41 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var fs = require('fs');
2var PEG = require("pegjs");
3var util = require('util');
4var combinatorics = require('./js-combinatorics/combinatorics.js').Combinatorics;
7AI Planning with STRIPS and PDDL.
9Copyright (c) 2017 Kory Becker
12License MIT
15StripsManager = {
16 // Set to false to use baseN() instead of permutationCombination() for parameter values. It will be slower, but will utilize all possible solutions. This allows rendering of 'complementary actions', such as 'Action A on A', where normally you want 'Action A on B'.
17 fast: true,
18 // Set to true to display status information on the console while searching for a solution.
19 verbose: false,
20 // Set to redirect output to different stream, uses console.log() by default.
21 output: function(text) { console.log(text); },
22 // PEG.js grammar for domain.
23 grammarDomainPath: __dirname + '/grammar/grammar-domain.txt',
24 // PEG.js grammer for problem.
25 grammarProblemPath: __dirname + '/grammar/grammar-problem.txt',
27 loadCode: function(grammarFileName, code, callback) {
28 // Applies a PEG.js grammar against a code string and returns the parsed JSON result.
29 fs.readFile(grammarFileName, 'utf8', function(err, grammar) {
30 if (err) throw err;
32 var parser = PEG.generate(grammar);
34 if (callback) {
35 callback(parser.parse(code));
36 }
37 });
38 },
40 loadGrammar: function(grammarFileName, codeFileName, callback) {
41 // Applies a PEG.js grammar against a code file and returns the parsed JSON result.
42 fs.readFile(codeFileName, 'utf8', function(err, code) {
43 if (err) throw err;
45 StripsManager.loadCode(grammarFileName, code, function(result) {
46 if (callback) {
47 callback(result);
48 }
49 });
50 });
51 },
53 loadDomain: function(filePath, callback, isCode) {
54 // Applies the PEG.js grammar for a STRIPS PDDL domain file and returns the parsed JSON result.
55 if (!isCode) {
56 StripsManager.loadGrammar(StripsManager.grammarDomainPath, filePath, function(result) {
57 // Load from file path.
58 if (callback) {
59 callback(result);
60 }
61 });
62 }
63 else {
64 // Load from string.
65 StripsManager.loadCode(StripsManager.grammarDomainPath, filePath, function(result) {
66 if (callback) {
67 callback(result);
68 }
69 });
70 }
71 },
73 loadProblem: function(filePath, callback, isCode) {
74 // Applies the PEG.js grammar for a STRIPS PDDL problem file and returns the parsed JSON result.
75 if (!isCode) {
76 // Load from file path.
77 StripsManager.loadGrammar(StripsManager.grammarProblemPath, filePath, function(problem) {
78 StripsManager.initializeProblem(problem, callback)
79 });
80 }
81 else {
82 // Load from string.
83 StripsManager.loadCode(StripsManager.grammarProblemPath, filePath, function(problem) {
84 StripsManager.initializeProblem(problem, callback)
85 });
86 }
87 },
89 initializeProblem: function(problem, callback) {
90 // Populate list of parameter values.
91 var values = {};
92 for (var i in problem.states) {
93 var state = problem.states[i];
94 for (var j in state.actions) {
95 var action = state.actions[j];
97 // Collect all unique parameter values.
98 for (var k in action.parameters) {
99 values[action.parameters[k]] = 1;
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 // Set parameter values list on problem.
105 problem.values = {};
106 for (var key in values) {
107 // Look-up type for this value in the objects declaration.
108 var type = null;
110 for (var i in problem.objects) {
111 for (var j in problem.objects[i].parameters) {
112 var parameter = problem.objects[i].parameters[j];
113 if (parameter == key) {
114 type = problem.objects[i].type;
115 break;
116 }
117 }
119 if (type)
120 break;
121 }
123 problem.values[type] = problem.values[type] || [];
124 problem.values[type].push(key);
125 }
127 if (callback) {
128 callback(problem);
129 }
130 },
132 load: function(domainPath, problemPath, callback, isCode) {
133 // Load the domain and actions. If isCode is true, domainPath and problemPath are strings of PDDL code, otherwise they are filePaths.
