1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var sinon = require('sinon');
4 | var cookie = require('cookie');
5 | var Backbone = require('backbone');
6 |
7 | var ClientScenario = require('../scenarios/clientScenario');
8 | var endpoint = require('../../src/js/endpoint');
9 |
10 | var SK_STORAGE = 'sk_deviceid';
11 |
12 | describe('Main', function() {
13 | var scenario;
14 | var sandbox;
15 | var SupportKit;
16 |
17 | before(function() {
18 | scenario = new ClientScenario();
19 | scenario.build();
20 | });
21 |
22 | after(function() {
23 | scenario.clean();
24 | });
25 |
26 | beforeEach(function(done) {
27 | sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
28 | SupportKit = require('../../src/js/main.js');
29 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
30 | sandbox.stub(SupportKit.user, 'save', function(attributes, options) {
31 | return this._save(attributes, options);
32 | });
33 | done();
34 | });
35 | SupportKit.init({
36 | appToken: 'thisisanapptoken'
37 | });
38 |
39 | });
40 |
41 | afterEach(function() {
42 | SupportKit.destroy();
43 | delete global.SupportKit;
44 | sandbox.restore();
45 | });
46 |
47 | describe('Global bindings', function() {
48 |
49 |
50 | it('should publish a global', function() {
51 | global.SupportKit.should.exist;
52 | });
53 |
54 | it('should not publish dependencies in global context', function() {
55 | expect(global.Backbone).to.not.exist;
56 | expect(global._).to.not.exist;
57 | });
58 | });
59 |
60 | describe('#init', function() {
61 | var userId = 'thisisauserid';
62 | var appToken = 'thisisanapptoken';
63 | var jwt = 'thisisajwt';
64 | var endpointSpy;
65 | var trackSpy;
66 | var initSpy;
67 |
68 | beforeEach(function() {
69 | trackSpy = sandbox.spy(SupportKit, 'track');
70 | endpointSpy = sandbox.spy(endpoint, 'post');
71 | initSpy = sandbox.spy();
72 | });
73 |
74 | it('should trigger ready, track appboot and resolve the promise', function(done) {
75 | SupportKit.destroy();
76 |
77 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
78 | trackSpy.should.have.been.calledWith('skt-appboot');
79 | initSpy.should.have.been.calledOnce;
80 | done();
81 | });
82 |
83 | var initPromise = SupportKit.init({
84 | appToken: appToken
85 | });
86 |
87 | initPromise.then(initSpy);
88 | });
89 |
90 | it('if supplied a userId should store the deviceId in local storage', function(done) {
91 | SupportKit.destroy();
92 |
93 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
94 | localStorage.getItem(SK_STORAGE + '_' + userId).should.exist;
95 | done();
96 | });
97 |
98 | SupportKit.init({
99 | appToken: appToken,
100 | userId: userId
101 | });
102 | });
103 |
104 | it('should populate endpoint with supplied appToken and jwt', function(done) {
105 | SupportKit.destroy();
106 |
107 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
108 | endpoint.jwt.should.eql(jwt);
109 | endpoint.appToken.should.eql(appToken);
110 | done();
111 | });
112 |
113 | SupportKit.init({
114 | appToken: appToken,
115 | jwt: jwt
116 | });
117 | });
118 |
119 | it('should not populate endpoint jwt if unspecified', function(done) {
120 | SupportKit.destroy();
121 |
122 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
123 | expect(endpoint.jwt).to.not.exist;
124 | done();
125 | });
126 |
127 | SupportKit.init({
128 | appToken: appToken
129 | });
130 | });
131 |
132 | it('should post platform device info to appboot', function(done) {
133 | SupportKit.destroy();
134 |
135 | SupportKit.once('ready', function() {
136 | expect(endpointSpy.args[0][1].deviceInfo.platform).to.equal('web');
137 | done();
138 | });
139 |
140 | SupportKit.init({
141 | appToken: appToken
142 | });
143 | });
144 | });
145 |
146 | describe('#logout', function() {
147 | beforeEach(function() {
148 | document.cookie = SK_STORAGE + '=' + 'test';
149 | SupportKit.logout();
150 | });
151 |
152 | it('should remove the device id from cookies', function() {
153 | expect(cookie.parse(document.cookie)[SK_STORAGE]).to.not.exist;
154 | });
155 |
156 | it('should clear the endpoint of all variables', function() {
157 | expect(endpoint.appToken).to.not.exist;
158 | expect(endpoint.jwt).to.not.exist;
159 | expect(endpoint.appUserId).to.not.exist;
160 | });
161 | });
162 |
163 | describe('#updateUser', function() {
164 |
165 |
166 | var syncSpy;
167 | beforeEach(function() {
168 | syncSpy = sandbox.spy(Backbone, 'sync');
169 | });
170 |
171 | it('should fail the promise if called with bad parameters (empty, in this case)', function(done) {
172 | SupportKit.updateUser().fail(function() {
