422 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2* Type definition for Survey JavaScript library for Knockout v1.9.42
3* Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Devsoft Baltic OÜ - https://surveyjs.io/
4* License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
6export { SurveyModel as Model };
8export enum DragTypeOverMeEnum {
9 InsideEmptyPanel = 1,
10 MultilineRight,
11 MultilineLeft
13export interface HashTable<T = any> {
15export interface ILocalizableOwner {
16 getLocale(): string;
17 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
18 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
19 getRenderer(name: string): string;
20 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
22export interface ILocalizableString {
23 getLocaleText(loc: string): string;
24 setLocaleText(loc: string, newValue: string): any;
25 getJson(): any;
26 getLocales(): Array<any>;
27 getIsMultiple(): boolean;
29export interface IPropertyDecoratorOptions<T = any> {
30 defaultValue?: T;
31 defaultSource?: string;
32 getDefaultValue?: (objectInstance?: any) => T;
33 localizable?: any;
34 onSet?: (val: T, objectInstance: any) => void;
36export interface IArrayPropertyDecoratorOptions {
37 onPush?: any;
38 onRemove?: any;
39 onSet?: (val: any, target: any) => void;
41export interface IObject {
43export interface IFilePosition {
44 offset: number;
45 line: number;
46 column: number;
48export interface IFileRange {
49 start: IFilePosition;
50 end: IFilePosition;
52export interface ILiteralExpectation {
53 type: any;
54 text: string;
55 ignoreCase: boolean;
57export interface IClassParts extends Array<any> {
59export interface IClassExpectation {
60 type: any;
61 parts: IClassParts;
62 inverted: boolean;
63 ignoreCase: boolean;
65export interface IAnyExpectation {
66 type: any;
68export interface IEndExpectation {
69 type: any;
71export interface IOtherExpectation {
72 type: any;
73 description: string;
75export interface ICached {
76 nextPos: number;
77 result: any;
79export interface IParseOptions {
80 filename?: string;
81 startRule?: string;
82 tracer?: any;
85* Base interface for expression execution
87export interface IExpresionExecutor {
88 /*
89 * This call back runs on executing expression if there is at least one async function
90 */
91 onComplete: (res: any) => void;
94* An action item.
95* Action items are used in the Toolbar, matrix rows, titles of pages, panels, questions, and other survey elements.
97export interface IAction {
98 /*
99 * A unique action item identifier.
100 */
101 id: string;
102 /*
103 * Specifies the action item's visibility.
104 */
105 visible?: boolean;
106 /*
107 * The action item's title.
108 */
109 title?: string;
110 locTitle?: any;
111 /*
112 * The action item's tooltip.
113 */
114 tooltip?: string;
115 /*
116 * Specifies whether users can interact with the action item.
117 */
118 enabled?: boolean;
119 /*
120 * Specifies the visibility of the action item's title.
121 */
122 showTitle?: boolean;
123 /*
124 * A function that is executed when users click the action item.
125 */
126 action?: (context?: any) => void;
127 /*
128 * One or several CSS classes that you want to apply to the outer `<div>` element.
129 * In the markup, an action item is rendered as an `<input>` wrapped in a `<div>`. The `css` property applies classes to the `<div>`.
130 * To apply several classes, separate them with a space character: "myclass1 myclass2".
131 */
132 css?: string;
133 /*
134 * One or several CSS classes that you want to apply to the inner `<input>` element.
135 * In the markup, an action item is rendered as an `<input>` wrapped in a `<div>`. The `innerCss` property applies classes to the `<input>`.
136 * To apply several classes, separate them with a space character: "myclass1 myclass2".
137 */
138 innerCss?: string;
139 /*
140 * The action item's data object. Use it to pass required data to a custom template or component.
141 */
142 data?: any;
143 popupModel?: any;
144 needSeparator?: boolean;
145 /*
146 * Specifies whether the action item is active.
147 * Use it as a flag to specify different action item appearances in different states.
148 */
149 active?: boolean;
150 pressed?: boolean;
151 /*
152 * Specifies the name of a template used to render the action item.
153 */
154 template?: string;
155 /*
156 * Specifies the name of a component used to render the action item.
157 */
158 component?: string;
159 /*
160 * The action item's icon name.
161 */
162 iconName?: string;
163 /*
164 * The action item's icon size in pixels.
165 */
166 iconSize?: number;
167 /*
168 * The action item's location in a matrix question's row.
169 *
170 * The following values are available:
171 *
172 * - `"start"` - The action item is located at the beginning of the row.
173 * - `"end"` - The action is located at the end of the row.
174 */
175 location?: string;
176 /*
177 * Set this property to `true` if you want to disable keyboard navigation for the action item (sets the `tabIndex` attribute to -1).
178 */
179 disableTabStop?: boolean;
180 /*
181 * Set this property to `true` if you want the item's `title` to be always visible.
182 * If you set it to `false`, the `title` hides when the screen space is limited, and the item displays only the icon.
183 */
184 disableShrink?: boolean;
185 disableHide?: boolean;
186 mode?: any;
187 visibleIndex?: number;
188 needSpace?: boolean;
190export interface IAttachKey2clickOptions {
191 processEsc?: boolean;
192 disableTabStop?: boolean;
194export interface IDimensions {
195 scroll: number;
196 offset: number;
198export interface IPosition {
199 left?: string | number;
200 top?: string | number;
202export interface INumberPosition extends IPosition {
203 left?: number;
204 top?: number;
206export interface ISize {
207 width: number;
208 height: number;
210export interface IDialogOptions {
211 componentName: string;
212 data: any;
213 onApply: any;
214 onCancel?: any;
215 onHide?: any;
216 onShow?: any;
217 cssClass?: string;
218 title?: string;
219 displayMode?: "popup" | "overlay";
221export interface ISurveyTriggerOwner {
222 getObjects(pages: any, questions: any): Array<any>;
223 setCompleted(): void;
224 canBeCompleted(): void;
225 triggerExecuted(trigger: Trigger): void;
226 setTriggerValue(name: string, value: any, isVariable: boolean): any;
227 copyTriggerValue(name: string, fromName: string): any;
228 focusQuestion(name: string): boolean;
230export interface ISurveyTimerText {
231 timerInfoText: string;
233export interface IConditionObject {
234 name: string;
235 text: string;
236 question: Question;
237 context?: Question;
239export interface IMatrixColumnOwner extends ILocalizableOwner {
240 getRequiredText(): string;
241 hasChoices(): boolean;
242 onColumnPropertyChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, name: string, newValue: any): void;
243 onColumnItemValuePropertyChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, propertyName: string, obj: ItemValue, name: string, newValue: any, oldValue: any): void;
244 onShowInMultipleColumnsChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): void;
245 getCellType(): string;
246 getCustomCellType(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, cellType: string): string;
247 onColumnCellTypeChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): void;
249export interface IMatrixDropdownData {
250 value: any;
251 onRowChanged(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, newRowValue: any, isDeletingValue: boolean): void;
252 onRowChanging(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, rowValue: any): any;
253 isValidateOnValueChanging: boolean;
254 getRowIndex(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): number;
255 getRowValue(rowIndex: number): any;
256 checkIfValueInRowDuplicated(checkedRow: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, cellQuestion: Question): boolean;
257 hasDetailPanel(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
258 getIsDetailPanelShowing(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
259 setIsDetailPanelShowing(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, val: boolean): void;
260 createRowDetailPanel(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): PanelModel;
261 validateCell(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, rowValue: any): SurveyError;
262 columns: any;
263 createQuestion(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, column: MatrixDropdownColumn): Question;
264 getLocale(): string;
265 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
266 getRenderer(name: string): string;
267 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
268 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
269 getParentTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
270 getSharedQuestionByName(columnName: string, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): Question;
271 onTotalValueChanged(): any;
272 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
274export interface ISurveyData {
275 getValue(name: string): any;
276 setValue(name: string, newValue: any, locNotification: any, allowNotifyValueChanged?: boolean): any;
277 getVariable(name: string): any;
278 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
279 getComment(name: string): string;
280 setComment(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification: any): any;
281 getAllValues(): any;
282 getFilteredValues(): any;
283 getFilteredProperties(): any;
285export interface ITextProcessor {
286 processText(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): string;
287 processTextEx(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean, doEncoding: boolean): any;
289export interface ISurveyErrorOwner extends ILocalizableOwner {
290 getErrorCustomText(text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
292export interface ISurvey extends ITextProcessor, ISurveyErrorOwner {
293 getSkeletonComponentName(element: ISurveyElement): string;
294 currentPage: IPage;
295 pages: any;
296 getCss(): any;
297 isPageStarted(page: IPage): boolean;
298 getQuestionByName(name: string): IQuestion;
299 pageVisibilityChanged(page: IPage, newValue: boolean): any;
300 panelVisibilityChanged(panel: IPanel, newValue: boolean): any;
301 questionVisibilityChanged(question: IQuestion, newValue: boolean): any;
302 isEditingSurveyElement: boolean;
303 isClearValueOnHidden: boolean;
304 isClearValueOnHiddenContainer: boolean;
305 questionsOrder: string;
306 questionCreated(question: IQuestion): any;
307 questionAdded(question: IQuestion, index: number, parentPanel: any, rootPanel: any): any;
308 panelAdded(panel: IElement, index: number, parentPanel: any, rootPanel: any): any;
309 questionRemoved(question: IQuestion): any;
310 panelRemoved(panel: IElement): any;
311 questionRenamed(question: IQuestion, oldName: string, oldValueName: string): any;
312 validateQuestion(question: IQuestion): SurveyError;
313 validatePanel(panel: IPanel): SurveyError;
314 hasVisibleQuestionByValueName(valueName: string): boolean;
315 questionCountByValueName(valueName: string): number;
316 processHtml(html: string): string;
317 getSurveyMarkdownHtml(element: Base, text: string, name: string): string;
318 getRendererForString(element: Base, name: string): string;
319 getRendererContextForString(element: Base, locStr: LocalizableString): any;
320 getExpressionDisplayValue(question: IQuestion, value: any, displayValue: string): string;
321 isDisplayMode: boolean;
322 isDesignMode: boolean;
323 areInvisibleElementsShowing: boolean;
324 areEmptyElementsHidden: boolean;
325 isLoadingFromJson: boolean;
326 isUpdateValueTextOnTyping: boolean;
327 autoGrowComment: boolean;
328 state: string;
329 isLazyRendering: boolean;
330 cancelPreviewByPage(panel: IPanel): any;
331 editText: string;
332 cssNavigationEdit: string;
333 requiredText: string;
334 beforeSettingQuestionErrors(question: IQuestion, errors: any): void;
335 beforeSettingPanelErrors(question: IPanel, errors: any): void;
336 getSurveyErrorCustomText(obj: Base, text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
337 getElementTitleTagName(element: Base, tagName: string): string;
338 questionTitlePattern: string;
339 getUpdatedQuestionTitle(question: IQuestion, title: string): string;
340 getUpdatedQuestionNo(question: IQuestion, no: string): string;
341 getUpdatedElementTitleActions(element: ISurveyElement, titleActions: any): Array<IAction>;
342 getUpdatedMatrixRowActions(question: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, actions: any): Array<IAction>;
343 questionStartIndex: string;
344 questionTitleLocation: string;
345 questionDescriptionLocation: string;
346 questionErrorLocation: string;
347 storeOthersAsComment: boolean;
348 maxTextLength: number;
349 maxOthersLength: number;
350 clearValueOnDisableItems: boolean;
351 uploadFiles(question: IQuestion, name: string, files: any, uploadingCallback: (status: string, data: any) => any): any;
352 downloadFile(name: string, content: string, callback: (status: string, data: any) => any): any;
353 clearFiles(question: IQuestion, name: string, value: any, fileName: string, clearCallback: (status: string, data: any) => any): any;
354 updateChoicesFromServer(question: IQuestion, choices: any, serverResult: any): Array<any>;
355 loadedChoicesFromServer(question: IQuestion): void;
356 updateQuestionCssClasses(question: IQuestion, cssClasses: any): any;
357 updatePanelCssClasses(panel: IPanel, cssClasses: any): any;
358 updatePageCssClasses(panel: IPanel, cssClasses: any): any;
359 updateChoiceItemCss(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
360 afterRenderQuestion(question: IQuestion, htmlElement: any): any;
361 afterRenderQuestionInput(question: IQuestion, htmlElement: any): any;
362 afterRenderPanel(panel: IElement, htmlElement: any): any;
363 afterRenderPage(htmlElement: any): any;
364 getQuestionByValueNameFromArray(valueName: string, name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
365 canChangeChoiceItemsVisibility(): boolean;
366 getChoiceItemVisibility(question: IQuestion, item: any, val: boolean): boolean;
367 matrixRowAdded(question: IQuestion, row: any): any;
368 matrixBeforeRowAdded(options: any): any;
369 matrixRowRemoved(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): any;
370 matrixRowRemoving(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): boolean;
371 matrixAllowRemoveRow(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): boolean;
372 matrixCellCreating(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
373 matrixCellCreated(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
374 matrixAfterCellRender(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
375 matrixCellValueChanged(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
376 matrixCellValueChanging(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
377 isValidateOnValueChanging: boolean;
378 isValidateOnValueChanged: boolean;
379 matrixCellValidate(question: IQuestion, options: any): SurveyError;
380 dynamicPanelAdded(question: IQuestion, panelIndex?: number, panel?: IPanel): any;
381 dynamicPanelRemoved(question: IQuestion, panelIndex: number, panel: IPanel): any;
382 dynamicPanelItemValueChanged(question: IQuestion, options: any): any;
383 dragAndDropAllow(options: any): boolean;
384 scrollElementToTop(element: ISurveyElement, question: IQuestion, page: IPage, id: string): any;
385 runExpression(expression: string): any;
386 elementContentVisibilityChanged(element: ISurveyElement): void;
388export interface ISurveyImpl {
389 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
390 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
391 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
393export interface IConditionRunner {
394 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): any;
396export interface IShortcutText {
397 shortcutText: string;
399export interface ISurveyElement extends IShortcutText {
400 name: string;
401 isVisible: boolean;
402 isReadOnly: boolean;
403 isPage: boolean;
404 isPanel: boolean;
405 containsErrors: boolean;
406 parent: IPanel;
407 skeletonComponentName: string;
408 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): any;
409 onSurveyLoad(): any;
410 onFirstRendering(): any;
411 getType(): string;
412 setVisibleIndex(value: number): number;
413 locStrsChanged(): any;
414 delete(): any;
415 toggleState(): void;
416 stateChangedCallback(): void;
417 getTitleToolbar(): AdaptiveActionContainer;
419export interface IElement extends IConditionRunner, ISurveyElement {
420 visible: boolean;
421 renderWidth: string;
422 width: string;
423 minWidth?: string;
424 maxWidth?: string;
425 isExpanded: boolean;
426 isCollapsed: boolean;
427 rightIndent: number;
428 startWithNewLine: boolean;
429 registerFunctionOnPropertyValueChanged(name: string, func: any, key: string): void;
430 unRegisterFunctionOnPropertyValueChanged(name: string, key: string): void;
431 getPanel(): IPanel;
432 getLayoutType(): string;
433 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
434 removeElement(el: IElement): boolean;
435 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): any;
436 updateCustomWidgets(): any;
437 clearIncorrectValues(): any;
438 clearErrors(): any;
439 dispose(): void;
440 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
442export interface IQuestion extends IElement, ISurveyErrorOwner {
443 hasTitle: boolean;
444 isEmpty(): boolean;
445 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): any;
446 updateValueFromSurvey(newValue: any): any;
447 updateCommentFromSurvey(newValue: any): any;
448 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
449 clearUnusedValues(): any;
450 getDisplayValue(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
451 getValueName(): string;
452 clearValue(): any;
453 clearValueIfInvisible(): any;
454 isAnswerCorrect(): boolean;
455 updateValueWithDefaults(): any;
456 getQuestionFromArray(name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
457 value: any;
458 survey: any;
460export interface IParentElement {
461 addElement(element: IElement, index: number): any;
462 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
463 isReadOnly: boolean;
465export interface IPanel extends ISurveyElement, IParentElement {
466 getChildrenLayoutType(): string;
467 getQuestionTitleLocation(): string;
468 getQuestionStartIndex(): string;
469 parent: IPanel;
470 elementWidthChanged(el: IElement): any;
471 indexOf(el: IElement): number;
472 elements: any;
473 ensureRowsVisibility(): void;
475export interface IPage extends IPanel, IConditionRunner {
476 isStarted: boolean;
478export interface ITitleOwner {
479 name: string;
480 no: string;
481 requiredText: string;
482 isRequireTextOnStart: boolean;
483 isRequireTextBeforeTitle: boolean;
484 isRequireTextAfterTitle: boolean;
485 locTitle: LocalizableString;
487export interface IProgressInfo {
488 questionCount: number;
489 answeredQuestionCount: number;
490 requiredQuestionCount: number;
491 requiredAnsweredQuestionCount: number;
493export interface IWrapperObject {
494 getOriginalObj(): Base;
495 getClassNameProperty(): string;
497export interface IFindElement {
498 element: Base;
499 str: LocalizableString;
501export interface IExpressionRunnerInfo {
502 onExecute: (obj: Base, res: any) => void;
503 canRun?: (obj: Base) => boolean;
504 runner?: ExpressionRunner;
506export interface IValidatorOwner {
507 getValidators(): Array<SurveyValidator>;
508 validatedValue: any;
509 getValidatorTitle(): string;
510 getDataFilteredValues(): any;
511 getDataFilteredProperties(): any;
513export interface IMatrixData {
514 onMatrixRowChanged(row: MatrixRowModel): void;
515 getCorrectedRowValue(value: any): any;
517export interface IMatrixCellsOwner extends ILocalizableOwner {
518 getRows(): Array<any>;
519 getColumns(): Array<any>;
521export interface IMultipleTextData extends ILocalizableOwner, IPanel {
522 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
523 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
524 getAllValues(): any;
525 getMultipleTextValue(name: string): any;
526 setMultipleTextValue(name: string, value: any): any;
527 getItemDefaultValue(name: string): any;
528 getIsRequiredText(): string;
530export interface SurveyTemplateRendererTemplateData {
531 name: string;
532 data: any;
533 nodes?: any;
534 afterRender: (el: any, context: any) => void;
536export interface SurveyTemplateRendererViewModel {
537 componentData: any;
538 templateData: SurveyTemplateRendererTemplateData;
540export interface IQuestionPanelDynamicData {
541 getItemIndex(item: ISurveyData): number;
542 getPanelItemData(item: ISurveyData): any;
543 setPanelItemData(item: ISurveyData, name: string, val: any): any;
544 getSharedQuestionFromArray(name: string, panelIndex: number): Question;
545 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
546 getRootData(): ISurveyData;
549* An interface used to create custom question types.
551* Refer to the following articles for more information:
553* - [Create Specialized Question Types](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-specialized-question-types)
554* - [Create Composite Question Types](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-composite-question-types)
556export interface ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration {
557 /*
558 * A name used to identify a custom question type.
559 */
560 name: string;
561 /*
562 * A title used for this custom question type in the UI. When `title` is not specified, the `name` property value is used.
563 */
564 title?: string;
565 /*
566 * An icon for the custom question type.
567 */
568 icon?: string;
569 /*
570 * A function that is called when the custom question type is initialized. Use it to add, remove, or modify the type's properties (see [Override Base Question Properties](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-composite-question-types#override-base-question-properties)).
571 */
572 onInit(): void;
573 /*
574 * Specifies whether the custom question type is available in the Toolbox and the Add Question menu.
575 *
576 * Default value: `true`
577 *
578 * Set this property to `false` if your custom question type is used only to customize Property Grid content and is not meant for a survey.
579 */
580 showInToolbox?: boolean;
581 /*
582 * A function that is called when the custom question is created. Use it to access questions nested within a [composite question type](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-composite-question-types).
583 *
584 * Parameters:
585 *
586 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
587 */
588 onCreated(question: Question): void;
589 /*
590 * A function that is called when JSON definitions are loaded.
591 *
592 * Parameters:
593 *
594 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
595 */
596 onLoaded(question: Question): void;
597 /*
598 * A function that is called after the entire question is rendered.
599 *
600 * Parameters:
601 *
602 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
603 * - `htmlElement`: any - An HTML element that represents the custom question.
604 */
605 onAfterRender(question: Question, htmlElement: any): void;
606 /*
607 * A function that is called each time a question nested within a [composite question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-composite-question-types) is rendered.
608 *
609 * Parameters:
610 *
611 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The composite question.
612 * - `element`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - A nested question.
613 * - `htmlElement`: any - An HTML element that represents the nested question.
614 */
615 onAfterRenderContentElement(question: Question, element: Question, htmlElement: any): void;
616 /*
617 * A function that is called when a custom question type property is changed. Use it to handle property changes.
618 *
619 * Parameters:
620 *
621 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
622 * - `propertyName`: string - The name of the changed property.
623 * - `newValue`: any - A new value for the property.
624 */
625 onPropertyChanged(question: Question, propertyName: string, newValue: any): void;
626 /*
627 * A function that is called when the question value is changed.
628 *
629 * Parameters:
630 *
631 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
632 * - `name`: string - The question's [name](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question#name).
633 * - `newValue`: any - A new value for the question.
634 */
635 onValueChanged(question: Question, name: string, newValue: any): void;
636 /*
637 * A function that is called when an [ItemValue](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=itemvalue) property is changed.
638 *
639 * Parameters:
640 *
641 * - `question`: [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) - The custom question.
642 * - `options.obj`: [ItemValue](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=itemvalue) - An `ItemValue` object.
643 * - `options.propertyName`: string - The name of the property to which an array of `ItemValue` objects is assigned (for example, `"choices"` or `"rows"`).
644 * - `options.name`: string - The name of the changed property: `"text"` or `"value"`.
645 * - `options.newValue`: any - A new value for the property.
646 */
647 onItemValuePropertyChanged(question: Question, options: any): void;
648 /*
649 * A function that allows you to override the default `getDisplayValue()` implementation.
650 */
651 getDisplayValue?: any;
652 /*
653 * JSON definitions of nested questions. Specify this property to create a [composite question type](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-composite-question-types).
654 */
655 elementsJSON?: any;
656 /*
657 * A function that allows you to create nested questions if you do not specify the `elementsJSON` property.
658 */
659 createElements?: any;
660 /*
661 * A JSON definition for a built-in question type on which the custom question type is based.
662 *
663 * Refer to the [Create Specialized Question Types](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Survey-Creator?id=create-specialized-question-types) help topic for more information.
664 */
665 questionJSON?: any;
666 /*
667 * A function that allows you to create a custom question if you do not specify the `questionJSON` property.
668 */
669 createQuestion?: any;
671export declare class ActionDropdownViewModel {
672 constructor(item: Action);
673 popupModel: any;
674 funcKey: string;
675 dispose(): void;
677export declare class ArrayChanges {
678 constructor(index: number, deleteCount: number, itemsToAdd: any, deletedItems: any);
679 index: number;
680 deleteCount: number;
681 itemsToAdd: any;
682 deletedItems: any;
685* The base class for SurveyJS objects.
687export declare class Base {
688 constructor();
689 static currentDependencis: Dependencies;
690 static finishCollectDependencies(): Dependencies;
691 static startCollectDependencies(updater: any, target: Base, property: string): void;
692 static get commentPrefix(): string;
693 static set commentPrefix(val: string);
694 static createItemValue: (item: any, type?: string) => any;
695 static itemValueLocStrChanged: (arr: any) => void;
696 /*
697 * Returns true if a value undefined, null, empty string or empty array.
698 */
699 isValueEmpty(value: any, trimString?: boolean): boolean;
700 protected trimValue(value: any): any;
701 protected IsPropertyEmpty(value: any): boolean;
702 propertyHash: any;
703 localizableStrings: any;
704 arraysInfo: any;
705 eventList: any;
706 expressionInfo: any;
707 bindingsValue: Bindings;
708 isDisposedValue: boolean;
709 onPropChangeFunctions: any;
710 protected isLoadingFromJsonValue: boolean;
711 loadingOwner: Base;
712 /*
713 * Event that raise on property change of the sender object
714 * sender - the object that owns the property
715 * options.name - the property name that has been changed
716 * options.oldValue - old value. Please note, it equals to options.newValue if property is an array
717 * options.newValue - new value.
718 */
719 onPropertyChanged: EventBase<Base>;
720 /*
721 * Event that raised on changing property of the ItemValue object.
722 * sender - the object that owns the property
723 * options.propertyName - the property name to which ItemValue array is belong. It can be "choices" for dropdown question
724 * options.obj - the instance of ItemValue object which property has been changed
725 * options.name - the property of ItemObject that has been changed
726 * options.oldValue - old value
727 * options.newValue - new value
728 */
729 onItemValuePropertyChanged: Event<(sender: Base, options: any) => any, any>;
730 getPropertyValueCoreHandler: (propertiesHash: any, name: string) => any;
731 setPropertyValueCoreHandler: (propertiesHash: any, name: string, val: any) => void;
732 createArrayCoreHandler: (propertiesHash: any, name: string) => any;
733 surveyChangedCallback: any;
734 isCreating: boolean;
735 dispose(): void;
736 get isDisposed(): boolean;
737 protected addEvent<T>(): EventBase<T>;
738 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
739 /*
740 * Returns the question type.
741 * Possible values:
742 * - [*"boolean"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionbooleanmodel)
743 * - [*"checkbox"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncheckboxmodel)
744 * - [*"comment"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncommentmodel)
745 * - [*"dropdown"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiondropdownmodel)
746 * - [*"expression"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionexpressionmodel)
747 * - [*"file"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionfilemodel)
748 * - [*"html"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionhtmlmodel)
749 * - [*"image"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionimagemodel)
750 * - [*"imagepicker"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionimagepickermodel)
751 * - [*"matrix"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixmodel)
752 * - [*"matrixdropdown"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixdropdownmodel)
753 * - [*"matrixdynamic"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixdynamicmodel)
754 * - [*"multipletext"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmultipletextmodel)
755 * - [*"panel"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=panelmodel)
756 * - [*"paneldynamic"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionpaneldynamicmodel)
757 * - [*"radiogroup"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionradiogroupmodel)
758 * - [*"rating"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel)
759 * - [*"ranking"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionrankingmodel)
760 * - [*"signaturepad"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionsignaturepadmodel)
761 * - [*"text"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiontextmodel)
762 */
763 getType(): string;
764 /*
765 * Use this method to find out if the current instance is of the given `typeName` or inherited from it.
766 */
767 isDescendantOf(typeName: string): boolean;
768 getSurvey(isLive?: boolean): ISurvey;
769 /*
770 * Returns true if the question in design mode right now.
771 */
772 get isDesignMode(): boolean;
773 /*
774 * Returns true if the object is inluded into survey, otherwise returns false.
775 */
776 get inSurvey(): boolean;
777 get bindings(): Bindings;
778 checkBindings(valueName: string, value: any): void;
779 protected updateBindings(propertyName: string, value: any): void;
780 protected updateBindingValue(valueName: string, value: any): void;
781 /*
782 * Returns the element template name without prefix. Typically it equals to getType().
783 */
784 getTemplate(): string;
785 /*
786 * Returns true if the object is loading from Json at the current moment.
787 */
788 get isLoadingFromJson(): boolean;
789 protected getIsLoadingFromJson(): boolean;
790 startLoadingFromJson(json?: any): void;
791 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
792 /*
793 * Deserialized the current object into JSON
794 */
795 toJSON(): any;
796 /*
797 * Load object properties and elements. It doesn't reset properties that was changed before and they are not defined in the json parameter.
798 */
799 fromJSON(json: any): void;
800 onSurveyLoad(): void;
801 /*
802 * Make a clone of the existing object. Create a new object of the same type and load all properties into it.
803 */
804 clone(): Base;
805 /*
806 * Returns the serializable property that belongs to this instance by property name. It returns null if the property is not exists.
807 */
808 getPropertyByName(propName: string): JsonObjectProperty;
809 isPropertyVisible(propName: string): boolean;
810 static createProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
811 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
812 localeChanged(): void;
813 locStrsChanged(): void;
814 /*
815 * Returns the property value by name
816 */
817 getPropertyValue(name: string, defaultValue?: any): any;
818 protected getPropertyValueCore(propertiesHash: any, name: string): any;
819 geValueFromHash(): any;
820 protected setPropertyValueCore(propertiesHash: any, name: string, val: any): void;
821 get isEditingSurveyElement(): boolean;
822 iteratePropertiesHash(func: (hash: any, key: any) => void): void;
823 /*
824 * set property value and before check if new property value is correct by calling JsonProperty onSettingValue function
825 * If onSettingValue is not set in declaration, then this function works as `setPropertyValue`.
826 */
827 checkAndSetPropertyValue(name: string, val: any): void;
828 /*
829 * set property value
830 */
831 setPropertyValue(name: string, val: any): void;
832 protected setArrayPropertyDirectly(name: string, val: any, sendNotification?: boolean): void;
833 protected setPropertyValueDirectly(name: string, val: any): void;
834 protected clearPropertyValue(name: string): void;
835 onPropertyValueChangedCallback(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any, sender: Base, arrayChanges: ArrayChanges): void;
836 itemValuePropertyChanged(item: ItemValue, name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
837 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
838 protected propertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any, arrayChanges?: ArrayChanges, target?: Base): void;
839 onBindingChanged(oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
840 protected get isInternal(): boolean;
841 addExpressionProperty(name: string, onExecute: (obj: Base, res: any) => void, canRun?: (obj: Base) => boolean): void;
842 getDataFilteredValues(): any;
843 getDataFilteredProperties(): any;
844 protected runConditionCore(values: any, properties: any): void;
845 protected canRunConditions(): boolean;
846 /*
847 * Register a function that will be called on a property value changed.
848 */
849 registerFunctionOnPropertyValueChanged(name: string, func: any, key?: string): void;
850 /*
851 * Register a function that will be called on a property value changed from the names list.
852 */
853 registerFunctionOnPropertiesValueChanged(names: any, func: any, key?: string): void;
854 /*
855 * Unregister notification on property value changed
856 */
857 unRegisterFunctionOnPropertyValueChanged(name: string, key?: string): void;
858 /*
859 * Unregister notification on property value changed for all properties in the names list.
860 */
861 unRegisterFunctionOnPropertiesValueChanged(names: any, key?: string): void;
862 createCustomLocalizableObj(name: string): void;
863 getLocale(): string;
864 getLocalizationString(strName: string): string;
865 getLocalizationFormatString(strName: string, args: any): string;
866 protected createLocalizableString(name: string, owner: ILocalizableOwner, useMarkDown?: boolean, defaultStr?: string | boolean): LocalizableString;
867 getLocalizableString(name: string): LocalizableString;
868 getLocalizableStringText(name: string, defaultStr?: string): string;
869 setLocalizableStringText(name: string, value: string): void;
870 addUsedLocales(locales: any): void;
871 searchText(text: string, founded: any): void;
872 protected getSearchableLocKeys(keys: any): void;
873 protected getSearchableItemValueKeys(keys: any): void;
874 protected AddLocStringToUsedLocales(locStr: LocalizableString, locales: any): void;
875 protected createItemValues(name: string): Array<any>;
876 protected createNewArrayCore(name: string): Array<any>;
877 protected ensureArray(name: string, onPush?: any, onRemove?: any): any;
878 protected createNewArray(name: string, onPush?: any, onRemove?: any): Array<any>;
879 protected getItemValueType(): string;
880 protected setArray(name: string, src: any, dest: any, isItemValues: boolean, onPush: any): void;
881 protected isTwoValueEquals(x: any, y: any, caseInSensitive?: boolean, trimString?: boolean): boolean;
882 protected copyCssClasses(dest: any, source: any): void;
884export declare class Bindings {
885 constructor(obj: Base);
886 properties: any;
887 values: any;
888 getType(): string;
889 getNames(): Array<any>;
890 getProperties(): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
891 setBinding(propertyName: string, valueName: string): void;
892 clearBinding(propertyName: string): void;
893 isEmpty(): boolean;
894 getValueNameByPropertyName(propertyName: string): string;
895 getPropertiesByValueName(valueName: string): Array<any>;
896 getJson(): any;
897 setJson(value: any): void;
899export declare class ButtonGroupItemModel {
900 constructor(question: QuestionButtonGroupModel, item: ItemValue, index: number);
901 question: QuestionButtonGroupModel;
902 item: ItemValue;
903 index: number;
904 get value(): any;
905 get iconName(): any;
906 get iconSize(): any;
907 get caption(): LocalizableString;
908 get showCaption(): any;
909 get isRequired(): boolean;
910 get selected(): boolean;
911 get readOnly(): boolean;
912 get name(): string;
913 get id(): string;
914 get hasErrors(): boolean;
915 get describedBy(): string;
916 get css(): any;
917 onChange(): void;
919export declare class ButtonGroupItemViewModel {
920 constructor(model: any);
921 model: any;
923export declare class ComponentCollection {
924 static Instance: ComponentCollection;
925 customQuestionValues: any;
926 onCreateComposite: (name: string, questionJSON: ComponentQuestionJSON) => QuestionCompositeModel;
927 onCreateCustom: (name: string, questionJSON: ComponentQuestionJSON) => QuestionCustomModel;
928 onAddingJson: (name: string, isComposite: boolean) => void;
929 add(json: ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration): void;
930 get items(): any;
931 getCustomQuestionByName(name: string): ComponentQuestionJSON;
932 clear(): void;
933 createQuestion(name: string, questionJSON: ComponentQuestionJSON): Question;
934 protected createCompositeModel(name: string, questionJSON: ComponentQuestionJSON): QuestionCompositeModel;
935 protected createCustomModel(name: string, questionJSON: ComponentQuestionJSON): QuestionCustomModel;
937export declare class ComponentQuestionJSON {
938 constructor(name: string, json: ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration);
939 name: string;
940 json: ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration;
941 onInit(): void;
942 onCreated(question: Question): void;
943 onLoaded(question: Question): void;
944 onAfterRender(question: Question, htmlElement: any): void;
945 onAfterRenderContentElement(question: Question, element: Question, htmlElement: any): void;
946 onPropertyChanged(question: Question, propertyName: string, newValue: any): void;
947 onValueChanged(question: Question, name: string, newValue: any): void;
948 onItemValuePropertyChanged(question: Question, item: ItemValue, propertyName: string, name: string, newValue: any): void;
949 getDisplayValue(keyAsText: boolean, value: any, question: Question): any;
950 get isComposite(): boolean;
952export declare class ComputedUpdater<T = any> {
953 constructor(_updater: any);
954 static ComputedUpdaterType: any;
955 dependencies: Dependencies;
956 type: any;
957 get updater(): any;
958 setDependencies(dependencies: Dependencies): void;
959 protected getDependencies(): Dependencies;
960 dispose(): any;
962export declare class ConditionsParser {
963 conditionError: ConditionsParserError;
964 static parserCache: any;
965 createCondition(text: string): Operand;
966 parseExpression(text: string): Operand;
967 get error(): ConditionsParserError;
969export declare class ConditionsParserError {
970 constructor(at: number, code: string);
971 at: number;
972 code: string;
974export declare class CssClassBuilder {
975 classes: any;
976 isEmpty(): boolean;
977 append(value: string, condition?: boolean): CssClassBuilder;
978 toString(): string;
980export declare class CustomPropertiesCollection {
981 static properties: IObject;
982 static parentClasses: any;
983 static addProperty(className: string, property: any): void;
984 static removeProperty(className: string, propertyName: string): void;
985 static addClass(className: string, parentClassName: string): void;
986 static getProperties(className: string): Array<any>;
987 static createProperties(obj: any): void;
989export declare class CustomWidgetCollection {
990 static Instance: CustomWidgetCollection;
991 widgetsValues: any;
992 widgetsActivatedBy: any;
993 onCustomWidgetAdded: Event<(customWidget: QuestionCustomWidget) => any, any>;
994 get widgets(): any;
995 add(widgetJson: any, activatedBy?: string): void;
996 addCustomWidget(widgetJson: any, activatedBy?: string): QuestionCustomWidget;
997 /*
998 * Returns the way the custom wiget is activated. It can be activated by a property ("property"), question type ("type") or by new/custom question type ("customtype").
999 */
1000 getActivatedBy(widgetName: string): string;
1001 /*
1002 * Sets the way the custom wiget is activated. The activation types are: property ("property"), question type ("type") or new/custom question type ("customtype"). A custom wiget may support all or only some of this activation types.
1003 */
1004 setActivatedBy(widgetName: string, activatedBy: string): void;
1005 clear(): void;
1006 getCustomWidgetByName(name: string): QuestionCustomWidget;
1007 getCustomWidget(question: IQuestion): QuestionCustomWidget;
1009export declare class DefaultTitleModel {
1010 static getIconCss(cssClasses: any, isCollapsed: boolean): string;
1012export declare class Dependencies {
1013 constructor(currentDependency: any, target: Base, property: string);
1014 currentDependency: any;
1015 target: Base;
1016 property: string;
1017 static DependenciesCount: number;
1018 dependencies: any;
1019 id: string;
1020 addDependency(target: Base, property: string): void;
1021 dispose(): void;
1023export declare class DragDropInfo {
1024 constructor(source: IElement, target: IElement, nestedPanelDepth?: number);
1025 source: IElement;
1026 target: IElement;
1027 nestedPanelDepth: number;
1028 destination: ISurveyElement;
1029 isBottom: boolean;
1030 isEdge: boolean;
1032export declare class DragOrClickHelper {
1033 constructor(dragHandler: any);
1034 pointerDownEvent: any;
1035 currentTarget: any;
1036 startX: any;
1037 startY: any;
1038 currentX: any;
1039 currentY: any;
1040 itemModel: any;
1041 onPointerDown(pointerDownEvent: any, itemModel?: any): void;
1042 onPointerUp: (pointerUpEvent: any) => void;
1043 tryToStartDrag: (pointerMoveEvent: any) => boolean;
1045export declare class ElementFactory {
1046 static Instance: ElementFactory;
1047 creatorHash: any;
1048 registerElement(elementType: string, elementCreator: (name: string) => IElement): void;
1049 clear(): void;
1050 unregisterElement(elementType: string, removeFromSerializer?: boolean): void;
1051 getAllTypes(): Array<any>;
1052 createElement(elementType: string, name: string): IElement;
1054export declare class ElementHelper {
1056export declare class Event<T, Options> {
1057 onCallbacksChanged: any;
1058 protected callbacks: any;
1059 get isEmpty(): boolean;
1060 get length(): number;
1061 fireByCreatingOptions(sender: any, createOptions: any): void;
1062 fire(sender: any, options: any): void;
1063 clear(): void;
1064 add(func: T): void;
1065 remove(func: T): void;
1066 hasFunc(func: T): boolean;
1068export declare class ExpressionRunnerBase {
1069 constructor(expression: string);
1070 expressionExecutor: IExpresionExecutor;
1071 get expression(): string;
1072 set expression(val: string);
1073 getVariables(): Array<any>;
1074 hasFunction(): boolean;
1075 get isAsync(): boolean;
1076 canRun(): boolean;
1077 protected runCore(values: any, properties?: any): any;
1078 protected doOnComplete(res: any): void;
1080export declare class FunctionFactory {
1081 static Instance: FunctionFactory;
1082 functionHash: any;
1083 isAsyncHash: any;
1084 register(name: string, func: (params: any) => any, isAsync?: boolean): void;
1085 unregister(name: string): void;
1086 hasFunction(name: string): boolean;
1087 isAsyncFunction(name: string): boolean;
1088 clear(): void;
1089 getAll(): Array<any>;
1090 run(name: string, params: any, properties?: any): any;
1092export declare class Helpers {
1093 /*
1094 * A static methods that returns true if a value undefined, null, empty string or empty array.
1095 */
1096 static isValueEmpty(value: any): boolean;
1097 static isArrayContainsEqual(x: any, y: any): boolean;
1098 static isArraysEqual(x: any, y: any, ignoreOrder?: boolean, caseSensitive?: boolean, trimStrings?: boolean): boolean;
1099 static isTwoValueEquals(x: any, y: any, ignoreOrder?: boolean, caseSensitive?: boolean, trimStrings?: boolean): boolean;
1100 static randomizeArray<T>(array: any): Array<T>;
1101 static getUnbindValue(value: any): any;
1102 static createCopy(obj: any): any;
1103 static isConvertibleToNumber(value: any): boolean;
1104 static isNumber(value: any): boolean;
1105 static getMaxLength(maxLength: number, surveyLength: number): any;
1106 static getNumberByIndex(index: number, startIndexStr: string): string;
1107 static isCharNotLetterAndDigit(ch: string): boolean;
1108 static isCharDigit(ch: string): boolean;
1109 static correctAfterPlusMinis(a: number, b: number, res: number): number;
1110 static correctAfterMultiple(a: number, b: number, res: number): number;
1111 static convertArrayValueToObject(src: any, propName: string, dest?: any): Array<any>;
1112 static convertArrayObjectToValue(src: any, propName: string): Array<any>;
1114export declare class ImplementorBase {
1115 constructor(element: any);
1116 element: any;
1117 implementedMark: any;
1118 dispose(): void;
1120export declare class JsonError {
1121 constructor(type: string, message: string);
1122 type: string;
1123 message: string;
1124 description: string;
1125 at: any;
1126 getFullDescription(): string;
1129* The metadata object. It contains object properties' runtime information and allows you to modify it.
1131export declare class JsonMetadata {
1132 classes: any;
1133 alternativeNames: any;
1134 childrenClasses: any;
1135 classProperties: any;
1136 classHashProperties: any;
1137 getObjPropertyValue(obj: any, name: string): any;
1138 setObjPropertyValue(obj: any, name: string, val: any): void;
1139 addClass(name: string, properties: any, creator?: (json?: any) => any, parentName?: string): JsonMetadataClass;
1140 removeClass(name: string): void;
1141 overrideClassCreatore(name: string, creator: any): void;
1142 overrideClassCreator(name: string, creator: any): void;
1143 getProperties(className: string): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
1144 getPropertiesByObj(obj: any): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
1145 getDynamicPropertiesByObj(obj: any, dynamicType?: string): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
1146 hasOriginalProperty(obj: Base, propName: string): boolean;
1147 getOriginalProperty(obj: Base, propName: string): JsonObjectProperty;
1148 getProperty(className: string, propertyName: string): JsonObjectProperty;
1149 findProperty(className: string, propertyName: string): JsonObjectProperty;
1150 findProperties(className: string, propertyNames: any): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
1151 getAllPropertiesByName(propertyName: string): Array<JsonObjectProperty>;
1152 getAllClasses(): Array<any>;
1153 createClass(name: string, json?: any): any;
1154 getChildrenClasses(name: string, canBeCreated?: boolean): Array<JsonMetadataClass>;
1155 getRequiredProperties(name: string): Array<any>;
1156 addProperties(className: string, propertiesInfos: any): void;
1157 addProperty(className: string, propertyInfo: any): JsonObjectProperty;
1158 removeProperty(className: string, propertyName: string): boolean;
1159 findClass(name: string): JsonMetadataClass;
1160 isDescendantOf(className: string, ancestorClassName: string): boolean;
1161 addAlterNativeClassName(name: string, alternativeName: string): void;
1162 generateSchema(className?: string): any;
1164export declare class JsonMetadataClass {
1165 constructor(name: string, properties: any, creator?: (json?: any) => any, parentName?: string);
1166 name: string;
1167 creator: (json?: any) => any;
1168 parentName: string;
1169 static requiredSymbol: string;
1170 static typeSymbol: string;
1171 properties: any;
1172 find(name: string): JsonObjectProperty;
1173 createProperty(propInfo: any): JsonObjectProperty;
1175export declare class JsonObject {
1176 static typePropertyName: string;
1177 static positionPropertyName: string;
1178 static metaDataValue: JsonMetadata;
1179 static get metaData(): JsonMetadata;
1180 errors: any;
1181 lightSerializing: boolean;
1182 toJsonObject(obj: any, storeDefaults?: boolean): any;
1183 toObject(jsonObj: any, obj: any): void;
1184 toObjectCore(jsonObj: any, obj: any): void;
1185 toJsonObjectCore(obj: any, property: JsonObjectProperty, storeDefaults?: boolean): any;
1186 valueToJson(obj: any, result: any, property: JsonObjectProperty, storeDefaults?: boolean): void;
1187 valueToObj(value: any, obj: any, property: JsonObjectProperty): void;
1189export declare class MatrixCells {
1190 constructor(cellsOwner: IMatrixCellsOwner);
1191 cellsOwner: IMatrixCellsOwner;
1192 values: any;
1193 get isEmpty(): boolean;
1194 onValuesChanged: any;
1195 setCellText(row: any, column: any, val: string): void;
1196 setDefaultCellText(column: any, val: string): void;
1197 getCellLocText(row: any, column: any): LocalizableString;
1198 getDefaultCellLocText(column: any, val: string): LocalizableString;
1199 getCellDisplayLocText(row: any, column: any): LocalizableString;
1200 getCellText(row: any, column: any): string;
1201 getDefaultCellText(column: any): string;
1202 getCellDisplayText(row: any, column: any): string;
1203 get rows(): any;
1204 get columns(): any;
1205 getJson(): any;
1206 setJson(value: any): void;
1207 protected createString(): LocalizableString;
1209export declare class MatrixDropdownCell {
1210 constructor(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, data: IMatrixDropdownData);
1211 column: MatrixDropdownColumn;
1212 row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
1213 data: IMatrixDropdownData;
1214 questionValue: Question;
1215 locStrsChanged(): void;
1216 protected createQuestion(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, data: IMatrixDropdownData): Question;
1217 get question(): Question;
1218 get value(): any;
1219 set value(val: any);
1220 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
1222export declare class Operand {
1223 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
1224 getType(): string;
1225 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): any;
1226 setVariables(variables: any): any;
1227 hasFunction(): boolean;
1228 hasAsyncFunction(): boolean;
1229 addToAsyncList(list: any): void;
1230 isEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1231 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1232 protected areOperatorsEquals(op1: Operand, op2: Operand): boolean;
1234export declare class OperandMaker {
1235 static unaryFunctions: any;
1236 static binaryFunctions: any;
1237 static signs: any;
1239export declare class PanelViewModel {
1240 constructor(question: any, targetElement: any);
1241 question: any;
1242 targetElement: any;
1244export declare class PopupUtils {
1245 static bottomIndent: number;
1246 static calculatePosition(targetRect: any, height: number, width: number, verticalPosition: any, horizontalPosition: any, showPointer: boolean, positionMode?: any): INumberPosition;
1247 static updateVerticalDimensions(top: number, height: number, windowHeight: number): any;
1248 static updateHorizontalDimensions(left: number, width: number, windowWidth: number, horizontalPosition: any, positionMode?: any, margins?: any): any;
1249 static updateVerticalPosition(targetRect: any, height: number, verticalPosition: any, showPointer: boolean, windowHeight: number): any;
1250 static calculatePopupDirection(verticalPosition: any, horizontalPosition: any): string;
1251 static calculatePointerTarget(targetRect: any, top: number, left: number, verticalPosition: any, horizontalPosition: any, marginLeft?: number, marginRight?: number): INumberPosition;
1252 static updatePopupWidthBeforeShow(popupModel: any, target: any): void;
1254export declare class PopupViewModel {
1255 constructor(popupViewModel: any);
1256 popupViewModel: any;
1257 dispose(): void;
1259export declare class ProcessValue {
1260 constructor();
1261 values: any;
1262 properties: any;
1263 getFirstName(text: string, obj?: any): string;
1264 hasValue(text: string, values?: any): boolean;
1265 getValue(text: string, values?: any): any;
1266 setValue(obj: any, text: string, value: any): void;
1267 getValueInfo(valueInfo: any): void;
1269export declare class ProgressButtonsViewModel {
1270 constructor(survey: any, element: any);
1271 progressButtonsModel: any;
1272 scrollButtonCssKo: any;
1273 hasScroller: any;
1274 updateScroller: any;
1275 isListElementClickable(index: any): boolean;
1276 getListElementCss(index: any): string;
1277 clickListElement(index: any): void;
1278 getScrollButtonCss(isLeftScroll: boolean): any;
1279 clickScrollButton(listContainerElement: any, isLeftScroll: boolean): void;
1280 dispose(): void;
1282export declare class ProgressViewModel {
1283 constructor(model: any);
1284 model: any;
1285 getProgressTextInBarCss(css: any): string;
1286 getProgressTextUnderBarCss(css: any): string;
1288export declare class QuestionCustomWidget {
1289 constructor(name: string, widgetJson: any);
1290 name: string;
1291 widgetJson: any;
1292 htmlTemplate: string;
1293 afterRender(question: IQuestion, el: any): void;
1294 willUnmount(question: IQuestion, el: any): void;
1295 getDisplayValue(question: IQuestion, value?: any): string;
1296 isFit(question: IQuestion): boolean;
1297 get canShowInToolbox(): boolean;
1298 get showInToolbox(): boolean;
1299 set showInToolbox(val: boolean);
1300 init(): void;
1301 activatedByChanged(activatedBy: string): void;
1302 get isDefaultRender(): boolean;
1303 get pdfQuestionType(): string;
1304 get pdfRender(): any;
1306export declare class QuestionFactory {
1307 static Instance: QuestionFactory;
1308 static get DefaultChoices(): any;
1309 static get DefaultColums(): any;
1310 static get DefaultRows(): any;
1311 static get DefaultMutlipleTextItems(): any;
1312 creatorHash: any;
1313 registerQuestion(questionType: string, questionCreator: (name: string) => Question): void;
1314 unregisterElement(elementType: string): void;
1315 clear(): void;
1316 getAllTypes(): Array<any>;
1317 createQuestion(questionType: string, name: string): Question;
1319export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedCell {
1320 constructor();
1321 static counter: number;
1322 idValue: number;
1323 itemValue: ItemValue;
1324 minWidth: string;
1325 width: string;
1326 locTitle: LocalizableString;
1327 cell: MatrixDropdownCell;
1328 column: MatrixDropdownColumn;
1329 row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
1330 question: Question;
1331 isRemoveRow: boolean;
1332 choiceIndex: number;
1333 matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase;
1334 requiredText: string;
1335 isEmpty: boolean;
1336 colSpans: number;
1337 panel: PanelModel;
1338 isShowHideDetail: boolean;
1339 isActionsCell: boolean;
1340 isDragHandlerCell: boolean;
1341 classNameValue: string;
1342 get hasQuestion(): boolean;
1343 get hasTitle(): boolean;
1344 get hasPanel(): boolean;
1345 get id(): number;
1346 get showErrorOnTop(): boolean;
1347 get showErrorOnBottom(): boolean;
1348 get item(): ItemValue;
1349 set item(val: ItemValue);
1350 get isChoice(): boolean;
1351 get choiceValue(): any;
1352 get isCheckbox(): boolean;
1353 get isFirstChoice(): boolean;
1354 get className(): string;
1355 get headers(): string;
1356 getTitle(): string;
1357 calculateFinalClassName(matrixCssClasses: any): string;
1359export declare class RendererFactory {
1360 static Instance: RendererFactory;
1361 renderersHash: any;
1362 unregisterRenderer(questionType: string, rendererAs: string): void;
1363 registerRenderer(questionType: string, renderAs: string, renderer: any): void;
1364 getRenderer(questionType: string, renderAs: string): any;
1365 getRendererByQuestion(question: Question): any;
1366 clear(): void;
1368export declare class ResponsivityManager {
1369 constructor(container: any, model: any, itemsSelector: string, dotsItemSize?: number);
1370 resizeObserver: any;
1371 isInitialized: boolean;
1372 protected minDimensionConst: number;
1373 separatorSize: number;
1374 separatorAddConst: number;
1375 paddingSizeConst: number;
1376 protected recalcMinDimensionConst: boolean;
1377 getComputedStyle: (elt: any) => any;
1378 protected getDimensions(element: any): IDimensions;
1379 protected getAvailableSpace(): number;
1380 protected calcItemSize(item: any): number;
1381 dispose(): void;
1383export declare class StringEditorViewModel {
1384 constructor(locString: any);
1385 locString: any;
1386 get koHasHtml(): any;
1387 get editValue(): any;
1388 set editValue(val: any);
1389 onInput(sender: StringEditorViewModel, event: any): void;
1390 onClick(sender: StringEditorViewModel, event: any): void;
1391 dispose(): void;
1393export declare class StylesManager {
1394 constructor();
1395 static SurveyJSStylesSheetId: string;
1396 static Styles: any;
1397 static Media: any;
1398 static ThemeColors: any;
1399 static ThemeCss: any;
1400 static modernThemeCss: any;
1401 static bootstrapThemeCss: any;
1402 static bootstrapmaterialThemeCss: any;
1403 sheet: any;
1404 static applyTheme(themeName?: string, themeSelector?: string): void;
1405 static Enabled: boolean;
1406 initializeStyles(sheet: any): void;
1408export declare class SurveyError {
1409 constructor(text?: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
1410 text: string;
1411 locTextValue: LocalizableString;
1412 visible: boolean;
1413 equalsTo(error: SurveyError): boolean;
1414 get locText(): LocalizableString;
1415 getText(): string;
1416 getErrorType(): string;
1417 protected getDefaultText(): string;
1418 protected getLocale(): string;
1419 protected getLocalizationString(locStrName: string): string;
1421export declare class SurveyProgressButtonsModel {
1422 constructor(survey: SurveyModel);
1423 isListElementClickable(index: number): boolean;
1424 getListElementCss(index: number): string;
1425 getScrollButtonCss(hasScroller: boolean, isLeftScroll: boolean): string;
1426 clickListElement(index: number): void;
1428export declare class SurveyProgressModel {
1429 static getProgressTextInBarCss(css: any): string;
1430 static getProgressTextUnderBarCss(css: any): string;
1432export declare class SurveyTemplateText {
1433 constructor();
1434 addText(newText: string, id: string, name: string): void;
1435 replaceText(replaceText: string, id: string, questionType?: string): void;
1436 protected getId(id: string, questionType: string): string;
1437 protected get text(): string;
1438 protected set text(val: string);
1440export declare class SurveyTimer {
1441 static instanceValue: SurveyTimer;
1442 static get instance(): SurveyTimer;
1443 listenerCounter: number;
1444 timerId: number;
1445 onTimer: Event<() => any, any>;
1446 start(func?: any): void;
1447 stop(func?: any): void;
1448 doTimer(): void;
1450export declare class SvgIconData {
1452export declare class SvgIconRegistry {
1453 icons: SvgIconData;
1454 iconPrefix: string;
1455 registerIconFromSymbol(iconId: string, iconSymbolSvg: string): void;
1456 registerIconFromSvgViaElement(iconId: string, iconSvg: string, iconPrefix?: string): void;
1457 registerIconFromSvg(iconId: string, iconSvg: string, iconPrefix?: string): boolean;
1458 registerIconsFromFolder(r: any): void;
1459 iconsRenderedHtml(): any;
1460 renderIcons(): void;
1462export declare class SyntaxError {
1463 constructor(message: string, expected: any, found: string, location: IFileRange);
1464 static buildMessage(expected: any, found: string): string;
1465 message: string;
1466 expected: any;
1467 found: string;
1468 location: IFileRange;
1469 name: string;
1471export declare class TextPreProcessor {
1472 _unObservableValues: any;
1473 onProcess: (textValue: TextPreProcessorValue) => void;
1474 process(text: string, returnDisplayValue?: boolean, doEncoding?: boolean): string;
1475 processValue(name: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): TextPreProcessorValue;
1476 get hasAllValuesOnLastRun(): boolean;
1478export declare class TextPreProcessorItem {
1479 start: number;
1480 end: number;
1482export declare class TextPreProcessorValue {
1483 constructor(name: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean);
1484 name: string;
1485 returnDisplayValue: boolean;
1486 value: any;
1487 isExists: boolean;
1488 canProcess: boolean;
1490export declare class TooltipErrorViewModel {
1491 constructor(question: any);
1492 question: any;
1493 tooltipManager: any;
1494 afterRender: (elements: any) => void;
1496export declare class TooltipManager {
1497 constructor(tooltipElement: any);
1498 tooltipElement: any;
1499 targetElement: any;
1500 dispose(): void;
1501 onMouseMoveCallback: (e: any) => void;
1503export declare class ValidatorResult {
1504 constructor(value: any, error?: SurveyError);
1505 value: any;
1506 error: SurveyError;
1508export declare class ValidatorRunner {
1509 asyncValidators: any;
1510 onAsyncCompleted: (errors: any) => void;
1511 run(owner: IValidatorOwner): Array<SurveyError>;
1513export declare class XmlParser {
1514 parser: any;
1515 assignValue(target: any, name: string, value: any): void;
1516 xml2Json(xmlNode: any, result: any): void;
1517 parseXmlString(xmlString: string): any;
1520* The class contains methods to work with api.surveyjs.io service.
