11.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Validator } from './types';
2import { Branch, Failure, Path } from './struct-error';
3import { Struct } from './struct';
5 * `SuperstructSettings` are passed in when creating a `Superstruct` factory.
6 */
7export declare type SuperstructSettings = {
8 types: Record<string, Validator>;
9 error: {
10 new (failures: Failure[]): Error;
11 };
14 * Create a struct singleton with settings that include your own domain-specific
15 * data `types`, and an optional custom `Error` class.
16 */
17export declare const superstruct: (settings?: Partial<SuperstructSettings>) => Superstruct;
19 * `Superstruct` factories create different kinds of [[Struct]] validators, and
20 * encapsulate the user-defined data types.
21 *
22 * The [[struct]] export is a factory that ships with Superstruct by default,
23 * pre-configured with all of the built-in JavaScript data types. It's the
24 * easiest way to quickly define structs:
25 *
26 * ```js
27 * import { struct } from 'superstruct'
28 *
29 * const User = struct({
30 * id: 'number',
31 * name: 'string',
32 * })
33 * ```
34 *
35 * If you need to define custom data types, you can define your own by using
36 * the [[superstruct]] export:
37 *
38 * ```js
39 * import { superstruct } from 'superstruct'
40 * import isEmail from 'is-email'
41 * import isUrl from 'is-url'
42 *
43 * const struct = superstruct({
44 * types: {
45 * email: value => isEmail(value) && value.length < 256,
46 * url: value => isUrl(value) && value.length < 2048,
47 * }
48 * })
49 *
50 * const User = struct({
51 * id: 'number',
52 * name: 'string',
53 * email: 'email',
54 * website: 'url?',
55 * })
56 * ```
57 *
58 * This way you can easily define structs that contain types like `'email'`,
59 * `'url'`, or whatever else your application may need.
60 */
61export interface Superstruct {
62 /**
63 * Structs are defined by passing a schema definition to the struct factory.
64 * The schema definition can be a string, array, object or function. They can
65 * also be composed by nesting structs inside each other.
66 *
67 * The default struct factory allows you to write structs using a shorthand
68 * syntax for the most common cases—arrays, objects, scalars, tuples, etc.
69 *
70 * ```js
71 * struct('string') // Scalars
72 * struct(['number']) // Arrays
73 * struct({ name: 'string' }) // Objects
74 * struct(['error', 'string']) // Tuples
75 * struct('number?') // Optional
76 * struct('string & email') // Intersection
77 * struct('number | string') // Union
78 * struct(value => true || false) // Function
79 * struct(Struct) // Pass-through
80 * ```
81 *
82 * Each shorthand is equivalent to a method on the [[Superstruct]] factory:
83 *
84 * ```js
85 * // These are equivalent...
86 * struct(['number'])
87 * struct.array(['number'])
88 *
89 * struct('string & email')
90 * struct.union(['string', 'email'])
91 * ```
92 *
93 * And each one can use your custom types, or even other structs:
94 *
95 * ```js
96 * struct('email')
97 * struct(User)
98 * ```
99 *
100 * The second argument to struct factories is always a `defaults` value. It
101 * can either be the default itself or a function that returns the default.
102 *
103 * ```js
104 * struct('id', uuid.v4)
105 *
106 * struct({
107 * id: 'number',
108 * name: 'string',
109 * is_admin: 'boolean?',
110 * }, {
111 * is_admin: false,
112 * })
113 * ```
114 */
115 (schema: any, defaults?: any): Struct;
116 /**
117 * Array structs validate that their input is an array with elements that
118 * match a specific struct. You can also pass the `max` or `min` options to
119 * validate the length of the array.
120 *
121 * ```js
122 * const Struct = struct.array(['number'])
123 *
124 * Struct([1, 2, 3])
125 * ```
126 *
127 * They are similar to the `Array` type in TypeScript.
128 */
129 array(schema: [any], defaults?: any): Struct;
130 /**
131 * Dynamic structs are defined by a function that is passed the value being
132 * validated, and they determine which struct to use at runtime.
133 *
134 * ```js
135 * const Struct = struct.dynamic(value => StructA || StructB)
136 * ```
137 *
138 * They are inhernetly less performant that compile-time structs, but they
139 * unlock a set of possibilities that aren't possible at compile time alone.
140 */
141 dynamic(schema: (value: any, branch: Branch, path: Path) => Struct, defaults?: any): Struct;
142 /**
143 * Enum structs validate that their input is one of a set of values.
144 *
145 * ```js
146 * const Struct = struct.enum(['fruit', 'vegetable', 'meat'])
147 *
148 * Struct('fruit')
149 * ```
150 *
151 * They are similar to the `enum` type in TypeScript.
152 */
153 enum(schema: any[], defaults?: any): Struct;
154 /**
155 * Function structs validate their input against a one-off validator function.
156 *
157 * ```js
158 * const Struct = struct.function(value => typeof value === 'string')
159 *
160 * Struct('a simple string')
161 * ```
162 *
163 * They can't provide as detailed of errors as other struct types, but they do
164 * allow for customization for easy one-off cases.
165 */
166 function(schema: Validator, defaults?: any): Struct;
167 /**
168 * Instance structs validate that their input is an instance of a class.
169 *
170 * ```js
171 * const Struct = struct.instance(MyClass)
172 *
173 * Struct(new MyClass())
174 * ```
175 */
176 instance(schema: any, defaults?: any): Struct;
177 /**
178 * Interface structs validate that their input matches an interface defined as
179 * a set of properties with associated types.
180 *
181 * ```js
182 * const Struct = struct.interface({
183 * length: 'number',
184 * indexOf: 'function',
185 * })
186 *
187 * Struct([1, 2, 3])
188 * Struct('abc')
189 * ```
190 *
191 * They are similar to the structural-typing granted by TypeScript.
