ### `changeSession(name, changes)`
176 |
177 | Updates a value in session storage with the provided changes.
178 |
179 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to update.
180 | - `changes` (object): An object containing the changes to apply to the stored value.
181 |
182 | Returns the updated value.
183 |
184 | ### `deleteSession(name)`
185 |
186 | Deletes an item from session storage.
187 |
188 | - `name` (string): The name of the item to delete.
189 |
190 | ### `clearSession()`
191 |
192 | Clears all items from session storage.
193 |
194 |
195 | ## Contributing
196 |
197 | You are welcome to contribute! If you are adding a feature or fixing a bug, please contribute to the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/SheikhAminul/storage-sync-lite/).
198 |
199 |
200 | ## License
201 |
202 | storage-sync-lite is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/SheikhAminul/storage-sync-lite/blob/main/LICENSE).
203 |
204 |
205 | ## Author
206 |
207 | |[![@SheikhAminul](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/25372039?v=4&s=96)](https://github.com/SheikhAminul)|
208 | |:---:|
209 | |[@SheikhAminul](https://github.com/SheikhAminul)|