3.37 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export type Transform = "jsx" | "typescript" | "flow" | "imports" | "react-hot-loader" | "jest";
2export interface SourceMapOptions {
3 /**
4 * The name to use in the "file" field of the source map. This should be the name of the compiled
5 * file.
6 */
7 compiledFilename: string;
9export interface Options {
10 /**
11 * Unordered array of transform names describing both the allowed syntax
12 * (where applicable) and the transformation behavior.
13 */
14 transforms: Array<Transform>;
15 /**
16 * Opts out of all ES syntax transformations: optional chaining, nullish
17 * coalescing, class fields, numeric separators, optional catch binding.
18 */
19 disableESTransforms?: boolean;
20 /**
21 * Transformation mode for the JSX transform.
22 * - "classic" refers to the original behavior using `React.createElement`.
23 * - "automatic" refers to the transform behavior released with React 17,
24 * where the `jsx` function (or a variation) is automatically imported.
25 * - "preserve" leaves the JSX as-is.
26 *
27 * Default value: "classic".
28 */
29 jsxRuntime?: "classic" | "automatic" | "preserve";
30 /**
31 * Compile code for production use. Currently only applies to the JSX
32 * transform.
33 */
34 production?: boolean;
35 /**
36 * If specified, import path prefix to use in place of "react" when compiling
37 * JSX with the automatic runtime.
38 */
39 jsxImportSource?: string;
40 /**
41 * If specified, function name to use in place of React.createClass when
42 * compiling JSX with the classic runtime.
43 */
44 jsxPragma?: string;
45 /**
46 * If specified, function name to use in place of React.Fragment when
47 * compiling JSX with the classic runtime.
48 */
49 jsxFragmentPragma?: string;
50 /**
51 * If specified, disable automatic removal of type-only import and export
52 * statements and names. Only statements and names that explicitly use the
53 * `type` keyword are removed.
54 */
55 keepUnusedImports?: boolean;
56 /**
57 * If specified, the imports transform does not attempt to change dynamic
58 * import() expressions into require() calls.
59 */
60 preserveDynamicImport?: boolean;
61 /**
62 * Only relevant when targeting ESM (i.e. when the imports transform is *not*
63 * specified). This flag changes the behavior of TS require imports:
64 *
65 * import Foo = require("foo");
66 *
67 * to import createRequire, create a require function, and use that function.
68 * This is the TS behavior with module: nodenext and makes it easier for the
69 * same code to target ESM and CJS.
70 */
71 injectCreateRequireForImportRequire?: boolean;
72 /**
73 * If true, replicate the import behavior of TypeScript's esModuleInterop: false.
74 */
75 enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop?: boolean;
76 /**
77 * If true, replicate the import behavior Babel 5 and babel-plugin-add-module-exports.
78 */
79 enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop?: boolean;
80 /**
81 * If specified, we also return a RawSourceMap object alongside the code.
82 * filePath must be specified if this option is enabled.
83 */
84 sourceMapOptions?: SourceMapOptions;
85 /**
86 * File path to use in error messages, React display names, and source maps.
87 */
88 filePath?: string;
90export declare function validateOptions(options: Options): void;