134 StripsManager.loadDomain(domainPath, function(domain) {
135 // Load the problem.
136 StripsManager.loadProblem(problemPath, function(problem) {
137 // Give a copy of the possible parameter values to the domain.
138 domain.values = problem.values;
140 if (domain.requirements.indexOf('typing') != -1 && domain.values.null) {
141 StripsManager.output('ERROR: :typing is specified in domain, but not all parameters declare a type. Verify problem file contains an :objects section.');
142 }
144 // Load list of applicable combinations of parameter values for each action.
145 for (var i in domain.actions) {
146 // Get all applicable parameter combinations for the current action.
147 domain.actions[i].parameterCombinations = StripsManager.parameterCombinations(domain, domain.actions[i]);
148 }
150 if (callback) {
151 callback(domain, problem);
152 }
153 }, isCode);
154 }, isCode);
155 },
157 predicateCombinations: function(state) {
158 // For "Blocks World" problems, combinatorics.permutationCombination(state) is sufficient and faster, but otherwise, baseN(state) gives the full range of possible parameter values.
159 // First, convert the values object { block: [ 'a', 'b'], table: ['x', 'y'] } into a flat array [ 'a', 'b', 'x', 'y' ].
160 var values = [];
161 for (var key in state) {
162 for (var i in state[key]) {
163 values.push(state[key][i]);
164 }
165 }
167 var cmb = StripsManager.fast ? combinatorics.permutationCombination(values) : combinatorics.baseN(values);
169 return cmb.toArray();
170 },
172 parameterCombinations: function(domain, action) {
173 // Go through each required parameter, look at the type (if using :typing), and use all combinations of values belonging to that type.
174 var cases = [];
175 var parameters = action.parameters;
177 // Is :typing enabled on the domain?
178 if (domain.requirements.indexOf('typing') > -1) {
179 // First, get a count of how many parameters we need of each type.
180 var error = false;
181 var typeCounts = {};
182 for (var j in parameters) {
183 if (!parameters[j].type) {
184 StripsManager.output('ERROR: :typing is specified, but no type found in action "' + action.action + '" for parameter "' + parameters[j].parameter + '"');
185 error = true;
186 break;
187 }
189 typeCounts[parameters[j].type] = (typeCounts[parameters[j].type] + 1) || 1;
190 }
192 if (!error) {
193 // Next, get the combination values.
194 for (var key in typeCounts) {
195 // Get all combination values for this parameter type.
196 var values = domain.values[key];
197 if (values) {
198 var cmb = combinatorics.baseN(values, 1);
200 cmb.forEach(function(combo) {
201 cases.push(combo);
202 });
203 }
204 }
205 }
207 // Get a combination of all possibilities of the discovered parameters.
208 var cmb = StripsManager.fast ? combinatorics.permutation(cases, parameters.length) : combinatorics.baseN(cases, parameters.length);
210 // Filter the combinations to valid parameter types and unique combos.
211 var uniqueCombos = {};
212 cases = cmb.filter(function (combo) {
213 // Does this combo have valid values for the type? Make sure each value to be set for a parameter index exists in the list of types under the domain.
214 var key = '';
216 for (var ci in combo) {
217 var value = combo[ci][0];
218 var type = parameters[ci].type;
219 key += value;
221 // Check if this value exists in the list for this type.
222 if (!domain.values[type] || (domain.values[type] && domain.values[type].indexOf(value) == -1)) {
223 // The value is not part of this type, that means this combo is invalid.
224 return false;
225 }
226 }
228 if (uniqueCombos[key]) {
229 // Duplicate combo. Since we only take the first value in any lists as 1 value per parameter, we can end up with duplicates.
230 return false;
231 }
233 uniqueCombos[key] = 1;
235 return true;
236 });
238 var cases2 = [];
239 for (var j in cases) {
240 var subCase = [];
241 for (var k in cases[j]) {
242 subCase.push(cases[j][k][0]);
243 }
245 cases2.push(subCase);
246 }
248 cases = cases2;
249 }
250 else {
251 // Typing not being used, just get all action combinations for the current state.
