1 | # superagent
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8 | [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/visionmedia/superagent.svg)](LICENSE)
9 |
10 | > Small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, sporting many high-level HTTP client features
11 |
12 |
13 | ## Table of Contents
14 |
15 | * [Install](#install)
16 | * [Usage](#usage)
17 | * [Node](#node)
18 | * [Browser](#browser)
19 | * [Supported Platforms](#supported-platforms)
20 | * [Required Browser Features](#required-browser-features)
21 | * [Plugins](#plugins)
22 | * [Upgrading from previous versions](#upgrading-from-previous-versions)
23 | * [Contributors](#contributors)
24 | * [License](#license)
25 |
26 |
27 | ## Install
28 |
29 | [npm][]:
30 |
31 | ```sh
32 | npm install superagent
33 | ```
34 |
35 | [yarn][]:
36 |
37 | ```sh
38 | yarn add superagent
39 | ```
40 |
41 |
42 | ## Usage
43 |
44 | ### Node
45 |
46 | ```js
47 | const superagent = require('superagent');
48 |
49 | // callback
50 | superagent
51 | .post('/api/pet')
52 | .send({ name: 'Manny', species: 'cat' }) // sends a JSON post body
53 | .set('X-API-Key', 'foobar')
54 | .set('accept', 'json')
55 | .end((err, res) => {
56 | // Calling the end function will send the request
57 | });
58 |
59 | // promise with then/catch
60 | superagent.post('/api/pet').then(console.log).catch(console.error);
61 |
62 | // promise with async/await
63 | (async () => {
64 | try {
65 | const res = await superagent.post('/api/pet');
66 | console.log(res);
67 | } catch (err) {
68 | console.error(err);
69 | }
70 | })();
71 | ```
72 |
73 | ### Browser
74 |
75 | **The browser-ready, minified version of `superagent` is only 6 KB (minified and gzipped)!**
76 |
77 | Browser-ready versions of this module are available via [jsdelivr][], [unpkg][], and also in the `node_modules/superagent/dist` folder in downloads of the `superagent` package.
78 |
79 | > Note that we also provide unminified versions with `.js` instead of `.min.js` file extensions.
80 |
81 | #### VanillaJS
82 |
83 | This is the solution for you if you're just using `<script>` tags everywhere!
84 |
85 | ```html
86 | <script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=Array.from,Promise,Symbol,Object.setPrototypeOf,Object.getOwnPropertySymbols"></script>
87 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/superagent"></script>
88 | <!-- if you wish to use unpkg.com instead: -->
89 | <!-- <script src="https://unpkg.com/superagent"></script> -->
90 | <script type="text/javascript">
91 | (function() {
92 | // superagent is exposed as `window.superagent`
93 | // if you wish to use "request" instead please
94 | // uncomment the following line of code:
95 | // `window.request = superagent;`
96 | superagent
97 | .post('/api/pet')
98 | .send({ name: 'Manny', species: 'cat' }) // sends a JSON post body
99 | .set('X-API-Key', 'foobar')
100 | .set('accept', 'json')
101 | .end(function (err, res) {
102 | // Calling the end function will send the request
103 | });
104 | })();
105 | </script>
106 | ```
107 |
108 | #### Bundler
109 |
110 | If you are using [browserify][], [webpack][], [rollup][], or another bundler, then you can follow the same usage as [Node](#node) above.
111 |
112 |
113 | ## Supported Platforms
114 |
115 | * Node: v6.x+
116 | * Browsers (see [.browserslistrc](.browserslistrc)):
117 |
118 | ```sh
119 | npx browserslist
120 | ```
121 |
122 | ```sh
123 | and_chr 71
124 | and_ff 64
125 | and_qq 1.2
126 | and_uc 11.8
127 | android 67
128 | android 4.4.3-4.4.4
129 | baidu 7.12
130 | bb 10
131 | bb 7
132 | chrome 73
133 | chrome 72
134 | chrome 71
135 | edge 18
136 | edge 17
137 | firefox 66
138 | firefox 65
139 | ie 11
140 | ie 10
141 | ie 9
142 | ie_mob 11
143 | ie_mob 10
144 | ios_saf 12.0-12.1
145 | ios_saf 11.3-11.4
146 | op_mini all
147 | op_mob 46
148 | op_mob 12.1
149 | opera 58
150 | opera 57
151 | safari 12
152 | safari 11.1
153 | samsung 8.2
154 | samsung 7.2-7.4
155 | ```
156 |
157 | ### Required Browser Features
158 |
159 | We recommend using <https://polyfill.io> (specifically with the bundle mentioned in [VanillaJS](#vanillajs) above):
160 |
161 | ```html
162 | <script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=Array.from,Promise,Symbol,Object.setPrototypeOf,Object.getOwnPropertySymbols"></script>
163 | ```
164 |
165 | * IE 9-10 requires a polyfill for `Promise`, `Array.from`, `Symbol`, `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols`, and `Object.setPrototypeOf`
166 | * IE 9 requires a polyfill for `window.FormData` (we recommend [formdata-polyfill][])
167 |
168 |
169 | ## Plugins
170 |
171 | SuperAgent is easily extended via plugins.
