8.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
5}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
6 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
7 o[k2] = m[k];
9var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
10 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
11}) : function(o, v) {
12 o["default"] = v;
14var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
15 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
16 var result = {};
17 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
18 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
19 return result;
21Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
22exports.sveltePreprocess = exports.runTransformer = void 0;
23const utils_1 = require("./modules/utils");
24const tagInfo_1 = require("./modules/tagInfo");
25const language_1 = require("./modules/language");
26const prepareContent_1 = require("./modules/prepareContent");
28 sass: {
29 indentedSyntax: true,
30 stripIndent: true,
31 },
32 pug: {
33 stripIndent: true,
34 },
35 coffeescript: {
36 stripIndent: true,
37 },
38 stylus: {
39 stripIndent: true,
40 },
42exports.runTransformer = async (name, options, { content, map, filename, attributes }) => {
43 if (options === false) {
44 return { code: content };
45 }
46 if (typeof options === 'function') {
47 return options({ content, map, filename, attributes });
48 }
49 const { transformer } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require(`./transformers/${name}`)));
50 return transformer({
51 content,
52 filename,
53 map,
54 attributes,
55 options: typeof options === 'boolean' ? null : options,
56 });
58function sveltePreprocess({ aliases, markupTagName = 'template', preserve = [], defaults, sourceMap = false, ...rest } = {}) {
59 markupTagName = markupTagName.toLocaleLowerCase();
60 const defaultLanguages = Object.freeze({
61 markup: 'html',
62 style: 'css',
63 script: 'javascript',
64 ...defaults,
65 });
66 const transformers = rest;
67 const markupPattern = new RegExp(`<${markupTagName}([\\s\\S]*?)(?:>([\\s\\S]*)<\\/${markupTagName}>|/>)`);
68 if (aliases === null || aliases === void 0 ? void 0 : aliases.length) {
69 language_1.addLanguageAlias(aliases);
70 }
71 const getTransformerOptions = (name, alias) => {
72 const { [name]: nameOpts, [alias]: aliasOpts } = transformers;
73 if (typeof aliasOpts === 'function')
74 return aliasOpts;
75 if (typeof nameOpts === 'function')
76 return nameOpts;
77 if (aliasOpts === false || nameOpts === false)
78 return false;
79 const opts = {};
80 if (typeof nameOpts === 'object') {
81 Object.assign(opts, nameOpts);
82 }
83 if (name !== alias) {
84 Object.assign(opts, LANG_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS[alias] || null);
85 if (typeof aliasOpts === 'object') {
86 Object.assign(opts, aliasOpts);
87 }
88 }
89 if (sourceMap && name in language_1.SOURCE_MAP_PROP_MAP) {
90 const [propName, value] = language_1.SOURCE_MAP_PROP_MAP[name];
91 opts[propName] = value;
92 }
93 return opts;
94 };
95 const getTransformerTo = (type, targetLanguage) => async (svelteFile) => {
96 let { content, filename, lang, alias, dependencies, attributes, } = await tagInfo_1.getTagInfo(svelteFile);
97 if (lang == null || alias == null) {
98 alias = defaultLanguages[type];
99 lang = language_1.getLanguageFromAlias(alias);
100 }
101 if (preserve.includes(lang) || preserve.includes(alias)) {
102 return { code: content };
103 }
104 const transformerOptions = getTransformerOptions(lang, alias);
105 content = prepareContent_1.prepareContent({
106 options: transformerOptions,
107 content,
108 });
109 if (lang === targetLanguage) {
110 return { code: content, dependencies };
111 }
112 const transformed = await exports.runTransformer(lang, transformerOptions, {
113 content,
114 filename,
115 attributes,
116 });
117 return {
118 ...transformed,
119 dependencies: utils_1.concat(dependencies, transformed.dependencies),
120 };
121 };
122 const scriptTransformer = getTransformerTo('script', 'javascript');
123 const cssTransformer = getTransformerTo('style', 'css');
124 const markupTransformer = getTransformerTo('markup', 'html');
125 const markup = async ({ content, filename }) => {
126 if (transformers.replace) {
127 const transformed = await exports.runTransformer('replace', transformers.replace, { content, filename });
128 content = transformed.code;
129 }
130 const templateMatch = content.match(markupPattern);
131 /** If no <template> was found, just return the original markup */
132 if (!templateMatch) {
133 return markupTransformer({ content, attributes: {}, filename });
134 }
135 const [fullMatch, attributesStr, templateCode] = templateMatch;
136 /** Transform an attribute string into a key-value object */
137 const attributes = attributesStr
138 .split(/\s+/)
139 .filter(Boolean)
140 .reduce((acc, attr) => {
141 const [name, value] = attr.split('=');
142 // istanbul ignore next
143 acc[name] = value ? value.replace(/['"]/g, '') : true;
144 return acc;
145 }, {});
146 /** Transform the found template code */
147 let { code, map, dependencies } = await markupTransformer({
148 content: templateCode,
149 attributes,
150 filename,
151 });
152 code =
153 content.slice(0, templateMatch.index) +
154 code +
155 content.slice(templateMatch.index + fullMatch.length);
156 return { code, map, dependencies };
157 };
158 const script = async ({ content, attributes, filename, }) => {
159 const transformResult = await scriptTransformer({
160 content,
161 attributes,
162 filename,
163 });
164 let { code, map, dependencies, diagnostics } = transformResult;
165 if (transformers.babel) {
166 const transformed = await exports.runTransformer('babel', getTransformerOptions('babel'), {
167 content: code,
168 map,
169 filename,
170 attributes,
171 });
172 code = transformed.code;
173 map = transformed.map;
174 dependencies = utils_1.concat(dependencies, transformed.dependencies);
175 diagnostics = utils_1.concat(diagnostics, transformed.diagnostics);
176 }
177 return { code, map, dependencies, diagnostics };
178 };
179 const style = async ({ content, attributes, filename, }) => {
180 const transformResult = await cssTransformer({
181 content,
182 attributes,
183 filename,
184 });
185 let { code, map, dependencies } = transformResult;
186 // istanbul ignore else
187 if (await utils_1.hasDepInstalled('postcss')) {
188 if (transformers.postcss) {
189 const transformed = await exports.runTransformer('postcss', getTransformerOptions('postcss'), { content: code, map, filename, attributes });
190 code = transformed.code;
191 map = transformed.map;
192 dependencies = utils_1.concat(dependencies, transformed.dependencies);
193 }
194 const transformed = await exports.runTransformer('globalStyle', getTransformerOptions('globalStyle'), { content: code, map, filename, attributes });
195 code = transformed.code;
196 map = transformed.map;
197 }
198 return { code, map, dependencies };
199 };
200 return {
201 defaultLanguages,
202 markup,
203 script,
204 style,
205 };
207exports.sveltePreprocess = sveltePreprocess;