252 cases = StripsManager.predicateCombinations(domain.values);
253 }
255 return cases;
256 },
258 andCount: function(precondition) {
259 // Returns the count for the number of 'and' matches in a precondition.
260 var count = 0;
262 for (var i in precondition) {
263 var action = precondition[i];
264 var operation = action.operation || 'and'; // If no operation is specified, default to 'and'. Must explicitly provide 'not' where required.
266 if (operation == 'and') {
267 count++;
268 }
269 }
271 return count;
272 },
274 isEqual: function(action1, action2) {
275 // Returns true if action1 == action2. Compares name and parameters.
276 var result = false;
278 // Find matching action name.
279 if (action1.action == action2.action && action1.parameters.length == action2.parameters.length) {
280 result = true;
282 // Find matching parameters.
283 for (var k in action1.parameters) {
284 // Use the map, if available (in the case of a non-concrete action). Otherwise, use the concrete parameter values.
285 var value1 = action1.parameters[k].parameter ? action1.parameters[k].parameter : action1.parameters[k];
286 var value2 = action2.parameters[k].parameter ? action2.parameters[k].parameter : action2.parameters[k];
288 var parameter1 = action1.map ? action1.map[value1] : value1;
289 var parameter2 = action2.map ? action2.map[value2] : value2;
291 if (parameter1 != parameter2) {
292 result = false;
293 break;
294 }
295 }
296 }
298 return result;
299 },
301 isPreconditionSatisfied: function(state, precondition) {
302 // Returns true if the precondition is satisfied in the current state.
303 // This function works by making sure all 'and' preconditions exist in the state, and that all 'not' preconditions do not exist in the state.
304 var matchCount = 0;
305 var andCount = StripsManager.andCount(precondition); // The state needs to contain the actions in action.precondition for 'and'. For 'not', we fail immediately. So, let's count the number of 'and' matches and make sure we satisfy them.
307 for (var i = 0; i < precondition.length; i++) {
308 // Find a case that contains this action and parameters.
309 for (var l in state.actions) {
310 var match = true;
311 operation = precondition[i].operation || 'and'; // If no operation is specified, default to 'and'. Must explicitly provide 'not' where required.
313 // Check if the name and number of parameters match for the current action and precondition.
314 if (state.actions[l].action == precondition[i].action && state.actions[l].parameters.length == precondition[i].parameters.length) {
315 // Check if the parameter values match.
316 for (var m in precondition[i].parameters) {
317 if (precondition[i].parameters[m] != state.actions[l].parameters[m]) {
318 match = false;
319 }
320 }
321 }
322 else {
323 match = false;
324 }
326 if (match) {
327 // This action exists in the state.
328 if (operation == 'and') {
329 matchCount++;
330 }
331 else {
332 // Not, set to -1 so this action is not saved as applicable.
333 matchCount = -1;
334 break;
335 }
336 }
337 }
339 if (matchCount == -1)
340 break;
341 }
343 return (matchCount == andCount);
344 },
346 getApplicableActionInState: function(state, action) {
347 // This function returns an applicable concrete action for the given state, or null if the precondition is not satisfied.
348 var resolvedAction = null;
350 // Does the filled-in precondition exist in the state test cases?
351 if (StripsManager.isPreconditionSatisfied(state, action.precondition)) {
352 // This action is applicable.
353 // Assign a value to each parameter of the effect.
354 var populatedEffect = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(action.effect));
355 for (var m in action.effect) {
356 var effect = action.effect[m];
358 for (var n in effect.parameters) {
359 var parameter = effect.parameters[n];
360 var value = action.map[parameter];
362 if (value) {
363 // Assign this value to all instances of this parameter in the effect.
