1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 | var Swiper = (function () {
14 | 'use strict';
15 |
16 | |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | function isObject$1(obj) {
29 | return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && 'constructor' in obj && obj.constructor === Object;
30 | }
31 | function extend$1(target, src) {
32 | if (target === void 0) {
33 | target = {};
34 | }
35 | if (src === void 0) {
36 | src = {};
37 | }
38 | const noExtend = ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'];
39 | Object.keys(src).filter(key => noExtend.indexOf(key) < 0).forEach(key => {
40 | if (typeof target[key] === 'undefined') target[key] = src[key];else if (isObject$1(src[key]) && isObject$1(target[key]) && Object.keys(src[key]).length > 0) {
41 | extend$1(target[key], src[key]);
42 | }
43 | });
44 | }
45 | const ssrDocument = {
46 | body: {},
47 | addEventListener() {},
48 | removeEventListener() {},
49 | activeElement: {
50 | blur() {},
51 | nodeName: ''
52 | },
53 | querySelector() {
54 | return null;
55 | },
56 | querySelectorAll() {
57 | return [];
58 | },
59 | getElementById() {
60 | return null;
61 | },
62 | createEvent() {
63 | return {
64 | initEvent() {}
65 | };
66 | },
67 | createElement() {
68 | return {
69 | children: [],
70 | childNodes: [],
71 | style: {},
72 | setAttribute() {},
73 | getElementsByTagName() {
74 | return [];
75 | }
76 | };
77 | },
78 | createElementNS() {
79 | return {};
80 | },
81 | importNode() {
82 | return null;
83 | },
84 | location: {
85 | hash: '',
86 | host: '',
87 | hostname: '',
88 | href: '',
89 | origin: '',
90 | pathname: '',
91 | protocol: '',
92 | search: ''
93 | }
94 | };
95 | function getDocument() {
96 | const doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {};
97 | extend$1(doc, ssrDocument);
98 | return doc;
99 | }
100 | const ssrWindow = {
101 | document: ssrDocument,
102 | navigator: {
103 | userAgent: ''
104 | },
105 | location: {
106 | hash: '',
107 | host: '',
108 | hostname: '',
109 | href: '',
110 | origin: '',
111 | pathname: '',
112 | protocol: '',
113 | search: ''
114 | },
115 | history: {
116 | replaceState() {},
117 | pushState() {},
118 | go() {},
119 | back() {}
120 | },
121 | CustomEvent: function CustomEvent() {
122 | return this;
123 | },
124 | addEventListener() {},
125 | removeEventListener() {},
126 | getComputedStyle() {
127 | return {
128 | getPropertyValue() {
129 | return '';
130 | }
131 | };
132 | },
133 | Image() {},
134 | Date() {},
135 | screen: {},
136 | setTimeout() {},
137 | clearTimeout() {},
138 | matchMedia() {
139 | return {};
140 | },
141 | requestAnimationFrame(callback) {
142 | if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {
143 | callback();
144 | return null;
145 | }
146 | return setTimeout(callback, 0);
147 | },
148 | cancelAnimationFrame(id) {
149 | if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {
150 | return;
151 | }
152 | clearTimeout(id);
153 | }
154 | };
155 | function getWindow() {
156 | const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
157 | extend$1(win, ssrWindow);
158 | return win;
159 | }
160 |
161 | function classesToTokens(classes) {
162 | if (classes === void 0) {
163 | classes = '';
164 | }
165 | return classes.trim().split(' ').filter(c => !!c.trim());
166 | }
167 |
168 | function deleteProps(obj) {
169 | const object = obj;
170 | Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
171 | try {
172 | object[key] = null;
173 | } catch (e) {
174 |
175 | }
176 | try {
177 | delete object[key];
178 | } catch (e) {
179 |
180 | }
181 | });
182 | }
183 | function nextTick(callback, delay) {
184 | if (delay === void 0) {
185 | delay = 0;
186 | }
187 | return setTimeout(callback, delay);
188 | }
189 | function now() {
190 | return Date.now();
191 | }
192 | function getComputedStyle$1(el) {
193 | const window = getWindow();
194 | let style;
195 | if (window.getComputedStyle) {
196 | style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
197 | }
198 | if (!style && el.currentStyle) {
199 | style = el.currentStyle;
200 | }
201 | if (!style) {
202 | style = el.style;
203 | }
204 | return style;
205 | }
206 | function getTranslate(el, axis) {
207 | if (axis === void 0) {
208 | axis = 'x';
209 | }
210 | const window = getWindow();
211 | let matrix;
212 | let curTransform;
213 | let transformMatrix;
214 | const curStyle = getComputedStyle$1(el);
215 | if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) {
216 | curTransform = curStyle.transform || curStyle.webkitTransform;
217 | if (curTransform.split(',').length > 6) {
218 | curTransform = curTransform.split(', ').map(a => a.replace(',', '.')).join(', ');
219 | }
220 |
221 |
222 | transformMatrix = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix(curTransform === 'none' ? '' : curTransform);
223 | } else {
224 | transformMatrix = curStyle.MozTransform || curStyle.OTransform || curStyle.MsTransform || curStyle.msTransform || curStyle.transform || curStyle.getPropertyValue('transform').replace('translate(', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,');
225 | matrix = transformMatrix.toString().split(',');
226 | }
227 | if (axis === 'x') {
228 |
229 | if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m41;
230 |
231 | else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[12]);
232 |
233 | else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[4]);
234 | }
235 | if (axis === 'y') {
236 |
237 | if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m42;
238 |
239 | else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[13]);
240 |
241 | else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[5]);
242 | }
243 | return curTransform || 0;
244 | }
245 | function isObject(o) {
246 | return typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.constructor && Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1) === 'Object';
247 | }
248 | function isNode(node) {
249 |
250 | if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.HTMLElement !== 'undefined') {
251 | return node instanceof HTMLElement;
252 | }
253 | return node && (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 11);
254 | }
255 | function extend() {
256 | const to = Object(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]);
257 | const noExtend = ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'];
258 | for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
259 | const nextSource = i < 0 || arguments.length <= i ? undefined : arguments[i];
260 | if (nextSource !== undefined && nextSource !== null && !isNode(nextSource)) {
261 | const keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource)).filter(key => noExtend.indexOf(key) < 0);
262 | for (let nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex += 1) {
263 | const nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex];
264 | const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey);
265 | if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {
266 | if (isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {
267 | if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {
268 | to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
269 | } else {
270 | extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);
271 | }
272 | } else if (!isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {
273 | to[nextKey] = {};
274 | if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {
275 | to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
276 | } else {
277 | extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);
278 | }
279 | } else {
280 | to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
281 | }
282 | }
283 | }
284 | }
285 | }
286 | return to;
287 | }
288 | function setCSSProperty(el, varName, varValue) {
289 | el.style.setProperty(varName, varValue);
290 | }
291 | function animateCSSModeScroll(_ref) {
292 | let {
293 | swiper,
294 | targetPosition,
295 | side
296 | } = _ref;
297 | const window = getWindow();
298 | const startPosition = -swiper.translate;
299 | let startTime = null;
300 | let time;
301 | const duration = swiper.params.speed;
302 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = 'none';
303 | window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);
304 | const dir = targetPosition > startPosition ? 'next' : 'prev';
305 | const isOutOfBound = (current, target) => {
306 | return dir === 'next' && current >= target || dir === 'prev' && current <= target;
307 | };
308 | const animate = () => {
309 | time = new Date().getTime();
310 | if (startTime === null) {
311 | startTime = time;
312 | }
313 | const progress = Math.max(Math.min((time - startTime) / duration, 1), 0);
314 | const easeProgress = 0.5 - Math.cos(progress * Math.PI) / 2;
315 | let currentPosition = startPosition + easeProgress * (targetPosition - startPosition);
316 | if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {
317 | currentPosition = targetPosition;
318 | }
319 | swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({
320 | [side]: currentPosition
321 | });
322 | if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {
323 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = 'hidden';
324 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = '';
325 | setTimeout(() => {
326 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = '';
327 | swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({
328 | [side]: currentPosition
329 | });
330 | });
331 | window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);
332 | return;
333 | }
334 | swiper.cssModeFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
335 | };
336 | animate();
337 | }
338 | function getSlideTransformEl(slideEl) {
339 | return slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-transform') || slideEl.shadowRoot && slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector('.swiper-slide-transform') || slideEl;
340 | }
341 | function elementChildren(element, selector) {
342 | if (selector === void 0) {
343 | selector = '';
344 | }
345 | const window = getWindow();
346 | const children = [...element.children];
347 | if (window.HTMLSlotElement && element instanceof HTMLSlotElement) {
348 | children.push(...element.assignedElements());
349 | }
350 | if (!selector) {
351 | return children;
352 | }
353 | return children.filter(el => el.matches(selector));
354 | }
355 | function elementIsChildOfSlot(el, slot) {
356 |
357 | const elementsQueue = [slot];
358 | while (elementsQueue.length > 0) {
359 | const elementToCheck = elementsQueue.shift();
360 | if (el === elementToCheck) {
361 | return true;
362 | }
363 | elementsQueue.push(...elementToCheck.children, ...(elementToCheck.shadowRoot ? elementToCheck.shadowRoot.children : []), ...(elementToCheck.assignedElements ? elementToCheck.assignedElements() : []));
364 | }
365 | }
366 | function elementIsChildOf(el, parent) {
367 | const window = getWindow();
368 | let isChild = parent.contains(el);
369 | if (!isChild && window.HTMLSlotElement && parent instanceof HTMLSlotElement) {
370 | const children = [...parent.assignedElements()];
371 | isChild = children.includes(el);
372 | if (!isChild) {
373 | isChild = elementIsChildOfSlot(el, parent);
374 | }
375 | }
376 | return isChild;
377 | }
378 | function showWarning(text) {
379 | try {
380 | console.warn(text);
381 | return;
382 | } catch (err) {
383 |
384 | }
385 | }
386 | function createElement(tag, classes) {
387 | if (classes === void 0) {
388 | classes = [];
389 | }
390 | const el = document.createElement(tag);
391 | el.classList.add(...(Array.isArray(classes) ? classes : classesToTokens(classes)));
392 | return el;
393 | }
394 | function elementOffset(el) {
395 | const window = getWindow();
396 | const document = getDocument();
397 | const box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
398 | const body = document.body;
399 | const clientTop = el.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
400 | const clientLeft = el.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
401 | const scrollTop = el === window ? window.scrollY : el.scrollTop;
402 | const scrollLeft = el === window ? window.scrollX : el.scrollLeft;
403 | return {
404 | top: box.top + scrollTop - clientTop,
405 | left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft
406 | };
407 | }
408 | function elementPrevAll(el, selector) {
409 | const prevEls = [];
410 | while (el.previousElementSibling) {
411 | const prev = el.previousElementSibling;
412 | if (selector) {
413 | if (prev.matches(selector)) prevEls.push(prev);
414 | } else prevEls.push(prev);
415 | el = prev;
416 | }
417 | return prevEls;
418 | }
419 | function elementNextAll(el, selector) {
420 | const nextEls = [];
421 | while (el.nextElementSibling) {
422 | const next = el.nextElementSibling;
423 | if (selector) {
424 | if (next.matches(selector)) nextEls.push(next);
425 | } else nextEls.push(next);
426 | el = next;
427 | }
428 | return nextEls;
429 | }
430 | function elementStyle(el, prop) {
431 | const window = getWindow();
432 | return window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
433 | }
434 | function elementIndex(el) {
435 | let child = el;
436 | let i;
437 | if (child) {
438 | i = 0;
439 |
440 | while ((child = child.previousSibling) !== null) {
441 | if (child.nodeType === 1) i += 1;
442 | }
443 | return i;
444 | }
445 | return undefined;
446 | }
447 | function elementParents(el, selector) {
448 | const parents = [];
449 | let parent = el.parentElement;
450 | while (parent) {
451 | if (selector) {
452 | if (parent.matches(selector)) parents.push(parent);
453 | } else {
454 | parents.push(parent);
455 | }
456 | parent = parent.parentElement;
457 | }
458 | return parents;
459 | }
460 | function elementTransitionEnd(el, callback) {
461 | function fireCallBack(e) {
462 | if (e.target !== el) return;
463 | callback.call(el, e);
464 | el.removeEventListener('transitionend', fireCallBack);
465 | }
466 | if (callback) {
467 | el.addEventListener('transitionend', fireCallBack);
468 | }
469 | }
470 | function elementOuterSize(el, size, includeMargins) {
471 | const window = getWindow();
472 | if (includeMargins) {
473 | return el[size === 'width' ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'] + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(size === 'width' ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-top')) + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(size === 'width' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-bottom'));
474 | }
475 | return el.offsetWidth;
476 | }
477 | function makeElementsArray(el) {
478 | return (Array.isArray(el) ? el : [el]).filter(e => !!e);
479 | }
480 | function getRotateFix(swiper) {
481 | return v => {
482 | if (Math.abs(v) > 0 && swiper.browser && swiper.browser.need3dFix && Math.abs(v) % 90 === 0) {
483 | return v + 0.001;
484 | }
485 | return v;
486 | };
487 | }
488 |
489 | let support;
490 | function calcSupport() {
491 | const window = getWindow();
492 | const document = getDocument();
493 | return {
494 | smoothScroll: document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && 'scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style,
495 | touch: !!('ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch)
496 | };
497 | }
498 | function getSupport() {
499 | if (!support) {
500 | support = calcSupport();
501 | }
502 | return support;
503 | }
504 |
505 | let deviceCached;
506 | function calcDevice(_temp) {
507 | let {
508 | userAgent
509 | } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp;
510 | const support = getSupport();
511 | const window = getWindow();
512 | const platform = window.navigator.platform;
513 | const ua = userAgent || window.navigator.userAgent;
514 | const device = {
515 | ios: false,
516 | android: false
517 | };
518 | const screenWidth = window.screen.width;
519 | const screenHeight = window.screen.height;
520 | const android = ua.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/);
521 | let ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/);
522 | const ipod = ua.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/);
523 | const iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS|iOS)\s([\d_]+)/);
524 | const windows = platform === 'Win32';
525 | let macos = platform === 'MacIntel';
526 |
527 |
528 | const iPadScreens = ['1024x1366', '1366x1024', '834x1194', '1194x834', '834x1112', '1112x834', '768x1024', '1024x768', '820x1180', '1180x820', '810x1080', '1080x810'];
529 | if (!ipad && macos && support.touch && iPadScreens.indexOf(`${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`) >= 0) {
530 | ipad = ua.match(/(Version)\/([\d.]+)/);
531 | if (!ipad) ipad = [0, 1, '13_0_0'];
532 | macos = false;
533 | }
534 |
535 |
536 | if (android && !windows) {
537 | device.os = 'android';
538 | device.android = true;
539 | }
540 | if (ipad || iphone || ipod) {
541 | device.os = 'ios';
542 | device.ios = true;
543 | }
544 |
545 |
546 | return device;
547 | }
548 | function getDevice(overrides) {
549 | if (overrides === void 0) {
550 | overrides = {};
551 | }
552 | if (!deviceCached) {
553 | deviceCached = calcDevice(overrides);
554 | }
555 | return deviceCached;
556 | }
557 |
558 | let browser;
559 | function calcBrowser() {
560 | const window = getWindow();
561 | const device = getDevice();
562 | let needPerspectiveFix = false;
563 | function isSafari() {
564 | const ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
565 | return ua.indexOf('safari') >= 0 && ua.indexOf('chrome') < 0 && ua.indexOf('android') < 0;
566 | }
567 | if (isSafari()) {
568 | const ua = String(window.navigator.userAgent);
569 | if (ua.includes('Version/')) {
570 | const [major, minor] = ua.split('Version/')[1].split(' ')[0].split('.').map(num => Number(num));
571 | needPerspectiveFix = major < 16 || major === 16 && minor < 2;
572 | }
573 | }