1522export declare class dxSurveyService {
1523 constructor();
1524 static get serviceUrl(): string;
1525 static set serviceUrl(val: string);
1526 loadSurvey(surveyId: string, onLoad: (success: boolean, result: string, response: any) => void): void;
1527 getSurveyJsonAndIsCompleted(surveyId: string, clientId: string, onLoad: (success: boolean, surveyJson: any, result: string, response: any) => void): void;
1528 sendResult(postId: string, result: any, onSendResult: (success: boolean, response: any, request?: any) => void, clientId?: string, isPartialCompleted?: boolean): void;
1529 sendFile(postId: string, file: any, onSendFile: (success: boolean, response: any) => void): void;
1530 getResult(resultId: string, name: string, onGetResult: (success: boolean, data: any, dataList: any, response: any) => void): void;
1531 isCompleted(resultId: string, clientId: string, onIsCompleted: (success: boolean, result: string, response: any) => void): void;
1533export declare class Action extends Base implements IAction {
1534 constructor(innerItem: IAction);
1535 innerItem: IAction;
1536 updateCallback: any;
1537 location: string;
1538 id: string;
1539 iconName: string;
1540 iconSize: number;
1541 visible: boolean;
1542 tooltip: string;
1543 enabled: boolean;
1544 showTitle: boolean;
1545 action: (context?: any) => void;
1546 css: string;
1547 innerCss: string;
1548 data: any;
1549 popupModel: any;
1550 needSeparator: boolean;
1551 active: boolean;
1552 pressed: boolean;
1553 template: string;
1554 component: string;
1555 items: any;
1556 visibleIndex: number;
1557 mode: any;
1558 disableTabStop: boolean;
1559 disableShrink: boolean;
1560 disableHide: boolean;
1561 needSpace: boolean;
1562 locTitle: any;
1563 titleValue: string;
1564 get title(): string;
1565 set title(val: string);
1566 cssClassesValue: any;
1567 get cssClasses(): any;
1568 get disabled(): boolean;
1569 get hasTitle(): boolean;
1570 get isVisible(): boolean;
1571 get canShrink(): boolean;
1572 getActionRootCss(): string;
1573 getActionBarItemTitleCss(): string;
1574 getActionBarItemCss(): string;
1575 minDimension: number;
1576 maxDimension: number;
1578export declare class ActionContainer<T extends Action = Action> extends Base {
1579 constructor();
1580 actions: any;
1581 cssClassesValue: any;
1582 protected getRenderedActions(): Array<T>;
1583 updateCallback: (isResetInitialized: boolean) => void;
1584 containerCss: string;
1585 sizeMode: "default" | "small";
1586 protected raiseUpdate(isResetInitialized: boolean): void;
1587 protected onSet(): void;
1588 protected onPush(item: T): void;
1589 protected onRemove(item: T): void;
1590 get hasActions(): boolean;
1591 get renderedActions(): any;
1592 get visibleActions(): any;
1593 getRootCss(): string;
1594 get cssClasses(): any;
1595 addAction(val: IAction, sortByVisibleIndex?: boolean): Action;
1596 setItems(items: any, sortByVisibleIndex?: boolean): void;
1597 initResponsivityManager(container: any): void;
1598 resetResponsivityManager(): void;
1599 getActionById(id: string): T;
1601export declare class ActionContainerImplementor extends ImplementorBase {
1602 constructor(model: any, handleClick?: boolean);
1603 handleClick: boolean;
1604 itemsSubscription: any;
1605 dispose(): void;
1607export declare class AnswerRequiredError extends SurveyError {
1608 constructor(text?: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
1609 text: string;
1610 getErrorType(): string;
1611 protected getDefaultText(): string;
1613export declare class ArrayOperand extends Operand {
1614 constructor(values: any);
1615 values: any;
1616 getType(): string;
1617 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
1618 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): Array<any>;
1619 setVariables(variables: any): void;
1620 hasFunction(): boolean;
1621 hasAsyncFunction(): boolean;
1622 addToAsyncList(list: any): void;
1623 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1625export declare class BinaryOperand extends Operand {
1626 constructor(operatorName: string, left?: any, right?: any, isArithmeticOp?: boolean);
1627 consumer: any;
1628 isArithmeticValue: boolean;
1629 getType(): string;
1630 get isArithmetic(): boolean;
1631 get isConjunction(): boolean;
1632 get conjunction(): string;
1633 get operator(): string;
1634 get leftOperand(): any;
1635 get rightOperand(): any;
1636 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1637 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): any;
1638 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
1639 setVariables(variables: any): void;
1640 hasFunction(): boolean;
1641 hasAsyncFunction(): boolean;
1642 addToAsyncList(list: any): void;
1645* The calculated value is a way to define the variable in Survey Creator.
1646* It has two main properties: name and expression. Based on expression the value read-only property is automatically calculated.
1647* The name property should be unique though all calculated values.
1648* It uses survey.getVariable/seruvey.setVariable functions to get/set its value. The class do not store its value internally.
1649* You may set includeIntoResult property to true to store this calculated value into survey result.
1651export declare class CalculatedValue extends Base {
1652 constructor(name?: string, expression?: string);
1653 data: ISurveyData;
1654 expressionIsRunning: boolean;
1655 expressionRunner: ExpressionRunner;
1656 setOwner(data: ISurveyData): void;
1657 getType(): string;
1658 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
1659 get owner(): ISurveyData;
1660 /*
1661 * The calculated value name. It should be non empty and unique.
1662 */
1663 get name(): string;
1664 set name(val: string);
1665 /*
1666 * Set this property to true to include the non-empty calculated value into survey result, survey.data property.
1667 */
1668 get includeIntoResult(): boolean;
1669 set includeIntoResult(val: boolean);
1670 /*
1671 * The Expression that used to calculate the value. You may use standard operators like +, -, * and /, squares (). Here is the example of accessing the question value {questionname}.
1672 * Example: "({quantity} * {price}) * (100 - {discount}) / 100"
1673 */
1674 get expression(): string;
1675 set expression(val: string);
1676 locCalculation(): void;
1677 unlocCalculation(): void;
1678 isCalculated: boolean;
1679 resetCalculation(): void;
1680 doCalculation(calculatedValues: any, values: any, properties: any): void;
1681 runExpression(values: any, properties: any): void;
1682 get value(): any;
1683 protected setValue(val: any): void;
1686* A definition for filling choices for checkbox, dropdown and radiogroup questions from resfull services.
1687* The run method call a restful service and results can be get on getResultCallback.
1689export declare class ChoicesRestful extends Base {
1690 constructor();
1691 static cacheText: string;
1692 static noCacheText: string;
1693 static get EncodeParameters(): boolean;
1694 static set EncodeParameters(val: boolean);
1695 static clearCache(): void;
1696 static itemsResult: any;
1697 static sendingSameRequests: any;
1698 static onBeforeSendRequest: (sender: ChoicesRestful, options: any) => void;
1699 lastObjHash: string;
1700 isRunningValue: boolean;
1701 protected processedUrl: string;
1702 protected processedPath: string;
1703 isUsingCacheFromUrl: boolean;
1704 onProcessedUrlCallback: (url: string, path: string) => void;
1705 getResultCallback: (items: any) => void;
1706 beforeSendRequestCallback: any;
1707 updateResultCallback: (items: any, serverResult: any) => any;
1708 getItemValueCallback: (item: any) => any;
1709 error: SurveyError;
1710 owner: IQuestion;
1711 createItemValue: (value: any) => ItemValue;
1712 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
1713 run(textProcessor?: ITextProcessor): void;
1714 get isUsingCache(): boolean;
1715 get isRunning(): boolean;
1716 protected getIsRunning(): boolean;
1717 get isWaitingForParameters(): boolean;
1718 protected useChangedItemsResults(): boolean;
1719 protected parseResponse(response: any): any;
1720 protected sendRequest(): void;
1721 getType(): string;
1722 get isEmpty(): boolean;
1723 getCustomPropertiesNames(): Array<any>;
1724 setData(json: any): void;
1725 getData(): any;
1726 /*
1727 * Gets or sets a link to a web service. You can use text preprocessing here.
1728 * For example, the following url: _https://surveyjs.io/api/CountriesExample?region={region}_ is changed based on the _region_ question's value.
1729 * SurveyJS automatically gets data from the web service when the value of the _region_ question changes.
1730 */
1731 get url(): string;
1732 set url(val: string);
1733 /*
1734 * Use this property, if a web service returns a lot of information and you need only a part of it.
1735 * For example, a web service returns a list of countries and a list of capitals.
1736 * If you need a list of countries, set a correct path from which SurveyJS obtains the data, like: _DataList1\DataList2_
1737 */
1738 get path(): string;
1739 set path(val: string);
1740 /*
1741 * Gets or sets the name of a property (in the obtained data object) to which SurveyJS binds to provide values for choice items.
1742 */
1743 get valueName(): string;
1744 set valueName(val: string);
1745 /*
1746 * Gets or sets the name of a property (in the obtained data object) to which SurveyJS binds to provide display texts for choice items.
1747 */
1748 get titleName(): string;
1749 set titleName(val: string);
1750 get imageLinkName(): string;
1751 set imageLinkName(val: string);
1752 get allowEmptyResponse(): boolean;
1753 set allowEmptyResponse(val: boolean);
1754 get attachOriginalItems(): boolean;
1755 set attachOriginalItems(val: boolean);
1756 get itemValueType(): string;
1757 clear(): void;
1758 protected beforeSendRequest(): void;
1759 protected beforeLoadRequest(): void;
1760 protected onLoad(result: any, loadingObjHash?: string): void;
1761 protected callResultCallback(items: any, loadingObjHash: string): void;
1763export declare class ConditionRunner extends ExpressionRunnerBase {
1764 constructor(expression: string);
1765 onRunComplete: (result: boolean) => void;
1766 run(values: any, properties?: any): boolean;
1767 protected doOnComplete(res: any): void;
1769export declare class Const extends Operand {
1770 constructor(value: any);
1771 getType(): string;
1772 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
1773 get correctValue(): any;
1774 evaluate(): any;
1775 setVariables(variables: any): void;
1776 protected getCorrectValue(value: any): any;
1777 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1779export declare class CustomError extends SurveyError {
1780 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
1781 text: string;
1782 getErrorType(): string;
1784export declare class DragDropCore<T> extends Base {
1785 constructor(surveyValue?: ISurvey, creator?: any, longTap?: boolean);
1786 isBottom: boolean;
1787 onGhostPositionChanged: EventBase<Base>;
1788 protected ghostPositionChanged(): void;
1789 static PreventScrolling: boolean;
1790 onBeforeDrop: EventBase<DragDropCore<T>>;
1791 onAfterDrop: EventBase<DragDropCore<T>>;
1792 draggedElement: any;
1793 protected get draggedElementType(): string;
1794 protected parentElement: T;
1795 dropTarget: any;
1796 protected get dropTargetDataAttributeName(): string;
1797 protected get survey(): SurveyModel;
1798 prevDropTarget: any;
1799 protected draggedElementShortcut: any;
1800 scrollIntervalId: number;
1801 protected allowDropHere: boolean;
1802 startDrag(event: any, draggedElement: any, parentElement?: any, draggedElementNode?: any, preventSaveTargetNode?: boolean): void;
1803 timeoutID: any;
1804 startX: number;
1805 startY: number;
1806 currentX: number;
1807 currentY: number;
1808 savedTargetNode: any;
1809 stopLongTapIfMoveEnough: (pointerMoveEvent: any) => void;
1810 stopLongTap: (e?: any) => void;
1811 onContextMenu: (event: any) => void;
1812 dragOver: (event: any) => void;
1813 drop: any;
1814 protected isDropTargetDoesntChanged(newIsBottom: boolean): boolean;
1815 protected onStartDrag(): void;
1816 protected getShortcutText(draggedElement: IShortcutText): string;
1817 protected createDraggedElementShortcut(text: string, draggedElementNode?: any, event?: any): any;
1818 protected getDraggedElementClass(): string;
1819 protected doDragOver(dropTargetNode?: any, event?: any): void;
1820 protected afterDragOver(dropTargetNode?: any, event?: any): void;
1821 getGhostPosition(item: any): string;
1822 protected isDropTargetValid(dropTarget: any, dropTargetNode?: any): boolean;
1823 handlePointerCancel: (event: any) => void;
1824 protected handleEscapeButton: (event: any) => void;
1825 protected banDropHere: any;
1826 protected doBanDropHere: any;
1827 protected getDataAttributeValueByNode(node: any): any;
1828 protected getDropTargetByNode(dropTargetNode: any, event: any): any;
1829 protected getDropTargetByDataAttributeValue(dataAttributeValue: string, dropTargetNode?: any, event?: any): any;
1830 protected calculateVerticalMiddleOfHTMLElement(HTMLElement: any): number;
1831 protected calculateHorizontalMiddleOfHTMLElement(HTMLElement: any): number;
1832 protected calculateIsBottom(clientY: number, dropTargetNode?: any): boolean;
1833 protected findDropTargetNodeByDragOverNode(dragOverNode: any): any;
1834 protected doDrop(): any;
1835 protected clear: any;
1836 protected doClear(): void;
1838export declare class DropdownListModel extends Base {
1839 constructor(question: Question, onSelectionChanged?: (item: IAction, ...params: any) => void);
1840 _popupModel: any;
1841 protected listModel: ListModel;
1842 protected getAvailableItems(): Array<Action>;
1843 protected createListModel(): ListModel;
1844 get popupModel(): any;
1845 setSearchEnabled(newValue: boolean): void;
1846 updateItems(): void;
1847 onClick(event: any): void;
1848 onClear(event: any): void;
1849 onKeyUp(event: any): void;
1850 onBlur(event: any): void;
1852export declare class EventBase<T> extends Event<any, any> {
1854export declare class ExceedSizeError extends SurveyError {
1855 constructor(maxSize: number, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
1856 getErrorType(): string;
1857 getDefaultText(): string;
1859export declare class ExpressionExecutor implements IExpresionExecutor {
1860 constructor(expression: string);
1861 static createExpressionExecutor: (expression: string) => IExpresionExecutor;
1862 onComplete: (res: any) => void;
1863 expressionValue: string;
1864 operand: Operand;
1865 processValue: ProcessValue;
1866 parser: ConditionsParser;
1867 isAsyncValue: boolean;
1868 hasFunctionValue: boolean;
1869 asyncFuncList: any;
1870 get expression(): string;
1871 getVariables(): Array<any>;
1872 hasFunction(): boolean;
1873 get isAsync(): boolean;
1874 canRun(): boolean;
1875 run(values: any, properties?: any): any;
1878* Base class for HtmlConditionItem and UrlConditionItem classes.
1880export declare class ExpressionItem extends Base implements ILocalizableOwner {
1881 constructor(expression?: string);
1882 locOwner: ILocalizableOwner;
1883 getType(): string;
1884 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): boolean;
1885 /*
1886 * The expression property. If this expression returns true, then survey will use html property to show on complete page.
1887 */
1888 get expression(): string;
1889 set expression(val: string);
1890 get locHtml(): LocalizableString;
1891 getLocale(): string;
1892 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
1893 getRenderer(name: string): string;
1894 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
1895 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
1896 getSurvey(isLive?: boolean): ISurvey;
1898export declare class ExpressionRunner extends ExpressionRunnerBase {
1899 constructor(expression: string);
1900 onRunComplete: (result: any) => void;
1901 run(values: any, properties?: any): any;
1902 protected doOnComplete(res: any): void;
1904export declare class FunctionOperand extends Operand {
1905 constructor(originalValue: string, parameters: ArrayOperand);
1906 isReadyValue: boolean;
1907 asynResult: any;
1908 onAsyncReady: any;
1909 getType(): string;
1910 evaluateAsync(processValue: ProcessValue): void;
1911 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): any;
1912 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
1913 setVariables(variables: any): void;
1914 get isReady(): boolean;
1915 hasFunction(): boolean;
1916 hasAsyncFunction(): boolean;
1917 addToAsyncList(list: any): void;
1918 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
1921* Array of ItemValue is used in checkox, dropdown and radiogroup choices, matrix columns and rows.
1922* It has two main properties: value and text. If text is empty, value is used for displaying.
1923* The text property is localizable and support markdown.
1925export declare class ItemValue extends Base implements ILocalizableOwner, IShortcutText {
1926 constructor(value: any, text?: string, typeName?: string);
1927 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
1928 getRenderer(name: string): string;
1929 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
1930 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
1931 static get Separator(): string;
1932 static set Separator(val: string);
1933 static createArray(locOwner: ILocalizableOwner): Array<ItemValue>;
1934 static setupArray(items: any, locOwner: ILocalizableOwner): void;
1935 /*
1936 * Resets the input array and fills it with values from the values array
1937 */
1938 static setData(items: any, values: any, type?: string): void;
1939 static getData(items: any): any;
1940 static getItemByValue(items: any, val: any): ItemValue;
1941 static getTextOrHtmlByValue(items: any, val: any): string;
1942 static locStrsChanged(items: any): void;
1943 static runConditionsForItems(items: any, filteredItems: any, runner: ConditionRunner, values: any, properties: any, useItemExpression?: boolean, onItemCallBack?: (item: ItemValue, val: boolean) => boolean): boolean;
1944 static runEnabledConditionsForItems(items: any, runner: ConditionRunner, values: any, properties: any, onItemCallBack?: (item: ItemValue, val: boolean) => boolean): boolean;
1945 ownerPropertyName: string;
1946 locTextValue: LocalizableString;
1947 isVisibleValue: boolean;
1948 visibleConditionRunner: ConditionRunner;
1949 enableConditionRunner: ConditionRunner;
1950 onCreating(): any;
1951 getType(): string;
1952 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
1953 getLocale(): string;
1954 get locText(): LocalizableString;
1955 setLocText(locText: LocalizableString): void;
1956 _locOwner: ILocalizableOwner;
1957 get locOwner(): ILocalizableOwner;
1958 set locOwner(val: ILocalizableOwner);
1959 get value(): any;
1960 set value(val: any);
1961 get hasText(): boolean;
1962 get pureText(): string;
1963 set pureText(val: string);
1964 get text(): string;
1965 set text(val: string);
1966 get calculatedText(): string;
1967 get shortcutText(): string;
1968 getData(): any;
1969 toJSON(): any;
1970 setData(value: any): void;
1971 get visibleIf(): string;
1972 set visibleIf(val: string);
1973 get enableIf(): string;
1974 set enableIf(val: string);
1975 get isVisible(): boolean;
1976 setIsVisible(val: boolean): void;
1977 get isEnabled(): any;
1978 setIsEnabled(val: boolean): void;
1979 addUsedLocales(locales: any): void;
1980 locStrsChanged(): void;
1981 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
1982 protected getConditionRunner(isVisible: boolean): ConditionRunner;
1983 originalItem: any;
1985export declare class JsonMissingTypeErrorBase extends JsonError {
1986 constructor(baseClassName: string, type: string, message: string);
1987 baseClassName: string;
1988 type: string;
1989 message: string;
1992* Contains information about a property of a survey element (page, panel, questions, and etc).
1994export declare class JsonObjectProperty implements IObject {
1995 constructor(classInfo: JsonMetadataClass, name: string, isRequired?: boolean);
1996 name: string;
1997 static getItemValuesDefaultValue: (val: any, type: string) => any;
1998 static Index: number;
1999 static mergableValues: any;
2000 idValue: number;
2001 classInfoValue: JsonMetadataClass;
2002 typeValue: string;
2003 choicesValue: any;
2004 baseValue: any;
2005 isRequiredValue: boolean;
2006 isUniqueValue: boolean;
2007 readOnlyValue: boolean;
2008 visibleValue: boolean;
2009 isLocalizableValue: boolean;
2010 choicesfunc: (obj: any, choicesCallback: any) => any;
2011 dependedProperties: any;
2012 isSerializable: boolean;
2013 isLightSerializable: boolean;
2014 isCustom: boolean;
2015 isDynamicChoices: boolean;
2016 isBindable: boolean;
2017 className: string;
2018 alternativeName: string;
2019 classNamePart: string;
2020 baseClassName: string;
2021 defaultValueValue: any;
2022 serializationProperty: string;
2023 displayName: string;
2024 category: string;
2025 categoryIndex: number;
2026 visibleIndex: number;
2027 nextToProperty: string;
2028 showMode: string;
2029 maxLength: number;
2030 maxValue: any;
2031 minValue: any;
2032 dataListValue: any;
2033 layout: string;
2034 onGetValue: (obj: any) => any;
2035 onSettingValue: (obj: any, value: any) => any;
2036 onSetValue: (obj: any, value: any, jsonConv: JsonObject) => any;
2037 visibleIf: (obj: any) => boolean;
2038 onExecuteExpression: (obj: any, res: any) => any;
2039 onPropertyEditorUpdate: (obj: any, propEditor: any) => any;
2040 get id(): number;
2041 get classInfo(): JsonMetadataClass;
2042 get type(): string;
2043 set type(val: string);
2044 isArray: boolean;
2045 get isRequired(): boolean;
2046 set isRequired(val: boolean);
2047 get isUnique(): boolean;
2048 set isUnique(val: boolean);
2049 get hasToUseGetValue(): any;
2050 get defaultValue(): any;
2051 set defaultValue(val: any);
2052 isDefaultValue(value: any): boolean;
2053 getValue(obj: any): any;
2054 getPropertyValue(obj: any): any;
2055 get hasToUseSetValue(): any;
2056 settingValue(obj: any, value: any): any;
2057 setValue(obj: any, value: any, jsonConv: JsonObject): void;
2058 getObjType(objType: string): any;
2059 getClassName(className: string): string;
2060 /*
2061 * Depricated, please use getChoices
2062 */
2063 get choices(): any;
2064 get hasChoices(): boolean;
2065 getChoices(obj: any, choicesCallback?: any): Array<any>;
2066 setChoices(value: any, valueFunc?: (obj: any) => any): void;
2067 getBaseValue(): string;
2068 setBaseValue(val: any): void;
2069 get readOnly(): boolean;
2070 set readOnly(val: boolean);
2071 isVisible(layout: string, obj?: any): boolean;
2072 get visible(): boolean;
2073 set visible(val: boolean);
2074 get isLocalizable(): boolean;
2075 set isLocalizable(val: boolean);
2076 get dataList(): any;
2077 set dataList(val: any);
2078 mergeWith(prop: JsonObjectProperty): void;
2079 addDependedProperty(name: string): void;
2080 getDependedProperties(): Array<any>;
2081 schemaType(): string;
2083export declare class JsonRequiredPropertyError extends JsonError {
2084 constructor(propertyName: string, className: string);
2085 propertyName: string;
2086 className: string;
2088export declare class JsonUnknownPropertyError extends JsonError {
2089 constructor(propertyName: string, className: string);
2090 propertyName: string;
2091 className: string;
2093export declare class KeyDuplicationError extends SurveyError {
2094 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2095 text: string;
2096 getErrorType(): string;
2097 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2100* The class represents the string that supports multi-languages and markdown.
2101* It uses in all objects where support for multi-languages and markdown is required.
2103export declare class LocalizableString implements ILocalizableString {
2104 constructor(owner: ILocalizableOwner, useMarkdown?: boolean, name?: string);
2105 owner: ILocalizableOwner;
2106 useMarkdown: boolean;
2107 name: string;
2108 static SerializeAsObject: boolean;
2109 static get defaultLocale(): string;
2110 static set defaultLocale(val: string);
2111 static defaultRenderer: string;
2112 static editableRenderer: string;
2113 values: any;
2114 htmlValues: any;
2115 renderedText: string;
2116 calculatedTextValue: string;
2117 localizationName: string;
2118 onGetTextCallback: (str: string) => string;
2119 onGetDefaultTextCallback: any;
2120 storeDefaultText: boolean;
2121 onGetLocalizationTextCallback: (str: string) => string;
2122 onStrChanged: (oldValue: string, newValue: string) => void;
2123 onSearchChanged: any;
2124 sharedData: LocalizableString;
2125 searchText: string;
2126 searchIndex: number;
2127 getIsMultiple(): boolean;
2128 get locale(): string;
2129 strChanged(): void;
2130 get text(): string;
2131 set text(val: string);
2132 get calculatedText(): string;
2133 get pureText(): string;
2134 get hasHtml(): boolean;
2135 get html(): string;
2136 get isEmpty(): boolean;
2137 get textOrHtml(): string;
2138 get renderedHtml(): string;
2139 getLocaleText(loc: string): string;
2140 setLocaleText(loc: string, value: string): void;
2141 hasNonDefaultText(): boolean;
2142 getLocales(): Array<any>;
2143 getJson(): any;
2144 setJson(value: any): void;
2145 get renderAs(): string;
2146 get renderAsData(): any;
2147 equals(obj: any): boolean;
2148 searchableText: string;
2149 setFindText(text: string): boolean;
2150 onChanged(): void;
2151 protected onCreating(): void;
2152 getHtmlValue(): string;
2155* The class represents the list of strings that supports multi-languages.
2157export declare class LocalizableStrings implements ILocalizableString {
2158 constructor(owner: ILocalizableOwner);
2159 owner: ILocalizableOwner;
2160 values: any;
2161 onValueChanged: (oldValue: any, newValue: any) => void;
2162 getIsMultiple(): boolean;
2163 get locale(): string;
2164 get value(): any;
2165 set value(val: any);
2166 get text(): string;
2167 set text(val: string);
2168 getLocaleText(loc: string): string;
2169 setLocaleText(loc: string, newValue: string): any;
2170 getValue(loc: string): Array<any>;
2171 setValue(loc: string, val: any): void;
2172 hasValue(loc?: string): boolean;
2173 get isEmpty(): boolean;
2174 getLocales(): Array<any>;
2175 getJson(): any;
2176 setJson(value: any): void;
2178export declare class MatrixDropdownColumn extends Base implements ILocalizableOwner, IWrapperObject {
2179 constructor(name: string, title?: string);
2180 static getColumnTypes(): Array<any>;
2181 templateQuestionValue: Question;
2182 colOwnerValue: IMatrixColumnOwner;
2183 indexValue: number;
2184 _isVisible: boolean;
2185 _hasVisibleCell: boolean;
2186 getOriginalObj(): Base;
2187 getClassNameProperty(): string;
2188 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
2189 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
2190 getDynamicPropertyName(): string;
2191 getDynamicType(): string;
2192 get colOwner(): IMatrixColumnOwner;
2193 set colOwner(val: IMatrixColumnOwner);
2194 locStrsChanged(): void;
2195 addUsedLocales(locales: any): void;
2196 get index(): number;
2197 setIndex(val: number): void;
2198 getType(): string;
2199 get cellType(): string;
2200 set cellType(val: string);
2201 get templateQuestion(): Question;
2202 get value(): string;
2203 get isVisible(): boolean;
2204 setIsVisible(newVal: boolean): void;
2205 get hasVisibleCell(): boolean;
2206 set hasVisibleCell(val: boolean);
2207 get name(): string;
2208 set name(val: string);
2209 get title(): string;
2210 set title(val: string);
2211 get locTitle(): LocalizableString;
2212 get fullTitle(): string;
2213 get isRequired(): boolean;
2214 set isRequired(val: boolean);
2215 get isRenderedRequired(): boolean;
2216 set isRenderedRequired(val: boolean);
2217 updateIsRenderedRequired(val: boolean): void;
2218 get requiredText(): string;
2219 get requiredErrorText(): string;
2220 set requiredErrorText(val: string);
2221 get locRequiredErrorText(): LocalizableString;
2222 get readOnly(): boolean;
2223 set readOnly(val: boolean);
2224 get hasOther(): boolean;
2225 set hasOther(val: boolean);
2226 get visibleIf(): string;
2227 set visibleIf(val: string);
2228 get enableIf(): string;
2229 set enableIf(val: string);
2230 get requiredIf(): string;
2231 set requiredIf(val: string);
2232 get isUnique(): boolean;
2233 set isUnique(val: boolean);
2234 get showInMultipleColumns(): boolean;
2235 set showInMultipleColumns(val: boolean);
2236 get isSupportMultipleColumns(): boolean;
2237 get isShowInMultipleColumns(): boolean;
2238 get validators(): any;
2239 set validators(val: any);
2240 get totalType(): string;
2241 set totalType(val: string);
2242 get totalExpression(): string;
2243 set totalExpression(val: string);
2244 get hasTotal(): boolean;
2245 get totalFormat(): string;
2246 set totalFormat(val: string);
2247 get locTotalFormat(): LocalizableString;
2248 get cellHint(): string;
2249 set cellHint(val: string);
2250 get locCellHint(): LocalizableString;
2251 get renderAs(): string;
2252 set renderAs(val: string);
2253 get totalMaximumFractionDigits(): number;
2254 set totalMaximumFractionDigits(val: number);
2255 get totalMinimumFractionDigits(): number;
2256 set totalMinimumFractionDigits(val: number);
2257 get totalDisplayStyle(): string;
2258 set totalDisplayStyle(val: string);
2259 get totalCurrency(): string;
2260 set totalCurrency(val: string);
2261 get minWidth(): string;
2262 set minWidth(val: string);
2263 get width(): string;
2264 set width(val: string);
2265 get colCount(): number;
2266 set colCount(val: number);
2267 getLocale(): string;
2268 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
2269 getRenderer(name: string): string;
2270 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
2271 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
2272 createCellQuestion(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): Question;
2273 startLoadingFromJson(json?: any): void;
2274 updateCellQuestion(cellQuestion: Question, data: any, onUpdateJson?: (json: any) => any): void;
2275 defaultCellTypeChanged(): void;
2276 protected calcCellQuestionType(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): string;
2277 protected updateTemplateQuestion(newCellType?: string): void;
2278 protected createNewQuestion(cellType: string): Question;
2279 previousChoicesId: string;
2280 protected setQuestionProperties(question: Question, onUpdateJson?: (json: any) => any): void;
2281 protected propertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
2283export declare class MatrixDropdownRowModelBase implements ISurveyData, ISurveyImpl, ILocalizableOwner {
2284 constructor(data: IMatrixDropdownData, value: any);
2285 static RowVariableName: string;
2286 static OwnerVariableName: string;
2287 static IndexVariableName: string;
2288 static RowValueVariableName: string;
2289 static idCounter: number;
2290 protected data: IMatrixDropdownData;
2291 protected isSettingValue: boolean;
2292 idValue: string;
2293 textPreProcessor: MatrixDropdownRowTextProcessor;
2294 detailPanelValue: PanelModel;
2295 cells: any;
2296 showHideDetailPanelClick: any;
2297 onDetailPanelShowingChanged: any;
2298 get id(): string;
2299 get rowName(): any;
2300 get text(): any;
2301 get value(): any;
2302 set value(val: any);
2303 get locText(): LocalizableString;
2304 get hasPanel(): boolean;
2305 get detailPanel(): PanelModel;
2306 get detailPanelId(): string;
2307 get isDetailPanelShowing(): boolean;
2308 isCreatingDetailPanel: boolean;
2309 showDetailPanel(): void;
2310 hideDetailPanel(destroyPanel?: boolean): void;
2311 getAllValues(): any;
2312 getFilteredValues(): any;
2313 getFilteredProperties(): any;
2314 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
2315 clearValue(): void;
2316 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
2317 getDataValueCore(valuesHash: any, key: string): any;
2318 getValue(name: string): any;
2319 setValue(name: string, newColumnValue: any): void;
2320 getVariable(name: string): any;
2321 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
2322 getComment(name: string): string;
2323 setComment(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification: any): void;
2324 get isEmpty(): boolean;
2325 getQuestionByColumn(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): Question;
2326 getCellByColumn(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): MatrixDropdownCell;
2327 getQuestionByColumnName(columnName: string): Question;
2328 get questions(): any;
2329 getQuestionByName(name: string): Question;
2330 getQuestionsByName(name: string): Array<Question>;
2331 protected getSharedQuestionByName(columnName: string): Question;
2332 clearIncorrectValues(val: any): void;
2333 getLocale(): string;
2334 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
2335 getRenderer(name: string): string;
2336 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
2337 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
2338 locStrsChanged(): void;
2339 updateCellQuestionOnColumnChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, name: string, newValue: any): void;
2340 updateCellQuestionOnColumnItemValueChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, propertyName: string, obj: ItemValue, name: string, newValue: any, oldValue: any): void;
2341 onQuestionReadOnlyChanged(parentIsReadOnly: boolean): void;
2342 hasErrors(fireCallback: boolean, rec: any, raiseOnCompletedAsyncValidators: any): boolean;
2343 protected updateCellOnColumnChanged(cell: MatrixDropdownCell, name: string, newValue: any): void;
2344 updateCellOnColumnItemValueChanged(cell: MatrixDropdownCell, propertyName: string, obj: ItemValue, name: string, newValue: any, oldValue: any): void;
2345 protected buildCells(value: any): void;
2346 protected isTwoValueEquals(val1: any, val2: any): boolean;
2347 protected createCell(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): MatrixDropdownCell;
2348 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
2349 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
2350 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
2351 get rowIndex(): number;
2352 get editingObj(): Base;
2353 onEditingObjPropertyChanged: (sender: Base, options: any) => void;
2354 editingObjValue: Base;
2355 dispose(): void;
2357export declare class MatrixDropdownTotalCell extends MatrixDropdownCell {
2358 constructor(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, data: IMatrixDropdownData);
2359 column: MatrixDropdownColumn;
2360 row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
2361 data: IMatrixDropdownData;
2362 protected createQuestion(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, data: IMatrixDropdownData): Question;
2363 locStrsChanged(): void;
2364 updateCellQuestion(): void;
2365 getTotalExpression(): string;
2367export declare class MatrixRowModel extends Base {
2368 constructor(item: ItemValue, fullName: string, data: IMatrixData, value: any);
2369 fullName: string;
2370 data: IMatrixData;
2371 item: ItemValue;
2372 cellClick: any;
2373 get name(): string;
2374 get text(): string;
2375 get locText(): LocalizableString;
2376 get value(): any;
2377 set value(val: any);
2378 get rowClasses(): string;
2380export declare class MinRowCountError extends SurveyError {
2381 constructor(minRowCount: number, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2382 minRowCount: number;
2383 getErrorType(): string;
2384 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2386export declare class MultipleTextItemModel extends Base implements IValidatorOwner, ISurveyData, ISurveyImpl {
2387 constructor(name?: any, title?: string);
2388 editorValue: QuestionTextModel;
2389 data: IMultipleTextData;
2390 valueChangedCallback: (newValue: any) => void;
2391 getType(): string;
2392 get id(): string;
2393 getOriginalObj(): Base;
2394 /*
2395 * The item name.
2396 */
2397 get name(): string;
2398 set name(val: string);
2399 get question(): Question;
2400 get editor(): QuestionTextModel;
2401 protected createEditor(name: string): QuestionTextModel;
2402 addUsedLocales(locales: any): void;
2403 locStrsChanged(): void;
2404 setData(data: IMultipleTextData): void;
2405 /*
2406 * Set this property to true, to make the item a required. If a user doesn't fill the item then a validation error will be generated.
2407 */
2408 get isRequired(): boolean;
2409 set isRequired(val: boolean);
2410 /*
2411 * Use this property to change the default input type.
2412 */
2413 get inputType(): string;
2414 set inputType(val: string);
2415 /*
2416 * Item title. If it is empty, the item name is rendered as title. This property supports markdown.
2417 */
2418 get title(): string;
2419 set title(val: string);
2420 get locTitle(): LocalizableString;
2421 /*
2422 * Returns the text or html for rendering the title.
2423 */
2424 get fullTitle(): string;
2425 /*
2426 * The maximum text length. If it is -1, defaul value, then the survey maxTextLength property will be used.
2427 * If it is 0, then the value is unlimited
2428 */
2429 get maxLength(): number;
2430 set maxLength(val: number);
2431 getMaxLength(): any;
2432 /*
2433 * The input place holder.
2434 */
2435 get placeHolder(): string;
2436 set placeHolder(val: string);
2437 get locPlaceHolder(): LocalizableString;
2438 /*
2439 * The custom text that will be shown on required error. Use this property, if you do not want to show the default text.
2440 */
2441 get requiredErrorText(): string;
2442 set requiredErrorText(val: string);
2443 get locRequiredErrorText(): LocalizableString;
2444 /*
2445 * The input size.
2446 */
2447 get size(): number;
2448 set size(val: number);
2449 /*
2450 * The list of question validators.
2451 */
2452 get validators(): any;
2453 set validators(val: any);
2454 getValidators(): Array<SurveyValidator>;
2455 /*
2456 * The item value.
2457 */
2458 get value(): any;
2459 set value(val: any);
2460 isEmpty(): boolean;
2461 onValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
2462 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
2463 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
2464 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
2465 getValue(name: string): any;
2466 setValue(name: string, value: any): void;
2467 getVariable(name: string): any;
2468 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
2469 getComment(name: string): string;
2470 setComment(name: string, newValue: string): void;
2471 getAllValues(): any;
2472 getFilteredValues(): any;
2473 getFilteredProperties(): any;
2474 getValidatorTitle(): string;
2475 get validatedValue(): any;
2476 set validatedValue(val: any);
2477 getDataFilteredValues(): any;
2478 getDataFilteredProperties(): any;
2480export declare class OneAnswerRequiredError extends SurveyError {
2481 constructor(text?: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2482 text: string;
2483 getErrorType(): string;
2484 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2486export declare class OtherEmptyError extends SurveyError {
2487 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2488 text: string;
2489 getErrorType(): string;
2490 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2492export declare class PanelImplementorBase extends ImplementorBase {
2493 constructor(panel: any);
2494 panel: any;
2496export declare class PopupBaseViewModel extends Base {
2497 constructor(model: any, targetElement?: any);
2498 targetElement: any;
2499 prevActiveElement: any;
2500 scrollEventCallBack: any;
2501 top: string;
2502 left: string;
2503 height: string;
2504 width: string;
2505 minWidth: string;
2506 isVisible: boolean;
2507 popupDirection: string;
2508 pointerTarget: IPosition;
2509 container: any;
2510 _model: any;
2511 get model(): any;
2512 set model(val: any);
2513 get title(): string;
2514 get contentComponentName(): string;
2515 get contentComponentData(): any;
2516 get showPointer(): boolean;
2517 get isModal(): boolean;
2518 get showFooter(): boolean;
2519 get isOverlay(): boolean;
2520 get styleClass(): string;
2521 onKeyDown(event: any): void;
2522 updateOnShowing(): void;
2523 updateOnHiding(): void;
2524 clickOutside(): void;
2525 cancel(): void;
2526 apply(): void;
2527 get cancelButtonText(): string;
2528 get applyButtonText(): string;
2529 dispose(): void;
2530 initializePopupContainer(): void;
2531 unmountPopupContainer(): void;
2533export declare class PopupModel<T = any> extends Base {
2534 constructor(contentComponentName: string, contentComponentData: T, verticalPosition?: any, horizontalPosition?: any, showPointer?: boolean, isModal?: boolean, onCancel?: any, onApply?: any, onHide?: any, onShow?: any, cssClass?: string, title?: string);
2535 width: number;
2536 contentComponentName: string;
2537 contentComponentData: T;
2538 verticalPosition: any;
2539 horizontalPosition: any;
2540 showPointer: boolean;
2541 isModal: boolean;
2542 onCancel: any;
2543 onApply: any;
2544 onHide: any;
2545 onShow: any;
2546 cssClass: string;
2547 title: string;
2548 displayMode: "popup" | "overlay";
2549 positionMode: any;
2550 onVisibilityChanged: EventBase<PopupModel<any>>;
2551 get isVisible(): boolean;
2552 set isVisible(val: boolean);
2553 toggleVisibility(): void;
2555export declare class QuestionImplementor extends ImplementorBase {
2556 constructor(question: any);
2557 question: any;
2558 disposedObjects: any;
2559 callBackFunctions: any;
2560 koDummy: any;
2561 koElementType: any;
2562 _koValue: any;
2563 protected setObservaleObj(name: string, obj: any, addToQuestion?: boolean): any;
2564 protected setCallbackFunc(name: string, func: any): void;
2565 protected getKoValue(): any;
2566 protected onSurveyLoad(): void;
2567 protected getQuestionTemplate(): string;
2568 protected getNo(): string;
2569 protected updateKoDummy(): void;
2570 protected koQuestionAfterRender(elements: any, con: any): void;
2571 dispose(): void;
2573export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow extends Base {
2574 constructor(cssClasses: any, isDetailRow?: boolean);
2575 cssClasses: any;
2576 isDetailRow: boolean;
2577 isGhostRow: boolean;
2578 isAdditionalClasses: boolean;
2579 row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
2580 static counter: number;
2581 idValue: number;
2582 cells: any;
2583 onCreating(): void;
2584 get id(): number;
2585 get attributes(): { "data-sv-drop-target-matrix-row"?: undefined; } | { "data-sv-drop-target-matrix-row": string; };
2586 get className(): string;
2588export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable extends Base {
2589 constructor(matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase);
2590 matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase;
2591 headerRowValue: QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow;
2592 footerRowValue: QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow;
2593 hasRemoveRowsValue: boolean;
2594 rowsActions: any;
2595 cssClasses: any;
2596 renderedRowsChangedCallback: any;
2597 rows: any;
2598 get showTable(): boolean;
2599 get showHeader(): boolean;
2600 get showAddRowOnTop(): boolean;
2601 get showAddRowOnBottom(): boolean;
2602 get showFooter(): boolean;
2603 get hasFooter(): boolean;
2604 get hasRemoveRows(): boolean;
2605 isRequireReset(): boolean;
2606 get headerRow(): QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow;
2607 get footerRow(): QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow;
2608 protected build(): void;
2609 updateShowTableAndAddRow(): void;
2610 onAddedRow(): void;
2611 onRemovedRow(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): void;
2612 onDetailPanelChangeVisibility(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, isShowing: boolean): void;
2613 protected buildRowsActions(): void;
2614 protected buildHeader(): void;
2615 protected buildFooter(): void;
2616 protected buildRows(): void;
2617 hasActionCellInRowsValues: any;
2618 protected setDefaultRowActions(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, actions: any): void;
2620export declare class QuestionPanelDynamicItem implements ISurveyData, ISurveyImpl {
2621 constructor(data: IQuestionPanelDynamicData, panel: PanelModel);
2622 static ItemVariableName: string;
2623 static ParentItemVariableName: string;
2624 static IndexVariableName: string;
2625 panelValue: PanelModel;
2626 data: IQuestionPanelDynamicData;
2627 textPreProcessor: QuestionPanelDynamicItemTextProcessor;
2628 get panel(): PanelModel;
2629 setSurveyImpl(): void;
2630 getValue(name: string): any;
2631 setValue(name: string, newValue: any): void;
2632 getVariable(name: string): any;
2633 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
2634 getComment(name: string): string;
2635 setComment(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification: any): void;
2636 getAllValues(): any;
2637 getFilteredValues(): any;
2638 getFilteredProperties(): any;
2639 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
2640 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
2641 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
2643export declare class QuestionPanelDynamicTemplateSurveyImpl implements ISurveyImpl {
2644 constructor(data: IQuestionPanelDynamicData);
2645 data: IQuestionPanelDynamicData;
2646 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
2647 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
2648 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
2650export declare class QuestionRowModel extends Base {
2651 constructor(panel: PanelModelBase);
2652 panel: PanelModelBase;
2653 static rowCounter: number;
2654 protected _scrollableParent: any;
2655 protected _updateVisibility: any;
2656 startLazyRendering(rowContainerDiv: any, findScrollableContainer?: (element: any) => any): void;
2657 ensureVisibility(): void;
2658 stopLazyRendering(): void;
2659 idValue: string;
2660 isLazyRenderingValue: boolean;
2661 setIsLazyRendering(val: boolean): void;
2662 isLazyRendering(): boolean;
2663 get id(): string;
2664 get elements(): any;
2665 get visibleElements(): any;
2666 get visible(): boolean;
2667 set visible(val: boolean);
2668 get isNeedRender(): boolean;
2669 set isNeedRender(val: boolean);
2670 updateVisible(): void;
2671 addElement(q: IElement): void;
2672 get index(): number;
2673 setElementMaxMinWidth(el: IElement): void;
2674 dispose(): void;
2675 getRowCss(): string;
2677export declare class QuestionTextProcessor implements ITextProcessor {
2678 constructor(variableName: string);
2679 textPreProcessor: TextPreProcessor;
2680 processValue(name: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): TextPreProcessorValue;
2681 protected get survey(): ISurvey;
2682 protected get panel(): PanelModel;
2683 protected getValues(): any;
2684 protected getQuestionByName(name: string): Question;
2685 protected getParentTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
2686 protected onCustomProcessText(textValue: TextPreProcessorValue): boolean;
2687 processText(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): string;
2688 processTextEx(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): any;
2690export declare class RenderedRatingItem extends Base {
2691 constructor(itemValue: ItemValue, locString?: LocalizableString);
2692 itemValue: ItemValue;
2693 get value(): number;
2694 get locText(): LocalizableString;
2696export declare class RequiredInAllRowsError extends SurveyError {
2697 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2698 text: string;
2699 getErrorType(): string;
2700 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2702export declare class RequreNumericError extends SurveyError {
2703 constructor(text?: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2704 text: string;
2705 getErrorType(): string;
2706 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2709* Base class of SurveyJS Elements and Survey.
2711export declare class SurveyElementCore extends Base implements ILocalizableOwner {
2712 constructor();
2713 protected createLocTitleProperty(): LocalizableString;
2714 /*
2715 * Question, Panel, Page and Survey title. If page and panel is empty then they are not rendered.
2716 * Question renders question name if the title is empty. Use survey questionTitleTemplate property to change the title question rendering.
2717 */
2718 get title(): string;
2719 set title(val: string);
2720 get locTitle(): LocalizableString;
2721 protected getDefaultTitleValue(): string;
2722 /*
2723 * Question, Panel and Page description. It renders under element title by using smaller font. Unlike the question title, description can be empty.
2724 * Please note, this property is hidden for questions without input, for example html question.
2725 */
2726 hasDescription: boolean;
2727 get description(): string;
2728 set description(val: string);
2729 updateDescriptionVisibility(newDescription: any): void;
2730 get locDescription(): LocalizableString;
2731 get titleTagName(): string;
2732 protected getDefaultTitleTagName(): string;
2733 get hasTitle(): boolean;
2734 get hasTitleActions(): boolean;
2735 get hasTitleEvents(): boolean;
2736 getTitleToolbar(): AdaptiveActionContainer;
2737 getTitleOwner(): ITitleOwner;
2738 get isTitleOwner(): boolean;
2739 toggleState(): boolean;
2740 get cssClasses(): any;
2741 get cssTitle(): string;
2742 get ariaTitleId(): string;
2743 get titleTabIndex(): number;
2744 get titleAriaExpanded(): boolean;
2745 getLocale(): string;
2746 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
2747 getRenderer(name: string): string;
2748 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
2749 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
2751export declare class SurveyImplementor extends ImplementorBase {
2752 constructor(survey: any);
2753 survey: any;
2754 renderedElement: any;
2755 render(element?: any): void;
2756 koEventAfterRender(element: any, survey: any): void;
2757 dispose(): void;
2759export declare class SurveyTimerModel extends Base {
2760 constructor(survey: ISurvey);
2761 onTimer: (page: PageModel) => void;
2762 surveyValue: ISurvey;
2763 text: string;
2764 spent: number;
2765 get survey(): ISurvey;
2766 onCreating(): void;
2767 timerFunc: any;
2768 start(): void;
2769 stop(): void;
2770 get isRunning(): boolean;
2773* Base SurveyJS validator class.
2775export declare class SurveyValidator extends Base {
2776 constructor();
2777 errorOwner: ISurveyErrorOwner;
2778 onAsyncCompleted: (result: ValidatorResult) => void;
2779 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
2780 get text(): string;
2781 set text(val: string);
2782 get isValidateAllValues(): boolean;
2783 get locText(): LocalizableString;
2784 protected getErrorText(name: string): string;
2785 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
2786 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
2787 get isRunning(): boolean;
2788 get isAsync(): boolean;
2789 getLocale(): string;
2790 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
2791 getRenderer(name: string): string;
2792 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
2793 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
2794 protected createCustomError(name: string): SurveyError;
2795 toString(): string;
2797export declare class SurveyWindowImplementor extends ImplementorBase {
2798 constructor(window: any);
2799 window: any;
2802* A Model for a survey running in the Window.