364 populatedEffect[m].parameters[n] = value;
365 }
366 else {
367 StripsManager.output('* ERROR: Value not found for parameter ' + parameter + '.');
368 }
369 }
370 }
372 resolvedAction = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(action));
373 resolvedAction.effect = populatedEffect;
374 resolvedAction.map = action.map;
375 }
377 return resolvedAction;
378 },
380 applicableActionsPlus: function(domain, state) {
381 // Returns an array of applicable concrete actions for the current state, including support for negative literals. This method runs StripsManager.applicableActions() two times - one with all positive literals (negative literals removed, which effectively renders all positive literal cases), and one with all positive literals with none that had matching negative literals (which effectively renders all negative literal cases). The result includes a list of unique actions.
382 var result = [];
383 var actionHash = {};
385 // Remove negative literals.
386 var stateNoNegatives = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state));
387 stateNoNegatives.actions = [];
388 for (var i in state.actions) {
389 var action = state.actions[i];
391 if (action.operation != 'not') {
392 // Not a negative literal, so keep it.
393 stateNoNegatives.actions.push(action);
394 }
395 }
397 // Get applicable actions.
398 var actions = StripsManager.applicableActions(domain, stateNoNegatives);
400 // Mark each action as discovered.
401 for (var i in actions) {
402 var action = actions[i];
404 result.push(action);
405 actionHash[JSON.stringify(action)] = 1;
406 }
408 // Remove matching positive and negative literals, effectively rendering the negative literal.
409 var literalsToRemove = {};
410 var stateNoPositiveNegatives = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state));
411 stateNoPositiveNegatives.actions = [];
413 // First, collect negative literals.
414 for (var i in state.actions) {
415 var action = state.actions[i];
416 action.operation = action.operation || 'and';
418 if (action.operation == 'not') {
419 // Make a copy of the positive version of this literal.
420 var copyAction = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(action));
421 copyAction.operation = 'and';
423 // Mark the positive version of this literal to be removed (if we come across it).
424 literalsToRemove[JSON.stringify(copyAction)] = 1;
425 }
426 }
428 // Now that we've marked negative literals, go through all literals and only keep those which are positive and not included in the literalsToRemove.
429 for (var i in state.actions) {
430 var action = state.actions[i];
431 action.operation = action.operation || 'and';
433 // If this is a positive literal and not in our literalsToRemove list, then include it.
434 if (action.operation != 'not' && !literalsToRemove[JSON.stringify(action)]) {
435 // Safe to keep this literal.
436 stateNoPositiveNegatives.actions.push(action);
437 }
438 }
440 // Get applicable actions when allowing for negative literals.
441 actions = StripsManager.applicableActions(domain, stateNoPositiveNegatives);
443 // Concat new actions.
444 for (var i in actions) {
445 var action = actions[i];
447 if (!actionHash[JSON.stringify(action)]) {
448 result.push(action);
449 }
450 }
452 return result;
453 },
455 applicableActions: function(domain, state) {
456 // Returns an array of applicable concrete actions for the current state, using the possible parameter values in domain.values array (Example: values = ['a', 'b', 't1', 't2', 't3']).
457 // Test each domain action precondition against the cases. If one holds valid, then that action is applicable in the current state.
458 var result = [];
460 if (!domain.values || domain.values.length == 0) {
461 StripsManager.output('ERROR: No parameter values found in domain.values.');
462 return;
463 }
465 for (var i in domain.actions) {
466 var action = domain.actions[i]; // op1
467 var parameters = action.parameters; // x1, x2, x3
468 var populatedAction = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(action)); // copy for replacing parameters with actual values.
469 var parameterMapHash = {};
471 // Assign values to the parameters for each test case.
472 for (var j in action.parameterCombinations) {
473 var testCase = action.parameterCombinations[j];
474 var nindex = 0;
476 var parameterMap = []; // map of parameter values to be populated
477 // Initialize default parameter values for this action. We'll set concrete values next.
478 for (var j in parameters) {
479 parameterMap[parameters[j].parameter] = testCase[nindex++];
480 }
482 // Get the action's precondition parameters.
483 var testCaseIndex = 0;
484 for (var k in action.precondition) {
485 var precondition = action.precondition[k];
486 var populatedPreconditionPart = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(precondition)); // copy for replacing parameters with actual values.