574 | const isWebView = /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
575 | const isSafariBrowser = isSafari();
576 | const need3dFix = isSafariBrowser || isWebView && device.ios;
577 | return {
578 | isSafari: needPerspectiveFix || isSafariBrowser,
579 | needPerspectiveFix,
580 | need3dFix,
581 | isWebView
582 | };
583 | }
584 | function getBrowser() {
585 | if (!browser) {
586 | browser = calcBrowser();
587 | }
588 | return browser;
589 | }
590 |
591 | function Resize(_ref) {
592 | let {
593 | swiper,
594 | on,
595 | emit
596 | } = _ref;
597 | const window = getWindow();
598 | let observer = null;
599 | let animationFrame = null;
600 | const resizeHandler = () => {
601 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
602 | emit('beforeResize');
603 | emit('resize');
604 | };
605 | const createObserver = () => {
606 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
607 | observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
608 | animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
609 | const {
610 | width,
611 | height
612 | } = swiper;
613 | let newWidth = width;
614 | let newHeight = height;
615 | entries.forEach(_ref2 => {
616 | let {
617 | contentBoxSize,
618 | contentRect,
619 | target
620 | } = _ref2;
621 | if (target && target !== swiper.el) return;
622 | newWidth = contentRect ? contentRect.width : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).inlineSize;
623 | newHeight = contentRect ? contentRect.height : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).blockSize;
624 | });
625 | if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height) {
626 | resizeHandler();
627 | }
628 | });
629 | });
630 | observer.observe(swiper.el);
631 | };
632 | const removeObserver = () => {
633 | if (animationFrame) {
634 | window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
635 | }
636 | if (observer && observer.unobserve && swiper.el) {
637 | observer.unobserve(swiper.el);
638 | observer = null;
639 | }
640 | };
641 | const orientationChangeHandler = () => {
642 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
643 | emit('orientationchange');
644 | };
645 | on('init', () => {
646 | if (swiper.params.resizeObserver && typeof window.ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') {
647 | createObserver();
648 | return;
649 | }
650 | window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
651 | window.addEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);
652 | });
653 | on('destroy', () => {
654 | removeObserver();
655 | window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
656 | window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);
657 | });
658 | }
659 |
660 | function Observer(_ref) {
661 | let {
662 | swiper,
663 | extendParams,
664 | on,
665 | emit
666 | } = _ref;
667 | const observers = [];
668 | const window = getWindow();
669 | const attach = function (target, options) {
670 | if (options === void 0) {
671 | options = {};
672 | }
673 | const ObserverFunc = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver;
674 | const observer = new ObserverFunc(mutations => {
675 |
676 |
677 |
678 | if (swiper.__preventObserver__) return;
679 | if (mutations.length === 1) {
680 | emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);
681 | return;
682 | }
683 | const observerUpdate = function observerUpdate() {
684 | emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);
685 | };
686 | if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
687 | window.requestAnimationFrame(observerUpdate);
688 | } else {
689 | window.setTimeout(observerUpdate, 0);
690 | }
691 | });
692 | observer.observe(target, {
693 | attributes: typeof options.attributes === 'undefined' ? true : options.attributes,
694 | childList: swiper.isElement || (typeof options.childList === 'undefined' ? true : options).childList,
695 | characterData: typeof options.characterData === 'undefined' ? true : options.characterData
696 | });
697 | observers.push(observer);
698 | };
699 | const init = () => {
700 | if (!swiper.params.observer) return;
701 | if (swiper.params.observeParents) {
702 | const containerParents = elementParents(swiper.hostEl);
703 | for (let i = 0; i < containerParents.length; i += 1) {
704 | attach(containerParents[i]);
705 | }
706 | }
707 |
708 | attach(swiper.hostEl, {
709 | childList: swiper.params.observeSlideChildren
710 | });
711 |
712 |
713 | attach(swiper.wrapperEl, {
714 | attributes: false
715 | });
716 | };
717 | const destroy = () => {
718 | observers.forEach(observer => {
719 | observer.disconnect();
720 | });
721 | observers.splice(0, observers.length);
722 | };
723 | extendParams({
724 | observer: false,
725 | observeParents: false,
726 | observeSlideChildren: false
727 | });
728 | on('init', init);
729 | on('destroy', destroy);
730 | }
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 | var eventsEmitter = {
735 | on(events, handler, priority) {
736 | const self = this;
737 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
738 | if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
739 | const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';
740 | events.split(' ').forEach(event => {
741 | if (!self.eventsListeners[event]) self.eventsListeners[event] = [];
742 | self.eventsListeners[event][method](handler);
743 | });
744 | return self;
745 | },
746 | once(events, handler, priority) {
747 | const self = this;
748 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
749 | if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
750 | function onceHandler() {
751 | self.off(events, onceHandler);
752 | if (onceHandler.__emitterProxy) {
753 | delete onceHandler.__emitterProxy;
754 | }
755 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
756 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
757 | }
758 | handler.apply(self, args);
759 | }
760 | onceHandler.__emitterProxy = handler;
761 | return self.on(events, onceHandler, priority);
762 | },
763 | onAny(handler, priority) {
764 | const self = this;
765 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
766 | if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
767 | const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';
768 | if (self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler) < 0) {
769 | self.eventsAnyListeners[method](handler);
770 | }
771 | return self;
772 | },
773 | offAny(handler) {
774 | const self = this;
775 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
776 | if (!self.eventsAnyListeners) return self;
777 | const index = self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler);
778 | if (index >= 0) {
779 | self.eventsAnyListeners.splice(index, 1);
780 | }
781 | return self;
782 | },
783 | off(events, handler) {
784 | const self = this;
785 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
786 | if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;
787 | events.split(' ').forEach(event => {
788 | if (typeof handler === 'undefined') {
789 | self.eventsListeners[event] = [];
790 | } else if (self.eventsListeners[event]) {
791 | self.eventsListeners[event].forEach((eventHandler, index) => {
792 | if (eventHandler === handler || eventHandler.__emitterProxy && eventHandler.__emitterProxy === handler) {
793 | self.eventsListeners[event].splice(index, 1);
794 | }
795 | });
796 | }
797 | });
798 | return self;
799 | },
800 | emit() {
801 | const self = this;
802 | if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;
803 | if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;
804 | let events;
805 | let data;
806 | let context;
807 | for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
808 | args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
809 | }
810 | if (typeof args[0] === 'string' || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
811 | events = args[0];
812 | data = args.slice(1, args.length);
813 | context = self;
814 | } else {
815 | events = args[0].events;
816 | data = args[0].data;
817 | context = args[0].context || self;
818 | }
819 | data.unshift(context);
820 | const eventsArray = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(' ');
821 | eventsArray.forEach(event => {
822 | if (self.eventsAnyListeners && self.eventsAnyListeners.length) {
823 | self.eventsAnyListeners.forEach(eventHandler => {
824 | eventHandler.apply(context, [event, ...data]);
825 | });
826 | }
827 | if (self.eventsListeners && self.eventsListeners[event]) {
828 | self.eventsListeners[event].forEach(eventHandler => {
829 | eventHandler.apply(context, data);
830 | });
831 | }
832 | });
833 | return self;
834 | }
835 | };
836 |
837 | function updateSize() {
838 | const swiper = this;
839 | let width;
840 | let height;
841 | const el = swiper.el;
842 | if (typeof swiper.params.width !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.width !== null) {
843 | width = swiper.params.width;
844 | } else {
845 | width = el.clientWidth;
846 | }
847 | if (typeof swiper.params.height !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.height !== null) {
848 | height = swiper.params.height;
849 | } else {
850 | height = el.clientHeight;
851 | }
852 | if (width === 0 && swiper.isHorizontal() || height === 0 && swiper.isVertical()) {
853 | return;
854 | }
855 |
856 |
857 | width = width - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-left') || 0, 10) - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-right') || 0, 10);
858 | height = height - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-top') || 0, 10) - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-bottom') || 0, 10);
859 | if (Number.isNaN(width)) width = 0;
860 | if (Number.isNaN(height)) height = 0;
861 | Object.assign(swiper, {
862 | width,
863 | height,
864 | size: swiper.isHorizontal() ? width : height
865 | });
866 | }
867 |
868 | function updateSlides() {
869 | const swiper = this;
870 | function getDirectionPropertyValue(node, label) {
871 | return parseFloat(node.getPropertyValue(swiper.getDirectionLabel(label)) || 0);
872 | }
873 | const params = swiper.params;
874 | const {
875 | wrapperEl,
876 | slidesEl,
877 | size: swiperSize,
878 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
879 | wrongRTL
880 | } = swiper;
881 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
882 | const previousSlidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;
883 | const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
884 | const slidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length;
885 | let snapGrid = [];
886 | const slidesGrid = [];
887 | const slidesSizesGrid = [];
888 | let offsetBefore = params.slidesOffsetBefore;
889 | if (typeof offsetBefore === 'function') {
890 | offsetBefore = params.slidesOffsetBefore.call(swiper);
891 | }
892 | let offsetAfter = params.slidesOffsetAfter;
893 | if (typeof offsetAfter === 'function') {
894 | offsetAfter = params.slidesOffsetAfter.call(swiper);
895 | }
896 | const previousSnapGridLength = swiper.snapGrid.length;
897 | const previousSlidesGridLength = swiper.slidesGrid.length;
898 | let spaceBetween = params.spaceBetween;
899 | let slidePosition = -offsetBefore;
900 | let prevSlideSize = 0;
901 | let index = 0;
902 | if (typeof swiperSize === 'undefined') {
903 | return;
904 | }
905 | if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
906 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiperSize;
907 | } else if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string') {
908 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween);
909 | }
910 | swiper.virtualSize = -spaceBetween;
911 |
912 |
913 | slides.forEach(slideEl => {
914 | if (rtl) {
915 | slideEl.style.marginLeft = '';
916 | } else {
917 | slideEl.style.marginRight = '';
918 | }
919 | slideEl.style.marginBottom = '';
920 | slideEl.style.marginTop = '';
921 | });
922 |
923 |
924 | if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode) {
925 | setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', '');
926 | setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', '');
927 | }
928 | const gridEnabled = params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && swiper.grid;
929 | if (gridEnabled) {
930 | swiper.grid.initSlides(slides);
931 | } else if (swiper.grid) {
932 | swiper.grid.unsetSlides();
933 | }
934 |
935 |
936 | let slideSize;
937 | const shouldResetSlideSize = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.breakpoints && Object.keys(params.breakpoints).filter(key => {
938 | return typeof params.breakpoints[key].slidesPerView !== 'undefined';
939 | }).length > 0;
940 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesLength; i += 1) {
941 | slideSize = 0;
942 | let slide;
943 | if (slides[i]) slide = slides[i];
944 | if (gridEnabled) {
945 | swiper.grid.updateSlide(i, slide, slides);
946 | }
947 | if (slides[i] && elementStyle(slide, 'display') === 'none') continue;
948 |
949 | if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {
950 | if (shouldResetSlideSize) {
951 | slides[i].style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = ``;
952 | }
953 | const slideStyles = getComputedStyle(slide);
954 | const currentTransform = slide.style.transform;
955 | const currentWebKitTransform = slide.style.webkitTransform;
956 | if (currentTransform) {
957 | slide.style.transform = 'none';
958 | }
959 | if (currentWebKitTransform) {
960 | slide.style.webkitTransform = 'none';
961 | }
962 | if (params.roundLengths) {
963 | slideSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? elementOuterSize(slide, 'width', true) : elementOuterSize(slide, 'height', true);
964 | } else {
965 |
966 | const width = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'width');
967 | const paddingLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-left');
968 | const paddingRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-right');
969 | const marginLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-left');
970 | const marginRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-right');
971 | const boxSizing = slideStyles.getPropertyValue('box-sizing');
972 | if (boxSizing && boxSizing === 'border-box') {
973 | slideSize = width + marginLeft + marginRight;
974 | } else {
975 | const {
976 | clientWidth,
977 | offsetWidth
978 | } = slide;
979 | slideSize = width + paddingLeft + paddingRight + marginLeft + marginRight + (offsetWidth - clientWidth);
980 | }
981 | }
982 | if (currentTransform) {
983 | slide.style.transform = currentTransform;
984 | }
985 | if (currentWebKitTransform) {
986 | slide.style.webkitTransform = currentWebKitTransform;
987 | }
988 | if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);
989 | } else {
990 | slideSize = (swiperSize - (params.slidesPerView - 1) * spaceBetween) / params.slidesPerView;
991 | if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);
992 | if (slides[i]) {
993 | slides[i].style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${slideSize}px`;
994 | }
995 | }
996 | if (slides[i]) {
997 | slides[i].swiperSlideSize = slideSize;
998 | }
999 | slidesSizesGrid.push(slideSize);
1000 | if (params.centeredSlides) {
1001 | slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize / 2 + prevSlideSize / 2 + spaceBetween;
1002 | if (prevSlideSize === 0 && i !== 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;
1003 | if (i === 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;
1004 | if (Math.abs(slidePosition) < 1 / 1000) slidePosition = 0;
1005 | if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);
1006 | if (index % params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
1007 | slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);
1008 | } else {
1009 | if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);
1010 | if ((index - Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index)) % swiper.params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
1011 | slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);
1012 | slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize + spaceBetween;
1013 | }
1014 | swiper.virtualSize += slideSize + spaceBetween;
1015 | prevSlideSize = slideSize;
1016 | index += 1;
1017 | }
1018 | swiper.virtualSize = Math.max(swiper.virtualSize, swiperSize) + offsetAfter;
1019 | if (rtl && wrongRTL && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'coverflow')) {
1020 | wrapperEl.style.width = `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`;
1021 | }
1022 | if (params.setWrapperSize) {
1023 | wrapperEl.style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`;
1024 | }
1025 | if (gridEnabled) {
1026 | swiper.grid.updateWrapperSize(slideSize, snapGrid);
1027 | }
1028 |
1029 |
1030 | if (!params.centeredSlides) {
1031 | const newSlidesGrid = [];
1032 | for (let i = 0; i < snapGrid.length; i += 1) {
1033 | let slidesGridItem = snapGrid[i];
1034 | if (params.roundLengths) slidesGridItem = Math.floor(slidesGridItem);
1035 | if (snapGrid[i] <= swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) {
1036 | newSlidesGrid.push(slidesGridItem);
1037 | }
1038 | }
1039 | snapGrid = newSlidesGrid;
1040 | if (Math.floor(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) - Math.floor(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1]) > 1) {
1041 | snapGrid.push(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize);
1042 | }
1043 | }
1044 | if (isVirtual && params.loop) {
1045 | const size = slidesSizesGrid[0] + spaceBetween;
1046 | if (params.slidesPerGroup > 1) {
1047 | const groups = Math.ceil((swiper.virtual.slidesBefore + swiper.virtual.slidesAfter) / params.slidesPerGroup);
1048 | const groupSize = size * params.slidesPerGroup;
1049 | for (let i = 0; i < groups; i += 1) {
1050 | snapGrid.push(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1] + groupSize);
1051 | }
1052 | }
1053 | for (let i = 0; i < swiper.virtual.slidesBefore + swiper.virtual.slidesAfter; i += 1) {