2804export declare class SurveyWindowModel extends Base {
2805 constructor(jsonObj: any, initialModel?: SurveyModel);
2806 static surveyElementName: string;
2807 surveyValue: SurveyModel;
2808 windowElement: any;
2809 templateValue: string;
2810 expandedChangedCallback: any;
2811 showingChangedCallback: any;
2812 protected onCreating(): void;
2813 getType(): string;
2814 /*
2815 * A survey object.
2816 */
2817 get survey(): SurveyModel;
2818 /*
2819 * Set this value to negative value, for example -1, to avoid closing the window on completing the survey. Leave it equals to 0 (default value) to close the window immediately, or set it to 3, 5, 10, ... to close the window in 3, 5, 10 seconds.
2820 */
2821 closeOnCompleteTimeout: number;
2822 /*
2823 * Returns true if the window is currently showing. Set it to true to show the window and false to hide it.
2824 */
2825 get isShowing(): boolean;
2826 set isShowing(val: boolean);
2827 /*
2828 * Show the window
2829 */
2830 show(): void;
2831 /*
2832 * Hide the window
2833 */
2834 hide(): void;
2835 /*
2836 * Returns true if the window is expanded. Set it to true to expand the window or false to collapse it.
2837 */
2838 get isExpanded(): boolean;
2839 set isExpanded(val: boolean);
2840 protected onExpandedChanged(): void;
2841 /*
2842 * The window and survey title.
2843 */
2844 get title(): string;
2845 set title(val: string);
2846 get locTitle(): LocalizableString;
2847 /*
2848 * Expand the window to show the survey.
2849 */
2850 expand(): void;
2851 /*
2852 * Collapse the window and show survey title only.
2853 */
2854 collapse(): void;
2855 changeExpandCollapse(): void;
2856 get css(): any;
2857 get cssButton(): string;
2858 get cssRoot(): string;
2859 get cssBody(): string;
2860 get cssHeaderRoot(): string;
2861 get cssHeaderTitle(): string;
2862 protected createSurvey(jsonObj: any): SurveyModel;
2863 protected onSurveyComplete(): void;
2866* A base class for all triggers.
2867* A trigger calls a method when the expression change the result: from false to true or from true to false.
2868* Please note, it runs only one changing the expression result.
2870export declare class Trigger extends Base {
2871 constructor();
2872 static operatorsValue: any;
2873 conditionRunner: ConditionRunner;
2874 usedNames: any;
2875 hasFunction: boolean;
2876 getType(): string;
2877 toString(): string;
2878 get operator(): string;
2879 set operator(val: string);
2880 get value(): any;
2881 set value(val: any);
2882 get name(): string;
2883 set name(val: string);
2884 get expression(): string;
2885 set expression(val: string);
2886 protected canBeExecuted(isOnNextPage: boolean): boolean;
2887 protected isExecutingOnNextPage: boolean;
2888 checkExpression(isOnNextPage: boolean, keys: any, values: any, properties?: any): void;
2889 check(value: any): void;
2890 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
2891 protected onFailure(): void;
2892 protected onSuccessExecuted(): void;
2893 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
2894 buildExpression(): string;
2896export declare class UnaryOperand extends Operand {
2897 constructor(expressionValue: Operand, operatorName: string);
2898 consumer: any;
2899 get operator(): string;
2900 get expression(): Operand;
2901 getType(): string;
2902 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
2903 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
2904 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): boolean;
2905 setVariables(variables: any): void;
2907export declare class UploadingFileError extends SurveyError {
2908 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2909 text: string;
2910 getErrorType(): string;
2911 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2913export declare class VerticalResponsivityManager extends ResponsivityManager {
2914 constructor(container: any, model: any, itemsSelector: string, dotsItemSize?: number, minDimension?: number);
2915 protected getDimensions(): IDimensions;
2916 protected getAvailableSpace(): number;
2917 protected calcItemSize(item: any): number;
2919export declare class WebRequestEmptyError extends SurveyError {
2920 constructor(text: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2921 text: string;
2922 getErrorType(): string;
2923 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2925export declare class WebRequestError extends SurveyError {
2926 constructor(status: string, response: string, errorOwner?: ISurveyErrorOwner);
2927 status: string;
2928 response: string;
2929 getErrorType(): string;
2930 protected getDefaultText(): string;
2932export declare class AdaptiveActionContainer<T extends Action = Action> extends ActionContainer<T> {
2933 constructor();
2934 protected dotsItem: Action;
2935 protected dotsItemPopupModel: any;
2936 responsivityManager: ResponsivityManager;
2937 minVisibleItemsCount: number;
2938 isResponsivenessDisabled: boolean;
2939 protected invisibleItemsListModel: ListModel;
2940 static ContainerID: number;
2941 protected onSet(): void;
2942 protected onPush(item: T): void;
2943 protected getRenderedActions(): Array<T>;
2944 protected raiseUpdate(isResetInitialized: boolean): void;
2945 fit(dimension: number, dotsItemSize: number): void;
2946 initResponsivityManager(container: any): void;
2947 resetResponsivityManager(): void;
2948 setActionsMode(mode: any): void;
2949 dispose(): void;
2951export declare class AnswerCountValidator extends SurveyValidator {
2952 constructor(minCount?: number, maxCount?: number);
2953 getType(): string;
2954 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
2955 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
2956 /*
2957 * The minCount property.
2958 */
2959 get minCount(): number;
2960 set minCount(val: number);
2961 /*
2962 * The maxCount property.
2963 */
2964 get maxCount(): number;
2965 set maxCount(val: number);
2967export declare class ButtonGroupItemValue extends ItemValue {
2968 constructor(value: any, text?: string, typeName?: string);
2969 iconName: string;
2970 iconSize: number;
2971 /*
2972 * By default item caption is visible.
2973 * Set it 'false' to hide item caption.
2974 */
2975 showCaption: boolean;
2976 getType(): string;
2979* Obsolete, please use ChoicesRestful
2981export declare class ChoicesRestfull extends ChoicesRestful {
2982 constructor();
2983 static get EncodeParameters(): boolean;
2984 static set EncodeParameters(val: boolean);
2985 static clearCache(): void;
2986 static get onBeforeSendRequest(): (sender: ChoicesRestful, options: any) => void;
2987 static set onBeforeSendRequest(val: (sender: ChoicesRestful, options: any) => void);
2989export declare class DragDropChoices extends DragDropCore<QuestionSelectBase> {
2990 constructor(surveyValue?: ISurvey, creator?: any, longTap?: boolean);
2991 protected get draggedElementType(): string;
2992 protected createDraggedElementShortcut(text: string, draggedElementNode: any, event: any): any;
2993 protected findDropTargetNodeByDragOverNode(dragOverNode: any): any;
2994 protected getDropTargetByDataAttributeValue(dataAttributeValue: string): ItemValue;
2995 protected doDragOver: any;
2996 protected isDropTargetValid(dropTarget: ItemValue): boolean;
2997 protected doBanDropHere: any;
2998 protected calculateIsBottom(clientY: number): boolean;
2999 protected afterDragOver(dropTargetNode: any): void;
3000 protected doDrop(): any;
3001 protected doClear(): void;
3003export declare class DragDropMatrixRows extends DragDropCore<QuestionMatrixDynamicModel> {
3004 constructor(surveyValue?: ISurvey, creator?: any, longTap?: boolean);
3005 protected get draggedElementType(): string;
3006 protected createDraggedElementShortcut(text: string, draggedElementNode: any, event: any): any;
3007 fromIndex: number;
3008 toIndex: number;
3009 protected getDropTargetByDataAttributeValue(dataAttributeValue: any): MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
3010 protected isDropTargetValid(dropTarget: any): boolean;
3011 protected findDropTargetNodeByDragOverNode(dragOverNode: any): any;
3012 protected calculateIsBottom(clientY: number): boolean;
3013 protected afterDragOver(dropTargetNode: any): void;
3014 protected doDrop: any;
3015 protected doClear(): void;
3017export declare class DragDropSurveyElements extends DragDropCore<any> {
3018 constructor(surveyValue?: ISurvey, creator?: any, longTap?: boolean);
3019 static newGhostPage: PageModel;
3020 static restrictDragQuestionBetweenPages: boolean;
3021 static edgeHeight: number;
3022 static nestedPanelDepth: number;
3023 static ghostSurveyElementName: string;
3024 protected isEdge: boolean;
3025 protected prevIsEdge: any;
3026 protected ghostSurveyElement: IElement;
3027 protected get draggedElementType(): string;
3028 protected isDraggedElementSelected: boolean;
3029 isRight: boolean;
3030 protected prevIsRight: boolean;
3031 startDragToolboxItem(event: any, draggedElementJson: JsonObject, toolboxItemTitle: string): void;
3032 startDragSurveyElement(event: any, draggedElement: any, isElementSelected?: boolean): void;
3033 protected getShortcutText(draggedElement: IShortcutText): string;
3034 protected createDraggedElementShortcut(text: string, draggedElementNode?: any, event?: any): any;
3035 protected createDraggedElementIcon(): any;
3036 protected getDraggedElementClass(): string;
3037 protected createElementFromJson(json: any): any;
3038 protected getDropTargetByDataAttributeValue(dataAttributeValue: string, dropTargetNode: any, event: any): any;
3039 protected isDropTargetValid(): boolean;
3040 protected calculateIsBottom(clientY: number, dropTargetNode?: any): boolean;
3041 protected calculateIsRight(clientX: number, dropTargetNode?: any): boolean;
3042 protected isDropTargetDoesntChanged(newIsBottom: boolean): boolean;
3043 protected findDeepestDropTargetChild(parent: any): any;
3044 protected doDragOver(dropTargetNode?: any, event?: any): void;
3045 protected afterDragOver(dropTargetNode: any, event: any): void;
3046 protected onStartDrag(): void;
3047 protected doBanDropHere: any;
3048 protected doDrop: any;
3049 protected doClear: any;
3050 protected insertGhostElementIntoSurvey(): boolean;
3051 protected removeGhostElementFromSurvey(): void;
3053export declare class DropdownMultiSelectListModel extends DropdownListModel {
3054 constructor(question: Question, onSelectionChanged?: (item: IAction, ...params: any) => void);
3055 protected override: any;
3056 createListModel(): MultiSelectListModel;
3057 onClear(event: any): void;
3060* Validate e-mail address in the text input
3062export declare class EmailValidator extends SurveyValidator {
3063 constructor();
3064 re: any;
3065 getType(): string;
3066 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
3067 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
3070* Show error if expression returns false
3072export declare class ExpressionValidator extends SurveyValidator {
3073 constructor(expression?: string);
3074 conditionRunner: ConditionRunner;
3075 isRunningValue: boolean;
3076 getType(): string;
3077 get isValidateAllValues(): boolean;
3078 get isAsync(): boolean;
3079 get isRunning(): boolean;
3080 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
3081 protected generateError(res: boolean, value: any, name: string): ValidatorResult;
3082 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
3083 protected ensureConditionRunner(): boolean;
3084 /*
3085 * The expression property.
3086 */
3087 get expression(): string;
3088 set expression(val: string);
3091* A class that contains expression and html propeties. It uses in survey.completedHtmlOnCondition array.
3092* If the expression returns true then html of this item uses instead of survey.completedHtml property
3094export declare class HtmlConditionItem extends ExpressionItem {
3095 constructor(expression?: string, html?: string);
3096 getType(): string;
3097 /*
3098 * The html that shows on completed ('Thank you') page. The expression should return true
3099 */
3100 get html(): string;
3101 set html(val: string);
3102 get locHtml(): LocalizableString;
3104export declare class ImageItemValue extends ItemValue implements ILocalizableOwner {
3105 constructor(value: any, text?: string, typeName?: string);
3106 getType(): string;
3107 /*
3108 * The image or video link property.
3109 */
3110 get imageLink(): string;
3111 set imageLink(val: string);
3112 aspectRatio: number;
3113 get locImageLink(): LocalizableString;
3114 getLocale(): string;
3115 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
3116 getRenderer(name: string): string;
3117 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
3118 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
3120export declare class JsonIncorrectTypeError extends JsonMissingTypeErrorBase {
3121 constructor(propertyName: string, baseClassName: string);
3122 propertyName: string;
3123 baseClassName: string;
3125export declare class JsonMissingTypeError extends JsonMissingTypeErrorBase {
3126 constructor(propertyName: string, baseClassName: string);
3127 propertyName: string;
3128 baseClassName: string;
3130export declare class ListModel extends ActionContainer {
3131 constructor(items: any, onSelectionChanged: (item: Action, ...params: any) => void, allowSelection: boolean, selectedItem?: IAction, onFilteredTextChangedCallback?: (text: string) => void);
3132 onSelectionChanged: (item: Action, ...params: any) => void;
3133 allowSelection: boolean;
3134 searchEnabled: boolean;
3135 needFilter: boolean;
3136 isExpanded: boolean;
3137 selectedItem: IAction;
3138 filteredText: string;
3139 static INDENT: number;
3140 static MINELEMENTCOUNT: number;
3141 isItemVisible(item: Action): boolean;
3142 protected onSet(): void;
3143 onItemClick: (itemValue: Action) => void;
3144 isItemDisabled: (itemValue: Action) => boolean;
3145 isItemSelected: (itemValue: Action) => boolean;
3146 getItemClass: (itemValue: Action) => string;
3147 getItemIndent: (itemValue: any) => string;
3148 get filteredTextPlaceholder(): string;
3149 goToItems(event: any): void;
3150 onKeyDown(event: any): void;
3151 onPointerDown(event: any, item: any): void;
3152 refresh(): void;
3154export declare class MatrixDropdownRowModel extends MatrixDropdownRowModelBase {
3155 constructor(name: string, item: ItemValue, data: IMatrixDropdownData, value: any);
3156 name: string;
3157 item: ItemValue;
3158 get rowName(): string;
3159 get text(): string;
3160 get locText(): LocalizableString;
3162export declare class MatrixDropdownRowTextProcessor extends QuestionTextProcessor {
3163 constructor(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, variableName: string, parentTextProcessor: ITextProcessor);
3164 protected getParentTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
3165 protected get survey(): ISurvey;
3166 protected getValues(): any;
3167 protected getQuestionByName(name: string): Question;
3168 protected onCustomProcessText(textValue: TextPreProcessorValue): boolean;
3170export declare class MatrixDropdownTotalRowModel extends MatrixDropdownRowModelBase {
3171 constructor(data: IMatrixDropdownData);
3172 protected createCell(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): MatrixDropdownCell;
3173 setValue(name: string, newValue: any): void;
3174 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
3175 protected updateCellOnColumnChanged(cell: MatrixDropdownCell, name: string, newValue: any): void;
3177export declare class MatrixDynamicRowModel extends MatrixDropdownRowModelBase implements IShortcutText {
3178 constructor(index: number, data: IMatrixDropdownData, value: any);
3179 index: number;
3180 dragOrClickHelper: DragOrClickHelper;
3181 get rowName(): string;
3182 get shortcutText(): string;
3184export declare class MultipleTextItem extends MultipleTextItemModel {
3185 constructor(name?: any, title?: string);
3186 protected createEditor(name: string): QuestionTextModel;
3189* Validate numeric values.
3191export declare class NumericValidator extends SurveyValidator {
3192 constructor(minValue?: number, maxValue?: number);
3193 getType(): string;
3194 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
3195 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
3196 /*
3197 * The minValue property.
3198 */
3199 get minValue(): number;
3200 set minValue(val: number);
3201 /*
3202 * The maxValue property.
3203 */
3204 get maxValue(): number;
3205 set maxValue(val: number);
3207export declare class QuestionCompositeTextProcessor extends QuestionTextProcessor {
3208 constructor(composite: QuestionCompositeModel, variableName: string);
3209 protected get survey(): ISurvey;
3210 protected get panel(): PanelModel;
3212export declare class QuestionFileImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3213 constructor(question: QuestionFile);
3215export declare class QuestionMatrixBaseImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3216 constructor(question: any);
3217 _tableImplementor: ImplementorBase;
3218 koRecalc: any;
3219 get matrix(): any;
3220 protected getQuestionTemplate(): string;
3221 protected isAddRowTop(): boolean;
3222 protected isAddRowBottom(): boolean;
3223 protected addRow(): void;
3224 protected removeRow(row: any): void;
3225 dispose(): void;
3227export declare class QuestionMatrixDynamicRenderedTable extends QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable {
3228 constructor(matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase);
3229 matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase;
3230 protected setDefaultRowActions(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, actions: any): void;
3232export declare class QuestionMultipleTextImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3233 constructor(question: QuestionMultipleText);
3234 koRecalc: any;
3236export declare class QuestionPanelDynamicImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3237 constructor(question: QuestionPanelDynamic);
3238 koRecalc: any;
3239 protected onPanelCountChanged(): void;
3240 protected onRenderModeChanged(): void;
3241 protected onCurrentIndexChanged(): void;
3242 protected addPanel(): void;
3243 protected removePanel(val: any): void;
3244 dispose(): void;
3246export declare class QuestionPanelDynamicItemTextProcessor extends QuestionTextProcessor {
3247 constructor(data: IQuestionPanelDynamicData, panelItem: QuestionPanelDynamicItem, variableName: string);
3248 protected get survey(): ISurvey;
3249 protected get panel(): PanelModel;
3250 protected getValues(): any;
3251 protected getQuestionByName(name: string): Question;
3252 protected onCustomProcessText(textValue: TextPreProcessorValue): boolean;
3254export declare class QuestionRatingImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3255 constructor(question: any);
3256 protected onCreated(): void;
3257 dispose(): void;
3259export declare class QuestionRow extends QuestionRowModel {
3260 constructor(panel: any);
3261 panel: any;
3262 koElementAfterRender: any;
3263 getElementType(el: any): "survey-panel" | "survey-question";
3264 koAfterRender(el: any, con: any): void;
3265 rowAfterRender(elements: any, model: QuestionRow): void;
3266 dispose(): void;
3268export declare class QuestionSelectBaseImplementor extends QuestionImplementor {
3269 constructor(question: any);
3270 protected onCreated(): void;
3271 protected get isOtherSelected(): boolean;
3274* Use it to validate the text by regular expressions.
3276export declare class RegexValidator extends SurveyValidator {
3277 constructor(regex?: string);
3278 getType(): string;
3279 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
3280 /*
3281 * The regex property.
3282 */
3283 get regex(): string;
3284 set regex(val: string);
3287* Base class of SurveyJS Elements.
3289export declare class SurveyElement extends SurveyElementCore implements ISurveyElement {
3290 constructor(name: string);
3291 stateChangedCallback: any;
3292 static getProgressInfoByElements(children: any, isRequired: boolean): IProgressInfo;
3293 surveyImplValue: ISurveyImpl;
3294 surveyDataValue: ISurveyData;
3295 surveyValue: ISurvey;
3296 textProcessorValue: ITextProcessor;
3297 selectedElementInDesignValue: SurveyElement;
3298 dragTypeOverMe: DragTypeOverMeEnum;
3299 isDragMe: boolean;
3300 readOnlyChangedCallback: any;
3301 static ScrollElementToTop(elementId: string): boolean;
3302 static GetFirstNonTextElement(elements: any, removeSpaces?: boolean): any;
3303 static FocusElement(elementId: string): boolean;
3304 static CreateDisabledDesignElements: boolean;
3305 disableDesignActions: boolean;
3306 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
3307 protected getSkeletonComponentNameCore(): string;
3308 get skeletonComponentName(): string;
3309 /*
3310 * Set this property to "collapsed" to render only Panel title and expanded button and to "expanded" to render the collapsed button in the Panel caption
3311 */
3312 get state(): string;
3313 set state(val: string);
3314 /*
3315 * Returns true if the Element is in the collapsed state
3316 */
3317 get isCollapsed(): boolean;
3318 /*
3319 * Returns true if the Element is in the expanded state
3320 */
3321 get isExpanded(): boolean;
3322 /*
3323 * Collapse the Element
3324 */
3325 collapse(): void;
3326 /*
3327 * Expand the Element
3328 */
3329 expand(): void;
3330 /*
3331 * Toggle element's state
3332 */
3333 toggleState(): boolean;
3334 get hasStateButton(): boolean;
3335 get shortcutText(): string;
3336 titleToolbarValue: any;
3337 getTitleToolbar(): AdaptiveActionContainer;
3338 protected createActionContainer(allowAdaptiveActions?: boolean): ActionContainer;
3339 get titleActions(): any;
3340 isTitleActionRequested: boolean;
3341 getTitleActions(): Array<any>;
3342 protected getDefaultTitleActions(): Array<IAction>;
3343 get hasTitleActions(): boolean;
3344 get hasTitleEvents(): boolean;
3345 get titleTabIndex(): number;
3346 get titleAriaExpanded(): boolean;
3347 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
3348 protected canRunConditions(): boolean;
3349 getDataFilteredValues(): any;
3350 getDataFilteredProperties(): any;
3351 protected get surveyImpl(): ISurveyImpl;
3352 __setData(data: ISurveyData): void;
3353 get data(): ISurveyData;
3354 /*
3355 * Returns the survey object.
3356 */
3357 get survey(): ISurvey;
3358 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
3359 protected setSurveyCore(value: ISurvey): void;
3360 isContentElement: boolean;
3361 isEditableTemplateElement: boolean;
3362 isInteractiveDesignElement: boolean;
3363 protected get isInternal(): boolean;
3364 get areInvisibleElementsShowing(): boolean;
3365 get isVisible(): boolean;
3366 get isReadOnly(): boolean;
3367 /*
3368 * Set it to true to make an element question/panel/page readonly.
3369 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
3370 */
3371 get readOnly(): boolean;
3372 set readOnly(val: boolean);
3373 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
3374 cssClassesValue: any;
3375 /*
3376 * Returns all css classes that used for rendering the question, panel or page.
3377 * You can use survey.onUpdateQuestionCssClasses event to override css classes for a question, survey.onUpdatePanelCssClasses event for a panel and survey.onUpdatePageCssClasses for a page.
3378 */
3379 get cssClasses(): any;
3380 protected calcCssClasses(css: any): any;
3381 protected updateElementCssCore(cssClasses: any): void;
3382 get cssError(): string;
3383 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
3384 protected clearCssClasses(): void;
3385 protected getIsLoadingFromJson(): boolean;
3386 /*
3387 * This is the identifier of a survey element - question or panel.
3388 */
3389 get name(): string;
3390 set name(val: string);
3391 protected getValidName(name: string): string;
3392 protected onNameChanged(oldValue: string): void;
3393 protected updateBindingValue(valueName: string, value: any): void;
3394 /*
3395 * The list of errors. It is created by callig hasErrors functions
3396 */
3397 get errors(): any;
3398 set errors(val: any);
3399 hasVisibleErrors: boolean;
3400 /*
3401 * Returns true if a question or a container (panel/page) or their chidren have an error.
3402 * The value can be out of date. hasErrors function should be called to get the correct value.
3403 */
3404 get containsErrors(): boolean;
3405 updateContainsErrors(): void;
3406 protected getContainsErrors(): boolean;
3407 getElementsInDesign(includeHidden?: boolean): Array<IElement>;
3408 get selectedElementInDesign(): SurveyElement;
3409 set selectedElementInDesign(val: SurveyElement);
3410 updateCustomWidgets(): void;
3411 onSurveyLoad(): void;
3412 onFirstRendering(): void;
3413 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
3414 setVisibleIndex(index: number): number;
3415 /*
3416 * Returns true if it is a page.
3417 */
3418 get isPage(): boolean;
3419 /*
3420 * Returns true if it is a panel.
3421 */
3422 get isPanel(): boolean;
3423 /*
3424 * Returns true if it is a question.
3425 */
3426 get isQuestion(): boolean;
3427 delete(): void;
3428 locOwner: ILocalizableOwner;
3429 /*
3430 * Returns the current survey locale
3431 */
3432 getLocale(): string;
3433 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
3434 getRenderer(name: string): string;
3435 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): any;
3436 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
3437 protected getUseDisplayValuesInTitle(): boolean;
3438 protected removeSelfFromList(list: any): void;
3439 protected get textProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
3440 protected getProcessedHtml(html: string): string;
3441 protected onSetData(): void;
3442 get parent(): IPanel;
3443 set parent(val: IPanel);
3444 protected getPage(parent: IPanel): IPage;
3445 protected moveToBase(parent: IPanel, container: IPanel, insertBefore?: any): boolean;
3446 protected setPage(parent: IPanel, newPage: IPage): void;
3447 protected getSearchableLocKeys(keys: any): void;
3448 protected get isDefaultV2Theme(): boolean;
3449 get isErrorsModeTooltip(): boolean;
3450 protected getIsErrorsModeTooltip(): boolean;
3451 get hasParent(): boolean;
3452 isSingleInRow: boolean;
3453 protected get hasFrameV2(): boolean;
3454 /*
3455 * Use it to set the specific width to the survey element like css style (%, px, em etc).
3456 */
3457 get width(): string;
3458 set width(val: string);
3459 /*
3460 * Use it to set the specific minWidth constraint to the survey element like css style (%, px, em etc).
3461 */
3462 get minWidth(): string;
3463 set minWidth(val: string);
3464 /*
3465 * Use it to set the specific maxWidth constraint to the survey element like css style (%, px, em etc).
3466 */
3467 get maxWidth(): string;
3468 set maxWidth(val: string);
3469 /*
3470 * The rendered width of the question.
3471 */
3472 get renderWidth(): string;
3473 set renderWidth(val: string);
3474 /*
3475 * The left indent. Set this property to increase the survey element left indent.
3476 */
3477 get indent(): number;
3478 set indent(val: number);
3479 /*
3480 * The right indent. Set it different from 0 to increase the right padding.
3481 */
3482 get rightIndent(): number;
3483 set rightIndent(val: number);
3484 get paddingLeft(): string;
3485 set paddingLeft(val: string);
3486 get paddingRight(): string;
3487 set paddingRight(val: string);
3488 allowRootStyle: boolean;
3489 get rootStyle(): any;
3490 get clickTitleFunction(): any;
3491 protected needClickTitleFunction(): boolean;
3492 protected processTitleClick(): void;
3495* The `Survey` object contains information about the survey, Pages, Questions, flow logic and etc.
3497export declare class SurveyModel extends SurveyElementCore implements ISurvey, ISurveyData, ISurveyImpl, ISurveyTriggerOwner, ISurveyErrorOwner, ISurveyTimerText {
3498 constructor(jsonObj?: any, renderedElement?: any);
3499 static TemplateRendererComponentName: string;
3500 static get cssType(): string;
3501 static set cssType(val: string);
3502 static stylesManager: StylesManager;
3503 static platform: string;
3504 get platformName(): string;
3505 /*
3506 * You can display an additional field (comment field) for the most of questions; users can enter additional comments to their response.
3507 * The comment field input is saved as `'question name' + 'commentPrefix'`.
3508 */
3509 get commentPrefix(): string;
3510 set commentPrefix(val: string);
3511 valuesHash: any;
3512 variablesHash: any;
3513 editingObjValue: Base;
3514 textPreProcessor: TextPreProcessor;
3515 timerModelValue: SurveyTimerModel;
3516 navigationBarValue: any;
3517 /*
3518 * The event is fired after a trigger has been executed
3519 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3520 * - `options.trigger` - An instance of a trigger that has been just perform it's action.
3521 */
3522 onTriggerExecuted: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3523 /*
3524 * The event is fired before the survey is completed and the `onComplete` event is fired. You can prevent the survey from completing by setting `options.allowComplete` to `false`
3525 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3526 * - `options.allowComplete` - Specifies whether a user can complete a survey. Set this property to `false` to prevent the survey from completing. The default value is `true`.
3527 * - `options.isCompleteOnTrigger` - returns true if the survey is completing on "complete" trigger.
3528 */
3529 onCompleting: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3530 /*
3531 * The event is fired after a user clicks the 'Complete' button and finishes a survey. Use this event to send the survey data to your web server.
3532 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3533 * - `options.showDataSaving(text)` - call this method to show that the survey is saving survey data on your server. The `text` is an optional parameter to show a custom message instead of default.
3534 * - `options.showDataSavingError(text)` - call this method to show that an error occurred while saving the data on your server. If you want to show a custom error, use an optional `text` parameter.
3535 * - `options.showDataSavingSuccess(text)` - call this method to show that the data was successfully saved on the server.
3536 * - `options.showDataSavingClear` - call this method to hide the text about the saving progress.
3537 * - `options.isCompleteOnTrigger` - returns true if the survey is completed on "complete" trigger.
3538 */
3539 onComplete: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3540 /*
3541 * The event is fired before the survey is going to preview mode, state equals to `preview`. It happens when a user click on "Preview" button. It shows when "showPreviewBeforeComplete" proeprty equals to "showAllQuestions" or "showAnsweredQuestions".
3542 * You can prevent showing it by setting allowShowPreview to `false`.
3543 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3544 * - `options.allowShowPreview` - Specifies whether a user can see a preview. Set this property to `false` to prevent from showing the preview. The default value is `true`.
3545 */
3546 onShowingPreview: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3547 /*
3548 * The event is fired after a user clicks the 'Complete' button. The event allows you to specify the URL opened after completing a survey.
3549 * Specify the `navigateToUrl` property to make survey navigate to another url.
3550 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3551 * - `options.url` - Specifies a URL opened after completing a survey. Set this property to an empty string to cancel the navigation and show the completed survey page.
3552 */
3553 onNavigateToUrl: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3554 /*
3555 * The event is fired after the survey changed it's state from "starting" to "running". The "starting" state means that survey shows the started page.
3556 * The `firstPageIsStarted` property should be set to `true`, if you want to display a start page in your survey. In this case, an end user should click the "Start" button to start the survey.
3557 */
3558 onStarted: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3559 /*
3560 * The event is fired on clicking the 'Next' button if the `sendResultOnPageNext` is set to `true`. You can use it to save the intermediate results, for example, if your survey is large enough.
3561 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3562 */
3563 onPartialSend: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3564 /*
3565 * The event is fired before the current page changes to another page. Typically it happens when a user click the 'Next' or 'Prev' buttons.
3566 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3567 * - `option.oldCurrentPage` - the previous current/active page.
3568 * - `option.newCurrentPage` - a new current/active page.
3569 * - `option.allowChanging` - set it to `false` to disable the current page changing. It is `true` by default.
3570 * - `option.isNextPage` - commonly means, that end-user press the next page button. In general, it means that options.newCurrentPage is the next page after options.oldCurrentPage
3571 * - `option.isPrevPage` - commonly means, that end-user press the previous page button. In general, it means that options.newCurrentPage is the previous page before options.oldCurrentPage
3572 */
3573 onCurrentPageChanging: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3574 /*
3575 * The event is fired when the current page has been changed to another page. Typically it happens when a user click on 'Next' or 'Prev' buttons.
3576 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3577 * - `option.oldCurrentPage` - a previous current/active page.
3578 * - `option.newCurrentPage` - a new current/active page.
3579 * - `option.isNextPage` - commonly means, that end-user press the next page button. In general, it means that options.newCurrentPage is the next page after options.oldCurrentPage
3580 * - `option.isPrevPage` - commonly means, that end-user press the previous page button. In general, it means that options.newCurrentPage is the previous page before options.oldCurrentPage
3581 */
3582 onCurrentPageChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3583 /*
3584 * The event is fired before the question value (answer) is changed. It can be done via UI by a user or programmatically on calling the `setValue` method.
3585 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3586 * - `options.name` - the value name that has being changed.
3587 * - `options.question` - a question which `question.name` equals to the value name. If there are several questions with the same name, the first question is used. If there is no such questions, the `options.question` is null.
3588 * - `options.oldValue` - an old, previous value.
3589 * - `options.value` - a new value. You can change it.
3590 */
3591 onValueChanging: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3592 /*
3593 * The event is fired when the question value (i.e., answer) has been changed. The question value can be changed in UI (by a user) or programmatically (on calling `setValue` method).
3594 * Use the `onDynamicPanelItemValueChanged` and `onMatrixCellValueChanged` events to handle changes in a question in the Panel Dynamic and a cell question in matrices.
3595 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3596 * - `options.name` - the value name that has been changed.
3597 * - `options.question` - a question which `question.name` equals to the value name. If there are several questions with the same name, the first question is used. If there is no such questions, the `options.question` is `null`.
3598 * - `options.value` - a new value.
3599 */
3600 onValueChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3601 /*
3602 * The event is fired when setVariable function is called. It can be called on changing a calculated value.
3603 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3604 * - `options.name` - the variable name that has been changed.
3605 * - `options.value` - a new value.
3606 */
3607 onVariableChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3608 /*
3609 * The event is fired when a question visibility has been changed.
3610 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3611 * - `options.question` - a question which visibility has been changed.
3612 * - `options.name` - a question name.
3613 * - `options.visible` - a question `visible` boolean value.
3614 */
3615 onVisibleChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3616 /*
3617 * The event is fired on changing a page visibility.
3618 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3619 * - `options.page` - a page which visibility has been changed.
3620 * - `options.visible` - a page `visible` boolean value.
3621 */
3622 onPageVisibleChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3623 /*
3624 * The event is fired on changing a panel visibility.
3625 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3626 * - `options.panel` - a panel which visibility has been changed.
3627 * - `options.visible` - a panel `visible` boolean value.
3628 */
3629 onPanelVisibleChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3630 /*
3631 * The event is fired on creating a new question.
3632 * Unlike the onQuestionAdded event, this event calls for all question created in survey including inside: a page, panel, matrix cell, dynamic panel and multiple text.
3633 * or inside a matrix cell or it can be a text question in multiple text items or inside a panel of a panel dynamic.
3634 * You can use this event to set up properties to a question based on it's type for all questions, regardless where they are located, on the page or inside a matrix cell.
3635 * Please note: If you want to use this event for questions loaded from JSON then you have to create survey with empty/null JSON parameter, assign the event and call survey.fromJSON(yourJSON) function.
3636 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3637 * - `options.question` - a newly created question object.
3638 */
3639 onQuestionCreated: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3640 /*
3641 * The event is fired on adding a new question into survey.
3642 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3643 * - `options.question` - a newly added question object.
3644 * - `options.name` - a question name.
3645 * - `options.index` - an index of the question in the container (page or panel).
3646 * - `options.parentPanel` - a container where a new question is located. It can be a page or panel.
3647 * - `options.rootPanel` - typically, it is a page.
3648 */
3649 onQuestionAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3650 /*
3651 * The event is fired on removing a question from survey.
3652 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3653 * - `options.question` - a removed question object.
3654 * - `options.name` - a question name.
3655 */
3656 onQuestionRemoved: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3657 /*
3658 * The event is fired on adding a panel into survey.
3659 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3660 * - `options.panel` - a newly added panel object.
3661 * - `options.name` - a panel name.
3662 * - `options.index` - an index of the panel in the container (a page or panel).
3663 * - `options.parentPanel` - a container (a page or panel) where a new panel is located.
3664 * - `options.rootPanel` - a root container, typically it is a page.
3665 */
3666 onPanelAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3667 /*
3668 * The event is fired on removing a panel from survey.
3669 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3670 * - `options.panel` - a removed panel object.
3671 * - `options.name` - a panel name.
3672 */
3673 onPanelRemoved: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3674 /*
3675 * The event is fired on adding a page into survey.
3676 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3677 * - `options.page` - a newly added `panel` object.
3678 */
3679 onPageAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3680 /*
3681 * The event is fired on validating value in a question. You can specify a custom error message using `options.error`. The survey blocks completing the survey or going to the next page when the error messages are displayed.
3682 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3683 * - `options.question` - a validated question.
3684 * - `options.name` - a question name.
3685 * - `options.value` - the current question value (answer).
3686 * - `options.error` - an error string. It is empty by default.
3687 */
3688 onValidateQuestion: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3689 /*
3690 * The event is fired before errors are assigned to a question. You may add/remove/modify errors for a question.
3691 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3692 * - `options.question` - a validated question.
3693 * - `options.errors` - the list of errors. The list is empty by default and remains empty if a validated question has no errors.
3694 */
3695 onSettingQuestionErrors: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3696 /*
3697 * Use this event to validate data on your server.
3698 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3699 * - `options.data` - the values of all non-empty questions on the current page. You can get a question value as `options.data["myQuestionName"]`.
3700 * - `options.errors` - set your errors to this object as: `options.errors["myQuestionName"] = "Error text";`. It will be shown as a question error.
3701 * - `options.complete()` - call this function to tell survey that your server callback has been processed.
3702 */
3703 onServerValidateQuestions: any;
3704 /*
3705 * The event is fired on validating a panel. Set your error to `options.error` and survey will show the error for the panel and block completing the survey or going to the next page.
3706 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3707 * - `options.name` - a panel name.
3708 * - `options.error` - an error string. It is empty by default.
3709 */
3710 onValidatePanel: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3711 /*
3712 * Use the event to change the default error text.
3713 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3714 * - `options.text` - an error text.
3715 * - `options.error` - an instance of the `SurveyError` object.
3716 * - `options.obj` - an instance of Question, Panel or Survey object to where error is located.
3717 * - `options.name` - the error name. The following error names are available:
3718 * required, requireoneanswer, requirenumeric, exceedsize, webrequest, webrequestempty, otherempty,
3719 * uploadingfile, requiredinallrowserror, minrowcounterror, keyduplicationerror, custom
3720 */
3721 onErrorCustomText: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3722 /*
3723 * Use the this event to be notified when the survey finished validate questions on the current page. It commonly happens when a user try to go to the next page or complete the survey
3724 * options.questions - the list of questions that have errors
3725 * options.errors - the list of errors
3726 * options.page - the page where question(s) are located
3727 */
3728 onValidatedErrorsOnCurrentPage: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3729 /*
3730 * Use this event to modify the HTML content before rendering, for example `completeHtml` or `loadingHtml`.
3731 * - `options.html` - specifies the modified HTML content.
3732 */
3733 onProcessHtml: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3734 /*
3735 * Use this event to change the question title in code. If you want to remove question numbering then set showQuestionNumbers to "off".
3736 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3737 * - `options.title` - a calculated question title, based on question `title`, `name`.
3738 * - `options.question` - a question object.
3739 */
3740 onGetQuestionTitle: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3741 /*
3742 * Use this event to change the element title tag name that renders by default.
3743 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3744 * - `options.element` - an element (question, panel, page and survey) that SurveyJS is going to render.
3745 * - `options.tagName` - an element title tagName that are used to render a title. You can change it from the default value.
3746 */
3747 onGetTitleTagName: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3748 /*
3749 * Use this event to change the question no in code. If you want to remove question numbering then set showQuestionNumbers to "off".
3750 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3751 * - `options.no` - a calculated question no, based on question `visibleIndex`, survey `.questionStartIndex` properties. You can change it.
3752 * - `options.question` - a question object.
3753 */
3754 onGetQuestionNo: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3755 /*
3756 * Use this event to change the progress text in code.
3757 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3758 * - `options.text` - a progress text, that SurveyJS will render in progress bar.
3759 * - `options.questionCount` - a number of questions that have input(s). We do not count html or expression questions
3760 * - `options.answeredQuestionCount` - a number of questions that have input(s) and an user has answered.
3761 * - `options.requiredQuestionCount` - a number of required questions that have input(s). We do not count html or expression questions
3762 * - `options.requiredAnsweredQuestionCount` - a number of required questions that have input(s) and an user has answered.
3763 */
3764 onProgressText: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3765 /*
3766 * Use this event to process the markdown text.
3767 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3768 * - `options.element` - SurveyJS element (a question, panel, page, or survey) where the string is going to be rendered.
3769 * - `options.name` - a property name is going to be rendered.
3770 * - `options.text` - a text that is going to be rendered.
3771 * - `options.html` - an HTML content. It is `null` by default. Use this property to specify the HTML content rendered instead of `options.text`.
3772 */
3773 onTextMarkdown: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3774 /*
3775 * Use this event to specity render component name used for text rendering.
3776 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3777 * - `options.element` - SurveyJS element (a question, panel, page, or survey) where the string is going to be rendered.
3778 * - `options.name` - a property name is going to be rendered.
3779 * - `options.renderAs` - a component name used for text rendering.
3780 */
3781 onTextRenderAs: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3782 /*
3783 * The event fires when it gets response from the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service on saving survey results. Use it to find out if the results have been saved successfully.
3784 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3785 * - `options.success` - it is `true` if the results has been sent to the service successfully.
3786 * - `options.response` - a response from the service.
3787 */
3788 onSendResult: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3789 /*
3790 * Use it to get results after calling the `getResult` method. It returns a simple analytics from [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
3791 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3792 * - `options.success` - it is `true` if the results were got from the service successfully.
3793 * - `options.data` - the object `{AnswersCount, QuestionResult : {} }`. `AnswersCount` is the number of posted survey results. `QuestionResult` is an object with all possible unique answers to the question and number of these answers.
3794 * - `options.dataList` - an array of objects `{name, value}`, where `name` is a unique value/answer to the question and `value` is a number/count of such answers.
3795 * - `options.response` - the server response.
3796 */
3797 onGetResult: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3798 /*
3799 * The event is fired on uploading the file in QuestionFile when `storeDataAsText` is set to `false`. Use this event to change the uploaded file name or to prevent a particular file from being uploaded.
3800 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3801 * - `options.question` - the file question instance.
3802 * - `options.name` - the question name.
3803 * - `options.files` - the Javascript File objects array to upload.
3804 * - `options.callback` - a callback function to get the file upload status and the updloaded file content.
3805 */
3806 onUploadFiles: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3807 /*
3808 * The event is fired on downloading a file in QuestionFile. Use this event to pass the file to a preview.
3809 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3810 * - `options.name` - the question name.
3811 * - `options.content` - the file content.
3812 * - `options.fileValue` - single file question value.
3813 * - `options.callback` - a callback function to get the file downloading status and the downloaded file content.
3814 */
3815 onDownloadFile: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3816 /*
3817 * This event is fired on clearing the value in a QuestionFile. Use this event to remove files stored on your server.
3818 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3819 * - `question` - the question instance.
3820 * - `options.name` - the question name.
3821 * - `options.value` - the question value.
3822 * - `options.fileName` - a removed file's name, set it to `null` to clear all files.
3823 * - `options.callback` - a callback function to get the operation status.
3824 */
3825 onClearFiles: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3826 /*
3827 * The event is fired after choices for radiogroup, checkbox, and dropdown has been loaded from a RESTful service and before they are assigned to a question.
3828 * You may change the choices, before they are assigned or disable/enabled make visible/invisible question, based on loaded results.
3829 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3830 * - `question` - the question where loaded choices are going to be assigned.
3831 * - `choices` - the loaded choices. You can change the loaded choices to before they are assigned to question.
3832 * - `serverResult` - a result that comes from the server as it is.
3833 */
3834 onLoadChoicesFromServer: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3835 /*
3836 * The event is fired after survey is loaded from api.surveyjs.io service.
3837 * You can use this event to perform manipulation with the survey model after it was loaded from the web service.
3838 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3839 */
3840 onLoadedSurveyFromService: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3841 /*
3842 * The event is fired on processing the text when it finds a text in brackets: `{somevalue}`. By default, it uses the value of survey question values and variables.
3843 * For example, you may use the text processing in loading choices from the web. If your `choicesByUrl.url` equals to "UrlToServiceToGetAllCities/{country}/{state}",
3844 * you may set on this event `options.value` to "all" or empty string when the "state" value/question is non selected by a user.
3845 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3846 * - `options.name` - the name of the processing value, for example, "state" in our example.
3847 * - `options.value` - the value of the processing text.
3848 * - `options.isExists` - a boolean value. Set it to `true` if you want to use the value and set it to `false` if you don't.
3849 */
3850 onProcessTextValue: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3851 /*
3852 * The event is fired before rendering a question. Use it to override the default question CSS classes.
3853 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3854 * - `options.question` - a question for which you can change the CSS classes.
3855 * - `options.cssClasses` - an object with CSS classes. For example `{root: "table", button: "button"}`. You can change them to your own CSS classes.
3856 */
3857 onUpdateQuestionCssClasses: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3858 /*
3859 * The event is fired before rendering a panel. Use it to override the default panel CSS classes.
3860 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3861 * - `options.panel` - a panel for which you can change the CSS classes.
3862 * - `options.cssClasses` - an object with CSS classes. For example `{title: "sv_p_title", description: "small"}`. You can change them to your own CSS classes.
3863 */
3864 onUpdatePanelCssClasses: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3865 /*
3866 * The event is fired before rendering a page. Use it to override the default page CSS classes.
3867 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3868 * - `options.page` - a page for which you can change the CSS classes.
3869 * - `options.cssClasses` - an object with CSS classes. For example `{title: "sv_p_title", description: "small"}`. You can change them to your own CSS classes.
3870 */
3871 onUpdatePageCssClasses: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3872 /*
3873 * The event is fired before rendering a choice item in radiogroup, checkbox or dropdown questions. Use it to override the default choice item css.
3874 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3875 * - `options.question` - a question where choice item is rendered.
3876 * - `options.item` - a choice item of ItemValue type. You can get value or text choice properties as options.item.value or options.choice.text
3877 * - `options.css` - a string with css classes divided by space. You can change it.
3878 */
3879 onUpdateChoiceItemCss: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3880 /*
3881 * The event is fired right after survey is rendered in DOM.
3882 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3883 * - `options.htmlElement` - a root HTML element bound to the survey object.
3884 */
3885 onAfterRenderSurvey: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3886 /*
3887 * The event is fired right after a page is rendered in DOM. Use it to modify HTML elements.
3888 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3889 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the survey header object.
3890 */
3891 onAfterRenderHeader: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3892 /*
3893 * The event is fired right after a page is rendered in DOM. Use it to modify HTML elements.
3894 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3895 * - `options.page` - a page object for which the event is fired. Typically the current/active page.
3896 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the page object.
3897 */
3898 onAfterRenderPage: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3899 /*
3900 * The event is fired right after a question is rendered in DOM. Use it to modify HTML elements.
3901 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3902 * - `options.question` - a question object for which the event is fired.
3903 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the question object.
3904 */
3905 onAfterRenderQuestion: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3906 /*
3907 * The event is fired right after a non-composite question (text, comment, dropdown, radiogroup, checkbox) is rendered in DOM. Use it to modify HTML elements.
3908 * This event is not fired for matrices, panels, multiple text and image picker.
3909 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3910 * - `options.question` - a question object for which the event is fired.
3911 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the question object.
3912 */
3913 onAfterRenderQuestionInput: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3914 /*
3915 * The event is fired right after a panel is rendered in DOM. Use it to modify HTML elements.
3916 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3917 * - `options.panel` - a panel object for which the event is fired
3918 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the panel object
3919 */
3920 onAfterRenderPanel: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3921 /*
3922 * The event occurs when an element within a question gets focus.
3923 * - `sender` - A [survey](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=surveymodel) object that fires the event.
3924 * - `options.question` - A [question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) whose child element gets focus.
3925 */
3926 onFocusInQuestion: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3927 /*
3928 * The event occurs when an element within a panel gets focus.
3929 * - `sender` - A [survey](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=surveymodel) object that fires the event.
3930 * - `options.panel` - A [panel](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=PanelModelBase) whose child element gets focus.
3931 */
3932 onFocusInPanel: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3933 /*
3934 * Use this event to change the visibility of an individual choice item in [Checkbox](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncheckboxmodel), [Dropdown](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiondropdownmodel), [Radiogroup](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionradiogroupmodel), and other similar question types.
3935 *
3936 * The event handler accepts the following arguments:
3937 *
3938 * - `sender` - A Survey instance that raised the event.
3939 * - `options.question` - A Question instance to which the choice item belongs.
3940 * - `options.item` - The choice item as specified in the [choices](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=QuestionSelectBase#choices) array.
3941 * - `options.visible` - A Boolean value that specifies the item visibility. Set it to `false` to hide the item.
3942 */
3943 onShowingChoiceItem: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3944 /*
3945 * The event is fired on adding a new row in Matrix Dynamic question.
3946 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3947 * - `options.question` - a matrix question.
3948 * - `options.row` - a new added row.
3949 */
3950 onMatrixRowAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3951 /*
3952 * The event is fired before adding a new row in Matrix Dynamic question.
3953 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3954 * - `options.question` - a matrix question.
3955 * - `options.canAddRow` - specifies whether a new row can be added
3956 */
3957 onMatrixBeforeRowAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3958 /*
3959 * The event is fired before removing a row from Matrix Dynamic question. You can disable removing and clear the data instead.
3960 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3961 * - `options.question` - a matrix question.
3962 * - `options.rowIndex` - a row index.
3963 * - `options.row` - a row object.
3964 * - `options.allow` - a boolean property. Set it to `false` to disable the row removing.
3965 */
3966 onMatrixRowRemoving: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3967 /*
3968 * The event is fired on removing a row from Matrix Dynamic question.
3969 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3970 * - `options.question` - a matrix question
3971 * - `options.rowIndex` - a removed row index
3972 * - `options.row` - a removed row object
3973 */
3974 onMatrixRowRemoved: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3975 /*
3976 * The event is fired before rendering "Remove" button for removing a row from Matrix Dynamic question.
3977 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event
3978 * - `options.question` - a matrix question.
3979 * - `options.rowIndex` - a row index.
3980 * - `options.row` - a row object.
3981 * - `options.allow` - a boolean property. Set it to `false` to disable the row removing.
3982 */
3983 onMatrixAllowRemoveRow: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3984 /*
3985 * The event is fired before creating cell question in the matrix. You can change the cell question type by setting different options.cellType.
3986 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3987 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
3988 * - `options.cellType` - the cell question type. You can change it.
3989 * - `options.rowValue` - the value of the current row. To access a particular column's value within the current row, use: `options.rowValue["columnValue"]`.
3990 * - `options.column` - the matrix column object.
3991 * - `options.columnName` - the matrix column name.
3992 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
3993 */
3994 onMatrixCellCreating: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
3995 /*
3996 * The event is fired for every cell created in Matrix Dynamic and Matrix Dropdown questions.
3997 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
3998 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
3999 * - `options.cell` - the matrix cell.
4000 * - `options.cellQuestion` - the question/editor in the cell. You may customize it, change it's properties, like choices or visible.
4001 * - `options.rowValue` - the value of the current row. To access a particular column's value within the current row, use: `options.rowValue["columnValue"]`.
4002 * - `options.column` - the matrix column object.
4003 * - `options.columnName` - the matrix column name.
4004 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
4005 */
4006 onMatrixCellCreated: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4007 /*
4008 * The event is fired for every cell after is has been rendered in DOM.
4009 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4010 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
4011 * - `options.cell` - the matrix cell.
4012 * - `options.cellQuestion` - the question/editor in the cell.
4013 * - `options.htmlElement` - an HTML element bound to the `cellQuestion` object.
4014 * - `options.column` - the matrix column object.
4015 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
4016 */
4017 onMatrixAfterCellRender: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4018 /*
4019 * The event is fired when cell value is changed in Matrix Dynamic and Matrix Dropdown questions.
4020 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4021 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
4022 * - `options.columnName` - the matrix column name.
4023 * - `options.value` - a new value.
4024 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
4025 * - `options.getCellQuestion(columnName)` - the function that returns the cell question by column name.
4026 */
4027 onMatrixCellValueChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4028 /*
4029 * The event is fired on changing cell value in Matrix Dynamic and Matrix Dropdown questions. You may change the `options.value` property to change a cell value.
4030 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4031 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
4032 * - `options.columnName` - the matrix column name.
4033 * - `options.value` - a new value.
4034 * - `options.oldValue` - the old value.
4035 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
4036 * - `options.getCellQuestion(columnName)` - the function that returns a cell question by column name.
4037 */
4038 onMatrixCellValueChanging: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4039 /*
4040 * The event is fired when Matrix Dynamic and Matrix Dropdown questions validate the cell value.
4041 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4042 * - `options.error` - an error string. It is empty by default.
4043 * - `options.question` - the matrix question.
4044 * - `options.columnName` - the matrix column name.
4045 * - `options.value` - a cell value.
4046 * - `options.row` - the matrix row object.
4047 * - `options.getCellQuestion(columnName)` - the function that returns the cell question by column name.
4048 */
4049 onMatrixCellValidate: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4050 /*
4051 * The event is fired on adding a new panel in Panel Dynamic question.
4052 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4053 * - `options.question` - a panel question.
4054 * - `options.panel` - an added panel.
4055 */
4056 onDynamicPanelAdded: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4057 /*
4058 * The event is fired on removing a panel from Panel Dynamic question.
4059 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4060 * - `options.question` - a panel question.
4061 * - `options.panelIndex` - a removed panel index.
4062 * - `options.panel` - a removed panel.
4063 */
4064 onDynamicPanelRemoved: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4065 /*
4066 * The event is fired every second if the method `startTimer` has been called.
