1 | # stylelint
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3 | [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/stylelint.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/stylelint) [![Build Status](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/actions) [![NPM Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/stylelint.svg)](https://npmcharts.com/compare/stylelint?minimal=true) [![Backers on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/stylelint/backers/badge.svg)](#backers) [![Sponsors on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/stylelint/sponsors/badge.svg)](#sponsors)
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5 | A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.
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7 | ## Features
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9 | It's mighty because it:
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11 | - understands the **latest CSS syntax** including custom properties and level 4 selectors
12 | - extracts **embedded styles** from HTML, markdown and CSS-in-JS object & template literals
13 | - parses **CSS-like syntaxes** like SCSS, Sass, Less and SugarSS
14 | - has over **170 built-in rules** to catch errors, apply limits and enforce stylistic conventions
15 | - supports **plugins** so you can create your own rules or make use of plugins written by the community
16 | - automatically **fixes** some violations (*experimental feature*)
17 | - is **well tested** with over 15000 unit tests
18 | - supports **shareable configs** that you can extend or create your own of
19 | - is **unopinionated** so you can tailor the linter to your exact needs
20 | - has a **growing community** and is used by [Facebook](https://code.facebook.com/posts/879890885467584/improving-css-quality-at-facebook-and-beyond/), [GitHub](https://github.com/primer/stylelint-config-primer) and [WordPress](https://github.com/ntwb/stylelint-config-wordpress/)
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22 | ## Example output
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24 | ![Example](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/raw/master/example.png?raw=true)
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26 | ## Getting started
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28 | First, decide how you want to use stylelint:
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30 | - [on the command line](docs/user-guide/cli.md)
31 | - [in your text editor](docs/user-guide/complementary-tools.md#editor-plugins), for example in VS Code
32 | - [in for your build tool](docs/user-guide/complementary-tools.md#build-tool-plugins), for example in webpack
33 | - [via the Node.js API](docs/user-guide/node-api.md)
34 | - [as a PostCSS plugin](docs/user-guide/postcss-plugin.md)
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36 | Then create your [configuration object](docs/user-guide/configuration.md). You can either extend a shared configuration or craft your own.
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38 | ### Extend a shared configuration
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40 | This is the quickest way to get started. We suggest you extend either:
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42 | - [`stylelint-config-recommended`](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-recommended)
43 | - [`stylelint-config-standard`](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-standard)
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45 | The recommended config turns on just the [possible error](docs/user-guide/rules.md#possible-errors) rules. The standard config extends it by turning on 60 [stylistic rules](docs/user-guide/rules.md#stylistic-issues). We suggest you extend the:
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47 | - recommended config if you use a pretty printer like [prettier](https://prettier.io/)
48 | - standard config if you want stylelint to enforce stylistic conventions
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50 | You may want to add rules to your config that [limit language features](docs/user-guide/rules.md#limit-language-features) as these will be specific to your team and/or project.
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52 | *If you use language extensions, for example `@if` and `@extends`, you can use a community config like [`stylelint-config-recommended-scss`](https://github.com/kristerkari/stylelint-config-recommended-scss) instead.*
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54 | ### Craft your own config
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56 | Alternatively, you can [learn about the rules](docs/user-guide/about-rules.md) and then either:
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58 | - start small and add only [the rules](docs/user-guide/rules.md) you want to turn on
59 | - copy, paste and adapt [this example configuration](docs/user-guide/example-config.md) which lists all of the rules and their primary options
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61 | ## Guides
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63 | You'll find detailed information on customising stylelint in our guides:
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65 | - [user guide](docs/user-guide.md) - how to use and configure stylelint
66 | - [developer guide](docs/developer-guide.md) - how to develop for stylelint
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68 | ## Need help?
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70 | Read our [FAQ](docs/user-guide/faq.md) first.
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72 | If the answer to your problem isn't there, then post it on [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/stylelint).
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74 | Create a [new issue](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/new/choose) if:
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76 | - you think you've found a bug
77 | - you have a feature request
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79 | If you're upgrading, read our [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) to learn what changes to expect in the latest version.
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81 | ## Help out
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83 | To help out, you can:
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85 | - get involved in any open [issue](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues) or [pull request](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/pulls)
86 | - create, enhance and debug rules using our [working on rules](docs/developer-guide/rules.md) guide
87 | - improve the [documentation](docs/)
88 | - add new tests to *absolutely anything*
89 | - improve the [performance of rules](docs/developer-guide/rules.md#improving-the-performance-of-a-rule)
90 | - open [new issues](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/new/choose) about your ideas for making stylelint better
91 | - open [a pull request](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/compare) to show us how your idea works
92 | - create or contribute to [ecosystem tools](docs/user-guide/complementary-tools.md), for example the plugin for [VS Code](https://github.com/stylelint/vscode-stylelint)
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94 | Our [VISION document](VISION.md) guides our work.
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96 | ## Semantic Versioning Policy
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98 | We have a [semantic versioning policy](docs/user-guide/semantic-versioning-policy.md). Any minor update may report more errors than the previous release. As such, we recommend using the tilde (`~`) in `package.json` e.g. `"stylelint": "~7.2.0"` to guarantee the results of your builds.
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100 | ## License
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102 | [The MIT License](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylelint/stylelint/master/LICENSE).
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104 | ## Contributing Guidelines
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106 | Check out the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
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108 | ## Contributors
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110 | Without [all these wonderful people](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/graphs/contributors) this project would cease to exist.
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112 | ## Backers
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114 | Thank you to all our backers! [Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/stylelint#backer).
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116 | <a href="https://opencollective.com/stylelint#backers" target="_blank"><img src="https://opencollective.com/stylelint/backers.svg?width=890"></a>
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119 | ## Sponsors
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121 | Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor](https://opencollective.com/stylelint#sponsor).
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123 | <a href="https://opencollective.com/stylelint/sponsor/0/website" target="_blank"><img src="https://opencollective.com/stylelint/sponsor/0/avatar.svg"></a>