172 |
173 | ```js
174 | const nocache = require('superagent-no-cache');
175 | const superagent = require('superagent');
176 | const prefix = require('superagent-prefix')('/static');
177 |
178 | superagent
179 | .get('/some-url')
180 | .query({ action: 'edit', city: 'London' }) // query string
181 | .use(prefix) // Prefixes *only* this request
182 | .use(nocache) // Prevents caching of *only* this request
183 | .end((err, res) => {
184 | // Do something
185 | });
186 | ```
187 |
188 | Existing plugins:
189 |
190 | * [superagent-no-cache](https://github.com/johntron/superagent-no-cache) - prevents caching by including Cache-Control header
191 | * [superagent-prefix](https://github.com/johntron/superagent-prefix) - prefixes absolute URLs (useful in test environment)
192 | * [superagent-suffix](https://github.com/timneutkens1/superagent-suffix) - suffix URLs with a given path
193 | * [superagent-mock](https://github.com/M6Web/superagent-mock) - simulate HTTP calls by returning data fixtures based on the requested URL
194 | * [superagent-mocker](https://github.com/shuvalov-anton/superagent-mocker) — simulate REST API
195 | * [superagent-cache](https://github.com/jpodwys/superagent-cache) - A global SuperAgent patch with built-in, flexible caching
196 | * [superagent-cache-plugin](https://github.com/jpodwys/superagent-cache-plugin) - A SuperAgent plugin with built-in, flexible caching
197 | * [superagent-jsonapify](https://github.com/alex94puchades/superagent-jsonapify) - A lightweight [json-api](http://jsonapi.org/format/) client addon for superagent
198 | * [superagent-serializer](https://github.com/zzarcon/superagent-serializer) - Converts server payload into different cases
199 | * [superagent-httpbackend](https://www.npmjs.com/package/superagent-httpbackend) - stub out requests using AngularJS' $httpBackend syntax
200 | * [superagent-throttle](https://github.com/leviwheatcroft/superagent-throttle) - queues and intelligently throttles requests
201 | * [superagent-charset](https://github.com/magicdawn/superagent-charset) - add charset support for node's SuperAgent
202 | * [superagent-verbose-errors](https://github.com/jcoreio/superagent-verbose-errors) - include response body in error messages for failed requests
203 | * [superagent-declare](https://github.com/damoclark/superagent-declare) - A simple [declarative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarative_programming) API for SuperAgent
204 |
205 | Please prefix your plugin with `superagent-*` so that it can easily be found by others.
206 |
207 | For SuperAgent extensions such as couchdb and oauth visit the [wiki](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/wiki).
208 |
209 |
210 | ## Upgrading from previous versions
211 |
212 | Our breaking changes are mostly in rarely used functionality and from stricter error handling.
213 |
214 | * [4.x to 5.x](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/releases/tag/v5.0.0):
215 | * We've implemented the build setup of [Lass](https://lass.js.org) to simplify our stack and linting
216 | * Unminified browserified build size has been reduced from 48KB to 20KB (via `tinyify` and the latest version of Babel using `@babel/preset-env` and `.browserslistrc`)
217 | * Linting support has been added using `caniuse-lite` and `eslint-plugin-compat`
218 | * We can now target what versions of Node we wish to support more easily using `.babelrc`
219 | * [3.x to 4.x](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/releases/tag/v4.0.0-alpha.1):
220 | * Ensure you're running Node 6 or later. We've dropped support for Node 4.
221 | * We've started using ES6 and for compatibility with Internet Explorer you may need to use Babel.
222 | * We suggest migrating from `.end()` callbacks to `.then()` or `await`.
223 | * [2.x to 3.x](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/releases/tag/v3.0.0):
224 | * Ensure you're running Node 4 or later. We've dropped support for Node 0.x.
225 | * Test code that calls `.send()` multiple times. Invalid calls to `.send()` will now throw instead of sending garbage.
226 | * [1.x to 2.x](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent/releases/tag/v2.0.0):
227 | * If you use `.parse()` in the _browser_ version, rename it to `.serialize()`.
228 | * If you rely on `undefined` in query-string values being sent literally as the text "undefined", switch to checking for missing value instead. `?key=undefined` is now `?key` (without a value).
229 | * If you use `.then()` in Internet Explorer, ensure that you have a polyfill that adds a global `Promise` object.
230 | * 0.x to 1.x:
231 | * Instead of 1-argument callback `.end(function(res){})` use `.then(res => {})`.
232 |
233 |
234 | ## Contributors
235 |
236 | | Name |
237 | | ------------------- |
238 | | **Kornel Lesiński** |
239 | | **Peter Lyons** |
240 | | **Hunter Loftis** |
241 | | **Nick Baugh** |
242 |
243 |
244 | ## License
245 |
246 | [MIT](LICENSE) © TJ Holowaychuk
247 |
248 |
249 | ##
250 |
251 | [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/
252 |
253 | [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/
254 |
255 | [formdata-polyfill]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/formdata-polyfill
256 |
257 | [jsdelivr]: https://www.jsdelivr.com/
258 |
259 | [unpkg]: https://unpkg.com/
260 |
261 | [browserify]: https://github.com/browserify/browserify
262 |
263 | [webpack]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack
264 |
265 | [rollup]: https://github.com/rollup/rollup