488 // Found a matching action. So far, so good.
489 var parameterIndex = 0;
491 // Assign a value to each parameter of the precondition.
492 for (var l in precondition.parameters) {
493 var parameter = precondition.parameters[l];
494 var value = parameterMap[parameter];
496 // Assign this value to all instances of this parameter in the precondition.
497 populatedPreconditionPart.parameters[l] = value;
498 }
500 populatedAction.precondition[k] = populatedPreconditionPart;
501 populatedAction.map = parameterMap;
502 }
504 // Does the filled-in precondition exist in the test cases?
505 var applicableAction = StripsManager.getApplicableActionInState(state, populatedAction);
506 if (applicableAction) {
507 // This action is applicable in this state. Make sure we haven't already found this one.
508 var isDuplicate = false;
509 for (var rr in result) {
510 var action1 = result[rr];
511 if (StripsManager.isEqual(applicableAction, action1)) {
512 isDuplicate = true;
513 break;
514 }
515 }
517 if (!isDuplicate) {
518 result.push(applicableAction);
519 }
520 }
521 }
522 }
524 return result;
525 },
527 applyAction: function(action, state) {
528 // Applies an action on a state and returns the new state. It is assumed that the precondition has already been tested.
529 var result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state));
531 for (var i in action.effect) {
532 var actionOperation = action.effect[i];
533 var operation = actionOperation.operation || 'and';
535 if (operation == 'and') {
536 // Make sure this predicate doesn't already exist in the state.
537 var isExists = false;
538 for (var j in state.actions) {
539 // Find matching action.
540 if (StripsManager.isEqual(state.actions[j], actionOperation)) {
541 isExists = true;
542 break;
543 }
544 }
546 if (!isExists) {
547 // Add this predicate to the state.
548 result.actions.push(actionOperation);
549 }
550 }
551 else {
552 // Remove this predicate from the state.
553 for (var j in state.actions) {
554 // Find matching action.
555 if (StripsManager.isEqual(state.actions[j], actionOperation)) {
556 // This is our target. Find the same item in our result list (since result may now have different indices than state.actions, if new actions were added via 'and').
557 for (var k in result.actions) {
558 if (StripsManager.isEqual(state.actions[j], result.actions[k])) {
559 result.actions.splice(k, 1);
560 }
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 }
565 }
567 return result;
568 },
570 getChildStates: function(domain, state) {
571 // Returns the list of child states for the current state, after applying all applicable actions.
572 var children = [];
574 var actions = StripsManager.applicableActions(domain, state);
575 for (var i in actions) {
576 var action = actions[i];
577 children.push({ state: StripsManager.applyAction(action, state), action: action });
578 }
580 return children;
581 },
583 isGoal: function(state, goalState) {
584 // Returns true if the state contains the goal conditions.
585 var result = true;
587 for (var i in goalState.actions) {
588 var goalAction = goalState.actions[i];
589 var operation = goalAction.operation || 'and';
591 if (operation == 'and') {
592 // Make sure this action exists in the state.
593 var isExists = false;
594 for (var j in state.actions) {
595 if (StripsManager.isEqual(state.actions[j], goalAction)) {
596 isExists = true;
597 break;
598 }
599 }
601 // If we found a match, then this goal action exists. Move on to next tests.
602 if (!isExists) {
603 result = false;
604 break;
605 }
606 }
607 else {
608 // Make sure this action does not exist in the state.
609 var isExists = false;
610 for (var j in state.actions) {
611 if (StripsManager.isEqual(state.actions[j], goalAction)) {
612 // This is our target, so it fails the goal test.
613 isExists = true;
614 break;
615 }
616 }
618 if (isExists) {
619 // Found a match for 'not', so goal fails.
