133 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2/* parser generated by jison 0.6.1-215 */
5 * Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
6 *
7 * Parser: {
8 * yy: {} The so-called "shared state" or rather the *source* of it;
9 * the real "shared state" `yy` passed around to
10 * the rule actions, etc. is a derivative/copy of this one,
11 * not a direct reference!
12 * }
13 *
14 * Parser.prototype: {
15 * yy: {},
16 * EOF: 1,
17 * TERROR: 2,
18 *
19 * trace: function(errorMessage, ...),
20 *
21 * JisonParserError: function(msg, hash),
22 *
23 * quoteName: function(name),
24 * Helper function which can be overridden by user code later on: put suitable
25 * quotes around literal IDs in a description string.
26 *
27 * originalQuoteName: function(name),
28 * The basic quoteName handler provided by JISON.
29 * `cleanupAfterParse()` will clean up and reset `quoteName()` to reference this function
30 * at the end of the `parse()`.
31 *
32 * describeSymbol: function(symbol),
33 * Return a more-or-less human-readable description of the given symbol, when
34 * available, or the symbol itself, serving as its own 'description' for lack
35 * of something better to serve up.
36 *
37 * Return NULL when the symbol is unknown to the parser.
38 *
39 * symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
40 * terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
41 * nonterminals: {associative list: rule-name ==> {associative list: number ==> rule-alt}},
42 * terminal_descriptions_: (if there are any) {associative list: number ==> description},
43 * productions_: [...],
44 *
45 * performAction: function parser__performAction(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yyloc, yystate, yysp, yyvstack, yylstack, yystack, yysstack),
46 *
47 * The function parameters and `this` have the following value/meaning:
48 * - `this` : reference to the `yyval` internal object, which has members (`$` and `_$`)
49 * to store/reference the rule value `$$` and location info `@$`.
50 *
51 * One important thing to note about `this` a.k.a. `yyval`: every *reduce* action gets
52 * to see the same object via the `this` reference, i.e. if you wish to carry custom
53 * data from one reduce action through to the next within a single parse run, then you
54 * may get nasty and use `yyval` a.k.a. `this` for storing you own semi-permanent data.
55 *
56 * `this.yy` is a direct reference to the `yy` shared state object.
57 *
58 * `%parse-param`-specified additional `parse()` arguments have been added to this `yy`
59 * object at `parse()` start and are therefore available to the action code via the
60 * same named `yy.xxxx` attributes (where `xxxx` represents a identifier name from
61 * the %parse-param` list.
62 *
63 * - `yytext` : reference to the lexer value which belongs to the last lexer token used
64 * to match this rule. This is *not* the look-ahead token, but the last token
65 * that's actually part of this rule.
66 *
67 * Formulated another way, `yytext` is the value of the token immediately preceeding
68 * the current look-ahead token.
69 * Caveats apply for rules which don't require look-ahead, such as epsilon rules.
70 *
71 * - `yyleng` : ditto as `yytext`, only now for the lexer.yyleng value.
72 *
73 * - `yylineno`: ditto as `yytext`, only now for the lexer.yylineno value.
74 *
75 * - `yyloc` : ditto as `yytext`, only now for the lexer.yylloc lexer token location info.
76 *
77 * WARNING: since jison 0.4.18-186 this entry may be NULL/UNDEFINED instead
78 * of an empty object when no suitable location info can be provided.
79 *
80 * - `yystate` : the current parser state number, used internally for dispatching and
81 * executing the action code chunk matching the rule currently being reduced.
82 *
83 * - `yysp` : the current state stack position (a.k.a. 'stack pointer')
84 *
85 * This one comes in handy when you are going to do advanced things to the parser
86 * stacks, all of which are accessible from your action code (see the next entries below).
87 *
88 * Also note that you can access this and other stack index values using the new double-hash
89 * syntax, i.e. `##$ === ##0 === yysp`, while `##1` is the stack index for all things
90 * related to the first rule term, just like you have `$1`, `@1` and `#1`.
91 * This is made available to write very advanced grammar action rules, e.g. when you want
92 * to investigate the parse state stack in your action code, which would, for example,
93 * be relevant when you wish to implement error diagnostics and reporting schemes similar
94 * to the work described here:
95 *
96 * + Pottier, F., 2016. Reachability and error diagnosis in LR(1) automata.
97 * In Journées Francophones des Languages Applicatifs.
98 *
99 * + Jeffery, C.L., 2003. Generating LR syntax error messages from examples.
100 * ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 25(5), pp.631–640.
101 *
102 * - `yyrulelength`: the current rule's term count, i.e. the number of entries occupied on the stack.
103 *
104 * This one comes in handy when you are going to do advanced things to the parser
105 * stacks, all of which are accessible from your action code (see the next entries below).
106 *
107 * - `yyvstack`: reference to the parser value stack. Also accessed via the `$1` etc.
108 * constructs.
109 *
110 * - `yylstack`: reference to the parser token location stack. Also accessed via
111 * the `@1` etc. constructs.
112 *
113 * WARNING: since jison 0.4.18-186 this array MAY contain slots which are
114 * UNDEFINED rather than an empty (location) object, when the lexer/parser
115 * action code did not provide a suitable location info object when such a
116 * slot was filled!
117 *
118 * - `yystack` : reference to the parser token id stack. Also accessed via the
119 * `#1` etc. constructs.
120 *
121 * Note: this is a bit of a **white lie** as we can statically decode any `#n` reference to
122 * its numeric token id value, hence that code wouldn't need the `yystack` but *you* might
123 * want access this array for your own purposes, such as error analysis as mentioned above!
124 *
125 * Note that this stack stores the current stack of *tokens*, that is the sequence of
126 * already parsed=reduced *nonterminals* (tokens representing rules) and *terminals*
127 * (lexer tokens *shifted* onto the stack until the rule they belong to is found and
128 * *reduced*.
129 *
130 * - `yysstack`: reference to the parser state stack. This one carries the internal parser
131 * *states* such as the one in `yystate`, which are used to represent
132 * the parser state machine in the *parse table*. *Very* *internal* stuff,
133 * what can I say? If you access this one, you're clearly doing wicked things
134 *
135 * - `...` : the extra arguments you specified in the `%parse-param` statement in your
136 * grammar definition file.
137 *
138 * table: [...],
139 * State transition table
140 * ----------------------
141 *
142 * index levels are:
143 * - `state` --> hash table
144 * - `symbol` --> action (number or array)
145 *
146 * If the `action` is an array, these are the elements' meaning:
147 * - index [0]: 1 = shift, 2 = reduce, 3 = accept
148 * - index [1]: GOTO `state`
149 *
150 * If the `action` is a number, it is the GOTO `state`
151 *
152 * defaultActions: {...},
153 *
154 * parseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass),
155 * yyError: function(str, ...),
156 * yyRecovering: function(),
157 * yyErrOk: function(),
158 * yyClearIn: function(),
159 *
160 * constructParseErrorInfo: function(error_message, exception_object, expected_token_set, is_recoverable),
161 * Helper function **which will be set up during the first invocation of the `parse()` method**.
162 * Produces a new errorInfo 'hash object' which can be passed into `parseError()`.
163 * See it's use in this parser kernel in many places; example usage:
164 *
165 * var infoObj = parser.constructParseErrorInfo('fail!', null,
166 * parser.collect_expected_token_set(state), true);
167 * var retVal = parser.parseError(infoObj.errStr, infoObj, parser.JisonParserError);
168 *
169 * originalParseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass),
170 * The basic `parseError` handler provided by JISON.
171 * `cleanupAfterParse()` will clean up and reset `parseError()` to reference this function
172 * at the end of the `parse()`.
173 *
174 * options: { ... parser %options ... },
175 *
176 * parse: function(input[, args...]),
177 * Parse the given `input` and return the parsed value (or `true` when none was provided by
178 * the root action, in which case the parser is acting as a *matcher*).
179 * You MAY use the additional `args...` parameters as per `%parse-param` spec of this grammar:
180 * these extra `args...` are added verbatim to the `yy` object reference as member variables.
181 *
182 * WARNING:
183 * Parser's additional `args...` parameters (via `%parse-param`) MAY conflict with
184 * any attributes already added to `yy` by the jison run-time;
185 * when such a collision is detected an exception is thrown to prevent the generated run-time
186 * from silently accepting this confusing and potentially hazardous situation!
187 *
188 * The lexer MAY add its own set of additional parameters (via the `%parse-param` line in
189 * the lexer section of the grammar spec): these will be inserted in the `yy` shared state
190 * object and any collision with those will be reported by the lexer via a thrown exception.
191 *
192 * cleanupAfterParse: function(resultValue, invoke_post_methods, do_not_nuke_errorinfos),
193 * Helper function **which will be set up during the first invocation of the `parse()` method**.
194 * This helper API is invoked at the end of the `parse()` call, unless an exception was thrown
195 * and `%options no-try-catch` has been defined for this grammar: in that case this helper MAY
196 * be invoked by calling user code to ensure the `post_parse` callbacks are invoked and
197 * the internal parser gets properly garbage collected under these particular circumstances.
198 *
199 * yyMergeLocationInfo: function(first_index, last_index, first_yylloc, last_yylloc, dont_look_back),
200 * Helper function **which will be set up during the first invocation of the `parse()` method**.
201 * This helper API can be invoked to calculate a spanning `yylloc` location info object.
202 *
203 * Note: %epsilon rules MAY specify no `first_index` and `first_yylloc`, in which case
204 * this function will attempt to obtain a suitable location marker by inspecting the location stack
205 * backwards.
206 *
207 * For more info see the documentation comment further below, immediately above this function's
208 * implementation.
209 *
210 * lexer: {
211 * yy: {...}, A reference to the so-called "shared state" `yy` once
212 * received via a call to the `.setInput(input, yy)` lexer API.
213 * EOF: 1,
214 * ERROR: 2,
215 * JisonLexerError: function(msg, hash),
216 * parseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass),
217 * setInput: function(input, [yy]),
218 * input: function(),
219 * unput: function(str),
220 * more: function(),
221 * reject: function(),
222 * less: function(n),
223 * pastInput: function(n),
224 * upcomingInput: function(n),
225 * showPosition: function(),
226 * test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index, ...),
227 * next: function(...),
228 * lex: function(...),
229 * begin: function(condition),
230 * pushState: function(condition),
231 * popState: function(),
232 * topState: function(),
233 * _currentRules: function(),
234 * stateStackSize: function(),
235 * cleanupAfterLex: function()
236 *
237 * options: { ... lexer %options ... },
238 *
239 * performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START, ...),
240 * rules: [...],
241 * conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
242 * }
243 * }
244 *
245 *
246 * token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
247 * first_line: n,
248 * last_line: n,
249 * first_column: n,
250 * last_column: n,
251 * range: [start_number, end_number]
252 * (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, zero-based)
253 * }
254 *
255 * ---
256 *
257 * The `parseError` function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and
258 * parser errors:
259 *
260 * {
261 * text: (matched text)
262 * token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
263 * token_id: (the produced terminal token numeric ID, if any)
264 * line: (yylineno)
265 * loc: (yylloc)
266 * }
267 *
268 * parser (grammar) errors will also provide these additional members:
269 *
270 * {
271 * expected: (array describing the set of expected tokens;
272 * may be UNDEFINED when we cannot easily produce such a set)
273 * state: (integer (or array when the table includes grammar collisions);
274 * represents the current internal state of the parser kernel.
275 * can, for example, be used to pass to the `collect_expected_token_set()`
276 * API to obtain the expected token set)
277 * action: (integer; represents the current internal action which will be executed)
278 * new_state: (integer; represents the next/planned internal state, once the current
279 * action has executed)
280 * recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser MAY have an error recovery rule
281 * available for this particular error)
282 * state_stack: (array: the current parser LALR/LR internal state stack; this can be used,
283 * for instance, for advanced error analysis and reporting)
284 * value_stack: (array: the current parser LALR/LR internal `$$` value stack; this can be used,
285 * for instance, for advanced error analysis and reporting)
286 * location_stack: (array: the current parser LALR/LR internal location stack; this can be used,
287 * for instance, for advanced error analysis and reporting)
288 * yy: (object: the current parser internal "shared state" `yy`
289 * as is also available in the rule actions; this can be used,
290 * for instance, for advanced error analysis and reporting)
291 * lexer: (reference to the current lexer instance used by the parser)
292 * parser: (reference to the current parser instance)
293 * }
294 *
295 * while `this` will reference the current parser instance.
296 *
297 * When `parseError` is invoked by the lexer, `this` will still reference the related *parser*
298 * instance, while these additional `hash` fields will also be provided:
299 *
300 * {
301 * lexer: (reference to the current lexer instance which reported the error)
302 * }
303 *
304 * When `parseError` is invoked by the parser due to a **JavaScript exception** being fired
305 * from either the parser or lexer, `this` will still reference the related *parser*
306 * instance, while these additional `hash` fields will also be provided:
307 *
308 * {
309 * exception: (reference to the exception thrown)
310 * }
311 *
312 * Please do note that in the latter situation, the `expected` field will be omitted as
313 * this type of failure is assumed not to be due to *parse errors* but rather due to user
314 * action code in either parser or lexer failing unexpectedly.
315 *
316 * ---
317 *
318 * You can specify parser options by setting / modifying the `.yy` object of your Parser instance.
319 * These options are available:
320 *
321 * ### options which are global for all parser instances
322 *
323 * Parser.pre_parse: function(yy)
324 * optional: you can specify a pre_parse() function in the chunk following
325 * the grammar, i.e. after the last `%%`.
326 * Parser.post_parse: function(yy, retval, parseInfo) { return retval; }
327 * optional: you can specify a post_parse() function in the chunk following
328 * the grammar, i.e. after the last `%%`. When it does not return any value,
329 * the parser will return the original `retval`.
330 *
331 * ### options which can be set up per parser instance
332 *
333 * yy: {
334 * pre_parse: function(yy)
335 * optional: is invoked before the parse cycle starts (and before the first
336 * invocation of `lex()`) but immediately after the invocation of
337 * `parser.pre_parse()`).
338 * post_parse: function(yy, retval, parseInfo) { return retval; }
339 * optional: is invoked when the parse terminates due to success ('accept')
340 * or failure (even when exceptions are thrown).
341 * `retval` contains the return value to be produced by `Parser.parse()`;
342 * this function can override the return value by returning another.
343 * When it does not return any value, the parser will return the original
344 * `retval`.
