1 | 3.3.3 / 2016-10-11
2 | ---------------------
3 | - added missing minified version
4 |
5 | 3.3.2 / 2016-10-11
6 | ---------------------
7 | - added `equalsIgnoreCase` [#185](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/issues/185)
8 |
9 | 3.3.1 / 2015-08-06
10 | ---------------------
11 | - fix [#160](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/issues/160)
12 |
13 | 3.3.0 / 2015-06-15
14 | ---------------------
15 | - added `splitRight` and `splitLeft` method [#153](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/153)
16 |
17 | 3.2.1 / 2015-06-13
18 | ---------------------
19 | - add missing minified version
20 | - update phpjs link in README [#154](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/154)
21 |
22 | 3.2.0 / 2015-06-02
23 | ---------------------
24 | - added `titleCase()` method [#149](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/149)
25 | - fix `underscore()` [#148](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/148)
26 |
27 | 3.1.3 / 2015-05-29
28 | --------------------
29 | - fix [#142](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/issues/142)
30 |
31 | 3.1.2 / 2015-05-29
32 | -------------------
33 |
34 | - fix `extendPrototype()` method
35 |
36 |
37 | 3.1.1 / 2015-03-26
38 | ------------------
39 | - hack to work around the improper behavior (modifying of string prototype) of [shelljs](https://github.com/arturadib/shelljs)
40 | see: [127](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/issues/127), [128](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/128)
41 |
42 | 3.1.0 / 2015-03-21
43 | ------------------
44 | - added `stripLeft([chars])` and `stripRight([chars])` [#133](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/133)
45 |
46 |
47 | 3.0.1 / 2015-03-16
48 | ------------------
49 | * bugfix `underscore()` for single letter "words" [#131](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/131)
50 |
51 | ```js
52 | S('oneAtATime').underscore().s //'one_at_a_time' instead of 'one_at_atime'
53 | ```
54 |
55 | 3.0.0 / 2014-12-08
56 | ------------------
57 | **BREAKING** Now `underscore()` behaves as one would expect.
58 |
59 | ```js
60 | S('CarSpeed').underscore().s //'_car_speed'
61 | ```
62 |
63 | now
64 |
65 | ```js
66 | S('CarSpeed').underscore().s //'car_speed'
67 | ```
68 |
69 | See [#122](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/122) [#98](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/issues/98)
70 |
71 |
72 | 2.2.0 / 2014-10-20
73 | ------------------
74 | - `endsWith()`, `startsWith()` accept multiple arguments: [Azharul Islam / #118](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/118)
75 | - `template()`: allow for spaces for readability: [Azharul Islam / #119](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/119)
76 | - `template()`: if key does not exist, replace with empty string [Azharul Islam / #117](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/117)
77 |
78 | 2.1.0 / 2014-09-22
79 | ------------------
80 | - added `strip()` [#115](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/115)
81 |
82 | 2.0.1 / 2014-09-08
83 | ------------------
84 | - forgot to bump version in actual `string.js` and `string.js.min`
85 |
86 | 2.0.0 / 2014-09-02
87 | ------------------
88 | - bugfix `isAlpha()` for empty strings [#107](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/107)
89 | - added .npmignore. Closes #71
90 | - `slugify()` behavior changed, added method `latinise()`. [#112](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/112)
91 |
92 | 1.9.1 / 2014-08-05
93 | -------------------
94 | * bugfix `parseCSV()` [Sergio-Muriel / #97](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/97)
95 | * bugfix `wrapHTML()` [Sergio-Muriel / #100](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/100)
96 | * optimize `isAlpha()` and `isAlphaNumeric()` [Sergio-Muriel / #101](https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/101)
97 |
98 | 1.9.0 / 2014-06-23
99 | ------------------
100 | * added `wrapHTML()` method, (#90)
101 |
102 | 1.8.1 / 2014-04-23
103 | ------------------
104 | * bugfix: `toBoolean()`/`toBool()` treat `1` as `true`. (arowla / #78)
105 |
106 | 1.8.0 / 2014-01-13
107 | ------------------
108 | * Changed behavior of 'between()'. Closes #62
109 |
110 | 1.7.0 / 2013-11-19
111 | ------------------
112 | * `padLeft`, `padRight`, and `pad` support numbers as input now (nfriedly / #70)
113 |
114 | 1.6.1 / 2013-11-07
115 | ------------------
116 | * fixes to `template()` (jprincipe / #69)
117 | * added stringjs-rails to docs. Closes #48
118 | * added Bower support. Closes #61
119 |
120 | 1.6.0 / 2013-09-16
121 | ------------------
122 | * modified string.js to make it more extensible (jeffgran / [#57][57])
123 | * fix browser tests, closes #45, #56
124 |
125 | 1.5.1 / 2013-08-20
126 | ------------------
127 | * Fixes bug in `template()` for falsey values. Closes #29
128 | * added Makefile
129 |
130 | 1.5.0 / 2013-07-11
131 | ------------------
132 | * added correct `lines()` implementation. (daxxog/#47) Closes #52
133 |
134 | 1.4.0 / 2013-
135 | ------------------
136 | * updated homepage in `package.json`
137 | * The configurable option "Escape character" is documented as "escape" but was implemented as "escapeChar" (Reggino #44)
138 | * removed `lines()`, better to not have it, then to do it incorrectly (#40)
139 | * added `humanize()` method, (#34)
140 | * added `count()` method, (#41)
141 |
142 | 1.3.1 / 2013-04-03
143 | ------------------
144 | * fixed CSV / undefined (Reggino / #37)
145 | * fixed CSV parsing bug with escape. See #32, #35, #37 (Reggino / #37)
146 | * added multi-line CSV parse (Reggino / #37)
147 |
148 | 1.3.0 / 2013-03-18
149 | ------------------
150 | * Added methods `between()`, `chompLeft()`, `chompRight()`, `ensureLeft()`, `ensureRight()`. (mgutz / #31)
151 | * Removed support for Node v0.6. Added support for v0.10
152 | * Modified `parseCSV` to allow for escape input. (seanodell #32)
153 | * Allow `toCSV()` to have `null`.