192 */
193 interface(schema: any, defaults?: any): Struct;
194 /**
195 * Intersection structs validate that their input matches **all** of a set of
196 * different structs.
197 *
198 * ```js
199 * const Struct = struct.intersection('string & email')
200 *
201 * Struct('jane@example.com')
202 * ```
203 *
204 * Note: The structs will be validated in order, so validators on the right
205 * can rely on the validators before them having passed.
206 *
207 * They are similar to the `&` operator in TypeScript.
208 */
209 intersection(schema: any[], defaults?: any): Struct;
210 /**
211 * Lazy structs allow you to initialize a struct lazily, only initializing it
212 * once on the first time it attempts to be validated.
213 *
214 * ```js
215 * const Struct = struct({
216 * nodes: struct.lazy(() => Struct)
217 * })
218 *
219 * Struct({
220 * nodes: {
221 * nodes: { ... }
222 * }
223 * })
224 * ```
225 *
226 * They are helpful for defining recursive structs.
227 */
228 lazy(schema: () => Struct, defaults?: any): Struct;
229 /**
230 * Literal structs validate their input against a literal value.
231 *
232 * ```js
233 * const Struct = struct.literal(42)
234 *
235 * Struct(42)
236 * ```
237 */
238 literal(schema: any, defaults?: any): Struct;
239 /**
240 * Object structs validate that their input exactly matches an object defined
241 * as a set of properties with associated types.
242 *
243 * ```js
244 * const Struct = struct.object({
245 * id: 'number',
246 * name: 'string',
247 * })
248 *
249 * Struct({
250 * id: 1,
251 * name: 'Jane Smith',
252 * })
253 * ```
254 *
255 * They are similar to the `?` qualifier in TypeScript.
256 */
257 object(schema: {}, defaults?: any): Struct;
258 /**
259 * Optional structs validate that their input passes a specific struct, or
260 * `undefined`.
261 *
262 * ```js
263 * const Struct = struct.optional('string?')
264 *
265 * Struct('a string of text')
266 * Struct(undefined)
267 * ```
268 *
269 * This is a shorthand for using `struct.union` with `undefined`.
270 */
271 optional(schema: any, defaults?: any): Struct;
272 /**
273 * Partial structs validate that their input partially matches an object
274 * defined as a set of properties with associated types. All of the properties
275 * of the object are optional.
276 *
277 * ```js
278 * const Struct = struct.partial({
279 * id: 'number'
280 * name: 'string',
281 * })
282 *
283 * Struct({
284 * name: 'Jane Smith',
285 * })
286 * ```
287 *
288 * They are similar to the `Partial` utility in TypeScript.
289 */
290 partial(schema: {}, defaults?: any): Struct;
291 /**
292 * Pick structs validate that their input exactly matches a subset of an
293 * object defined as a set of properties with associated types. All of the
294 * properties of its schema are required, but the object can have more that it
295 * does not concern itself with.
296 *
297 * ```js
298 * const Struct = struct.pick({
299 * id: 'string',
300 * name: 'string',
301 * })
302 *
303 * Struct({
304 * id: 1,
305 * name: 'James Smith',
306 * email: 'james@example.com',
307 * })
308 * ```
309 *
310 * They are similar to the `Pick` utility in TypeScript.
311 */
312 pick(schema: {}, defaults?: any): Struct;
313 /**
314 * Record structs validate that their input is an object with keys that match
315 * one struct and values that match another. The object can have zero or many
316 * properties set on it.
317 *
318 * ```js
319 * const Struct = struct.record('string', 'number')
320 *
321 * Struct({
322 * a: 1,
323 * b: 2,
324 * })
325 * ```
326 *
327 * They are similar to the `Record` utility in TypeScript.
328 */
329 record(schema: [any, any], defaults?: any): Struct;
330 /**
331 * Scalar structs validate that their input passes the `Validator` function
332 * defined for a specific type by name. By default Superstruct ships with a
333 * set of built-in scalars. But you can configure it with custom scalars that
334 * match your domain.
335 *
336 * ```js
337 * const Struct = struct.scalar('string')
338 *
339 * Struct('a string of text')
340 * ```
341 */
342 scalar(schema: string, defaults?: any): Struct;
343 /**
344 * Size structs validate their input has a certain length, by checking its
345 * `length` property. This works strings or arrays.
346 *
347 * ```js
348 * const Struct = struct.size([0, 7])
349 *
350 * Struct([1, 2, 3])
351 * Struct('abcdefg')
352 * ```
353 *
354 * They are helpful for defining unions with array structs.
355 */
356 size(schema: [number, number], defaults?: any): Struct;
357 /**
358 * Tuple structs validate that their input exactly matches a tuple of values,
359 * in length and in type.
360 *
361 * ```js
362 * const Struct = struct.tuple(['string', 'boolean'])
363 *
364 * Struct(['one', true])
365 * ```
366 */
367 tuple(schema: any[], defaults?: any): Struct;
368 /**
369 * Union structs validate that their input matches **at least one** of a set
370 * of different structs.
371 *
372 * ```js
373 * const Struct = struct.union(['string', 'number'])
374 *
375 * Struct('a string')
376 * Struct(42)
377 * ```
378 *
379 * They are similar to the `|` operator in TypeScript.
380 */
381 union(schema: any[], defaults?: any): Struct;
382 /**
383 * The class for errors thrown by `Structs`, defaults to [[StructError]].
384 */
385 Error: {
386 new (failures: Failure[]): Error;
387 };
388 /**
389 * The set of data types that the factory knows.
390 */
391 Types: Record<string, Validator>;
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