4067 */
4068 onTimer: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4069 /*
4070 * The event is fired before displaying a new information in the Timer Panel. Use it to change the default text.
4071 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4072 * - `options.text` - the timer panel info text.
4073 */
4074 onTimerPanelInfoText: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4075 /*
4076 * The event is fired when item value is changed in Panel Dynamic question.
4077 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4078 * - `options.question` - the panel question.
4079 * - `options.panel` - the dynamic panel item.
4080 * - `options.name` - the item name.
4081 * - `options.value` - a new value.
4082 * - `options.itemIndex` - the panel item index.
4083 * - `options.itemValue` - the panel item object.
4084 */
4085 onDynamicPanelItemValueChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4086 /*
4087 * Use this event to define, whether an answer to a question is correct or not.
4088 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4089 * - `options.question` - a question on which you have to decide if the answer is correct or not.
4090 * - `options.result` - returns `true`, if an answer is correct, or `false`, if the answer is not correct. Use questions' `value` and `correctAnswer` properties to return the correct value.
4091 * - `options.correctAnswers` - you may change the default number of correct or incorrect answers in the question, for example for matrix, where each row is a quiz question.
4092 */
4093 onIsAnswerCorrect: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4094 /*
4095 * Use this event to control drag&drop operations during design mode.
4096 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4097 * - `options.allow` - set it to `false` to disable dragging.
4098 * - `options.target` - a target element that is dragged.
4099 * - `options.source` - a source element. It can be `null`, if it is a new element, dragging from toolbox.
4100 * - `options.parent` - a page or panel where target element is dragging.
4101 * - `options.insertBefore` - an element before the target element is dragging. It can be `null` if parent container (page or panel) is empty or dragging an element after the last element in a container.
4102 * - `options.insertAfter` - an element after the target element is dragging. It can be `null` if parent container (page or panel) is empty or dragging element to the first position within the parent container.
4103 */
4104 onDragDropAllow: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4105 /*
4106 * Use this event to control scrolling element to top. You can cancel the default behavior by setting options.cancel property to true.
4107 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4108 * - `options.element` - an element that is going to be scrolled on top.
4109 * - `options.question` - a question that is going to be scrolled on top. It can be null if options.page is not null.
4110 * - `options.page` - a page that is going to be scrolled on top. It can be null if options.question is not null.
4111 * - `options.elementId` - the unique element DOM Id.
4112 * - `options.cancel` - set this property to true to cancel the default scrolling.
4113 */
4114 onScrollingElementToTop: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4115 onLocaleChangedEvent: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4116 /*
4117 * Use this event to create/customize actions to be displayed in a question's title.
4118 * - `sender` - A [Survey](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=SurveyModel) object that fires the event.
4119 * - `options.question` - A [Question](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question) object for which the event is fired.
4120 * - `options.titleActions` - A list of actions ([IAction](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=IAction) objects) associated with the processed question.
4121 */
4122 onGetQuestionTitleActions: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4123 /*
4124 * Use this event to create/customize actions to be displayed in a panel's title.
4125 * - `sender` - A survey object that fires the event.
4126 * - `options.panel` - A panel ([PanelModel](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=panelmodel) object) for which the event is fired.
4127 * - `options.titleActions` - A list of actions ([IAction](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=IAction) objects) associated with the processed panel.
4128 */
4129 onGetPanelTitleActions: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4130 /*
4131 * Use this event to create/customize actions to be displayed in a page's title.
4132 * - `sender` - A survey object that fires the event.
4133 * - `options.page` - A page ([PageModel](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=pagemodel) object) for which the event is fired.
4134 * - `options.titleActions` - A list of actions ([IAction](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=IAction) objects) associated with the processed page.
4135 */
4136 onGetPageTitleActions: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4137 /*
4138 * Use this event to create/customize actions to be displayed in a matrix question's row.
4139 * - `sender` - A survey object that fires the event.
4140 * - `options.question` - A matrix question ([QuestionMatrixBaseModel](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixbasemodel) object) for which the event is fired.
4141 * - `options.row` - A matrix row for which the event is fired.
4142 * - `options.actions` - A list of actions ([IAction](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=IAction) objects) associated with the processed matrix question and row.
4143 */
4144 onGetMatrixRowActions: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4145 /*
4146 * The event is fired after the survey element content was collapsed or expanded.
4147 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4148 * - `options.element` - Specifies which survey element content was collapsed or expanded.
4149 */
4150 onElementContentVisibilityChanged: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4151 /*
4152 * The event is fired before expression question convert it's value into display value for rendering.
4153 * - `sender` - the survey object that fires the event.
4154 * - `options.question` - The expression question.
4155 * - `options.value` - The question value.
4156 * - `options.displayValue` - the display value that you can change before rendering.
4157 */
4158 onGetExpressionDisplayValue: EventBase<SurveyModel>;
4159 /*
4160 * The list of errors on loading survey JSON. If the list is empty after loading a JSON, then the JSON is correct and has no errors.
4161 */
4162 jsonErrors: any;
4163 getType(): string;
4164 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
4165 /*
4166 * Returns a list of all pages in the survey, including invisible pages.
4167 */
4168 get pages(): any;
4169 renderCallback: any;
4170 render(element?: any): void;
4171 updateSurvey(newProps: any, oldProps?: any): void;
4172 getCss(): any;
4173 cssValue: any;
4174 get css(): any;
4175 set css(val: any);
4176 get cssTitle(): string;
4177 get cssNavigationComplete(): string;
4178 get cssNavigationPreview(): string;
4179 get cssNavigationEdit(): string;
4180 get cssNavigationPrev(): string;
4181 get cssNavigationStart(): string;
4182 get cssNavigationNext(): string;
4183 get bodyCss(): string;
4184 completedCss: string;
4185 containerCss: string;
4186 get completedStateCss(): string;
4187 getCompletedStateCss(): string;
4188 lazyRenderingValue: boolean;
4189 showBrandInfo: boolean;
4190 /*
4191 * By default all rows are rendered no matters if they are visible or not.
4192 * Set it true, and survey markup rows will be rendered only if they are visible in viewport.
4193 * This feature is experimantal and might do not support all the use cases.
4194 */
4195 get lazyRendering(): boolean;
4196 set lazyRendering(val: boolean);
4197 get isLazyRendering(): boolean;
4198 /*
4199 * Gets or sets a list of triggers in the survey.
4200 */
4201 get triggers(): any;
4202 set triggers(val: any);
4203 /*
4204 * Gets or sets a list of calculated values in the survey.
4205 */
4206 get calculatedValues(): any;
4207 set calculatedValues(val: any);
4208 /*
4209 * Gets or sets an identifier of a survey model loaded from the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service. When specified, the survey JSON is automatically loaded from [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
4210 */
4211 get surveyId(): string;
4212 set surveyId(val: string);
4213 /*
4214 * Gets or sets an identifier of a survey model saved to the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service. When specified, the survey data is automatically saved to the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
4215 */
4216 get surveyPostId(): string;
4217 set surveyPostId(val: string);
4218 /*
4219 * Gets or sets user's identifier (e.g., e-mail or unique customer id) in your web application.
4220 * If you load survey or post survey results from/to [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service, then the library do not allow users to run the same survey the second time.
4221 * On the second run, the user will see the survey complete page.
4222 */
4223 get clientId(): string;
4224 set clientId(val: string);
4225 /*
4226 * Gets or sets a cookie name used to save information about completing the survey.
4227 * If the property is not empty, before starting the survey, the Survey library checks if the cookie with this name exists.
4228 * If it is `true`, the survey goes to complete mode and a user sees the survey complete page. On completing the survey the cookie with this name is created.
4229 */
4230 get cookieName(): string;
4231 set cookieName(val: string);
4232 /*
4233 * Gets or sets whether to save survey results on completing every page. If the property value is set to `true`, the `onPartialSend` event is fired.
4234 */
4235 get sendResultOnPageNext(): boolean;
4236 set sendResultOnPageNext(val: boolean);
4237 /*
4238 * Gets or sets whether to show the progress on saving/sending data into the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
4239 */
4240 get surveyShowDataSaving(): boolean;
4241 set surveyShowDataSaving(val: boolean);
4242 /*
4243 * Gets or sets whether the first input is focused on showing a next or a previous page.
4244 */
4245 get focusFirstQuestionAutomatic(): boolean;
4246 set focusFirstQuestionAutomatic(val: boolean);
4247 /*
4248 * Gets or sets whether the first input is focused if the current page has errors.
4249 * Set this property to `false` (the default value is `true`) if you do not want to bring the focus to the first question that has error on the page.
4250 */
4251 get focusOnFirstError(): boolean;
4252 set focusOnFirstError(val: boolean);
4253 /*
4254 * Gets or sets the navigation buttons position.
4255 * Possible values: 'bottom' (default), 'top', 'both' and 'none'. Set it to 'none' to hide 'Prev', 'Next' and 'Complete' buttons.
4256 * It makes sense if you are going to create a custom navigation, have only a single page, or the `goNextPageAutomatic` property is set to `true`.
4257 */
4258 get showNavigationButtons(): any;
4259 set showNavigationButtons(val: any);
4260 /*
4261 * Gets or sets whether the Survey displays "Prev" button in its pages. Set it to `false` to prevent end-users from going back to their answers.
4262 */
4263 get showPrevButton(): boolean;
4264 set showPrevButton(val: boolean);
4265 /*
4266 * Gets or sets whether the Survey displays survey title in its pages. Set it to `false` to hide a survey title.
4267 */
4268 get showTitle(): boolean;
4269 set showTitle(val: boolean);
4270 /*
4271 * Gets or sets whether the Survey displays page titles. Set it to `false` to hide page titles.
4272 */
4273 get showPageTitles(): boolean;
4274 set showPageTitles(val: boolean);
4275 /*
4276 * On finishing the survey the complete page is shown. Set the property to `false`, to hide the complete page.
4277 */
4278 get showCompletedPage(): boolean;
4279 set showCompletedPage(val: boolean);
4280 /*
4281 * Set this property to a url you want to navigate after a user completing the survey.
4282 * By default it uses after calling onComplete event. In case calling options.showDataSaving callback in onComplete event, navigateToUrl will be used on calling options.showDataSavingSuccess callback.
4283 */
4284 get navigateToUrl(): string;
4285 set navigateToUrl(val: string);
4286 /*
4287 * Gets or sets a list of URL condition items. If the expression of this item returns `true`, then survey will navigate to the item URL.
4288 */
4289 get navigateToUrlOnCondition(): any;
4290 set navigateToUrlOnCondition(val: any);
4291 getNavigateToUrl(): string;
4292 /*
4293 * Gets or sets the required question mark. The required question mark is a char or string that is rendered in the required questions' titles.
4294 */
4295 get requiredText(): string;
4296 set requiredText(val: string);
4297 /*
4298 * Gets or sets whether to hide all required errors.
4299 */
4300 hideRequiredErrors: boolean;
4301 beforeSettingQuestionErrors(question: IQuestion, errors: any): void;
4302 beforeSettingPanelErrors(question: IPanel, errors: any): void;
4303 /*
4304 * Gets or sets the first question index. The first question index is '1' by default. You may start it from '100' or from 'A', by setting '100' or 'A' to this property.
4305 * You can set the start index to "(1)" or "# A)" or "a)" to render question number as (1), # A) and a) accordingly.
4306 */
4307 get questionStartIndex(): string;
4308 set questionStartIndex(val: string);
4309 /*
4310 * Gets or sets whether the "Others" option text is stored as question comment.
4311 *
4312 * By default the entered text in the "Others" input in the checkbox/radiogroup/dropdown is stored as `"question name " + "-Comment"`. The value itself is `"question name": "others"`.
4313 * Set this property to `false`, to store the entered text directly in the `"question name"` key.
4314 */
4315 get storeOthersAsComment(): boolean;
4316 set storeOthersAsComment(val: boolean);
4317 /*
4318 * Specifies the default maximum length for questions like text and comment, including matrix cell questions.
4319 *
4320 * The default value is `0`, that means that the text and comment have the same max length as the standard HTML input - 524288 characters: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_maxlength.asp.
4321 */
4322 get maxTextLength(): number;
4323 set maxTextLength(val: number);
4324 /*
4325 * Gets or sets the default maximum length for question comments and others
4326 *
4327 * The default value is `0`, that means that the question comments have the same max length as the standard HTML input - 524288 characters: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_maxlength.asp.
4328 */
4329 get maxOthersLength(): number;
4330 set maxOthersLength(val: number);
4331 /*
4332 * Gets or ses whether a user can navigate the next page automatically after answering all the questions on a page without pressing the "Next" button.
4333 * The available options:
4334 *
4335 * - `true` - navigate the next page and submit survey data automatically.
4336 * - `autogonext` - navigate the next page automatically but do not submit survey data.
4337 * - `false` - do not navigate the next page and do not submit survey data automatically.
4338 */
4339 get goNextPageAutomatic(): boolean | "autogonext";
4340 set goNextPageAutomatic(val: boolean | "autogonext");
4341 /*
4342 * Gets or sets whether a survey is automatically completed when `goNextPageAutomatic = true`. Set it to `false` if you do not want to submit survey automatically on completing the last survey page.
4343 */
4344 get allowCompleteSurveyAutomatic(): boolean;
4345 set allowCompleteSurveyAutomatic(val: boolean);
4346 /*
4347 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the survey validates the question answers.
4348 *
4349 * The following options are available:
4350 *
4351 * - `onNextPage` (default) - check errors on navigating to the next page or on completing the survey.
4352 * - `onValueChanged` - check errors on every question value (i.e., answer) changing.
4353 * - `onValueChanging` - check errors before setting value into survey. If there is an error, then survey data is not changed, but question value will be keeped.
4354 * - `onComplete` - to validate all visible questions on complete button click. If there are errors on previous pages, then the page with the first error becomes the current.
4355 */
4356 get checkErrorsMode(): string;
4357 set checkErrorsMode(val: string);
4358 /*
4359 * Specifies whether the text area of [comment](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncommentmodel) questions/elements automatically expands its height to avoid the vertical scrollbar and to display the entire multi-line contents entered by respondents.
4360 * Default value is false.
4361 */
4362 get autoGrowComment(): boolean;
4363 set autoGrowComment(val: boolean);
4364 /*
4365 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the survey updates its questions' text values.
4366 *
4367 * The following options are available:
4368 *
4369 * - `onBlur` (default) - the value is updated after an input loses the focus.
4370 * - `onTyping` - update the value of text questions, "text" and "comment", on every key press.
4371 *
4372 * Note, that setting to "onTyping" may lead to a performance degradation, in case you have many expressions in the survey.
4373 */
4374 get textUpdateMode(): string;
4375 set textUpdateMode(val: string);
4376 /*
4377 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the invisible data is included in survey data.
4378 *
4379 * The following options are available:
4380 *
4381 * - `none` - include the invisible values into the survey data.
4382 * - `onHidden` - clear the question value when it becomes invisible. If a question has value and it was invisible initially then survey clears the value on completing.
4383 * - `onHiddenContainer` - clear the question value when it or its parent (page or panel) becomes invisible. If a question has value and it was invisible initially then survey clears the value on completing.
4384 * - `onComplete` (default) - clear invisible question values on survey complete. In this case, the invisible questions will not be stored on the server.
4385 */
4386 get clearInvisibleValues(): any;
4387 set clearInvisibleValues(val: any);
4388 /*
4389 * Call this function to remove all question values from the survey, that end-user will not be able to enter.
4390 * For example the value that doesn't exists in a radiogroup/dropdown/checkbox choices or matrix rows/columns.
4391 * Please note, this function doesn't clear values for invisible questions or values that doesn't associated with questions.
4392 * In fact this function just call clearIncorrectValues function of all questions in the survey
4393 */
4394 clearIncorrectValues(removeNonExisingRootKeys?: boolean): void;
4395 /*
4396 * Gets or sets the survey locale. The default value it is empty, this means the 'en' locale is used.
4397 * You can set it to 'de' - German, 'fr' - French and so on. The library has built-in localization for several languages. The library has a multi-language support as well.
4398 */
4399 get locale(): string;
4400 set locale(val: string);
4401 /*
4402 * Returns an array of locales that are used in the survey's translation.
4403 */
4404 getUsedLocales(): Array<any>;
4405 localeChanged(): void;
4406 getLocale(): string;
4407 locStrsChanged(): void;
4408 getMarkdownHtml(text: string, name: string): string;
4409 getRenderer(name: string): string;
4410 getRendererContext(locStr: LocalizableString): LocalizableString;
4411 getRendererForString(element: Base, name: string): string;
4412 getRendererContextForString(element: Base, locStr: LocalizableString): LocalizableString;
4413 getExpressionDisplayValue(question: IQuestion, value: any, displayValue: string): string;
4414 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
4415 getLocString(str: string): string;
4416 getErrorCustomText(text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
4417 getSurveyErrorCustomText(obj: Base, text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
4418 /*
4419 * Returns the text that is displayed when there are no any visible pages and questiona.
4420 */
4421 get emptySurveyText(): string;
4422 /*
4423 * Gets or sets a survey logo.
4424 */
4425 get logo(): string;
4426 set logo(val: string);
4427 get locLogo(): LocalizableString;
4428 /*
4429 * Gets or sets a survey logo width.
4430 */
4431 get logoWidth(): any;
4432 set logoWidth(val: any);
4433 /*
4434 * Gets or sets a survey logo height.
4435 */
4436 get logoHeight(): any;
4437 set logoHeight(val: any);
4438 /*
4439 * Gets or sets a survey logo position.
4440 */
4441 get logoPosition(): string;
4442 set logoPosition(val: string);
4443 get hasLogo(): boolean;
4444 get isLogoBefore(): boolean;
4445 get isLogoAfter(): boolean;
4446 get logoClassNames(): string;
4447 get renderedHasTitle(): boolean;
4448 get renderedHasDescription(): boolean;
4449 get hasTitle(): boolean;
4450 get renderedHasLogo(): boolean;
4451 get renderedHasHeader(): boolean;
4452 /*
4453 * The logo fit mode.
4454 */
4455 get logoFit(): string;
4456 set logoFit(val: string);
4457 _isMobile: boolean;
4458 setIsMobile(newVal?: boolean): void;
4459 protected isLogoImageChoosen(): string;
4460 get titleMaxWidth(): string;
4461 /*
4462 * Gets or sets the HTML content displayed on the complete page. Use this property to change the default complete page text.
4463 */
4464 get completedHtml(): string;
4465 set completedHtml(val: string);
4466 get locCompletedHtml(): LocalizableString;
4467 /*
4468 * The list of HTML condition items. If the expression of this item returns `true`, then a survey will use this item HTML instead of `completedHtml`.
4469 */
4470 get completedHtmlOnCondition(): any;
4471 set completedHtmlOnCondition(val: any);
4472 /*
4473 * Calculates a given expression and returns a result value.
4474 */
4475 runExpression(expression: string): any;
4476 /*
4477 * Calculates a given expression and returns `true` or `false`.
4478 */
4479 runCondition(expression: string): boolean;
4480 /*
4481 * Run all triggers that performs on value changed and not on moving to the next page.
4482 */
4483 runTriggers(): void;
4484 get renderedCompletedHtml(): string;
4485 /*
4486 * The HTML content displayed to an end user that has already completed the survey.
4487 */
4488 get completedBeforeHtml(): string;
4489 set completedBeforeHtml(val: string);
4490 get locCompletedBeforeHtml(): LocalizableString;
4491 /*
4492 * The HTML that shows on loading survey Json from the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
4493 */
4494 get loadingHtml(): string;
4495 set loadingHtml(val: string);
4496 get locLoadingHtml(): LocalizableString;
4497 /*
4498 * Default value for loadingHtml property
4499 */
4500 get defaultLoadingHtml(): string;
4501 get navigationBar(): any;
4502 /*
4503 * Adds a custom navigation item similar to the Previous Page, Next Page, and Complete buttons.
4504 * Accepts an object described in the [IAction](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=IAction) help section.
4505 */
4506 addNavigationItem(val: IAction): Action;
4507 /*
4508 * Gets or sets the 'Start' button caption.
4509 * The 'Start' button is shown on the started page. Set the `firstPageIsStarted` property to `true`, to display the started page.
4510 */
4511 get startSurveyText(): string;
4512 set startSurveyText(val: string);
4513 get locStartSurveyText(): LocalizableString;
4514 /*
4515 * Gets or sets the 'Prev' button caption.
4516 */
4517 get pagePrevText(): string;
4518 set pagePrevText(val: string);
4519 get locPagePrevText(): LocalizableString;
4520 /*
4521 * Gets or sets the 'Next' button caption.
4522 */
4523 get pageNextText(): string;
4524 set pageNextText(val: string);
4525 get locPageNextText(): LocalizableString;
4526 /*
4527 * Gets or sets the 'Complete' button caption.
4528 */
4529 get completeText(): string;
4530 set completeText(val: string);
4531 get locCompleteText(): LocalizableString;
4532 /*
4533 * Gets or sets the 'Preview' button caption.
4534 */
4535 get previewText(): string;
4536 set previewText(val: string);
4537 get locPreviewText(): LocalizableString;
4538 /*
4539 * Gets or sets the 'Edit' button caption.
4540 */
4541 get editText(): string;
4542 set editText(val: string);
4543 get locEditText(): LocalizableString;
4544 getElementTitleTagName(element: Base, tagName: string): string;
4545 /*
4546 * Set the pattern for question title. Default is "numTitleRequire", 1. What is your name? *,
4547 * You can set it to numRequireTitle: 1. * What is your name?
4548 * You can set it to requireNumTitle: * 1. What is your name?
4549 * You can set it to numTitle (remove require symbol completely): 1. What is your name?
4550 */
4551 get questionTitlePattern(): string;
4552 set questionTitlePattern(val: string);
4553 getQuestionTitlePatternOptions(): Array<any>;
4554 /*
4555 * Gets or sets a question title template. Obsolete, please use questionTitlePattern
4556 */
4557 get questionTitleTemplate(): string;
4558 set questionTitleTemplate(val: string);
4559 get locQuestionTitleTemplate(): LocalizableString;
4560 getUpdatedQuestionTitle(question: IQuestion, title: string): string;
4561 getUpdatedQuestionNo(question: IQuestion, no: string): string;
4562 /*
4563 * Gets or sets whether the survey displays page numbers on pages titles.
4564 */
4565 get showPageNumbers(): boolean;
4566 set showPageNumbers(val: boolean);
4567 /*
4568 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the question numbers are displayed.
4569 *
4570 * The following options are available:
4571 *
4572 * - `on` - display question numbers
4573 * - `onpage` - display question numbers, start numbering on every page
4574 * - `off` - turn off the numbering for questions titles
4575 */
4576 get showQuestionNumbers(): string;
4577 set showQuestionNumbers(val: string);
4578 /*
4579 * Gets or sets the survey progress bar position.
4580 *
4581 * The following options are available:
4582 *
4583 * - `off` (default) - don't show progress bar
4584 * - `top` - show progress bar in the top
4585 * - `bottom` - show progress bar in the bottom
4586 * - `both` - show progress bar in both sides: top and bottom.
4587 */
4588 get showProgressBar(): string;
4589 set showProgressBar(val: string);
4590 /*
4591 * Gets or sets the type of info in the progress bar.
4592 *
4593 * The following options are available:
4594 *
4595 * - `pages` (default),
4596 * - `questions`,
4597 * - `requiredQuestions`,
4598 * - `correctQuestions`,
4599 * - `buttons`
4600 */
4601 get progressBarType(): string;
4602 set progressBarType(val: string);
4603 get isShowProgressBarOnTop(): boolean;
4604 get isShowProgressBarOnBottom(): boolean;
4605 /*
4606 * Returns the text/HTML that is rendered as a survey title.
4607 */
4608 get processedTitle(): string;
4609 /*
4610 * Gets or sets the question title location.
4611 *
4612 * The following options are available:
4613 *
4614 * - `bottom` - show a question title to bottom
4615 * - `left` - show a question title to left
4616 * - `top` - show a question title to top.
4617 *
4618 * > Some questions, for example matrixes, do not support 'left' value. The title for them will be displayed to the top.
4619 */
4620 get questionTitleLocation(): string;
4621 set questionTitleLocation(val: string);
4622 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
4623 /*
4624 * Gets or sets the error message position.
4625 *
4626 * The following options are available:
4627 *
4628 * - `top` - to show question error(s) over the question,
4629 * - `bottom` - to show question error(s) under the question.
4630 */
4631 get questionErrorLocation(): string;
4632 set questionErrorLocation(val: string);
4633 /*
4634 * Gets or sets the question description position. The default value is `underTitle`.
4635 *
4636 * The following options are available:
4637 *
4638 * - `underTitle` - show question description under the question title,
4639 * - `underInput` - show question description under the question input instead of question title.
4640 */
4641 get questionDescriptionLocation(): string;
4642 set questionDescriptionLocation(val: string);
4643 /*
4644 * Gets or sets the survey edit mode.
4645 *
4646 * The following options are available:
4647 *
4648 * - `edit` (default) - make a survey editable,
4649 * - `display` - make a survey read-only.
4650 */
4651 get mode(): string;
4652 set mode(val: string);
4653 /*
4654 * Gets or sets an object that stores the survey results/data. You can set it directly as `{ 'question name': questionValue, ... }`
4655 *
4656 * > If you set the `data` property after creating the survey, you may need to set the `currentPageNo` to `0`, if you are using `visibleIf` properties for questions/pages/panels to ensure that you are starting from the first page.
4657 */
4658 get data(): any;
4659 set data(val: any);
4660 /*
4661 * Merge the values into survey.data. It works as survey.data, except it doesn't clean the existing data, but overrides them.
4662 */
4663 mergeData(data: any): void;
4664 setDataCore(data: any): void;
4665 onEditingObjPropertyChanged: (sender: Base, options: any) => void;
4666 get editingObj(): Base;
4667 set editingObj(val: Base);
4668 get isEditingSurveyElement(): boolean;
4669 getAllValues(): any;
4670 /*
4671 * Returns survey result data as an array of plain objects: with question `title`, `name`, `value`, and `displayValue`.
4672 *
4673 * For complex questions (like matrix, etc.) `isNode` flag is set to `true` and data contains array of nested objects (rows).
4674 *
4675 * Set `options.includeEmpty` to `false` if you want to skip empty answers.
4676 */
4677 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
4678 getFilteredValues(): any;
4679 getFilteredProperties(): any;
4680 getDataValueCore(valuesHash: any, key: string): any;
4681 setDataValueCore(valuesHash: any, key: string, value: any): void;
4682 deleteDataValueCore(valuesHash: any, key: string): void;
4683 valueHashGetDataCallback: (valuesHash: any, key: string) => any;
4684 valueHashSetDataCallback: (valuesHash: any, key: string, value: any) => void;
4685 valueHashDeleteDataCallback: (valuesHash: any, key: string) => void;
4686 /*
4687 * Returns all comments from the data.
4688 */
4689 get comments(): any;
4690 /*
4691 * Returns a list of visible pages. If all pages are visible, then this property returns the same list as the `pages` property.
4692 */
4693 get visiblePages(): any;
4694 /*
4695 * Returns `true` if the survey contains no pages. The survey is empty.
4696 */
4697 get isEmpty(): boolean;
4698 /*
4699 * Deprecated. Use the `pageCount` property instead.
4700 */
4701 get PageCount(): number;
4702 /*
4703 * Returns the survey page count.
4704 */
4705 get pageCount(): number;
4706 /*
4707 * Returns a number of visible pages within the survey.
4708 */
4709 get visiblePageCount(): number;
4710 /*
4711 * Returns the started page. This property works if the `firstPageIsStarted` property is set to `true`.
4712 */
4713 get startedPage(): PageModel;
4714 /*
4715 * Gets or sets the current survey page. If a survey is rendered, then this property returns a page that a user can see/edit.
4716 */
4717 get currentPage(): any;
4718 set currentPage(val: any);
4719 /*
4720 * Returns the currentPage, unless the started page is showing. In this case returns the started page.
4721 */
4722 get activePage(): any;
4723 /*
4724 * The started page is showing right now. survey state equals to "starting"
4725 */
4726 get isShowStartingPage(): boolean;
4727 /*
4728 * Survey is showing a page right now. It is in "running", "preview" or starting state.
4729 */
4730 get isShowingPage(): boolean;
4731 /*
4732 * The zero-based index of the current page in the visible pages array.
4733 */
4734 get currentPageNo(): number;
4735 set currentPageNo(val: number);
4736 /*
4737 * Gets or sets the question display order. Use this property to randomize questions. You can randomize questions on a specific page.
4738 *
4739 * The following options are available:
4740 *
4741 * - `random` - randomize questions
4742 * - `initial` - keep questions in the same order, as in a survey model.
4743 */
4744 get questionsOrder(): string;
4745 set questionsOrder(val: string);
4746 /*
4747 * Sets the input focus to the first question with the input field.
4748 */
4749 focusFirstQuestion(): void;
4750 scrollToTopOnPageChange(doScroll?: boolean): void;
4751 /*
4752 * Returns the current survey state:
4753 *
4754 * - `loading` - the survey is being loaded from JSON,
4755 * - `empty` - there is nothing to display in the current survey,
4756 * - `starting` - the survey's start page is displayed,
4757 * - `running` - a respondent is answering survey questions right now,
4758 * - `preview` - a respondent is previewing answered questions before submitting the survey (see [example](https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Library?id=survey-showpreview)),
4759 * - `completed` - a respondent has completed the survey and submitted the results.
4760 *
4761 * Details: [Preview State](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library#states)
4762 */
4763 get state(): string;
4764 get completedState(): string;
4765 get completedStateText(): string;
4766 protected setCompletedState(value: string, text: string): void;
4767 /*
4768 * Clears the survey data and state. If the survey has a `completed` state, it will get a `running` state.
4769 */
4770 clear(clearData?: boolean, gotoFirstPage?: boolean): void;
4771 mergeValues(src: any, dest: any): void;
4772 protected updateCustomWidgets(page: PageModel): void;
4773 protected currentPageChanging(newValue: PageModel, oldValue: PageModel): boolean;
4774 protected currentPageChanged(newValue: PageModel, oldValue: PageModel): void;
4775 /*
4776 * Returns the progress that a user made while going through the survey.
4777 * It depends from progressBarType property
4778 */
4779 getProgress(): number;
4780 /*
4781 * Returns the progress that a user made while going through the survey.
4782 * It depends from progressBarType property
4783 */
4784 get progressValue(): number;
4785 /*
4786 * Returns the navigation buttons (i.e., 'Prev', 'Next', or 'Complete' and 'Preview') position.
4787 */
4788 get isNavigationButtonsShowing(): string;
4789 /*
4790 * Returns true if the navigation buttons (i.e., 'Prev', 'Next', or 'Complete' and 'Preview') are shows on top.
4791 */
4792 get isNavigationButtonsShowingOnTop(): boolean;
4793 /*
4794 * Returns true if the navigation buttons (i.e., 'Prev', 'Next', or 'Complete' and 'Preview') are shows on bottom.
4795 */
4796 get isNavigationButtonsShowingOnBottom(): boolean;
4797 /*
4798 * Returns `true` if the survey is in edit mode.
4799 */
4800 get isEditMode(): boolean;
4801 /*
4802 * Returns `true` if the survey is in display mode or in preview mode.
4803 */
4804 get isDisplayMode(): boolean;
4805 get isUpdateValueTextOnTyping(): boolean;
4806 /*
4807 * Returns `true` if the survey is in design mode. It is used by SurveyJS Editor.
4808 */
4809 get isDesignMode(): boolean;
4810 _isDesignMode: boolean;
4811 /*
4812 * Sets the survey into design mode.
4813 */
4814 setDesignMode(value: boolean): void;
4815 /*
4816 * Gets or sets whether to show all elements in the survey, regardless their visibility. The default value is `false`.
4817 */
4818 get showInvisibleElements(): boolean;
4819 set showInvisibleElements(val: boolean);
4820 get areInvisibleElementsShowing(): boolean;
4821 get areEmptyElementsHidden(): boolean;
4822 /*
4823 * Returns `true`, if a user has already completed the survey in this browser and there is a cookie about it. Survey goes to `completed` state if the function returns `true`.
4824 */
4825 get hasCookie(): boolean;
4826 /*
4827 * Set the cookie with `cookieName` in user's browser. It is done automatically on survey complete if the `cookieName` property value is not empty.
4828 */
4829 setCookie(): void;
4830 /*
4831 * Deletes the cookie with `cookieName` from the browser.
4832 */
4833 deleteCookie(): void;
4834 /*
4835 * Gets or sets whether the survey must ignore validation like required questions and others, on `nextPage` and `completeLastPage` function calls. The default is `false`.
4836 */
4837 ignoreValidation: boolean;
4838 /*
4839 * Navigates user to the next page.
4840 *
4841 * Returns `false` in the following cases:
4842 *
4843 * - if the current page is the last page.
4844 * - if the current page contains errors (for example, a required question is empty).
4845 */
4846 nextPage(): boolean;
4847 asyncValidationQuesitons: any;
4848 /*
4849 * Returns `true`, if the current page contains errors, for example, the required question is empty or a question validation is failed.
4850 */
4851 get isCurrentPageHasErrors(): boolean;
4852 /*
4853 * Returns `true`, if the current page contains any error. If there is an async function in an expression, then the function will return `undefined` value.
4854 * In this case, you should use `onAsyncValidation` parameter, which is a callback function: (hasErrors: boolean) => void
4855 */
4856 hasCurrentPageErrors(onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void): boolean;
4857 /*
4858 * Returns `true`, if a page contains an error. If there is an async function in an expression, then the function will return `undefined` value.
4859 * In this case, you should use the second `onAsyncValidation` parameter, which is a callback function: (hasErrors: boolean) => void
4860 */
4861 hasPageErrors(page?: PageModel, onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void): boolean;
4862 /*
4863 * Returns `true`, if any of the survey pages contains errors. If there is an async function in an expression, then the function will return `undefined` value.
4864 * In this case, you should use the third `onAsyncValidation` parameter, which is a callback function: (hasErrors: boolean) => void
4865 */
4866 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, focusOnFirstError?: boolean, onAsyncValidation?: (hasErrors: boolean) => void): boolean;
4867 /*
4868 * Checks whether survey elements (pages, panels, and questions) have unique question names.
4869 * You can check for unique names for individual page and panel (and all their elements) or a question.
4870 * If the parameter is not specified, then a survey checks that all its elements have unique names.
4871 */
4872 ensureUniqueNames(element?: ISurveyElement): void;
4873 /*
4874 * Navigates user to a previous page. If the current page is the first page, `prevPage` returns `false`. `prevPage` does not perform any checks, required questions can be empty.
4875 */
4876 prevPage(): boolean;
4877 /*
4878 * Completes the survey, if the current page is the last one. It returns `false` if the last page has errors.
4879 * If the last page has no errors, `completeLastPage` calls `doComplete` and returns `true`.
4880 */
4881 completeLastPage(): boolean;
4882 isNavigationButtonPressed: boolean;
4883 navigationMouseDown(): boolean;
4884 mouseDownPage: any;
4885 nextPageUIClick(): void;
4886 nextPageMouseDown(): boolean;
4887 /*
4888 * Shows preview for the survey. Switches the survey to the "preview" state.
4889 *
4890 * Details: [Preview State](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library#states-preview)
4891 */
4892 showPreview(): boolean;
4893 /*
4894 * Cancels preview and switches back to the "running" state.
4895 *
4896 * Details: [Preview State](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library#states-preview)
4897 */
4898 cancelPreview(curPage?: any): void;
4899 cancelPreviewByPage(panel: IPanel): any;
4900 protected doCurrentPageComplete(doComplete: boolean): boolean;
4901 /*
4902 * Obsolete. Use the `questionsOnPageMode` property instead.
4903 */
4904 get isSinglePage(): boolean;
4905 set isSinglePage(val: boolean);
4906 /*
4907 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the survey combines questions, panels, and pages.
4908 *
4909 * The following options are available:
4910 *
4911 * - `singlePage` - combine all survey pages in a single page. Pages will be converted to panels.
4912 * - `questionPerPage` - show one question per page. Survey will create a separate page for every question.
4913 */
4914 get questionsOnPageMode(): string;
4915 set questionsOnPageMode(val: string);
4916 /*
4917 * Gets or sets whether the first survey page is a start page. Set this property to `true`, to make the first page a starting page.
4918 * An end user cannot navigate to the start page and the start page does not affect a survey progress.
4919 */
4920 get firstPageIsStarted(): boolean;
4921 set firstPageIsStarted(val: boolean);
4922 isPageStarted(page: IPage): boolean;
4923 /*
4924 * Set this property to "showAllQuestions" or "showAnsweredQuestions" to allow respondents to preview answers before submitting the survey results.
4925 *
4926 * Details: [Preview State](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library#states-preview)
4927 * Example: [Show Preview Before Complete](https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Library?id=survey-showpreview)
4928 */
4929 get showPreviewBeforeComplete(): string;
4930 set showPreviewBeforeComplete(val: string);
4931 get isShowPreviewBeforeComplete(): boolean;
4932 protected onFirstPageIsStartedChanged(): void;
4933 runningPages: any;
4934 origionalPages: any;
4935 protected onQuestionsOnPageModeChanged(oldValue: string): void;
4936 /*
4937 * Gets whether the current page is the first one.
4938 */
4939 get isFirstPage(): boolean;
4940 /*
4941 * Gets whether the current page is the last one.
4942 */
4943 get isLastPage(): boolean;
4944 get isShowPrevButton(): boolean;
4945 get isShowNextButton(): boolean;
4946 get isCompleteButtonVisible(): boolean;
4947 get isPreviewButtonVisible(): boolean;
4948 get isCancelPreviewButtonVisible(): boolean;
4949 calcIsCompleteButtonVisible(): boolean;
4950 /*
4951 * Completes the survey.
4952 *
4953 * Calling this function performs the following tasks:
4954 *
4955 * - writes cookie if the `cookieName` property is not empty
4956 * - sets the survey into `completed` state
4957 * - fires the `onComplete` event
4958 * - calls `sendResult` function.
4959 *
4960 * Calling the `doComplete` function does not perform any validation, unlike the `completeLastPage` function.
4961 * The function can return false, if you set options.allowComplete to false in onCompleting event. Otherwise it returns true.
4962 * It calls `navigateToUrl` after calling `onComplete` event.
4963 * In case calling `options.showDataSaving` callback in the `onComplete` event, `navigateToUrl` is used on calling `options.showDataSavingSuccess` callback.
4964 */
4965 doComplete(isCompleteOnTrigger?: boolean): boolean;
4966 /*
4967 * Starts the survey. Changes the survey mode from "starting" to "running". Call this function if your survey has a start page, otherwise this function does nothing.
4968 */
4969 start(): boolean;
4970 /*
4971 * Gets whether the question values on the current page are validating on the server at the current moment.
4972 */
4973 get isValidatingOnServer(): boolean;
4974 serverValidationEventCount: number;
4975 protected onIsValidatingOnServerChanged(): void;
4976 protected doServerValidation(doComplete: boolean, isPreview?: boolean): boolean;
4977 protected doNextPage(): void;
4978 setCompleted(): void;
4979 canBeCompleted(): void;
4980 /*
4981 * Returns the HTML content for the complete page.
4982 */
4983 get processedCompletedHtml(): string;
4984 /*
4985 * Returns the HTML content, that is shown to a user that had completed the survey before.
4986 */
4987 get processedCompletedBeforeHtml(): string;
4988 /*
4989 * Returns the HTML content, that is shows when a survey loads the survey JSON.
4990 */
4991 get processedLoadingHtml(): string;
4992 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
4993 /*
4994 * Returns the text for the current progress.
4995 */
4996 get progressText(): string;
4997 isCalculatingProgressText: boolean;
4998 updateProgressText(onValueChanged?: boolean): void;
4999 getProgressText(): string;
5000 rootCss: string;
5001 getRootCss(): string;
5002 resizeObserver: any;
5003 afterRenderSurvey(htmlElement: any): void;
5004 updateQuestionCssClasses(question: IQuestion, cssClasses: any): void;
5005 updatePanelCssClasses(panel: IPanel, cssClasses: any): void;
5006 updatePageCssClasses(page: IPage, cssClasses: any): void;
5007 updateChoiceItemCss(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5008 isFirstPageRendering: boolean;
5009 isCurrentPageRendering: boolean;
5010 afterRenderPage(htmlElement: any): void;
5011 afterRenderHeader(htmlElement: any): void;
5012 afterRenderQuestion(question: IQuestion, htmlElement: any): void;
5013 afterRenderQuestionInput(question: IQuestion, htmlElement: any): void;
5014 afterRenderPanel(panel: IElement, htmlElement: any): void;
5015 whenQuestionFocusIn(question: IQuestion): void;
5016 whenPanelFocusIn(panel: IPanel): void;
5017 canChangeChoiceItemsVisibility(): boolean;
5018 getChoiceItemVisibility(question: IQuestion, item: any, val: boolean): boolean;
5019 matrixBeforeRowAdded(options: any): void;
5020 matrixRowAdded(question: IQuestion, row: any): void;
5021 getQuestionByValueNameFromArray(valueName: string, name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
5022 matrixRowRemoved(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): void;
5023 matrixRowRemoving(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): boolean;
5024 matrixAllowRemoveRow(question: IQuestion, rowIndex: number, row: any): boolean;
5025 matrixCellCreating(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5026 matrixCellCreated(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5027 matrixAfterCellRender(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5028 matrixCellValueChanged(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5029 matrixCellValueChanging(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5030 get isValidateOnValueChanging(): boolean;
5031 get isValidateOnValueChanged(): boolean;
5032 matrixCellValidate(question: IQuestion, options: any): SurveyError;
5033 dynamicPanelAdded(question: IQuestion, panelIndex?: number, panel?: IPanel): void;
5034 dynamicPanelRemoved(question: IQuestion, panelIndex: number, panel: IPanel): void;
5035 dynamicPanelItemValueChanged(question: IQuestion, options: any): void;
5036 dragAndDropAllow(options: any): boolean;
5037 elementContentVisibilityChanged(element: ISurveyElement): void;
5038 getUpdatedElementTitleActions(element: ISurveyElement, titleActions: any): Array<IAction>;
5039 getUpdatedMatrixRowActions(question: IQuestion, row: any, actions: any): any;
5040 scrollElementToTop(element: ISurveyElement, question: IQuestion, page: IPage, id: string): any;
5041 /*
5042 * Uploads a file to server.
5043 */
5044 uploadFiles(question: IQuestion, name: string, files: any, uploadingCallback: (status: string, data: any) => any): void;
5045 /*
5046 * Downloads a file from server
5047 */
5048 downloadFile(questionName: string, fileValue: any, callback: (status: string, data: any) => any): void;
5049 /*
5050 * Clears files from server.
5051 */
5052 clearFiles(question: IQuestion, name: string, value: any, fileName: string, callback: (status: string, data: any) => any): void;
5053 updateChoicesFromServer(question: IQuestion, choices: any, serverResult: any): Array<ItemValue>;
5054 loadedChoicesFromServer(question: IQuestion): void;
5055 protected createSurveyService(): dxSurveyService;
5056 protected uploadFilesCore(name: string, files: any, uploadingCallback: (status: string, data: any) => any): void;
5057 getPage(index: number): PageModel;
5058 /*
5059 * Adds an existing page to the survey.
5060 */
5061 addPage(page: PageModel, index?: number): void;
5062 /*
5063 * Creates a new page and adds it to a survey. Generates a new name if the `name` parameter is not specified.
5064 */
5065 addNewPage(name?: string, index?: number): PageModel;
5066 /*
5067 * Removes a page from a survey.
5068 */
5069 removePage(page: PageModel): void;
5070 /*
5071 * Returns a question by its name.
5072 */
5073 getQuestionByName(name: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean): Question;
5074 /*
5075 * Returns a question by its value name
5076 */
5077 getQuestionByValueName(valueName: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean): IQuestion;
5078 /*
5079 * Returns all questions by their valueName. name property is used if valueName property is empty.
5080 */
5081 getQuestionsByValueName(valueName: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean): Array<Question>;
5082 getCalculatedValueByName(name: string): CalculatedValue;
5083 /*
5084 * Gets a list of questions by their names.
5085 */
5086 getQuestionsByNames(names: any, caseInsensitive?: boolean): Array<IQuestion>;
5087 /*
5088 * Returns a page on which an element (question or panel) is placed.
5089 */
5090 getPageByElement(element: IElement): PageModel;
5091 /*
5092 * Returns a page on which a question is located.
5093 */
5094 getPageByQuestion(question: IQuestion): PageModel;
5095 /*
5096 * Returns a page by it's name.
5097 */
5098 getPageByName(name: string): PageModel;
5099 /*
5100 * Returns a list of pages by their names.
5101 */
5102 getPagesByNames(names: any): Array<PageModel>;
5103 /*
5104 * Returns a list of all questions in a survey.
5105 */
5106 getAllQuestions(visibleOnly?: boolean, includingDesignTime?: boolean): Array<Question>;
5107 /*
5108 * Returns quiz questions. All visible questions that has input(s) widgets.
5109 */
5110 getQuizQuestions(): Array<IQuestion>;
5111 /*
5112 * Returns a panel by its name.
5113 */
5114 getPanelByName(name: string, caseInsensitive?: boolean): IPanel;
5115 /*
5116 * Returns a list of all survey's panels.
5117 */
5118 getAllPanels(visibleOnly?: boolean, includingDesignTime?: boolean): Array<IPanel>;
5119 /*
5120 * Creates and returns a new page, but do not add it into the survey.
5121 * You can use addPage(page) function to add it into survey later.
5122 */
5123 createNewPage(name: string): PageModel;
5124 protected questionOnValueChanging(valueName: string, newValue: any): any;
5125 protected updateQuestionValue(valueName: string, newValue: any): void;
5126 protected notifyQuestionOnValueChanged(valueName: string, newValue: any): void;
5127 isRunningElementsBindings: boolean;
5128 updateVisibleIndexAfterBindings: boolean;
5129 isTriggerIsRunning: boolean;
5130 triggerValues: any;
5131 triggerKeys: any;
5132 conditionValues: any;
5133 isValueChangedOnRunningCondition: boolean;
5134 conditionRunnerCounter: number;
5135 conditionUpdateVisibleIndexes: boolean;
5136 conditionNotifyElementsOnAnyValueOrVariableChanged: boolean;
5137 /*
5138 * Sends a survey result to the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
5139 */
5140 sendResult(postId?: string, clientId?: string, isPartialCompleted?: boolean): void;
5141 /*
5142 * Calls the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service and, on callback, fires the `onGetResult` event with all answers that your users made for a question.
5143 */
5144 getResult(resultId: string, name: string): void;
5145 /*
5146 * Loads the survey JSON from the [api.surveyjs.io](https://api.surveyjs.io) service.
5147 * If `clientId` is not `null` and a user had completed a survey before, the survey switches to `completedbefore` state.
5148 */
5149 loadSurveyFromService(surveyId?: string, cliendId?: string): void;
5150 protected onLoadingSurveyFromService(): void;
5151 protected onLoadSurveyFromService(): void;
5152 fromJSON(json: any): void;
5153 setJsonObject(jsonObj: any): void;
5154 isEndLoadingFromJson: string;
5155 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
5156 updateNavigationItemCssCallback: (strName?: string) => void;
5157 protected createNavigationBar(): ActionContainer;
5158 protected createNavigationActions(): Array<IAction>;
5159 protected onBeforeCreating(): void;
5160 protected onCreating(): void;
5161 getBuiltInVariableValue(name: string): number;
5162 hasVisibleQuestionByValueName(valueName: string): boolean;
5163 questionCountByValueName(valueName: string): number;
5164 /*
5165 * Returns a variable value. Variable, unlike values, are not stored in the survey results.
5166 */
5167 getVariable(name: string): any;
5168 /*
5169 * Sets a variable value. Variable, unlike values, are not stored in the survey results.
5170 */
5171 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
5172 /*
5173 * Returns all variables in the survey. Use setVariable function to create a new variable.
5174 */
5175 getVariableNames(): Array<any>;
5176 protected getUnbindValue(value: any): any;
5177 /*
5178 * Returns a question value (answer) by a question's name.
5179 */
5180 getValue(name: string): any;
5181 /*
5182 * Sets a question value (answer). It runs all triggers and conditions (`visibleIf` properties).
5183 *
5184 * Goes to the next page if `goNextPageAutomatic` is `true` and all questions on the current page are answered correctly.
5185 */
5186 setValue(name: string, newQuestionValue: any, locNotification?: any, allowNotifyValueChanged?: boolean): void;
5187 protected doOnPageAdded(page: PageModel): void;
5188 protected doOnPageRemoved(page: PageModel): void;
5189 protected tryGoNextPageAutomatic(name: string): void;
5190 /*
5191 * Returns the comment value.
5192 */
5193 getComment(name: string): string;
5194 /*
5195 * Sets a comment value.
5196 */
5197 setComment(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification?: any): void;
5198 /*
5199 * Removes a value from the survey results.
5200 */
5201 clearValue(name: string): void;
5202 /*
5203 * Gets or sets whether to clear value on disable items in checkbox, dropdown and radiogroup questions.
5204 * By default, values are not cleared on disabled the corresponded items. This property is not persisted in survey JSON and you have to set it in code.
5205 */
5206 get clearValueOnDisableItems(): boolean;
5207 set clearValueOnDisableItems(val: boolean);
5208 get isClearValueOnHidden(): boolean;
5209 get isClearValueOnHiddenContainer(): boolean;
5210 questionVisibilityChanged(question: IQuestion, newValue: boolean): void;
5211 pageVisibilityChanged(page: IPage, newValue: boolean): void;
5212 panelVisibilityChanged(panel: IPanel, newValue: boolean): void;
5213 questionCreated(question: IQuestion): any;
5214 questionAdded(question: IQuestion, index: number, parentPanel: any, rootPanel: any): void;
5215 questionRemoved(question: IQuestion): void;
5216 questionRenamed(question: IQuestion, oldName: string, oldValueName: string): any;
5217 questionHashes: any;
5218 panelAdded(panel: IElement, index: number, parentPanel: any, rootPanel: any): void;
5219 panelRemoved(panel: IElement): void;
5220 validateQuestion(question: IQuestion): SurveyError;
5221 validatePanel(panel: IPanel): SurveyError;
5222 processHtml(html: string): string;
5223 processText(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean): string;
5224 processTextEx(text: string, returnDisplayValue: boolean, doEncoding: boolean): any;
5225 getSurveyMarkdownHtml(element: Base, text: string, name: string): string;
5226 /*
5227 * Deprecated. Use the getCorrectAnswerCount method instead.
5228 */
5229 getCorrectedAnswerCount(): number;
5230 /*
5231 * Returns an amount of corrected quiz answers.
5232 */
5233 getCorrectAnswerCount(): number;
5234 /*
5235 * Returns quiz question number. It may be different from `getQuizQuestions.length` because some widgets like matrix may have several questions.
5236 */
5237 getQuizQuestionCount(): number;
5238 /*
5239 * Deprecated. Use the getInCorrectAnswerCount method instead.
5240 */
5241 getInCorrectedAnswerCount(): number;
5242 /*
5243 * Returns an amount of incorrect quiz answers.
5244 */
5245 getInCorrectAnswerCount(): number;
5246 getCorrectedAnswers(): number;
5247 getInCorrectedAnswers(): number;
5248 /*
5249 * Gets or sets a timer panel position. The timer panel displays information about how much time an end user spends on a survey/page.
5250 *
5251 * The available options:
5252 * - `top` - display timer panel in the top.
5253 * - `bottom` - display timer panel in the bottom.
5254 * - `none` - do not display a timer panel.
5255 *
5256 * If the value is not equal to 'none', the survey calls the `startTimer()` method on survey rendering.
5257 */
5258 get showTimerPanel(): string;
5259 set showTimerPanel(val: string);
5260 get isTimerPanelShowingOnTop(): boolean;
5261 get isTimerPanelShowingOnBottom(): boolean;
5262 /*
5263 * Gets or set a value that specifies whether the timer displays information for the page or for the entire survey.
5264 *
5265 * The available options:
5266 *
5267 * - `page` - show timer information for page
5268 * - `survey` - show timer information for survey
5269 *
5270 * Use the `onTimerPanelInfoText` event to change the default text.
5271 */
5272 get showTimerPanelMode(): string;
5273 set showTimerPanelMode(val: string);
5274 /*
5275 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the survey width is calculated.
5276 *
5277 * The available options:
5278 *
5279 * - `static` - A survey has a fixed width that mostly depends upon the applied theme. Resizing a browser window does not affect the survey width.
5280 * - `responsive` - A survey takes all available horizontal space. A survey stretches or shrinks horizonally according to the screen size.