154 | * Fix `decodeHTMLEntities()` bug. #30
155 |
156 | 1.2.1 / 2013-02-09
157 | ------------------
158 | * Fixed truncate bug. #27
159 | * Added `template()`.
160 |
161 | 1.2.0 / 2013-01-15
162 | ------------------
163 | * Added AMD support.
164 | * Fixed replaceAll bug. #21
165 | * Changed `slugify` behavior. #17
166 | * Renamed `decodeHtmlEntities` to `decodeHTMLEntities` for consistency. `decodeHtmlEntities` is deprecated. #23
167 |
168 |
169 | 1.1.0 / 2012-10-08
170 | ------------------
171 | * Added `toBoolean()` and `toBool()` method.
172 | * Added `stripPunctuation()` method.
173 | * Renamed `clobberPrototype()` to `extendPrototype()`.
174 | * Added `padLeft()`, `padRight()`, and `pad()`.
175 |
176 |
177 | 1.0.0 / 2012-09-25
178 | ------------------
179 | * Translated from CoffeeScript to JavaScript.
180 | * Added native JavaScript string functions such as `substr()`, `substring()`, `match()`, `indexOf()`, etc.
181 | * Added `length` property.
182 | * Renamed `ltrim()` to `trimLeft()` and `rtrim()` to `trimRight()`.
183 | * Added `valueOf()` method.
184 | * Added `toInt()`\`toInteger()` and `toFloat()` methods.
185 | * Modified behavior of `isEmpty()` to return true on `undefined` or `null`.
186 | * Constructor will now cast the parameter to a string via its `toString()` method.
187 | * Added `VERSION` value. Useful for browser dependency checking.
188 | * Added `lines()` method.
189 | * Added `slugify()` method.
190 | * Added `escapeHTML()` and `unescapeHTML()` methods.
191 | * Added `truncate()` method.
192 | * Added `stripTags()` method.
193 | * Added `toCSV()` and `parseCSV()` methods.
194 |
195 | 0.2.2 / 2012-09-20
196 | ------------------
197 | * Fixed bug in `left()` closes #6
198 | * Upgraded to CoffeeScript 1.3.*. Last CoffeeScript release of `string.js`.
199 |
200 | 0.2.1 / 2012-03-09
201 | ------------------
202 | * Updated README to include Quirks/Credits.
203 | * Added method `decodeHtmlEntities()`.
204 |
205 | 0.2.0 / 2012-03-02
206 | ------------------
207 | * Fixed method type `cloberPrototype()` to `clobberPrototype()`.
208 | * Fixed Node.js testing bug that caused `T` and `F` to be undefined functions.
209 | * Moved browser tests to its own directory.
210 | * Updated README.
211 | * Added `captialize()`.
212 | * Added `repeat()`/`times()`.
213 | * Added `isUpper()`/`isLower()`.
214 | * Added `dasherize()`, `camelize()`, and `underscore()`.
215 |
216 | 0.1.2 / 2012-02-27
217 | ------------------
218 | * Package.json updates.
219 |
220 | 0.1.1 / 2012-02-27
221 | ------------------
222 | * Package.json updates.
223 |
224 | 0.1.0 / 2012-02-27
225 | ------------------
226 | * Added a few more methods.
227 | * Removed default behavior of modifying `String.prototype`
228 | * Updated README to be a bit more detailed.
229 | * Ditched Makefiles for Cakefiles.
230 |
231 | 0.0.4 / 2012-01-27
232 | ----------------------
233 | * Added trim() method for IE browsers
234 | * Moved string.coffee to lib/string.coffee
235 | * Now included a minified `string.js` named `string.min.js`
236 | * Updated README that now includes Browser usage instructions.
237 |
238 | 0.0.3 / 2012-01-20
239 | ------------------
240 | * Cleaned package.json file
241 | * Removed development dependency on CoffeeScript and Jasmine
242 | * Changed testing from Jasmine to Mocha
243 | * Added `includes` and `contains` methods
244 |
245 | [57]: https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/pull/57