1 | # HTML webpack plugin interop
2 |
3 | When using [html-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/jantimon/html-webpack-plugin) along with sprite-loader in extract mode it is possible
4 | to inline sprite content directly to the page. All extracted sprites stored in `htmlWebpackPlugin.files.sprites` template variable.
5 | It's an object where key is a sprite filename and value - file contents (`Object<filename:string, content:string>`).
6 |
7 | ### [Demo](build/index.html)
8 |
9 | ### Template example
10 |
11 | ```ejs
12 | ...
13 | <body>
14 |
15 | <% if (htmlWebpackPlugin.files.sprites) { %>
16 | <% for (var spriteFileName in htmlWebpackPlugin.files.sprites) { %>
17 | <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.sprites[spriteFileName] %>
18 | <% } %>
19 | <% } %>
20 |
21 | </body>
22 | ...
23 | ```