5281 * - `auto` - Depends on the question type and corresponds to the static or responsive mode.
5282 */
5283 get widthMode(): string;
5284 set widthMode(val: string);
5285 calculatedWidthMode: string;
5286 calculateWidthMode(): string;
5287 get timerInfoText(): string;
5288 get timerModel(): SurveyTimerModel;
5289 /*
5290 * Starts a timer that will calculate how much time end-user spends on the survey or on pages.
5291 */
5292 startTimer(): void;
5293 startTimerFromUI(): void;
5294 /*
5295 * Stops the timer.
5296 */
5297 stopTimer(): void;
5298 /*
5299 * Returns the time in seconds an end user spends on the survey
5300 */
5301 get timeSpent(): number;
5302 /*
5303 * Gets or sets the maximum time in seconds that end user has to complete a survey. If the value is 0 or less, an end user has no time limit to finish a survey.
5304 */
5305 get maxTimeToFinish(): number;
5306 set maxTimeToFinish(val: number);
5307 /*
5308 * Gets or sets the maximum time in seconds that end user has to complete a page in the survey. If the value is 0 or less, an end user has no time limit.
5309 *
5310 * You may override this value for every page.
5311 */
5312 get maxTimeToFinishPage(): number;
5313 set maxTimeToFinishPage(val: number);
5314 get inSurvey(): boolean;
5315 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
5316 getSurvey(): ISurvey;
5317 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
5318 getObjects(pages: any, questions: any): Array<any>;
5319 setTriggerValue(name: string, value: any, isVariable: boolean): void;
5320 copyTriggerValue(name: string, fromName: string): void;
5321 triggerExecuted(trigger: Trigger): void;
5322 isFocusingQuestion: boolean;
5323 isMovingQuestion: boolean;
5324 startMovingQuestion(): void;
5325 stopMovingQuestion(): void;
5326 needRenderIcons: boolean;
5327 /*
5328 * Focus question by its name. If needed change the current page on the page where question is located.
5329 * Function returns false if there is no question with this name or question is invisible, otherwise it returns true.
5330 */
5331 focusQuestion(name: string): boolean;
5332 getElementWrapperComponentName(element: any, reason?: string): string;
5333 getQuestionContentWrapperComponentName(element: any): string;
5334 getRowWrapperComponentName(row: QuestionRowModel): string;
5335 getElementWrapperComponentData(element: any, reason?: string): any;
5336 getRowWrapperComponentData(row: QuestionRowModel): any;
5337 getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): string;
5338 getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): any;
5339 getMatrixCellTemplateData(cell: any): any;
5340 searchText(text: string): Array<IFindElement>;
5341 skeletonComponentName: string;
5342 getSkeletonComponentName(element: ISurveyElement): string;
5343 /*
5344 * Use this method to dispose survey model properly.
5345 */
5346 dispose(): void;
5347 disposeCallback: any;
5350* It extends the Trigger base class and add properties required for SurveyJS classes.
5352export declare class SurveyTrigger extends Trigger {
5353 constructor();
5354 protected ownerValue: ISurveyTriggerOwner;
5355 get owner(): ISurveyTriggerOwner;
5356 setOwner(owner: ISurveyTriggerOwner): void;
5357 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
5358 protected isRealExecution(): boolean;
5359 protected onSuccessExecuted(): void;
5361export declare class SurveyWindow extends SurveyWindowModel {
5362 constructor(jsonObj: any, initialModel?: any);
5365* Validate text values.
5367export declare class TextValidator extends SurveyValidator {
5368 constructor();
5369 getType(): string;
5370 validate(value: any, name?: string, values?: any, properties?: any): ValidatorResult;
5371 protected getDefaultErrorText(name: string): string;
5372 /*
5373 * The minLength property.
5374 */
5375 get minLength(): number;
5376 set minLength(val: number);
5377 /*
5378 * The maxLength property.
5379 */
5380 get maxLength(): number;
5381 set maxLength(val: number);
5382 /*
5383 * The allowDigits property.
5384 */
5385 get allowDigits(): boolean;
5386 set allowDigits(val: boolean);
5389* A class that contains expression and url propeties. It uses in survey.navigateToUrlOnCondition array.
5390* If the expression returns true then url of this item uses instead of survey.navigateToUrl property
5392export declare class UrlConditionItem extends ExpressionItem {
5393 constructor(expression?: string, url?: string);
5394 getType(): string;
5395 /*
5396 * The url that survey navigates to on completing the survey. The expression should return true
5397 */
5398 get url(): string;
5399 set url(val: string);
5400 get locUrl(): LocalizableString;
5402export declare class Variable extends Const {
5403 constructor(variableName: string);
5404 static DisableConversionChar: string;
5405 valueInfo: any;
5406 useValueAsItIs: boolean;
5407 getType(): string;
5408 toString(func?: (op: Operand) => string): string;
5409 get variable(): string;
5410 evaluate(processValue?: ProcessValue): any;
5411 setVariables(variables: any): void;
5412 protected getCorrectValue(value: any): any;
5413 protected isContentEqual(op: Operand): boolean;
5415export declare class DragDropRankingChoices extends DragDropChoices {
5416 constructor(surveyValue?: ISurvey, creator?: any, longTap?: boolean);
5417 protected get draggedElementType(): string;
5418 protected createDraggedElementShortcut(text: string, draggedElementNode: any, event: any): any;
5419 protected getDropTargetByDataAttributeValue(dataAttributeValue: string): ItemValue;
5420 isDragOverRootNode: boolean;
5421 protected findDropTargetNodeByDragOverNode(dragOverNode: any): any;
5422 protected isDropTargetValid(dropTarget: ItemValue, dropTargetNode?: any): boolean;
5423 protected calculateIsBottom(clientY: number): boolean;
5424 protected doDragOver: any;
5425 protected afterDragOver(dropTargetNode: any): void;
5426 protected ghostPositionChanged(): void;
5427 protected doBanDropHere: any;
5428 protected doDrop: any;
5429 protected doClear: any;
5431export declare class MultiSelectListModel extends ListModel {
5432 constructor(items: any, onSelectionChanged: (item: Action, status: string) => void, allowSelection: boolean, selectedItems?: any, onFilteredTextChangedCallback?: (text: string) => void);
5433 selectedItems: any;
5434 onItemClick: (item: Action) => void;
5435 isItemDisabled: (itemValue: Action) => boolean;
5436 isItemSelected: (itemValue: Action) => boolean;
5437 setSelectedItems(newItems: any): void;
5440* A base class for a Panel and Page objects.
5442export declare class PanelModelBase extends SurveyElement implements IPanel, IConditionRunner, ISurveyErrorOwner, ITitleOwner {
5443 constructor(name?: string);
5444 static panelCounter: number;
5445 elementsValue: any;
5446 isQuestionsReady: boolean;
5447 questionsValue: any;
5448 addElementCallback: (element: IElement) => void;
5449 removeElementCallback: (element: IElement) => void;
5450 onGetQuestionTitleLocation: any;
5451 /*
5452 * Returns the question type.
5453 * Possible values:
5454 * - [*"boolean"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionbooleanmodel)
5455 * - [*"checkbox"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncheckboxmodel)
5456 * - [*"comment"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncommentmodel)
5457 * - [*"dropdown"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiondropdownmodel)
5458 * - [*"expression"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionexpressionmodel)
5459 * - [*"file"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionfilemodel)
5460 * - [*"html"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionhtmlmodel)
5461 * - [*"image"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionimagemodel)
5462 * - [*"imagepicker"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionimagepickermodel)
5463 * - [*"matrix"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixmodel)
5464 * - [*"matrixdropdown"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixdropdownmodel)
5465 * - [*"matrixdynamic"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmatrixdynamicmodel)
5466 * - [*"multipletext"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionmultipletextmodel)
5467 * - [*"panel"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=panelmodel)
5468 * - [*"paneldynamic"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionpaneldynamicmodel)
5469 * - [*"radiogroup"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionradiogroupmodel)
5470 * - [*"rating"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel)
5471 * - [*"ranking"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionrankingmodel)
5472 * - [*"signaturepad"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionsignaturepadmodel)
5473 * - [*"text"*](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiontextmodel)
5474 */
5475 getType(): string;
5476 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
5477 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
5478 showTitle: boolean;
5479 get hasTitle(): boolean;
5480 protected canShowTitle(): boolean;
5481 showDescription: boolean;
5482 get _showDescription(): boolean;
5483 localeChanged(): void;
5484 locStrsChanged(): void;
5485 /*
5486 * Returns the char/string for a required panel.
5487 */
5488 get requiredText(): string;
5489 protected get titlePattern(): string;
5490 get isRequireTextOnStart(): boolean;
5491 get isRequireTextBeforeTitle(): boolean;
5492 get isRequireTextAfterTitle(): boolean;
5493 /*
5494 * The custom text that will be shown on required error. Use this property, if you do not want to show the default text.
5495 */
5496 get requiredErrorText(): string;
5497 set requiredErrorText(val: string);
5498 get locRequiredErrorText(): LocalizableString;
5499 /*
5500 * Use this property to randomize questions. Set it to 'random' to randomize questions, 'initial' to keep them in the same order or 'default' to use the Survey questionsOrder property
5501 */
5502 get questionsOrder(): string;
5503 set questionsOrder(val: string);
5504 protected isRandomizing: boolean;
5505 randomizeElements(isRandom: boolean): void;
5506 /*
5507 * A parent element. It is always null for the Page object and always not null for the Panel object. Panel object may contain Questions and other Panels.
5508 */
5509 get parent(): PanelModelBase;
5510 set parent(val: PanelModelBase);
5511 get depth(): number;
5512 /*
5513 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns true the Panel becomes visible and if it returns false the Panel becomes invisible. The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then visible property is used.
5514 */
5515 get visibleIf(): string;
5516 set visibleIf(val: string);
5517 protected calcCssClasses(css: any): any;
5518 /*
5519 * A unique element identificator. It is generated automatically.
5520 */
5521 get id(): string;
5522 set id(val: string);
5523 /*
5524 * Returns true if the current object is Panel. Returns false if the current object is Page (a root Panel).
5525 */
5526 get isPanel(): boolean;
5527 getPanel(): IPanel;
5528 getLayoutType(): string;
5529 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
5530 /*
5531 * Returns the list of all questions located in the Panel/Page, including in the nested Panels.
5532 */
5533 get questions(): any;
5534 protected getValidName(name: string): string;
5535 /*
5536 * Returns the question by its name
5537 */
5538 getQuestionByName(name: string): Question;
5539 /*
5540 * Returns the element by its name. It works recursively.
5541 */
5542 getElementByName(name: string): IElement;
5543 getQuestionByValueName(valueName: string): Question;
5544 /*
5545 * Returns question values on the current page
5546 */
5547 getValue(): any;
5548 /*
5549 * Return questions values as a JSON object with display text. For example, for dropdown, it would return the item text instead of item value.
5550 */
5551 getDisplayValue(keysAsText: boolean): any;
5552 /*
5553 * Returns question comments on the current page
5554 */
5555 getComments(): any;
5556 /*
5557 * Call this function to remove all question values from the current page/panel, that end-user will not be able to enter.
5558 * For example the value that doesn't exists in a radigroup/dropdown/checkbox choices or matrix rows/columns.
5559 * Please note, this function doesn't clear values for invisible questions or values that doesn't associated with questions.
5560 */
5561 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
5562 /*
5563 * Call this function to clear all errors in the panel / page and all its child elements (panels and questions)
5564 */
5565 clearErrors(): void;
5566 /*
5567 * Returns the list of the elements in the object, Panel/Page. Elements can be questions or panels. The function doesn't return elements in the nested Panels.
5568 */
5569 get elements(): any;
5570 getElementsInDesign(includeHidden?: boolean): Array<IElement>;
5571 /*
5572 * Returns true if the current element belongs to the Panel/Page. It looks in nested Panels as well.
5573 */
5574 containsElement(element: IElement): boolean;
5575 /*
5576 * Set this property to true, to require the answer at least in one question in the panel.
5577 */
5578 get isRequired(): boolean;
5579 set isRequired(val: boolean);
5580 /*
5581 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns true the Panel/Page becomes required.
5582 * The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then isRequired property is used.
5583 */
5584 get requiredIf(): string;
5585 set requiredIf(val: string);
5586 searchText(text: string, founded: any): void;
5587 /*
5588 * Returns true, if there is an error on this Page or inside the current Panel
5589 */
5590 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, focusOnFirstError?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
5591 getErrorCustomText(text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
5592 protected hasErrorsCore(rec: any): void;
5593 protected getContainsErrors(): boolean;
5594 updateElementVisibility(): void;
5595 getFirstQuestionToFocus(withError?: boolean): Question;
5596 /*
5597 * Call it to focus the input on the first question
5598 */
5599 focusFirstQuestion(): void;
5600 /*
5601 * Call it to focus the input of the first question that has an error.
5602 */
5603 focusFirstErrorQuestion(): void;
5604 /*
5605 * Fill list array with the questions.
5606 */
5607 addQuestionsToList(list: any, visibleOnly?: boolean, includingDesignTime?: boolean): void;
5608 /*
5609 * Fill list array with the panels.
5610 */
5611 addPanelsIntoList(list: any, visibleOnly?: boolean, includingDesignTime?: boolean): void;
5612 /*
5613 * Returns true if the current object is Page and it is the current page.
5614 */
5615 get isActive(): boolean;
5616 updateCustomWidgets(): void;
5617 /*
5618 * Set this property different from "default" to set the specific question title location for this panel/page.
5619 */
5620 get questionTitleLocation(): string;
5621 set questionTitleLocation(val: string);
5622 getQuestionTitleLocation(): string;
5623 protected getStartIndex(): string;
5624 getQuestionStartIndex(): string;
5625 getChildrenLayoutType(): string;
5626 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
5627 protected get root(): PanelModelBase;
5628 protected childVisibilityChanged(): void;
5629 protected createRowAndSetLazy(index: number): QuestionRowModel;
5630 protected createRow(): QuestionRowModel;
5631 onSurveyLoad(): void;
5632 onFirstRendering(): void;
5633 updateRows(): void;
5634 get rows(): any;
5635 ensureRowsVisibility(): void;
5636 protected onRowsChanged(): void;
5637 protected onAddElement(element: IElement, index: number): void;
5638 protected onRemoveElement(element: IElement): void;
5639 protected canRenderFirstRows(): boolean;
5640 protected getDragDropInfo(): any;
5641 protected updateRowsRemoveElementFromRow(element: IElement, row: QuestionRowModel): void;
5642 elementWidthChanged(el: IElement): void;
5643 /*
5644 * Returns rendered title text or html.
5645 */
5646 get processedTitle(): string;
5647 protected getRenderedTitle(str: string): string;
5648 /*
5649 * Use it to get/set the object visibility.
5650 */
5651 get visible(): boolean;
5652 set visible(val: boolean);
5653 protected onVisibleChanged(): void;
5654 /*
5655 * Returns true if object is visible or survey is in design mode right now.
5656 */
5657 get isVisible(): boolean;
5658 getIsPageVisible(exceptionQuestion: IQuestion): boolean;
5659 lastVisibleIndex: number;
5660 setVisibleIndex(index: number): number;
5661 protected beforeSetVisibleIndex(index: number): number;
5662 protected getPanelStartIndex(index: number): number;
5663 protected isContinueNumbering(): boolean;
5664 /*
5665 * Returns true if readOnly property is true or survey is in display mode or parent panel/page is readOnly.
5666 */
5667 get isReadOnly(): boolean;
5668 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
5669 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
5670 /*
5671 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns false the Panel/Page becomes read only and an end-user will not able to answer on qustions inside it.
5672 * The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then readOnly property is used.
5673 */
5674 get enableIf(): string;
5675 set enableIf(val: string);
5676 /*
5677 * Add an element into Panel or Page. Returns true if the element added successfully. Otherwise returns false.
5678 */
5679 addElement(element: IElement, index?: number): boolean;
5680 insertElementAfter(element: IElement, after: IElement): void;
5681 insertElementBefore(element: IElement, before: IElement): void;
5682 protected canAddElement(element: IElement): boolean;
5683 /*
5684 * Add a question into Panel or Page. Returns true if the question added successfully. Otherwise returns false.
5685 */
5686 addQuestion(question: Question, index?: number): boolean;
5687 /*
5688 * Add a panel into Panel or Page. Returns true if the panel added successfully. Otherwise returns false.
5689 */
5690 addPanel(panel: PanelModel, index?: number): boolean;
5691 /*
5692 * Creates a new question and adds it at location of index, by default the end of the elements list. Returns null, if the question could not be created or could not be added into page or panel.
5693 */
5694 addNewQuestion(questionType: string, name?: string, index?: number): Question;
5695 /*
5696 * Creates a new panel and adds it into the end of the elements list. Returns null, if the panel could not be created or could not be added into page or panel.
5697 */
5698 addNewPanel(name?: string): PanelModel;
5699 /*
5700 * Returns the index of element parameter in the elements list.
5701 */
5702 indexOf(element: IElement): number;
5703 protected createNewPanel(name: string): PanelModel;
5704 /*
5705 * Remove an element (Panel or Question) from the elements list.
5706 */
5707 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
5708 /*
5709 * Remove question from the elements list.
5710 */
5711 removeQuestion(question: Question): void;
5712 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
5713 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
5714 checkBindings(valueName: string, value: any): void;
5715 protected dragDropAddTarget(dragDropInfo: DragDropInfo): void;
5716 dragDropFindRow(findElement: ISurveyElement): QuestionRowModel;
5717 dragDropMoveElement(src: IElement, target: IElement, targetIndex: number): void;
5718 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
5719 get hasDescriptionUnderTitle(): boolean;
5720 get cssHeader(): string;
5721 get cssDescription(): string;
5722 get no(): string;
5723 dispose(): void;
5726* A base class for all questions.
5728export declare class Question extends SurveyElement implements IQuestion, IConditionRunner, IValidatorOwner, ITitleOwner {
5729 constructor(name: string);
5730 static TextPreprocessorValuesMap: any;
5731 static questionCounter: number;
5732 isCustomWidgetRequested: boolean;
5733 customWidgetValue: QuestionCustomWidget;
5734 customWidgetData: any;
5735 focusCallback: any;
5736 surveyLoadCallback: any;
5737 displayValueCallback: (text: string) => string;
5738 defaultValueRunner: ExpressionRunner;
5739 isChangingViaDefaultValue: boolean;
5740 isValueChangedDirectly: boolean;
5741 valueChangedCallback: any;
5742 commentChangedCallback: any;
5743 localeChangedCallback: any;
5744 validateValueCallback: any;
5745 questionTitleTemplateCallback: any;
5746 afterRenderQuestionCallback: (question: Question, element: any) => any;
5747 valueFromDataCallback: (val: any) => any;
5748 valueToDataCallback: (val: any) => any;
5749 onGetSurvey: any;
5750 locProcessedTitle: LocalizableString;
5751 protected isReadyValue: boolean;
5752 commentElement: any;
5753 /*
5754 * The event is fired when isReady property of question is changed.
5755 * options.question - the question
5756 * options.isReady - current value of isReady
5757 * options.oldIsReady - old value of isReady
5758 */
5759 onReadyChanged: EventBase<Question>;
5760 isReadOnlyRenderDiv(): boolean;
5761 isMobile: boolean;
5762 protected createLocTitleProperty(): LocalizableString;
5763 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
5764 getValueName(): string;
5765 /*
5766 * Use this property if you want to store the question result in the name different from the question name.
5767 * Question name should be unique in the survey and valueName could be not unique. It allows to share data between several questions with the same valueName.
5768 * The library set the value automatically if the question.name property is not valid. For example, if it contains the period '.' symbol.
5769 * In this case if you set the question.name property to 'x.y' then the valueName becomes 'x y'.
5770 * Please note, this property is hidden for questions without input, for example html question.
5771 */
5772 get valueName(): string;
5773 set valueName(val: string);
5774 protected onValueNameChanged(oldValue: string): void;
5775 protected onNameChanged(oldValue: string): void;
5776 get isReady(): boolean;
5777 /*
5778 * A11Y properties
5779 */
5780 get ariaRequired(): "true" | "false";
5781 get ariaLabel(): string;
5782 get ariaInvalid(): "true" | "false";
5783 get ariaDescribedBy(): string;
5784 /*
5785 * Get is question ready to use
5786 */
5787 choicesLoaded(): void;
5788 /*
5789 * Get/set the page where the question is located.
5790 */
5791 get page(): IPage;
5792 set page(val: IPage);
5793 getPanel(): IPanel;
5794 delete(): void;
5795 get isFlowLayout(): boolean;
5796 getLayoutType(): string;
5797 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
5798 /*
5799 * Use it to get/set the question visibility.
5800 */
5801 get visible(): boolean;
5802 set visible(val: boolean);
5803 protected onVisibleChanged(): void;
5804 /*
5805 * Use it to choose how other question values will be rendered in title if referenced in {}.
5806 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
5807 */
5808 get useDisplayValuesInTitle(): boolean;
5809 set useDisplayValuesInTitle(val: boolean);
5810 protected getUseDisplayValuesInTitle(): boolean;
5811 /*
5812 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns true the Question becomes visible and if it returns false the Question becomes invisible. The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then visible property is used.
5813 */
5814 get visibleIf(): string;
5815 set visibleIf(val: string);
5816 /*
5817 * Returns true if the question is visible or survey is in design mode right now.
5818 */
5819 get isVisible(): boolean;
5820 /*
5821 * Returns the visible index of the question in the survey. It can be from 0 to all visible questions count - 1
5822 * The visibleIndex is -1 if the title is 'hidden' or hideNumber is true
5823 */
5824 get visibleIndex(): number;
5825 /*
5826 * Set hideNumber to true to stop showing the number for this question. The question will not be counter
5827 */
5828 get hideNumber(): boolean;
5829 set hideNumber(val: boolean);
5830 /*
5831 * Returns true if the question may have a title located on the left
5832 */
5833 get isAllowTitleLeft(): boolean;
5834 /*
5835 * Returns the type of the object as a string as it represents in the json.
5836 */
5837 getType(): string;
5838 get isQuestion(): boolean;
5839 /*
5840 * Move question to a new container Page/Panel. Add as a last element if insertBefore parameter is not used or inserted into the given index,
5841 * if insert parameter is number, or before the given element, if the insertBefore parameter is a question or panel
5842 */
5843 moveTo(container: IPanel, insertBefore?: any): boolean;
5844 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
5845 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
5846 /*
5847 * A parent element. It can be panel or page.
5848 */
5849 get parent(): IPanel;
5850 set parent(val: IPanel);
5851 parentQuestionValue: Question;
5852 /*
5853 * A parent question. It can be a dynamic panel or dynamic/dropdown matrices. If the value is a matrix, it means that question is a cell question.
5854 * This property is null for a stand alone question.
5855 */
5856 get parentQuestion(): Question;
5857 setParentQuestion(val: Question): void;
5858 protected onParentQuestionChanged(): void;
5859 protected onParentChanged(): void;
5860 /*
5861 * Returns false if the question doesn't have a title property, for example: QuestionHtmlModel, or titleLocation property equals to "hidden"
5862 */
5863 get hasTitle(): boolean;
5864 /*
5865 * Set this property different from "default" to set the specific question title location for this panel/page.
5866 * Please note, this property is hidden for questions without input, for example html question.
5867 */
5868 get titleLocation(): string;
5869 set titleLocation(val: string);
5870 getTitleOwner(): ITitleOwner;
5871 /*
5872 * Return the title location based on question titleLocation property and QuestionTitleLocation of it's parents
5873 */
5874 getTitleLocation(): string;
5875 protected getTitleLocationCore(): string;
5876 get hasTitleOnLeft(): boolean;
5877 get hasTitleOnTop(): boolean;
5878 get hasTitleOnBottom(): boolean;
5879 get hasTitleOnLeftTop(): boolean;
5880 get errorLocation(): string;
5881 /*
5882 * Returns false if the question doesn't have an input element, for example: QuestionHtmlModel
5883 */
5884 get hasInput(): boolean;
5885 /*
5886 * Returns false if the question doesn't have an input element or have multiple inputs: matrices or panel dynamic
5887 */
5888 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
5889 get inputId(): string;
5890 protected getDefaultTitleValue(): string;
5891 protected getDefaultTitleTagName(): string;
5892 /*
5893 * Question description location. By default, value is "default" and it depends on survey questionDescriptionLocation property
5894 * You may change it to "underInput" to render it under question input or "underTitle" to rendered it under title.
5895 */
5896 get descriptionLocation(): string;
5897 set descriptionLocation(val: string);
5898 get hasDescriptionUnderTitle(): boolean;
5899 get hasDescriptionUnderInput(): boolean;
5900 protected needClickTitleFunction(): boolean;
5901 protected processTitleClick(): boolean;
5902 /*
5903 * The custom text that will be shown on required error. Use this property, if you do not want to show the default text.
5904 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
5905 */
5906 get requiredErrorText(): string;
5907 set requiredErrorText(val: string);
5908 get locRequiredErrorText(): LocalizableString;
5909 /*
5910 * Use it to get or set the comment value.
5911 */
5912 get commentText(): string;
5913 set commentText(val: string);
5914 get locCommentText(): LocalizableString;
5915 /*
5916 * Use this property to set the place holder text for comment field .
5917 */
5918 get commentPlaceHolder(): string;
5919 set commentPlaceHolder(val: string);
5920 get locCommentPlaceHolder(): LocalizableString;
5921 get commentOrOtherPlaceHolder(): string;
5922 /*
5923 * Returns a copy of question errors survey. For some questions like matrix and panel dynamic it includes the errors of nested questions.
5924 */
5925 getAllErrors(): Array<SurveyError>;
5926 getErrorByType(errorType: string): SurveyError;
5927 /*
5928 * The link to the custom widget.
5929 */
5930 get customWidget(): QuestionCustomWidget;
5931 updateCustomWidget(): void;
5932 localeChanged(): void;
5933 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
5934 updateCommentElement(): void;
5935 onCommentInput(event: any): void;
5936 onCommentChange(event: any): void;
5937 afterRenderQuestionElement(el: any): void;
5938 afterRender(el: any): void;
5939 beforeDestroyQuestionElement(el: any): void;
5940 /*
5941 * Returns the rendred question title.
5942 */
5943 get processedTitle(): string;
5944 /*
5945 * Returns the title after processing the question template.
5946 */
5947 get fullTitle(): string;
5948 protected get titlePattern(): string;
5949 get isRequireTextOnStart(): boolean;
5950 get isRequireTextBeforeTitle(): boolean;
5951 get isRequireTextAfterTitle(): boolean;
5952 /*
5953 * The Question renders on the new line if the property is true. If the property is false, the question tries to render on the same line/row with a previous question/panel.
5954 */
5955 get startWithNewLine(): boolean;
5956 set startWithNewLine(val: boolean);
5957 protected calcCssClasses(css: any): any;
5958 get cssRoot(): string;
5959 protected setCssRoot(val: string): void;
5960 protected getCssRoot(cssClasses: any): string;
5961 get cssHeader(): string;
5962 protected setCssHeader(val: string): void;
5963 protected getCssHeader(cssClasses: any): string;
5964 get cssContent(): string;
5965 protected setCssContent(val: string): void;
5966 protected getCssContent(cssClasses: any): string;
5967 get cssTitle(): string;
5968 protected setCssTitle(val: string): void;
5969 protected getCssTitle(cssClasses: any): string;
5970 get cssDescription(): string;
5971 protected setCssDescription(val: string): void;
5972 protected getCssDescription(cssClasses: any): string;
5973 protected getIsErrorsModeTooltip(): boolean;
5974 showErrorOnCore(location: string): boolean;
5975 get showErrorOnTop(): boolean;
5976 get showErrorOnBottom(): boolean;
5977 get showErrorsAboveQuestion(): boolean;
5978 get showErrorsBelowQuestion(): boolean;
5979 get cssError(): string;
5980 protected setCssError(val: string): void;
5981 protected getCssError(cssClasses: any): string;
5982 getRootCss(): string;
5983 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
5984 protected updateQuestionCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
5985 protected updateElementCssCore(cssClasses: any): void;
5986 protected updateCssClasses(res: any, css: any): void;
5987 protected getCssType(): string;
5988 get renderCssRoot(): string;
5989 /*
5990 * Move the focus to the input of this question.
5991 */
5992 focus(onError?: boolean): void;
5993 focusIn: any;
5994 protected fireCallback(callback: any): void;
5995 getOthersMaxLength(): any;
5996 protected onCreating(): void;
5997 getFirstQuestionToFocus(withError: boolean): Question;
5998 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
5999 protected getFirstErrorInputElementId(): string;
6000 protected getProcessedTextValue(textValue: TextPreProcessorValue): void;
6001 supportComment(): boolean;
6002 supportOther(): boolean;
6003 /*
6004 * Set this property to true, to make the question a required. If a user doesn't answer the question then a validation error will be generated.
6005 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
6006 */
6007 get isRequired(): boolean;
6008 set isRequired(val: boolean);
6009 /*
6010 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns true the Question becomes required and an end-user has to answer it.
6011 * If it returns false the Question then an end-user may not answer it the Question maybe empty.
6012 * The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then isRequired property is used.
6013 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
6014 */
6015 get requiredIf(): string;
6016 set requiredIf(val: string);
6017 /*
6018 * Set it to true, to add a comment for the question.
6019 */
6020 get hasComment(): boolean;
6021 set hasComment(val: boolean);
6022 /*
6023 * The unique identificator. It is generated automatically.
6024 */
6025 get id(): string;
6026 set id(val: string);
6027 get ariaTitleId(): string;
6028 get ariaRole(): string;
6029 get hasOther(): boolean;
6030 set hasOther(val: boolean);
6031 protected hasOtherChanged(): void;
6032 get requireUpdateCommentValue(): boolean;
6033 /*
6034 * Returns true if readOnly property is true or survey is in display mode or parent panel/page is readOnly.
6035 */
6036 get isReadOnly(): boolean;
6037 get isInputReadOnly(): boolean;
6038 get renderedInputReadOnly(): string;
6039 get renderedInputDisabled(): string;
6040 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
6041 /*
6042 * An expression that returns true or false. If it returns false the Question becomes read only and an end-user will not able to answer on the qustion. The library runs the expression on survey start and on changing a question value. If the property is empty then readOnly property is used.
6043 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
6044 */
6045 get enableIf(): string;
6046 set enableIf(val: string);
6047 surveyChoiceItemVisibilityChange(): void;
6048 /*
6049 * Run visibleIf and enableIf expressions. If visibleIf or/and enabledIf are not empty, then the results of performing the expression (true or false) set to the visible/readOnly properties.
6050 */
6051 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
6052 /*
6053 * The property returns the question number. If question is invisible then it returns empty string.
6054 * If visibleIndex is 1, then no is 2, or 'B' if survey.questionStartIndex is 'A'.
6055 */
6056 get no(): string;
6057 protected getStartIndex(): string;
6058 onSurveyLoad(): void;
6059 protected onSetData(): void;
6060 protected initDataFromSurvey(): void;
6061 protected initCommentFromSurvey(): void;
6062 protected runExpression(expression: string): any;
6063 /*
6064 * Get/Set the question value.
6065 */
6066 get value(): any;
6067 set value(val: any);
6068 get valueForSurvey(): any;
6069 /*
6070 * Clear the question value. It clears the question comment as well.
6071 */
6072 clearValue(): void;
6073 unbindValue(): void;
6074 createValueCopy(): any;
6075 protected getUnbindValue(value: any): any;
6076 protected isValueSurveyElement(val: any): boolean;
6077 /*
6078 * Return true if there is a parent (page or panel) and it is visible
6079 */
6080 get isParentVisible(): boolean;
6081 clearValueIfInvisible(reason?: string): void;
6082 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
6083 /*
6084 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how invisible question clears the value. By default the behavior is define by Survey "clearInvisibleValues" property.
6085 *
6086 * The following options are available:
6087 *
6088 * - `default` (default) - Survey "clearInvisibleValues" property defines the behavior.
6089 * - `none` - do not clear invisible value.
6090 * - `onHidden` - clear the question value when it becomes invisible. If a question has value and it was invisible initially then survey clears the value on completing.
6091 * - `onComplete` - clear invisible question value on survey complete.
6092 */
6093 get clearIfInvisible(): string;
6094 set clearIfInvisible(val: string);
6095 get displayValue(): any;
6096 /*
6097 * Return the question value as a display text. For example, for dropdown, it would return the item text instead of item value.
6098 */
6099 getDisplayValue(keysAsText: boolean, value?: any): any;
6100 protected getDisplayValueCore(keyAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
6101 protected getDisplayValueEmpty(): string;
6102 /*
6103 * A default value for the question. Ignored for question types that cannot have a [value](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question#value) (for example, HTML).
6104 *
6105 * The default value is used as a question value in the following cases:
6106 *
6107 * - While the survey is being loaded from JSON.
6108 * - The question is just added to the survey and does not yet have an answer.
6109 * - The respondent left the answer empty.
6110 */
6111 get defaultValue(): any;
6112 set defaultValue(val: any);
6113 /*
6114 * An expression used to calculate the [defaultValue](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question#defaultValue).
6115 *
6116 * This expression applies until the question [value](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=Question#value) is specified by an end user or programmatically.
6117 *
6118 * An expression can reference other questions as follows:
6119 *
6120 * - `{other_question_name}`
6121 * - `{panel.other_question_name}` (to access questions inside the same dynamic panel)
6122 * - `{row.other_question_name}` (to access questions inside the same dynamic matrix or multi-column dropdown)
6123 *
6124 * An expression can also include built-in and custom functions for advanced calculations. For example, if the `defaultValue` should be today's date, set the `defaultValueExpression` to `"today()"`, and the corresponding built-in function will be executed each time the survey is loaded. Refer to the following help topic for more information: [Use Functions in Expressions](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library#conditions-functions).
6125 */
6126 get defaultValueExpression(): any;
6127 set defaultValueExpression(val: any);
6128 get resizeStyle(): "none" | "both";
6129 /*
6130 * Returns question answer data as a plain object: with question title, name, value and displayValue.
6131 * For complex questions (like matrix, etc.) isNode flag is set to true and data contains array of nested objects (rows)
6132 * set options.includeEmpty to false if you want to skip empty answers
6133 */
6134 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
6135 /*
6136 * The correct answer on the question. Set this value if you are doing a quiz.
6137 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
6138 */
6139 get correctAnswer(): any;
6140 set correctAnswer(val: any);
6141 protected convertDefaultValue(val: any): any;
6142 /*
6143 * Returns questions count: 1 for the non-matrix questions and all inner visible questions that has input(s) widgets for question of matrix types.
6144 */
6145 get quizQuestionCount(): number;
6146 get correctAnswerCount(): number;
6147 protected getQuizQuestionCount(): number;
6148 protected getCorrectAnswerCount(): number;
6149 isAnswerCorrect(): boolean;
6150 updateValueWithDefaults(): void;
6151 protected get isClearValueOnHidden(): boolean;
6152 getQuestionFromArray(name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
6153 getDefaultValue(): any;
6154 protected isDefaultValueEmpty(): boolean;
6155 protected getDefaultRunner(runner: ExpressionRunner, expression: string): ExpressionRunner;
6156 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
6157 protected isValueExpression(val: any): boolean;
6158 protected setValueAndRunExpression(runner: ExpressionRunner, defaultValue: any, setFunc: (val: any) => void, values?: any, properties?: any): void;
6159 /*
6160 * The question comment value.
6161 */
6162 get comment(): string;
6163 set comment(val: string);
6164 protected getQuestionComment(): string;
6165 protected setQuestionComment(newValue: string): void;
6166 /*
6167 * Returns true if the question value is empty
6168 */
6169 isEmpty(): boolean;
6170 get isAnswered(): boolean;
6171 set isAnswered(val: boolean);
6172 protected updateIsAnswered(): void;
6173 protected getIsAnswered(): boolean;
6174 /*
6175 * The list of question validators.
6176 * Please note, this property is hidden for question without input, for example html question.
6177 */
6178 get validators(): any;
6179 set validators(val: any);
6180 getValidators(): Array<SurveyValidator>;
6181 getSupportedValidators(): Array<any>;
6182 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
6183 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
6184 /*
6185 * Returns true if there is a validation error(s) in the question.
6186 */
6187 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
6188 /*
6189 * Returns the validation errors count.
6190 */
6191 get currentErrorCount(): number;
6192 /*
6193 * Returns the char/string for a required question.
6194 */
6195 get requiredText(): string;
6196 /*
6197 * Add error into the question error list.
6198 */
6199 addError(error: string | SurveyError): void;
6200 /*
6201 * Remove a particular error from the question error list.
6202 */
6203 removeError(error: SurveyError): void;
6204 protected canCollectErrors(): boolean;
6205 protected canRunValidators(isOnValueChanged: boolean): boolean;
6206 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
6207 protected hasRequiredError(): boolean;
6208 validatorRunner: ValidatorRunner;
6209 isRunningValidatorsValue: boolean;
6210 onCompletedAsyncValidators: (hasErrors: boolean) => void;
6211 get isRunningValidators(): boolean;
6212 protected getIsRunningValidators(): boolean;
6213 protected runValidators(): Array<SurveyError>;
6214 protected raiseOnCompletedAsyncValidators(): void;
6215 isValueChangedInSurvey: boolean;
6216 protected allowNotifyValueChanged: boolean;
6217 protected setNewValue(newValue: any): void;
6218 protected isTextValue(): boolean;
6219 get isSurveyInputTextUpdate(): boolean;
6220 get isInputTextUpdate(): boolean;
6221 protected setNewValueInData(newValue: any): void;
6222 protected getValueCore(): any;
6223 protected setValueCore(newValue: any): void;
6224 protected canSetValueToSurvey(): boolean;
6225 protected valueFromData(val: any): any;
6226 protected valueToData(val: any): any;
6227 protected onValueChanged(): void;
6228 protected setNewComment(newValue: string): void;
6229 protected getValidName(name: string): string;
6230 updateValueFromSurvey(newValue: any): void;
6231 updateCommentFromSurvey(newValue: any): any;
6232 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
6233 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
6234 setVisibleIndex(val: number): number;
6235 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
6236 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
6237 supportGoNextPageError(): boolean;
6238 /*
6239 * Call this function to remove values from the current question, that end-user will not be able to enter.
6240 * For example the value that doesn't exists in a radigroup/dropdown/checkbox choices or matrix rows/columns.
6241 */
6242 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
6243 clearOnDeletingContainer(): void;
6244 /*
6245 * Call this function to clear all errors in the question
6246 */
6247 clearErrors(): void;
6248 clearUnusedValues(): void;
6249 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
6250 checkBindings(valueName: string, value: any): void;
6251 getComponentName(): string;
6252 isDefaultRendering(): boolean;
6253 renderAs: string;
6254 getErrorCustomText(text: string, error: SurveyError): string;
6255 getValidatorTitle(): string;
6256 get validatedValue(): any;
6257 set validatedValue(val: any);
6258 getAllValues(): any;
6259 transformToMobileView(): void;
6260 transformToDesktopView(): void;
6261 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
6262 protected supportResponsiveness(): boolean;
6263 protected needResponsiveness(): boolean;
6264 protected checkForResponsiveness(el: any): void;
6265 resizeObserver: any;
6266 protected getObservedElementSelector(): string;
6267 onMobileChangedCallback: any;
6268 protected getCompactRenderAs(): string;
6269 protected getDesktopRenderAs(): string;
6270 protected processResponsiveness(requiredWidth: number, availableWidth: number): any;
6271 dispose(): void;
6273export declare class QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor extends QuestionSelectBaseImplementor {
6274 constructor(question: any);
6276export declare class QuestionDropdownImplementor extends QuestionSelectBaseImplementor {
6277 constructor(question: any);
6279export declare class QuestionMatrixDynamicImplementor extends QuestionMatrixBaseImplementor {
6280 constructor(question: any);
6281 protected addRow(): void;
6282 protected removeRow(row: any): void;
6283 getKoPopupIsVisible(row: any): any;
6284 dispose(): void;
6286export declare class Survey extends SurveyModel {
6287 constructor(jsonObj?: any, renderedElement?: any);
6290* If expression returns true, it completes the survey.
6292export declare class SurveyTriggerComplete extends SurveyTrigger {
6293 constructor();
6294 getType(): string;
6295 protected isRealExecution(): boolean;
6296 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6299* If expression returns true, the value from question **fromName** will be set into **setToName**.
6301export declare class SurveyTriggerCopyValue extends SurveyTrigger {
6302 constructor();
6303 get setToName(): string;
6304 set setToName(val: string);
6305 get fromName(): string;
6306 set fromName(val: string);
6307 getType(): string;
6308 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6311* If expression returns true, the **runExpression** will be run. If **setToName** property is not empty then the result of **runExpression** will be set to it.
6313export declare class SurveyTriggerRunExpression extends SurveyTrigger {
6314 constructor();
6315 getType(): string;
6316 get setToName(): string;
6317 set setToName(val: string);
6318 get runExpression(): string;
6319 set runExpression(val: string);
6320 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6323* If expression returns true, the value from property **setValue** will be set to **setToName**
6325export declare class SurveyTriggerSetValue extends SurveyTrigger {
6326 constructor();
6327 getType(): string;
6328 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
6329 get setToName(): string;
6330 set setToName(val: string);
6331 get setValue(): any;
6332 set setValue(val: any);
6333 get isVariable(): boolean;
6334 set isVariable(val: boolean);
6335 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6338* If expression returns true, the survey go to question **gotoName** and focus it.
6340export declare class SurveyTriggerSkip extends SurveyTrigger {
6341 constructor();
6342 getType(): string;
6343 get gotoName(): string;
6344 set gotoName(val: string);
6345 protected canBeExecuted(isOnNextPage: boolean): boolean;
6346 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6349* If expression returns true, it makes questions/pages visible.
6350* Ohterwise it makes them invisible.
6352export declare class SurveyTriggerVisible extends SurveyTrigger {
6353 constructor();
6354 pages: any;
6355 questions: any;
6356 getType(): string;
6357 protected onSuccess(values: any, properties: any): void;
6358 protected onFailure(): void;
6359 protected onItemSuccess(item: any): void;
6360 protected onItemFailure(item: any): void;
6363* The page object. It has elements collection, that contains questions and panels.
6365export declare class PageModel extends PanelModelBase implements IPage {
6366 constructor(name?: string);
6367 hasShownValue: boolean;
6368 getType(): string;
6369 toString(): string;
6370 get isPage(): boolean;
6371 protected canShowPageNumber(): boolean;
6372 protected canShowTitle(): boolean;
6373 /*
6374 * Use this property to show title in navigation buttons. If the value is empty then page name is used.
6375 */
6376 get navigationTitle(): string;
6377 set navigationTitle(val: string);
6378 get locNavigationTitle(): LocalizableString;
6379 get navigationDescription(): string;
6380 set navigationDescription(val: string);
6381 get locNavigationDescription(): LocalizableString;
6382 navigationLocStrChanged(): void;
6383 get passed(): boolean;
6384 set passed(val: boolean);
6385 delete(): void;
6386 onFirstRendering(): void;
6387 /*
6388 * The visible index of the page. It has values from 0 to visible page count - 1.
6389 */
6390 get visibleIndex(): number;
6391 set visibleIndex(val: number);
6392 protected canRenderFirstRows(): boolean;
6393 /*
6394 * Returns true, if the page is started page in the survey. It can be shown on the start only and the end-user could not comeback to it after it passed it.
6395 */
6396 get isStarted(): boolean;
6397 protected calcCssClasses(css: any): any;
6398 get cssTitle(): string;
6399 get cssRoot(): string;
6400 num: number;
6401 /*
6402 * Set this property to "hide" to make "Prev", "Next" and "Complete" buttons are invisible for this page. Set this property to "show" to make these buttons visible, even if survey showNavigationButtons property is false.
6403 */
6404 get navigationButtonsVisibility(): string;
6405 set navigationButtonsVisibility(val: string);
6406 /*
6407 * The property returns true, if the page has been shown to the end-user.
6408 */
6409 get wasShown(): boolean;
6410 get hasShown(): boolean;
6411 setWasShown(val: boolean): void;
6412 /*
6413 * The property returns true, if the elements are randomized on the page
6414 */
6415 get areQuestionsRandomized(): boolean;
6416 /*
6417 * Call it to scroll to the page top.
6418 */
6419 scrollToTop(): void;
6420 /*
6421 * Time in seconds end-user spent on this page
6422 */
6423 timeSpent: number;
6424 /*
6425 * Returns the list of all panels in the page
6426 */
6427 getPanels(visibleOnly?: boolean, includingDesignTime?: boolean): Array<IPanel>;
6428 /*
6429 * The maximum time in seconds that end-user has to complete the page. If the value is 0 or less, the end-user has unlimited number of time to finish the page.
6430 */
6431 get maxTimeToFinish(): number;
6432 set maxTimeToFinish(val: number);
6433 protected onNumChanged(value: number): void;
6434 protected onVisibleChanged(): void;
6435 dragDropInfo: DragDropInfo;
6436 protected getDragDropInfo(): any;
6437 dragDropStart(src: IElement, target: IElement, nestedPanelDepth?: number): void;
6438 dragDropMoveTo(destination: ISurveyElement, isBottom?: boolean, isEdge?: boolean): boolean;
6439 dragDropFinish(isCancel?: boolean): IElement;
6440 ensureRowsVisibility(): void;
6443* A container element, similar to the Page objects. However, unlike the Page, Panel can't be a root.
6444* It may contain questions and other panels.
6446export declare class PanelModel extends PanelModelBase implements IElement {
6447 constructor(name?: string);
6448 getType(): string;
6449 get contentId(): string;
6450 getSurvey(live?: boolean): ISurvey;
6451 onSurveyLoad(): void;
6452 protected onSetData(): void;
6453 get isPanel(): boolean;
6454 /*
6455 * Get/set the page where the panel is located.
6456 */
6457 get page(): IPage;
6458 set page(val: IPage);
6459 delete(): void;
6460 /*
6461 * Move panel to a new container Page/Panel. Add as a last element if insertBefore parameter is not used or inserted into the given index,
6462 * if insert parameter is number, or before the given element, if the insertBefore parameter is a question or panel
6463 */
6464 moveTo(container: IPanel, insertBefore?: any): boolean;
6465 /*
6466 * Returns the visible index of the panel in the survey. Commonly it is -1 and it doesn't show.
6467 * You have to set showNumber to true to show index/numbering for the Panel
6468 */
6469 get visibleIndex(): number;
6470 getTitleOwner(): ITitleOwner;
6471 /*
6472 * Set showNumber to true to start showing the number for this panel.
6473 */
6474 get showNumber(): boolean;
6475 set showNumber(val: boolean);
6476 /*
6477 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the elements numbers inside panel are displayed.
6478 *
6479 * The following options are available:
6480 *
6481 * - `default` - display questions numbers as defined in parent panel or survey
6482 * - `onpanel` - display questions numbers, start numbering from beginning of this page
6483 * - `off` - turn off the numbering for questions titles
6484 */
6485 get showQuestionNumbers(): string;
6486 set showQuestionNumbers(val: string);
6487 /*
6488 * Gets or sets the first question index for elements inside the panel. The first question index is '1.' by default and it is taken from survey.questionStartIndex property.
6489 * You may start it from '100' or from 'A', by setting '100' or 'A' to this property.
6490 * You can set the start index to "(1)" or "# A)" or "a)" to render question number as (1), # A) and a) accordingly.
6491 */
6492 get questionStartIndex(): string;
6493 set questionStartIndex(val: string);
6494 getQuestionStartIndex(): string;
6495 /*
6496 * The property returns the question number. If question is invisible then it returns empty string.
6497 * If visibleIndex is 1, then no is 2, or 'B' if survey.questionStartIndex is 'A'.
6498 */
6499 get no(): string;
6500 protected setNo(visibleIndex: number): void;
6501 protected beforeSetVisibleIndex(index: number): number;
6502 protected getPanelStartIndex(index: number): number;
6503 protected isContinueNumbering(): boolean;
6504 protected hasErrorsCore(rec: any): void;
6505 protected getRenderedTitle(str: string): string;
6506 /*
6507 * The inner indent. Set this property to increase the panel content margin.
6508 */
6509 get innerIndent(): number;
6510 set innerIndent(val: number);
6511 /*
6512 * The Panel renders on the new line if the property is true. If the property is false, the panel tries to render on the same line/row with a previous question/panel.
6513 */
6514 get startWithNewLine(): boolean;
6515 set startWithNewLine(val: boolean);
6516 /*
6517 * The Panel toolbar gets adaptive if the property is set to true.
6518 */
6519 get allowAdaptiveActions(): boolean;
6520 set allowAdaptiveActions(val: boolean);
6521 get innerPaddingLeft(): string;
6522 set innerPaddingLeft(val: string);
6523 clearOnDeletingContainer(): void;
6524 get footerActions(): any;
6525 footerToolbarValue: any;
6526 getFooterToolbar(): ActionContainer;
6527 get hasEditButton(): boolean;
6528 cancelPreview(): void;
6529 get cssTitle(): string;
6530 get cssError(): string;
6531 protected getCssError(cssClasses: any): string;
6532 protected onVisibleChanged(): void;
6533 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
6534 focusIn: any;
6535 getContainerCss(): string;
6538* A Model for a boolean question.
6540export declare class QuestionBooleanModel extends Question {
6541 constructor(name: string);
6542 getType(): string;
6543 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
6544 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
6545 /*
6546 * Returns true if the question check will be rendered in indeterminate mode. value is empty.
6547 */
6548 get isIndeterminate(): boolean;
6549 get hasTitle(): boolean;
6550 /*
6551 * Get/set question value in 3 modes: indeterminate (value is empty), true (check is set) and false (check is unset).
6552 */
6553 get checkedValue(): any;
6554 set checkedValue(val: any);
6555 /*
6556 * Set the default state of the check: "indeterminate" - default (value is empty/null), "true" - value equals valueTrue or true, "false" - value equals valueFalse or false.
6557 */
6558 get defaultValue(): any;
6559 set defaultValue(val: any);
6560 getDefaultValue(): any;
6561 get locTitle(): LocalizableString;
6562 /*
6563 * The checkbox label. If it is empty and showTitle is false then title is rendered
6564 */
6565 get label(): string;
6566 set label(val: string);
6567 get locLabel(): LocalizableString;
6568 get locDisplayLabel(): LocalizableString;
6569 /*
6570 * Set this property, if you want to have a different label for state when check is set.
6571 */
6572 get labelTrue(): any;
6573 set labelTrue(val: any);
6574 get locLabelTrue(): LocalizableString;
6575 get isDeterminated(): boolean;
6576 /*
6577 * Set this property, if you want to have a different label for state when check is unset.
6578 */
6579 get labelFalse(): any;
6580 set labelFalse(val: any);
6581 get locLabelFalse(): LocalizableString;
6582 /*
6583 * Set this property to true to show the question title. It is hidden by default.
6584 */
6585 showTitle: boolean;
6586 /*
6587 * Set this property, if you want to have a different value from true when check is set.
6588 */
6589 valueTrue: any;
6590 /*
6591 * Set this property, if you want to have a different value from false when check is unset.
6592 */
6593 valueFalse: any;
6594 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
6595 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
6596 getItemCss(): string;
6597 getLabelCss(checked: boolean): string;
6598 get svgIcon(): string;
6599 get allowClick(): boolean;
6600 getCheckedLabel(): LocalizableString;
6601 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
6602 onLabelClick(event: any, value: boolean): boolean;
6603 onSwitchClickModel(event: any): boolean;
6604 onKeyDownCore(event: any): boolean;
6605 getRadioItemClass(css: any, value: any): string;
6606 protected supportResponsiveness(): boolean;
6607 protected getCompactRenderAs(): string;
6609export declare class QuestionCheckboxImplementor extends QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor {
6610 constructor(question: any);
6611 protected getKoValue(): any;
6613export declare class QuestionCustomModelBase extends Question implements ISurveyImpl, ISurveyData, IPanel {
6614 constructor(name: string, customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON);
6615 customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON;
6616 getType(): string;
6617 locStrsChanged(): void;
6618 protected createWrapper(): void;
6619 protected onPropertyValueChanged(name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
6620 itemValuePropertyChanged(item: ItemValue, name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
6621 onFirstRendering(): void;
6622 protected getElement(): SurveyElement;
6623 protected initElement(el: SurveyElement): void;
6624 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
6625 onSurveyLoad(): void;
6626 afterRenderQuestionElement(el: any): void;
6627 afterRender(el: any): void;
6628 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
6629 protected setNewValue(newValue: any): void;
6630 getSurveyData(): ISurveyData;
6631 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
6632 getValue(name: string): any;
6633 setValue(name: string, newValue: any, locNotification: any, allowNotifyValueChanged?: boolean): any;
6634 protected convertDataName(name: string): string;
6635 protected convertDataValue(name: string, newValue: any): any;
6636 getVariable(name: string): any;
6637 setVariable(name: string, newValue: any): void;
6638 getComment(name: string): string;
6639 setComment(name: string, newValue: string, locNotification: any): any;
6640 getAllValues(): any;
6641 getFilteredValues(): any;
6642 getFilteredProperties(): any;
6643 addElement(element: IElement, index: number): void;
6644 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
6645 getQuestionTitleLocation(): string;
6646 getQuestionStartIndex(): string;
6647 getChildrenLayoutType(): string;
6648 elementWidthChanged(el: IElement): void;
6649 get elements(): any;
6650 indexOf(el: IElement): number;
6651 ensureRowsVisibility(): void;
6652 protected getContentDisplayValueCore(keyAsText: boolean, value: any, question: Question): any;
6655* A Model for an question that renders empty "div" tag. It used as a base class for some custom widgets
6657export declare class QuestionEmptyModel extends Question {
6658 constructor(name: string);
6659 getType(): string;
6662* A Model for expression question. It is a read-only question. It calculates value based on epxression property.