345 * This function is invoked immediately before `parser.post_parse()`.
346 *
347 * parseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass)
348 * optional: overrides the default `parseError` function.
349 * quoteName: function(name),
350 * optional: overrides the default `quoteName` function.
351 * }
352 *
353 * parser.lexer.options: {
354 * pre_lex: function()
355 * optional: is invoked before the lexer is invoked to produce another token.
356 * `this` refers to the Lexer object.
357 * post_lex: function(token) { return token; }
358 * optional: is invoked when the lexer has produced a token `token`;
359 * this function can override the returned token value by returning another.
360 * When it does not return any (truthy) value, the lexer will return
361 * the original `token`.
362 * `this` refers to the Lexer object.
363 *
364 * ranges: boolean
365 * optional: `true` ==> token location info will include a .range[] member.
366 * flex: boolean
367 * optional: `true` ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested
368 * exhaustively to find the longest match.
369 * backtrack_lexer: boolean
370 * optional: `true` ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for invoked;
371 * the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code.
372 * xregexp: boolean
373 * optional: `true` ==> lexer rule regexes are "extended regex format" requiring the
374 * `XRegExp` library. When this `%option` has not been specified at compile time, all lexer
375 * rule regexes have been written as standard JavaScript RegExp expressions.
376 * }
377 */
381 var parser = (function () {
384// See also:
385// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1382107/whats-a-good-way-to-extend-error-in-javascript/#35881508
386// but we keep the prototype.constructor and prototype.name assignment lines too for compatibility
387// with userland code which might access the derived class in a 'classic' way.
388function JisonParserError(msg, hash) {
389 Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', {
390 enumerable: false,
391 writable: false,
392 value: 'JisonParserError'
393 });
395 if (msg == null) msg = '???';
397 Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', {
398 enumerable: false,
399 writable: true,
400 value: msg
401 });
403 this.hash = hash;
405 var stacktrace;
406 if (hash && hash.exception instanceof Error) {
407 var ex2 = hash.exception;
408 this.message = ex2.message || msg;
409 stacktrace = ex2.stack;
410 }
411 if (!stacktrace) {
412 if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) { // V8/Chrome engine
413 Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
414 } else {
415 stacktrace = (new Error(msg)).stack;
416 }
417 }
418 if (stacktrace) {
419 Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', {
420 enumerable: false,
421 writable: false,
422 value: stacktrace
423 });
424 }
427if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === 'function') {
428 Object.setPrototypeOf(JisonParserError.prototype, Error.prototype);
429} else {
430 JisonParserError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
432JisonParserError.prototype.constructor = JisonParserError;
433JisonParserError.prototype.name = 'JisonParserError';
438 // helper: reconstruct the productions[] table
439 function bp(s) {
440 var rv = [];
441 var p = s.pop;
442 var r = s.rule;
443 for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++) {
444 rv.push([
445 p[i],
446 r[i]
447 ]);
448 }
449 return rv;
450 }
454 // helper: reconstruct the defaultActions[] table
455 function bda(s) {
456 var rv = {};
457 var d = s.idx;
458 var g = s.goto;
459 for (var i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++) {
460 var j = d[i];
461 rv[j] = g[i];
462 }
463 return rv;
464 }
468 // helper: reconstruct the 'goto' table
469 function bt(s) {
470 var rv = [];
471 var d = s.len;
472 var y = s.symbol;
473 var t = s.type;
474 var a = s.state;
475 var m = s.mode;
476 var g = s.goto;
477 for (var i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++) {
478 var n = d[i];
479 var q = {};
480 for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
481 var z = y.shift();
482 switch (t.shift()) {
483 case 2:
484 q[z] = [
485 m.shift(),
486 g.shift()
487 ];
488 break;
490 case 0:
491 q[z] = a.shift();
492 break;
494 default:
495 // type === 1: accept
496 q[z] = [
497 3
498 ];
499 }
500 }
501 rv.push(q);
502 }
503 return rv;
504 }
508 // helper: runlength encoding with increment step: code, length: step (default step = 0)
509 // `this` references an array
510 function s(c, l, a) {
511 a = a || 0;
512 for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
513 this.push(c);
514 c += a;
515 }
516 }
518 // helper: duplicate sequence from *relative* offset and length.
519 // `this` references an array
520 function c(i, l) {
521 i = this.length - i;
522 for (l += i; i < l; i++) {
523 this.push(this[i]);
524 }
525 }
527 // helper: unpack an array using helpers and data, all passed in an array argument 'a'.
528 function u(a) {
529 var rv = [];
530 for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
531 var e = a[i];
532 // Is this entry a helper function?
533 if (typeof e === 'function') {
534 i++;
535 e.apply(rv, a[i]);
536 } else {
537 rv.push(e);
538 }
539 }
540 return rv;
541 }
544var parser = {
545 // Code Generator Information Report
546 // ---------------------------------
547 //
548 // Options:
549 //
550 // default action mode: ............. ["classic","merge"]
551 // test-compile action mode: ........ "parser:*,lexer:*"
552 // try..catch: ...................... true
553 // default resolve on conflict: ..... true
554 // on-demand look-ahead: ............ false
555 // error recovery token skip maximum: 3
556 // yyerror in parse actions is: ..... NOT recoverable,
557 // yyerror in lexer actions and other non-fatal lexer are:
558 // .................................. NOT recoverable,
559 // debug grammar/output: ............ false
560 // has partial LR conflict upgrade: true
561 // rudimentary token-stack support: false
562 // parser table compression mode: ... 2
563 // export debug tables: ............. false
564 // export *all* tables: ............. false
565 // module type: ..................... commonjs
566 // parser engine type: .............. lalr
567 // output main() in the module: ..... true
568 // has user-specified main(): ....... false
569 // has user-specified require()/import modules for main():
570 // .................................. false
571 // number of expected conflicts: .... 0
572 //
573 //
574 // Parser Analysis flags:
575 //
576 // no significant actions (parser is a language matcher only):
577 // .................................. false
578 // uses yyleng: ..................... false
579 // uses yylineno: ................... false
580 // uses yytext: ..................... false
581 // uses yylloc: ..................... false
582 // uses ParseError API: ............. false
583 // uses YYERROR: .................... false
584 // uses YYRECOVERING: ............... false
585 // uses YYERROK: .................... false
586 // uses YYCLEARIN: .................. false
587 // tracks rule values: .............. true
588 // assigns rule values: ............. true
589 // uses location tracking: .......... true
590 // assigns location: ................ true
591 // uses yystack: .................... false
592 // uses yysstack: ................... false
593 // uses yysp: ....................... true
594 // uses yyrulelength: ............... false
595 // uses yyMergeLocationInfo API: .... true
596 // has error recovery: .............. false
597 // has error reporting: ............. false
598 //
599 // --------- END OF REPORT -----------
601trace: function no_op_trace() { },
602JisonParserError: JisonParserError,
603yy: {},
604options: {
605 type: "lalr",
606 hasPartialLrUpgradeOnConflict: true,
607 errorRecoveryTokenDiscardCount: 3,
608 caseInsensitive: true
610symbols_: {
611 "$accept": 0,
612 "$end": 1,
613 "ADD": 6,
614 "ANGLE": 13,
615 "CALC": 3,
616 "DIV": 9,
617 "EOF": 1,
618 "FREQ": 15,
619 "FUNCTION": 11,
620 "LENGTH": 12,
621 "LPAREN": 4,
622 "MUL": 8,
623 "NUMBER": 10,
624 "PERCENTAGE": 17,
625 "RES": 16,
626 "RPAREN": 5,
627 "SUB": 7,
628 "TIME": 14,
629 "UNKNOWN": 18,
630 "css_value": 23,
631 "error": 2,
632 "expression": 19,
633 "function": 22,
634 "math_expression": 20,
635 "value": 21
637terminals_: {
638 1: "EOF",
639 2: "error",
640 3: "CALC",
641 4: "LPAREN",
642 5: "RPAREN",
643 6: "ADD",
644 7: "SUB",
645 8: "MUL",
646 9: "DIV",
647 10: "NUMBER",
648 11: "FUNCTION",
649 12: "LENGTH",
650 13: "ANGLE",
651 14: "TIME",
652 15: "FREQ",
653 16: "RES",
654 17: "PERCENTAGE",
655 18: "UNKNOWN"
657TERROR: 2,
658 EOF: 1,
660 // internals: defined here so the object *structure* doesn't get modified by parse() et al,
661 // thus helping JIT compilers like Chrome V8.
662 originalQuoteName: null,
663 originalParseError: null,
664 cleanupAfterParse: null,
665 constructParseErrorInfo: null,
666 yyMergeLocationInfo: null,
668 __reentrant_call_depth: 0, // INTERNAL USE ONLY
669 __error_infos: [], // INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of parseErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
670 __error_recovery_infos: [], // INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of parseErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
672 // APIs which will be set up depending on user action code analysis:
673 //yyRecovering: 0,
674 //yyErrOk: 0,
675 //yyClearIn: 0,
677 // Helper APIs
678 // -----------
680 // Helper function which can be overridden by user code later on: put suitable quotes around
681 // literal IDs in a description string.
682 quoteName: function parser_quoteName(id_str) {
683 return '"' + id_str + '"';
684 },
686 // Return the name of the given symbol (terminal or non-terminal) as a string, when available.
687 //
688 // Return NULL when the symbol is unknown to the parser.
689 getSymbolName: function parser_getSymbolName(symbol) {
690 if (this.terminals_[symbol]) {
691 return this.terminals_[symbol];
692 }
694 // Otherwise... this might refer to a RULE token i.e. a non-terminal: see if we can dig that one up.
695 //
696 // An example of this may be where a rule's action code contains a call like this:
697 //
698 // parser.getSymbolName(#$)
699 //
700 // to obtain a human-readable name of the current grammar rule.
701 var s = this.symbols_;
702 for (var key in s) {
703 if (s[key] === symbol) {
704 return key;
705 }
706 }
707 return null;
708 },
710 // Return a more-or-less human-readable description of the given symbol, when available,
711 // or the symbol itself, serving as its own 'description' for lack of something better to serve up.
712 //
713 // Return NULL when the symbol is unknown to the parser.
714 describeSymbol: function parser_describeSymbol(symbol) {
715 if (symbol !== this.EOF && this.terminal_descriptions_ && this.terminal_descriptions_[symbol]) {
716 return this.terminal_descriptions_[symbol];
717 }
718 else if (symbol === this.EOF) {
719 return 'end of input';
720 }
721 var id = this.getSymbolName(symbol);
722 if (id) {
723 return this.quoteName(id);
724 }
725 return null;
726 },
728 // Produce a (more or less) human-readable list of expected tokens at the point of failure.
729 //
730 // The produced list may contain token or token set descriptions instead of the tokens
731 // themselves to help turning this output into something that easier to read by humans
732 // unless `do_not_describe` parameter is set, in which case a list of the raw, *numeric*,
733 // expected terminals and nonterminals is produced.
734 //
735 // The returned list (array) will not contain any duplicate entries.
736 collect_expected_token_set: function parser_collect_expected_token_set(state, do_not_describe) {
737 var TERROR = this.TERROR;
738 var tokenset = [];
739 var check = {};
740 // Has this (error?) state been outfitted with a custom expectations description text for human consumption?
741 // If so, use that one instead of the less palatable token set.
742 if (!do_not_describe && this.state_descriptions_ && this.state_descriptions_[state]) {
743 return [
744 this.state_descriptions_[state]
745 ];
746 }
747 for (var p in this.table[state]) {
748 p = +p;
749 if (p !== TERROR) {
750 var d = do_not_describe ? p : this.describeSymbol(p);
751 if (d && !check[d]) {
752 tokenset.push(d);
753 check[d] = true; // Mark this token description as already mentioned to prevent outputting duplicate entries.
754 }
755 }
756 }
757 return tokenset;
758 },
759productions_: bp({
760 pop: u([
761 19,
762 s,
763 [20, 11],
764 21,
765 22,
766 s,
767 [23, 7]
769 rule: u([
770 2,
771 4,
772 s,
773 [3, 4],
774 2,
775 2,
776 3,
777 s,
778 [1, 12]
781performAction: function parser__PerformAction(yyloc, yystate /* action[1] */, yysp, yyvstack, yylstack) {
783 /* this == yyval */
785 // the JS engine itself can go and remove these statements when `yy` turns out to be unused in any action code!