1054 | if (params.slidesPerGroup === 1) {
1055 | snapGrid.push(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1] + size);
1056 | }
1057 | slidesGrid.push(slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 1] + size);
1058 | swiper.virtualSize += size;
1059 | }
1060 | }
1061 | if (snapGrid.length === 0) snapGrid = [0];
1062 | if (spaceBetween !== 0) {
1063 | const key = swiper.isHorizontal() && rtl ? 'marginLeft' : swiper.getDirectionLabel('marginRight');
1064 | slides.filter((_, slideIndex) => {
1065 | if (!params.cssMode || params.loop) return true;
1066 | if (slideIndex === slides.length - 1) {
1067 | return false;
1068 | }
1069 | return true;
1070 | }).forEach(slideEl => {
1071 | slideEl.style[key] = `${spaceBetween}px`;
1072 | });
1073 | }
1074 | if (params.centeredSlides && params.centeredSlidesBounds) {
1075 | let allSlidesSize = 0;
1076 | slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {
1077 | allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (spaceBetween || 0);
1078 | });
1079 | allSlidesSize -= spaceBetween;
1080 | const maxSnap = allSlidesSize > swiperSize ? allSlidesSize - swiperSize : 0;
1081 | snapGrid = snapGrid.map(snap => {
1082 | if (snap <= 0) return -offsetBefore;
1083 | if (snap > maxSnap) return maxSnap + offsetAfter;
1084 | return snap;
1085 | });
1086 | }
1087 | if (params.centerInsufficientSlides) {
1088 | let allSlidesSize = 0;
1089 | slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {
1090 | allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (spaceBetween || 0);
1091 | });
1092 | allSlidesSize -= spaceBetween;
1093 | const offsetSize = (params.slidesOffsetBefore || 0) + (params.slidesOffsetAfter || 0);
1094 | if (allSlidesSize + offsetSize < swiperSize) {
1095 | const allSlidesOffset = (swiperSize - allSlidesSize - offsetSize) / 2;
1096 | snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
1097 | snapGrid[snapIndex] = snap - allSlidesOffset;
1098 | });
1099 | slidesGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
1100 | slidesGrid[snapIndex] = snap + allSlidesOffset;
1101 | });
1102 | }
1103 | }
1104 | Object.assign(swiper, {
1105 | slides,
1106 | snapGrid,
1107 | slidesGrid,
1108 | slidesSizesGrid
1109 | });
1110 | if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode && !params.centeredSlidesBounds) {
1111 | setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', `${-snapGrid[0]}px`);
1112 | setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', `${swiper.size / 2 - slidesSizesGrid[slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] / 2}px`);
1113 | const addToSnapGrid = -swiper.snapGrid[0];
1114 | const addToSlidesGrid = -swiper.slidesGrid[0];
1115 | swiper.snapGrid = swiper.snapGrid.map(v => v + addToSnapGrid);
1116 | swiper.slidesGrid = swiper.slidesGrid.map(v => v + addToSlidesGrid);
1117 | }
1118 | if (slidesLength !== previousSlidesLength) {
1119 | swiper.emit('slidesLengthChange');
1120 | }
1121 | if (snapGrid.length !== previousSnapGridLength) {
1122 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) swiper.checkOverflow();
1123 | swiper.emit('snapGridLengthChange');
1124 | }
1125 | if (slidesGrid.length !== previousSlidesGridLength) {
1126 | swiper.emit('slidesGridLengthChange');
1127 | }
1128 | if (params.watchSlidesProgress) {
1129 | swiper.updateSlidesOffset();
1130 | }
1131 | swiper.emit('slidesUpdated');
1132 | if (!isVirtual && !params.cssMode && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'fade')) {
1133 | const backFaceHiddenClass = `${params.containerModifierClass}backface-hidden`;
1134 | const hasClassBackfaceClassAdded = swiper.el.classList.contains(backFaceHiddenClass);
1135 | if (slidesLength <= params.maxBackfaceHiddenSlides) {
1136 | if (!hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) swiper.el.classList.add(backFaceHiddenClass);
1137 | } else if (hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) {
1138 | swiper.el.classList.remove(backFaceHiddenClass);
1139 | }
1140 | }
1141 | }
1142 |
1143 | function updateAutoHeight(speed) {
1144 | const swiper = this;
1145 | const activeSlides = [];
1146 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
1147 | let newHeight = 0;
1148 | let i;
1149 | if (typeof speed === 'number') {
1150 | swiper.setTransition(speed);
1151 | } else if (speed === true) {
1152 | swiper.setTransition(swiper.params.speed);
1153 | }
1154 | const getSlideByIndex = index => {
1155 | if (isVirtual) {
1156 | return swiper.slides[swiper.getSlideIndexByData(index)];
1157 | }
1158 | return swiper.slides[index];
1159 | };
1160 |
1161 | if (swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1) {
1162 | if (swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
1163 | (swiper.visibleSlides || []).forEach(slide => {
1164 | activeSlides.push(slide);
1165 | });
1166 | } else {
1167 | for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesPerView); i += 1) {
1168 | const index = swiper.activeIndex + i;
1169 | if (index > swiper.slides.length && !isVirtual) break;
1170 | activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(index));
1171 | }
1172 | }
1173 | } else {
1174 | activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(swiper.activeIndex));
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 |
1178 | for (i = 0; i < activeSlides.length; i += 1) {
1179 | if (typeof activeSlides[i] !== 'undefined') {
1180 | const height = activeSlides[i].offsetHeight;
1181 | newHeight = height > newHeight ? height : newHeight;
1182 | }
1183 | }
1184 |
1185 |
1186 | if (newHeight || newHeight === 0) swiper.wrapperEl.style.height = `${newHeight}px`;
1187 | }
1188 |
1189 | function updateSlidesOffset() {
1190 | const swiper = this;
1191 | const slides = swiper.slides;
1192 |
1193 | const minusOffset = swiper.isElement ? swiper.isHorizontal() ? swiper.wrapperEl.offsetLeft : swiper.wrapperEl.offsetTop : 0;
1194 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
1195 | slides[i].swiperSlideOffset = (swiper.isHorizontal() ? slides[i].offsetLeft : slides[i].offsetTop) - minusOffset - swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();
1196 | }
1197 | }
1198 |
1199 | const toggleSlideClasses$1 = (slideEl, condition, className) => {
1200 | if (condition && !slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {
1201 | slideEl.classList.add(className);
1202 | } else if (!condition && slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {
1203 | slideEl.classList.remove(className);
1204 | }
1205 | };
1206 | function updateSlidesProgress(translate) {
1207 | if (translate === void 0) {
1208 | translate = this && this.translate || 0;
1209 | }
1210 | const swiper = this;
1211 | const params = swiper.params;
1212 | const {
1213 | slides,
1214 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
1215 | snapGrid
1216 | } = swiper;
1217 | if (slides.length === 0) return;
1218 | if (typeof slides[0].swiperSlideOffset === 'undefined') swiper.updateSlidesOffset();
1219 | let offsetCenter = -translate;
1220 | if (rtl) offsetCenter = translate;
1221 | swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes = [];
1222 | swiper.visibleSlides = [];
1223 | let spaceBetween = params.spaceBetween;
1224 | if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
1225 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiper.size;
1226 | } else if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string') {
1227 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween);
1228 | }
1229 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
1230 | const slide = slides[i];
1231 | let slideOffset = slide.swiperSlideOffset;
1232 | if (params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides) {
1233 | slideOffset -= slides[0].swiperSlideOffset;
1234 | }
1235 | const slideProgress = (offsetCenter + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + spaceBetween);
1236 | const originalSlideProgress = (offsetCenter - snapGrid[0] + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + spaceBetween);
1237 | const slideBefore = -(offsetCenter - slideOffset);
1238 | const slideAfter = slideBefore + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[i];
1239 | const isFullyVisible = slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore <= swiper.size - swiper.slidesSizesGrid[i];
1240 | const isVisible = slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore < swiper.size - 1 || slideAfter > 1 && slideAfter <= swiper.size || slideBefore <= 0 && slideAfter >= swiper.size;
1241 | if (isVisible) {
1242 | swiper.visibleSlides.push(slide);
1243 | swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes.push(i);
1244 | }
1245 | toggleSlideClasses$1(slide, isVisible, params.slideVisibleClass);
1246 | toggleSlideClasses$1(slide, isFullyVisible, params.slideFullyVisibleClass);
1247 | slide.progress = rtl ? -slideProgress : slideProgress;
1248 | slide.originalProgress = rtl ? -originalSlideProgress : originalSlideProgress;
1249 | }
1250 | }
1251 |
1252 | function updateProgress(translate) {
1253 | const swiper = this;
1254 | if (typeof translate === 'undefined') {
1255 | const multiplier = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1;
1256 |
1257 | translate = swiper && swiper.translate && swiper.translate * multiplier || 0;
1258 | }
1259 | const params = swiper.params;
1260 | const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
1261 | let {
1262 | progress,
1263 | isBeginning,
1264 | isEnd,
1265 | progressLoop
1266 | } = swiper;
1267 | const wasBeginning = isBeginning;
1268 | const wasEnd = isEnd;
1269 | if (translatesDiff === 0) {
1270 | progress = 0;
1271 | isBeginning = true;
1272 | isEnd = true;
1273 | } else {
1274 | progress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
1275 | const isBeginningRounded = Math.abs(translate - swiper.minTranslate()) < 1;
1276 | const isEndRounded = Math.abs(translate - swiper.maxTranslate()) < 1;
1277 | isBeginning = isBeginningRounded || progress <= 0;
1278 | isEnd = isEndRounded || progress >= 1;
1279 | if (isBeginningRounded) progress = 0;
1280 | if (isEndRounded) progress = 1;
1281 | }
1282 | if (params.loop) {
1283 | const firstSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(0);
1284 | const lastSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(swiper.slides.length - 1);
1285 | const firstSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[firstSlideIndex];
1286 | const lastSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[lastSlideIndex];
1287 | const translateMax = swiper.slidesGrid[swiper.slidesGrid.length - 1];
1288 | const translateAbs = Math.abs(translate);
1289 | if (translateAbs >= firstSlideTranslate) {
1290 | progressLoop = (translateAbs - firstSlideTranslate) / translateMax;
1291 | } else {
1292 | progressLoop = (translateAbs + translateMax - lastSlideTranslate) / translateMax;
1293 | }
1294 | if (progressLoop > 1) progressLoop -= 1;
1295 | }
1296 | Object.assign(swiper, {
1297 | progress,
1298 | progressLoop,
1299 | isBeginning,
1300 | isEnd
1301 | });
1302 | if (params.watchSlidesProgress || params.centeredSlides && params.autoHeight) swiper.updateSlidesProgress(translate);
1303 | if (isBeginning && !wasBeginning) {
1304 | swiper.emit('reachBeginning toEdge');
1305 | }
1306 | if (isEnd && !wasEnd) {
1307 | swiper.emit('reachEnd toEdge');
1308 | }
1309 | if (wasBeginning && !isBeginning || wasEnd && !isEnd) {
1310 | swiper.emit('fromEdge');
1311 | }
1312 | swiper.emit('progress', progress);
1313 | }
1314 |
1315 | const toggleSlideClasses = (slideEl, condition, className) => {
1316 | if (condition && !slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {
1317 | slideEl.classList.add(className);
1318 | } else if (!condition && slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {
1319 | slideEl.classList.remove(className);
1320 | }
1321 | };
1322 | function updateSlidesClasses() {
1323 | const swiper = this;
1324 | const {
1325 | slides,
1326 | params,
1327 | slidesEl,
1328 | activeIndex
1329 | } = swiper;
1330 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
1331 | const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
1332 | const getFilteredSlide = selector => {
1333 | return elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}${selector}, swiper-slide${selector}`)[0];
1334 | };
1335 | let activeSlide;
1336 | let prevSlide;
1337 | let nextSlide;
1338 | if (isVirtual) {
1339 | if (params.loop) {
1340 | let slideIndex = activeIndex - swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;
1341 | if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = swiper.virtual.slides.length + slideIndex;
1342 | if (slideIndex >= swiper.virtual.slides.length) slideIndex -= swiper.virtual.slides.length;
1343 | activeSlide = getFilteredSlide(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideIndex}"]`);
1344 | } else {
1345 | activeSlide = getFilteredSlide(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${activeIndex}"]`);
1346 | }
1347 | } else {
1348 | if (gridEnabled) {
1349 | activeSlide = slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex);
1350 | nextSlide = slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex + 1);
1351 | prevSlide = slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex - 1);
1352 | } else {
1353 | activeSlide = slides[activeIndex];
1354 | }
1355 | }
1356 | if (activeSlide) {
1357 | if (!gridEnabled) {
1358 |
1359 | nextSlide = elementNextAll(activeSlide, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)[0];
1360 | if (params.loop && !nextSlide) {
1361 | nextSlide = slides[0];
1362 | }
1363 |
1364 |
1365 | prevSlide = elementPrevAll(activeSlide, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)[0];
1366 | if (params.loop && !prevSlide === 0) {
1367 | prevSlide = slides[slides.length - 1];
1368 | }
1369 | }
1370 | }
1371 | slides.forEach(slideEl => {
1372 | toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === activeSlide, params.slideActiveClass);
1373 | toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === nextSlide, params.slideNextClass);
1374 | toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === prevSlide, params.slidePrevClass);
1375 | });
1376 | swiper.emitSlidesClasses();
1377 | }
1378 |
1379 | const processLazyPreloader = (swiper, imageEl) => {
1380 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;
1381 | const slideSelector = () => swiper.isElement ? `swiper-slide` : `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`;
1382 | const slideEl = imageEl.closest(slideSelector());
1383 | if (slideEl) {
1384 | let lazyEl = slideEl.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);
1385 | if (!lazyEl && swiper.isElement) {
1386 | if (slideEl.shadowRoot) {
1387 | lazyEl = slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);
1388 | } else {
1389 |
1390 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
1391 | if (slideEl.shadowRoot) {
1392 | lazyEl = slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);
1393 | if (lazyEl) lazyEl.remove();
1394 | }
1395 | });
1396 | }
1397 | }
1398 | if (lazyEl) lazyEl.remove();
1399 | }
1400 | };
1401 | const unlazy = (swiper, index) => {
1402 | if (!swiper.slides[index]) return;
1403 | const imageEl = swiper.slides[index].querySelector('[loading="lazy"]');
1404 | if (imageEl) imageEl.removeAttribute('loading');
1405 | };
1406 | const preload = swiper => {
1407 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;
1408 | let amount = swiper.params.lazyPreloadPrevNext;
1409 | const len = swiper.slides.length;
1410 | if (!len || !amount || amount < 0) return;
1411 | amount = Math.min(amount, len);
1412 | const slidesPerView = swiper.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : Math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesPerView);
1413 | const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
1414 | if (swiper.params.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1) {
1415 | const activeColumn = activeIndex;
1416 | const preloadColumns = [activeColumn - amount];
1417 | preloadColumns.push(...Array.from({
1418 | length: amount
1419 | }).map((_, i) => {
1420 | return activeColumn + slidesPerView + i;
1421 | }));
1422 | swiper.slides.forEach((slideEl, i) => {
1423 | if (preloadColumns.includes(slideEl.column)) unlazy(swiper, i);
1424 | });
1425 | return;
1426 | }
1427 | const slideIndexLastInView = activeIndex + slidesPerView - 1;
1428 | if (swiper.params.rewind || swiper.params.loop) {
1429 | for (let i = activeIndex - amount; i <= slideIndexLastInView + amount; i += 1) {
1430 | const realIndex = (i % len + len) % len;
1431 | if (realIndex < activeIndex || realIndex > slideIndexLastInView) unlazy(swiper, realIndex);
1432 | }
1433 | } else {
1434 | for (let i = Math.max(activeIndex - amount, 0); i <= Math.min(slideIndexLastInView + amount, len - 1); i += 1) {
1435 | if (i !== activeIndex && (i > slideIndexLastInView || i < activeIndex)) {
1436 | unlazy(swiper, i);
1437 | }
1438 | }
1439 | }
1440 | };
1441 |
1442 | function getActiveIndexByTranslate(swiper) {
1443 | const {
1444 | slidesGrid,
1445 | params
1446 | } = swiper;
1447 | const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
1448 | let activeIndex;
1449 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {
1450 | if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {
1451 | if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1] - (slidesGrid[i + 1] - slidesGrid[i]) / 2) {
1452 | activeIndex = i;
1453 | } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1]) {
1454 | activeIndex = i + 1;
1455 | }
1456 | } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i]) {
1457 | activeIndex = i;
1458 | }
1459 | }
1460 |
1461 | if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {
1462 | if (activeIndex < 0 || typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') activeIndex = 0;
1463 | }
1464 | return activeIndex;
1465 | }
1466 | function updateActiveIndex(newActiveIndex) {