620 result = false;
621 break;
622 }
623 }
624 }
626 return result;
627 },
629 actionToString: function(action) {
630 var result = action.action;
632 for (var key in action.map) {
633 result += ' ' + action.map[key];
634 }
636 return result;
637 },
639 stateToString: function(state) {
640 var result = '';
641 var actionList = [];
643 for (var i in state.actions) {
644 var action = state.actions[i];
646 var actionString = '(' + action.action;
647 for (var j in action.parameters) {
648 actionString += ' ' + action.parameters[j];
649 }
650 actionString += ')';
652 // Keep a list of actions so we can sort them. This allows two states with different orderings of the same actions to result in the same string.
653 actionList.push(actionString);
654 }
656 for (var i in actionList.sort()) {
657 if (i > 0) {
658 result += ' ';
659 }
660 result += actionList[i];
661 }
663 return result;
664 },
666 solve: function(domain, problem, isDfs, maxSolutions, cost) {
667 // Find solution using A*, depth-first, or breadth-first search.
668 if (typeof(isDfs) == 'function' && !cost) {
669 // Allow passing cost as 3rd parameter.
670 cost = isDfs;
671 }
672 else if (isDfs == null) {
673 // If no other option specified, use depth-first-search by default.
674 isDfs = true;
675 }
677 maxSolutions = maxSolutions || 1;
679 if (cost && typeof(cost) != 'function') {
680 StripsManager.output('ERROR: parameter "cost" must be a function to serve as the A* algorithm heuristic. Method: solve(domain, problem, isDepthFirstSearch, cost, maxSolutions). Usage: solve(domain, problem), solve(domain, problem, false), solve(domain, problem, cost).');
681 return;
682 }
684 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
685 StripsManager.output('Using ' + (cost ? 'A*' : (isDfs ? 'depth' : 'breadth') + '-first-search') + '.');
686 StripsManager.output('');
687 }
689 return cost ? StripsManager.solveAs(domain, problem.states[0], problem.states[1], cost) :
690 (isDfs ? StripsManager.solveDfs(domain, problem.states[0], problem.states[1], maxSolutions) :
691 StripsManager.solveBfs(domain, problem.states[0], problem.states[1], maxSolutions));
692 },
694 solveDfs: function(domain, state, goalState, maxSolutions, visited, depth) {
695 // Find all solutions using depth-first-search.
696 var solutions = [];
698 visited = visited ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(visited)) : {};
699 depth = depth || 0;
700 state = state.state ? state : { state: state }; // format state to mirror child, which includes parent and action in recursion.
702 // If this is the initial state, add it to the visited list.
703 if (Object.keys(visited).length == 0) {
704 visited[StripsManager.stateToString(state.state)] = 1;
705 }
707 // Check for goal.
708 if (StripsManager.isGoal(state.state, goalState)) {
709 // Compile solution path.
710 var path = [];
711 var steps = depth;
713 while (state != null && state.parent != null) {
714 // Since we move from goal backwards, add this step to the front of the array (rather than the end, otherwise it would be in reverse order).
715 path.unshift(StripsManager.actionToString(state.action));
716 state = state.parent;
717 }
719 return [ { steps: steps, path: path } ];
720 }
721 else {
722 // Get child states by applying actions to current state.
723 var fringe = StripsManager.getChildStates(domain, state.state);
725 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
726 StripsManager.output('Depth: ' + depth + ', ' + fringe.length + ' child states.');
727 }
729 // Run against each new child state.
730 for (var i in fringe) {
731 var child = fringe[i];
732 child.parent = state;
733 var key = StripsManager.stateToString(child.state);
735 if (!visited[key]) {
736 visited[key] = 1;
737 var subSolutions = StripsManager.solveDfs(domain, child, goalState, maxSolutions, visited, depth + 1);
738 if (subSolutions.length > 0) {
739 // This branch has a solution(s).
740 for (var j in subSolutions) {
741 solutions.push(subSolutions[j]);
743 if (solutions.length >= maxSolutions) {
744 break;
745 }
746 }
748 if (solutions.length >= maxSolutions) {
749 break;
750 }
751 }
752 }
753 }
754 }
756 return solutions;
757 },
759 solveBfs: function(domain, state, goalState, maxSolutions) {
760 // Find all solutions using breadth-first-search.
761 var fringe = [ { state: state, depth: 0 } ]; // Start with the initial state on the fringe.