786 var yy = this.yy;
787 var yyparser = yy.parser;
788 var yylexer = yy.lexer;
792 switch (yystate) {
793case 0:
794 /*! Production:: $accept : expression $end */
796 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,-,-,LT,LA,-,-):
797 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
798 this._$ = yylstack[yysp - 1];
799 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,-,-,LT,LA,-,-)
800 break;
802case 1:
803 /*! Production:: expression : math_expression EOF */
805 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,-,-,LT,LA,-,-):
806 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
807 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 1, yysp);
808 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,-,-,LT,LA,-,-)
811 return yyvstack[yysp - 1];
812 break;
814case 2:
815 /*! Production:: math_expression : CALC LPAREN math_expression RPAREN */
817 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 4,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
818 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 3, yysp);
819 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 4,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
822 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
823 this.$.source.start = { index: yylstack[yysp - 3].range[0] };
824 this.$.source.end = { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] };
825 break;
827case 3:
828 /*! Production:: math_expression : math_expression ADD math_expression */
829case 4:
830 /*! Production:: math_expression : math_expression SUB math_expression */
831case 5:
832 /*! Production:: math_expression : math_expression MUL math_expression */
833case 6:
834 /*! Production:: math_expression : math_expression DIV math_expression */
836 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 3,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
837 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 2, yysp);
838 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 3,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
841 this.$ = {
842 type: 'MathExpression', operator: yyvstack[yysp - 1], left: yyvstack[yysp - 2], right: yyvstack[yysp],
843 source: {
844 start: yyvstack[yysp - 2].source.start, end: yyvstack[yysp].source.end,
845 operator: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp - 1].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp - 1].range[1] } }
846 }
847 };
848 break;
850case 7:
851 /*! Production:: math_expression : SUB math_expression */
853 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
854 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 1, yysp);
855 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
858 if (yylstack[yysp - 1].range[1] !== yyvstack[yysp].source.start.index) {
859 throw new Error('Unexpected spaces was found between sign and value');
860 }
861 if (typeof yyvstack[yysp].value !== 'number') {
862 throw new Error('Unexpected sign');
863 }
864 if (yyvstack[yysp].sign) {
865 throw new Error('Unexpected continuous sign');
866 }
867 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp];
868 this.$.sign = '-'
869 this.$.value = -yyvstack[yysp].value;
870 this.$.source.start.index = yylstack[yysp - 1].range[0];
871 break;
873case 8:
874 /*! Production:: math_expression : ADD math_expression */
876 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
877 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 1, yysp);
878 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 2,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
881 if (yylstack[yysp - 1].range[1] !== yyvstack[yysp].source.start.index) {
882 throw new Error('Unexpected spaces was found between sign and value');
883 }
884 if (typeof yyvstack[yysp].value !== 'number') {
885 throw new Error('Unexpected sign');
886 }
887 if (yyvstack[yysp].sign) {
888 throw new Error('Unexpected continuous sign');
889 }
890 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp];
891 this.$.sign = '+'
892 this.$.source.start.index = yylstack[yysp - 1].range[0];
893 break;
895case 9:
896 /*! Production:: math_expression : LPAREN math_expression RPAREN */
898 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 3,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
899 this._$ = yyparser.yyMergeLocationInfo(yysp - 2, yysp);
900 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 3,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
903 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
904 this.$.source.start = { index: yylstack[yysp - 2].range[0] };
905 this.$.source.end = { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] };
906 break;
908case 10:
909 /*! Production:: math_expression : function */
910case 11:
911 /*! Production:: math_expression : css_value */
912case 12:
913 /*! Production:: math_expression : value */
915 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
916 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
917 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
920 this.$ = yyvstack[yysp];
921 break;
923case 13:
924 /*! Production:: value : NUMBER */
926 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
927 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
928 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
931 this.$ = { type: 'Value', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
932 break;
934case 14:
935 /*! Production:: function : FUNCTION */
937 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
938 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
939 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
942 this.$ = { type: 'Function', value: yyvstack[yysp], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
943 break;
945case 15:
946 /*! Production:: css_value : LENGTH */
948 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
949 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
950 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
953 this.$ = { type: 'LengthValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
954 break;
956case 16:
957 /*! Production:: css_value : ANGLE */
959 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
960 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
961 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
964 this.$ = { type: 'AngleValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
965 break;
967case 17:
968 /*! Production:: css_value : TIME */
970 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
971 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
972 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
975 this.$ = { type: 'TimeValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
976 break;
978case 18:
979 /*! Production:: css_value : FREQ */
981 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
982 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
983 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
986 this.$ = { type: 'FrequencyValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
987 break;
989case 19:
990 /*! Production:: css_value : RES */
992 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
993 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
994 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
997 this.$ = { type: 'ResolutionValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0], source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
998 break;
1000case 20:
1001 /*! Production:: css_value : PERCENTAGE */
1003 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
1004 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
1005 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
1008 this.$ = { type: 'PercentageValue', value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: '%', source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
1009 break;
1011case 21:
1012 /*! Production:: css_value : UNKNOWN */
1014 // default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-):
1015 this._$ = yylstack[yysp];
1016 // END of default action (generated by JISON mode classic/merge :: 1,VT,VA,VU,-,LT,LA,-,-)
1019 this.$ = { type: 'UnknownValue', value: yyvstack[yysp], unit: '', source: { start: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[0] }, end: { index: yylstack[yysp].range[1] } } };
1020 break;
1024table: bt({
1025 len: u([
1026 18,
1027 1,
1028 5,
1029 1,
1030 s,
1031 [17, 3],
1032 s,
1033 [0, 13],
1034 s,
1035 [17, 5],
1036 0,
1037 0,
1038 5,
1039 6,
1040 6,
1041 c,
1042 [5, 3],
1043 0,
1044 0
1046 symbol: u([
1047 3,
1048 4,
1049 6,
1050 7,
1051 s,
1052 [10, 14, 1],
1053 1,
1054 1,
1055 s,
1056 [6, 4, 1],
1057 4,
1058 c,
1059 [25, 13],
1060 c,
1061 [24, 4],
1062 c,
1063 [17, 119],
1064 s,
1065 [5, 5, 1],
1066 1,
1067 c,
1068 [6, 11],
1069 c,
1070 [5, 5]
1072 type: u([
1073 s,
1074 [2, 13],
1075 s,
1076 [0, 5],
1077 1,
1078 s,
1079 [2, 19],
1080 s,
1081 [0, 4],
1082 c,
1083 [17, 132],
1084 s,
1085 [2, 9]
1087 state: u([
1088 1,
1089 2,
1090 9,
1091 7,
1092 8,
1093 25,
1094 c,
1095 [4, 3],
1096 26,
1097 c,
1098 [4, 3],
1099 27,
1100 c,
1101 [4, 3],
1102 28,
1103 c,
1104 [4, 3],
1105 29,
1106 c,
1107 [4, 3],
1108 30,
1109 c,
1110 [4, 3],
1111 31,
1112 c,
1113 [4, 3],
1114 32,
1115 c,
1116 [4, 3]
1118 mode: u([
1119 s,
1120 [1, 128],
1121 s,
1122 [2, 4],
1123 c,
1124 [6, 8],
1125 s,
1126 [1, 5]
1128 goto: u([
1129 3,
1130 6,
1131 5,
1132 4,
1133 18,
1134 s,
1135 [10, 8, 1],
1136 s,
1137 [19, 6, 1],
1138 c,
1139 [19, 13],
1140 c,
1141 [13, 91],
1142 33,
1143 c,
1144 [110, 4],
1145 s,
1146 [3, 4],
1147 22,
1148 23,
1149 s,
1150 [4, 4],
1151 22,
1152 23,
1153 34,
1154 c,
1155 [17, 4]
1158defaultActions: bda({
1159 idx: u([
1160 s,
1161 [7, 13, 1],
1162 25,
1163 26,
1164 30,
1165 31,
1166 33,
1167 34
1169 goto: u([
1170 10,
1171 11,
1172 12,
1173 s,
1174 [14, 8, 1],
1175 13,
1176 1,
1177 7,
1178 8,
1179 5,
1180 6,
1181 9,
1182 2
1185parseError: function parseError(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
1186 if (hash.recoverable) {
1187 if (typeof this.trace === 'function') {
1188 this.trace(str);
1189 }
1190 hash.destroy(); // destroy... well, *almost*!
1191 } else {
1192 if (typeof this.trace === 'function') {
1193 this.trace(str);
1194 }
1195 if (!ExceptionClass) {
1196 ExceptionClass = this.JisonParserError;
1197 }
1198 throw new ExceptionClass(str, hash);
1199 }
1201parse: function parse(input) {
1202 var self = this;
1203 var stack = new Array(128); // token stack: stores token which leads to state at the same index (column storage)
1204 var sstack = new Array(128); // state stack: stores states (column storage)
1206 var vstack = new Array(128); // semantic value stack
1207 var lstack = new Array(128); // location stack
1208 var table = this.table;
1209 var sp = 0; // 'stack pointer': index into the stacks
1210 var yyloc;
1215 var symbol = 0;
1219 var TERROR = this.TERROR;
1220 var EOF = this.EOF;
1221 var ERROR_RECOVERY_TOKEN_DISCARD_COUNT = (this.options.errorRecoveryTokenDiscardCount | 0) || 3;
1222 var NO_ACTION = [0, 35 /* === table.length :: ensures that anyone using this new state will fail dramatically! */];
1224 var lexer;
1225 if (this.__lexer__) {
1226 lexer = this.__lexer__;
1227 } else {
1228 lexer = this.__lexer__ = Object.create(this.lexer);
1229 }
1231 var sharedState_yy = {
1232 parseError: undefined,
1233 quoteName: undefined,
1234 lexer: undefined,
1235 parser: undefined,
1236 pre_parse: undefined,
1237 post_parse: undefined,
1238 pre_lex: undefined,
1239 post_lex: undefined // WARNING: must be written this way for the code expanders to work correctly in both ES5 and ES6 modes!
1240 };
1242 var ASSERT;
1243 if (typeof assert !== 'function') {
1244 ASSERT = function JisonAssert(cond, msg) {
1245 if (!cond) {
1246 throw new Error('assertion failed: ' + (msg || '***'));
1247 }
1248 };
1249 } else {
1250 ASSERT = assert;
1251 }
1253 this.yyGetSharedState = function yyGetSharedState() {
1254 return sharedState_yy;
1255 };
1258 // shallow clone objects, straight copy of simple `src` values
1259 // e.g. `lexer.yytext` MAY be a complex value object,
1260 // rather than a simple string/value.
1261 function shallow_copy(src) {
1262 if (typeof src === 'object') {
1263 var dst = {};
1264 for (var k in src) {
1265 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(src, k)) {
1266 dst[k] = src[k];
1267 }
1268 }
1269 return dst;
1270 }
1271 return src;
1272 }
1273 function shallow_copy_noclobber(dst, src) {
1274 for (var k in src) {
1275 if (typeof dst[k] === 'undefined' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(src, k)) {
1276 dst[k] = src[k];
1277 }
1278 }
1279 }
1280 function copy_yylloc(loc) {
1281 var rv = shallow_copy(loc);
1282 if (rv && rv.range) {
1283 rv.range = rv.range.slice(0);
1284 }
1285 return rv;
1286 }
1288 // copy state
1289 shallow_copy_noclobber(sharedState_yy, this.yy);
1291 sharedState_yy.lexer = lexer;
1292 sharedState_yy.parser = this;
1299 // Does the shared state override the default `parseError` that already comes with this instance?
1300 if (typeof sharedState_yy.parseError === 'function') {
1301 this.parseError = function parseErrorAlt(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
1302 if (!ExceptionClass) {
1303 ExceptionClass = this.JisonParserError;
1304 }
1305 return sharedState_yy.parseError.call(this, str, hash, ExceptionClass);
1306 };
1307 } else {
1308 this.parseError = this.originalParseError;
1309 }
1311 // Does the shared state override the default `quoteName` that already comes with this instance?
1312 if (typeof sharedState_yy.quoteName === 'function') {
1313 this.quoteName = function quoteNameAlt(id_str) {
1314 return sharedState_yy.quoteName.call(this, id_str);
1315 };
1316 } else {
1317 this.quoteName = this.originalQuoteName;
1318 }
1320 // set up the cleanup function; make it an API so that external code can re-use this one in case of
1321 // calamities or when the `%options no-try-catch` option has been specified for the grammar, in which
1322 // case this parse() API method doesn't come with a `finally { ... }` block any more!
1323 //
1324 // NOTE: as this API uses parse() as a closure, it MUST be set again on every parse() invocation,
1325 // or else your `sharedState`, etc. references will be *wrong*!
1326 this.cleanupAfterParse = function parser_cleanupAfterParse(resultValue, invoke_post_methods, do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
1327 var rv;
1329 if (invoke_post_methods) {
1330 var hash;
1332 if (sharedState_yy.post_parse || this.post_parse) {
1333 // create an error hash info instance: we re-use this API in a **non-error situation**
1334 // as this one delivers all parser internals ready for access by userland code.
1335 hash = this.constructParseErrorInfo(null /* no error! */, null /* no exception! */, null, false);
1336 }
1338 if (sharedState_yy.post_parse) {
1339 rv = sharedState_yy.post_parse.call(this, sharedState_yy, resultValue, hash);
1340 if (typeof rv !== 'undefined') resultValue = rv;
1341 }
1342 if (this.post_parse) {
1343 rv = this.post_parse.call(this, sharedState_yy, resultValue, hash);
1344 if (typeof rv !== 'undefined') resultValue = rv;
1345 }
1347 // cleanup:
1348 if (hash && hash.destroy) {
1349 hash.destroy();
1350 }
1351 }
1353 if (this.__reentrant_call_depth > 1) return resultValue; // do not (yet) kill the sharedState when this is a reentrant run.
1355 // clean up the lingering lexer structures as well:
1356 if (lexer.cleanupAfterLex) {
1357 lexer.cleanupAfterLex(do_not_nuke_errorinfos);
1358 }
1360 // prevent lingering circular references from causing memory leaks:
1361 if (sharedState_yy) {
1362 sharedState_yy.lexer = undefined;
1363 sharedState_yy.parser = undefined;
1364 if (lexer.yy === sharedState_yy) {
1365 lexer.yy = undefined;
1366 }
1367 }
1368 sharedState_yy = undefined;
1369 this.parseError = this.originalParseError;
1370 this.quoteName = this.originalQuoteName;
1372 // nuke the vstack[] array at least as that one will still reference obsoleted user values.
1373 // To be safe, we nuke the other internal stack columns as well...
1374 stack.length = 0; // fastest way to nuke an array without overly bothering the GC
1375 sstack.length = 0;
1376 lstack.length = 0;
1377 vstack.length = 0;
1378 sp = 0;
1380 // nuke the error hash info instances created during this run.
1381 // Userland code must COPY any data/references
1382 // in the error hash instance(s) it is more permanently interested in.
1383 if (!do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
1384 for (var i = this.__error_infos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1385 var el = this.__error_infos[i];
1386 if (el && typeof el.destroy === 'function') {
1387 el.destroy();
1388 }
1389 }
1390 this.__error_infos.length = 0;
1393 }
1395 return resultValue;
1396 };
1398 // merge yylloc info into a new yylloc instance.
1399 //
1400 // `first_index` and `last_index` MAY be UNDEFINED/NULL or these are indexes into the `lstack[]` location stack array.
1401 //
1402 // `first_yylloc` and `last_yylloc` MAY be UNDEFINED/NULL or explicit (custom or regular) `yylloc` instances, in which
1403 // case these override the corresponding first/last indexes.
1404 //
1405 // `dont_look_back` is an optional flag (default: FALSE), which instructs this merge operation NOT to search
1406 // through the parse location stack for a location, which would otherwise be used to construct the new (epsilon!)
1407 // yylloc info.
1408 //
1409 // Note: epsilon rule's yylloc situation is detected by passing both `first_index` and `first_yylloc` as UNDEFINED/NULL.
