7.89 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {
2 mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange,
3 booleanValues,
4 genericNumbers,
5} from './data';
6import cssSerialiser from './helpers/cssSerialiser';
10describe('query', () => {
11 it('throws with no arguments', () => {
12 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
13 const { query } = mq;
14 expect(
15 () =>
16 query()`
17 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
18 `
19 ).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
20 });
22 const invalidValues = [
23 ...booleanValues,
24 ...genericNumbers,
25 null,
26 undefined,
27 NaN,
28 {},
29 ];
30 for (const value of invalidValues) {
31 it(`throws with invalid argument ${value}`, () => {
32 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
33 const { query } = mq;
34 expect(
35 () =>
36 query(value)`
37 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
38 `
39 ).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
40 });
41 }
43 it('renders query with single feature', () => {
44 // @media (min-width: 25em) {
45 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
46 const { query, minWidth } = mq;
47 expect(
48 query(minWidth('small'))`
49 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
50 `
51 ).toMatchSnapshot();
52 });
54 describe('and', () => {
55 // @media (min-width: 25em) and (orientation: landscape) {
56 it('renders query with two features anded together', () => {
57 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
58 const { query, minWidth, orientation } = mq;
59 expect(
60 query([minWidth('small'), orientation('landscape')])`
61 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
62 `
63 ).toMatchSnapshot();
64 });
66 it('renders query with multiple features anded together', () => {
67 // @media screen and (min-width: 25em) and (orientation: landscape) and (grid) {
68 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
69 const { query, colorGamut, grid, minWidth, orientation } = mq;
70 expect(
71 query([
72 colorGamut('srgb'),
73 minWidth('small'),
74 orientation('landscape'),
75 grid(),
76 ])`
77 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
78 `
79 ).toMatchSnapshot();
80 });
81 });
83 describe('or', () => {
84 it('renders query with two features ored together', () => {
85 // @media (min-width: 25em),(orientation: landscape) {
86 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
87 const { query, minWidth, orientation } = mq;
88 expect(
89 query(minWidth('small'), orientation('landscape'))`
90 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
91 `
92 ).toMatchSnapshot();
93 });
95 it('renders query with multiple features ored together', () => {
96 // @media screen,(min-width: 25em),(orientation: landscape),(grid) {
97 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
98 const { query, minWidth, orientation, colorGamut, grid } = mq;
99 expect(
100 query(
101 colorGamut('srgb'),
102 minWidth('small'),
103 orientation('landscape'),
104 grid()
105 )`
106 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
107 `
108 ).toMatchSnapshot();
109 });
110 });
112 describe('not', () => {
113 it('negates anded queries', () => {
114 // @media not screen and (color) and (orientation: landscape) {
115 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
116 const { displayMode, query, not, colorGamut, orientation } = mq;
117 expect(
118 query(
119 not([
120 displayMode('fullscreen'),
121 colorGamut('p3'),
122 orientation('landscape'),
123 ])
124 )`
125 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
126 `
127 ).toMatchSnapshot();
128 });
130 it('negates ored queries', () => {
131 // @media not screen, not (color), not (orientation: landscape) {
132 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
133 const { displayMode, query, not, colorGamut, orientation } = mq;
134 expect(
135 query(
136 not(
137 displayMode('fullscreen'),
138 colorGamut('p3'),
139 orientation('landscape')
140 )
141 )`
142 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
143 `
144 ).toMatchSnapshot();
145 });
147 describe('with media type', () => {
148 it('renders single uquery with media type without adding default media type', () => {
149 // @media (min-width: 25em) {
150 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
151 const { query, not, displayMode, mediaType } = mq;
152 expect(
153 query(not(mediaType(), displayMode('fullscreen')))`
154 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
155 `
156 ).toMatchSnapshot();
157 });
159 it('negates anded queries without adding default media type', () => {
160 // @media not screen and (color) and (orientation: landscape) {
161 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
162 const {
163 mediaType,
164 displayMode,
165 query,
166 not,
167 colorGamut,
168 orientation,
169 } = mq;
170 expect(
171 query(
172 not([
173 mediaType(),
174 displayMode('fullscreen'),
175 colorGamut('p3'),
176 orientation('landscape'),
177 ])
178 )`
179 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
180 `
181 ).toMatchSnapshot();
182 });
184 it('negates ored queries without adding default media type', () => {
185 // @media not screen, not (color), not (orientation: landscape) {
186 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
187 const {
188 mediaType,
189 displayMode,
190 query,
191 not,
192 colorGamut,
193 orientation,
194 } = mq;
195 expect(
196 query(
197 not(
198 mediaType(),
199 displayMode('fullscreen'),
200 colorGamut('p3'),
201 orientation('landscape')
202 )
203 )`
204 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
205 `
206 ).toMatchSnapshot();
207 });
208 });
209 });
211 describe('mixed', () => {
212 it('allows mixed queries (both and and or)', () => {
213 // @media screen, (color), screen and (color) and (orientation: landscape) {
214 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
215 const { displayMode, query, colorGamut, orientation } = mq;
216 expect(
217 query(displayMode('fullscreen'), colorGamut('rec2020'), [
218 displayMode('standalone'),
219 orientation('landscape'),
220 ])`
221 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
222 `
223 ).toMatchSnapshot();
224 });
226 it('allows mixed not queries (both and and or)', () => {
227 // @media not screen, not (color), not screen and (color) and (orientation: landscape) {
228 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
229 const { displayMode, query, not, colorGamut, orientation, grid } = mq;
230 expect(
231 query(
232 not(displayMode('fullscreen'), colorGamut('rec2020'), [
233 grid(0),
234 orientation('landscape'),
235 ])
236 )`
237 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
238 `
239 ).toMatchSnapshot();
240 });
242 it('allows mixed queries and not queries (both and and or)', () => {
243 // @media not screen, not (color), not screen and (color) and (orientation: landscape) {
244 const mq = mqWithValidBreakpointsForRange('width');
245 const { grid, atWidth, query, not, colorGamut, orientation } = mq;
246 expect(
247 query(
248 grid(),
249 colorGamut('rec2020'),
250 [grid(1), orientation('landscape')],
251 not(grid(), [atWidth('large'), orientation('portrait')])
252 )`
253 background-color: ${() => 'GhostWhite'};
254 `
255 ).toMatchSnapshot();
256 });
257 });