762 var visited = {};
763 var depth = 0;
764 var solutions = [];
766 while (fringe.length > 0) {
767 // Investigate the next state with the lowest depth.
768 var current = fringe[0];
770 // Remove this state from the fringe.
771 fringe.shift();
773 // Mark this state as visited.
774 visited[StripsManager.stateToString(current.state)] = 1;
776 // Check for goal.
777 if (StripsManager.isGoal(current.state, goalState)) {
778 // Compile solution path.
779 var path = [];
780 var steps = current.depth;
782 while (current != null && current.parent != null) {
783 // Since we move from goal backwards, add this step to the front of the array (rather than the end, otherwise it would be in reverse order).
784 path.unshift(StripsManager.actionToString(current.action));
785 current = current.parent;
786 }
788 solutions.push({ steps: steps, path: path });
790 if (solutions.length >= maxSolutions) {
791 return solutions;
792 }
793 }
794 else {
795 // Get child states by applying actions to current state.
796 var children = StripsManager.getChildStates(domain, current.state);
798 // Add the children to the fringe.
799 for (var i in children) {
800 var child = children[i];
801 child.parent = current;
802 child.depth = current.depth + 1;
804 if (!visited[StripsManager.stateToString(child.state)]) {
805 fringe.push(child);
806 }
807 }
808 }
810 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
811 StripsManager.output('Depth: ' + current.depth + ', ' + fringe.length + ' child states.');
812 }
813 }
815 return solutions;
816 },
818 solveAs:function(domain, state, goalState, cost) {
819 // Find first solution using A* search, where cost is the heuristic function (h = cost(state)). Starting with the initial state, we find all children by applying applicable actions on the current state, calculate the child state costs, and select the next cheapest state to visit.
820 var depth = 0;
821 var fringe = [ { state: state, h: cost(state), g: depth } ]; // Start with the initial state on the fringe.
822 var visited = {};
823 var solutions = [];
825 while (fringe.length > 0) {
826 // Investigate the next state with the lowest cost.
827 var current = fringe[0];
829 // Remove this state from the fringe.
830 fringe.shift();
832 // Mark this state as visited.
833 visited[StripsManager.stateToString(current.state)] = 1;
835 // Check for goal.
836 if (StripsManager.isGoal(current.state, goalState)) {
837 // Compile solution path.
838 var path = [];
839 var steps = current.g;
841 while (current != null && current.parent != null) {
842 // Since we move from goal backwards, add this step to the front of the array (rather than the end, otherwise it would be in reverse order).
843 path.unshift(StripsManager.actionToString(current.action));
844 current = current.parent;
845 }
847 solutions.push({ steps: steps, path: path });
849 return solutions;
850 }
851 else {
852 // Get child states by applying actions to current state.
853 var children = StripsManager.getChildStates(domain, current.state);
855 // Add the children to the fringe.
856 for (var i in children) {
857 var child = children[i];
858 child.parent = current;
859 child.g = current.g + 1;
860 child.h = cost(child.state);
862 if (!visited[StripsManager.stateToString(child.state)]) {
863 fringe.push(child);
864 }
865 }
867 fringe.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.h + a.g) - (b.h + b.g) });
868 }
870 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
871 StripsManager.output('Depth: ' + current.g + ', Current cost: ' + (current.h + current.g) + ', ' + fringe.length + ' child states.');
872 }
873 }
875 return solutions;
876 },
878 nextGraphLayer: function(domain, parentLayer, isSkipNegativeLiterals) {
879 // Builds the next planning graph layer, based upon the previous layer. In each action, 'precondition' represents parent literals. 'effect' represents child literals.
880 // Returns a 3-tier layer, consisting of P0 (literals), A0 (actions), P1 (literals). The format is: P0 = precondition, A0 = all actions not named 'noop', P1 = effect.
881 // If isSkipNegativeLiterals = true, negative literals (mutex) created from an action will be ignored.
882 var layer = [];
883 var literalHash = {};
884 var literalCount = 0;
885 var actionCount = 0;
887 // Pack all literals from actions in this layer into a single array.