1410 this.yyMergeLocationInfo = function parser_yyMergeLocationInfo(first_index, last_index, first_yylloc, last_yylloc, dont_look_back) {
1411 var i1 = first_index | 0,
1412 i2 = last_index | 0;
1413 var l1 = first_yylloc,
1414 l2 = last_yylloc;
1415 var rv;
1417 // rules:
1418 // - first/last yylloc entries override first/last indexes
1420 if (!l1) {
1421 if (first_index != null) {
1422 for (var i = i1; i <= i2; i++) {
1423 l1 = lstack[i];
1424 if (l1) {
1425 break;
1426 }
1427 }
1428 }
1429 }
1431 if (!l2) {
1432 if (last_index != null) {
1433 for (var i = i2; i >= i1; i--) {
1434 l2 = lstack[i];
1435 if (l2) {
1436 break;
1437 }
1438 }
1439 }
1440 }
1442 // - detect if an epsilon rule is being processed and act accordingly:
1443 if (!l1 && first_index == null) {
1444 // epsilon rule span merger. With optional look-ahead in l2.
1445 if (!dont_look_back) {
1446 for (var i = (i1 || sp) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1447 l1 = lstack[i];
1448 if (l1) {
1449 break;
1450 }
1451 }
1452 }
1453 if (!l1) {
1454 if (!l2) {
1455 // when we still don't have any valid yylloc info, we're looking at an epsilon rule
1456 // without look-ahead and no preceding terms and/or `dont_look_back` set:
1457 // in that case we ca do nothing but return NULL/UNDEFINED:
1458 return undefined;
1459 } else {
1460 // shallow-copy L2: after all, we MAY be looking
1461 // at unconventional yylloc info objects...
1462 rv = shallow_copy(l2);
1463 if (rv.range) {
1464 // shallow copy the yylloc ranges info to prevent us from modifying the original arguments' entries:
1465 rv.range = rv.range.slice(0);
1466 }
1467 return rv;
1468 }
1469 } else {
1470 // shallow-copy L1, then adjust first col/row 1 column past the end.
1471 rv = shallow_copy(l1);
1472 rv.first_line = rv.last_line;
1473 rv.first_column = rv.last_column;
1474 if (rv.range) {
1475 // shallow copy the yylloc ranges info to prevent us from modifying the original arguments' entries:
1476 rv.range = rv.range.slice(0);
1477 rv.range[0] = rv.range[1];
1478 }
1480 if (l2) {
1481 // shallow-mixin L2, then adjust last col/row accordingly.
1482 shallow_copy_noclobber(rv, l2);
1483 rv.last_line = l2.last_line;
1484 rv.last_column = l2.last_column;
1485 if (rv.range && l2.range) {
1486 rv.range[1] = l2.range[1];
1487 }
1488 }
1489 return rv;
1490 }
1491 }
1493 if (!l1) {
1494 l1 = l2;
1495 l2 = null;
1496 }
1497 if (!l1) {
1498 return undefined;
1499 }
1501 // shallow-copy L1|L2, before we try to adjust the yylloc values: after all, we MAY be looking
1502 // at unconventional yylloc info objects...
1503 rv = shallow_copy(l1);
1505 // first_line: ...,
1506 // first_column: ...,
1507 // last_line: ...,
1508 // last_column: ...,
1509 if (rv.range) {
1510 // shallow copy the yylloc ranges info to prevent us from modifying the original arguments' entries:
1511 rv.range = rv.range.slice(0);
1512 }
1514 if (l2) {
1515 shallow_copy_noclobber(rv, l2);
1516 rv.last_line = l2.last_line;
1517 rv.last_column = l2.last_column;
1518 if (rv.range && l2.range) {
1519 rv.range[1] = l2.range[1];
1520 }
1521 }
1523 return rv;
1524 };
1526 // NOTE: as this API uses parse() as a closure, it MUST be set again on every parse() invocation,
1527 // or else your `lexer`, `sharedState`, etc. references will be *wrong*!
1528 this.constructParseErrorInfo = function parser_constructParseErrorInfo(msg, ex, expected, recoverable) {
1529 var pei = {
1530 errStr: msg,
1531 exception: ex,
1532 text: lexer.match,
1533 value: lexer.yytext,
1534 token: this.describeSymbol(symbol) || symbol,
1535 token_id: symbol,
1536 line: lexer.yylineno,
1537 loc: copy_yylloc(lexer.yylloc),
1538 expected: expected,
1539 recoverable: recoverable,
1540 state: state,
1541 action: action,
1542 new_state: newState,
1543 symbol_stack: stack,
1544 state_stack: sstack,
1545 value_stack: vstack,
1546 location_stack: lstack,
1547 stack_pointer: sp,
1548 yy: sharedState_yy,
1549 lexer: lexer,
1550 parser: this,
1552 // and make sure the error info doesn't stay due to potential
1553 // ref cycle via userland code manipulations.
1554 // These would otherwise all be memory leak opportunities!
1555 //
1556 // Note that only array and object references are nuked as those
1557 // constitute the set of elements which can produce a cyclic ref.
1558 // The rest of the members is kept intact as they are harmless.
1559 destroy: function destructParseErrorInfo() {
1560 // remove cyclic references added to error info:
1561 // info.yy = null;
1562 // info.lexer = null;
1563 // info.value = null;
1564 // info.value_stack = null;
1565 // ...
1566 var rec = !!this.recoverable;
1567 for (var key in this) {
1568 if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === 'object') {
1569 this[key] = undefined;
1570 }
1571 }
1572 this.recoverable = rec;
1573 }
1574 };
1575 // track this instance so we can `destroy()` it once we deem it superfluous and ready for garbage collection!
1576 this.__error_infos.push(pei);
1577 return pei;
1578 };
1592 function getNonTerminalFromCode(symbol) {
1593 var tokenName = self.getSymbolName(symbol);
1594 if (!tokenName) {
1595 tokenName = symbol;
1596 }
1597 return tokenName;
1598 }
1601 function stdLex() {
1602 var token = lexer.lex();
1603 // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
1604 if (typeof token !== 'number') {
1605 token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
1606 }
1608 return token || EOF;
1609 }
1611 function fastLex() {
1612 var token = lexer.fastLex();
1613 // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
1614 if (typeof token !== 'number') {
1615 token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
1616 }
1618 return token || EOF;
1619 }
1621 var lex = stdLex;
1624 var state, action, r, t;
1625 var yyval = {
1626 $: true,
1627 _$: undefined,
1628 yy: sharedState_yy
1629 };
1630 var p;
1631 var yyrulelen;
1632 var this_production;
1633 var newState;
1634 var retval = false;
1637 try {
1638 this.__reentrant_call_depth++;
1640 lexer.setInput(input, sharedState_yy);
1642 // NOTE: we *assume* no lexer pre/post handlers are set up *after*
1643 // this initial `setInput()` call: hence we can now check and decide
1644 // whether we'll go with the standard, slower, lex() API or the
1645 // `fast_lex()` one:
1646 if (typeof lexer.canIUse === 'function') {
1647 var lexerInfo = lexer.canIUse();
1648 if (lexerInfo.fastLex && typeof fastLex === 'function') {
1649 lex = fastLex;
1650 }
1651 }
1653 yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
1654 lstack[sp] = yyloc;
1655 vstack[sp] = null;
1656 sstack[sp] = 0;
1657 stack[sp] = 0;
1658 ++sp;
1664 if (this.pre_parse) {
1665 this.pre_parse.call(this, sharedState_yy);
1666 }
1667 if (sharedState_yy.pre_parse) {
1668 sharedState_yy.pre_parse.call(this, sharedState_yy);
1669 }
1671 newState = sstack[sp - 1];
1672 for (;;) {
1673 // retrieve state number from top of stack
1674 state = newState; // sstack[sp - 1];
1676 // use default actions if available
1677 if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
1678 action = 2;
1679 newState = this.defaultActions[state];
1680 } else {
1681 // The single `==` condition below covers both these `===` comparisons in a single
1682 // operation:
1683 //
1684 // if (symbol === null || typeof symbol === 'undefined') ...
1685 if (!symbol) {
1686 symbol = lex();
1687 }
1688 // read action for current state and first input
1689 t = (table[state] && table[state][symbol]) || NO_ACTION;
1690 newState = t[1];
1691 action = t[0];
1703 // handle parse error
1704 if (!action) {
1705 var errStr;
1706 var errSymbolDescr = (this.describeSymbol(symbol) || symbol);
1707 var expected = this.collect_expected_token_set(state);
1709 // Report error
1710 if (typeof lexer.yylineno === 'number') {
1711 errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (lexer.yylineno + 1) + ': ';
1712 } else {
1713 errStr = 'Parse error: ';
1714 }
1715 if (typeof lexer.showPosition === 'function') {
1716 errStr += '\n' + lexer.showPosition(79 - 10, 10) + '\n';
1717 }
1718 if (expected.length) {
1719 errStr += 'Expecting ' + expected.join(', ') + ', got unexpected ' + errSymbolDescr;
1720 } else {
1721 errStr += 'Unexpected ' + errSymbolDescr;
1722 }
1723 // we cannot recover from the error!
1724 p = this.constructParseErrorInfo(errStr, null, expected, false);
1725 r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
1726 if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
1727 retval = r;
1728 }
1729 break;
1730 }
1733 }
1744 switch (action) {
1745 // catch misc. parse failures:
1746 default:
1747 // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
1748 if (action instanceof Array) {
1749 p = this.constructParseErrorInfo('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol, null, null, false);
1750 r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
1751 if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
1752 retval = r;
1753 }
1754 break;
1755 }
1756 // Another case of better safe than sorry: in case state transitions come out of another error recovery process
1757 // or a buggy LUT (LookUp Table):
1758 p = this.constructParseErrorInfo('Parsing halted. No viable error recovery approach available due to internal system failure.', null, null, false);
1759 r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
1760 if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
1761 retval = r;
1762 }
1763 break;
1765 // shift:
1766 case 1:
1767 stack[sp] = symbol;
1768 vstack[sp] = lexer.yytext;
1769 lstack[sp] = copy_yylloc(lexer.yylloc);
1770 sstack[sp] = newState; // push state
1772 ++sp;
1773 symbol = 0;
1778 // Pick up the lexer details for the current symbol as that one is not 'look-ahead' any more:
1782 yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
1783 continue;
1785 // reduce:
1786 case 2:
1790 this_production = this.productions_[newState - 1]; // `this.productions_[]` is zero-based indexed while states start from 1 upwards...
1791 yyrulelen = this_production[1];
1802 r = this.performAction.call(yyval, yyloc, newState, sp - 1, vstack, lstack);
1804 if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
1805 retval = r;
1806 break;
1807 }
1809 // pop off stack
1810 sp -= yyrulelen;
1812 // don't overwrite the `symbol` variable: use a local var to speed things up:
1813 var ntsymbol = this_production[0]; // push nonterminal (reduce)
1814 stack[sp] = ntsymbol;
1815 vstack[sp] = yyval.$;
1816 lstack[sp] = yyval._$;
1817 // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL]
1818 newState = table[sstack[sp - 1]][ntsymbol];
1819 sstack[sp] = newState;
1820 ++sp;
1830 continue;
1832 // accept:
1833 case 3:
1834 if (sp !== -2) {
1835 retval = true;
1836 // Return the `$accept` rule's `$$` result, if available.
1837 //
1838 // Also note that JISON always adds this top-most `$accept` rule (with implicit,
1839 // default, action):
1840 //
1841 // $accept: <startSymbol> $end
1842 // %{ $$ = $1; @$ = @1; %}
1843 //
1844 // which, combined with the parse kernel's `$accept` state behaviour coded below,
1845 // will produce the `$$` value output of the <startSymbol> rule as the parse result,
1846 // IFF that result is *not* `undefined`. (See also the parser kernel code.)
1847 //
1848 // In code:
1849 //
1850 // %{
1851 // @$ = @1; // if location tracking support is included
1852 // if (typeof $1 !== 'undefined')
1853 // return $1;
1854 // else
1855 // return true; // the default parse result if the rule actions don't produce anything
1856 // %}
1857 sp--;
1858 if (typeof vstack[sp] !== 'undefined') {
1859 retval = vstack[sp];
1860 }
1861 }
1862 break;
1863 }
1865 // break out of loop: we accept or fail with error
1866 break;
1867 }
1868 } catch (ex) {
1869 // report exceptions through the parseError callback too, but keep the exception intact
1870 // if it is a known parser or lexer error which has been thrown by parseError() already:
1871 if (ex instanceof this.JisonParserError) {
1872 throw ex;
1873 }
1874 else if (lexer && typeof lexer.JisonLexerError === 'function' && ex instanceof lexer.JisonLexerError) {
1875 throw ex;
1876 }
1878 p = this.constructParseErrorInfo('Parsing aborted due to exception.', ex, null, false);
1879 retval = false;
1880 r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
1881 if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
1882 retval = r;
1883 }
1884 } finally {
1885 retval = this.cleanupAfterParse(retval, true, true);
1886 this.__reentrant_call_depth--;
1887 } // /finally
1889 return retval;
1892parser.originalParseError = parser.parseError;
1893parser.originalQuoteName = parser.quoteName;
1894/* lexer generated by jison-lex 0.6.1-215 */
1897 * Returns a Lexer object of the following structure:
1898 *
1899 * Lexer: {
1900 * yy: {} The so-called "shared state" or rather the *source* of it;
1901 * the real "shared state" `yy` passed around to
1902 * the rule actions, etc. is a direct reference!
1903 *
1904 * This "shared context" object was passed to the lexer by way of
1905 * the `lexer.setInput(str, yy)` API before you may use it.
1906 *
1907 * This "shared context" object is passed to the lexer action code in `performAction()`
1908 * so userland code in the lexer actions may communicate with the outside world
1909 * and/or other lexer rules' actions in more or less complex ways.
1910 *
1911 * }
1912 *
1913 * Lexer.prototype: {
1914 * EOF: 1,
1915 * ERROR: 2,
1916 *
1917 * yy: The overall "shared context" object reference.
1918 *
1919 * JisonLexerError: function(msg, hash),
1920 *
1921 * performAction: function lexer__performAction(yy, yyrulenumber, YY_START),
1922 *
1923 * The function parameters and `this` have the following value/meaning:
1924 * - `this` : reference to the `lexer` instance.
1925 * `yy_` is an alias for `this` lexer instance reference used internally.
1926 *
1927 * - `yy` : a reference to the `yy` "shared state" object which was passed to the lexer
1928 * by way of the `lexer.setInput(str, yy)` API before.
1929 *
1930 * Note:
1931 * The extra arguments you specified in the `%parse-param` statement in your
1932 * **parser** grammar definition file are passed to the lexer via this object
1933 * reference as member variables.
1934 *
1935 * - `yyrulenumber` : index of the matched lexer rule (regex), used internally.