1467 | const swiper = this;
1468 | const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
1469 | const {
1470 | snapGrid,
1471 | params,
1472 | activeIndex: previousIndex,
1473 | realIndex: previousRealIndex,
1474 | snapIndex: previousSnapIndex
1475 | } = swiper;
1476 | let activeIndex = newActiveIndex;
1477 | let snapIndex;
1478 | const getVirtualRealIndex = aIndex => {
1479 | let realIndex = aIndex - swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;
1480 | if (realIndex < 0) {
1481 | realIndex = swiper.virtual.slides.length + realIndex;
1482 | }
1483 | if (realIndex >= swiper.virtual.slides.length) {
1484 | realIndex -= swiper.virtual.slides.length;
1485 | }
1486 | return realIndex;
1487 | };
1488 | if (typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') {
1489 | activeIndex = getActiveIndexByTranslate(swiper);
1490 | }
1491 | if (snapGrid.indexOf(translate) >= 0) {
1492 | snapIndex = snapGrid.indexOf(translate);
1493 | } else {
1494 | const skip = Math.min(params.slidesPerGroupSkip, activeIndex);
1495 | snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((activeIndex - skip) / params.slidesPerGroup);
1496 | }
1497 | if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;
1498 | if (activeIndex === previousIndex && !swiper.params.loop) {
1499 | if (snapIndex !== previousSnapIndex) {
1500 | swiper.snapIndex = snapIndex;
1501 | swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');
1502 | }
1503 | return;
1504 | }
1505 | if (activeIndex === previousIndex && swiper.params.loop && swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
1506 | swiper.realIndex = getVirtualRealIndex(activeIndex);
1507 | return;
1508 | }
1509 | const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
1510 |
1511 |
1512 | let realIndex;
1513 | if (swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled && params.loop) {
1514 | realIndex = getVirtualRealIndex(activeIndex);
1515 | } else if (gridEnabled) {
1516 | const firstSlideInColumn = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex);
1517 | let activeSlideIndex = parseInt(firstSlideInColumn.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
1518 | if (Number.isNaN(activeSlideIndex)) {
1519 | activeSlideIndex = Math.max(swiper.slides.indexOf(firstSlideInColumn), 0);
1520 | }
1521 | realIndex = Math.floor(activeSlideIndex / params.grid.rows);
1522 | } else if (swiper.slides[activeIndex]) {
1523 | const slideIndex = swiper.slides[activeIndex].getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');
1524 | if (slideIndex) {
1525 | realIndex = parseInt(slideIndex, 10);
1526 | } else {
1527 | realIndex = activeIndex;
1528 | }
1529 | } else {
1530 | realIndex = activeIndex;
1531 | }
1532 | Object.assign(swiper, {
1533 | previousSnapIndex,
1534 | snapIndex,
1535 | previousRealIndex,
1536 | realIndex,
1537 | previousIndex,
1538 | activeIndex
1539 | });
1540 | if (swiper.initialized) {
1541 | preload(swiper);
1542 | }
1543 | swiper.emit('activeIndexChange');
1544 | swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');
1545 | if (swiper.initialized || swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit) {
1546 | if (previousRealIndex !== realIndex) {
1547 | swiper.emit('realIndexChange');
1548 | }
1549 | swiper.emit('slideChange');
1550 | }
1551 | }
1552 |
1553 | function updateClickedSlide(el, path) {
1554 | const swiper = this;
1555 | const params = swiper.params;
1556 | let slide = el.closest(`.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
1557 | if (!slide && swiper.isElement && path && path.length > 1 && path.includes(el)) {
1558 | [...path.slice(path.indexOf(el) + 1, path.length)].forEach(pathEl => {
1559 | if (!slide && pathEl.matches && pathEl.matches(`.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)) {
1560 | slide = pathEl;
1561 | }
1562 | });
1563 | }
1564 | let slideFound = false;
1565 | let slideIndex;
1566 | if (slide) {
1567 | for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) {
1568 | if (swiper.slides[i] === slide) {
1569 | slideFound = true;
1570 | slideIndex = i;
1571 | break;
1572 | }
1573 | }
1574 | }
1575 | if (slide && slideFound) {
1576 | swiper.clickedSlide = slide;
1577 | if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
1578 | swiper.clickedIndex = parseInt(slide.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
1579 | } else {
1580 | swiper.clickedIndex = slideIndex;
1581 | }
1582 | } else {
1583 | swiper.clickedSlide = undefined;
1584 | swiper.clickedIndex = undefined;
1585 | return;
1586 | }
1587 | if (params.slideToClickedSlide && swiper.clickedIndex !== undefined && swiper.clickedIndex !== swiper.activeIndex) {
1588 | swiper.slideToClickedSlide();
1589 | }
1590 | }
1591 |
1592 | var update = {
1593 | updateSize,
1594 | updateSlides,
1595 | updateAutoHeight,
1596 | updateSlidesOffset,
1597 | updateSlidesProgress,
1598 | updateProgress,
1599 | updateSlidesClasses,
1600 | updateActiveIndex,
1601 | updateClickedSlide
1602 | };
1603 |
1604 | function getSwiperTranslate(axis) {
1605 | if (axis === void 0) {
1606 | axis = this.isHorizontal() ? 'x' : 'y';
1607 | }
1608 | const swiper = this;
1609 | const {
1610 | params,
1611 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
1612 | translate,
1613 | wrapperEl
1614 | } = swiper;
1615 | if (params.virtualTranslate) {
1616 | return rtl ? -translate : translate;
1617 | }
1618 | if (params.cssMode) {
1619 | return translate;
1620 | }
1621 | let currentTranslate = getTranslate(wrapperEl, axis);
1622 | currentTranslate += swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();
1623 | if (rtl) currentTranslate = -currentTranslate;
1624 | return currentTranslate || 0;
1625 | }
1626 |
1627 | function setTranslate(translate, byController) {
1628 | const swiper = this;
1629 | const {
1630 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
1631 | params,
1632 | wrapperEl,
1633 | progress
1634 | } = swiper;
1635 | let x = 0;
1636 | let y = 0;
1637 | const z = 0;
1638 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
1639 | x = rtl ? -translate : translate;
1640 | } else {
1641 | y = translate;
1642 | }
1643 | if (params.roundLengths) {
1644 | x = Math.floor(x);
1645 | y = Math.floor(y);
1646 | }
1647 | swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;
1648 | swiper.translate = swiper.isHorizontal() ? x : y;
1649 | if (params.cssMode) {
1650 | wrapperEl[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = swiper.isHorizontal() ? -x : -y;
1651 | } else if (!params.virtualTranslate) {
1652 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
1653 | x -= swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();
1654 | } else {
1655 | y -= swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();
1656 | }
1657 | wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, ${z}px)`;
1658 | }
1659 |
1660 |
1661 | let newProgress;
1662 | const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
1663 | if (translatesDiff === 0) {
1664 | newProgress = 0;
1665 | } else {
1666 | newProgress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
1667 | }
1668 | if (newProgress !== progress) {
1669 | swiper.updateProgress(translate);
1670 | }
1671 | swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, byController);
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 | function minTranslate() {
1675 | return -this.snapGrid[0];
1676 | }
1677 |
1678 | function maxTranslate() {
1679 | return -this.snapGrid[this.snapGrid.length - 1];
1680 | }
1681 |
1682 | function translateTo(translate, speed, runCallbacks, translateBounds, internal) {
1683 | if (translate === void 0) {
1684 | translate = 0;
1685 | }
1686 | if (speed === void 0) {
1687 | speed = this.params.speed;
1688 | }
1689 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
1690 | runCallbacks = true;
1691 | }
1692 | if (translateBounds === void 0) {
1693 | translateBounds = true;
1694 | }
1695 | const swiper = this;
1696 | const {
1697 | params,
1698 | wrapperEl
1699 | } = swiper;
1700 | if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {
1701 | return false;
1702 | }
1703 | const minTranslate = swiper.minTranslate();
1704 | const maxTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate();
1705 | let newTranslate;
1706 | if (translateBounds && translate > minTranslate) newTranslate = minTranslate;else if (translateBounds && translate < maxTranslate) newTranslate = maxTranslate;else newTranslate = translate;
1707 |
1708 |
1709 | swiper.updateProgress(newTranslate);
1710 | if (params.cssMode) {
1711 | const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();
1712 | if (speed === 0) {
1713 | wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = -newTranslate;
1714 | } else {
1715 | if (!swiper.support.smoothScroll) {
1716 | animateCSSModeScroll({
1717 | swiper,
1718 | targetPosition: -newTranslate,
1719 | side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'
1720 | });
1721 | return true;
1722 | }
1723 | wrapperEl.scrollTo({
1724 | [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: -newTranslate,
1725 | behavior: 'smooth'
1726 | });
1727 | }
1728 | return true;
1729 | }
1730 | if (speed === 0) {
1731 | swiper.setTransition(0);
1732 | swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
1733 | if (runCallbacks) {
1734 | swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
1735 | swiper.emit('transitionEnd');
1736 | }
1737 | } else {
1738 | swiper.setTransition(speed);
1739 | swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
1740 | if (runCallbacks) {
1741 | swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
1742 | swiper.emit('transitionStart');
1743 | }
1744 | if (!swiper.animating) {
1745 | swiper.animating = true;
1746 | if (!swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd) {
1747 | swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {
1748 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
1749 | if (e.target !== this) return;
1750 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
1751 | swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;
1752 | delete swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd;
1753 | swiper.animating = false;
1754 | if (runCallbacks) {
1755 | swiper.emit('transitionEnd');
1756 | }
1757 | };
1758 | }
1759 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
1760 | }
1761 | }
1762 | return true;
1763 | }
1764 |
1765 | var translate = {
1766 | getTranslate: getSwiperTranslate,
1767 | setTranslate,
1768 | minTranslate,
1769 | maxTranslate,
1770 | translateTo
1771 | };
1772 |
1773 | function setTransition(duration, byController) {
1774 | const swiper = this;
1775 | if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {
1776 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
1777 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.transitionDelay = duration === 0 ? `0ms` : '';
1778 | }
1779 | swiper.emit('setTransition', duration, byController);
1780 | }
1781 |
1782 | function transitionEmit(_ref) {
1783 | let {
1784 | swiper,
1785 | runCallbacks,
1786 | direction,
1787 | step
1788 | } = _ref;
1789 | const {
1790 | activeIndex,
1791 | previousIndex
1792 | } = swiper;
1793 | let dir = direction;
1794 | if (!dir) {
1795 | if (activeIndex > previousIndex) dir = 'next';else if (activeIndex < previousIndex) dir = 'prev';else dir = 'reset';
1796 | }
1797 | swiper.emit(`transition${step}`);
1798 | if (runCallbacks && activeIndex !== previousIndex) {
1799 | if (dir === 'reset') {
1800 | swiper.emit(`slideResetTransition${step}`);
1801 | return;
1802 | }
1803 | swiper.emit(`slideChangeTransition${step}`);
1804 | if (dir === 'next') {
1805 | swiper.emit(`slideNextTransition${step}`);
1806 | } else {
1807 | swiper.emit(`slidePrevTransition${step}`);
1808 | }
1809 | }
1810 | }
1811 |
1812 | function transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction) {
1813 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
1814 | runCallbacks = true;
1815 | }
1816 | const swiper = this;
1817 | const {
1818 | params
1819 | } = swiper;
1820 | if (params.cssMode) return;
1821 | if (params.autoHeight) {
1822 | swiper.updateAutoHeight();
1823 | }
1824 | transitionEmit({
1825 | swiper,
1826 | runCallbacks,
1827 | direction,
1828 | step: 'Start'
1829 | });
1830 | }
1831 |
1832 | function transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction) {
1833 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
1834 | runCallbacks = true;
1835 | }
1836 | const swiper = this;
1837 | const {
1838 | params
1839 | } = swiper;
1840 | swiper.animating = false;
1841 | if (params.cssMode) return;
1842 | swiper.setTransition(0);
1843 | transitionEmit({
1844 | swiper,
1845 | runCallbacks,
1846 | direction,
1847 | step: 'End'
1848 | });
1849 | }
1850 |
1851 | var transition = {
1852 | setTransition,
1853 | transitionStart,
1854 | transitionEnd
1855 | };
1856 |
1857 | function slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal, initial) {
1858 | if (index === void 0) {
1859 | index = 0;
1860 | }
1861 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
1862 | runCallbacks = true;
1863 | }
1864 | if (typeof index === 'string') {
1865 | index = parseInt(index, 10);
1866 | }
1867 | const swiper = this;
1868 | let slideIndex = index;
1869 | if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = 0;
1870 | const {
1871 | params,
1872 | snapGrid,
1873 | slidesGrid,
1874 | previousIndex,
1875 | activeIndex,
1876 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
1877 | wrapperEl,
1878 | enabled
1879 | } = swiper;
1880 | if (!enabled && !internal && !initial || swiper.destroyed || swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {
1881 | return false;
1882 | }
1883 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
1884 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
1885 | }
1886 | const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, slideIndex);
1887 | let snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((slideIndex - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);
1888 | if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;
1889 | const translate = -snapGrid[snapIndex];
1890 |
1891 | if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {
1892 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {
1893 | const normalizedTranslate = -Math.floor(translate * 100);
1894 | const normalizedGrid = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i] * 100);
1895 | const normalizedGridNext = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i + 1] * 100);
1896 | if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {
1897 | if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext - (normalizedGridNext - normalizedGrid) / 2) {
1898 | slideIndex = i;
1899 | } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext) {
1900 | slideIndex = i + 1;
1901 | }
1902 | } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid) {
1903 | slideIndex = i;
1904 | }
1905 | }
1906 | }
1907 |
1908 | if (swiper.initialized && slideIndex !== activeIndex) {
1909 | if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && (rtl ? translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.minTranslate() : translate < swiper.translate && translate < swiper.minTranslate())) {
1910 | return false;
1911 | }
1912 | if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.maxTranslate()) {
1913 | if ((activeIndex || 0) !== slideIndex) {
1914 | return false;
1915 | }
1916 | }
1917 | }
1918 | if (slideIndex !== (previousIndex || 0) && runCallbacks) {
1919 | swiper.emit('beforeSlideChangeStart');
1920 | }
1921 |
1922 |
1923 | swiper.updateProgress(translate);
1924 | let direction;
1925 | if (slideIndex > activeIndex) direction = 'next';else if (slideIndex < activeIndex) direction = 'prev';else direction = 'reset';
1926 |
1927 |
1928 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
1929 | const isInitialVirtual = isVirtual && initial;
1930 |
1931 | if (!isInitialVirtual && (rtl && -translate === swiper.translate || !rtl && translate === swiper.translate)) {
1932 | swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex);
1933 |
1934 | if (params.autoHeight) {
1935 | swiper.updateAutoHeight();
1936 | }
1937 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
1938 | if (params.effect !== 'slide') {
1939 | swiper.setTranslate(translate);
1940 | }
1941 | if (direction !== 'reset') {
1942 | swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);
1943 | swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
1944 | }
1945 | return false;
1946 | }
1947 | if (params.cssMode) {
1948 | const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();
1949 | const t = rtl ? translate : -translate;
1950 | if (speed === 0) {
1951 | if (isVirtual) {
1952 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = 'none';
1953 | swiper._immediateVirtual = true;
1954 | }
1955 | if (isVirtual && !swiper._cssModeVirtualInitialSet && swiper.params.initialSlide > 0) {
1956 | swiper._cssModeVirtualInitialSet = true;
1957 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
1958 | wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = t;
1959 | });
1960 | } else {
1961 | wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = t;
1962 | }
1963 | if (isVirtual) {
1964 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
1965 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = '';
1966 | swiper._immediateVirtual = false;
1967 | });
1968 | }
1969 | } else {
1970 | if (!swiper.support.smoothScroll) {
1971 | animateCSSModeScroll({
1972 | swiper,
1973 | targetPosition: t,
1974 | side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'
1975 | });
1976 | return true;
1977 | }
1978 | wrapperEl.scrollTo({
1979 | [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: t,
1980 | behavior: 'smooth'
1981 | });
1982 | }
1983 | return true;
1984 | }
1985 | const browser = getBrowser();
1986 | const isSafari = browser.isSafari;