173 | done();
174 | });
175 | });
176 |
177 | it('should not call save if the user has not changed', function(done) {
178 |
179 | SupportKit.updateUser({
180 | givenName: 'GIVEN_NAME',
181 | surname: 'SURNAME',
182 | properties: {
183 | 'TEST': true
184 | }
185 | }).then(function() {
186 | syncSpy.should.be.calledOnce;
187 |
188 | return SupportKit.updateUser({
189 | givenName: 'GIVEN_NAME',
190 | surname: 'SURNAME',
191 | properties: {
192 | 'TEST': true
193 | }
194 | });
195 | }).then(function() {
196 | syncSpy.should.be.calledOnce;
197 | }).always(function() {
198 | done();
199 | });
200 |
201 |
202 | });
203 | });
204 |
205 | describe('#_rulesContainEvent', function() {
206 | it('should contain "in-rule" event', function() {
207 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('in-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
208 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('in-rule-not-event').should.be.true;
209 | });
210 |
211 | it('should not contain "not-in-rule" event', function() {
212 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('not-rule-in-event').should.be.false;
213 | });
214 | });
215 |
216 | describe('#_hasEvent', function() {
217 | it('should contain "in-rule" and "not-in-rule" events', function() {
218 | SupportKit._hasEvent('in-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
219 | SupportKit._hasEvent('not-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
220 | });
221 |
222 | it('should not contain "not-in-event" event', function() {
223 | SupportKit._hasEvent('in-rule-not-event').should.be.false;
224 | });
225 | });
226 |
227 | describe('#track', function() {
228 | var endpoint = require('../../src/js/endpoint');
229 | var eventCreateSpy;
230 | var endpointSpy;
231 |
232 | beforeEach(function() {
233 | eventCreateSpy = sandbox.spy(SupportKit._eventCollection, 'create');
234 | endpointSpy = sandbox.spy(endpoint, 'put');
235 | });
236 |
237 | describe('tracking a new event', function() {
238 |
239 | it('should call /api/event', function() {
240 | SupportKit._hasEvent('new-event').should.be.false;
241 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('new-event').should.be.false;
242 |
243 | SupportKit.track('new-event');
244 |
245 | endpointSpy.should.have.been.calledWith('api/event');
246 | });
247 | });
248 |
249 | describe('tracking an existing event in rules', function() {
250 |
251 | it('should create an event through the collection', function() {
252 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('in-rule-not-event').should.be.true;
253 | SupportKit._hasEvent('in-rule-not-event').should.be.false;
254 |
255 | SupportKit.track('in-rule-not-event');
256 |
257 |
258 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('in-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
259 | SupportKit._hasEvent('in-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
260 |
261 | SupportKit.track('in-rule-in-event');
262 |
263 | eventCreateSpy.should.have.been.calledTwice;
264 | });
265 | });
266 |
267 | describe('tracking an existing event not in rules', function() {
268 | it('should do nothing if already in events and not in rules', function() {
269 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('not-rule-in-event').should.be.false;
270 | SupportKit._hasEvent('not-rule-in-event').should.be.true;
271 |
272 | SupportKit.track('not-rule-in-event');
273 |
274 | eventCreateSpy.should.not.have.been.called;
275 | endpointSpy.should.not.have.been.called;
276 | });
277 | });
278 |
279 |
280 | describe('skt-appboot', function() {
281 |
282 | it('should do nothing if not in rules', function() {
283 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('skt-appboot').should.be.false;
284 | SupportKit._hasEvent('skt-appboot').should.be.true;
285 |
286 | SupportKit.track('skt-appboot');
287 |
288 | eventCreateSpy.should.not.have.been.called;
289 | endpointSpy.should.not.have.been.called;
290 | });
291 |
292 |
293 | describe('in rules', function() {
294 | beforeEach(function() {
295 | SupportKit._ruleCollection.add({
296 | '_id': '558c455fa2d213d0581f0a0b',
297 | 'events': ['skt-appboot']
298 | }, {
299 | parse: true
300 | });
301 | });
302 |
303 | it('should create an event through the collection', function() {
304 | SupportKit._rulesContainEvent('skt-appboot').should.be.true;
305 | SupportKit._hasEvent('skt-appboot').should.be.true;
306 |
307 | SupportKit.track('skt-appboot');
308 |
309 | eventCreateSpy.should.have.been.calledOnce;
310 | });
311 | });
312 | });
313 | });
314 | });