1936 *
1937 * - `YY_START`: the current lexer "start condition" state.
1938 *
1939 * parseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass),
1940 *
1941 * constructLexErrorInfo: function(error_message, is_recoverable),
1942 * Helper function.
1943 * Produces a new errorInfo 'hash object' which can be passed into `parseError()`.
1944 * See it's use in this lexer kernel in many places; example usage:
1945 *
1946 * var infoObj = lexer.constructParseErrorInfo('fail!', true);
1947 * var retVal = lexer.parseError(infoObj.errStr, infoObj, lexer.JisonLexerError);
1948 *
1949 * options: { ... lexer %options ... },
1950 *
1951 * lex: function(),
1952 * Produce one token of lexed input, which was passed in earlier via the `lexer.setInput()` API.
1953 * You MAY use the additional `args...` parameters as per `%parse-param` spec of the **lexer** grammar:
1954 * these extra `args...` are added verbatim to the `yy` object reference as member variables.
1955 *
1956 * WARNING:
1957 * Lexer's additional `args...` parameters (via lexer's `%parse-param`) MAY conflict with
1958 * any attributes already added to `yy` by the **parser** or the jison run-time;
1959 * when such a collision is detected an exception is thrown to prevent the generated run-time
1960 * from silently accepting this confusing and potentially hazardous situation!
1961 *
1962 * cleanupAfterLex: function(do_not_nuke_errorinfos),
1963 * Helper function.
1964 *
1965 * This helper API is invoked when the **parse process** has completed: it is the responsibility
1966 * of the **parser** (or the calling userland code) to invoke this method once cleanup is desired.
1967 *
1968 * This helper may be invoked by user code to ensure the internal lexer gets properly garbage collected.
1969 *
1970 * setInput: function(input, [yy]),
1971 *
1972 *
1973 * input: function(),
1974 *
1975 *
1976 * unput: function(str),
1977 *
1978 *
1979 * more: function(),
1980 *
1981 *
1982 * reject: function(),
1983 *
1984 *
1985 * less: function(n),
1986 *
1987 *
1988 * pastInput: function(n),
1989 *
1990 *
1991 * upcomingInput: function(n),
1992 *
1993 *
1994 * showPosition: function(),
1995 *
1996 *
1997 * test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
1998 *
1999 *
2000 * next: function(),
2001 *
2002 *
2003 * begin: function(condition),
2004 *
2005 *
2006 * pushState: function(condition),
2007 *
2008 *
2009 * popState: function(),
2010 *
2011 *
2012 * topState: function(),
2013 *
2014 *
2015 * _currentRules: function(),
2016 *
2017 *
2018 * stateStackSize: function(),
2019 *
2020 *
2021 * performAction: function(yy, yy_, yyrulenumber, YY_START),
2022 *
2023 *
2024 * rules: [...],
2025 *
2026 *
2027 * conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
2028 * }
2029 *
2030 *
2031 * token location info (`yylloc`): {
2032 * first_line: n,
2033 * last_line: n,
2034 * first_column: n,
2035 * last_column: n,
2036 * range: [start_number, end_number]
2037 * (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, zero-based)
2038 * }
2039 *
2040 * ---
2041 *
2042 * The `parseError` function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer errors:
2043 *
2044 * {
2045 * text: (matched text)
2046 * token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
2047 * token_id: (the produced terminal token numeric ID, if any)
2048 * line: (yylineno)
2049 * loc: (yylloc)
2050 * recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser MAY have an error recovery rule
2051 * available for this particular error)
2052 * yy: (object: the current parser internal "shared state" `yy`
2053 * as is also available in the rule actions; this can be used,
2054 * for instance, for advanced error analysis and reporting)
2055 * lexer: (reference to the current lexer instance used by the parser)
2056 * }
2057 *
2058 * while `this` will reference the current lexer instance.
2059 *
2060 * When `parseError` is invoked by the lexer, the default implementation will
2061 * attempt to invoke `yy.parser.parseError()`; when this callback is not provided
2062 * it will try to invoke `yy.parseError()` instead. When that callback is also not
2063 * provided, a `JisonLexerError` exception will be thrown containing the error
2064 * message and `hash`, as constructed by the `constructLexErrorInfo()` API.
2065 *
2066 * Note that the lexer's `JisonLexerError` error class is passed via the
2067 * `ExceptionClass` argument, which is invoked to construct the exception
2068 * instance to be thrown, so technically `parseError` will throw the object
2069 * produced by the `new ExceptionClass(str, hash)` JavaScript expression.
2070 *
2071 * ---
2072 *
2073 * You can specify lexer options by setting / modifying the `.options` object of your Lexer instance.
2074 * These options are available:
2075 *
2076 * (Options are permanent.)
2077 *
2078 * yy: {
2079 * parseError: function(str, hash, ExceptionClass)
2080 * optional: overrides the default `parseError` function.
2081 * }
2082 *
2083 * lexer.options: {
2084 * pre_lex: function()
2085 * optional: is invoked before the lexer is invoked to produce another token.
2086 * `this` refers to the Lexer object.
2087 * post_lex: function(token) { return token; }
2088 * optional: is invoked when the lexer has produced a token `token`;
2089 * this function can override the returned token value by returning another.
2090 * When it does not return any (truthy) value, the lexer will return
2091 * the original `token`.
2092 * `this` refers to the Lexer object.
2093 *
2094 * WARNING: the next set of options are not meant to be changed. They echo the abilities of
2095 * the lexer as per when it was compiled!
2096 *
2097 * ranges: boolean
2098 * optional: `true` ==> token location info will include a .range[] member.
2099 * flex: boolean
2100 * optional: `true` ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested
2101 * exhaustively to find the longest match.
2102 * backtrack_lexer: boolean
2103 * optional: `true` ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for invoked;
2104 * the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code.
2105 * xregexp: boolean
2106 * optional: `true` ==> lexer rule regexes are "extended regex format" requiring the
2107 * `XRegExp` library. When this %option has not been specified at compile time, all lexer
2108 * rule regexes have been written as standard JavaScript RegExp expressions.
2109 * }
2110 */
2113var lexer = function() {
2114 /**
2115 * See also:
2116 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1382107/whats-a-good-way-to-extend-error-in-javascript/#35881508
2117 * but we keep the prototype.constructor and prototype.name assignment lines too for compatibility
2118 * with userland code which might access the derived class in a 'classic' way.
2119 *
2120 * @public
2121 * @constructor
2122 * @nocollapse
2123 */
2124 function JisonLexerError(msg, hash) {
2125 Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', {
2126 enumerable: false,
2127 writable: false,
2128 value: 'JisonLexerError'
2129 });
2131 if (msg == null)
2132 msg = '???';
2134 Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', {
2135 enumerable: false,
2136 writable: true,
2137 value: msg
2138 });
2140 this.hash = hash;
2141 var stacktrace;
2143 if (hash && hash.exception instanceof Error) {
2144 var ex2 = hash.exception;
2145 this.message = ex2.message || msg;
2146 stacktrace = ex2.stack;
2147 }
2149 if (!stacktrace) {
2150 if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) {
2151 // V8
2152 Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
2153 } else {
2154 stacktrace = new Error(msg).stack;
2155 }
2156 }
2158 if (stacktrace) {
2159 Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', {
2160 enumerable: false,
2161 writable: false,
2162 value: stacktrace
2163 });
2164 }
2165 }
2167 if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === 'function') {
2168 Object.setPrototypeOf(JisonLexerError.prototype, Error.prototype);
2169 } else {
2170 JisonLexerError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
2171 }
2173 JisonLexerError.prototype.constructor = JisonLexerError;
2174 JisonLexerError.prototype.name = 'JisonLexerError';
2176 var lexer = {
2178// Code Generator Information Report
2179// ---------------------------------
2181// Options:
2183// backtracking: .................... false
2184// location.ranges: ................. false
2185// location line+column tracking: ... true
2188// Forwarded Parser Analysis flags:
2190// uses yyleng: ..................... false
2191// uses yylineno: ................... false
2192// uses yytext: ..................... false
2193// uses yylloc: ..................... false
2194// uses lexer values: ............... true / true
2195// location tracking: ............... true
2196// location assignment: ............. true
2199// Lexer Analysis flags:
2201// uses yyleng: ..................... ???
2202// uses yylineno: ................... ???
2203// uses yytext: ..................... ???
2204// uses yylloc: ..................... ???
2205// uses ParseError API: ............. ???
2206// uses yyerror: .................... ???
2207// uses location tracking & editing: ???
2208// uses more() API: ................. ???
2209// uses unput() API: ................ ???
2210// uses reject() API: ............... ???
2211// uses less() API: ................. ???
2212// uses display APIs pastInput(), upcomingInput(), showPosition():
2213// ............................. ???
2214// uses describeYYLLOC() API: ....... ???
2216// --------- END OF REPORT -----------
2218EOF: 1,
2219 ERROR: 2,
2221 // JisonLexerError: JisonLexerError, /// <-- injected by the code generator
2223 // options: {}, /// <-- injected by the code generator
2225 // yy: ..., /// <-- injected by setInput()
2227 __currentRuleSet__: null, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: internal rule set cache for the current lexer state
2229 __error_infos: [], /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of lexErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
2230 __decompressed: false, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: mark whether the lexer instance has been 'unfolded' completely and is now ready for use
2231 done: false, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
2232 _backtrack: false, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
2233 _input: '', /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
2234 _more: false, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
2235 _signaled_error_token: false, /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
2236 conditionStack: [], /// INTERNAL USE ONLY; managed via `pushState()`, `popState()`, `topState()` and `stateStackSize()`
2237 match: '', /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks input which has been matched so far for the lexer token under construction. `match` is identical to `yytext` except that this one still contains the matched input string after `lexer.performAction()` has been invoked, where userland code MAY have changed/replaced the `yytext` value entirely!
2238 matched: '', /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks entire input which has been matched so far
2239 matches: false, /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks RE match result for last (successful) match attempt
2240 yytext: '', /// ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks input which has been matched so far for the lexer token under construction; this value is transferred to the parser as the 'token value' when the parser consumes the lexer token produced through a call to the `lex()` API.
2241 offset: 0, /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks the 'cursor position' in the input string, i.e. the number of characters matched so far
2242 yyleng: 0, /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: length of matched input for the token under construction (`yytext`)
2243 yylineno: 0, /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: 'line number' at which the token under construction is located
2244 yylloc: null, /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks location info (lines + columns) for the token under construction
2246 /**
2247 * INTERNAL USE: construct a suitable error info hash object instance for `parseError`.
2248 *
2249 * @public
2250 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2251 */
2252 constructLexErrorInfo: function lexer_constructLexErrorInfo(msg, recoverable, show_input_position) {
2253 msg = '' + msg;
2255 // heuristic to determine if the error message already contains a (partial) source code dump
2256 // as produced by either `showPosition()` or `prettyPrintRange()`:
2257 if (show_input_position == undefined) {
2258 show_input_position = !(msg.indexOf('\n') > 0 && msg.indexOf('^') > 0);
2259 }
2261 if (this.yylloc && show_input_position) {
2262 if (typeof this.prettyPrintRange === 'function') {
2263 var pretty_src = this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc);
2265 if (!/\n\s*$/.test(msg)) {
2266 msg += '\n';
2267 }
2269 msg += '\n Erroneous area:\n' + this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc);
2270 } else if (typeof this.showPosition === 'function') {
2271 var pos_str = this.showPosition();
2273 if (pos_str) {
2274 if (msg.length && msg[msg.length - 1] !== '\n' && pos_str[0] !== '\n') {
2275 msg += '\n' + pos_str;
2276 } else {
2277 msg += pos_str;
2278 }
2279 }
2280 }
2281 }
2283 /** @constructor */
2284 var pei = {
2285 errStr: msg,
2286 recoverable: !!recoverable,
2287 text: this.match, // This one MAY be empty; userland code should use the `upcomingInput` API to obtain more text which follows the 'lexer cursor position'...
2288 token: null,
2289 line: this.yylineno,
2290 loc: this.yylloc,
2291 yy: this.yy,
2292 lexer: this,
2294 /**
2295 * and make sure the error info doesn't stay due to potential
2296 * ref cycle via userland code manipulations.
2297 * These would otherwise all be memory leak opportunities!
2298 *
2299 * Note that only array and object references are nuked as those
2300 * constitute the set of elements which can produce a cyclic ref.
2301 * The rest of the members is kept intact as they are harmless.
2302 *
2303 * @public
2304 * @this {LexErrorInfo}
2305 */
2306 destroy: function destructLexErrorInfo() {
2307 // remove cyclic references added to error info:
2308 // info.yy = null;
2309 // info.lexer = null;
2310 // ...
2311 var rec = !!this.recoverable;
2313 for (var key in this) {
2314 if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === 'object') {
2315 this[key] = undefined;
2316 }
2317 }
2319 this.recoverable = rec;
2320 }
2321 };
2323 // track this instance so we can `destroy()` it once we deem it superfluous and ready for garbage collection!
2324 this.__error_infos.push(pei);
2326 return pei;
2327 },
2329 /**
2330 * handler which is invoked when a lexer error occurs.
2331 *
2332 * @public
2333 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2334 */
2335 parseError: function lexer_parseError(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
2336 if (!ExceptionClass) {
2337 ExceptionClass = this.JisonLexerError;
2338 }
2340 if (this.yy) {
2341 if (this.yy.parser && typeof this.yy.parser.parseError === 'function') {
2342 return this.yy.parser.parseError.call(this, str, hash, ExceptionClass) || this.ERROR;
2343 } else if (typeof this.yy.parseError === 'function') {
2344 return this.yy.parseError.call(this, str, hash, ExceptionClass) || this.ERROR;
2345 }
2346 }
2348 throw new ExceptionClass(str, hash);
2349 },
2351 /**
2352 * method which implements `yyerror(str, ...args)` functionality for use inside lexer actions.
2353 *
2354 * @public
2355 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2356 */
2357 yyerror: function yyError(str /*, ...args */) {
2358 var lineno_msg = '';
2360 if (this.yylloc) {
2361 lineno_msg = ' on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1);
2362 }
2364 var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
2365 'Lexical error' + lineno_msg + ': ' + str,
2366 this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable
2367 );
2369 // Add any extra args to the hash under the name `extra_error_attributes`:
2370 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
2372 if (args.length) {
2373 p.extra_error_attributes = args;
2374 }
2376 return this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
2377 },
2379 /**
2380 * final cleanup function for when we have completed lexing the input;
2381 * make it an API so that external code can use this one once userland
2382 * code has decided it's time to destroy any lingering lexer error
2383 * hash object instances and the like: this function helps to clean
2384 * up these constructs, which *may* carry cyclic references which would
2385 * otherwise prevent the instances from being properly and timely
2386 * garbage-collected, i.e. this function helps prevent memory leaks!