1987 | if (isVirtual && !initial && isSafari && swiper.isElement) {
1988 | swiper.virtual.update(false, false, slideIndex);
1989 | }
1990 | swiper.setTransition(speed);
1991 | swiper.setTranslate(translate);
1992 | swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex);
1993 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
1994 | swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
1995 | swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);
1996 | if (speed === 0) {
1997 | swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
1998 | } else if (!swiper.animating) {
1999 | swiper.animating = true;
2000 | if (!swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd) {
2001 | swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {
2002 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
2003 | if (e.target !== this) return;
2004 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
2005 | swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;
2006 | delete swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd;
2007 | swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
2008 | };
2009 | }
2010 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
2011 | }
2012 | return true;
2013 | }
2014 |
2015 | function slideToLoop(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
2016 | if (index === void 0) {
2017 | index = 0;
2018 | }
2019 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
2020 | runCallbacks = true;
2021 | }
2022 | if (typeof index === 'string') {
2023 | const indexAsNumber = parseInt(index, 10);
2024 | index = indexAsNumber;
2025 | }
2026 | const swiper = this;
2027 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
2028 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
2029 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
2030 | }
2031 | const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && swiper.params.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1;
2032 | let newIndex = index;
2033 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
2034 | if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
2035 |
2036 | newIndex = newIndex + swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;
2037 | } else {
2038 | let targetSlideIndex;
2039 | if (gridEnabled) {
2040 | const slideIndex = newIndex * swiper.params.grid.rows;
2041 | targetSlideIndex = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === slideIndex).column;
2042 | } else {
2043 | targetSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(newIndex);
2044 | }
2045 | const cols = gridEnabled ? Math.ceil(swiper.slides.length / swiper.params.grid.rows) : swiper.slides.length;
2046 | const {
2047 | centeredSlides
2048 | } = swiper.params;
2049 | let slidesPerView = swiper.params.slidesPerView;
2050 | if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {
2051 | slidesPerView = swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic();
2052 | } else {
2053 | slidesPerView = Math.ceil(parseFloat(swiper.params.slidesPerView, 10));
2054 | if (centeredSlides && slidesPerView % 2 === 0) {
2055 | slidesPerView = slidesPerView + 1;
2056 | }
2057 | }
2058 | let needLoopFix = cols - targetSlideIndex < slidesPerView;
2059 | if (centeredSlides) {
2060 | needLoopFix = needLoopFix || targetSlideIndex < Math.ceil(slidesPerView / 2);
2061 | }
2062 | if (internal && centeredSlides && swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && !gridEnabled) {
2063 | needLoopFix = false;
2064 | }
2065 | if (needLoopFix) {
2066 | const direction = centeredSlides ? targetSlideIndex < swiper.activeIndex ? 'prev' : 'next' : targetSlideIndex - swiper.activeIndex - 1 < swiper.params.slidesPerView ? 'next' : 'prev';
2067 | swiper.loopFix({
2068 | direction,
2069 | slideTo: true,
2070 | activeSlideIndex: direction === 'next' ? targetSlideIndex + 1 : targetSlideIndex - cols + 1,
2071 | slideRealIndex: direction === 'next' ? swiper.realIndex : undefined
2072 | });
2073 | }
2074 | if (gridEnabled) {
2075 | const slideIndex = newIndex * swiper.params.grid.rows;
2076 | newIndex = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === slideIndex).column;
2077 | } else {
2078 | newIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(newIndex);
2079 | }
2080 | }
2081 | }
2082 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2083 | swiper.slideTo(newIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2084 | });
2085 | return swiper;
2086 | }
2087 |
2088 |
2089 | function slideNext(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
2090 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
2091 | runCallbacks = true;
2092 | }
2093 | const swiper = this;
2094 | const {
2095 | enabled,
2096 | params,
2097 | animating
2098 | } = swiper;
2099 | if (!enabled || swiper.destroyed) return swiper;
2100 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
2101 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
2102 | }
2103 | let perGroup = params.slidesPerGroup;
2104 | if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {
2105 | perGroup = Math.max(swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('current', true), 1);
2106 | }
2107 | const increment = swiper.activeIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : perGroup;
2108 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
2109 | if (params.loop) {
2110 | if (animating && !isVirtual && params.loopPreventsSliding) return false;
2111 | swiper.loopFix({
2112 | direction: 'next'
2113 | });
2114 |
2115 | swiper._clientLeft = swiper.wrapperEl.clientLeft;
2116 | if (swiper.activeIndex === swiper.slides.length - 1 && params.cssMode) {
2117 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2118 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + increment, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2119 | });
2120 | return true;
2121 | }
2122 | }
2123 | if (params.rewind && swiper.isEnd) {
2124 | return swiper.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2125 | }
2126 | return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + increment, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2127 | }
2128 |
2129 |
2130 | function slidePrev(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
2131 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
2132 | runCallbacks = true;
2133 | }
2134 | const swiper = this;
2135 | const {
2136 | params,
2137 | snapGrid,
2138 | slidesGrid,
2139 | rtlTranslate,
2140 | enabled,
2141 | animating
2142 | } = swiper;
2143 | if (!enabled || swiper.destroyed) return swiper;
2144 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
2145 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
2146 | }
2147 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
2148 | if (params.loop) {
2149 | if (animating && !isVirtual && params.loopPreventsSliding) return false;
2150 | swiper.loopFix({
2151 | direction: 'prev'
2152 | });
2153 |
2154 | swiper._clientLeft = swiper.wrapperEl.clientLeft;
2155 | }
2156 | const translate = rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
2157 | function normalize(val) {
2158 | if (val < 0) return -Math.floor(Math.abs(val));
2159 | return Math.floor(val);
2160 | }
2161 | const normalizedTranslate = normalize(translate);
2162 | const normalizedSnapGrid = snapGrid.map(val => normalize(val));
2163 | const isFreeMode = params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled;
2164 | let prevSnap = snapGrid[normalizedSnapGrid.indexOf(normalizedTranslate) - 1];
2165 | if (typeof prevSnap === 'undefined' && (params.cssMode || isFreeMode)) {
2166 | let prevSnapIndex;
2167 | snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
2168 | if (normalizedTranslate >= snap) {
2169 |
2170 | prevSnapIndex = snapIndex;
2171 | }
2172 | });
2173 | if (typeof prevSnapIndex !== 'undefined') {
2174 | prevSnap = isFreeMode ? snapGrid[prevSnapIndex] : snapGrid[prevSnapIndex > 0 ? prevSnapIndex - 1 : prevSnapIndex];
2175 | }
2176 | }
2177 | let prevIndex = 0;
2178 | if (typeof prevSnap !== 'undefined') {
2179 | prevIndex = slidesGrid.indexOf(prevSnap);
2180 | if (prevIndex < 0) prevIndex = swiper.activeIndex - 1;
2181 | if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {
2182 | prevIndex = prevIndex - swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('previous', true) + 1;
2183 | prevIndex = Math.max(prevIndex, 0);
2184 | }
2185 | }
2186 | if (params.rewind && swiper.isBeginning) {
2187 | const lastIndex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;
2188 | return swiper.slideTo(lastIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2189 | } else if (params.loop && swiper.activeIndex === 0 && params.cssMode) {
2190 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2191 | swiper.slideTo(prevIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2192 | });
2193 | return true;
2194 | }
2195 | return swiper.slideTo(prevIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2196 | }
2197 |
2198 |
2199 | function slideReset(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
2200 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
2201 | runCallbacks = true;
2202 | }
2203 | const swiper = this;
2204 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
2205 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
2206 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
2207 | }
2208 | return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2209 | }
2210 |
2211 |
2212 | function slideToClosest(speed, runCallbacks, internal, threshold) {
2213 | if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
2214 | runCallbacks = true;
2215 | }
2216 | if (threshold === void 0) {
2217 | threshold = 0.5;
2218 | }
2219 | const swiper = this;
2220 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
2221 | if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {
2222 | speed = swiper.params.speed;
2223 | }
2224 | let index = swiper.activeIndex;
2225 | const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index);
2226 | const snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((index - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);
2227 | const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
2228 | if (translate >= swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex]) {
2229 |
2230 |
2231 | const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];
2232 | const nextSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex + 1];
2233 | if (translate - currentSnap > (nextSnap - currentSnap) * threshold) {
2234 | index += swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
2235 | }
2236 | } else {
2237 |
2238 |
2239 | const prevSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex - 1];
2240 | const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];
2241 | if (translate - prevSnap <= (currentSnap - prevSnap) * threshold) {
2242 | index -= swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
2243 | }
2244 | }
2245 | index = Math.max(index, 0);
2246 | index = Math.min(index, swiper.slidesGrid.length - 1);
2247 | return swiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
2248 | }
2249 |
2250 | function slideToClickedSlide() {
2251 | const swiper = this;
2252 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
2253 | const {
2254 | params,
2255 | slidesEl
2256 | } = swiper;
2257 | const slidesPerView = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : params.slidesPerView;
2258 | let slideToIndex = swiper.clickedIndex;
2259 | let realIndex;
2260 | const slideSelector = swiper.isElement ? `swiper-slide` : `.${params.slideClass}`;
2261 | if (params.loop) {
2262 | if (swiper.animating) return;
2263 | realIndex = parseInt(swiper.clickedSlide.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
2264 | if (params.centeredSlides) {
2265 | if (slideToIndex < swiper.loopedSlides - slidesPerView / 2 || slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - swiper.loopedSlides + slidesPerView / 2) {
2266 | swiper.loopFix();
2267 | slideToIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(elementChildren(slidesEl, `${slideSelector}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]`)[0]);
2268 | nextTick(() => {
2269 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
2270 | });
2271 | } else {
2272 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
2273 | }
2274 | } else if (slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - slidesPerView) {
2275 | swiper.loopFix();
2276 | slideToIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(elementChildren(slidesEl, `${slideSelector}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]`)[0]);
2277 | nextTick(() => {
2278 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
2279 | });
2280 | } else {
2281 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
2282 | }
2283 | } else {
2284 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
2285 | }
2286 | }
2287 |
2288 | var slide = {
2289 | slideTo,
2290 | slideToLoop,
2291 | slideNext,
2292 | slidePrev,
2293 | slideReset,
2294 | slideToClosest,
2295 | slideToClickedSlide
2296 | };
2297 |
2298 | function loopCreate(slideRealIndex) {
2299 | const swiper = this;
2300 | const {
2301 | params,
2302 | slidesEl
2303 | } = swiper;
2304 | if (!params.loop || swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
2305 | const initSlides = () => {
2306 | const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
2307 | slides.forEach((el, index) => {
2308 | el.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', index);
2309 | });
2310 | };
2311 | const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
2312 | const slidesPerGroup = params.slidesPerGroup * (gridEnabled ? params.grid.rows : 1);
2313 | const shouldFillGroup = swiper.slides.length % slidesPerGroup !== 0;
2314 | const shouldFillGrid = gridEnabled && swiper.slides.length % params.grid.rows !== 0;
2315 | const addBlankSlides = amountOfSlides => {
2316 | for (let i = 0; i < amountOfSlides; i += 1) {
2317 | const slideEl = swiper.isElement ? createElement('swiper-slide', [params.slideBlankClass]) : createElement('div', [params.slideClass, params.slideBlankClass]);
2318 | swiper.slidesEl.append(slideEl);
2319 | }
2320 | };
2321 | if (shouldFillGroup) {
2322 | if (params.loopAddBlankSlides) {
2323 | const slidesToAdd = slidesPerGroup - swiper.slides.length % slidesPerGroup;
2324 | addBlankSlides(slidesToAdd);
2325 | swiper.recalcSlides();
2326 | swiper.updateSlides();
2327 | } else {
2328 | showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not even to slidesPerGroup, loop mode may not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates, or empty slides)');
2329 | }
2330 | initSlides();
2331 | } else if (shouldFillGrid) {
2332 | if (params.loopAddBlankSlides) {
2333 | const slidesToAdd = params.grid.rows - swiper.slides.length % params.grid.rows;
2334 | addBlankSlides(slidesToAdd);
2335 | swiper.recalcSlides();
2336 | swiper.updateSlides();
2337 | } else {
2338 | showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not even to grid.rows, loop mode may not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates, or empty slides)');
2339 | }
2340 | initSlides();
2341 | } else {
2342 | initSlides();
2343 | }
2344 | swiper.loopFix({
2345 | slideRealIndex,
2346 | direction: params.centeredSlides ? undefined : 'next'
2347 | });
2348 | }
2349 |
2350 | function loopFix(_temp) {
2351 | let {
2352 | slideRealIndex,
2353 | slideTo = true,
2354 | direction,
2355 | setTranslate,
2356 | activeSlideIndex,
2357 | byController,
2358 | byMousewheel
2359 | } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp;
2360 | const swiper = this;
2361 | if (!swiper.params.loop) return;
2362 | swiper.emit('beforeLoopFix');
2363 | const {
2364 | slides,
2365 | allowSlidePrev,
2366 | allowSlideNext,
2367 | slidesEl,
2368 | params
2369 | } = swiper;
2370 | const {
2371 | centeredSlides
2372 | } = params;
2373 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;
2374 | swiper.allowSlideNext = true;
2375 | if (swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled) {
2376 | if (slideTo) {
2377 | if (!params.centeredSlides && swiper.snapIndex === 0) {
2378 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slides.length, 0, false, true);
2379 | } else if (params.centeredSlides && swiper.snapIndex < params.slidesPerView) {
2380 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slides.length + swiper.snapIndex, 0, false, true);
2381 | } else if (swiper.snapIndex === swiper.snapGrid.length - 1) {
2382 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slidesBefore, 0, false, true);
2383 | }
2384 | }
2385 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;
2386 | swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;
2387 | swiper.emit('loopFix');
2388 | return;
2389 | }
2390 | let slidesPerView = params.slidesPerView;
2391 | if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {
2392 | slidesPerView = swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic();
2393 | } else {
2394 | slidesPerView = Math.ceil(parseFloat(params.slidesPerView, 10));
2395 | if (centeredSlides && slidesPerView % 2 === 0) {
2396 | slidesPerView = slidesPerView + 1;
2397 | }
2398 | }
2399 | const slidesPerGroup = params.slidesPerGroupAuto ? slidesPerView : params.slidesPerGroup;
2400 | let loopedSlides = slidesPerGroup;
2401 | if (loopedSlides % slidesPerGroup !== 0) {
2402 | loopedSlides += slidesPerGroup - loopedSlides % slidesPerGroup;
2403 | }
2404 | loopedSlides += params.loopAdditionalSlides;
2405 | swiper.loopedSlides = loopedSlides;
2406 | const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
2407 | if (slides.length < slidesPerView + loopedSlides) {
2408 | showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not enough for loop mode, it will be disabled and not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates) or lower the values of slidesPerView and slidesPerGroup parameters');
