1 | import CJSImportProcessor from "../CJSImportProcessor";
2 | import NameManager from "../NameManager";
3 | import TokenProcessor from "../TokenProcessor";
4 | import ReactHotLoaderTransformer from "./ReactHotLoaderTransformer";
5 | import RootTransformer from "./RootTransformer";
6 | import Transformer from "./Transformer";
7 | /**
8 | * Class for editing import statements when we are transforming to commonjs.
9 | */
10 | export default class CJSImportTransformer extends Transformer {
11 | readonly rootTransformer: RootTransformer;
12 | readonly tokens: TokenProcessor;
13 | readonly importProcessor: CJSImportProcessor;
14 | readonly nameManager: NameManager;
15 | readonly reactHotLoaderTransformer: ReactHotLoaderTransformer | null;
16 | readonly enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop: boolean;
17 | private hadExport;
18 | private hadNamedExport;
19 | private hadDefaultExport;
20 | constructor(rootTransformer: RootTransformer, tokens: TokenProcessor, importProcessor: CJSImportProcessor, nameManager: NameManager, reactHotLoaderTransformer: ReactHotLoaderTransformer | null, enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop: boolean);
21 | getPrefixCode(): string;
22 | getSuffixCode(): string;
23 | process(): boolean;
24 | /**
25 | * Transform this:
26 | * import foo, {bar} from 'baz';
27 | * into
28 | * var _baz = require('baz'); var _baz2 = _interopRequireDefault(_baz);
29 | *
30 | * The import code was already generated in the import preprocessing step, so
31 | * we just need to look it up.
32 | */
33 | private processImport;
34 | /**
35 | * Erase this import, and return true if it was either of the form "import type" or contained only
36 | * "type" named imports. Such imports should not even do a side-effect import.
37 | *
38 | * The position should end at the import string.
39 | */
40 | private removeImportAndDetectIfType;
41 | private removeRemainingImport;
42 | private processIdentifier;
43 | processObjectShorthand(): boolean;
44 | processExport(): boolean;
45 | private processAssignment;
46 | /**
47 | * Process something like `a += 3`, where `a` might be an exported value.
48 | */
49 | private processComplexAssignment;
50 | /**
51 | * Process something like `++a`, where `a` might be an exported value.
52 | */
53 | private processPreIncDec;
54 | /**
55 | * Process something like `a++`, where `a` might be an exported value.
56 | * This starts at the `a`, not at the `++`.
57 | */
58 | private processPostIncDec;
59 | private processExportDefault;
60 | /**
61 | * Transform a declaration like `export var`, `export let`, or `export const`.
62 | */
63 | private processExportVar;
64 | /**
65 | * Determine if the export is of the form:
66 | * export var/let/const [varName] = [expr];
67 | * In other words, determine if function name inference might apply.
68 | */
69 | private isSimpleExportVar;
70 | /**
71 | * Transform an `export var` declaration initializing a single variable.
72 | *
73 | * For example, this:
74 | * export const f = () => {};
75 | * becomes this:
76 | * const f = () => {}; exports.f = f;
77 | *
78 | * The variable is unused (e.g. exports.f has the true value of the export).
79 | * We need to produce an assignment of this form so that the function will
80 | * have an inferred name of "f", which wouldn't happen in the more general
81 | * case below.
82 | */
83 | private processSimpleExportVar;
84 | /**
85 | * Transform normal declaration exports, including handling destructuring.
86 | * For example, this:
87 | * export const {x: [a = 2, b], c} = d;
88 | * becomes this:
89 | * ({x: [exports.a = 2, exports.b], c: exports.c} = d;)
90 | */
91 | private processComplexExportVar;
92 | /**
93 | * Transform this:
94 | * export function foo() {}
95 | * into this:
96 | * function foo() {} exports.foo = foo;
97 | */
98 | private processExportFunction;
99 | /**
100 | * Skip past a function with a name and return that name.
101 | */
102 | private processNamedFunction;
103 | /**
104 | * Transform this:
105 | * export class A {}
106 | * into this:
107 | * class A {} exports.A = A;
108 | */
109 | private processExportClass;
110 | /**
111 | * Transform this:
112 | * export {a, b as c};
113 | * into this:
114 | * exports.a = a; exports.c = b;
115 | *
116 | * OR
117 | *
118 | * Transform this:
119 | * export {a, b as c} from './foo';
120 | * into the pre-generated Object.defineProperty code from the ImportProcessor.
121 | */
122 | private processExportBindings;
123 | private processExportStar;
124 | }