6664export declare class QuestionExpressionModel extends Question {
6665 constructor(name: string);
6666 expressionIsRunning: boolean;
6667 expressionRunner: ExpressionRunner;
6668 getType(): string;
6669 get hasInput(): boolean;
6670 /*
6671 * Use this property to display the value in your own format. Make sure you have "{0}" substring in your string, to display the actual value.
6672 */
6673 get format(): string;
6674 set format(val: string);
6675 get locFormat(): LocalizableString;
6676 /*
6677 * The Expression that used to calculate the question value. You may use standard operators like +, -, * and /, squares (). Here is the example of accessing the question value {questionname}.
6678 * Example: "({quantity} * {price}) * (100 - {discount}) / 100"
6679 */
6680 get expression(): string;
6681 set expression(val: string);
6682 locCalculation(): void;
6683 unlocCalculation(): void;
6684 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
6685 protected canCollectErrors(): boolean;
6686 protected hasRequiredError(): boolean;
6687 /*
6688 * The maximum number of fraction digits to use if displayStyle is not "none". Possible values are from 0 to 20. The default value is -1 and it means that this property is not used.
6689 */
6690 get maximumFractionDigits(): number;
6691 set maximumFractionDigits(val: number);
6692 /*
6693 * The minimum number of fraction digits to use if displayStyle is not "none". Possible values are from 0 to 20. The default value is -1 and it means that this property is not used.
6694 */
6695 get minimumFractionDigits(): number;
6696 set minimumFractionDigits(val: number);
6697 runIfReadOnlyValue: boolean;
6698 get runIfReadOnly(): boolean;
6699 set runIfReadOnly(val: boolean);
6700 get formatedValue(): string;
6701 protected updateFormatedValue(): void;
6702 protected onValueChanged(): void;
6703 updateValueFromSurvey(newValue: any): void;
6704 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
6705 /*
6706 * You may set this property to "decimal", "currency", "percent" or "date". If you set it to "currency", you may use the currency property to display the value in currency different from USD.
6707 */
6708 get displayStyle(): string;
6709 set displayStyle(val: string);
6710 /*
6711 * Use it to display the value in the currency differen from USD. The displayStype should be set to "currency".
6712 */
6713 get currency(): string;
6714 set currency(val: string);
6715 /*
6716 * Determines whether to display grouping separators. The default value is true.
6717 */
6718 get useGrouping(): boolean;
6719 set useGrouping(val: boolean);
6720 protected getValueAsStr(val: any): string;
6723* A Model for a file question
6725export declare class QuestionFileModel extends Question {
6726 constructor(name: string);
6727 isUploading: boolean;
6728 isDragging: boolean;
6729 /*
6730 * The event is fired after question state has been changed.
6731 * sender the question object that fires the event
6732 * options.state new question state value.
6733 */
6734 onStateChanged: EventBase<QuestionFileModel>;
6735 previewValue: any;
6736 currentState: string;
6737 indexToShow: number;
6738 containsMultiplyFiles: boolean;
6739 mobileFileNavigator: any;
6740 prevFileAction: Action;
6741 nextFileAction: Action;
6742 fileIndexAction: Action;
6743 get mobileFileNavigatorVisible(): boolean;
6744 protected updateElementCssCore(cssClasses: any): void;
6745 isPreviewVisible(index: number): boolean;
6746 getType(): string;
6747 clearOnDeletingContainer(): void;
6748 /*
6749 * Set it to true, to show the preview for the image files.
6750 */
6751 get showPreview(): boolean;
6752 set showPreview(val: boolean);
6753 /*
6754 * Set it to true, to allow select multiple files.
6755 */
6756 get allowMultiple(): boolean;
6757 set allowMultiple(val: boolean);
6758 /*
6759 * The image height.
6760 */
6761 get imageHeight(): string;
6762 set imageHeight(val: string);
6763 /*
6764 * The image width.
6765 */
6766 get imageWidth(): string;
6767 set imageWidth(val: string);
6768 /*
6769 * Accepted file types. Passed to the 'accept' attribute of the file input tag. See https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_accept.asp for more details.
6770 */
6771 get acceptedTypes(): string;
6772 set acceptedTypes(val: string);
6773 /*
6774 * Set it to false if you do not want to serialize file content as text in the survey.data.
6775 * In this case, you have to write the code onUploadFiles event to store the file content.
6776 */
6777 get storeDataAsText(): boolean;
6778 set storeDataAsText(val: boolean);
6779 /*
6780 * Set it to true if you want to wait until files will be uploaded to your server.
6781 */
6782 get waitForUpload(): boolean;
6783 set waitForUpload(val: boolean);
6784 /*
6785 * Set it to false if you want to disable images preview.
6786 */
6787 get allowImagesPreview(): boolean;
6788 set allowImagesPreview(val: boolean);
6789 /*
6790 * Use this property to setup the maximum allowed file size.
6791 */
6792 get maxSize(): number;
6793 set maxSize(val: number);
6794 /*
6795 * Use this property to setup confirmation to remove file.
6796 */
6797 get needConfirmRemoveFile(): boolean;
6798 set needConfirmRemoveFile(val: boolean);
6799 /*
6800 * The remove file confirmation message.
6801 */
6802 getConfirmRemoveMessage(fileName: string): string;
6803 /*
6804 * The remove file confirmation message template.
6805 */
6806 get confirmRemoveMessage(): string;
6807 set confirmRemoveMessage(val: string);
6808 get locConfirmRemoveMessage(): LocalizableString;
6809 /*
6810 * The remove all files confirmation message.
6811 */
6812 get confirmRemoveAllMessage(): string;
6813 set confirmRemoveAllMessage(val: string);
6814 get locConfirmRemoveAllMessage(): LocalizableString;
6815 /*
6816 * The no file chosen caption for modern theme.
6817 */
6818 get noFileChosenCaption(): string;
6819 set noFileChosenCaption(val: string);
6820 get locNoFileChosenCaption(): LocalizableString;
6821 /*
6822 * The choose files button caption for modern theme.
6823 */
6824 get chooseButtonCaption(): string;
6825 set chooseButtonCaption(val: string);
6826 get locChooseButtonCaption(): LocalizableString;
6827 /*
6828 * The clean files button caption.
6829 */
6830 get cleanButtonCaption(): string;
6831 set cleanButtonCaption(val: string);
6832 get locCleanButtonCaption(): LocalizableString;
6833 /*
6834 * The remove file button caption.
6835 */
6836 get removeFileCaption(): string;
6837 set removeFileCaption(val: string);
6838 get locRemoveFileCaption(): LocalizableString;
6839 /*
6840 * The loading file input title.
6841 */
6842 get loadingFileTitle(): string;
6843 set loadingFileTitle(val: string);
6844 get locLoadingFileTitle(): LocalizableString;
6845 /*
6846 * The choose file input title.
6847 */
6848 get chooseFileTitle(): string;
6849 set chooseFileTitle(val: string);
6850 get locChooseFileTitle(): LocalizableString;
6851 get dragAreaPlaceholder(): string;
6852 set dragAreaPlaceholder(val: string);
6853 get locDragAreaPlaceholder(): LocalizableString;
6854 /*
6855 * The input title value.
6856 */
6857 get inputTitle(): string;
6858 /*
6859 * Clear value programmatically.
6860 */
6861 clear(doneCallback?: any): void;
6862 get multipleRendered(): string;
6863 get showRemoveButton(): any;
6864 get showRemoveButtonBottom(): any;
6865 defaultImage(data: any): boolean;
6866 get imageWidthRendered(): string;
6867 /*
6868 * Remove file item programmatically.
6869 */
6870 removeFile(content: any): void;
6871 /*
6872 * Load multiple files programmatically.
6873 */
6874 loadFiles(files: any): void;
6875 canPreviewImage(fileItem: any): boolean;
6876 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
6877 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
6878 protected stateChanged(state: string): void;
6879 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
6880 supportComment(): boolean;
6881 getChooseFileCss(): string;
6882 getReadOnlyFileCss(): string;
6883 get fileRootCss(): string;
6884 getFileDecoratorCss(): string;
6885 onDragOver: (event: any) => boolean;
6886 onDrop: (event: any) => void;
6887 onDragLeave: (event: any) => void;
6888 doChange: (event: any) => void;
6889 doClean: (event: any) => void;
6890 doRemoveFile(data: any): void;
6891 doDownloadFile: (event: any, data: any) => void;
6893export declare class QuestionImagePickerImplementor extends QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor {
6894 constructor(question: any);
6895 protected getKoValue(): any;
6898* A Model for a matrix base question.
6900export declare class QuestionMatrixBaseModel<TRow, TColumn> extends Question {
6901 constructor(name: string);
6902 protected filteredColumns: any;
6903 protected filteredRows: any;
6904 protected generatedVisibleRows: any;
6905 protected generatedTotalRow: any;
6906 visibleRowsChangedCallback: any;
6907 protected createColumnValues(): any;
6908 getType(): string;
6909 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
6910 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
6911 /*
6912 * Set this property to false, to hide table header. The default value is true.
6913 */
6914 get showHeader(): boolean;
6915 set showHeader(val: boolean);
6916 /*
6917 * The list of columns. A column has a value and an optional text
6918 */
6919 get columns(): any;
6920 set columns(val: any);
6921 get visibleColumns(): any;
6922 /*
6923 * The list of rows. A row has a value and an optional text
6924 */
6925 get rows(): any;
6926 set rows(val: any);
6927 protected processRowsOnSet(newRows: any): any;
6928 protected getVisibleRows(): Array<TRow>;
6929 /*
6930 * Returns the list of visible rows as model objects.
6931 */
6932 get visibleRows(): any;
6933 /*
6934 * An expression that returns true or false. It runs against each row item and if for this item it returns true, then the item is visible otherwise the item becomes invisible. Please use {item} to get the current item value in the expression.
6935 */
6936 get rowsVisibleIf(): string;
6937 set rowsVisibleIf(val: string);
6938 /*
6939 * An expression that returns true or false. It runs against each column item and if for this item it returns true, then the item is visible otherwise the item becomes invisible. Please use {item} to get the current item value in the expression.
6940 */
6941 get columnsVisibleIf(): string;
6942 set columnsVisibleIf(val: string);
6943 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
6944 protected filterItems(): boolean;
6945 protected onColumnsChanged(): void;
6946 protected onRowsChanged(): void;
6947 protected updateVisibilityBasedOnRows(): void;
6948 protected shouldRunColumnExpression(): boolean;
6949 protected hasRowsAsItems(): boolean;
6950 protected runItemsCondition(values: any, properties: any): boolean;
6951 protected clearGeneratedRows(): void;
6952 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
6953 protected clearInvisibleValuesInRows(): void;
6954 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
6955 getTableCss(): string;
6956 /*
6957 * Aligns matrix cell content in the vertical direction.
6958 */
6959 verticalAlign: "top" | "middle";
6960 /*
6961 * Specifies whether to apply shading to alternate matrix rows.
6962 */
6963 alternateRows: boolean;
6966* A Model for a multiple text question.
6968export declare class QuestionMultipleTextModel extends Question implements IMultipleTextData, IPanel {
6969 constructor(name: string);
6970 static addDefaultItems(question: QuestionMultipleTextModel): void;
6971 colCountChangedCallback: any;
6972 getType(): string;
6973 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
6974 get isAllowTitleLeft(): boolean;
6975 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
6976 onSurveyLoad(): void;
6977 setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
6978 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
6979 /*
6980 * The list of input items.
6981 */
6982 get items(): any;
6983 set items(val: any);
6984 /*
6985 * Add a new text item.
6986 */
6987 addItem(name: string, title?: string): MultipleTextItemModel;
6988 getItemByName(name: string): MultipleTextItemModel;
6989 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
6990 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
6991 locStrsChanged(): void;
6992 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
6993 /*
6994 * The number of columns. Items are rendred in one line if the value is 0.
6995 */
6996 get colCount(): number;
6997 set colCount(val: number);
6998 /*
6999 * The default text input size.
7000 */
7001 get itemSize(): number;
7002 set itemSize(val: number);
7003 /*
7004 * Returns the list of rendered rows.
7005 */
7006 getRows(): Array<any>;
7007 isMultipleItemValueChanging: boolean;
7008 protected onValueChanged(): void;
7009 protected createTextItem(name: string, title: string): MultipleTextItemModel;
7010 protected onItemValueChanged(): void;
7011 protected getIsRunningValidators(): boolean;
7012 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
7013 getAllErrors(): Array<SurveyError>;
7014 clearErrors(): void;
7015 protected getContainsErrors(): boolean;
7016 protected getIsAnswered(): boolean;
7017 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
7018 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7019 getMultipleTextValue(name: string): any;
7020 setMultipleTextValue(name: string, value: any): void;
7021 getItemDefaultValue(name: string): any;
7022 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
7023 getAllValues(): any;
7024 getIsRequiredText(): string;
7025 addElement(element: IElement, index: number): void;
7026 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
7027 getQuestionTitleLocation(): string;
7028 getQuestionStartIndex(): string;
7029 getChildrenLayoutType(): string;
7030 elementWidthChanged(el: IElement): void;
7031 get elements(): any;
7032 indexOf(el: IElement): number;
7033 ensureRowsVisibility(): void;
7034 getItemLabelCss(item: MultipleTextItemModel): string;
7035 getItemCss(): string;
7036 getItemTitleCss(): string;
7039* A Model for non value question. This question doesn't add any new functionality. It hides some properties, including the value.
7041export declare class QuestionNonValue extends Question {
7042 constructor(name: string);
7043 getType(): string;
7044 get hasInput(): boolean;
7045 get hasTitle(): boolean;
7046 getTitleLocation(): string;
7047 get hasComment(): boolean;
7048 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
7049 getAllErrors(): Array<SurveyError>;
7050 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
7051 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
7052 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
7055* A Model for a panel dymanic question. You setup the template panel, but adding elements (any question or a panel) and assign a text to it's title, and this panel will be used as a template on creating dynamic panels. The number of panels is defined by panelCount property.
7056* An end-user may dynamically add/remove panels, unless you forbidden this.
7058export declare class QuestionPanelDynamicModel extends Question implements IQuestionPanelDynamicData {
7059 constructor(name: string);
7060 templateValue: PanelModel;
7061 loadingPanelCount: number;
7062 isValueChangingInternally: boolean;
7063 changingValueQuestion: Question;
7064 currentIndexValue: number;
7065 renderModeChangedCallback: any;
7066 panelCountChangedCallback: any;
7067 currentIndexChangedCallback: any;
7068 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
7069 getFirstQuestionToFocus(withError: boolean): Question;
7070 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
7071 getType(): string;
7072 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
7073 clearOnDeletingContainer(): void;
7074 get isAllowTitleLeft(): boolean;
7075 removeElement(element: IElement): boolean;
7076 /*
7077 * The template Panel. This panel is used as a template on creatign dynamic panels
7078 */
7079 get template(): PanelModel;
7080 getPanel(): IPanel;
7081 /*
7082 * The template Panel elements, questions and panels.
7083 */
7084 get templateElements(): any;
7085 /*
7086 * The template Panel title property.
7087 */
7088 get templateTitle(): string;
7089 set templateTitle(val: string);
7090 get locTemplateTitle(): LocalizableString;
7091 /*
7092 * The template Panel description property.
7093 */
7094 get templateDescription(): string;
7095 set templateDescription(val: string);
7096 get locTemplateDescription(): LocalizableString;
7097 protected get items(): any;
7098 /*
7099 * The array of dynamic panels created based on panel template
7100 */
7101 get panels(): any;
7102 /*
7103 * The index of current active dynamical panel when the renderMode is not "list". If there is no dymamic panel (panelCount = 0) or renderMode equals "list" it returns -1, otherwise it returns a value from 0 to panelCount - 1.
7104 */
7105 get currentIndex(): number;
7106 set currentIndex(val: number);
7107 /*
7108 * The current active dynamical panel when the renderMode is not "list". If there is no dymamic panel (panelCount = 0) or renderMode equals "list" it returns null.
7109 */
7110 get currentPanel(): PanelModel;
7111 /*
7112 * Set it to true, to show a confirmation dialog on removing a panel
7113 */
7114 get confirmDelete(): boolean;
7115 set confirmDelete(val: boolean);
7116 /*
7117 * Set it to a question name used in the template panel and the library shows duplication error, if there are same values in different panels of this question.
7118 */
7119 get keyName(): string;
7120 set keyName(val: string);
7121 /*
7122 * Use this property to change the default text showing in the confirmation delete dialog on removing a panel.
7123 */
7124 get confirmDeleteText(): string;
7125 set confirmDeleteText(val: string);
7126 get locConfirmDeleteText(): LocalizableString;
7127 /*
7128 * The duplication value error text. Set it to show the text different from the default.
7129 */
7130 get keyDuplicationError(): string;
7131 set keyDuplicationError(val: string);
7132 get locKeyDuplicationError(): LocalizableString;
7133 /*
7134 * Use this property to change the default previous button text. Previous button shows the previous panel, change the currentPanel, when the renderMode doesn't equal to "list".
7135 */
7136 get panelPrevText(): string;
7137 set panelPrevText(val: string);
7138 get locPanelPrevText(): LocalizableString;
7139 /*
7140 * Use this property to change the default next button text. Next button shows the next panel, change the currentPanel, when the renderMode doesn't equal to "list".
7141 */
7142 get panelNextText(): string;
7143 set panelNextText(val: string);
7144 get locPanelNextText(): LocalizableString;
7145 /*
7146 * Use this property to change the default value of add panel button text.
7147 */
7148 get panelAddText(): string;
7149 set panelAddText(val: string);
7150 get locPanelAddText(): LocalizableString;
7151 /*
7152 * Use this property to change the default value of remove panel button text.
7153 */
7154 get panelRemoveText(): string;
7155 set panelRemoveText(val: string);
7156 get locPanelRemoveText(): LocalizableString;
7157 /*
7158 * Returns true when the renderMode equals to "progressTop" or "progressTopBottom"
7159 */
7160 get isProgressTopShowing(): boolean;
7161 /*
7162 * Returns true when the renderMode equals to "progressBottom" or "progressTopBottom"
7163 */
7164 get isProgressBottomShowing(): boolean;
7165 /*
7166 * Returns true when currentIndex is more than 0.
7167 */
7168 get isPrevButtonShowing(): boolean;
7169 /*
7170 * Returns true when currentIndex is more than or equal 0 and less than panelCount - 1.
7171 */
7172 get isNextButtonShowing(): boolean;
7173 /*
7174 * Returns true when showRangeInProgress equals to true, renderMode doesn't equal to "list" and panelCount is >= 2.
7175 */
7176 get isRangeShowing(): boolean;
7177 getElementsInDesign(includeHidden?: boolean): Array<IElement>;
7178 isAddingNewPanels: boolean;
7179 addingNewPanelsValue: any;
7180 isNewPanelsValueChanged: boolean;
7181 protected getValueCore(): any;
7182 protected setValueCore(newValue: any): void;
7183 /*
7184 * Use this property to get/set the number of dynamic panels.
7185 */
7186 get panelCount(): number;
7187 set panelCount(val: number);
7188 /*
7189 * Use this property to allow the end-user to collapse/expand the panels. It works only if the renderMode property equals to "list" and templateTitle property is not empty. The following values are available:
7190 * default - the default value. User can't collapse/expand panels
7191 * expanded - User can collapse/expand panels and all panels are expanded by default
7192 * collapsed - User can collapse/expand panels and all panels are collapsed by default
7193 * firstExpanded - User can collapse/expand panels. The first panel is expanded and others are collapsed
7194 */
7195 get panelsState(): string;
7196 set panelsState(val: string);
7197 /*
7198 * The minimum panel count. A user could not delete a panel if the panelCount equals to minPanelCount
7199 */
7200 get minPanelCount(): number;
7201 set minPanelCount(val: number);
7202 /*
7203 * The maximum panel count. A user could not add a panel if the panelCount equals to maxPanelCount
7204 */
7205 get maxPanelCount(): number;
7206 set maxPanelCount(val: number);
7207 /*
7208 * Set this property to false to hide the 'Add New' button
7209 */
7210 get allowAddPanel(): boolean;
7211 set allowAddPanel(val: boolean);
7212 /*
7213 * Set this property to false to hide the 'Remove' button
7214 */
7215 get allowRemovePanel(): boolean;
7216 set allowRemovePanel(val: boolean);
7217 /*
7218 * Set this property different from "default" to set the specific question title location for the template questions.
7219 */
7220 get templateTitleLocation(): string;
7221 set templateTitleLocation(val: string);
7222 /*
7223 * Use this property to show/hide the numbers in titles in questions inside a dynamic panel.
7224 * By default the value is "off". You may set it to "onPanel" and the first question inside a dynamic panel will start with 1 or "onSurvey" to include nested questions in dymamic panels into global survey question numbering.
7225 */
7226 get showQuestionNumbers(): string;
7227 set showQuestionNumbers(val: string);
7228 /*
7229 * Use this property to change the location of the remove button relative to the panel.
7230 * By default the value is "bottom". You may set it to "right" and remove button will appear to the right of the panel.
7231 */
7232 get panelRemoveButtonLocation(): string;
7233 set panelRemoveButtonLocation(val: string);
7234 /*
7235 * Shows the range from 1 to panelCount when renderMode doesn't equal to "list". Set to false to hide this element.
7236 */
7237 get showRangeInProgress(): boolean;
7238 set showRangeInProgress(val: boolean);
7239 /*
7240 * By default the property equals to "list" and all dynamic panels are rendered one by one on the page. You may change it to: "progressTop", "progressBottom" or "progressTopBottom" to render only one dynamic panel at once. The progress and navigation elements can be rendred on top, bottom or both.
7241 */
7242 get renderMode(): string;
7243 set renderMode(val: string);
7244 /*
7245 * Returns true when renderMode equals to "list".
7246 */
7247 get isRenderModeList(): boolean;
7248 setVisibleIndex(value: number): number;
7249 /*
7250 * Returns true when an end user may add a new panel. The question is not read only and panelCount less than maxPanelCount
7251 * and renderMode is "list" or the current panel doesn't have any errors
7252 */
7253 get canAddPanel(): boolean;
7254 /*
7255 * Returns true when an end user may remove a panel. The question is not read only and panelCount is more than minPanelCount
7256 */
7257 get canRemovePanel(): boolean;
7258 protected rebuildPanels(): void;
7259 /*
7260 * If it is not empty, then this value is set to every new panel, including panels created initially, unless the defaultValue is not empty
7261 */
7262 get defaultPanelValue(): any;
7263 set defaultPanelValue(val: any);
7264 /*
7265 * Set it to true to copy the value into new added panel from the last panel. If defaultPanelValue is set and this property equals to true,
7266 * then the value for new added panel is merging.
7267 */
7268 get defaultValueFromLastPanel(): boolean;
7269 set defaultValueFromLastPanel(val: boolean);
7270 protected isDefaultValueEmpty(): boolean;
7271 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
7272 isEmpty(): boolean;
7273 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
7274 /*
7275 * Add a new dynamic panel based on the template Panel. It checks if canAddPanel returns true and then calls addPanel method.
7276 * If a renderMode is different from "list" and the current panel has erros, then
7277 */
7278 addPanelUI(): PanelModel;
7279 /*
7280 * Add a new dynamic panel based on the template Panel.
7281 */
7282 addPanel(): PanelModel;
7283 /*
7284 * Call removePanel function. Do nothing is canRemovePanel returns false. If confirmDelete set to true, it shows the confirmation dialog first.
7285 */
7286 removePanelUI(value: any): void;
7287 /*
7288 * Goes to the next panel in the PanelDynamic
7289 * Returns true, if it can move to the next panel. It can return false if the renderMode is "list" or the current panel has errors.
7290 */
7291 goToNextPanel(): boolean;
7292 /*
7293 * Goes to the previous panel in the PanelDynamic
7294 */
7295 goToPrevPanel(): void;
7296 /*
7297 * Removes a dynamic panel from the panels array.
7298 */
7299 removePanel(value: any): void;
7300 locStrsChanged(): void;
7301 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
7302 clearErrors(): void;
7303 getQuestionFromArray(name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
7304 getSharedQuestionFromArray(name: string, panelIndex: number): Question;
7305 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
7306 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
7307 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
7308 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7309 onFirstRendering(): void;
7310 localeChanged(): void;
7311 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
7312 protected runPanelsCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
7313 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
7314 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
7315 protected getContainsErrors(): boolean;
7316 protected getIsAnswered(): boolean;
7317 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
7318 protected getIsRunningValidators(): boolean;
7319 getAllErrors(): Array<SurveyError>;
7320 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7321 protected createNewPanel(): PanelModel;
7322 protected createAndSetupNewPanelObject(): PanelModel;
7323 protected createNewPanelObject(): PanelModel;
7324 setQuestionValue(newValue: any): void;
7325 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
7326 protected onSetData(): void;
7327 getItemIndex(item: ISurveyData): number;
7328 getPanelItemData(item: ISurveyData): any;
7329 isSetPanelItemData: any;
7330 setPanelItemData(item: ISurveyData, name: string, val: any): void;
7331 getRootData(): ISurveyData;
7332 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
7333 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
7334 get progressText(): string;
7335 get progress(): string;
7336 getRootCss(): string;
7337 getPanelWrapperCss(): string;
7338 getPanelRemoveButtonCss(): string;
7339 getAddButtonCss(): string;
7340 getPrevButtonCss(): string;
7341 getNextButtonCss(): string;
7342 /*
7343 * A text displayed when the dynamic panel contains no entries. Applies only in the Default V2 theme.
7344 */
7345 get noEntriesText(): string;
7346 set noEntriesText(val: string);
7347 get locNoEntriesText(): LocalizableString;
7348 getShowNoEntriesPlaceholder(): boolean;
7349 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
7350 footerToolbarValue: any;
7351 get footerToolbar(): any;
7352 legacyNavigation: boolean;
7353 updateFooterActionsCallback: any;
7356* A Model for a rating question.
7358export declare class QuestionRatingModel extends Question {
7359 constructor(name: string);
7360 rateValuesChangedCallback: any;
7361 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
7362 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7363 /*
7364 * The list of rate items. Every item has value and text. If text is empty, the value is rendered. The item text supports markdown. If it is empty the array is generated by using rateMin, rateMax and rateStep properties.
7365 */
7366 get rateValues(): any;
7367 set rateValues(val: any);
7368 /*
7369 * This property is used to generate rate values if rateValues array is empty. It is the first value in the rating. The default value is 1.
7370 */
7371 get rateMin(): number;
7372 set rateMin(val: number);
7373 /*
7374 * This property is used to generate rate values if rateValues array is empty. It is the last value in the rating. The default value is 5.
7375 */
7376 get rateMax(): number;
7377 set rateMax(val: number);
7378 /*
7379 * This property is used to generate rate values if rateValues array is empty. It is the step value. The number of rate values are (rateMax - rateMin) / rateStep. The default value is 1.
7380 */
7381 get rateStep(): number;
7382 set rateStep(val: number);
7383 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7384 get visibleRateValues(): any;
7385 get renderedRateItems(): any;
7386 getType(): string;
7387 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
7388 getInputId(index: number): string;
7389 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
7390 supportComment(): boolean;
7391 supportOther(): boolean;
7392 /*
7393 * The description of minimum (first) item.
7394 */
7395 get minRateDescription(): string;
7396 set minRateDescription(val: string);
7397 get locMinRateDescription(): LocalizableString;
7398 /*
7399 * The description of maximum (last) item.
7400 */
7401 get maxRateDescription(): string;
7402 set maxRateDescription(val: string);
7403 get locMaxRateDescription(): LocalizableString;
7404 hasMinRateDescription: boolean;
7405 hasMaxRateDescription: boolean;
7406 get hasMinLabel(): boolean;
7407 get hasMaxLabel(): boolean;
7408 /*
7409 * Specifies whether a Rating question displays the [minRateDescription](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel#minRateDescription) and [maxRateDescription](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel#maxRateDescription) property texts as buttons that correspond to the extreme (first and last) rate items. If any of these properties is empty, the corresponding rate item's value/text is used for display.
7410 * When the `displayRateDescriptionsAsExtremeItems` property is disabled, the texts defined through the [minRateDescription](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel#minRateDescription) and [maxRateDescription](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questionratingmodel#maxRateDescription) properties are displayed as plain non-clickable texts.
7411 */
7412 displayRateDescriptionsAsExtremeItems: boolean;
7413 useDropdown: "auto" | "always" | "never";
7414 protected valueToData(val: any): any;
7415 /*
7416 * Click value again to clear.
7417 */
7418 setValueFromClick(value: any): void;
7419 get ratingRootCss(): string;
7420 getItemClass(item: ItemValue): string;
7421 getControlClass(): string;
7422 get placeholder(): string;
7423 set placeholder(val: string);
7424 get locPlaceholder(): LocalizableString;
7425 get allowClear(): boolean;
7426 get renderedValue(): boolean;
7427 set renderedValue(val: boolean);
7428 get visibleChoices(): any;
7429 get readOnlyText(): any;
7430 needResponsiveWidth(): boolean;
7431 protected supportResponsiveness(): boolean;
7432 protected getCompactRenderAs(): string;
7433 protected getDesktopRenderAs(): string;
7436* It is a base class for checkbox, dropdown and radiogroup questions.
7438export declare class QuestionSelectBase extends Question {
7439 constructor(name: string);
7440 visibleChoicesChangedCallback: any;
7441 loadedChoicesFromServerCallback: any;
7442 filteredChoicesValue: any;
7443 conditionChoicesVisibleIfRunner: ConditionRunner;
7444 conditionChoicesEnableIfRunner: ConditionRunner;
7445 commentValue: string;
7446 prevCommentValue: string;
7447 otherItemValue: ItemValue;
7448 choicesFromUrl: any;
7449 cachedValueForUrlRequests: any;
7450 isChoicesLoaded: boolean;
7451 enableOnLoadingChoices: boolean;
7452 dependedQuestions: any;
7453 noneItemValue: ItemValue;
7454 newItemValue: ItemValue;
7455 canShowOptionItemCallback: (item: ItemValue) => boolean;
7456 getType(): string;
7457 dispose(): void;
7458 protected getItemValueType(): string;
7459 createItemValue(value: any): ItemValue;
7460 supportGoNextPageError(): boolean;
7461 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
7462 localeChanged(): void;
7463 locStrsChanged(): void;
7464 /*
7465 * Returns the other item. By using this property, you may change programmatically it's value and text.
7466 */
7467 get otherItem(): ItemValue;
7468 /*
7469 * Returns true if a user select the 'other' item.
7470 */
7471 get isOtherSelected(): boolean;
7472 /*
7473 * Set this property to true, to show the "None" item on the bottom. If end-user checks this item, all other items would be unchecked.
7474 */
7475 get hasNone(): boolean;
7476 set hasNone(val: boolean);
7477 /*
7478 * Returns the none item. By using this property, you may change programmatically it's value and text.
7479 */
7480 get noneItem(): ItemValue;
7481 /*
7482 * Use this property to set the different text for none item.
7483 */
7484 get noneText(): string;
7485 set noneText(val: string);
7486 get locNoneText(): LocalizableString;
7487 /*
7488 * An expression that returns true or false. It runs against each choices item and if for this item it returns true, then the item is visible otherwise the item becomes invisible. Please use {item} to get the current item value in the expression.
7489 */
7490 get choicesVisibleIf(): string;
7491 set choicesVisibleIf(val: string);
7492 /*
7493 * An expression that returns true or false. It runs against each choices item and if for this item it returns true, then the item is enabled otherwise the item becomes disabled. Please use {item} to get the current item value in the expression.
7494 */
7495 get choicesEnableIf(): string;
7496 set choicesEnableIf(val: string);
7497 surveyChoiceItemVisibilityChange(): void;
7498 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
7499 protected isTextValue(): boolean;
7500 isSettingDefaultValue: boolean;
7501 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
7502 protected getIsMultipleValue(): boolean;
7503 protected convertDefaultValue(val: any): any;
7504 protected filterItems(): boolean;
7505 protected runItemsCondition(values: any, properties: any): boolean;
7506 protected runItemsEnableCondition(values: any, properties: any): any;
7507 protected onAfterRunItemsEnableCondition(): void;
7508 protected onEnableItemCallBack(item: ItemValue): boolean;
7509 changeItemVisisbility(): (item: ItemValue, val: boolean) => boolean;
7510 protected getHasOther(val: any): boolean;
7511 get validatedValue(): any;
7512 protected createRestful(): ChoicesRestful;
7513 protected getQuestionComment(): string;
7514 isSettingComment: boolean;
7515 protected setQuestionComment(newValue: string): void;
7516 clearValue(): void;
7517 updateCommentFromSurvey(newValue: any): any;
7518 get renderedValue(): any;
7519 set renderedValue(val: any);
7520 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean, updateComment?: boolean): void;
7521 protected setNewValue(newValue: any): void;
7522 protected valueFromData(val: any): any;
7523 protected rendredValueFromData(val: any): any;
7524 protected rendredValueToData(val: any): any;
7525 protected renderedValueFromDataCore(val: any): any;
7526 protected rendredValueToDataCore(val: any): any;
7527 protected hasUnknownValue(val: any, includeOther?: boolean, isFilteredChoices?: boolean, checkEmptyValue?: boolean): boolean;
7528 protected isValueDisabled(val: any): boolean;
7529 /*
7530 * If the clearIncorrectValuesCallback is set, it is used to clear incorrect values instead of default behaviour.
7531 */
7532 clearIncorrectValuesCallback: any;
7533 /*
7534 * Use this property to fill the choices from a RESTful service.
7535 */
7536 get choicesByUrl(): ChoicesRestful;
7537 set choicesByUrl(val: ChoicesRestful);
7538 /*
7539 * The list of items. Every item has value and text. If text is empty, the value is rendered. The item text supports markdown.
7540 */
7541 get choices(): any;
7542 set choices(val: any);
7543 /*
7544 * Set this property to get choices from the specified question instead of defining them in the current question. This avoids duplication of choices declaration in your survey definition.
7545 * By setting this property, the "choices", "choicesVisibleIf", "choicesEnableIf" and "choicesOrder" properties become invisible, because these question characteristics depend on actions in another (specified) question.
7546 * Use the `choicesFromQuestionMode` property to filter choices obtained from the specified question.
7547 */
7548 get choicesFromQuestion(): string;
7549 set choicesFromQuestion(val: string);
7550 /*
7551 * This property becomes visible when the `choicesFromQuestion` property is selected. The default value is "all" (all visible choices from another question are displayed as they are).
7552 * You can set this property to "selected" or "unselected" to display only selected or unselected choices from the specified question.
7553 */
7554 get choicesFromQuestionMode(): string;
7555 set choicesFromQuestionMode(val: string);
7556 /*
7557 * Set this property to true to hide the question if there is no visible choices.
7558 */
7559 get hideIfChoicesEmpty(): boolean;
7560 set hideIfChoicesEmpty(val: boolean);
7561 get keepIncorrectValues(): boolean;
7562 set keepIncorrectValues(val: boolean);
7563 /*
7564 * Please use survey.storeOthersAsComment to change the behavior on the survey level. This property is depricated and invisible in Survey Creator.
7565 * By default the entered text in the others input in the checkbox/radiogroup/dropdown are stored as "question name " + "-Comment". The value itself is "question name": "others". Set this property to false, to store the entered text directly in the "question name" key.
7566 * Possible values are: "default", true, false
7567 */
7568 get storeOthersAsComment(): any;
7569 set storeOthersAsComment(val: any);
7570 protected hasOtherChanged(): void;
7571 /*
7572 * Use this property to render items in a specific order: "asc", "desc", "random". Default value is "none".
7573 */
7574 get choicesOrder(): string;
7575 set choicesOrder(val: string);
7576 /*
7577 * Use this property to set the different text for other item.
7578 */
7579 get otherText(): string;
7580 set otherText(val: string);
7581 get locOtherText(): LocalizableString;
7582 /*
7583 * Use this property to show "Select All", "None" and "Other" choices in multi columns .
7584 */
7585 separateSpecialChoices: boolean;
7586 /*
7587 * Use this property to set the place holder text for other or comment field .
7588 */
7589 get otherPlaceHolder(): string;
7590 set otherPlaceHolder(val: string);
7591 get locOtherPlaceHolder(): LocalizableString;
7592 /*
7593 * The text that shows when the other item is choosed by the other input is empty.
7594 */
7595 get otherErrorText(): string;
7596 set otherErrorText(val: string);
7597 get locOtherErrorText(): LocalizableString;
7598 /*
7599 * The list of items as they will be rendered. If needed items are sorted and the other item is added.
7600 */
7601 get visibleChoices(): any;
7602 /*
7603 * The list of enabled items as they will be rendered. The disabled items are not included
7604 */
7605 get enabledChoices(): any;
7606 protected updateVisibleChoices(): void;
7607 protected canUseFilteredChoices(): boolean;
7608 setCanShowOptionItemCallback(func: (item: ItemValue) => boolean): void;
7609 get newItem(): ItemValue;
7610 protected addToVisibleChoices(items: any, isAddAll: boolean): void;
7611 protected canShowOptionItem(item: ItemValue, isAddAll: boolean, hasItem: boolean): boolean;
7612 /*
7613 * For internal use in SurveyJS Creator V2.
7614 */
7615 isItemInList(item: ItemValue): boolean;
7616 protected get isAddDefaultItems(): boolean;
7617 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
7618 /*
7619 * Returns the text for the current value. If the value is null then returns empty string. If 'other' is selected then returns the text for other value.
7620 */
7621 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7622 protected getDisplayValueEmpty(): string;
7623 protected getChoicesDisplayValue(items: any, val: any): any;
7624 protected get activeChoices(): any;
7625 protected getChoicesFromQuestion(question: QuestionSelectBase): Array<ItemValue>;
7626 protected get hasActiveChoices(): boolean;
7627 protected isHeadChoice(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): boolean;
7628 protected isFootChoice(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): boolean;
7629 protected isBuiltInChoice(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): boolean;
7630 protected getChoices(): Array<ItemValue>;
7631 supportComment(): boolean;
7632 supportOther(): boolean;
7633 supportNone(): boolean;
7634 protected isSupportProperty(propName: string): boolean;
7635 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
7636 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
7637 protected setSurveyCore(value: ISurvey): void;
7638 getStoreOthersAsComment(): boolean;
7639 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7640 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
7641 updateValueFromSurvey(newValue: any): void;
7642 protected getCommentFromValue(newValue: any): string;
7643 protected setOtherValueIntoValue(newValue: any): any;
7644 isRunningChoices: boolean;
7645 isFirstLoadChoicesFromUrl: boolean;
7646 protected onBeforeSendRequest(): void;
7647 protected onLoadChoicesFromUrl(array: any): void;
7648 isUpdatingChoicesDependedQuestions: boolean;
7649 protected updateChoicesDependedQuestions(): void;
7650 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
7651 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged(): void;
7652 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
7653 protected hasValueToClearIncorrectValues(): boolean;
7654 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
7655 /*
7656 * Returns true if item is selected
7657 */
7658 isItemSelected(item: ItemValue): boolean;
7659 protected clearIncorrectValuesCore(): void;
7660 protected canClearValueAnUnknow(val: any): boolean;
7661 protected clearDisabledValuesCore(): void;
7662 clearUnusedValues(): void;
7663 getColumnClass(): string;
7664 getItemIndex(item: any): number;
7665 getItemClass(item: any): string;
7666 protected getCurrentColCount(): number;
7667 protected getItemClassCore(item: any, options: any): string;
7668 getLabelClass(item: ItemValue): string;
7669 getControlLabelClass(item: ItemValue): string;
7670 get headItems(): any;
7671 get footItems(): any;
7672 get dataChoices(): any;
7673 get bodyItems(): any;
7674 get hasHeadItems(): boolean;
7675 get hasFootItems(): boolean;
7676 get columns(): any;
7677 get hasColumns(): boolean;
7678 get rowLayout(): boolean;
7679 get blockedRow(): boolean;
7680 choicesLoaded(): void;
7681 getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item: ItemValue): string;
7682 getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item: ItemValue): any;
7683 ariaItemChecked(item: ItemValue): "true" | "false";
7684 isOtherItem(item: ItemValue): boolean;
7685 get itemSvgIcon(): string;
7686 getSelectBaseRootCss(): string;
7687 getAriaItemLabel(item: ItemValue): string;
7688 getItemId(item: ItemValue): string;
7689 get questionName(): string;
7690 getItemEnabled(item: ItemValue): any;
7691 protected rootElement: any;
7692 afterRender(el: any): void;
7693 prevIsOtherSelected: boolean;
7694 protected onValueChanged(): void;
7697* A Model for signature pad question.
7699export declare class QuestionSignaturePadModel extends Question {
7700 constructor(name: string);
7701 isDrawingValue: boolean;
7702 protected getCssRoot(cssClasses: any): string;
7703 protected updateValue(): void;
7704 getType(): string;
7705 afterRenderQuestionElement(el: any): void;
7706 beforeDestroyQuestionElement(el: any): void;
7707 initSignaturePad(el: any): void;
7708 destroySignaturePad(el: any): void;
7709 /*
7710 * Use it to set the specific dataFormat for the signature pad image data.
7711 * formats: "" (default) - png, "image/jpeg" - jpeg, "image/svg+xml" - svg
7712 */
7713 dataFormat: string;
7714 /*
7715 * Use it to set the specific width for the signature pad.
7716 */
7717 get signatureWidth(): number;
7718 set signatureWidth(val: number);
7719 /*
7720 * Use it to set the specific height for the signature pad.
7721 */
7722 get signatureHeight(): number;
7723 set signatureHeight(val: number);
7724 get height(): number;
7725 set height(val: number);
7726 /*
7727 * Use it to clear content of the signature pad.
7728 */
7729 get allowClear(): boolean;
7730 set allowClear(val: boolean);
7731 get canShowClearButton(): boolean;
7732 /*
7733 * Use it to set pen color for the signature pad.
7734 */
7735 get penColor(): string;
7736 set penColor(val: string);
7737 /*
7738 * Use it to set background color for the signature pad.
7739 */
7740 get backgroundColor(): string;
7741 set backgroundColor(val: string);
7742 /*
7743 * The clear signature button caption.
7744 */
7745 get clearButtonCaption(): string;
7746 needShowPlaceholder(): boolean;
7747 get placeHolderText(): string;
7748 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
7751* A Base Model for a comment and text questions
7753export declare class QuestionTextBase extends Question {
7754 constructor(name: string);
7755 protected isTextValue(): boolean;
7756 /*
7757 * The maximum text length. If it is -1, defaul value, then the survey maxTextLength property will be used.
7758 * If it is 0, then the value is unlimited
7759 */
7760 get maxLength(): number;
7761 set maxLength(val: number);
7762 getMaxLength(): any;
7763 /*
7764 * Use this property to set the input place holder.
7765 */
7766 get placeHolder(): string;
7767 set placeHolder(val: string);
7768 get locPlaceHolder(): LocalizableString;
7769 getType(): string;
7770 isEmpty(): boolean;
7771 /*
7772 * Gets or sets a value that specifies how the question updates it's value.
7773 *
7774 * The following options are available:
7775 * - `default` - get the value from survey.textUpdateMode
7776 * - `onBlur` - the value is updated after an input loses the focus.
7777 * - `onTyping` - update the value of text questions, "text" and "comment", on every key press.
7778 *
7779 * Note, that setting to "onTyping" may lead to a performance degradation, in case you have many expressions in the survey.
7780 */
7781 get textUpdateMode(): string;
7782 set textUpdateMode(val: string);
7783 get isSurveyInputTextUpdate(): boolean;
7784 get renderedPlaceHolder(): string;
7785 protected setRenderedPlaceHolder(val: string): void;
7786 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
7787 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7788 localeChanged(): void;
7789 protected calcRenderedPlaceHolder(): void;
7790 protected hasPlaceHolder(): boolean;
7791 getControlClass(): string;
7792 get ariaRole(): string;
7795* The flow panel object. It is a container with flow layout where you can mix questions with markdown text.
7797export declare class FlowPanelModel extends PanelModel {
7798 constructor(name?: string);
7799 static contentElementNamePrefix: string;
7800 contentChangedCallback: any;
7801 onGetHtmlForQuestion: (question: Question) => string;
7802 onCustomHtmlProducing: any;
7803 getType(): string;
7804 getChildrenLayoutType(): string;
7805 onSurveyLoad(): any;
7806 get content(): string;
7807 set content(val: string);
7808 get locContent(): LocalizableString;
7809 get html(): string;
7810 set html(val: string);
7811 protected onContentChanged(): any;
7812 produceHtml(): string;
7813 getQuestionFromText(str: string): Question;
7814 protected getHtmlForQuestion(question: Question): string;
7815 protected getQuestionHtmlId(question: Question): string;
7816 protected onAddElement(element: IElement, index: number): void;
7817 protected onRemoveElement(element: IElement): void;
7818 dragDropMoveElement(src: IElement, target: IElement, targetIndex: number): void;
7819 getElementContentText(element: IElement): string;
7821export declare class Page extends PageModel {
7822 constructor(name?: string);
7823 _implementor: ImplementorBase;
7824 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
7825 protected createRow(): QuestionRowModel;
7826 protected onCreating(): void;
7827 protected onNumChanged(value: number): void;
7828 dispose(): void;
7830export declare class Panel extends PanelModel {
7831 constructor(name?: string);
7832 _implementor: ImplementorBase;
7833 koElementType: any;
7834 koCss: any;
7835 koErrorClass: any;
7836 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
7837 protected createRow(): QuestionRowModel;
7838 protected onCreating(): void;
7839 protected onNumChanged(value: number): void;
7840 dispose(): void;
7842export declare class QuestionBoolean extends QuestionBooleanModel {
7843 constructor(name: string);
7844 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
7845 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
7846 onSwitchClick(data: any, event: any): any;
7847 onTrueLabelClick(data: any, event: any): any;
7848 onFalseLabelClick(data: any, event: any): any;
7849 onKeyDown(data: any, event: any): boolean;
7850 dispose(): void;
7853* A base class for checkbox and radiogroup questions. It introduced a colCount property.
7855export declare class QuestionCheckboxBase extends QuestionSelectBase {
7856 constructor(name: string);
7857 colCountChangedCallback: any;
7858 /*
7859 * The number of columns for radiogroup and checkbox questions. Items are rendred in one line if the value is 0.
7860 */
7861 get colCount(): number;
7862 set colCount(val: number);
7863 protected onParentChanged(): void;
7864 protected onParentQuestionChanged(): void;
7865 protected getSearchableItemValueKeys(keys: any): void;
7868* A Model for a comment question
7870export declare class QuestionCommentModel extends QuestionTextBase {
7871 constructor(name: string);
7872 element: any;
7873 /*
7874 * The html rows attribute.
7875 */
7876 get rows(): number;
7877 set rows(val: number);
7878 /*
7879 * The html cols attribute.
7880 */
7881 get cols(): number;
7882 set cols(val: number);
7883 /*
7884 * Accepts pressing the Enter key by end-users and accepts carriage return symbols - \n - in the question value assigned.
7885 */
7886 get acceptCarriageReturn(): boolean;
7887 set acceptCarriageReturn(val: boolean);
7888 /*
7889 * Specifies whether the question's text area automatically expands its height to avoid the vertical scrollbar and to display the entire multi-line contents entered by respondents.
7890 * Default value is false.
7891 */
7892 get autoGrow(): boolean;
7893 set autoGrow(val: boolean);
7894 getType(): string;
7895 afterRenderQuestionElement(el: any): void;
7896 updateElement(): void;
7897 onInput(event: any): void;
7898 onKeyDown(event: any): void;
7899 onValueChanged(): void;
7900 protected setNewValue(newValue: string): any;
7901 get className(): string;
7903export declare class QuestionCompositeModel extends QuestionCustomModelBase {
7904 constructor(name: string, customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON);
7905 customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON;
7906 static ItemVariableName: string;
7907 panelWrapper: PanelModel;
7908 textProcessing: QuestionCompositeTextProcessor;
7909 protected createWrapper(): void;
7910 getTemplate(): string;
7911 protected getElement(): SurveyElement;
7912 protected getCssRoot(cssClasses: any): string;
7913 get contentPanel(): PanelModel;
7914 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
7915 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
7916 getTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
7917 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
7918 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
7919 protected createPanel(): PanelModel;
7920 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
7921 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7922 setVisibleIndex(val: number): number;
7923 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
7924 getValue(name: string): any;
7925 settingNewValue: boolean;
7926 setValue(name: string, newValue: any, locNotification: any, allowNotifyValueChanged?: boolean): any;
7927 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
7928 protected convertDataValue(name: string, newValue: any): any;
7929 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
7930 protected getDisplayValueCore(keyAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7932export declare class QuestionCustomModel extends QuestionCustomModelBase {
7933 constructor(name: string, customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON);
7934 customQuestion: ComponentQuestionJSON;
7935 questionWrapper: Question;
7936 getTemplate(): string;
7937 protected createWrapper(): void;
7938 protected getElement(): SurveyElement;
7939 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
7940 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
7941 focus(onError?: boolean): void;
7942 get contentQuestion(): Question;
7943 protected createQuestion(): Question;
7944 onSurveyLoad(): void;
7945 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
7946 protected convertDataName(name: string): string;
7947 protected convertDataValue(name: string, newValue: any): any;
7948 protected canSetValueToSurvey(): boolean;
7949 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
7950 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
7951 protected getValueCore(): any;
7952 protected initElement(el: SurveyElement): void;
7953 updateElementCss(reNew?: boolean): void;
7954 protected updateElementCssCore(cssClasses: any): void;
7955 protected getDisplayValueCore(keyAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
7958* A Model for a dropdown question
7960export declare class QuestionDropdownModel extends QuestionSelectBase {
7961 constructor(name: string);
7962 dropdownListModel: DropdownListModel;
7963 get showOptionsCaption(): boolean;
7964 set showOptionsCaption(val: boolean);
7965 get optionsCaption(): string;
7966 set optionsCaption(val: string);
7967 /*
7968 * A text displayed in the input field when it doesn't have a value.
7969 */
7970 get placeholder(): string;
7971 set placeholder(val: string);
7972 get locPlaceholder(): LocalizableString;
7973 getType(): string;
7974 get selectedItem(): ItemValue;
7975 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
7976 minMaxChoices: any;
7977 protected getChoices(): Array<ItemValue>;
7978 /*
7979 * Use this and choicesMax property to automatically add choices. For example choicesMin = 1 and choicesMax = 10 will generate ten additional choices from 1 to 10.
7980 */
7981 get choicesMin(): number;
7982 set choicesMin(val: number);
7983 /*
7984 * Use this and choicesMax property to automatically add choices. For example choicesMin = 1 and choicesMax = 10 will generate ten additional choices from 1 to 10.
7985 */
7986 get choicesMax(): number;
7987 set choicesMax(val: number);
7988 /*
7989 * The default value is 1. It tells the value of the iterator between choicesMin and choicesMax properties.
7990 * If choicesMin = 10, choicesMax = 30 and choicesStep = 10 then you will have only three additional choices: [10, 20, 30].
7991 */
7992 get choicesStep(): number;
7993 set choicesStep(val: number);
7994 /*
7995 * Dropdown auto complete
7996 */
7997 get autoComplete(): string;
7998 set autoComplete(val: string);
7999 /*
8000 * Specifies whether to display a button that clears the selected value.