2409 | } else if (gridEnabled && params.grid.fill === 'row') {
2410 | showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: Loop mode is not compatible with grid.fill = `row`');
2411 | }
2412 | const prependSlidesIndexes = [];
2413 | const appendSlidesIndexes = [];
2414 | let activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
2415 | if (typeof activeSlideIndex === 'undefined') {
2416 | activeSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(slides.find(el => el.classList.contains(params.slideActiveClass)));
2417 | } else {
2418 | activeIndex = activeSlideIndex;
2419 | }
2420 | const isNext = direction === 'next' || !direction;
2421 | const isPrev = direction === 'prev' || !direction;
2422 | let slidesPrepended = 0;
2423 | let slidesAppended = 0;
2424 | const cols = gridEnabled ? Math.ceil(slides.length / params.grid.rows) : slides.length;
2425 | const activeColIndex = gridEnabled ? slides[activeSlideIndex].column : activeSlideIndex;
2426 | const activeColIndexWithShift = activeColIndex + (centeredSlides && typeof setTranslate === 'undefined' ? -slidesPerView / 2 + 0.5 : 0);
2427 |
2428 | if (activeColIndexWithShift < loopedSlides) {
2429 | slidesPrepended = Math.max(loopedSlides - activeColIndexWithShift, slidesPerGroup);
2430 | for (let i = 0; i < loopedSlides - activeColIndexWithShift; i += 1) {
2431 | const index = i - Math.floor(i / cols) * cols;
2432 | if (gridEnabled) {
2433 | const colIndexToPrepend = cols - index - 1;
2434 | for (let i = slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
2435 | if (slides[i].column === colIndexToPrepend) prependSlidesIndexes.push(i);
2436 | }
2437 |
2438 |
2439 |
2440 | } else {
2441 | prependSlidesIndexes.push(cols - index - 1);
2442 | }
2443 | }
2444 | } else if (activeColIndexWithShift + slidesPerView > cols - loopedSlides) {
2445 | slidesAppended = Math.max(activeColIndexWithShift - (cols - loopedSlides * 2), slidesPerGroup);
2446 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesAppended; i += 1) {
2447 | const index = i - Math.floor(i / cols) * cols;
2448 | if (gridEnabled) {
2449 | slides.forEach((slide, slideIndex) => {
2450 | if (slide.column === index) appendSlidesIndexes.push(slideIndex);
2451 | });
2452 | } else {
2453 | appendSlidesIndexes.push(index);
2454 | }
2455 | }
2456 | }
2457 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;
2458 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2459 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;
2460 | });
2461 | if (isPrev) {
2462 | prependSlidesIndexes.forEach(index => {
2463 | slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = true;
2464 | slidesEl.prepend(slides[index]);
2465 | slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = false;
2466 | });
2467 | }
2468 | if (isNext) {
2469 | appendSlidesIndexes.forEach(index => {
2470 | slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = true;
2471 | slidesEl.append(slides[index]);
2472 | slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = false;
2473 | });
2474 | }
2475 | swiper.recalcSlides();
2476 | if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {
2477 | swiper.updateSlides();
2478 | } else if (gridEnabled && (prependSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isPrev || appendSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isNext)) {
2479 | swiper.slides.forEach((slide, slideIndex) => {
2480 | swiper.grid.updateSlide(slideIndex, slide, swiper.slides);
2481 | });
2482 | }
2483 | if (params.watchSlidesProgress) {
2484 | swiper.updateSlidesOffset();
2485 | }
2486 | if (slideTo) {
2487 | if (prependSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isPrev) {
2488 | if (typeof slideRealIndex === 'undefined') {
2489 | const currentSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex];
2490 | const newSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex + slidesPrepended];
2491 | const diff = newSlideTranslate - currentSlideTranslate;
2492 | if (byMousewheel) {
2493 | swiper.setTranslate(swiper.translate - diff);
2494 | } else {
2495 | swiper.slideTo(activeIndex + Math.ceil(slidesPrepended), 0, false, true);
2496 | if (setTranslate) {
2497 | swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate - diff;
2498 | swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate - diff;
2499 | }
2500 | }
2501 | } else {
2502 | if (setTranslate) {
2503 | const shift = gridEnabled ? prependSlidesIndexes.length / params.grid.rows : prependSlidesIndexes.length;
2504 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + shift, 0, false, true);
2505 | swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.translate;
2506 | }
2507 | }
2508 | } else if (appendSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isNext) {
2509 | if (typeof slideRealIndex === 'undefined') {
2510 | const currentSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex];
2511 | const newSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex - slidesAppended];
2512 | const diff = newSlideTranslate - currentSlideTranslate;
2513 | if (byMousewheel) {
2514 | swiper.setTranslate(swiper.translate - diff);
2515 | } else {
2516 | swiper.slideTo(activeIndex - slidesAppended, 0, false, true);
2517 | if (setTranslate) {
2518 | swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate - diff;
2519 | swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate - diff;
2520 | }
2521 | }
2522 | } else {
2523 | const shift = gridEnabled ? appendSlidesIndexes.length / params.grid.rows : appendSlidesIndexes.length;
2524 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex - shift, 0, false, true);
2525 | }
2526 | }
2527 | }
2528 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;
2529 | swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;
2530 | if (swiper.controller && swiper.controller.control && !byController) {
2531 | const loopParams = {
2532 | slideRealIndex,
2533 | direction,
2534 | setTranslate,
2535 | activeSlideIndex,
2536 | byController: true
2537 | };
2538 | if (Array.isArray(swiper.controller.control)) {
2539 | swiper.controller.control.forEach(c => {
2540 | if (!c.destroyed && c.params.loop) c.loopFix({
2541 | ...loopParams,
2542 | slideTo: c.params.slidesPerView === params.slidesPerView ? slideTo : false
2543 | });
2544 | });
2545 | } else if (swiper.controller.control instanceof swiper.constructor && swiper.controller.control.params.loop) {
2546 | swiper.controller.control.loopFix({
2547 | ...loopParams,
2548 | slideTo: swiper.controller.control.params.slidesPerView === params.slidesPerView ? slideTo : false
2549 | });
2550 | }
2551 | }
2552 | swiper.emit('loopFix');
2553 | }
2554 |
2555 | function loopDestroy() {
2556 | const swiper = this;
2557 | const {
2558 | params,
2559 | slidesEl
2560 | } = swiper;
2561 | if (!params.loop || !slidesEl || swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
2562 | swiper.recalcSlides();
2563 | const newSlidesOrder = [];
2564 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
2565 | const index = typeof slideEl.swiperSlideIndex === 'undefined' ? slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 : slideEl.swiperSlideIndex;
2566 | newSlidesOrder[index] = slideEl;
2567 | });
2568 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
2569 | slideEl.removeAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');
2570 | });
2571 | newSlidesOrder.forEach(slideEl => {
2572 | slidesEl.append(slideEl);
2573 | });
2574 | swiper.recalcSlides();
2575 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.realIndex, 0);
2576 | }
2577 |
2578 | var loop = {
2579 | loopCreate,
2580 | loopFix,
2581 | loopDestroy
2582 | };
2583 |
2584 | function setGrabCursor(moving) {
2585 | const swiper = this;
2586 | if (!swiper.params.simulateTouch || swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) return;
2587 | const el = swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? swiper.el : swiper.wrapperEl;
2588 | if (swiper.isElement) {
2589 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;
2590 | }
2591 | el.style.cursor = 'move';
2592 | el.style.cursor = moving ? 'grabbing' : 'grab';
2593 | if (swiper.isElement) {
2594 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2595 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;
2596 | });
2597 | }
2598 | }
2599 |
2600 | function unsetGrabCursor() {
2601 | const swiper = this;
2602 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) {
2603 | return;
2604 | }
2605 | if (swiper.isElement) {
2606 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;
2607 | }
2608 | swiper[swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? 'el' : 'wrapperEl'].style.cursor = '';
2609 | if (swiper.isElement) {
2610 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
2611 | swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;
2612 | });
2613 | }
2614 | }
2615 |
2616 | var grabCursor = {
2617 | setGrabCursor,
2618 | unsetGrabCursor
2619 | };
2620 |
2621 |
2622 | function closestElement(selector, base) {
2623 | if (base === void 0) {
2624 | base = this;
2625 | }
2626 | function __closestFrom(el) {
2627 | if (!el || el === getDocument() || el === getWindow()) return null;
2628 | if (el.assignedSlot) el = el.assignedSlot;
2629 | const found = el.closest(selector);
2630 | if (!found && !el.getRootNode) {
2631 | return null;
2632 | }
2633 | return found || __closestFrom(el.getRootNode().host);
2634 | }
2635 | return __closestFrom(base);
2636 | }
2637 | function preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, event, startX) {
2638 | const window = getWindow();
2639 | const {
2640 | params
2641 | } = swiper;
2642 | const edgeSwipeDetection = params.edgeSwipeDetection;
2643 | const edgeSwipeThreshold = params.edgeSwipeThreshold;
2644 | if (edgeSwipeDetection && (startX <= edgeSwipeThreshold || startX >= window.innerWidth - edgeSwipeThreshold)) {
2645 | if (edgeSwipeDetection === 'prevent') {
2646 | event.preventDefault();
2647 | return true;
2648 | }
2649 | return false;
2650 | }
2651 | return true;
2652 | }
2653 | function onTouchStart(event) {
2654 | const swiper = this;
2655 | const document = getDocument();
2656 | let e = event;
2657 | if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
2658 | const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
2659 | if (e.type === 'pointerdown') {
2660 | if (data.pointerId !== null && data.pointerId !== e.pointerId) {
2661 | return;
2662 | }
2663 | data.pointerId = e.pointerId;
2664 | } else if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.targetTouches.length === 1) {
2665 | data.touchId = e.targetTouches[0].identifier;
2666 | }
2667 | if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
2668 |
2669 | preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, e, e.targetTouches[0].pageX);
2670 | return;
2671 | }
2672 | const {
2673 | params,
2674 | touches,
2675 | enabled
2676 | } = swiper;
2677 | if (!enabled) return;
2678 | if (!params.simulateTouch && e.pointerType === 'mouse') return;
2679 | if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {
2680 | return;
2681 | }
2682 | if (!swiper.animating && params.cssMode && params.loop) {
2683 | swiper.loopFix();
2684 | }
2685 | let targetEl = e.target;
2686 | if (params.touchEventsTarget === 'wrapper') {
2687 | if (!elementIsChildOf(targetEl, swiper.wrapperEl)) return;
2688 | }
2689 | if ('which' in e && e.which === 3) return;
2690 | if ('button' in e && e.button > 0) return;
2691 | if (data.isTouched && data.isMoved) return;
2692 |
2693 |
2694 | const swipingClassHasValue = !!params.noSwipingClass && params.noSwipingClass !== '';
2695 |
2696 | const eventPath = e.composedPath ? e.composedPath() : e.path;
2697 | if (swipingClassHasValue && e.target && e.target.shadowRoot && eventPath) {
2698 | targetEl = eventPath[0];
2699 | }
2700 | const noSwipingSelector = params.noSwipingSelector ? params.noSwipingSelector : `.${params.noSwipingClass}`;
2701 | const isTargetShadow = !!(e.target && e.target.shadowRoot);
2702 |
2703 |
2704 | if (params.noSwiping && (isTargetShadow ? closestElement(noSwipingSelector, targetEl) : targetEl.closest(noSwipingSelector))) {
2705 | swiper.allowClick = true;
2706 | return;
2707 | }
2708 | if (params.swipeHandler) {
2709 | if (!targetEl.closest(params.swipeHandler)) return;
2710 | }
2711 | touches.currentX = e.pageX;
2712 | touches.currentY = e.pageY;
2713 | const startX = touches.currentX;
2714 | const startY = touches.currentY;
2715 |
2716 |
2717 |
2718 | if (!preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, e, startX)) {
2719 | return;
2720 | }
2721 | Object.assign(data, {
2722 | isTouched: true,
2723 | isMoved: false,
2724 | allowTouchCallbacks: true,
2725 | isScrolling: undefined,
2726 | startMoving: undefined
2727 | });
2728 | touches.startX = startX;
2729 | touches.startY = startY;
2730 | data.touchStartTime = now();
2731 | swiper.allowClick = true;
2732 | swiper.updateSize();
2733 | swiper.swipeDirection = undefined;
2734 | if (params.threshold > 0) data.allowThresholdMove = false;
2735 | let preventDefault = true;
2736 | if (targetEl.matches(data.focusableElements)) {
2737 | preventDefault = false;
2738 | if (targetEl.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
2739 | data.isTouched = false;
2740 | }
2741 | }
2742 | if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.matches(data.focusableElements) && document.activeElement !== targetEl && (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType !== 'mouse' && !targetEl.matches(data.focusableElements))) {
2743 | document.activeElement.blur();
2744 | }
2745 | const shouldPreventDefault = preventDefault && swiper.allowTouchMove && params.touchStartPreventDefault;
2746 | if ((params.touchStartForcePreventDefault || shouldPreventDefault) && !targetEl.isContentEditable) {
2747 | e.preventDefault();
2748 | }
2749 | if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode && swiper.animating && !params.cssMode) {
2750 | swiper.freeMode.onTouchStart();
2751 | }
2752 | swiper.emit('touchStart', e);
2753 | }
2754 |
2755 | function onTouchMove(event) {
2756 | const document = getDocument();
2757 | const swiper = this;
2758 | const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
2759 | const {
2760 | params,
2761 | touches,
2762 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
2763 | enabled
2764 | } = swiper;
2765 | if (!enabled) return;
2766 | if (!params.simulateTouch && event.pointerType === 'mouse') return;
2767 | let e = event;
2768 | if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
2769 | if (e.type === 'pointermove') {
2770 | if (data.touchId !== null) return;
2771 | const id = e.pointerId;
2772 | if (id !== data.pointerId) return;
2773 | }
2774 | let targetTouch;
2775 | if (e.type === 'touchmove') {
2776 | targetTouch = [...e.changedTouches].find(t => t.identifier === data.touchId);
2777 | if (!targetTouch || targetTouch.identifier !== data.touchId) return;
2778 | } else {
2779 | targetTouch = e;
2780 | }
2781 | if (!data.isTouched) {
2782 | if (data.startMoving && data.isScrolling) {
2783 | swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);
2784 | }
2785 | return;
2786 | }
2787 | const pageX = targetTouch.pageX;
2788 | const pageY = targetTouch.pageY;
2789 | if (e.preventedByNestedSwiper) {
2790 | touches.startX = pageX;
2791 | touches.startY = pageY;
2792 | return;
2793 | }
2794 | if (!swiper.allowTouchMove) {
2795 | if (!e.target.matches(data.focusableElements)) {
2796 | swiper.allowClick = false;
2797 | }
2798 | if (data.isTouched) {
2799 | Object.assign(touches, {
2800 | startX: pageX,
2801 | startY: pageY,
2802 | currentX: pageX,
2803 | currentY: pageY
2804 | });
2805 | data.touchStartTime = now();
2806 | }
2807 | return;
2808 | }
2809 | if (params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !params.loop) {
2810 | if (swiper.isVertical()) {
2811 |
2812 | if (pageY < touches.startY && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageY > touches.startY && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {
2813 | data.isTouched = false;
2814 | data.isMoved = false;
2815 | return;
2816 | }
2817 | } else if (pageX < touches.startX && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageX > touches.startX && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {
2818 | return;
2819 | }
2820 | }
2821 | if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.matches(data.focusableElements) && document.activeElement !== e.target && e.pointerType !== 'mouse') {
2822 | document.activeElement.blur();
2823 | }
2824 | if (document.activeElement) {
2825 | if (e.target === document.activeElement && e.target.matches(data.focusableElements)) {
2826 | data.isMoved = true;
2827 | swiper.allowClick = false;
2828 | return;
2829 | }
2830 | }
2831 | if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {
2832 | swiper.emit('touchMove', e);
2833 | }
2834 | touches.previousX = touches.currentX;
2835 | touches.previousY = touches.currentY;
2836 | touches.currentX = pageX;
2837 | touches.currentY = pageY;
2838 | const diffX = touches.currentX - touches.startX;
2839 | const diffY = touches.currentY - touches.startY;
2840 | if (swiper.params.threshold && Math.sqrt(diffX ** 2 + diffY ** 2) < swiper.params.threshold) return;
2841 | if (typeof data.isScrolling === 'undefined') {
2842 | let touchAngle;
2843 | if (swiper.isHorizontal() && touches.currentY === touches.startY || swiper.isVertical() && touches.currentX === touches.startX) {
2844 | data.isScrolling = false;
2845 | } else {
2846 |
2847 | if (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY >= 25) {
2848 | touchAngle = Math.atan2(Math.abs(diffY), Math.abs(diffX)) * 180 / Math.PI;
2849 | data.isScrolling = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touchAngle > params.touchAngle : 90 - touchAngle > params.touchAngle;
2850 | }
2851 | }
2852 | }
2853 | if (data.isScrolling) {
