1 |
2 | import commander from "commander";
3 | import {exists, mkdir, readdir, readFile, stat, writeFile} from "mz/fs";
4 | import {join} from "path";
5 |
6 | import { transform} from "./index";
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | export default function run() {
16 | commander
17 | .description(`Sucrase: super-fast Babel alternative.`)
18 | .usage("[options] <srcDir>")
19 | .option(
20 | "-d, --out-dir <out>",
21 | "Compile an input directory of modules into an output directory.",
22 | )
23 | .option("--out-extension <extension>", "File extension to use for all output files.", "js")
24 | .option("--exclude-dirs <paths>", "Names of directories that should not be traversed.")
25 | .option("-t, --transforms <transforms>", "Comma-separated list of transforms to run.")
26 | .option("-q, --quiet", "Don't print the names of converted files.")
27 | .option(
28 | "--enable-legacy-typescript-module-interop",
29 | "Use default TypeScript ESM/CJS interop strategy.",
30 | )
31 | .option("--enable-legacy-babel5-module-interop", "Use Babel 5 ESM/CJS interop strategy.")
32 | .option("--jsx-pragma <string>", "Element creation function, defaults to `React.createElement`")
33 | .option("--jsx-fragment-pragma <string>", "Fragment component, defaults to `React.Fragment`")
34 | .parse(process.argv);
35 |
36 | if (!commander.outDir) {
37 | console.error("Out directory is required");
38 | process.exit(1);
39 | }
40 |
41 | if (!commander.transforms) {
42 | console.error("Transforms option is required.");
43 | process.exit(1);
44 | }
45 |
46 | if (!commander.args[0]) {
47 | console.error("Source directory is required.");
48 | process.exit(1);
49 | }
50 |
51 | const outDir = commander.outDir;
52 | const srcDir = commander.args[0];
53 |
54 | const options = {
55 | outExtension: commander.outExtension,
56 | excludeDirs: commander.excludeDirs ? commander.excludeDirs.split(",") : [],
57 | quiet: commander.quiet,
58 | sucraseOptions: {
59 | transforms: commander.transforms.split(","),
60 | enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop: commander.enableLegacyTypescriptModuleInterop,
61 | enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop: commander.enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop,
62 | jsxPragma: commander.jsxPragma || "React.createElement",
63 | jsxFragmentPragma: commander.jsxFragmentPragma || "React.Fragment",
64 | },
65 | };
66 |
67 | buildDirectory(srcDir, outDir, options).catch((e) => {
68 | process.exitCode = 1;
69 | console.error(e);
70 | });
71 | }
72 |
73 | async function buildDirectory(
74 | srcDirPath,
75 | outDirPath,
76 | options,
77 | ) {
78 | const extension = options.sucraseOptions.transforms.includes("typescript") ? ".ts" : ".js";
79 | if (!(await exists(outDirPath))) {
80 | await mkdir(outDirPath);
81 | }
82 | for (const child of await readdir(srcDirPath)) {
83 | if (["node_modules", ".git"].includes(child) || options.excludeDirs.includes(child)) {
84 | continue;
85 | }
86 | const srcChildPath = join(srcDirPath, child);
87 | const outChildPath = join(outDirPath, child);
88 | if ((await stat(srcChildPath)).isDirectory()) {
89 | await buildDirectory(srcChildPath, outChildPath, options);
90 | } else if (srcChildPath.endsWith(extension)) {
91 | const outPath = `${outChildPath.substr(0, outChildPath.length - extension.length)}.${
92 | options.outExtension
93 | }`;
94 | await buildFile(srcChildPath, outPath, options);
95 | }
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | async function buildFile(srcPath, outPath, options) {
100 | if (!options.quiet) {
101 | console.log(`${srcPath} -> ${outPath}`);
102 | }
103 | const code = (await readFile(srcPath)).toString();
104 | const transformedCode = transform(code, {...options.sucraseOptions, filePath: srcPath}).code;
105 | await writeFile(outPath, transformedCode);
106 | }