8001 */
8002 allowClear: boolean;
8003 /*
8004 * The name of a component used to render drop-down menu items.
8005 */
8006 itemComponent: string;
8007 /*
8008 * Specifies whether to display a search bar in the drop-down menu.
8009 */
8010 searchEnabled: boolean;
8011 getControlClass(): string;
8012 get readOnlyText(): any;
8013 get popupModel(): any;
8014 onOpened: EventBase<QuestionDropdownModel>;
8015 onOpenedCallBack(): void;
8016 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged(): void;
8017 onClick(e: any): void;
8018 onKeyUp(event: any): void;
8020export declare class QuestionEmpty extends QuestionEmptyModel {
8021 constructor(name: string);
8022 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8023 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8024 dispose(): void;
8026export declare class QuestionExpression extends QuestionExpressionModel {
8027 constructor(name: string);
8028 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8029 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8030 dispose(): void;
8032export declare class QuestionFile extends QuestionFileModel {
8033 constructor(name: string);
8034 _implementor: QuestionFileImplementor;
8035 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8036 dispose(): void;
8039* A Model for html question. Unlike other questions it doesn't have value and title.
8041export declare class QuestionHtmlModel extends QuestionNonValue {
8042 constructor(name: string);
8043 ignoreHtmlProgressing: boolean;
8044 getType(): string;
8045 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
8046 getProcessedText(text: string): string;
8047 /*
8048 * Set html to display it
8049 */
8050 get html(): string;
8051 set html(val: string);
8052 get locHtml(): LocalizableString;
8053 get processedHtml(): string;
8056* A Model for image question. This question hasn't any functionality and can be used to improve the appearance of the survey.
8058export declare class QuestionImageModel extends QuestionNonValue {
8059 constructor(name: string);
8060 getType(): string;
8061 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
8062 onSurveyLoad(): void;
8063 /*
8064 * The image URL.
8065 */
8066 get imageLink(): string;
8067 set imageLink(val: string);
8068 get locImageLink(): LocalizableString;
8069 /*
8070 * The image alt text.
8071 */
8072 get text(): string;
8073 set text(val: string);
8074 get locText(): LocalizableString;
8075 /*
8076 * The image height.
8077 */
8078 get imageHeight(): string;
8079 set imageHeight(val: string);
8080 get renderedHeight(): string;
8081 /*
8082 * The image width.
8083 */
8084 get imageWidth(): string;
8085 set imageWidth(val: string);
8086 get renderedWidth(): string;
8087 /*
8088 * The image fit mode.
8089 */
8090 get imageFit(): string;
8091 set imageFit(val: string);
8092 /*
8093 * The content mode.
8094 */
8095 get contentMode(): string;
8096 set contentMode(val: string);
8097 /*
8098 * The rendered mode.
8099 */
8100 get renderedMode(): string;
8101 getImageCss(): string;
8102 protected calculateRenderedMode(): void;
8105* A base class for matrix dropdown and matrix dynamic questions.
8107export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase extends QuestionMatrixBaseModel<MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, MatrixDropdownColumn> implements IMatrixDropdownData {
8108 constructor(name: string);
8109 static get defaultCellType(): string;
8110 static set defaultCellType(val: string);
8111 static addDefaultColumns(matrix: QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase): void;
8112 detailPanelValue: PanelModel;
8113 isUniqueCaseSensitiveValue: boolean;
8114 protected isRowChanging: boolean;
8115 columnsChangedCallback: any;
8116 onRenderedTableResetCallback: any;
8117 onRenderedTableCreatedCallback: (table: QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable) => void;
8118 onCellCreatedCallback: (options: any) => void;
8119 onCellValueChangedCallback: (options: any) => void;
8120 onHasDetailPanelCallback: (row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase) => boolean;
8121 onCreateDetailPanelCallback: (row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, panel: PanelModel) => void;
8122 onCreateDetailPanelRenderedRowCallback: (renderedRow: QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedRow) => void;
8123 onAddColumn: (column: MatrixDropdownColumn) => void;
8124 onRemoveColumn: (column: MatrixDropdownColumn) => void;
8125 protected createColumnValues(): any;
8126 /*
8127 * Returns the type of the object as a string as it represents in the json.
8128 */
8129 getType(): string;
8130 dispose(): void;
8131 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
8132 get isRowsDynamic(): boolean;
8133 isUpdating: boolean;
8134 protected get isUpdateLocked(): boolean;
8135 beginUpdate(): void;
8136 endUpdate(): void;
8137 protected updateColumnsAndRows(): void;
8138 itemValuePropertyChanged(item: ItemValue, name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void;
8139 /*
8140 * Set columnLayout to 'vertical' to place columns vertically and rows horizontally. It makes sense when we have many columns and few rows.
8141 */
8142 get columnLayout(): string;
8143 set columnLayout(val: string);
8144 get columnsLocation(): string;
8145 set columnsLocation(val: string);
8146 /*
8147 * Returns true if columns are located horizontally
8148 */
8149 get isColumnLayoutHorizontal(): boolean;
8150 /*
8151 * Set this property to true if you want to differ case sensitive values in unique columns, for example to allow enter "ABC" into the first row and "abc" into the second.
8152 * It doesn't allow by default.
8153 */
8154 get isUniqueCaseSensitive(): boolean;
8155 set isUniqueCaseSensitive(val: boolean);
8156 /*
8157 * Set the value to "underRow" to show the detailPanel under the row.
8158 */
8159 get detailPanelMode(): string;
8160 set detailPanelMode(val: string);
8161 /*
8162 * The detail template Panel. This panel is used as a template on creating detail panel for a row.
8163 */
8164 get detailPanel(): PanelModel;
8165 getPanel(): IPanel;
8166 /*
8167 * The template Panel elements, questions and panels.
8168 */
8169 get detailElements(): any;
8170 protected createNewDetailPanel(): PanelModel;
8171 get hasRowText(): boolean;
8172 getFooterText(): LocalizableString;
8173 get canAddRow(): boolean;
8174 get canRemoveRows(): boolean;
8175 canRemoveRow(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
8176 onPointerDown(pointerDownEvent: any, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): void;
8177 protected onRowsChanged(): void;
8178 lockResetRenderedTable: boolean;
8179 protected onStartRowAddingRemoving(): void;
8180 protected onEndRowAdding(): void;
8181 protected onEndRowRemoving(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): void;
8182 protected clearRowsAndResetRenderedTable(): void;
8183 protected resetRenderedTable(): void;
8184 protected clearGeneratedRows(): void;
8185 get renderedTable(): QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable;
8186 protected createRenderedTable(): QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable;
8187 protected onMatrixRowCreated(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): void;
8188 /*
8189 * Use this property to change the default cell type.
8190 */
8191 get cellType(): string;
8192 set cellType(val: string);
8193 /*
8194 * The default column count for radiogroup and checkbox cell types.
8195 */
8196 get columnColCount(): number;
8197 set columnColCount(val: number);
8198 /*
8199 * Use this property to set the minimum column width.
8200 */
8201 get columnMinWidth(): string;
8202 set columnMinWidth(val: string);
8203 /*
8204 * Set this property to true to show the horizontal scroll.
8205 */
8206 get horizontalScroll(): boolean;
8207 set horizontalScroll(val: boolean);
8208 /*
8209 * The Matrix toolbar and inner panel toolbars get adaptive if the property is set to true.
8210 */
8211 get allowAdaptiveActions(): boolean;
8212 set allowAdaptiveActions(val: boolean);
8213 getRequiredText(): string;
8214 hasChoices(): boolean;
8215 onColumnPropertyChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, name: string, newValue: any): void;
8216 onColumnItemValuePropertyChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, propertyName: string, obj: ItemValue, name: string, newValue: any, oldValue: any): void;
8217 onShowInMultipleColumnsChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): void;
8218 onColumnCellTypeChanged(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): void;
8219 getRowTitleWidth(): string;
8220 get hasFooter(): boolean;
8221 getAddRowLocation(): string;
8222 getShowColumnsIfEmpty(): boolean;
8223 protected updateShowTableAndAddRow(): void;
8224 protected updateHasFooter(): void;
8225 get hasTotal(): boolean;
8226 getCellType(): string;
8227 getCustomCellType(column: MatrixDropdownColumn, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, cellType: string): string;
8228 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
8229 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
8230 clearErrors(): void;
8231 localeChanged(): void;
8232 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
8233 protected shouldRunColumnExpression(): boolean;
8234 protected runCellsCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
8235 protected runTotalsCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
8236 locStrsChanged(): void;
8237 /*
8238 * Returns the column by it's name. Returns null if a column with this name doesn't exist.
8239 */
8240 getColumnByName(columnName: string): MatrixDropdownColumn;
8241 getColumnName(columnName: string): MatrixDropdownColumn;
8242 /*
8243 * Returns the column width.
8244 */
8245 getColumnWidth(column: MatrixDropdownColumn): string;
8246 /*
8247 * The default choices for dropdown, checkbox and radiogroup cell types.
8248 */
8249 get choices(): any;
8250 set choices(val: any);
8251 /*
8252 * The default placeholder for dropdown cell type.
8253 */
8254 get placeholder(): string;
8255 set placeholder(val: string);
8256 get locPlaceholder(): LocalizableString;
8257 get optionsCaption(): string;
8258 set optionsCaption(val: string);
8259 /*
8260 * The duplication value error text. Set it to show the text different from the default.
8261 */
8262 get keyDuplicationError(): string;
8263 set keyDuplicationError(val: string);
8264 get locKeyDuplicationError(): LocalizableString;
8265 get storeOthersAsComment(): boolean;
8266 addColumn(name: string, title?: string): MatrixDropdownColumn;
8267 protected getVisibleRows(): Array<MatrixDropdownRowModelBase>;
8268 get totalValue(): any;
8269 protected getVisibleTotalRow(): MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
8270 get visibleTotalRow(): MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
8271 onSurveyLoad(): void;
8272 /*
8273 * Returns the row value. If the row value is empty, the object is empty: {}.
8274 */
8275 getRowValue(rowIndex: number): any;
8276 checkIfValueInRowDuplicated(checkedRow: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, cellQuestion: Question): boolean;
8277 /*
8278 * Set the row value.
8279 */
8280 setRowValue(rowIndex: number, rowValue: any): any;
8281 protected generateRows(): Array<MatrixDropdownRowModelBase>;
8282 protected generateTotalRow(): MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
8283 protected createNewValue(nullOnEmpty?: boolean): any;
8284 protected getRowValueCore(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, questionValue: any, create?: boolean): any;
8285 protected getRowObj(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): any;
8286 protected getRowDisplayValue(keysAsText: boolean, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, rowValue: any): any;
8287 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
8288 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
8289 protected getConditionObjectRowName(index: number): string;
8290 protected getConditionObjectRowText(index: number): string;
8291 protected getConditionObjectsRowIndeces(): Array<any>;
8292 getProgressInfo(): IProgressInfo;
8293 protected updateProgressInfoByValues(res: IProgressInfo): void;
8294 protected updateProgressInfoByRow(res: IProgressInfo, rowValue: any): void;
8295 protected onBeforeValueChanged(val: any): void;
8296 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any): void;
8297 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8298 protected getContainsErrors(): boolean;
8299 protected getIsAnswered(): boolean;
8300 hasErrors(fireCallback?: boolean, rec?: any): boolean;
8301 protected getIsRunningValidators(): boolean;
8302 getAllErrors(): Array<SurveyError>;
8303 protected getUniqueColumns(): Array<MatrixDropdownColumn>;
8304 getFirstQuestionToFocus(withError: boolean): Question;
8305 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
8306 protected getFirstErrorInputElementId(): string;
8307 protected getFirstCellQuestion(onError: boolean): Question;
8308 protected onReadOnlyChanged(): void;
8309 createQuestion(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, column: MatrixDropdownColumn): Question;
8310 protected createQuestionCore(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, column: MatrixDropdownColumn): Question;
8311 protected deleteRowValue(newValue: any, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): any;
8312 isDoingonAnyValueChanged: boolean;
8313 onAnyValueChanged(name: string): void;
8314 protected isObject(value: any): boolean;
8315 protected onCellValueChanged(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, rowValue: any): void;
8316 validateCell(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, rowValue: any): SurveyError;
8317 get isValidateOnValueChanging(): boolean;
8318 onRowChanging(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, rowValue: any): any;
8319 onRowChanged(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, columnName: string, newRowValue: any, isDeletingValue: boolean): void;
8320 getRowIndex(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): number;
8321 getElementsInDesign(includeHidden?: boolean): Array<IElement>;
8322 hasDetailPanel(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
8323 getIsDetailPanelShowing(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
8324 setIsDetailPanelShowing(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, val: boolean): void;
8325 getDetailPanelButtonCss(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): string;
8326 getDetailPanelIconCss(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): string;
8327 getDetailPanelIconId(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): string;
8328 createRowDetailPanel(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): PanelModel;
8329 getSharedQuestionByName(columnName: string, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): Question;
8330 onTotalValueChanged(): any;
8331 getParentTextProcessor(): ITextProcessor;
8332 getQuestionFromArray(name: string, index: number): IQuestion;
8333 getCellTemplateData(cell: QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedCell): any;
8334 getCellWrapperComponentName(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): string;
8335 getCellWrapperComponentData(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): any;
8336 getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentName(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): string;
8337 getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentData(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): any;
8338 getRowHeaderWrapperComponentName(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): string;
8339 getRowHeaderWrapperComponentData(cell: MatrixDropdownCell): any;
8340 get showHorizontalScroll(): boolean;
8341 getRootCss(): string;
8344* A Model for a simple matrix question.
8346export declare class QuestionMatrixModel extends QuestionMatrixBaseModel<MatrixRowModel, ItemValue> implements IMatrixData, IMatrixCellsOwner {
8347 constructor(name: string);
8348 isRowChanging: boolean;
8349 cellsValue: MatrixCells;
8350 getType(): string;
8351 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
8352 /*
8353 * Set this property to true, if you want a user to answer all rows.
8354 */
8355 get isAllRowRequired(): boolean;
8356 set isAllRowRequired(val: boolean);
8357 /*
8358 * Returns true, if there is at least one row.
8359 */
8360 get hasRows(): boolean;
8361 /*
8362 * Use this property to render items in a specific order: "random" or "initial". Default is "initial".
8363 */
8364 get rowsOrder(): string;
8365 set rowsOrder(val: string);
8366 /*
8367 * Set this property to true to hide the question if there is no visible rows in the matrix.
8368 */
8369 get hideIfRowsEmpty(): boolean;
8370 set hideIfRowsEmpty(val: boolean);
8371 getRows(): Array<any>;
8372 getColumns(): Array<any>;
8373 addColumn(value: any, text?: string): ItemValue;
8374 getItemClass(row: any, column: any): string;
8375 get itemSvgIcon(): string;
8376 protected getQuizQuestionCount(): number;
8377 protected getCorrectAnswerCount(): number;
8378 protected getVisibleRows(): Array<MatrixRowModel>;
8379 protected sortVisibleRows(array: any): Array<MatrixRowModel>;
8380 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
8381 protected processRowsOnSet(newRows: any): any;
8382 /*
8383 * Returns the list of visible rows as model objects.
8384 */
8385 get visibleRows(): any;
8386 get cells(): MatrixCells;
8387 set cells(val: MatrixCells);
8388 get hasCellText(): boolean;
8389 protected updateHasCellText(): void;
8390 setCellText(row: any, column: any, val: string): void;
8391 getCellText(row: any, column: any): string;
8392 setDefaultCellText(column: any, val: string): void;
8393 getDefaultCellText(column: any): string;
8394 getCellDisplayText(row: any, column: any): string;
8395 emptyLocalizableString: LocalizableString;
8396 getCellDisplayLocText(row: any, column: any): LocalizableString;
8397 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8398 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
8399 protected getIsAnswered(): boolean;
8400 protected onMatrixRowCreated(row: MatrixRowModel): void;
8401 protected setQuestionValue(newValue: any, updateIsAnswered?: boolean): void;
8402 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
8403 getPlainData(options?: any): any;
8404 addConditionObjectsByContext(objects: any, context: any): void;
8405 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
8406 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
8407 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
8408 onMatrixRowChanged(row: MatrixRowModel): void;
8409 getCorrectedRowValue(value: any): any;
8410 protected getSearchableItemValueKeys(keys: any): void;
8411 getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentName(cell: ItemValue): string;
8412 getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentData(cell: ItemValue): any;
8413 getRowHeaderWrapperComponentName(cell: ItemValue): string;
8414 getRowHeaderWrapperComponentData(cell: ItemValue): any;
8416export declare class QuestionMultipleText extends QuestionMultipleTextModel {
8417 constructor(name: string);
8418 _implementor: QuestionMultipleTextImplementor;
8419 koRows: any;
8420 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8421 protected onColCountChanged(): void;
8422 protected createTextItem(name: string, title: string): MultipleTextItemModel;
8423 dispose(): void;
8425export declare class QuestionPanelDynamic extends QuestionPanelDynamicModel {
8426 constructor(name: string);
8427 _implementor: QuestionPanelDynamicImplementor;
8428 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8429 dispose(): void;
8431export declare class QuestionRating extends QuestionRatingModel {
8432 constructor(name: string);
8433 _implementor: QuestionRatingImplementor;
8434 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8435 dispose(): void;
8437export declare class QuestionSignaturePad extends QuestionSignaturePadModel {
8438 constructor(name: string);
8439 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8440 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8441 dispose(): void;
8444* A Model for an input text question.
8446export declare class QuestionTextModel extends QuestionTextBase {
8447 constructor(name: string);
8448 locDataListValue: LocalizableStrings;
8449 minValueRunner: ExpressionRunner;
8450 maxValueRunner: ExpressionRunner;
8451 protected isTextValue(): boolean;
8452 getType(): string;
8453 onSurveyLoad(): void;
8454 /*
8455 * Use this property to change the default input type.
8456 */
8457 get inputType(): string;
8458 set inputType(val: string);
8459 runCondition(values: any, properties: any): void;
8460 getValidators(): Array<SurveyValidator>;
8461 isLayoutTypeSupported(layoutType: string): boolean;
8462 /*
8463 * The text input size
8464 */
8465 get size(): number;
8466 set size(val: number);
8467 get isTextInput(): boolean;
8468 get inputSize(): number;
8469 get renderedInputSize(): number;
8470 get inputWidth(): string;
8471 updateInputSize(): void;
8472 /*
8473 * Text auto complete
8474 */
8475 get autoComplete(): string;
8476 set autoComplete(val: string);
8477 /*
8478 * The minimum value
8479 */
8480 get min(): string;
8481 set min(val: string);
8482 /*
8483 * The maximum value
8484 */
8485 get max(): string;
8486 set max(val: string);
8487 /*
8488 * The minimum value that you can setup as expression, for example today(-1) = yesterday;
8489 */
8490 get minValueExpression(): string;
8491 set minValueExpression(val: string);
8492 /*
8493 * The maximum value that you can setup as expression, for example today(1) = tomorrow;
8494 */
8495 get maxValueExpression(): string;
8496 set maxValueExpression(val: string);
8497 get renderedMin(): any;
8498 get renderedMax(): any;
8499 /*
8500 * The text that shows when value is less than min property.
8501 */
8502 get minErrorText(): string;
8503 set minErrorText(val: string);
8504 get locMinErrorText(): LocalizableString;
8505 /*
8506 * The text that shows when value is greater than man property.
8507 */
8508 get maxErrorText(): string;
8509 set maxErrorText(val: string);
8510 get locMaxErrorText(): LocalizableString;
8511 /*
8512 * Readonly property that returns true if the current inputType allows to set min and max properties
8513 */
8514 get isMinMaxType(): boolean;
8515 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
8516 protected canSetValueToSurvey(): boolean;
8517 /*
8518 * The step value
8519 */
8520 get step(): string;
8521 set step(val: string);
8522 get renderedStep(): string;
8523 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8524 supportGoNextPageError(): boolean;
8525 /*
8526 * The list of recommended options available to choose.
8527 */
8528 get dataList(): any;
8529 set dataList(val: any);
8530 get locDataList(): LocalizableStrings;
8531 get dataListId(): string;
8532 protected canRunValidators(isOnValueChanged: boolean): boolean;
8533 protected setNewValue(newValue: any): void;
8534 protected correctValueType(newValue: any): any;
8535 protected hasPlaceHolder(): boolean;
8536 isReadOnlyRenderDiv(): boolean;
8537 get inputStyle(): any;
8539export declare class FlowPanel extends FlowPanelModel {
8540 constructor(name?: string);
8541 koElementType: any;
8542 koElementAfterRender: any;
8543 placeHolder: string;
8544 protected onCreating(): void;
8545 protected getHtmlForQuestion(question: any): string;
8548* A Model for a button group question.
8550export declare class QuestionButtonGroupModel extends QuestionCheckboxBase {
8551 constructor(name: string);
8552 getType(): string;
8553 protected getItemValueType(): string;
8554 supportOther(): boolean;
8557* A Model for a checkbox question
8559export declare class QuestionCheckboxModel extends QuestionCheckboxBase {
8560 constructor(name: string);
8561 selectAllItemValue: ItemValue;
8562 invisibleOldValues: any;
8563 get ariaRole(): string;
8564 getType(): string;
8565 protected onCreating(): void;
8566 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
8567 /*
8568 * Set this property if you want to store the checkbox value as array of objects instead of array of values
8569 * For example: if "valuePropertyName" equals car, then instead of having ["Ford", "Tesla"], you will have [{car: "Ford"}, {car: "Tesla"}]
8570 */
8571 get valuePropertyName(): string;
8572 set valuePropertyName(val: string);
8573 /*
8574 * Returns the select all item. By using this property, you may change programmatically it's value and text.
8575 */
8576 get selectAllItem(): ItemValue;
8577 /*
8578 * Use this property to set the different text for Select All item.
8579 */
8580 get selectAllText(): string;
8581 set selectAllText(val: string);
8582 get locSelectAllText(): LocalizableString;
8583 /*
8584 * Set this property to true, to show the "Select All" item on the top. If end-user checks this item, then all items are checked.
8585 */
8586 get hasSelectAll(): boolean;
8587 set hasSelectAll(val: boolean);
8588 /*
8589 * Returns true if all items are selected
8590 */
8591 get isAllSelected(): boolean;
8592 set isAllSelected(val: boolean);
8593 /*
8594 * It will select all items, except other and none. If all items have been already selected then it will clear the value
8595 */
8596 toggleSelectAll(): void;
8597 /*
8598 * Select all items, except other and none.
8599 */
8600 selectAll(): void;
8601 /*
8602 * Returns true if item is checked
8603 */
8604 isItemSelected(item: ItemValue): boolean;
8605 /*
8606 * Set this property different to 0 to limit the number of selected choices in the checkbox.
8607 */
8608 get maxSelectedChoices(): number;
8609 set maxSelectedChoices(val: number);
8610 /*
8611 * Return the selected items in the checkbox. Returns empty array if the value is empty
8612 */
8613 get selectedItems(): any;
8614 protected onEnableItemCallBack(item: ItemValue): boolean;
8615 protected onAfterRunItemsEnableCondition(): void;
8616 protected getItemClassCore(item: any, options: any): string;
8617 updateValueFromSurvey(newValue: any): void;
8618 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
8619 protected hasValueToClearIncorrectValues(): boolean;
8620 protected setNewValue(newValue: any): void;
8621 protected getIsMultipleValue(): boolean;
8622 protected getCommentFromValue(newValue: any): string;
8623 protected setOtherValueIntoValue(newValue: any): any;
8624 protected canUseFilteredChoices(): boolean;
8625 protected supportSelectAll(): boolean;
8626 protected addToVisibleChoices(items: any, isAddAll: boolean): void;
8627 protected isHeadChoice(item: ItemValue, question: QuestionSelectBase): boolean;
8628 /*
8629 * For internal use in SurveyJS Creator V2.
8630 */
8631 isItemInList(item: ItemValue): boolean;
8632 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
8633 protected clearIncorrectValuesCore(): void;
8634 protected clearDisabledValuesCore(): void;
8635 isChangingValueOnClearIncorrect: boolean;
8636 getConditionJson(operator?: string, path?: string): any;
8637 isAnswerCorrect(): boolean;
8638 protected setDefaultValueWithOthers(): void;
8639 protected getHasOther(val: any): boolean;
8640 protected valueFromData(val: any): any;
8641 protected rendredValueFromData(val: any): any;
8642 protected rendredValueToData(val: any): any;
8643 protected convertValueFromObject(val: any): any;
8644 protected convertValueToObject(val: any): any;
8645 protected renderedValueFromDataCore(val: any): any;
8646 protected rendredValueToDataCore(val: any): any;
8647 get checkBoxSvgPath(): string;
8649export declare class QuestionComment extends QuestionCommentModel {
8650 constructor(name: string);
8651 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8652 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8653 dispose(): void;
8655export declare class QuestionComposite extends QuestionCompositeModel {
8656 constructor(name: string, questionJSON: any);
8657 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8658 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8659 dispose(): void;
8661export declare class QuestionCustom extends QuestionCustomModel {
8662 constructor(name: string, questionJSON: any);
8663 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8664 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8665 dispose(): void;
8667export declare class QuestionDropdown extends QuestionDropdownModel {
8668 constructor(name: string);
8669 _implementor: QuestionDropdownImplementor;
8670 koDisableOption: any;
8671 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8672 dispose(): void;
8674export declare class QuestionHtml extends QuestionHtmlModel {
8675 constructor(name: string);
8676 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8677 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8678 dispose(): void;
8680export declare class QuestionImage extends QuestionImageModel {
8681 constructor(name: string);
8682 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8683 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8684 dispose(): void;
8687* A Model for a select image question.
8689export declare class QuestionImagePickerModel extends QuestionCheckboxBase {
8690 constructor(name: string);
8691 getType(): string;
8692 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8693 get hasSingleInput(): boolean;
8694 protected getItemValueType(): string;
8695 get isCompositeQuestion(): boolean;
8696 supportOther(): boolean;
8697 supportNone(): boolean;
8698 isAnswerCorrect(): boolean;
8699 /*
8700 * Multi select option. If set to true, then allows to select multiple images.
8701 */
8702 get multiSelect(): boolean;
8703 set multiSelect(val: boolean);
8704 /*
8705 * Returns true if item is checked
8706 */
8707 isItemSelected(item: ItemValue): boolean;
8708 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
8709 /*
8710 * Show label under the image.
8711 */
8712 get showLabel(): boolean;
8713 set showLabel(val: boolean);
8714 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
8715 protected getValueCore(): any;
8716 protected renderedValueFromDataCore(val: any): any;
8717 protected rendredValueToDataCore(val: any): any;
8718 /*
8719 * The image height.
8720 */
8721 get imageHeight(): number;
8722 set imageHeight(val: number);
8723 responsiveImageHeight: number;
8724 get renderedImageHeight(): string;
8725 /*
8726 * The image width.
8727 */
8728 get imageWidth(): number;
8729 set imageWidth(val: number);
8730 responsiveImageWidth: number;
8731 get renderedImageWidth(): string;
8732 /*
8733 * The image fit mode.
8734 */
8735 get imageFit(): string;
8736 set imageFit(val: string);
8737 /*
8738 * The content mode.
8739 */
8740 get contentMode(): string;
8741 set contentMode(val: string);
8742 protected convertDefaultValue(val: any): any;
8743 get inputType(): "checkbox" | "radio";
8744 protected isFootChoice(_item: ItemValue, _question: QuestionSelectBase): boolean;
8745 getSelectBaseRootCss(): string;
8746 isResponsiveValue: boolean;
8747 maxImageWidth: number;
8748 minImageWidth: number;
8749 maxImageHeight: number;
8750 minImageHeight: number;
8751 protected getObservedElementSelector(): string;
8752 protected supportResponsiveness(): boolean;
8753 protected needResponsiveness(): boolean;
8754 _width: number;
8755 onContentLoaded: (item: ImageItemValue, event: any) => void;
8756 responsiveColCount: number;
8757 protected getCurrentColCount(): number;
8758 protected processResponsiveness(_: number, availableWidth: number): boolean;
8759 gapBetweenItems: number;
8760 afterRender(el: any): void;
8762export declare class QuestionMatrix extends QuestionMatrixModel {
8763 constructor(name: string);
8764 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
8765 koVisibleRows: any;
8766 koVisibleColumns: any;
8767 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
8768 protected onColumnsChanged(): void;
8769 protected onRowsChanged(): void;
8770 onSurveyLoad(): void;
8771 protected onMatrixRowCreated(row: any): void;
8772 protected getVisibleRows(): Array<MatrixRowModel>;
8773 dispose(): void;
8776* A Model for a matrix dropdown question. You may use a dropdown, checkbox, radiogroup, text and comment questions as a cell editors.
8778export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdownModel extends QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase implements IMatrixDropdownData {
8779 constructor(name: string);
8780 getType(): string;
8781 /*
8782 * Set this property to show it on the first column for the total row.
8783 */
8784 get totalText(): string;
8785 set totalText(val: string);
8786 get locTotalText(): LocalizableString;
8787 getFooterText(): LocalizableString;
8788 /*
8789 * The column width for the first column, row title column.
8790 */
8791 get rowTitleWidth(): string;
8792 set rowTitleWidth(val: string);
8793 getRowTitleWidth(): string;
8794 /*
8795 * Set this property to true to hide the question if there is no visible rows in the matrix.
8796 */
8797 get hideIfRowsEmpty(): boolean;
8798 set hideIfRowsEmpty(val: boolean);
8799 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
8800 protected getConditionObjectRowName(index: number): string;
8801 protected getConditionObjectRowText(index: number): string;
8802 protected getConditionObjectsRowIndeces(): Array<any>;
8803 clearIncorrectValues(): void;
8804 protected clearValueIfInvisibleCore(): void;
8805 protected generateRows(): Array<MatrixDropdownRowModel>;
8806 protected createMatrixRow(item: ItemValue, value: any): MatrixDropdownRowModel;
8807 protected getSearchableItemValueKeys(keys: any): void;
8808 protected updateProgressInfoByValues(res: IProgressInfo): void;
8811* A Model for a matrix dymanic question. You may use a dropdown, checkbox, radiogroup, text and comment questions as a cell editors.
8812* An end-user may dynamically add/remove rows, unlike in matrix dropdown question.
8814export declare class QuestionMatrixDynamicModel extends QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase implements IMatrixDropdownData {
8815 constructor(name: string);
8816 onGetValueForNewRowCallBack: (sender: QuestionMatrixDynamicModel) => any;
8817 rowCounter: number;
8818 initialRowCount: number;
8819 setRowCountValueFromData: boolean;
8820 dragDropMatrixRows: DragDropMatrixRows;
8821 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
8822 draggedRow: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase;
8823 onPointerDown(pointerDownEvent: any, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): void;
8824 startDragMatrixRow: (event: any, currentTarget: any) => void;
8825 getType(): string;
8826 get isRowsDynamic(): boolean;
8827 /*
8828 * Set it to true, to show a confirmation dialog on removing a row
8829 */
8830 get confirmDelete(): boolean;
8831 set confirmDelete(val: boolean);
8832 /*
8833 * Set it to a column name and the library shows duplication error, if there are same values in different rows in the column.
8834 */
8835 get keyName(): string;
8836 set keyName(val: string);
8837 /*
8838 * If it is not empty, then this value is set to every new row, including rows created initially, unless the defaultValue is not empty
8839 */
8840 get defaultRowValue(): any;
8841 set defaultRowValue(val: any);
8842 /*
8843 * Set it to true to copy the value into new added row from the last row. If defaultRowValue is set and this property equals to true,
8844 * then the value for new added row is merging.
8845 */
8846 get defaultValueFromLastRow(): boolean;
8847 set defaultValueFromLastRow(val: boolean);
8848 protected isDefaultValueEmpty(): boolean;
8849 protected valueFromData(val: any): any;
8850 protected setDefaultValue(): void;
8851 moveRowByIndex: (fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) => void;
8852 /*
8853 * The number of rows in the matrix.
8854 */
8855 get rowCount(): number;
8856 set rowCount(val: number);
8857 protected updateProgressInfoByValues(res: IProgressInfo): void;
8858 /*
8859 * Set this property to true, to allow rows drag and drop.
8860 */
8861 get allowRowsDragAndDrop(): boolean;
8862 set allowRowsDragAndDrop(val: boolean);
8863 get iconDragElement(): string;
8864 protected createRenderedTable(): QuestionMatrixDropdownRenderedTable;
8865 /*
8866 * The minimum row count. A user could not delete a row if the rowCount equals to minRowCount
8867 */
8868 get minRowCount(): number;
8869 set minRowCount(val: number);
8870 /*
8871 * The maximum row count. A user could not add a row if the rowCount equals to maxRowCount
8872 */
8873 get maxRowCount(): number;
8874 set maxRowCount(val: number);
8875 /*
8876 * Set this property to false to disable ability to add new rows. "Add new Row" button becomes invsible in UI
8877 */
8878 get allowAddRows(): boolean;
8879 set allowAddRows(val: boolean);
8880 /*
8881 * Set this property to false to disable ability to remove rows. "Remove" row buttons become invsible in UI
8882 */
8883 get allowRemoveRows(): boolean;
8884 set allowRemoveRows(val: boolean);
8885 /*
8886 * Returns true, if a new row can be added.
8887 */
8888 get canAddRow(): boolean;
8889 canRemoveRowsCallback: (allow: boolean) => boolean;
8890 /*
8891 * Returns true, if row can be removed.
8892 */
8893 get canRemoveRows(): boolean;
8894 canRemoveRow(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): boolean;
8895 /*
8896 * Creates and add a new row and focus the cell in the first column.
8897 */
8898 addRowUI(): void;
8899 /*
8900 * Creates and add a new row.
8901 */
8902 addRow(): void;
8903 /*
8904 * Set this property to true to show detail panel immediately on adding a new row.
8905 */
8906 get detailPanelShowOnAdding(): boolean;
8907 set detailPanelShowOnAdding(val: boolean);
8908 protected hasRowsAsItems(): boolean;
8909 unbindValue(): void;
8910 protected isValueSurveyElement(val: any): boolean;
8911 /*
8912 * Removes a row by it's index. If confirmDelete is true, show a confirmation dialog
8913 */
8914 removeRowUI(value: any): void;
8915 isRequireConfirmOnRowDelete(index: number): boolean;
8916 /*
8917 * Removes a row by it's index.
8918 */
8919 removeRow(index: number): void;
8920 /*
8921 * Use this property to change the default text showing in the confirmation delete dialog on removing a row.
8922 */
8923 get confirmDeleteText(): string;
8924 set confirmDeleteText(val: string);
8925 get locConfirmDeleteText(): LocalizableString;
8926 /*
8927 * Use this property to change the default value of add row button text.
8928 */
8929 get addRowText(): string;
8930 set addRowText(val: string);
8931 get locAddRowText(): LocalizableString;
8932 /*
8933 * By default the 'Add Row' button is shown on bottom if columnLayout is horizontal and on top if columnLayout is vertical.
8934 * You may set it to "top", "bottom" or "topBottom" (to show on top and bottom).
8935 */
8936 get addRowLocation(): string;
8937 set addRowLocation(val: string);
8938 getAddRowLocation(): string;
8939 /*
8940 * Set this property to true to hide matrix columns when there is no any row.
8941 */
8942 get hideColumnsIfEmpty(): boolean;
8943 set hideColumnsIfEmpty(val: boolean);
8944 getShowColumnsIfEmpty(): boolean;
8945 /*
8946 * Use this property to change the default value of remove row button text.
8947 */
8948 get removeRowText(): string;
8949 set removeRowText(val: string);
8950 get locRemoveRowText(): LocalizableString;
8951 /*
8952 * Use this property to change the default value of remove row button text.
8953 */
8954 get emptyRowsText(): string;
8955 set emptyRowsText(val: string);
8956 get locEmptyRowsText(): LocalizableString;
8957 protected getDisplayValueCore(keysAsText: boolean, value: any): any;
8958 protected getConditionObjectRowName(index: number): string;
8959 protected getConditionObjectsRowIndeces(): Array<any>;
8960 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8961 get hasRowText(): boolean;
8962 protected onCheckForErrors(errors: any, isOnValueChanged: boolean): void;
8963 protected getUniqueColumns(): Array<MatrixDropdownColumn>;
8964 protected generateRows(): Array<MatrixDynamicRowModel>;
8965 protected createMatrixRow(value: any): MatrixDynamicRowModel;
8966 protected onBeforeValueChanged(val: any): void;
8967 protected createNewValue(): any;
8968 protected deleteRowValue(newValue: any, row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase): any;
8969 protected getRowValueCore(row: MatrixDropdownRowModelBase, questionValue: any, create?: boolean): any;
8970 getAddRowButtonCss(isEmptySection?: boolean): string;
8971 getRemoveRowButtonCss(): string;
8972 getRootCss(): string;
8975* A Model for a radiogroup question.
8977export declare class QuestionRadiogroupModel extends QuestionCheckboxBase {
8978 constructor(name: string);
8979 getType(): string;
8980 get ariaRole(): string;
8981 protected getFirstInputElementId(): string;
8982 /*
8983 * Return the selected item in the radio group. Returns null if the value is empty
8984 */
8985 get selectedItem(): ItemValue;
8986 /*
8987 * Show "clear button" flag.
8988 */
8989 get showClearButton(): boolean;
8990 set showClearButton(val: boolean);
8991 get canShowClearButton(): boolean;
8992 get clearButtonCaption(): string;
8993 supportGoNextPageAutomatic(): boolean;
8994 get showClearButtonInContent(): boolean;
8995 protected getDefaultTitleActions(): Array<Action>;
8997export declare class QuestionText extends QuestionTextModel {
8998 constructor(name: string);
8999 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
9000 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9001 dispose(): void;
9003export declare class QuestionButtonGroup extends QuestionButtonGroupModel {
9004 constructor(name: string);
9005 _implementor: QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor;
9006 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9007 dispose(): void;
9009export declare class QuestionCheckbox extends QuestionCheckboxModel {
9010 constructor(name: string);
9011 koAllSelected: any;
9012 isAllSelectedUpdating: boolean;
9013 _implementor: QuestionCheckboxImplementor;
9014 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9015 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
9016 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged(): void;
9017 protected updateAllSelected(): void;
9018 dispose(): void;
9020export declare class QuestionImagePicker extends QuestionImagePickerModel {
9021 constructor(name: string);
9022 _implementor: QuestionImagePickerImplementor;
9023 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9024 dispose(): void;
9026export declare class QuestionMatrixDropdown extends QuestionMatrixDropdownModel {
9027 constructor(name: string);
9028 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
9029 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9030 dispose(): void;
9032export declare class QuestionMatrixDynamic extends QuestionMatrixDynamicModel {
9033 constructor(name: string);
9034 _implementor: QuestionMatrixDynamicImplementor;
9035 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9036 dispose(): void;
9038export declare class QuestionRadiogroup extends QuestionRadiogroupModel {
9039 constructor(name: string);
9040 _implementor: QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor;
9041 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9042 dispose(): void;
9045* A Model for a ranking question
9047export declare class QuestionRankingModel extends QuestionCheckboxModel {
9048 constructor(name: string);
9049 domNode: any;
9050 getType(): string;
9051 get rootClass(): string;
9052 protected getItemClassCore(item: ItemValue, options: any): string;
9053 protected isItemCurrentDropTarget(item: ItemValue): boolean;
9054 get ghostPositionCssClass(): string;
9055 getNumberByIndex(index: number): string;
9056 setSurveyImpl(value: ISurveyImpl, isLight?: boolean): void;
9057 isAnswerCorrect(): boolean;
9058 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
9059 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged: any;
9060 localeChanged: any;
9061 get rankingChoices(): any;
9062 dragDropRankingChoices: DragDropRankingChoices;
9063 currentDropTarget: ItemValue;
9064 dropTargetNodeMove: string;
9065 endLoadingFromJson(): void;
9066 handlePointerDown: (event: any, choice: ItemValue, node: any) => void;
9067 afterRenderQuestionElement(el: any): void;
9068 beforeDestroyQuestionElement(el: any): void;
9069 handleKeydown: (event: any, choice: ItemValue) => void;
9070 protected supportSelectAll(): boolean;
9071 supportOther(): boolean;
9072 supportNone(): boolean;
9073 handleArrowUp: (index: number, choice: ItemValue) => void;
9074 handleArrowDown: (index: number, choice: ItemValue) => void;
9075 focusItem: (index: number) => void;
9076 setValue: any;
9077 setValueFromUI: any;
9078 syncNumbers: any;
9079 setGhostText: (text: string) => void;
9080 getIconHoverCss(): string;
9081 getIconFocusCss(): string;
9082 /*
9083 * For mobile devices. Set this property to false, to disable the "long tap" before drag start. Default is true.
9084 */
9085 get longTap(): boolean;
9086 set longTap(val: boolean);
9089* A Model for a tagbox question
9091export declare class QuestionTagboxModel extends QuestionCheckboxModel {
9092 constructor(name: string);
9093 dropdownListModel: DropdownMultiSelectListModel;
9094 onSurveyLoad(): void;
9095 get readOnlyText(): any;
9096 /*
9097 * Specifies whether to display a button that clears the selected value.
9098 */
9099 allowClear: boolean;
9100 /*
9101 * Specifies whether to display a search bar in the drop-down menu.
9102 */
9103 searchEnabled: boolean;
9104 /*
9105 * A text displayed in the input field when it doesn't have a value.
9106 */
9107 get placeholder(): string;
9108 set placeholder(val: string);
9109 get locPlaceholder(): LocalizableString;
9110 getType(): string;
9111 get popupModel(): any;
9112 getControlClass(): string;
9113 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged(): void;
9115export declare class QuestionRanking extends QuestionRankingModel {
9116 _implementor: QuestionImplementor;
9117 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9118 dispose(): void;
9119 koHandleKeydown: (data: any, event: any) => boolean;
9120 koHandlePointerDown: (data: any, event: any) => boolean;
9122export declare class QuestionTagbox extends QuestionTagboxModel {
9123 constructor(name: string);
9124 koAllSelected: any;
9125 isAllSelectedUpdating: boolean;
9126 _implementor: QuestionCheckboxBaseImplementor;
9127 protected onBaseCreating(): void;
9128 onSurveyValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
9129 protected onVisibleChoicesChanged(): void;
9130 protected updateAllSelected(): void;
9131 dispose(): void;
9133export declare function property(options?: any): (target: any, key: string) => void;
9134export declare function propertyArray(options?: IArrayPropertyDecoratorOptions): (target: any, key: string) => void;
9135export declare function unwrap<T>(value: any): T;
9136export declare function getSize(value: any): any;
9137export declare function doKey2ClickBlur(evt: any): void;
9138export declare function doKey2ClickUp(evt: any, options?: IAttachKey2clickOptions): void;
9139export declare function doKey2ClickDown(evt: any, options?: IAttachKey2clickOptions): void;
9140export declare function sanitizeEditableContent(element: any): void;
9141export declare function createDialogOptions(componentName: string, data: any, onApply: any, onCancel?: any, onHide?: any, onShow?: any, cssClass?: string, title?: string, displayMode?: "popup" | "overlay"): IDialogOptions;
9142export declare function createPopupModalViewModel(options: IDialogOptions): PopupBaseViewModel;
9143export declare function getCurrecyCodes(): Array<any>;
9144export declare function showModal(componentName: string, data: any, onApply: any, onCancel?: any, cssClass?: string, title?: string, displayMode?: "popup" | "overlay"): void;
9145export declare function showDialog(dialogOptions: any): void;
9147* Global survey settings
9149export declare var settings: {
9150 /*
9151 * Options for SurveyJS comparator. By default we trim strings and compare them as case insensitive. To change the behavior you can use following code:
9152 * settings.comparator.trimStrings = false; //"abc " will not equal to "abc". They are equal by default.
9153 * settings.comparator.caseSensitive = true; //"abc " will not equal to "Abc". They are equal by default.
9154 */
9155 comparator: {
9156 trimStrings: boolean,
9157 caseSensitive: boolean,
9158 },
9159 /*
9160 * Set this value to false, if you want to have UTC fuctions, for example setUTCHours inside our functions, like today.
9161 * By default it uses setHours function, with local date
9162 */
9163 useLocalTimeZone: boolean,
9164 /*
9165 * The prefix that uses to store the question comment, as {questionName} + {commentPrefix}.
9166 * The default
9167 */
9168 commentPrefix: string,
9169 /*
9170 * Encode parameter on calling restful web API
9171 */
9172 webserviceEncodeParameters: boolean,
9173 /*
9174 * Cache the result for choices getting from web services. Set this property to false, to disable the caching.
9175 */
9176 useCachingForChoicesRestful: boolean,
9177 useCachingForChoicesRestfull: boolean,
9178 /*
9179 * SurveyJS web service API url
9180 */
9181 surveyServiceUrl: string,
9182 /*
9183 * separator that can allow to set value and text of ItemValue object in one string as: "value|text"
9184 */
9185 itemValueSeparator: string,
9186 /*
9187 * Set it to true to serialize itemvalue instance always as object even if text property is empty
9188 * const item = new Survey.ItemValue(5);
9189 * item.toJSON(); //will return {value: 5}, instead of 5 by default.
9190 */
9191 itemValueAlwaysSerializeAsObject: boolean,
9192 /*
9193 * Set it to true to serialize itemvalue text property, even if it is empty or equals to value
9194 * const item = new Survey.ItemValue("item1");
9195 * item.toJSON(); //will return {value: item1, text: "item1"}, instead of "item1" by default.
9196 */
9197 itemValueAlwaysSerializeText: boolean,
9198 /*
9199 * default locale name for localizable strings that uses during serialization, {"default": "My text", "de": "Mein Text"}
9200 */
9201 defaultLocaleName: string,
9202 /*
9203 * Default row name for matrix (single choice)
9204 */
9205 matrixDefaultRowName: string,
9206 /*
9207 * Default cell type for dropdown and dynamic matrices
9208 */
9209 matrixDefaultCellType: string,
9210 /*
9211 * Total value postfix for dropdown and dynamic matrices. The total value stores as: {matrixName} + {postfix}
9212 */
9213 matrixTotalValuePostFix: string,
9214 /*
9215 * Maximum row count in dynamic matrix
9216 */
9217 matrixMaximumRowCount: number,
9218 /*
9219 * Maximum rowCount that returns in addConditionObjectsByContext function
9220 */
9221 matrixMaxRowCountInCondition: number,
9222 /*
9223 * Set this property to false, to render matrix dynamic remove action as button.
9224 * It is rendered as icon in new themes ("defaultV2") by default.
9225 */
9226 matrixRenderRemoveAsIcon: boolean,
9227 /*
9228 * Maximum panel count in dynamic panel
9229 */
9230 panelMaximumPanelCount: number,
9231 /*
9232 * Maximum rate value count in rating question
9233 */
9234 ratingMaximumRateValueCount: number,
9235 /*
9236 * Disable the question while choices are getting from the web service
9237 */
9238 disableOnGettingChoicesFromWeb: boolean,
9239 /*
9240 * Set to true to always serialize the localization string as object even if there is only one value for default locale. Instead of string "MyStr" serialize as {default: "MyStr"}
9241 */
9242 serializeLocalizableStringAsObject: boolean,
9243 /*
9244 * Set to false to hide empty page title and description in design mode
9245 */
9246 allowShowEmptyTitleInDesignMode: boolean,
9247 /*
9248 * Set to false to hide empty page description in design mode
9249 */
9250 allowShowEmptyDescriptionInDesignMode: boolean,
9251 /*
9252 * Set this property to true to execute the complete trigger on value change instead of on next page.
9253 */
9254 executeCompleteTriggerOnValueChanged: boolean,
9255 /*
9256 * Set this property to false to execute the skip trigger on next page instead of on value change.
9257 */
9258 executeSkipTriggerOnValueChanged: boolean,
9259 /*
9260 * Specifies how the input field of [Comment](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questioncommentmodel) questions is rendered in the read-only mode.
9261 * Available values:
9262 * "textarea" (default) - A 'textarea' element is used to render a Comment question's input field.
9263 * "div" - A 'div' element is used to render a Comment question's input field.
9264 */
9265 readOnlyCommentRenderMode: string,
9266 /*
9267 * Specifies how the input field of [Text](https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library?id=questiontextmodel) questions is rendered in the read-only mode.
9268 * Available values:
9269 * "input" (default) - An 'input' element is used to render a Text question's input field.
9270 * "div" - A 'div' element is used to render a Text question's input field.
9271 */
9272 readOnlyTextRenderMode: string,
9273 /*
9274 * Override this function, set your function, if you want to show your own dialog confirm window instead of standard browser window.
9275 */
9276 confirmActionFunc: (message: string) => boolean,
9277 /*
9278 * Set this property to change the default value of the minWidth constraint
9279 */
9280 minWidth: string,
9281 /*
9282 * Set this property to change the default value of the minWidth constraint
9283 */
9284 maxWidth: string,
9285 /*
9286 * This property tells how many times survey re-run expressions on value changes during condition running. We need it to avoid recursions in the expressions
9287 */
9288 maximumConditionRunCountOnValueChanged: number,
9289 /*
9290 * By default visibleIndex for question with titleLocation = "hidden" is -1, and survey doesn't count these questions when set questions numbers.
9291 * Set it true, and a question next to a question with hidden title will increase it's number.
9292 */
9293 setQuestionVisibleIndexForHiddenTitle: boolean,
9294 /*
9295 * By default visibleIndex for question with hideNumber = true is -1, and survey doesn't count these questions when set questions numbers.
9296 * Set it true, and a question next to a question with hidden title number will increase it's number.
9297 */
9298 setQuestionVisibleIndexForHiddenNumber: boolean,
9299 /*
9300 * By default all rows are rendered no matters whwther they are visible.
9301 * Set it true, and survey markup rows will be rendered only if they are visible in viewport.
9302 * This feature is experimantal and might do not support all the use cases.
9303 */
9304 lazyRowsRendering: boolean,
9305 lazyRowsRenderingStartRow: number,
9306 /*
9307 * By default checkbox and radiogroup items are ordered in rows.
9308 * Set it "column", and items will be ordered in columns.
9309 */
9310 showItemsInOrder: string,
9311 /*
9312 * Supported validators by question types. You can modify this variable to add validators for new question types or add/remove for existing question types.
9313 */
9314 supportedValidators: {
9315 question: any,
9316 comment: any,
9317 text: any,
9318 checkbox: any,
9319 imagepicker: any,
9320 },
9321 /*
9322 * Set the value as string "yyyy-mm-dd". text questions with inputType "date" will not allow to set to survey date that less than this value
9323 */
9324 minDate: string,
9325 /*
9326 * Set the value as string "yyyy-mm-dd". text questions with inputType "date" will not allow to set to survey date that greater than this value
9327 */
9328 maxDate: string,
9329 showModal: any,
9330 supportCreatorV2: boolean,
9331 showDefaultItemsInCreatorV2: boolean,
9332 /*
9333 * Specifies a list of custom icons.
9334 * Use this property to replace SurveyJS default icons (displayed in UI elements of SurveyJS Library or Creator) with your custom icons.
9335 * For every default icon to replace, add a key/value object with the default icon's name as a key and the name of your custom icon as a value.
9336 * For example: Survey.settings.customIcons["icon-redo"] = "my-own-redo-icon"
9337 */
9338 customIcons: any,
9339 titleTags: {
9340 survey: string,
9341 page: string,
9342 panel: string,
9343 question: string,
9344 },
9345 questions: {
9346 inputTypes: any,
9347 dataList: any,
9348 },
9350export declare var surveyLocalization: {
9351 currentLocaleValue: string,
9352 defaultLocaleValue: string,
9353 locales: any,
9354 localeNames: any,
9355 supportedLocales: any,
9356 currentLocale: string,
9357 defaultLocale: string,
9358 getLocaleStrings: (loc: string) => any,
9359 getCurrentStrings: (locale?: string) => any,
9360 getString: (strName: string, locale?: string) => any,
9361 getLocales: (removeDefaultLoc?: boolean) => any,
9363export declare var surveyStrings: any;
9365* An alias for the metadata object. It contains object properties' runtime information and allows you to modify it.