2854 | swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);
2855 | }
2856 | if (typeof data.startMoving === 'undefined') {
2857 | if (touches.currentX !== touches.startX || touches.currentY !== touches.startY) {
2858 | data.startMoving = true;
2859 | }
2860 | }
2861 | if (data.isScrolling || e.type === 'touchmove' && data.preventTouchMoveFromPointerMove) {
2862 | data.isTouched = false;
2863 | return;
2864 | }
2865 | if (!data.startMoving) {
2866 | return;
2867 | }
2868 | swiper.allowClick = false;
2869 | if (!params.cssMode && e.cancelable) {
2870 | e.preventDefault();
2871 | }
2872 | if (params.touchMoveStopPropagation && !params.nested) {
2873 | e.stopPropagation();
2874 | }
2875 | let diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? diffX : diffY;
2876 | let touchesDiff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touches.currentX - touches.previousX : touches.currentY - touches.previousY;
2877 | if (params.oneWayMovement) {
2878 | diff = Math.abs(diff) * (rtl ? 1 : -1);
2879 | touchesDiff = Math.abs(touchesDiff) * (rtl ? 1 : -1);
2880 | }
2881 | touches.diff = diff;
2882 | diff *= params.touchRatio;
2883 | if (rtl) {
2884 | diff = -diff;
2885 | touchesDiff = -touchesDiff;
2886 | }
2887 | const prevTouchesDirection = swiper.touchesDirection;
2888 | swiper.swipeDirection = diff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';
2889 | swiper.touchesDirection = touchesDiff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';
2890 | const isLoop = swiper.params.loop && !params.cssMode;
2891 | const allowLoopFix = swiper.touchesDirection === 'next' && swiper.allowSlideNext || swiper.touchesDirection === 'prev' && swiper.allowSlidePrev;
2892 | if (!data.isMoved) {
2893 | if (isLoop && allowLoopFix) {
2894 | swiper.loopFix({
2895 | direction: swiper.swipeDirection
2896 | });
2897 | }
2898 | data.startTranslate = swiper.getTranslate();
2899 | swiper.setTransition(0);
2900 | if (swiper.animating) {
2901 | const evt = new window.CustomEvent('transitionend', {
2902 | bubbles: true,
2903 | cancelable: true,
2904 | detail: {
2905 | bySwiperTouchMove: true
2906 | }
2907 | });
2908 | swiper.wrapperEl.dispatchEvent(evt);
2909 | }
2910 | data.allowMomentumBounce = false;
2911 |
2912 | if (params.grabCursor && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {
2913 | swiper.setGrabCursor(true);
2914 | }
2915 | swiper.emit('sliderFirstMove', e);
2916 | }
2917 | let loopFixed;
2918 | new Date().getTime();
2919 | if (params._loopSwapReset !== false && data.isMoved && data.allowThresholdMove && prevTouchesDirection !== swiper.touchesDirection && isLoop && allowLoopFix && Math.abs(diff) >= 1) {
2920 | Object.assign(touches, {
2921 | startX: pageX,
2922 | startY: pageY,
2923 | currentX: pageX,
2924 | currentY: pageY,
2925 | startTranslate: data.currentTranslate
2926 | });
2927 | data.loopSwapReset = true;
2928 | data.startTranslate = data.currentTranslate;
2929 | return;
2930 | }
2931 | swiper.emit('sliderMove', e);
2932 | data.isMoved = true;
2933 | data.currentTranslate = diff + data.startTranslate;
2934 | let disableParentSwiper = true;
2935 | let resistanceRatio = params.resistanceRatio;
2936 | if (params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {
2937 | resistanceRatio = 0;
2938 | }
2939 | if (diff > 0) {
2940 | if (isLoop && allowLoopFix && !loopFixed && data.allowThresholdMove && data.currentTranslate > (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() - swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex + 1] - (params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.slides.length - params.slidesPerView >= 2 ? swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex + 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween : 0) - swiper.params.spaceBetween : swiper.minTranslate())) {
2941 | swiper.loopFix({
2942 | direction: 'prev',
2943 | setTranslate: true,
2944 | activeSlideIndex: 0
2945 | });
2946 | }
2947 | if (data.currentTranslate > swiper.minTranslate()) {
2948 | disableParentSwiper = false;
2949 | if (params.resistance) {
2950 | data.currentTranslate = swiper.minTranslate() - 1 + (-swiper.minTranslate() + data.startTranslate + diff) ** resistanceRatio;
2951 | }
2952 | }
2953 | } else if (diff < 0) {
2954 | if (isLoop && allowLoopFix && !loopFixed && data.allowThresholdMove && data.currentTranslate < (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.maxTranslate() + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween + (params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.slides.length - params.slidesPerView >= 2 ? swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween : 0) : swiper.maxTranslate())) {
2955 | swiper.loopFix({
2956 | direction: 'next',
2957 | setTranslate: true,
2958 | activeSlideIndex: swiper.slides.length - (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : Math.ceil(parseFloat(params.slidesPerView, 10)))
2959 | });
2960 | }
2961 | if (data.currentTranslate < swiper.maxTranslate()) {
2962 | disableParentSwiper = false;
2963 | if (params.resistance) {
2964 | data.currentTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate() + 1 - (swiper.maxTranslate() - data.startTranslate - diff) ** resistanceRatio;
2965 | }
2966 | }
2967 | }
2968 | if (disableParentSwiper) {
2969 | e.preventedByNestedSwiper = true;
2970 | }
2971 |
2972 |
2973 | if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && swiper.swipeDirection === 'next' && data.currentTranslate < data.startTranslate) {
2974 | data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
2975 | }
2976 | if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev' && data.currentTranslate > data.startTranslate) {
2977 | data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
2978 | }
2979 | if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && !swiper.allowSlideNext) {
2980 | data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
2981 | }
2982 |
2983 |
2984 | if (params.threshold > 0) {
2985 | if (Math.abs(diff) > params.threshold || data.allowThresholdMove) {
2986 | if (!data.allowThresholdMove) {
2987 | data.allowThresholdMove = true;
2988 | touches.startX = touches.currentX;
2989 | touches.startY = touches.currentY;
2990 | data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
2991 | touches.diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touches.currentX - touches.startX : touches.currentY - touches.startY;
2992 | return;
2993 | }
2994 | } else {
2995 | data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
2996 | return;
2997 | }
2998 | }
2999 | if (!params.followFinger || params.cssMode) return;
3000 |
3001 |
3002 | if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode || params.watchSlidesProgress) {
3003 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
3004 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
3005 | }
3006 | if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode) {
3007 | swiper.freeMode.onTouchMove();
3008 | }
3009 |
3010 | swiper.updateProgress(data.currentTranslate);
3011 |
3012 | swiper.setTranslate(data.currentTranslate);
3013 | }
3014 |
3015 | function onTouchEnd(event) {
3016 | const swiper = this;
3017 | const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
3018 | let e = event;
3019 | if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
3020 | let targetTouch;
3021 | const isTouchEvent = e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel';
3022 | if (!isTouchEvent) {
3023 | if (data.touchId !== null) return;
3024 | if (e.pointerId !== data.pointerId) return;
3025 | targetTouch = e;
3026 | } else {
3027 | targetTouch = [...e.changedTouches].find(t => t.identifier === data.touchId);
3028 | if (!targetTouch || targetTouch.identifier !== data.touchId) return;
3029 | }
3030 | if (['pointercancel', 'pointerout', 'pointerleave', 'contextmenu'].includes(e.type)) {
3031 | const proceed = ['pointercancel', 'contextmenu'].includes(e.type) && (swiper.browser.isSafari || swiper.browser.isWebView);
3032 | if (!proceed) {
3033 | return;
3034 | }
3035 | }
3036 | data.pointerId = null;
3037 | data.touchId = null;
3038 | const {
3039 | params,
3040 | touches,
3041 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
3042 | slidesGrid,
3043 | enabled
3044 | } = swiper;
3045 | if (!enabled) return;
3046 | if (!params.simulateTouch && e.pointerType === 'mouse') return;
3047 | if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {
3048 | swiper.emit('touchEnd', e);
3049 | }
3050 | data.allowTouchCallbacks = false;
3051 | if (!data.isTouched) {
3052 | if (data.isMoved && params.grabCursor) {
3053 | swiper.setGrabCursor(false);
3054 | }
3055 | data.isMoved = false;
3056 | data.startMoving = false;
3057 | return;
3058 | }
3059 |
3060 |
3061 | if (params.grabCursor && data.isMoved && data.isTouched && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {
3062 | swiper.setGrabCursor(false);
3063 | }
3064 |
3065 |
3066 | const touchEndTime = now();
3067 | const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime;
3068 |
3069 |
3070 | if (swiper.allowClick) {
3071 | const pathTree = e.path || e.composedPath && e.composedPath();
3072 | swiper.updateClickedSlide(pathTree && pathTree[0] || e.target, pathTree);
3073 | swiper.emit('tap click', e);
3074 | if (timeDiff < 300 && touchEndTime - data.lastClickTime < 300) {
3075 | swiper.emit('doubleTap doubleClick', e);
3076 | }
3077 | }
3078 | data.lastClickTime = now();
3079 | nextTick(() => {
3080 | if (!swiper.destroyed) swiper.allowClick = true;
3081 | });
3082 | if (!data.isTouched || !data.isMoved || !swiper.swipeDirection || touches.diff === 0 && !data.loopSwapReset || data.currentTranslate === data.startTranslate && !data.loopSwapReset) {
3083 | data.isTouched = false;
3084 | data.isMoved = false;
3085 | data.startMoving = false;
3086 | return;
3087 | }
3088 | data.isTouched = false;
3089 | data.isMoved = false;
3090 | data.startMoving = false;
3091 | let currentPos;
3092 | if (params.followFinger) {
3093 | currentPos = rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
3094 | } else {
3095 | currentPos = -data.currentTranslate;
3096 | }
3097 | if (params.cssMode) {
3098 | return;
3099 | }
3100 | if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled) {
3101 | swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({
3102 | currentPos
3103 | });
3104 | return;
3105 | }
3106 |
3107 |
3108 | const swipeToLast = currentPos >= -swiper.maxTranslate() && !swiper.params.loop;
3109 | let stopIndex = 0;
3110 | let groupSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[0];
3111 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup) {
3112 | const increment = i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;
3113 | if (typeof slidesGrid[i + increment] !== 'undefined') {
3114 | if (swipeToLast || currentPos >= slidesGrid[i] && currentPos < slidesGrid[i + increment]) {
3115 | stopIndex = i;
3116 | groupSize = slidesGrid[i + increment] - slidesGrid[i];
3117 | }
3118 | } else if (swipeToLast || currentPos >= slidesGrid[i]) {
3119 | stopIndex = i;
3120 | groupSize = slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 1] - slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 2];
3121 | }
3122 | }
3123 | let rewindFirstIndex = null;
3124 | let rewindLastIndex = null;
3125 | if (params.rewind) {
3126 | if (swiper.isBeginning) {
3127 | rewindLastIndex = params.virtual && params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;
3128 | } else if (swiper.isEnd) {
3129 | rewindFirstIndex = 0;
3130 | }
3131 | }
3132 |
3133 | const ratio = (currentPos - slidesGrid[stopIndex]) / groupSize;
3134 | const increment = stopIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;
3135 | if (timeDiff > params.longSwipesMs) {
3136 |
3137 | if (!params.longSwipes) {
3138 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
3139 | return;
3140 | }
3141 | if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
3142 | if (ratio >= params.longSwipesRatio) swiper.slideTo(params.rewind && swiper.isEnd ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);else swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
3143 | }
3144 | if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
3145 | if (ratio > 1 - params.longSwipesRatio) {
3146 | swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);
3147 | } else if (rewindLastIndex !== null && ratio < 0 && Math.abs(ratio) > params.longSwipesRatio) {
3148 | swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex);
3149 | } else {
3150 | swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
3151 | }
3152 | }
3153 | } else {
3154 |
3155 | if (!params.shortSwipes) {
3156 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
3157 | return;
3158 | }
3159 | const isNavButtonTarget = swiper.navigation && (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextEl || e.target === swiper.navigation.prevEl);
3160 | if (!isNavButtonTarget) {
3161 | if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
3162 | swiper.slideTo(rewindFirstIndex !== null ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);
3163 | }
3164 | if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
3165 | swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex !== null ? rewindLastIndex : stopIndex);
3166 | }
3167 | } else if (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextEl) {
3168 | swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);
3169 | } else {
3170 | swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
3171 | }
3172 | }
3173 | }
3174 |
3175 | function onResize() {
3176 | const swiper = this;
3177 | const {
3178 | params,
3179 | el
3180 | } = swiper;
3181 | if (el && el.offsetWidth === 0) return;
3182 |
3183 |
3184 | if (params.breakpoints) {
3185 | swiper.setBreakpoint();
3186 | }
3187 |
3188 |
3189 | const {
3190 | allowSlideNext,
3191 | allowSlidePrev,
3192 | snapGrid
3193 | } = swiper;
3194 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
3195 |
3196 |
3197 | swiper.allowSlideNext = true;
3198 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;
3199 | swiper.updateSize();
3200 | swiper.updateSlides();
3201 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
3202 | const isVirtualLoop = isVirtual && params.loop;
3203 | if ((params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.centeredSlides && !isVirtualLoop) {
3204 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
3205 | } else {
3206 | if (swiper.params.loop && !isVirtual) {
3207 | swiper.slideToLoop(swiper.realIndex, 0, false, true);
3208 | } else {
3209 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
3210 | }
3211 | }
3212 | if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) {
3213 | clearTimeout(swiper.autoplay.resizeTimeout);
3214 | swiper.autoplay.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
3215 | if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) {
3216 | swiper.autoplay.resume();
3217 | }
3218 | }, 500);
3219 | }
3220 |
3221 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;
3222 | swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;
3223 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {
3224 | swiper.checkOverflow();
3225 | }
3226 | }
3227 |
3228 | function onClick(e) {
3229 | const swiper = this;
3230 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
3231 | if (!swiper.allowClick) {
3232 | if (swiper.params.preventClicks) e.preventDefault();
3233 | if (swiper.params.preventClicksPropagation && swiper.animating) {
3234 | e.stopPropagation();
3235 | e.stopImmediatePropagation();
3236 | }
3237 | }
3238 | }
3239 |
3240 | function onScroll() {
3241 | const swiper = this;
3242 | const {
3243 | wrapperEl,
3244 | rtlTranslate,
3245 | enabled
3246 | } = swiper;
3247 | if (!enabled) return;
3248 | swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;
3249 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
3250 | swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollLeft;
3251 | } else {
3252 | swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollTop;
3253 | }
3254 |
3255 | if (swiper.translate === 0) swiper.translate = 0;
3256 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
3257 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
3258 | let newProgress;
3259 | const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
3260 | if (translatesDiff === 0) {
3261 | newProgress = 0;
3262 | } else {
3263 | newProgress = (swiper.translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
3264 | }
3265 | if (newProgress !== swiper.progress) {
3266 | swiper.updateProgress(rtlTranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate);
3267 | }
3268 | swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, false);
3269 | }
3270 |
3271 | function onLoad(e) {
3272 | const swiper = this;
3273 | processLazyPreloader(swiper, e.target);
3274 | if (swiper.params.cssMode || swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && !swiper.params.autoHeight) {
3275 | return;
3276 | }
3277 | swiper.update();
3278 | }
3279 |
3280 | function onDocumentTouchStart() {
3281 | const swiper = this;
3282 | if (swiper.documentTouchHandlerProceeded) return;
3283 | swiper.documentTouchHandlerProceeded = true;
3284 | if (swiper.params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {
3285 | swiper.el.style.touchAction = 'auto';
3286 | }
3287 | }
3288 |
3289 | const events = (swiper, method) => {
3290 | const document = getDocument();
3291 | const {
3292 | params,
3293 | el,
3294 | wrapperEl,
3295 | device
3296 | } = swiper;
3297 | const capture = !!params.nested;
3298 | const domMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
3299 | const swiperMethod = method;
3300 | if (!el || typeof el === 'string') return;
3301 |
3302 |
3303 | document[domMethod]('touchstart', swiper.onDocumentTouchStart, {
3304 | passive: false,
3305 | capture
3306 | });
3307 | el[domMethod]('touchstart', swiper.onTouchStart, {
3308 | passive: false
