1.44 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "stylelint-taro-rn",
3 "description": "A collection of React Native specific rules for stylelint",
4 "version": "3.6.34",
5 "main": "dist/index.js",
6 "files": [
7 "dist",
8 "src",
10 "README.md",
11 "!**/__tests__"
12 ],
13 "keywords": [
14 "css",
15 "csslint",
16 "lint",
17 "linter",
18 "stylelint",
19 "stylelint-plugin"
20 ],
21 "repository": {
22 "type": "git",
23 "url": "git+https://github.com/NervJS/taro.git"
24 },
25 "author": "O2Team",
26 "license": "MIT",
27 "engines": {
28 "node": ">=6"
29 },
30 "jest": {
31 "clearMocks": true,
32 "collectCoverage": false,
33 "collectCoverageFrom": [
34 "src/**/*.js"
35 ],
36 "coverageDirectory": "./.coverage/",
37 "coverageReporters": [
38 "lcov",
39 "text"
40 ],
41 "coverageThreshold": {
42 "global": {
43 "branches": 75,
44 "functions": 75,
45 "lines": 75,
46 "statements": 75
47 }
48 },
49 "setupFiles": [
50 "./jest-setup.js"
51 ],
52 "testEnvironment": "node",
53 "roots": [
54 "src"
55 ],
56 "testRegex": ".*\\.test\\.js$|src/.*/__tests__/.*\\.js$"
57 },
58 "dependencies": {
59 "react-native-known-styling-properties": "^1.0.4"
60 },
61 "devDependencies": {
62 "jest": "^29.3.1",
63 "jest-cli": "^29.3.1",
64 "jest-environment-node": "^29.5.0",
65 "postcss": "^8.4.18",
66 "postcss-less": "^6.0.0"
67 },
68 "scripts": {
69 "build": "babel src --out-dir ./dist",
70 "test": "jest"
71 }
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