2387 *
2388 * @public
2389 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2390 */
2391 cleanupAfterLex: function lexer_cleanupAfterLex(do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
2392 // prevent lingering circular references from causing memory leaks:
2393 this.setInput('', {});
2395 // nuke the error hash info instances created during this run.
2396 // Userland code must COPY any data/references
2397 // in the error hash instance(s) it is more permanently interested in.
2398 if (!do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
2399 for (var i = this.__error_infos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2400 var el = this.__error_infos[i];
2402 if (el && typeof el.destroy === 'function') {
2403 el.destroy();
2404 }
2405 }
2407 this.__error_infos.length = 0;
2408 }
2410 return this;
2411 },
2413 /**
2414 * clear the lexer token context; intended for internal use only
2415 *
2416 * @public
2417 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2418 */
2419 clear: function lexer_clear() {
2420 this.yytext = '';
2421 this.yyleng = 0;
2422 this.match = '';
2424 // - DO NOT reset `this.matched`
2425 this.matches = false;
2427 this._more = false;
2428 this._backtrack = false;
2429 var col = (this.yylloc ? this.yylloc.last_column : 0);
2431 this.yylloc = {
2432 first_line: this.yylineno + 1,
2433 first_column: col,
2434 last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
2435 last_column: col,
2436 range: [this.offset, this.offset]
2437 };
2438 },
2440 /**
2441 * resets the lexer, sets new input
2442 *
2443 * @public
2444 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2445 */
2446 setInput: function lexer_setInput(input, yy) {
2447 this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
2449 // also check if we've fully initialized the lexer instance,
2450 // including expansion work to be done to go from a loaded
2451 // lexer to a usable lexer:
2452 if (!this.__decompressed) {
2453 // step 1: decompress the regex list:
2454 var rules = this.rules;
2456 for (var i = 0, len = rules.length; i < len; i++) {
2457 var rule_re = rules[i];
2459 // compression: is the RE an xref to another RE slot in the rules[] table?
2460 if (typeof rule_re === 'number') {
2461 rules[i] = rules[rule_re];
2462 }
2463 }
2465 // step 2: unfold the conditions[] set to make these ready for use:
2466 var conditions = this.conditions;
2468 for (var k in conditions) {
2469 var spec = conditions[k];
2470 var rule_ids = spec.rules;
2471 var len = rule_ids.length;
2472 var rule_regexes = new Array(len + 1); // slot 0 is unused; we use a 1-based index approach here to keep the hottest code in `lexer_next()` fast and simple!
2473 var rule_new_ids = new Array(len + 1);
2475 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2476 var idx = rule_ids[i];
2477 var rule_re = rules[idx];
2478 rule_regexes[i + 1] = rule_re;
2479 rule_new_ids[i + 1] = idx;
2480 }
2482 spec.rules = rule_new_ids;
2483 spec.__rule_regexes = rule_regexes;
2484 spec.__rule_count = len;
2485 }
2487 this.__decompressed = true;
2488 }
2490 this._input = input || '';
2491 this.clear();
2492 this._signaled_error_token = false;
2493 this.done = false;
2494 this.yylineno = 0;
2495 this.matched = '';
2496 this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL'];
2497 this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
2499 this.yylloc = {
2500 first_line: 1,
2501 first_column: 0,
2502 last_line: 1,
2503 last_column: 0,
2504 range: [0, 0]
2505 };
2507 this.offset = 0;
2508 return this;
2509 },
2511 /**
2512 * edit the remaining input via user-specified callback.
2513 * This can be used to forward-adjust the input-to-parse,
2514 * e.g. inserting macro expansions and alike in the
2515 * input which has yet to be lexed.
2516 * The behaviour of this API contrasts the `unput()` et al
2517 * APIs as those act on the *consumed* input, while this
2518 * one allows one to manipulate the future, without impacting
2519 * the current `yyloc` cursor location or any history.
2520 *
2521 * Use this API to help implement C-preprocessor-like
2522 * `#include` statements, etc.
2523 *
2524 * The provided callback must be synchronous and is
2525 * expected to return the edited input (string).
2526 *
2527 * The `cpsArg` argument value is passed to the callback
2528 * as-is.
2529 *
2530 * `callback` interface:
2531 * `function callback(input, cpsArg)`
2532 *
2533 * - `input` will carry the remaining-input-to-lex string
2534 * from the lexer.
2535 * - `cpsArg` is `cpsArg` passed into this API.
2536 *
2537 * The `this` reference for the callback will be set to
2538 * reference this lexer instance so that userland code
2539 * in the callback can easily and quickly access any lexer
2540 * API.
2541 *
2542 * When the callback returns a non-string-type falsey value,
2543 * we assume the callback did not edit the input and we
2544 * will using the input as-is.
2545 *
2546 * When the callback returns a non-string-type value, it
2547 * is converted to a string for lexing via the `"" + retval`
2548 * operation. (See also why: http://2ality.com/2012/03/converting-to-string.html
2549 * -- that way any returned object's `toValue()` and `toString()`
2550 * methods will be invoked in a proper/desirable order.)
2551 *
2552 * @public
2553 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2554 */
2555 editRemainingInput: function lexer_editRemainingInput(callback, cpsArg) {
2556 var rv = callback.call(this, this._input, cpsArg);
2558 if (typeof rv !== 'string') {
2559 if (rv) {
2560 this._input = '' + rv;
2561 }
2562 // else: keep `this._input` as is.
2563 } else {
2564 this._input = rv;
2565 }
2567 return this;
2568 },
2570 /**
2571 * consumes and returns one char from the input
2572 *
2573 * @public
2574 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2575 */
2576 input: function lexer_input() {
2577 if (!this._input) {
2578 //this.done = true; -- don't set `done` as we want the lex()/next() API to be able to produce one custom EOF token match after this anyhow. (lexer can match special <<EOF>> tokens and perform user action code for a <<EOF>> match, but only does so *once*)
2579 return null;
2580 }
2582 var ch = this._input[0];
2583 this.yytext += ch;
2584 this.yyleng++;
2585 this.offset++;
2586 this.match += ch;
2587 this.matched += ch;
2589 // Count the linenumber up when we hit the LF (or a stand-alone CR).
2590 // On CRLF, the linenumber is incremented when you fetch the CR or the CRLF combo
2591 // and we advance immediately past the LF as well, returning both together as if
2592 // it was all a single 'character' only.
2593 var slice_len = 1;
2595 var lines = false;
2597 if (ch === '\n') {
2598 lines = true;
2599 } else if (ch === '\r') {
2600 lines = true;
2601 var ch2 = this._input[1];
2603 if (ch2 === '\n') {
2604 slice_len++;
2605 ch += ch2;
2606 this.yytext += ch2;
2607 this.yyleng++;
2608 this.offset++;
2609 this.match += ch2;
2610 this.matched += ch2;
2611 this.yylloc.range[1]++;
2612 }
2613 }
2615 if (lines) {
2616 this.yylineno++;
2617 this.yylloc.last_line++;
2618 this.yylloc.last_column = 0;
2619 } else {
2620 this.yylloc.last_column++;
2621 }
2623 this.yylloc.range[1]++;
2624 this._input = this._input.slice(slice_len);
2625 return ch;
2626 },
2628 /**
2629 * unshifts one char (or an entire string) into the input
2630 *
2631 * @public
2632 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2633 */
2634 unput: function lexer_unput(ch) {
2635 var len = ch.length;
2636 var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
2637 this._input = ch + this._input;
2638 this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
2639 this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
2640 this.offset -= len;
2641 this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - len);
2642 this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - len);
2644 if (lines.length > 1) {
2645 this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
2646 this.yylloc.last_line = this.yylineno + 1;
2648 // Get last entirely matched line into the `pre_lines[]` array's
2649 // last index slot; we don't mind when other previously
2650 // matched lines end up in the array too.
2651 var pre = this.match;
2653 var pre_lines = pre.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
2655 if (pre_lines.length === 1) {
2656 pre = this.matched;
2657 pre_lines = pre.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
2658 }
2660 this.yylloc.last_column = pre_lines[pre_lines.length - 1].length;
2661 } else {
2662 this.yylloc.last_column -= len;
2663 }
2665 this.yylloc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[0] + this.yyleng;
2666 this.done = false;
2667 return this;
2668 },
2670 /**
2671 * cache matched text and append it on next action
2672 *
2673 * @public
2674 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2675 */
2676 more: function lexer_more() {
2677 this._more = true;
2678 return this;
2679 },
2681 /**
2682 * signal the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the
2683 * next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
2684 *
2685 * @public
2686 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2687 */
2688 reject: function lexer_reject() {
2689 if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
2690 this._backtrack = true;
2691 } else {
2692 // when the `parseError()` call returns, we MUST ensure that the error is registered.
2693 // We accomplish this by signaling an 'error' token to be produced for the current
2694 // `.lex()` run.
2695 var lineno_msg = '';
2697 if (this.yylloc) {
2698 lineno_msg = ' on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1);
2699 }
2701 var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
2702 'Lexical error' + lineno_msg + ': You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).',
2703 false
2704 );
2706 this._signaled_error_token = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
2707 }
2709 return this;
2710 },
2712 /**
2713 * retain first n characters of the match
2714 *
2715 * @public
2716 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2717 */
2718 less: function lexer_less(n) {
2719 return this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
2720 },
2722 /**
2723 * return (part of the) already matched input, i.e. for error
2724 * messages.
2725 *
2726 * Limit the returned string length to `maxSize` (default: 20).
2727 *
2728 * Limit the returned string to the `maxLines` number of lines of
2729 * input (default: 1).
2730 *
2731 * Negative limit values equal *unlimited*.
2732 *
2733 * @public
2734 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2735 */
2736 pastInput: function lexer_pastInput(maxSize, maxLines) {
2737 var past = this.matched.substring(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
2739 if (maxSize < 0)
2740 maxSize = past.length;
2741 else if (!maxSize)
2742 maxSize = 20;
2744 if (maxLines < 0)
2745 maxLines = past.length; // can't ever have more input lines than this!
2746 else if (!maxLines)
2747 maxLines = 1;
2749 // `substr` anticipation: treat \r\n as a single character and take a little
2750 // more than necessary so that we can still properly check against maxSize
2751 // after we've transformed and limited the newLines in here:
2752 past = past.substr(-maxSize * 2 - 2);
2754 // now that we have a significantly reduced string to process, transform the newlines
2755 // and chop them, then limit them:
2756 var a = past.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n').split('\n');
2758 a = a.slice(-maxLines);
2759 past = a.join('\n');
2761 // When, after limiting to maxLines, we still have too much to return,
2762 // do add an ellipsis prefix...
2763 if (past.length > maxSize) {
2764 past = '...' + past.substr(-maxSize);
2765 }
2767 return past;
2768 },
2770 /**
2771 * return (part of the) upcoming input, i.e. for error messages.
2772 *
2773 * Limit the returned string length to `maxSize` (default: 20).
2774 *
2775 * Limit the returned string to the `maxLines` number of lines of input (default: 1).
2776 *
2777 * Negative limit values equal *unlimited*.
2778 *
2779 * > ### NOTE ###
2780 * >
2781 * > *"upcoming input"* is defined as the whole of the both
2782 * > the *currently lexed* input, together with any remaining input
2783 * > following that. *"currently lexed"* input is the input
2784 * > already recognized by the lexer but not yet returned with
2785 * > the lexer token. This happens when you are invoking this API
2786 * > from inside any lexer rule action code block.
2787 * >
2788 *
2789 * @public
2790 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2791 */
2792 upcomingInput: function lexer_upcomingInput(maxSize, maxLines) {
2793 var next = this.match;
2795 if (maxSize < 0)
2796 maxSize = next.length + this._input.length;
2797 else if (!maxSize)
2798 maxSize = 20;
2800 if (maxLines < 0)
2801 maxLines = maxSize; // can't ever have more input lines than this!
2802 else if (!maxLines)
2803 maxLines = 1;
2805 // `substring` anticipation: treat \r\n as a single character and take a little
2806 // more than necessary so that we can still properly check against maxSize
2807 // after we've transformed and limited the newLines in here:
2808 if (next.length < maxSize * 2 + 2) {
2809 next += this._input.substring(0, maxSize * 2 + 2); // substring is faster on Chrome/V8
2810 }
2812 // now that we have a significantly reduced string to process, transform the newlines
2813 // and chop them, then limit them:
2814 var a = next.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n').split('\n');
2816 a = a.slice(0, maxLines);
2817 next = a.join('\n');
2819 // When, after limiting to maxLines, we still have too much to return,
2820 // do add an ellipsis postfix...
2821 if (next.length > maxSize) {
2822 next = next.substring(0, maxSize) + '...';
2823 }
2825 return next;
2826 },
2828 /**
2829 * return a string which displays the character position where the
2830 * lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
2831 *
2832 * @public
2833 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2834 */
2835 showPosition: function lexer_showPosition(maxPrefix, maxPostfix) {
2836 var pre = this.pastInput(maxPrefix).replace(/\s/g, ' ');
2837 var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join('-');
2838 return pre + this.upcomingInput(maxPostfix).replace(/\s/g, ' ') + '\n' + c + '^';
2839 },
2841 /**
2842 * return an YYLLOC info object derived off the given context (actual, preceding, following, current).
2843 * Use this method when the given `actual` location is not guaranteed to exist (i.e. when
2844 * it MAY be NULL) and you MUST have a valid location info object anyway:
2845 * then we take the given context of the `preceding` and `following` locations, IFF those are available,
2846 * and reconstruct the `actual` location info from those.
2847 * If this fails, the heuristic is to take the `current` location, IFF available.
2848 * If this fails as well, we assume the sought location is at/around the current lexer position
2849 * and then produce that one as a response. DO NOTE that these heuristic/derived location info
2850 * values MAY be inaccurate!
2851 *
2852 * NOTE: `deriveLocationInfo()` ALWAYS produces a location info object *copy* of `actual`, not just
2853 * a *reference* hence all input location objects can be assumed to be 'constant' (function has no side-effects).