888 var children = { effect: [] };
889 for (var i in parentLayer) {
890 for (var j in parentLayer[i].effect) {
891 var literal = parentLayer[i].effect[j];
892 literal.operation = literal.operation || 'and';
894 if (!isSkipNegativeLiterals || (isSkipNegativeLiterals && literal.operation != 'not')) {
895 if (!literalHash[JSON.stringify(literal)]) {
896 children.effect.push(literal);
898 // P2 - Carry forward literals from parent, using noop actions.
899 var noop = { action: 'noop' };
900 noop.precondition = noop.precondition || [];
901 noop.precondition.push(literal);
902 noop.effect = noop.precondition;
903 layer.push(noop);
905 literalHash[JSON.stringify(literal)] = 1;
907 // Keep a count of all literals in this layer so we know if we found any new ones after graphing.
908 literalCount++;
909 }
910 }
911 }
912 }
914 // A1 - Get all applicable actions for the state.
915 var actions = StripsManager.applicableActionsPlus(domain, { actions: children.effect });
916 actionCount = actions.length;
917 for (var i in actions) {
918 // Add action to the layer, preconditions are the parents, effects are the children.
919 layer.push(actions[i]);
920 }
922 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
923 StripsManager.output('P' + lastGraphIndex + ': ' + lastLiteralCount + ', A' + (lastGraphIndex+1) + ': ' + lastActionCount + ', P' + (lastGraphIndex+1) + ': ' + literalCount + ', A' + (lastGraphIndex+2) + ': ' + actionCount);
924 }
926 lastGraphIndex++;
927 lastLiteralCount = literalCount;
929 // If we discovered new literals or new actions, then return the layer and continue building the graph.
930 if (lastLiteralCount > literalCount || lastActionCount != actionCount) {
931 lastActionCount = actionCount;
933 return layer;
934 }
935 else {
936 // No change, no new literals.
937 layer.done = true;
938 return layer;
939 }
940 },
942 graph: function(domain, problem, minLayers, maxLayers, isSkipNegativeLiterals) {
943 // Builds a planning graph for a domain and problem. In each action, 'precondition' represents parent literals. 'effect' represents child literals. Any action not named 'noop' represents an applicable action.
944 // Each layer consists of 3-tiers: P0 (literals), A0 (actions), P1 (literals). The format is: P0 = precondition, A0 = actions, P1 = effect.
945 // Loops, building new graph layers, until no new literals and no new actions are discovered.
946 // If isSkipNegativeLiterals = true, negative literals (mutex) created from an action will be ignored.
947 var result = [];
948 var layer = [];
949 var actionHash = {};
951 // P0 - initial literals.
952 for (var i in problem.states[0].actions) {
953 // P1 - B. Carry forward literals from parent.
954 var noop = { action: 'noop' };
955 noop.precondition = noop.precondition || [];
956 noop.precondition.push(problem.states[0].actions[i]);
957 noop.effect = noop.precondition;
958 layer.push(noop);
959 }
961 // A0 - Get all applicable actions for the initial state.
962 var actions = StripsManager.applicableActionsPlus(domain, problem.states[0]);
964 // Initialize global graph helper counters.
965 lastLiteralCount = layer.length;
966 lastActionCount = actions.length;
967 lastGraphIndex = 0;
969 layer = layer.concat(actions);
971 // Add the literals, actions, next literals to the graph (P0, A0, P1).
972 result.push(layer);
974 // Next layer.
975 var index = 0;
976 var layer = StripsManager.nextGraphLayer(domain, result[index++], isSkipNegativeLiterals);
977 while ((!layer.done || (minLayers && index < minLayers)) && (!maxLayers || index < maxLayers)) {
978 if (StripsManager.verbose) {
979 StripsManager.output('Processing layer ' + index);
980 }
982 result.push(layer);
984 // Get next graph layer.
985 layer = StripsManager.nextGraphLayer(domain, result[index++], isSkipNegativeLiterals);
986 }
988 return result;
989 }
992module.exports = StripsManager;
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