9367export declare var Serializer: JsonMetadata;
9368export declare var surveyBuiltInVarible: string;
9369export declare var registerFunction: (name: string, func: any) => any;
9370export declare var parse: any;
9371export declare var defaultActionBarCss: {
9372 root: string,
9373 defaultSizeMode: string,
9374 smallSizeMode: string,
9375 item: string,
9376 itemActive: string,
9377 itemPressed: string,
9378 itemIcon: string,
9379 itemTitle: string,
9380 itemTitleWithIcon: string,
9382export declare var keyFocusedClassName: any;
9383export declare var FOCUS_INPUT_SELECTOR: any;
9384export declare var surveyCss: {
9385 currentType: string,
9386 getCss: any,
9388export declare var defaultStandardCss: {
9389 root: string,
9390 container: string,
9391 header: string,
9392 body: string,
9393 bodyEmpty: string,
9394 footer: string,
9395 title: string,
9396 description: string,
9397 logo: string,
9398 logoImage: string,
9399 headerText: string,
9400 navigationButton: string,
9401 completedPage: string,
9402 navigation: {
9403 complete: string,
9404 prev: string,
9405 next: string,
9406 start: string,
9407 preview: string,
9408 edit: string,
9409 },
9410 progress: string,
9411 progressBar: string,
9412 progressTextInBar: string,
9413 progressButtonsContainerCenter: string,
9414 progressButtonsContainer: string,
9415 progressButtonsImageButtonLeft: string,
9416 progressButtonsImageButtonRight: string,
9417 progressButtonsImageButtonHidden: string,
9418 progressButtonsListContainer: string,
9419 progressButtonsList: string,
9420 progressButtonsListElementPassed: string,
9421 progressButtonsListElementCurrent: string,
9422 progressButtonsListElementNonClickable: string,
9423 progressButtonsPageTitle: string,
9424 progressButtonsPageDescription: string,
9425 page: {
9426 root: string,
9427 title: string,
9428 description: string,
9429 },
9430 pageTitle: string,
9431 pageDescription: string,
9432 row: string,
9433 question: {
9434 mainRoot: string,
9435 flowRoot: string,
9436 header: string,
9437 headerLeft: string,
9438 content: string,
9439 contentLeft: string,
9440 titleLeftRoot: string,
9441 requiredText: string,
9442 title: string,
9443 titleExpandable: string,
9444 titleExpanded: string,
9445 titleCollapsed: string,
9446 number: string,
9447 description: string,
9448 comment: string,
9449 required: string,
9450 titleRequired: string,
9451 hasError: string,
9452 indent: number,
9453 footer: string,
9454 formGroup: string,
9455 asCell: string,
9456 icon: string,
9457 iconExpanded: string,
9458 disabled: string,
9459 },
9460 panel: {
9461 title: string,
9462 titleExpandable: string,
9463 titleExpanded: string,
9464 titleCollapsed: string,
9465 titleOnError: string,
9466 icon: string,
9467 iconExpanded: string,
9468 description: string,
9469 container: string,
9470 footer: string,
9471 number: string,
9472 requiredText: string,
9473 },
9474 error: {
9475 root: string,
9476 icon: string,
9477 item: string,
9478 locationTop: string,
9479 locationBottom: string,
9480 },
9481 boolean: {
9482 root: string,
9483 rootRadio: string,
9484 item: string,
9485 control: string,
9486 controlCheckbox: string,
9487 itemChecked: string,
9488 itemIndeterminate: string,
9489 itemDisabled: string,
9490 switch: string,
9491 slider: string,
9492 label: string,
9493 disabledLabel: string,
9494 materialDecorator: string,
9495 itemDecorator: string,
9496 checkedPath: string,
9497 uncheckedPath: string,
9498 indeterminatePath: string,
9499 },
9500 checkbox: {
9501 root: string,
9502 item: string,
9503 itemSelectAll: string,
9504 itemNone: string,
9505 itemChecked: string,
9506 itemInline: string,
9507 label: string,
9508 labelChecked: string,
9509 itemControl: string,
9510 itemDecorator: string,
9511 controlLabel: string,
9512 other: string,
9513 column: string,
9514 },
9515 ranking: {
9516 root: string,
9517 rootMobileMod: string,
9518 rootDragMod: string,
9519 rootDisabled: string,
9520 item: string,
9521 itemContent: string,
9522 itemIndex: string,
9523 controlLabel: string,
9524 itemGhostNode: string,
9525 itemIconContainer: string,
9526 itemIcon: string,
9527 itemIconHoverMod: string,
9528 itemIconFocusMod: string,
9529 itemGhostMod: string,
9530 itemDragMod: string,
9531 },
9532 comment: string,
9533 dropdown: {
9534 root: string,
9535 control: string,
9536 selectWrapper: string,
9537 other: string,
9538 cleanButton: string,
9539 cleanButtonSvg: string,
9540 cleanButtonIconId: string,
9541 controlValue: string,
9542 },
9543 html: {
9544 root: string,
9545 },
9546 image: {
9547 root: string,
9548 image: string,
9549 },
9550 matrix: {
9551 root: string,
9552 label: string,
9553 itemChecked: string,
9554 itemDecorator: string,
9555 cell: string,
9556 cellText: string,
9557 cellTextSelected: string,
9558 cellLabel: string,
9559 cellResponsiveTitle: string,
9560 },
9561 matrixdropdown: {
9562 root: string,
9563 cell: string,
9564 headerCell: string,
9565 row: string,
9566 rowAdditional: string,
9567 detailRow: string,
9568 detailRowText: string,
9569 detailCell: string,
9570 choiceCell: string,
9571 detailButton: string,
9572 detailButtonExpanded: string,
9573 detailIcon: string,
9574 detailIconExpanded: string,
9575 detailPanelCell: string,
9576 actionsCell: string,
9577 },
9578 matrixdynamic: {
9579 root: string,
9580 button: string,
9581 buttonAdd: string,
9582 buttonRemove: string,
9583 iconAdd: string,
9584 iconRemove: string,
9585 iconDrag: string,
9586 cell: string,
9587 headerCell: string,
9588 row: string,
9589 detailRow: string,
9590 detailCell: string,
9591 choiceCell: string,
9592 detailButton: string,
9593 detailButtonExpanded: string,
9594 detailIcon: string,
9595 detailIconExpanded: string,
9596 detailPanelCell: string,
9597 actionsCell: string,
9598 emptyRowsSection: string,
9599 emptyRowsText: string,
9600 emptyRowsButton: string,
9601 ghostRow: string,
9602 },
9603 paneldynamic: {
9604 root: string,
9605 title: string,
9606 button: string,
9607 buttonAdd: string,
9608 buttonRemove: string,
9609 buttonRemoveRight: string,
9610 buttonPrev: string,
9611 buttonPrevDisabled: string,
9612 buttonNextDisabled: string,
9613 buttonNext: string,
9614 progressContainer: string,
9615 progress: string,
9616 progressBar: string,
9617 progressText: string,
9618 panelWrapper: string,
9619 panelWrapperInRow: string,
9620 footer: string,
9621 progressBtnIcon: string,
9622 },
9623 multipletext: {
9624 root: string,
9625 itemTitle: string,
9626 item: string,
9627 row: string,
9628 itemLabel: string,
9629 itemValue: string,
9630 },
9631 radiogroup: {
9632 root: string,
9633 item: string,
9634 itemChecked: string,
9635 itemInline: string,
9636 itemDecorator: string,
9637 label: string,
9638 labelChecked: string,
9639 itemControl: string,
9640 controlLabel: string,
9641 other: string,
9642 clearButton: string,
9643 column: string,
9644 },
9645 buttongroup: {
9646 root: string,
9647 item: string,
9648 itemIcon: string,
9649 itemDecorator: string,
9650 itemCaption: string,
9651 itemHover: string,
9652 itemSelected: string,
9653 itemDisabled: string,
9654 itemControl: string,
9655 },
9656 imagepicker: {
9657 root: string,
9658 item: string,
9659 itemChecked: string,
9660 label: string,
9661 itemControl: string,
9662 image: string,
9663 itemInline: string,
9664 itemText: string,
9665 clearButton: string,
9666 column: string,
9667 },
9668 rating: {
9669 root: string,
9670 item: string,
9671 selected: string,
9672 minText: string,
9673 itemText: string,
9674 maxText: string,
9675 },
9676 text: string,
9677 expression: string,
9678 file: {
9679 root: string,
9680 placeholderInput: string,
9681 preview: string,
9682 removeButton: string,
9683 fileInput: string,
9684 removeFile: string,
9685 fileDecorator: string,
9686 fileSign: string,
9687 chooseFile: string,
9688 noFileChosen: string,
9689 dragAreaPlaceholder: string,
9690 fileList: string,
9691 },
9692 signaturepad: {
9693 root: string,
9694 controls: string,
9695 placeholder: string,
9696 clearButton: string,
9697 },
9698 saveData: {
9699 root: string,
9700 saving: string,
9701 error: string,
9702 success: string,
9703 saveAgainButton: string,
9704 },
9705 window: {
9706 root: string,
9707 body: string,
9708 header: {
9709 root: string,
9710 title: string,
9711 button: string,
9712 buttonExpanded: string,
9713 buttonCollapsed: string,
9714 },
9715 },
9716 variables: {
9717 themeMark: string,
9718 },
9719 tagbox: {
9720 root: string,
9721 small: string,
9722 selectWrapper: string,
9723 other: string,
9724 cleanButton: string,
9725 cleanButtonSvg: string,
9726 cleanButtonIconId: string,
9727 control: string,
9728 controlValue: string,
9729 controlEmpty: string,
9730 },
9732export declare var surveyTimerFunctions: {
9733 setTimeout: (func: any) => any,
9734 clearTimeout: (timerId: number) => void,
9736export declare var matrixDropdownColumnTypes: {
9737 dropdown: {
9738 onCellQuestionUpdate: (cellQuestion: any, column: any, question: any, data: any) => void,
9739 },
9740 checkbox: {
9741 onCellQuestionUpdate: (cellQuestion: any, column: any, question: any, data: any) => void,
9742 },
9743 radiogroup: {
9744 onCellQuestionUpdate: (cellQuestion: any, column: any, question: any, data: any) => void,
9745 },
9746 text: any,
9747 comment: any,
9748 boolean: {
9749 onCellQuestionUpdate: (cellQuestion: any, column: any, question: any, data: any) => void,
9750 },
9751 expression: any,
9752 rating: any,
9754export declare var _isMobile: boolean;
9755export declare var vendor: any;
9756export declare var _IPad: boolean;
9757export declare var IsMobile: boolean;
9758export declare var _isTouch: boolean;
9759export declare var IsTouch: boolean;
9760export declare var minMaxTypes: any;
9761export declare var youtubeTags: any;
9762export declare var videoSuffics: any;
9763export declare var defaultWidth: number;
9764export declare var defaultHeight: number;
9765export declare var Version: string;
9766export declare var defaultBootstrapCss: {
9767 root: string,
9768 container: string,
9769 header: string,
9770 body: string,
9771 bodyEmpty: string,
9772 footer: string,
9773 title: string,
9774 description: string,
9775 logo: string,
9776 logoImage: string,
9777 headerText: string,
9778 navigationButton: string,
9779 completedPage: string,
9780 navigation: {
9781 complete: string,
9782 prev: string,
9783 next: string,
9784 start: string,
9785 preview: string,
9786 edit: string,
9787 },
9788 progress: string,
9789 progressBar: string,
9790 progressTextUnderBar: string,
9791 progressTextInBar: string,
9792 progressButtonsContainerCenter: string,
9793 progressButtonsContainer: string,
9794 progressButtonsImageButtonLeft: string,
9795 progressButtonsImageButtonRight: string,
9796 progressButtonsImageButtonHidden: string,
9797 progressButtonsListContainer: string,
9798 progressButtonsList: string,
9799 progressButtonsListElementPassed: string,
9800 progressButtonsListElementCurrent: string,
9801 progressButtonsListElementNonClickable: string,
9802 progressButtonsPageTitle: string,
9803 progressButtonsPageDescription: string,
9804 page: {
9805 root: string,
9806 title: string,
9807 description: string,
9808 },
9809 pageTitle: string,
9810 pageDescription: string,
9811 row: string,
9812 question: {
9813 mainRoot: string,
9814 flowRoot: string,
9815 header: string,
9816 headerLeft: string,
9817 content: string,
9818 contentLeft: string,
9819 titleLeftRoot: string,
9820 title: string,
9821 titleExpandable: string,
9822 titleExpanded: string,
9823 titleCollapsed: string,
9824 number: string,
9825 description: string,
9826 descriptionUnderInput: string,
9827 requiredText: string,
9828 comment: string,
9829 required: string,
9830 titleRequired: string,
9831 hasError: string,
9832 indent: number,
9833 formGroup: string,
9834 },
9835 panel: {
9836 title: string,
9837 titleExpandable: string,
9838 titleExpanded: string,
9839 titleCollapsed: string,
9840 titleOnError: string,
9841 icon: string,
9842 iconExpanded: string,
9843 description: string,
9844 container: string,
9845 footer: string,
9846 number: string,
9847 requiredText: string,
9848 },
9849 error: {
9850 root: string,
9851 icon: string,
9852 item: string,
9853 locationTop: string,
9854 locationBottom: string,
9855 },
9856 boolean: {
9857 root: string,
9858 rootRadio: string,
9859 item: string,
9860 control: string,
9861 controlCheckbox: string,
9862 itemChecked: string,
9863 itemIndeterminate: string,
9864 itemDisabled: string,
9865 switch: string,
9866 slider: string,
9867 label: string,
9868 disabledLabel: string,
9869 materialDecorator: string,
9870 itemDecorator: string,
9871 checkedPath: string,
9872 uncheckedPath: string,
9873 indeterminatePath: string,
9874 },
9875 checkbox: {
9876 root: string,
9877 item: string,
9878 itemChecked: string,
9879 itemSelectAll: string,
9880 itemNone: string,
9881 itemInline: string,
9882 itemControl: string,
9883 itemDecorator: string,
9884 label: string,
9885 labelChecked: string,
9886 controlLabel: string,
9887 materialDecorator: string,
9888 other: string,
9889 column: string,
9890 },
9891 ranking: {
9892 root: string,
9893 rootMobileMod: string,
9894 rootDragMod: string,
9895 rootDisabled: string,
9896 item: string,
9897 itemContent: string,
9898 itemIndex: string,
9899 controlLabel: string,
9900 itemGhostNode: string,
9901 itemIconContainer: string,
9902 itemIcon: string,
9903 itemIconHoverMod: string,
9904 itemIconFocusMod: string,
9905 itemGhostMod: string,
9906 itemDragMod: string,
9907 },
9908 comment: string,
9909 dropdown: {
9910 root: string,
9911 control: string,
9912 other: string,
9913 },
9914 html: {
9915 root: string,
9916 },
9917 image: {
9918 root: string,
9919 image: string,
9920 },
9921 matrix: {
9922 root: string,
9923 label: string,
9924 itemChecked: string,
9925 itemDecorator: string,
9926 cellText: string,
9927 cellTextSelected: string,
9928 cellLabel: string,
9929 cellResponsiveTitle: string,
9930 },
9931 matrixdropdown: {
9932 root: string,
9933 cell: string,
9934 headerCell: string,
9935 row: string,
9936 rowAdditional: string,
9937 detailRow: string,
9938 detailRowText: string,
9939 detailCell: string,
9940 detailButton: string,
9941 detailButtonExpanded: string,
9942 detailIcon: string,
9943 detailIconExpanded: string,
9944 detailPanelCell: string,
9945 actionsCell: string,
9946 },
9947 matrixdynamic: {
9948 root: string,
9949 button: string,
9950 buttonAdd: string,
9951 buttonRemove: string,
9952 iconAdd: string,
9953 iconRemove: string,
9954 iconDrag: string,
9955 headerCell: string,
9956 row: string,
9957 detailRow: string,
9958 detailCell: string,
9959 detailButton: string,
9960 detailButtonExpanded: string,
9961 detailIcon: string,
9962 detailIconExpanded: string,
9963 detailPanelCell: string,
9964 actionsCell: string,
9965 emptyRowsSection: string,
9966 emptyRowsText: string,
9967 emptyRowsButton: string,
9968 ghostRow: string,
9969 },
9970 paneldynamic: {
9971 root: string,
9972 navigation: string,
9973 progressTop: string,
9974 progressBottom: string,
9975 title: string,
9976 button: string,
9977 buttonAdd: string,
9978 buttonRemove: string,
9979 buttonRemoveRight: string,
9980 buttonPrev: string,
9981 buttonNext: string,
9982 buttonPrevDisabled: string,
9983 buttonNextDisabled: string,
9984 progressContainer: string,
9985 progress: string,
9986 progressBar: string,
9987 progressText: string,
9988 panelWrapper: string,
9989 panelWrapperInRow: string,
9990 footer: string,
9991 progressBtnIcon: string,
9992 },
9993 multipletext: {
9994 root: string,
9995 itemTitle: string,
9996 item: string,
9997 itemLabel: string,
9998 row: string,
9999 itemValue: string,
10000 },
10001 radiogroup: {
10002 root: string,
10003 item: string,
10004 itemChecked: string,
10005 itemInline: string,
10006 label: string,
10007 labelChecked: string,
10008 itemControl: string,
10009 itemDecorator: string,
10010 controlLabel: string,
10011 materialDecorator: string,
10012 other: string,
10013 clearButton: string,
10014 column: string,
10015 },
10016 buttongroup: {
10017 root: string,
10018 item: string,
10019 itemIcon: string,
10020 itemDecorator: string,
10021 itemCaption: string,
10022 itemHover: string,
10023 itemSelected: string,
10024 itemDisabled: string,
10025 itemControl: string,
10026 },
10027 imagepicker: {
10028 root: string,
10029 item: string,
10030 itemChecked: string,
10031 itemInline: string,
10032 label: string,
10033 itemControl: string,
10034 image: string,
10035 itemText: string,
10036 clearButton: string,
10037 },
10038 rating: {
10039 root: string,
10040 item: string,
10041 selected: string,
10042 minText: string,
10043 itemText: string,
10044 maxText: string,
10045 disabled: string,
10046 },
10047 text: string,
10048 expression: string,
10049 file: {
10050 root: string,
10051 placeholderInput: string,
10052 preview: string,
10053 removeButton: string,
10054 fileInput: string,
10055 removeFile: string,
10056 fileDecorator: string,
10057 fileSign: string,
10058 removeButtonBottom: string,
10059 dragAreaPlaceholder: string,
10060 fileList: string,
10061 },
10062 signaturepad: {
10063 root: string,
10064 controls: string,
10065 placeholder: string,
10066 clearButton: string,
10067 },
10068 saveData: {
10069 root: string,
10070 saving: string,
10071 error: string,
10072 success: string,
10073 saveAgainButton: string,
10074 },
10075 window: {
10076 root: string,
10077 body: string,
10078 header: {
10079 root: string,
10080 title: string,
10081 button: string,
10082 buttonExpanded: string,
10083 buttonCollapsed: string,
10084 },
10085 },
10087export declare var defaultBootstrapMaterialCss: {
10088 root: string,
10089 container: string,
10090 header: string,
10091 body: string,
10092 bodyEmpty: string,
10093 footer: string,
10094 title: string,
10095 description: string,
10096 logo: string,
10097 logoImage: string,
10098 headerText: string,
10099 navigationButton: string,
10100 completedPage: string,
10101 navigation: {
10102 complete: string,
10103 prev: string,
10104 next: string,
10105 start: string,
10106 preview: string,
10107 edit: string,
10108 },
10109 progress: string,
10110 progressBar: string,
10111 progressTextUnderBar: string,
10112 progressTextInBar: string,
10113 progressButtonsContainerCenter: string,
10114 progressButtonsContainer: string,
10115 progressButtonsImageButtonLeft: string,
10116 progressButtonsImageButtonRight: string,
10117 progressButtonsImageButtonHidden: string,
10118 progressButtonsListContainer: string,
10119 progressButtonsList: string,
10120 progressButtonsListElementPassed: string,
10121 progressButtonsListElementCurrent: string,
10122 progressButtonsListElementNonClickable: string,
10123 progressButtonsPageTitle: string,
10124 progressButtonsPageDescription: string,
10125 page: {
10126 root: string,
10127 title: string,
10128 description: string,
10129 },
10130 pageTitle: string,
10131 pageDescription: string,
10132 row: string,
10133 question: {
10134 mainRoot: string,
10135 flowRoot: string,
10136 header: string,
10137 headerLeft: string,
10138 content: string,
10139 contentLeft: string,
10140 titleLeftRoot: string,
10141 requiredText: string,
10142 title: string,
10143 titleExpandable: string,
10144 titleExpanded: string,
10145 titleCollapsed: string,
10146 number: string,
10147 description: string,
10148 descriptionUnderInput: string,
10149 comment: string,
10150 required: string,
10151 titleRequired: string,
10152 hasError: string,
10153 indent: number,
10154 formGroup: string,
10155 },
10156 panel: {
10157 title: string,
10158 titleExpandable: string,
10159 titleExpanded: string,
10160 titleCollapsed: string,
10161 titleOnError: string,
10162 icon: string,
10163 iconExpanded: string,
10164 description: string,
10165 container: string,
10166 footer: string,
10167 number: string,
10168 requiredText: string,
10169 },
10170 error: {
10171 root: string,
10172 icon: string,
10173 item: string,
10174 locationTop: string,
10175 locationBottom: string,
10176 },
10177 boolean: {
10178 root: string,
10179 rootRadio: string,
10180 item: string,
10181 control: string,
10182 controlCheckbox: string,
10183 itemChecked: string,
10184 itemIndeterminate: string,
10185 itemDisabled: string,
10186 switch: string,
10187 slider: string,
10188 label: string,
10189 disabledLabel: string,
10190 materialDecorator: string,
10191 itemDecorator: string,
10192 checkedPath: string,
10193 uncheckedPath: string,
10194 indeterminatePath: string,
10195 },
10196 checkbox: {
10197 root: string,
10198 item: string,
10199 itemChecked: string,
10200 itemSelectAll: string,
10201 itemNone: string,
10202 itemInline: string,
10203 itemDecorator: string,
10204 itemControl: string,
10205 label: string,
10206 labelChecked: string,
10207 controlLabel: string,
10208 materialDecorator: string,
10209 other: string,
10210 column: string,
10211 },
10212 ranking: {
10213 root: string,
10214 rootMobileMod: string,
10215 rootDragMod: string,
10216 rootDisabled: string,
10217 item: string,
10218 itemContent: string,
10219 itemIndex: string,
10220 controlLabel: string,
10221 itemGhostNode: string,
10222 itemIconContainer: string,
10223 itemIcon: string,
10224 itemIconHoverMod: string,
10225 itemIconFocusMod: string,
10226 itemGhostMod: string,
10227 itemDragMod: string,
10228 },
10229 comment: string,
10230 dropdown: {
10231 root: string,
10232 control: string,
10233 other: string,
10234 },
10235 html: {
10236 root: string,
10237 },
10238 image: {
10239 root: string,
10240 image: string,
10241 },
10242 matrix: {
10243 root: string,
10244 row: string,
10245 label: string,
10246 cellText: string,
10247 cellTextSelected: string,
10248 cellLabel: string,
10249 itemValue: string,
10250 itemChecked: string,
10251 itemDecorator: string,
10252 materialDecorator: string,
10253 cellResponsiveTitle: string,
10254 },
10255 matrixdropdown: {
10256 root: string,
10257 itemValue: string,
10258 headerCell: string,
10259 row: string,
10260 rowAdditional: string,
10261 detailRow: string,
10262 detailRowText: string,
10263 detailCell: string,
10264 detailButton: string,
10265 detailButtonExpanded: string,
10266 detailIcon: string,
10267 detailIconExpanded: string,
10268 detailPanelCell: string,
10269 actionsCell: string,
10270 },
10271 matrixdynamic: {
10272 mainRoot: string,
10273 flowRoot: string,
10274 root: string,
10275 button: string,
10276 itemValue: string,
10277 buttonAdd: string,
10278 buttonRemove: string,
10279 iconAdd: string,
10280 iconRemove: string,
10281 iconDrag: string,
10282 headerCell: string,
10283 row: string,
10284 detailRow: string,
10285 detailCell: string,
10286 detailButton: string,
10287 detailButtonExpanded: string,
10288 detailIcon: string,
10289 detailIconExpanded: string,
10290 detailPanelCell: string,
10291 actionsCell: string,
10292 emptyRowsSection: string,
10293 emptyRowsText: string,
10294 emptyRowsButton: string,
10295 ghostRow: string,
10296 },
10297 paneldynamic: {
10298 root: string,
10299 navigation: string,
10300 progressTop: string,
10301 progressBottom: string,
10302 title: string,
10303 button: string,
10304 buttonAdd: string,
10305 buttonRemove: string,
10306 buttonRemoveRight: string,
10307 buttonPrev: string,
10308 buttonNext: string,
10309 buttonPrevDisabled: string,
10310 buttonNextDisabled: string,
10311 progressContainer: string,
10312 progress: string,
10313 progressBar: string,
10314 progressText: string,
10315 panelWrapper: string,
10316 panelWrapperInRow: string,
10317 progressBtnIcon: string,
10318 footer: string,
10319 },
10320 multipletext: {
10321 root: string,
10322 itemTitle: string,
10323 item: string,
10324 itemLabel: string,
10325 row: string,
10326 itemValue: string,
10327 },
10328 radiogroup: {
10329 root: string,
10330 item: string,
10331 itemChecked: string,
10332 itemInline: string,
10333 itemDecorator: string,
10334 label: string,
10335 labelChecked: string,
10336 itemControl: string,
10337 controlLabel: string,
10338 materialDecorator: string,
10339 other: string,
10340 clearButton: string,
10341 column: string,
10342 },
10343 buttongroup: {
10344 root: string,
10345 item: string,
10346 itemIcon: string,
10347 itemDecorator: string,
10348 itemCaption: string,
10349 itemSelected: string,
10350 itemHover: string,
10351 itemDisabled: string,
10352 itemControl: string,
10353 },
10354 imagepicker: {
10355 root: string,
10356 item: string,
10357 itemChecked: string,
10358 itemInline: string,
10359 label: string,
10360 itemControl: string,
10361 image: string,
10362 itemText: string,
10363 clearButton: string,
10364 },
10365 rating: {
10366 root: string,
10367 item: string,
10368 selected: string,
10369 minText: string,
10370 itemText: string,
10371 maxText: string,
10372 disabled: string,
10373 },
10374 text: string,
10375 expression: string,
10376 file: {
10377 root: string,
10378 placeholderInput: string,
10379 preview: string,
10380 removeButton: string,
10381 fileInput: string,
10382 fileSign: string,
10383 removeFile: string,
10384 fileDecorator: string,
10385 removeButtonBottom: string,
10386 dragAreaPlaceholder: string,
10387 fileList: string,
10388 },
10389 signaturepad: {
10390 root: string,
10391 controls: string,
10392 placeholder: string,
10393 clearButton: string,
10394 },
10395 saveData: {
10396 root: string,
10397 saving: string,
10398 error: string,
10399 success: string,
10400 saveAgainButton: string,
10401 },
10402 window: {
10403 root: string,
10404 body: string,
10405 header: {
10406 root: string,
10407 title: string,
10408 button: string,
10409 buttonExpanded: string,
10410 buttonCollapsed: string,
10411 },
10412 },
10414export declare var defaultV2Css: {
10415 root: string,
10416 rootMobile: string,
10417 container: string,
10418 header: string,
10419 body: string,
10420 bodyEmpty: string,
10421 footer: string,
10422 title: string,
10423 description: string,
10424 logo: string,
10425 logoImage: string,
10426 headerText: string,
10427 headerClose: string,
10428 navigationButton: string,
10429 bodyNavigationButton: string,
10430 completedPage: string,
10431 timerRoot: string,
10432 navigation: {
10433 complete: string,
10434 prev: string,
10435 next: string,
10436 start: string,
10437 preview: string,
10438 edit: string,
10439 },
10440 panel: {
10441 title: string,
10442 titleExpandable: string,
10443 titleExpanded: string,
10444 titleCollapsed: string,
10445 titleOnExpand: string,
10446 titleOnError: string,
10447 titleBar: string,
10448 description: string,
10449 container: string,
10450 withFrame: string,
10451 content: string,
10452 icon: string,
10453 iconExpanded: string,
10454 footer: string,
10455 requiredText: string,
10456 header: string,
10457 collapsed: string,
10458 expanded: string,
10459 nested: string,
10460 invisible: string,
10461 navigationButton: string,
10462 },
10463 paneldynamic: {
10464 mainRoot: string,
10465 empty: string,
10466 root: string,
10467 navigation: string,
10468 title: string,
10469 button: string,
10470 buttonRemove: string,
10471 buttonAdd: string,
10472 buttonPrev: string,
10473 buttonPrevDisabled: string,
10474 buttonNextDisabled: string,
10475 buttonNext: string,
10476 progressContainer: string,
10477 progress: string,
10478 progressBar: string,
10479 progressText: string,
10480 separator: string,
10481 panelWrapper: string,
10482 footer: string,
10483 footerButtonsContainer: string,
10484 panelWrapperInRow: string,
10485 progressBtnIcon: string,
10486 noEntriesPlaceholder: string,
10487 },
10488 progress: string,
10489 progressBar: string,
10490 progressText: string,
10491 progressButtonsContainerCenter: string,
10492 progressButtonsContainer: string,
10493 progressButtonsImageButtonLeft: string,
10494 progressButtonsImageButtonRight: string,
10495 progressButtonsImageButtonHidden: string,
10496 progressButtonsListContainer: string,
10497 progressButtonsList: string,
10498 progressButtonsListElementPassed: string,
10499 progressButtonsListElementCurrent: string,
10500 progressButtonsListElementNonClickable: string,
10501 progressButtonsPageTitle: string,
10502 progressButtonsPageDescription: string,
10503 progressTextInBar: string,
10504 page: {
10505 root: string,
10506 emptyHeaderRoot: string,
10507 title: string,
10508 description: string,
10509 },
10510 pageTitle: string,
10511 pageDescription: string,
10512 row: string,
10513 rowMultiple: string,
10514 pageRow: string,
10515 question: {
10516 mainRoot: string,
10517 flowRoot: string,
10518 withFrame: string,
10519 asCell: string,
10520 answered: string,
10521 header: string,
10522 headerLeft: string,
10523 headerTop: string,
10524 headerBottom: string,
10525 content: string,
10526 contentLeft: string,
10527 titleLeftRoot: string,
10528 titleOnAnswer: string,
10529 titleOnError: string,
10530 title: string,
10531 titleExpandable: string,
10532 titleExpanded: string,
10533 titleCollapsed: string,
10534 titleBar: string,
10535 requiredText: string,
10536 number: string,
10537 description: string,
10538 descriptionUnderInput: string,
10539 comment: string,
10540 other: string,
10541 required: string,
10542 titleRequired: string,
10543 indent: number,
10544 footer: string,
10545 formGroup: string,
10546 hasError: string,
10547 collapsed: string,
10548 expanded: string,
10549 nested: string,
10550 invisible: string,
10551 composite: string,
10552 },
10553 image: {
10554 mainRoot: string,
10555 root: string,
10556 image: string,
10557 adaptive: string,
10558 withFrame: string,
10559 },
10560 html: {
10561 mainRoot: string,
10562 root: string,
10563 withFrame: string,
10564 },
10565 error: {
10566 root: string,
10567 icon: string,
10568 item: string,
10569 tooltip: string,
10570 outsideQuestion: string,
10571 aboveQuestion: string,
10572 belowQuestion: string,
10573 locationTop: string,
10574 locationBottom: string,
10575 },
10576 checkbox: {
10577 root: string,
10578 rootRow: string,
10579 rootMultiColumn: string,
10580 item: string,
10581 itemOnError: string,
10582 itemSelectAll: string,
10583 itemNone: string,
10584 itemDisabled: string,
10585 itemChecked: string,
10586 itemHover: string,
10587 itemInline: string,
10588 label: string,
10589 labelChecked: string,
10590 itemControl: string,
10591 itemDecorator: string,
10592 itemSvgIconId: string,
10593 controlLabel: string,
10594 materialDecorator: string,
10595 other: string,
10596 column: string,
10597 },
10598 radiogroup: {
10599 root: string,
10600 rootRow: string,
10601 rootMultiColumn: string,
10602 item: string,
10603 itemOnError: string,
10604 itemInline: string,
10605 label: string,
10606 labelChecked: string,
10607 itemDisabled: string,
10608 itemChecked: string,
10609 itemHover: string,
10610 itemControl: string,
10611 itemDecorator: string,
10612 controlLabel: string,
10613 materialDecorator: string,
10614 other: string,
10615 clearButton: string,
10616 column: string,
10617 },
10618 boolean: {
10619 mainRoot: string,
10620 root: string,
10621 rootRadio: string,
10622 item: string,
10623 radioItem: string,
10624 radioItemChecked: string,
10625 radioLabel: string,
10626 radioControlLabel: string,
10627 radioFieldset: string,
10628 itemOnError: string,
10629 control: string,
10630 controlCheckbox: string,
10631 itemChecked: string,
10632 itemIndeterminate: string,
10633 itemDisabled: string,
10634 label: string,
10635 switch: string,
10636 disabledLabel: string,
10637 itemDecorator: string,
10638 materialDecorator: string,
10639 itemRadioDecorator: string,
10640 materialRadioDecorator: string,
10641 sliderText: string,
10642 slider: string,
10643 itemControl: string,
10644 },
10645 text: {
10646 root: string,
10647 small: string,
10648 controlDisabled: string,
10649 onError: string,
10650 },
10651 multipletext: {
10652 root: string,
10653 itemLabel: string,
10654 itemLabelOnError: string,
10655 item: string,
10656 itemTitle: string,
10657 row: string,
10658 cell: string,
10659 },
10660 dropdown: {
10661 root: string,
10662 small: string,
10663 selectWrapper: string,
10664 other: string,
10665 onError: string,
10666 label: string,
10667 item: string,
10668 itemDisabled: string,
10669 itemChecked: string,
10670 itemHover: string,
10671 itemControl: string,
10672 itemDecorator: string,
10673 cleanButton: string,
10674 cleanButtonSvg: string,
10675 cleanButtonIconId: string,
10676 control: string,
10677 controlValue: string,
10678 controlDisabled: string,
10679 controlEmpty: string,
10680 controlLabel: string,
10681 materialDecorator: string,
10682 },
10683 imagepicker: {
10684 mainRoot: string,
10685 root: string,
10686 rootColumn: string,
10687 item: string,
10688 itemOnError: string,
10689 itemInline: string,
10690 itemChecked: string,
10691 itemDisabled: string,
10692 itemHover: string,
10693 label: string,
10694 itemDecorator: string,
10695 imageContainer: string,
10696 itemControl: string,
10697 image: string,
10698 itemText: string,
10699 other: string,
10700 itemNoImage: string,
10701 itemNoImageSvgIcon: string,
10702 itemNoImageSvgIconId: string,
10703 column: string,
10704 },
10705 matrix: {
10706 mainRoot: string,
10707 tableWrapper: string,
10708 root: string,
10709 rootVerticalAlignTop: string,
10710 rootVerticalAlignMiddle: string,
10711 rootAlternateRows: string,
10712 rowError: string,
10713 cell: string,
10714 row: string,
10715 headerCell: string,
10716 rowTextCell: string,
10717 label: string,
10718 itemOnError: string,
10719 itemValue: string,
10720 itemChecked: string,
10721 itemDisabled: string,
10722 itemHover: string,
10723 materialDecorator: string,
10724 itemDecorator: string,
10725 cellText: string,
10726 cellTextSelected: string,
10727 cellTextDisabled: string,
10728 cellResponsiveTitle: string,
10729 },
10730 matrixdropdown: {
10731 mainRoot: string,
10732 rootScroll: string,
10733 root: string,
10734 rootVerticalAlignTop: string,
10735 rootVerticalAlignMiddle: string,
10736 rootAlternateRows: string,
10737 cell: string,
10738 row: string,
10739 headerCell: string,
10740 rowTextCell: string,
10741 cellRequiredText: string,
10742 detailButton: string,
10743 detailButtonExpanded: string,
10744 detailIcon: string,
10745 detailIconExpanded: string,
10746 detailIconId: string,
10747 detailIconExpandedId: string,
10748 actionsCell: string,
10749 emptyCell: string,
10750 verticalCell: string,
10751 cellQuestionWrapper: string,
10752 },
10753 matrixdynamic: {
10754 mainRoot: string,
10755 rootScroll: string,
10756 empty: string,
10757 root: string,
10758 cell: string,
10759 row: string,
10760 headerCell: string,
10761 rowTextCell: string,
10762 cellRequiredText: string,
10763 button: string,
10764 detailRow: string,
10765 detailButton: string,
10766 detailButtonExpanded: string,
10767 detailIcon: string,
10768 detailIconExpanded: string,
10769 detailIconId: string,
10770 detailIconExpandedId: string,
10771 detailPanelCell: string,
10772 actionsCell: string,
10773 buttonAdd: string,
10774 buttonRemove: string,
10775 iconAdd: string,
10776 iconRemove: string,
10777 dragElementDecorator: string,
10778 iconDragElement: string,
10779 footer: string,
10780 emptyRowsSection: string,
10781 iconDrag: string,
10782 ghostRow: string,
10783 emptyCell: string,
10784 verticalCell: string,
10785 cellQuestionWrapper: string,
10786 },
10787 rating: {
10788 rootDropdown: string,
10789 root: string,
10790 rootWrappable: string,
10791 item: string,
10792 itemOnError: string,
10793 itemHover: string,
10794 selected: string,
10795 minText: string,
10796 itemText: string,
10797 maxText: string,
10798 itemDisabled: string,
10799 control: string,
10800 controlValue: string,
10801 controlDisabled: string,
10802 controlEmpty: string,
10803 onError: string,
10804 },
10805 comment: {
10806 root: string,
10807 small: string,
10808 controlDisabled: string,
10809 onError: string,
10810 },
10811 expression: string,
10812 file: {
10813 root: string,
10814 other: string,
10815 placeholderInput: string,
10816 preview: string,
10817 fileSign: string,
10818 fileList: string,
10819 fileSignBottom: string,
10820 fileDecorator: string,
10821 onError: string,
10822 fileDecoratorDrag: string,
10823 fileInput: string,
10824 noFileChosen: string,
10825 chooseFile: string,
10826 chooseFileAsText: string,
10827 chooseFileAsTextDisabled: string,
10828 chooseFileAsIcon: string,
10829 chooseFileIconId: string,
10830 disabled: string,
10831 removeButton: string,
10832 removeButtonBottom: string,
10833 removeButtonIconId: string,
10834 removeFile: string,
10835 removeFileSvg: string,
10836 removeFileSvgIconId: string,
10837 wrapper: string,
10838 defaultImage: string,
10839 defaultImageIconId: string,
10840 leftIconId: string,
10841 rightIconId: string,
10842 removeFileButton: string,
10843 dragAreaPlaceholder: string,
10844 imageWrapper: string,
10845 single: string,
10846 singleImage: string,
10847 mobile: string,
10848 },
10849 signaturepad: {
10850 mainRoot: string,
10851 root: string,
10852 small: string,
10853 controls: string,
10854 placeholder: string,
10855 clearButton: string,
10856 clearButtonIconId: string,
10857 },
10858 saveData: {
10859 root: string,
10860 saving: string,
10861 error: string,
10862 success: string,
10863 saveAgainButton: string,
10864 },
10865 window: {
10866 root: string,
10867 body: string,
10868 header: {
10869 root: string,
10870 title: string,
10871 button: string,
10872 buttonExpanded: string,
10873 buttonCollapsed: string,
10874 },
10875 },
10876 ranking: {
10877 root: string,
10878 rootMobileMod: string,
10879 rootDragMod: string,
10880 rootDisabled: string,
10881 rootDesignMode: string,
10882 item: string,
10883 itemContent: string,
10884 itemIndex: string,
10885 controlLabel: string,
10886 itemGhostNode: string,
10887 itemIconContainer: string,
10888 itemIcon: string,
10889 itemIconHoverMod: string,
10890 itemIconFocusMod: string,
10891 itemGhostMod: string,
10892 itemDragMod: string,
10893 itemOnError: string,
10894 },
10895 buttongroup: {
10896 root: string,
10897 item: string,
10898 itemIcon: string,
10899 itemDecorator: string,
10900 itemCaption: string,
10901 itemHover: string,
10902 itemSelected: string,
10903 itemDisabled: string,
10904 itemControl: string,
10905 },
10906 actionBar: {
10907 root: string,
10908 item: string,
10909 itemPressed: string,
10910 itemAsIcon: string,
10911 itemIcon: string,
10912 itemTitle: string,
10913 },
10914 variables: {
10915 mobileWidth: string,
10916 imagepickerGapBetweenItems: string,
10917 themeMark: string,
10918 },
10919 tagbox: {
10920 root: string,
10921 small: string,
10922 selectWrapper: string,
10923 other: string,
10924 onError: string,
10925 label: string,
10926 item: string,
10927 itemDisabled: string,
10928 itemChecked: string,
10929 itemHover: string,
10930 itemControl: string,
10931 itemDecorator: string,
10932 cleanButton: string,
10933 cleanButtonSvg: string,
10934 cleanButtonIconId: string,
10935 control: string,
10936 controlValue: string,
10937 controlDisabled: string,
10938 controlEmpty: string,
10939 controlLabel: string,
10940 materialDecorator: string,
10941 },
10943export declare var modernCss: {
10944 root: string,
10945 timerRoot: string,
10946 container: string,
10947 header: string,
10948 headerClose: string,
10949 body: string,
10950 bodyEmpty: string,
10951 footer: string,
10952 title: string,
10953 description: string,
10954 logo: string,
10955 logoImage: string,
10956 headerText: string,
10957 navigationButton: string,
10958 completedPage: string,
10959 navigation: {
10960 complete: string,
10961 prev: string,
10962 next: string,
10963 start: string,
10964 preview: string,
10965 edit: string,
10966 },
10967 panel: {
10968 title: string,
10969 titleExpandable: string,
10970 titleExpanded: string,
10971 titleCollapsed: string,
10972 titleOnError: string,
10973 description: string,
10974 container: string,
10975 content: string,
10976 icon: string,
10977 iconExpanded: string,
10978 footer: string,
10979 requiredText: string,
10980 number: string,
10981 },
10982 paneldynamic: {
10983 root: string,
10984 navigation: string,
10985 title: string,
10986 button: string,
10987 buttonRemove: string,
10988 buttonRemoveRight: string,
10989 buttonAdd: string,
10990 progressTop: string,
10991 progressBottom: string,
10992 buttonPrev: string,
10993 buttonNext: string,
10994 buttonPrevDisabled: string,
10995 buttonNextDisabled: string,
10996 progressContainer: string,
10997 progress: string,
10998 progressBar: string,
10999 progressText: string,
11000 separator: string,
11001 panelWrapper: string,
11002 panelWrapperInRow: string,
11003 progressBtnIcon: string,
11004 footer: string,
11005 },
11006 progress: string,
11007 progressBar: string,
11008 progressText: string,
11009 progressTextInBar: string,
11010 progressButtonsContainerCenter: string,
11011 progressButtonsContainer: string,
11012 progressButtonsImageButtonLeft: string,
11013 progressButtonsImageButtonRight: string,
11014 progressButtonsImageButtonHidden: string,
11015 progressButtonsListContainer: string,
11016 progressButtonsList: string,
11017 progressButtonsListElementPassed: string,
11018 progressButtonsListElementCurrent: string,
11019 progressButtonsListElementNonClickable: string,
11020 progressButtonsPageTitle: string,
11021 progressButtonsPageDescription: string,
11022 page: {
11023 root: string,
11024 title: string,
11025 description: string,
11026 },
11027 pageTitle: string,
11028 pageDescription: string,
11029 row: string,
11030 question: {
11031 mainRoot: string,
11032 flowRoot: string,
11033 asCell: string,
11034 header: string,
11035 headerLeft: string,
11036 headerTop: string,
11037 headerBottom: string,
11038 content: string,
11039 contentLeft: string,
11040 titleLeftRoot: string,
11041 answered: string,
11042 titleOnAnswer: string,
11043 titleOnError: string,
11044 title: string,
11045 titleExpandable: string,
11046 titleExpanded: string,
11047 titleCollapsed: string,
11048 icon: string,
11049 iconExpanded: string,
11050 requiredText: string,
11051 number: string,
11052 description: string,
11053 descriptionUnderInput: string,
11054 comment: string,
11055 required: string,
11056 titleRequired: string,
11057 indent: number,
11058 footer: string,
11059 formGroup: string,
11060 hasError: string,
11061 disabled: string,
11062 },
11063 image: {
11064 root: string,
11065 image: string,
11066 },
11067 error: {
11068 root: string,
11069 icon: string,
11070 item: string,
11071 locationTop: string,
11072 locationBottom: string,
11073 },
11074 checkbox: {
11075 root: string,
11076 item: string,
11077 itemSelectAll: string,
11078 itemNone: string,
11079 itemDisabled: string,
11080 itemChecked: string,
11081 itemHover: string,
11082 itemInline: string,
11083 label: string,
11084 labelChecked: string,
11085 itemControl: string,
11086 itemDecorator: string,
11087 itemSvgIconId: string,
11088 controlLabel: string,
11089 materialDecorator: string,
11090 other: string,
11091 column: string,
11092 },
11093 ranking: {
11094 root: string,
11095 rootMobileMod: string,
11096 rootDragMod: string,
11097 rootDisabled: string,
11098 item: string,
11099 itemContent: string,
11100 itemIndex: string,
11101 controlLabel: string,
11102 itemGhostNode: string,
11103 itemIconContainer: string,
11104 itemIcon: string,
11105 itemIconHoverMod: string,
11106 itemIconFocusMod: string,
11107 itemGhostMod: string,
11108 itemDragMod: string,
11109 },
11110 radiogroup: {
11111 root: string,
11112 item: string,
11113 itemInline: string,
11114 label: string,
11115 labelChecked: string,
11116 itemDisabled: string,
11117 itemChecked: string,
11118 itemHover: string,
11119 itemControl: string,
11120 itemDecorator: string,
11121 itemSvgIconId: string,
11122 controlLabel: string,
11123 materialDecorator: string,
11124 other: string,
11125 clearButton: string,
11126 column: string,
11127 },
11128 buttongroup: {
11129 root: string,
11130 item: string,
11131 itemIcon: string,
11132 itemDecorator: string,
11133 itemCaption: string,
11134 itemSelected: string,
11135 itemHover: string,
11136 itemDisabled: string,
11137 itemControl: string,
11138 },
11139 boolean: {
11140 root: string,
11141 rootRadio: string,
11142 small: string,
11143 item: string,
11144 control: string,
11145 controlCheckbox: string,
11146 itemChecked: string,
11147 itemIndeterminate: string,
11148 itemDisabled: string,
11149 switch: string,
11150 slider: string,
11151 label: string,
11152 disabledLabel: string,
11153 materialDecorator: string,
11154 itemDecorator: string,
11155 checkedPath: string,
11156 uncheckedPath: string,
11157 indeterminatePath: string,
11158 svgIconCheckedId: string,
11159 svgIconUncheckedId: string,
11160 svgIconIndId: string,
11161 },
11162 text: {
11163 root: string,
11164 small: string,
11165 onError: string,
11166 },
11167 multipletext: {
11168 root: string,
11169 item: string,
11170 itemLabel: string,
11171 itemTitle: string,
11172 row: string,
11173 cell: string,
11174 },
11175 dropdown: {
11176 root: string,
11177 small: string,
11178 control: string,
11179 selectWrapper: string,
11180 other: string,
11181 onError: string,
11182 cleanButton: string,
11183 cleanButtonSvg: string,
11184 cleanButtonIconId: string,
11185 controlValue: string,
11186 },
11187 imagepicker: {
11188 root: string,
11189 column: string,
11190 item: string,
11191 itemInline: string,
11192 itemChecked: string,
11193 itemDisabled: string,
11194 itemHover: string,
11195 label: string,
11196 itemControl: string,
11197 image: string,
11198 itemText: string,
11199 clearButton: string,
11200 other: string,
11201 },
11202 matrix: {
11203 tableWrapper: string,
11204 root: string,
11205 rowError: string,
11206 cell: string,
11207 headerCell: string,
11208 label: string,
11209 itemValue: string,
11210 itemChecked: string,
11211 itemDisabled: string,
11212 itemHover: string,
11213 materialDecorator: string,
11214 itemDecorator: string,
11215 cellText: string,
11216 cellTextSelected: string,
11217 cellTextDisabled: string,
11218 cellResponsiveTitle: string,
11219 itemSvgIconId: string,
11220 },
11221 matrixdropdown: {
11222 root: string,
11223 cell: string,
11224 headerCell: string,
11225 row: string,
11226 rowAdditional: string,
11227 detailRow: string,
11228 detailRowText: string,
11229 detailCell: string,
11230 choiceCell: string,
11231 detailButton: string,
11232 detailButtonExpanded: string,
11233 detailIcon: string,
11234 detailIconExpanded: string,
11235 detailPanelCell: string,
11236 actionsCell: string,
11237 },
11238 matrixdynamic: {
11239 root: string,
11240 cell: string,
11241 headerCell: string,
11242 button: string,
11243 buttonAdd: string,
11244 buttonRemove: string,
11245 iconAdd: string,
11246 iconRemove: string,
11247 iconDrag: string,
11248 row: string,
11249 detailRow: string,
11250 detailCell: string,
11251 choiceCell: string,
11252 detailButton: string,
11253 detailButtonExpanded: string,
11254 detailIcon: string,
11255 detailIconExpanded: string,
11256 detailPanelCell: string,
11257 actionsCell: string,
11258 emptyRowsSection: string,
11259 emptyRowsText: string,
11260 emptyRowsButton: string,
11261 ghostRow: string,
11262 },
11263 rating: {
11264 root: string,
11265 item: string,
11266 selected: string,
11267 minText: string,
11268 itemText: string,
11269 maxText: string,
11270 itemDisabled: string,
11271 },
11272 comment: {
11273 root: string,
11274 small: string,
11275 },
11276 expression: string,
11277 file: {
11278 root: string,
11279 other: string,
11280 placeholderInput: string,
11281 preview: string,
11282 fileSignBottom: string,
11283 fileDecorator: string,
11284 fileInput: string,
11285 noFileChosen: string,
11286 chooseFile: string,
11287 controlDisabled: string,
11288 removeButton: string,
11289 removeButtonBottom: string,
11290 removeFile: string,
11291 removeFileSvg: string,
11292 removeFileSvgIconId: string,
11293 wrapper: string,
11294 dragAreaPlaceholder: string,
11295 fileList: string,
11296 },
11297 signaturepad: {
11298 root: string,
11299 small: string,
11300 controls: string,
11301 placeholder: string,
11302 clearButton: string,
11303 },
11304 saveData: {
11305 root: string,
11306 saving: string,
11307 error: string,
11308 success: string,
11309 saveAgainButton: string,
11310 },
11311 window: {
11312 root: string,
11313 body: string,
11314 header: {
11315 root: string,
11316 title: string,
11317 button: string,
11318 buttonExpanded: string,
11319 buttonCollapsed: string,
11320 },
11321 },
11322 variables: {
11323 themeMark: string,
11324 },
11326export declare var SvgRegistry: SvgIconRegistry;
11327export declare var SvgBundleViewModel: any;
11328export declare var path: any;
11329export declare var koTemplate: any;
11330export declare var registerTemplateEngine: (ko: any, platform: string) => void;
11331export declare var template: any;
11332export declare var ActionBarItemViewModel: any;
11333export declare var ActionBarItemDropdownViewModel: any;
11334export declare var ActionBarSeparatorViewModel: any;
11335export declare var CheckboxViewModel: any;
11336export declare var BooleanRadioItemViewModel: any;
11337export declare var BooleanRadioViewModel: any;
11338export declare var templateBridge: any;
11339export declare var TitleElementViewModel: any;
11340export declare var TitleContentViewModel: any;
11341export declare var TitleActionViewModel: any;
11342export declare var StringViewerViewModel: any;
11343export declare var LogoImageViewModel: any;
11344export declare var Skeleton: any;
11345export declare var RatingDropdownViewModel: any;
11346export declare var DropdownViewModel: any;
11347export declare var DropdownSelectViewModel: any;
11348export declare var TagboxViewModel: any;
11349export declare var ListItemViewComponent: any;
11350export declare var ListViewComponent: any;
11351export declare var SvgIconViewModel: any;
11352export declare var SurveyQuestionMatrixDynamicRemoveButton: any;
11353export declare var SurveyQuestionMatrixDetailButton: any;
11354export declare var SurveyQuestionMatrixDynamicDragDropIcon: any;
11355export declare var SurveyNavigationButton: any;
11356export declare var addBtnTemplate: any;
11357export declare var nextBtnTemplate: any;
11358export declare var prevBtnTemplate: any;
11359export declare var progressTextTemplate: any;
11360export declare var SurveyQuestionPaneldynamicActioons: any;
11361export declare var BrandInfoComponent: any;
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