2854 *
2855 * @public
2856 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2857 */
2858 deriveLocationInfo: function lexer_deriveYYLLOC(actual, preceding, following, current) {
2859 var loc = {
2860 first_line: 1,
2861 first_column: 0,
2862 last_line: 1,
2863 last_column: 0,
2864 range: [0, 0]
2865 };
2867 if (actual) {
2868 loc.first_line = actual.first_line | 0;
2869 loc.last_line = actual.last_line | 0;
2870 loc.first_column = actual.first_column | 0;
2871 loc.last_column = actual.last_column | 0;
2873 if (actual.range) {
2874 loc.range[0] = actual.range[0] | 0;
2875 loc.range[1] = actual.range[1] | 0;
2876 }
2877 }
2879 if (loc.first_line <= 0 || loc.last_line < loc.first_line) {
2880 // plan B: heuristic using preceding and following:
2881 if (loc.first_line <= 0 && preceding) {
2882 loc.first_line = preceding.last_line | 0;
2883 loc.first_column = preceding.last_column | 0;
2885 if (preceding.range) {
2886 loc.range[0] = actual.range[1] | 0;
2887 }
2888 }
2890 if ((loc.last_line <= 0 || loc.last_line < loc.first_line) && following) {
2891 loc.last_line = following.first_line | 0;
2892 loc.last_column = following.first_column | 0;
2894 if (following.range) {
2895 loc.range[1] = actual.range[0] | 0;
2896 }
2897 }
2899 // plan C?: see if the 'current' location is useful/sane too:
2900 if (loc.first_line <= 0 && current && (loc.last_line <= 0 || current.last_line <= loc.last_line)) {
2901 loc.first_line = current.first_line | 0;
2902 loc.first_column = current.first_column | 0;
2904 if (current.range) {
2905 loc.range[0] = current.range[0] | 0;
2906 }
2907 }
2909 if (loc.last_line <= 0 && current && (loc.first_line <= 0 || current.first_line >= loc.first_line)) {
2910 loc.last_line = current.last_line | 0;
2911 loc.last_column = current.last_column | 0;
2913 if (current.range) {
2914 loc.range[1] = current.range[1] | 0;
2915 }
2916 }
2917 }
2919 // sanitize: fix last_line BEFORE we fix first_line as we use the 'raw' value of the latter
2920 // or plan D heuristics to produce a 'sensible' last_line value:
2921 if (loc.last_line <= 0) {
2922 if (loc.first_line <= 0) {
2923 loc.first_line = this.yylloc.first_line;
2924 loc.last_line = this.yylloc.last_line;
2925 loc.first_column = this.yylloc.first_column;
2926 loc.last_column = this.yylloc.last_column;
2927 loc.range[0] = this.yylloc.range[0];
2928 loc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[1];
2929 } else {
2930 loc.last_line = this.yylloc.last_line;
2931 loc.last_column = this.yylloc.last_column;
2932 loc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[1];
2933 }
2934 }
2936 if (loc.first_line <= 0) {
2937 loc.first_line = loc.last_line;
2938 loc.first_column = 0; // loc.last_column;
2939 loc.range[1] = loc.range[0];
2940 }
2942 if (loc.first_column < 0) {
2943 loc.first_column = 0;
2944 }
2946 if (loc.last_column < 0) {
2947 loc.last_column = (loc.first_column > 0 ? loc.first_column : 80);
2948 }
2950 return loc;
2951 },
2953 /**
2954 * return a string which displays the lines & columns of input which are referenced
2955 * by the given location info range, plus a few lines of context.
2956 *
2957 * This function pretty-prints the indicated section of the input, with line numbers
2958 * and everything!
2959 *
2960 * This function is very useful to provide highly readable error reports, while
2961 * the location range may be specified in various flexible ways:
2962 *
2963 * - `loc` is the location info object which references the area which should be
2964 * displayed and 'marked up': these lines & columns of text are marked up by `^`
2965 * characters below each character in the entire input range.
2966 *
2967 * - `context_loc` is the *optional* location info object which instructs this
2968 * pretty-printer how much *leading* context should be displayed alongside
2969 * the area referenced by `loc`. This can help provide context for the displayed
2970 * error, etc.
2971 *
2972 * When this location info is not provided, a default context of 3 lines is
2973 * used.
2974 *
2975 * - `context_loc2` is another *optional* location info object, which serves
2976 * a similar purpose to `context_loc`: it specifies the amount of *trailing*
2977 * context lines to display in the pretty-print output.
2978 *
2979 * When this location info is not provided, a default context of 1 line only is
2980 * used.
2981 *
2982 * Special Notes:
2983 *
2984 * - when the `loc`-indicated range is very large (about 5 lines or more), then
2985 * only the first and last few lines of this block are printed while a
2986 * `...continued...` message will be printed between them.
2987 *
2988 * This serves the purpose of not printing a huge amount of text when the `loc`
2989 * range happens to be huge: this way a manageable & readable output results
2990 * for arbitrary large ranges.
2991 *
2992 * - this function can display lines of input which whave not yet been lexed.
2993 * `prettyPrintRange()` can access the entire input!
2994 *
2995 * @public
2996 * @this {RegExpLexer}
2997 */
2998 prettyPrintRange: function lexer_prettyPrintRange(loc, context_loc, context_loc2) {
2999 loc = this.deriveLocationInfo(loc, context_loc, context_loc2);
3000 const CONTEXT = 3;
3001 const CONTEXT_TAIL = 1;
3003 var input = this.matched + this._input;
3004 var lines = input.split('\n');
3005 var l0 = Math.max(1, (context_loc ? context_loc.first_line : loc.first_line - CONTEXT));
3006 var l1 = Math.max(1, (context_loc2 ? context_loc2.last_line : loc.last_line + CONTEXT_TAIL));
3007 var lineno_display_width = 1 + Math.log10(l1 | 1) | 0;
3008 var ws_prefix = new Array(lineno_display_width).join(' ');
3009 var nonempty_line_indexes = [];
3011 var rv = lines.slice(l0 - 1, l1 + 1).map(function injectLineNumber(line, index) {
3012 var lno = index + l0;
3013 var lno_pfx = (ws_prefix + lno).substr(-lineno_display_width);
3014 var rv = lno_pfx + ': ' + line;
3015 var errpfx = new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join('^');
3016 var offset = 2 + 1;
3017 var len = 0;
3019 if (lno === loc.first_line) {
3020 offset += loc.first_column;
3022 len = Math.max(
3023 2,
3024 ((lno === loc.last_line ? loc.last_column : line.length)) - loc.first_column + 1
3025 );
3026 } else if (lno === loc.last_line) {
3027 len = Math.max(2, loc.last_column + 1);
3028 } else if (lno > loc.first_line && lno < loc.last_line) {
3029 len = Math.max(2, line.length + 1);
3030 }
3032 if (len) {
3033 var lead = new Array(offset).join('.');
3034 var mark = new Array(len).join('^');
3035 rv += '\n' + errpfx + lead + mark;
3037 if (line.trim().length > 0) {
3038 nonempty_line_indexes.push(index);
3039 }
3040 }
3042 rv = rv.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
3043 return rv;
3044 });
3046 // now make sure we don't print an overly large amount of error area: limit it
3047 // to the top and bottom line count:
3048 if (nonempty_line_indexes.length > 2 * MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT) {
3049 var clip_start = nonempty_line_indexes[MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT - 1] + 1;
3050 var clip_end = nonempty_line_indexes[nonempty_line_indexes.length - MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT] - 1;
3051 var intermediate_line = new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join(' ') + ' (...continued...)';
3052 intermediate_line += '\n' + new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join('-') + ' (---------------)';
3053 rv.splice(clip_start, clip_end - clip_start + 1, intermediate_line);
3054 }
3056 return rv.join('\n');
3057 },
3059 /**
3060 * helper function, used to produce a human readable description as a string, given
3061 * the input `yylloc` location object.
3062 *
3063 * Set `display_range_too` to TRUE to include the string character index position(s)
3064 * in the description if the `yylloc.range` is available.
3065 *
3066 * @public
3067 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3068 */
3069 describeYYLLOC: function lexer_describe_yylloc(yylloc, display_range_too) {
3070 var l1 = yylloc.first_line;
3071 var l2 = yylloc.last_line;
3072 var c1 = yylloc.first_column;
3073 var c2 = yylloc.last_column;
3074 var dl = l2 - l1;
3075 var dc = c2 - c1;
3076 var rv;
3078 if (dl === 0) {
3079 rv = 'line ' + l1 + ', ';
3081 if (dc <= 1) {
3082 rv += 'column ' + c1;
3083 } else {
3084 rv += 'columns ' + c1 + ' .. ' + c2;
3085 }
3086 } else {
3087 rv = 'lines ' + l1 + '(column ' + c1 + ') .. ' + l2 + '(column ' + c2 + ')';
3088 }
3090 if (yylloc.range && display_range_too) {
3091 var r1 = yylloc.range[0];
3092 var r2 = yylloc.range[1] - 1;
3094 if (r2 <= r1) {
3095 rv += ' {String Offset: ' + r1 + '}';
3096 } else {
3097 rv += ' {String Offset range: ' + r1 + ' .. ' + r2 + '}';
3098 }
3099 }
3101 return rv;
3102 },
3104 /**
3105 * test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token.
3106 *
3107 * `match` is supposed to be an array coming out of a regex match, i.e. `match[0]`
3108 * contains the actually matched text string.
3109 *
3110 * Also move the input cursor forward and update the match collectors:
3111 *
3112 * - `yytext`
3113 * - `yyleng`
3114 * - `match`
3115 * - `matches`
3116 * - `yylloc`
3117 * - `offset`
3118 *
3119 * @public
3120 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3121 */
3122 test_match: function lexer_test_match(match, indexed_rule) {
3123 var token, lines, backup, match_str, match_str_len;
3125 if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
3126 // save context
3127 backup = {
3128 yylineno: this.yylineno,
3130 yylloc: {
3131 first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
3132 last_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
3133 first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
3134 last_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
3135 range: this.yylloc.range.slice(0)
3136 },
3138 yytext: this.yytext,
3139 match: this.match,
3140 matches: this.matches,
3141 matched: this.matched,
3142 yyleng: this.yyleng,
3143 offset: this.offset,
3144 _more: this._more,
3145 _input: this._input,
3147 //_signaled_error_token: this._signaled_error_token,
3148 yy: this.yy,
3150 conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
3151 done: this.done
3152 };
3153 }
3155 match_str = match[0];
3156 match_str_len = match_str.length;
3158 // if (match_str.indexOf('\n') !== -1 || match_str.indexOf('\r') !== -1) {
3159 lines = match_str.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
3161 if (lines.length > 1) {
3162 this.yylineno += lines.length - 1;
3163 this.yylloc.last_line = this.yylineno + 1;
3164 this.yylloc.last_column = lines[lines.length - 1].length;
3165 } else {
3166 this.yylloc.last_column += match_str_len;
3167 }
3169 // }
3170 this.yytext += match_str;
3172 this.match += match_str;
3173 this.matched += match_str;
3174 this.matches = match;
3175 this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
3176 this.yylloc.range[1] += match_str_len;
3178 // previous lex rules MAY have invoked the `more()` API rather than producing a token:
3179 // those rules will already have moved this `offset` forward matching their match lengths,
3180 // hence we must only add our own match length now:
3181 this.offset += match_str_len;
3183 this._more = false;
3184 this._backtrack = false;
3185 this._input = this._input.slice(match_str_len);
3187 // calling this method:
3188 //
3189 // function lexer__performAction(yy, yyrulenumber, YY_START) {...}
3190 token = this.performAction.call(
3191 this,
3192 this.yy,
3193 indexed_rule,
3194 this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1] /* = YY_START */
3195 );
3197 // otherwise, when the action codes are all simple return token statements:
3198 //token = this.simpleCaseActionClusters[indexed_rule];
3200 if (this.done && this._input) {
3201 this.done = false;
3202 }
3204 if (token) {
3205 return token;
3206 } else if (this._backtrack) {
3207 // recover context
3208 for (var k in backup) {
3209 this[k] = backup[k];
3210 }
3212 this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
3213 return false; // rule action called reject() implying the next rule should be tested instead.
3214 } else if (this._signaled_error_token) {
3215 // produce one 'error' token as `.parseError()` in `reject()`
3216 // did not guarantee a failure signal by throwing an exception!
3217 token = this._signaled_error_token;
3219 this._signaled_error_token = false;
3220 return token;
3221 }
3223 return false;
3224 },
3226 /**
3227 * return next match in input
3228 *
3229 * @public
3230 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3231 */
3232 next: function lexer_next() {
3233 if (this.done) {
3234 this.clear();
3235 return this.EOF;
3236 }
3238 if (!this._input) {
3239 this.done = true;
3240 }
3242 var token, match, tempMatch, index;
3244 if (!this._more) {
3245 this.clear();
3246 }
3248 var spec = this.__currentRuleSet__;
3250 if (!spec) {
3251 // Update the ruleset cache as we apparently encountered a state change or just started lexing.
3252 // The cache is set up for fast lookup -- we assume a lexer will switch states much less often than it will
3253 // invoke the `lex()` token-producing API and related APIs, hence caching the set for direct access helps
3254 // speed up those activities a tiny bit.
3255 spec = this.__currentRuleSet__ = this._currentRules();
3257 // Check whether a *sane* condition has been pushed before: this makes the lexer robust against
3258 // user-programmer bugs such as https://github.com/zaach/jison-lex/issues/19
3259 if (!spec || !spec.rules) {
3260 var lineno_msg = '';
3262 if (this.options.trackPosition) {
3263 lineno_msg = ' on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1);
3264 }
3266 var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
3267 'Internal lexer engine error' + lineno_msg + ': The lex grammar programmer pushed a non-existing condition name "' + this.topState() + '"; this is a fatal error and should be reported to the application programmer team!',
3268 false
3269 );
3271 // produce one 'error' token until this situation has been resolved, most probably by parse termination!
3272 return this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
3273 }
3274 }
3276 var rule_ids = spec.rules;
3277 var regexes = spec.__rule_regexes;
3278 var len = spec.__rule_count;
3280 // Note: the arrays are 1-based, while `len` itself is a valid index,
3281 // hence the non-standard less-or-equal check in the next loop condition!
3282 for (var i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
3283 tempMatch = this._input.match(regexes[i]);
3285 if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
3286 match = tempMatch;
3287 index = i;
3289 if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
3290 token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rule_ids[i]);
3292 if (token !== false) {
3293 return token;
3294 } else if (this._backtrack) {
3295 match = undefined;
3296 continue; // rule action called reject() implying a rule MISmatch.
3297 } else {
3298 // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
3299 return false;
3300 }
3301 } else if (!this.options.flex) {
3302 break;
3303 }
3304 }
3305 }
3307 if (match) {
3308 token = this.test_match(match, rule_ids[index]);
3310 if (token !== false) {
3311 return token;
3312 }
3314 // else: this is a lexer rule which consumes input without producing a token (e.g. whitespace)
3315 return false;
3316 }
3318 if (!this._input) {
3319 this.done = true;
3320 this.clear();
3321 return this.EOF;
3322 } else {
3323 var lineno_msg = '';
3325 if (this.options.trackPosition) {
3326 lineno_msg = ' on line ' + (this.yylineno + 1);
3327 }
3329 var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
3330 'Lexical error' + lineno_msg + ': Unrecognized text.',
3331 this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable
3332 );
3334 var pendingInput = this._input;
3335 var activeCondition = this.topState();
3336 var conditionStackDepth = this.conditionStack.length;
3337 token = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
3339 if (token === this.ERROR) {
3340 // we can try to recover from a lexer error that `parseError()` did not 'recover' for us
3341 // by moving forward at least one character at a time IFF the (user-specified?) `parseError()`
3342 // has not consumed/modified any pending input or changed state in the error handler:
3343 if (!this.matches && // and make sure the input has been modified/consumed ...
3344 pendingInput === this._input && // ...or the lexer state has been modified significantly enough
3345 // to merit a non-consuming error handling action right now.
3346 activeCondition === this.topState() && conditionStackDepth === this.conditionStack.length) {
3347 this.input();
3348 }
3349 }
3351 return token;
3352 }
3353 },
3355 /**
3356 * return next match that has a token
3357 *
3358 * @public
3359 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3360 */
3361 lex: function lexer_lex() {
3362 var r;
3364 // allow the PRE/POST handlers set/modify the return token for maximum flexibility of the generated lexer:
3365 if (typeof this.pre_lex === 'function') {
3366 r = this.pre_lex.call(this, 0);
3367 }
3369 if (typeof this.options.pre_lex === 'function') {
3370 // (also account for a userdef function which does not return any value: keep the token as is)
3371 r = this.options.pre_lex.call(this, r) || r;
3372 }
3374 if (this.yy && typeof this.yy.pre_lex === 'function') {
3375 // (also account for a userdef function which does not return any value: keep the token as is)
3376 r = this.yy.pre_lex.call(this, r) || r;
3377 }
3379 while (!r) {
3380 r = this.next();
3381 }
3383 if (this.yy && typeof this.yy.post_lex === 'function') {
3384 // (also account for a userdef function which does not return any value: keep the token as is)
3385 r = this.yy.post_lex.call(this, r) || r;
3386 }
3388 if (typeof this.options.post_lex === 'function') {
3389 // (also account for a userdef function which does not return any value: keep the token as is)
3390 r = this.options.post_lex.call(this, r) || r;
3391 }
3393 if (typeof this.post_lex === 'function') {
3394 // (also account for a userdef function which does not return any value: keep the token as is)
3395 r = this.post_lex.call(this, r) || r;
3396 }
3398 return r;
3399 },
3401 /**
3402 * return next match that has a token. Identical to the `lex()` API but does not invoke any of the
3403 * `pre_lex()` nor any of the `post_lex()` callbacks.
3404 *
3405 * @public
3406 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3407 */
3408 fastLex: function lexer_fastLex() {
3409 var r;
3411 while (!r) {
3412 r = this.next();
3413 }
3415 return r;
3416 },
3418 /**
3419 * return info about the lexer state that can help a parser or other lexer API user to use the
3420 * most efficient means available. This API is provided to aid run-time performance for larger
3421 * systems which employ this lexer.
3422 *
3423 * @public
3424 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3425 */
3426 canIUse: function lexer_canIUse() {
3427 var rv = {
3428 fastLex: !(typeof this.pre_lex === 'function' || typeof this.options.pre_lex === 'function' || this.yy && typeof this.yy.pre_lex === 'function' || this.yy && typeof this.yy.post_lex === 'function' || typeof this.options.post_lex === 'function' || typeof this.post_lex === 'function') && typeof this.fastLex === 'function'
3429 };
3431 return rv;
3432 },
3434 /**
3435 * backwards compatible alias for `pushState()`;
3436 * the latter is symmetrical with `popState()` and we advise to use
3437 * those APIs in any modern lexer code, rather than `begin()`.
3438 *
3439 * @public
3440 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3441 */
3442 begin: function lexer_begin(condition) {
3443 return this.pushState(condition);
3444 },
3446 /**
3447 * activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer
3448 * condition state onto the condition stack)
3449 *
3450 * @public
3451 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3452 */
3453 pushState: function lexer_pushState(condition) {
3454 this.conditionStack.push(condition);
3455 this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
3456 return this;
3457 },
3459 /**
3460 * pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition
3461 * stack
3462 *
3463 * @public
3464 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3465 */
3466 popState: function lexer_popState() {
3467 var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
3469 if (n > 0) {
3470 this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
3471 return this.conditionStack.pop();
3472 } else {
3473 return this.conditionStack[0];
3474 }
3475 },
3477 /**
3478 * return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index
3479 * argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state,
3480 * if available
3481 *
3482 * @public
3483 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3484 */
3485 topState: function lexer_topState(n) {
3486 n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
3488 if (n >= 0) {
3489 return this.conditionStack[n];
3490 } else {
3491 return 'INITIAL';
3492 }
3493 },
3495 /**
3496 * (internal) determine the lexer rule set which is active for the
3497 * currently active lexer condition state
3498 *
3499 * @public
3500 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3501 */
3502 _currentRules: function lexer__currentRules() {
3503 if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
3504 return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]];
3505 } else {
3506 return this.conditions['INITIAL'];
3507 }
3508 },
3510 /**
3511 * return the number of states currently on the stack
3512 *
3513 * @public
3514 * @this {RegExpLexer}
3515 */
3516 stateStackSize: function lexer_stateStackSize() {
3517 return this.conditionStack.length;
3518 },
3520 options: {
3521 trackPosition: true,
3522 caseInsensitive: true
3523 },
3525 JisonLexerError: JisonLexerError,
3527 performAction: function lexer__performAction(yy, yyrulenumber, YY_START) {
3528 var yy_ = this;
3529 var YYSTATE = YY_START;
3531 switch (yyrulenumber) {
3532 case 0:
3533 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3534 /*! Rule:: \s+ */
3535 /* skip whitespace */
3536 break;
3538 case 7:
3539 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3540 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)em\b */
3541 return 12; // em
3543 break;
3545 case 8:
3546 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3547 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)ex\b */
3548 return 12; // ex
3550 break;
3552 case 9:
3553 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3554 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)ch\b */
3555 return 12; // ch
3557 break;
3559 case 10:
3560 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3561 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)rem\b */
3562 return 12; // rem
3564 break;
3566 case 11:
3567 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3568 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)vw\b */
3569 return 12; // vw
3571 break;
3573 case 12:
3574 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3575 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)vh\b */
3576 return 12; // vh
3578 break;
3580 case 13:
3581 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3582 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)vmin\b */
3583 return 12; // vmin
3585 break;
3587 case 14:
3588 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3589 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)vmax\b */
3590 return 12; // vmax
3592 break;
3594 case 15:
3595 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3596 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)vm\b */
3597 return 12; // vm (non-standard name)
3599 break;
3601 case 16:
3602 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3603 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)px\b */
3604 return 12; // px
3606 break;
3608 case 17:
3609 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3610 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)mm\b */
3611 return 12; // mm
3613 break;
3615 case 18:
3616 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3617 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)cm\b */
3618 return 12; // cm
3620 break;
3622 case 19:
3623 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3624 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)in\b */
3625 return 12; // in
3627 break;
3629 case 20:
3630 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3631 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)pt\b */
3632 return 12; // pt
3634 break;
3636 case 21:
3637 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3638 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)pc\b */
3639 return 12; // pc
3641 break;
3643 case 22:
3644 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3645 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)Q\b */
3646 return 12; // Q
3648 break;
3650 case 23:
3651 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3652 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)fr\b */
3653 return 12; // fr
3655 break;
3657 case 24:
3658 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3659 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)deg\b */
3660 return 13; // deg
3662 break;
3664 case 25:
3665 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3666 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)grad\b */
3667 return 13; // grad
3669 break;
3671 case 26:
3672 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3673 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)turn\b */
3674 return 13; // turn
3676 break;
3678 case 27:
3679 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3680 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)rad\b */
3681 return 13; // rad
3683 break;
3685 case 28:
3686 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3687 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)s\b */
3688 return 14; // s
3690 break;
3692 case 29:
3693 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3694 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)ms\b */
3695 return 14; // ms
3697 break;
3699 case 30:
3700 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3701 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)Hz\b */
3702 return 15; // Hz
3704 break;
3706 case 31:
3707 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3708 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)kHz\b */
3709 return 15; // kHz
3711 break;
3713 case 32:
3714 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3715 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)dpi\b */
3716 return 16; // dpi
3718 break;
3720 case 33:
3721 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3722 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)dpcm\b */
3723 return 16; // dpcm
3725 break;
3727 case 34:
3728 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3729 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)dppx\b */
3730 return 16; // dppm
3732 break;
3734 case 39:
3735 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3736 /*! Rule:: #\{([\s\S]*?)\} */
3737 return 18; // scss variable
3739 break;
3741 case 40:
3742 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3743 /*! Rule:: @\{([\s\S]*?)\} */
3744 return 18; // less variable
3746 break;
3748 default:
3749 return this.simpleCaseActionClusters[yyrulenumber];
3750 }
3751 },
3753 simpleCaseActionClusters: {
3754 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3755 /*! Rule:: (-(webkit|moz)-)?calc\b */
3756 1: 3,
3758 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3759 /*! Rule:: [a-z][a-z0-9-]*\s*\((?:(?:"(?:\\.|[^\"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^\'\\])*')|\([^)]*\)|[^\(\)]*)*\) */
3760 2: 11,
3762 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3763 /*! Rule:: \* */
3764 3: 8,
3766 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3767 /*! Rule:: \/ */
3768 4: 9,
3770 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3771 /*! Rule:: \+ */
3772 5: 6,
3774 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3775 /*! Rule:: - */
3776 6: 7,
3778 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3779 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)% */
3780 35: 17,
3782 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3783 /*! Rule:: ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)\b */
3784 36: 10,
3786 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3787 /*! Rule:: \( */
3788 37: 4,
3790 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3791 /*! Rule:: \) */
3792 38: 5,
3794 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3795 /*! Rule:: \S[^\s()*\/+-]* */
3796 41: 18,
3798 /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
3799 /*! Rule:: $ */
3800 42: 1
3801 },
3803 rules: [
3804 /* 0: */ /^(?:\s+)/i,
3805 /* 1: */ /^(?:(-(webkit|moz)-)?calc\b)/i,
3806 /* 2: */ /^(?:[a-z][\d\-a-z]*\s*\((?:(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*')|\([^)]*\)|[^()]*)*\))/i,
3807 /* 3: */ /^(?:\*)/i,
3808 /* 4: */ /^(?:\/)/i,
3809 /* 5: */ /^(?:\+)/i,
3810 /* 6: */ /^(?:-)/i,
3811 /* 7: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)em\b)/i,
3812 /* 8: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)ex\b)/i,
3813 /* 9: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)ch\b)/i,
3814 /* 10: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)rem\b)/i,
3815 /* 11: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)vw\b)/i,
3816 /* 12: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)vh\b)/i,
3817 /* 13: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)vmin\b)/i,
3818 /* 14: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)vmax\b)/i,
3819 /* 15: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)vm\b)/i,
3820 /* 16: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)px\b)/i,
3821 /* 17: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)mm\b)/i,
3822 /* 18: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)cm\b)/i,
3823 /* 19: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)in\b)/i,
3824 /* 20: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)pt\b)/i,
3825 /* 21: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)pc\b)/i,
3826 /* 22: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)Q\b)/i,
3827 /* 23: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)fr\b)/i,
3828 /* 24: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)deg\b)/i,
3829 /* 25: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)grad\b)/i,
3830 /* 26: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)turn\b)/i,
3831 /* 27: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)rad\b)/i,
3832 /* 28: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)s\b)/i,
3833 /* 29: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)ms\b)/i,
3834 /* 30: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)Hz\b)/i,
3835 /* 31: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)kHz\b)/i,
3836 /* 32: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)dpi\b)/i,
3837 /* 33: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)dpcm\b)/i,
3838 /* 34: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)dppx\b)/i,
3839 /* 35: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)%)/i,
3840 /* 36: */ /^(?:(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)\b)/i,
3841 /* 37: */ /^(?:\()/i,
3842 /* 38: */ /^(?:\))/i,
3843 /* 39: */ /^(?:#\{([\s\S]*?)\})/i,
3844 /* 40: */ /^(?:@\{([\s\S]*?)\})/i,
3845 /* 41: */ /^(?:\S[^\s()*\/+-]*)/i,
3846 /* 42: */ /^(?:$)/i
3847 ],
3849 conditions: {
3850 'INITIAL': {
3851 rules: [
3852 0,
3853 1,
3854 2,
3855 3,
3856 4,
3857 5,
3858 6,
3859 7,
3860 8,
3861 9,
3862 10,
3863 11,
3864 12,
3865 13,
3866 14,
3867 15,
3868 16,
3869 17,
3870 18,
3871 19,
3872 20,
3873 21,
3874 22,
3875 23,
3876 24,
3877 25,
3878 26,
3879 27,
3880 28,
3881 29,
3882 30,
3883 31,
3884 32,
3885 33,
3886 34,
3887 35,
3888 36,
3889 37,
3890 38,
3891 39,
3892 40,
3893 41,
3894 42
3895 ],
3897 inclusive: true
3898 }
3899 }
3900 };
3902 return lexer;
3904parser.lexer = lexer;
3908function Parser() {
3909 this.yy = {};
3911Parser.prototype = parser;
3912parser.Parser = Parser;
3914return new Parser();
3920if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
3921 exports.parser = parser;
3922 exports.Parser = parser.Parser;
3923 exports.parse = function () {
3924 return parser.parse.apply(parser, arguments);
3925 };