3309 | });
3310 | el[domMethod]('pointerdown', swiper.onTouchStart, {
3311 | passive: false
3312 | });
3313 | document[domMethod]('touchmove', swiper.onTouchMove, {
3314 | passive: false,
3315 | capture
3316 | });
3317 | document[domMethod]('pointermove', swiper.onTouchMove, {
3318 | passive: false,
3319 | capture
3320 | });
3321 | document[domMethod]('touchend', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3322 | passive: true
3323 | });
3324 | document[domMethod]('pointerup', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3325 | passive: true
3326 | });
3327 | document[domMethod]('pointercancel', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3328 | passive: true
3329 | });
3330 | document[domMethod]('touchcancel', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3331 | passive: true
3332 | });
3333 | document[domMethod]('pointerout', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3334 | passive: true
3335 | });
3336 | document[domMethod]('pointerleave', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3337 | passive: true
3338 | });
3339 | document[domMethod]('contextmenu', swiper.onTouchEnd, {
3340 | passive: true
3341 | });
3342 |
3343 |
3344 | if (params.preventClicks || params.preventClicksPropagation) {
3345 | el[domMethod]('click', swiper.onClick, true);
3346 | }
3347 | if (params.cssMode) {
3348 | wrapperEl[domMethod]('scroll', swiper.onScroll);
3349 | }
3350 |
3351 |
3352 | if (params.updateOnWindowResize) {
3353 | swiper[swiperMethod](device.ios || device.android ? 'resize orientationchange observerUpdate' : 'resize observerUpdate', onResize, true);
3354 | } else {
3355 | swiper[swiperMethod]('observerUpdate', onResize, true);
3356 | }
3357 |
3358 |
3359 | el[domMethod]('load', swiper.onLoad, {
3360 | capture: true
3361 | });
3362 | };
3363 | function attachEvents() {
3364 | const swiper = this;
3365 | const {
3366 | params
3367 | } = swiper;
3368 | swiper.onTouchStart = onTouchStart.bind(swiper);
3369 | swiper.onTouchMove = onTouchMove.bind(swiper);
3370 | swiper.onTouchEnd = onTouchEnd.bind(swiper);
3371 | swiper.onDocumentTouchStart = onDocumentTouchStart.bind(swiper);
3372 | if (params.cssMode) {
3373 | swiper.onScroll = onScroll.bind(swiper);
3374 | }
3375 | swiper.onClick = onClick.bind(swiper);
3376 | swiper.onLoad = onLoad.bind(swiper);
3377 | events(swiper, 'on');
3378 | }
3379 | function detachEvents() {
3380 | const swiper = this;
3381 | events(swiper, 'off');
3382 | }
3383 | var events$1 = {
3384 | attachEvents,
3385 | detachEvents
3386 | };
3387 |
3388 | const isGridEnabled = (swiper, params) => {
3389 | return swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
3390 | };
3391 | function setBreakpoint() {
3392 | const swiper = this;
3393 | const {
3394 | realIndex,
3395 | initialized,
3396 | params,
3397 | el
3398 | } = swiper;
3399 | const breakpoints = params.breakpoints;
3400 | if (!breakpoints || breakpoints && Object.keys(breakpoints).length === 0) return;
3401 | const document = getDocument();
3402 |
3403 |
3404 | const breakpointsBase = params.breakpointsBase === 'window' || !params.breakpointsBase ? params.breakpointsBase : 'container';
3405 | const breakpointContainer = ['window', 'container'].includes(params.breakpointsBase) || !params.breakpointsBase ? swiper.el : document.querySelector(params.breakpointsBase);
3406 | const breakpoint = swiper.getBreakpoint(breakpoints, breakpointsBase, breakpointContainer);
3407 | if (!breakpoint || swiper.currentBreakpoint === breakpoint) return;
3408 | const breakpointOnlyParams = breakpoint in breakpoints ? breakpoints[breakpoint] : undefined;
3409 | const breakpointParams = breakpointOnlyParams || swiper.originalParams;
3410 | const wasMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, params);
3411 | const isMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, breakpointParams);
3412 | const wasGrabCursor = swiper.params.grabCursor;
3413 | const isGrabCursor = breakpointParams.grabCursor;
3414 | const wasEnabled = params.enabled;
3415 | if (wasMultiRow && !isMultiRow) {
3416 | el.classList.remove(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`, `${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
3417 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
3418 | } else if (!wasMultiRow && isMultiRow) {
3419 | el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`);
3420 | if (breakpointParams.grid.fill && breakpointParams.grid.fill === 'column' || !breakpointParams.grid.fill && params.grid.fill === 'column') {
3421 | el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
3422 | }
3423 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
3424 | }
3425 | if (wasGrabCursor && !isGrabCursor) {
3426 | swiper.unsetGrabCursor();
3427 | } else if (!wasGrabCursor && isGrabCursor) {
3428 | swiper.setGrabCursor();
3429 | }
3430 |
3431 |
3432 | ['navigation', 'pagination', 'scrollbar'].forEach(prop => {
3433 | if (typeof breakpointParams[prop] === 'undefined') return;
3434 | const wasModuleEnabled = params[prop] && params[prop].enabled;
3435 | const isModuleEnabled = breakpointParams[prop] && breakpointParams[prop].enabled;
3436 | if (wasModuleEnabled && !isModuleEnabled) {
3437 | swiper[prop].disable();
3438 | }
3439 | if (!wasModuleEnabled && isModuleEnabled) {
3440 | swiper[prop].enable();
3441 | }
3442 | });
3443 | const directionChanged = breakpointParams.direction && breakpointParams.direction !== params.direction;
3444 | const needsReLoop = params.loop && (breakpointParams.slidesPerView !== params.slidesPerView || directionChanged);
3445 | const wasLoop = params.loop;
3446 | if (directionChanged && initialized) {
3447 | swiper.changeDirection();
3448 | }
3449 | extend(swiper.params, breakpointParams);
3450 | const isEnabled = swiper.params.enabled;
3451 | const hasLoop = swiper.params.loop;
3452 | Object.assign(swiper, {
3453 | allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,
3454 | allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,
3455 | allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev
3456 | });
3457 | if (wasEnabled && !isEnabled) {
3458 | swiper.disable();
3459 | } else if (!wasEnabled && isEnabled) {
3460 | swiper.enable();
3461 | }
3462 | swiper.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;
3463 | swiper.emit('_beforeBreakpoint', breakpointParams);
3464 | if (initialized) {
3465 | if (needsReLoop) {
3466 | swiper.loopDestroy();
3467 | swiper.loopCreate(realIndex);
3468 | swiper.updateSlides();
3469 | } else if (!wasLoop && hasLoop) {
3470 | swiper.loopCreate(realIndex);
3471 | swiper.updateSlides();
3472 | } else if (wasLoop && !hasLoop) {
3473 | swiper.loopDestroy();
3474 | }
3475 | }
3476 | swiper.emit('breakpoint', breakpointParams);
3477 | }
3478 |
3479 | function getBreakpoint(breakpoints, base, containerEl) {
3480 | if (base === void 0) {
3481 | base = 'window';
3482 | }
3483 | if (!breakpoints || base === 'container' && !containerEl) return undefined;
3484 | let breakpoint = false;
3485 | const window = getWindow();
3486 | const currentHeight = base === 'window' ? window.innerHeight : containerEl.clientHeight;
3487 | const points = Object.keys(breakpoints).map(point => {
3488 | if (typeof point === 'string' && point.indexOf('@') === 0) {
3489 | const minRatio = parseFloat(point.substr(1));
3490 | const value = currentHeight * minRatio;
3491 | return {
3492 | value,
3493 | point
3494 | };
3495 | }
3496 | return {
3497 | value: point,
3498 | point
3499 | };
3500 | });
3501 | points.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.value, 10) - parseInt(b.value, 10));
3502 | for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) {
3503 | const {
3504 | point,
3505 | value
3506 | } = points[i];
3507 | if (base === 'window') {
3508 | if (window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${value}px)`).matches) {
3509 | breakpoint = point;
3510 | }
3511 | } else if (value <= containerEl.clientWidth) {
3512 | breakpoint = point;
3513 | }
3514 | }
3515 | return breakpoint || 'max';
3516 | }
3517 |
3518 | var breakpoints = {
3519 | setBreakpoint,
3520 | getBreakpoint
3521 | };
3522 |
3523 | function prepareClasses(entries, prefix) {
3524 | const resultClasses = [];
3525 | entries.forEach(item => {
3526 | if (typeof item === 'object') {
3527 | Object.keys(item).forEach(classNames => {
3528 | if (item[classNames]) {
3529 | resultClasses.push(prefix + classNames);
3530 | }
3531 | });
3532 | } else if (typeof item === 'string') {
3533 | resultClasses.push(prefix + item);
3534 | }
3535 | });
3536 | return resultClasses;
3537 | }
3538 | function addClasses() {
3539 | const swiper = this;
3540 | const {
3541 | classNames,
3542 | params,
3543 | rtl,
3544 | el,
3545 | device
3546 | } = swiper;
3547 |
3548 | const suffixes = prepareClasses(['initialized', params.direction, {
3549 | 'free-mode': swiper.params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled
3550 | }, {
3551 | 'autoheight': params.autoHeight
3552 | }, {
3553 | 'rtl': rtl
3554 | }, {
3555 | 'grid': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1
3556 | }, {
3557 | 'grid-column': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && params.grid.fill === 'column'
3558 | }, {
3559 | 'android': device.android
3560 | }, {
3561 | 'ios': device.ios
3562 | }, {
3563 | 'css-mode': params.cssMode
3564 | }, {
3565 | 'centered': params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides
3566 | }, {
3567 | 'watch-progress': params.watchSlidesProgress
3568 | }], params.containerModifierClass);
3569 | classNames.push(...suffixes);
3570 | el.classList.add(...classNames);
3571 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
3572 | }
3573 |
3574 | function removeClasses() {
3575 | const swiper = this;
3576 | const {
3577 | el,
3578 | classNames
3579 | } = swiper;
3580 | if (!el || typeof el === 'string') return;
3581 | el.classList.remove(...classNames);
3582 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
3583 | }
3584 |
3585 | var classes = {
3586 | addClasses,
3587 | removeClasses
3588 | };
3589 |
3590 | function checkOverflow() {
3591 | const swiper = this;
3592 | const {
3593 | isLocked: wasLocked,
3594 | params
3595 | } = swiper;
3596 | const {
3597 | slidesOffsetBefore
3598 | } = params;
3599 | if (slidesOffsetBefore) {
3600 | const lastSlideIndex = swiper.slides.length - 1;
3601 | const lastSlideRightEdge = swiper.slidesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + slidesOffsetBefore * 2;
3602 | swiper.isLocked = swiper.size > lastSlideRightEdge;
3603 | } else {
3604 | swiper.isLocked = swiper.snapGrid.length === 1;
3605 | }
3606 | if (params.allowSlideNext === true) {
3607 | swiper.allowSlideNext = !swiper.isLocked;
3608 | }
3609 | if (params.allowSlidePrev === true) {
3610 | swiper.allowSlidePrev = !swiper.isLocked;
3611 | }
3612 | if (wasLocked && wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {
3613 | swiper.isEnd = false;
3614 | }
3615 | if (wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {
3616 | swiper.emit(swiper.isLocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock');
3617 | }
3618 | }
3619 | var checkOverflow$1 = {
3620 | checkOverflow
3621 | };
3622 |
3623 | var defaults = {
3624 | init: true,
3625 | direction: 'horizontal',
3626 | oneWayMovement: false,
3627 | swiperElementNodeName: 'SWIPER-CONTAINER',
3628 | touchEventsTarget: 'wrapper',
3629 | initialSlide: 0,
3630 | speed: 300,
3631 | cssMode: false,
3632 | updateOnWindowResize: true,
3633 | resizeObserver: true,
3634 | nested: false,
3635 | createElements: false,
3636 | eventsPrefix: 'swiper',
3637 | enabled: true,
3638 | focusableElements: 'input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label',
3639 |
3640 | width: null,
3641 | height: null,
3642 |
3643 | preventInteractionOnTransition: false,
3644 |
3645 | userAgent: null,
3646 | url: null,
3647 |
3648 | edgeSwipeDetection: false,
3649 | edgeSwipeThreshold: 20,
3650 |
3651 | autoHeight: false,
3652 |
3653 | setWrapperSize: false,
3654 |
3655 | virtualTranslate: false,
3656 |
3657 | effect: 'slide',
3658 |
3659 |
3660 |
3661 | breakpoints: undefined,
3662 | breakpointsBase: 'window',
3663 |
3664 | spaceBetween: 0,
3665 | slidesPerView: 1,
3666 | slidesPerGroup: 1,
3667 | slidesPerGroupSkip: 0,
3668 | slidesPerGroupAuto: false,
3669 | centeredSlides: false,
3670 | centeredSlidesBounds: false,
3671 | slidesOffsetBefore: 0,
3672 |
3673 | slidesOffsetAfter: 0,
3674 |
3675 | normalizeSlideIndex: true,
3676 | centerInsufficientSlides: false,
3677 |
3678 | watchOverflow: true,
3679 |
3680 | roundLengths: false,
3681 |
3682 | touchRatio: 1,
3683 | touchAngle: 45,
3684 | simulateTouch: true,
3685 | shortSwipes: true,
3686 | longSwipes: true,
3687 | longSwipesRatio: 0.5,
3688 | longSwipesMs: 300,
3689 | followFinger: true,
3690 | allowTouchMove: true,
3691 | threshold: 5,
3692 | touchMoveStopPropagation: false,
3693 | touchStartPreventDefault: true,
3694 | touchStartForcePreventDefault: false,
3695 | touchReleaseOnEdges: false,
3696 |
3697 | uniqueNavElements: true,
3698 |
3699 | resistance: true,
3700 | resistanceRatio: 0.85,
3701 |
3702 | watchSlidesProgress: false,
3703 |
3704 | grabCursor: false,
3705 |
3706 | preventClicks: true,
3707 | preventClicksPropagation: true,
3708 | slideToClickedSlide: false,
3709 |
3710 | loop: false,
3711 | loopAddBlankSlides: true,
3712 | loopAdditionalSlides: 0,
3713 | loopPreventsSliding: true,
3714 |
3715 | rewind: false,
3716 |
3717 | allowSlidePrev: true,
3718 | allowSlideNext: true,
3719 | swipeHandler: null,
3720 |
3721 | noSwiping: true,
3722 | noSwipingClass: 'swiper-no-swiping',
3723 | noSwipingSelector: null,
3724 |
3725 | passiveListeners: true,
3726 | maxBackfaceHiddenSlides: 10,
3727 |
3728 | containerModifierClass: 'swiper-',
3729 |
3730 | slideClass: 'swiper-slide',
3731 | slideBlankClass: 'swiper-slide-blank',
3732 | slideActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-active',
3733 | slideVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-visible',
3734 | slideFullyVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-fully-visible',
3735 | slideNextClass: 'swiper-slide-next',
3736 | slidePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-prev',
3737 | wrapperClass: 'swiper-wrapper',
3738 | lazyPreloaderClass: 'swiper-lazy-preloader',
3739 | lazyPreloadPrevNext: 0,
3740 |
3741 | runCallbacksOnInit: true,
3742 |
3743 | _emitClasses: false
3744 | };
3745 |
3746 | function moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams) {
3747 | return function extendParams(obj) {
3748 | if (obj === void 0) {
3749 | obj = {};
3750 | }
3751 | const moduleParamName = Object.keys(obj)[0];
3752 | const moduleParams = obj[moduleParamName];
3753 | if (typeof moduleParams !== 'object' || moduleParams === null) {
3754 | extend(allModulesParams, obj);
3755 | return;
3756 | }
3757 | if (params[moduleParamName] === true) {
3758 | params[moduleParamName] = {
3759 | enabled: true
3760 | };
3761 | }
3762 | if (moduleParamName === 'navigation' && params[moduleParamName] && params[moduleParamName].enabled && !params[moduleParamName].prevEl && !params[moduleParamName].nextEl) {
3763 | params[moduleParamName].auto = true;
3764 | }
3765 | if (['pagination', 'scrollbar'].indexOf(moduleParamName) >= 0 && params[moduleParamName] && params[moduleParamName].enabled && !params[moduleParamName].el) {
3766 | params[moduleParamName].auto = true;
3767 | }
3768 | if (!(moduleParamName in params && 'enabled' in moduleParams)) {
3769 | extend(allModulesParams, obj);
3770 | return;
3771 | }
3772 | if (typeof params[moduleParamName] === 'object' && !('enabled' in params[moduleParamName])) {
3773 | params[moduleParamName].enabled = true;
3774 | }
3775 | if (!params[moduleParamName]) params[moduleParamName] = {
3776 | enabled: false
3777 | };
3778 | extend(allModulesParams, obj);
3779 | };
3780 | }
3781 |
3782 |
3783 | const prototypes = {
3784 | eventsEmitter,
3785 | update,
3786 | translate,
3787 | transition,
3788 | slide,
3789 | loop,
3790 | grabCursor,
3791 | events: events$1,
3792 | breakpoints,
3793 | checkOverflow: checkOverflow$1,
3794 | classes
3795 | };
3796 | const extendedDefaults = {};
3797 | class Swiper {
3798 | constructor() {
3799 | let el;
3800 | let params;
3801 | for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
3802 | args[_key] = arguments[_key];
3803 | }
3804 | if (args.length === 1 && args[0].constructor && Object.prototype.toString.call(args[0]).slice(8, -1) === 'Object') {
3805 | params = args[0];
3806 | } else {
3807 | [el, params] = args;
3808 | }
3809 | if (!params) params = {};
3810 | params = extend({}, params);
3811 | if (el && !params.el) params.el = el;
3812 | const document = getDocument();
3813 | if (params.el && typeof params.el === 'string' && document.querySelectorAll(params.el).length > 1) {
3814 | const swipers = [];
3815 | document.querySelectorAll(params.el).forEach(containerEl => {
3816 | const newParams = extend({}, params, {
3817 | el: containerEl
3818 | });
3819 | swipers.push(new Swiper(newParams));
3820 | });
3821 |
3822 | return swipers;
3823 | }
3824 |
3825 |
3826 | const swiper = this;
3827 | swiper.__swiper__ = true;
3828 | swiper.support = getSupport();
3829 | swiper.device = getDevice({
3830 | userAgent: params.userAgent
3831 | });
3832 | swiper.browser = getBrowser();
3833 | swiper.eventsListeners = {};
3834 | swiper.eventsAnyListeners = [];
3835 | swiper.modules = [...swiper.__modules__];
3836 | if (params.modules && Array.isArray(params.modules)) {
3837 | swiper.modules.push(...params.modules);
3838 | }
3839 | const allModulesParams = {};
3840 | swiper.modules.forEach(mod => {
3841 | mod({
3842 | params,
3843 | swiper,
3844 | extendParams: moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams),
3845 | on: swiper.on.bind(swiper),
3846 | once: swiper.once.bind(swiper),
3847 | off: swiper.off.bind(swiper),
3848 | emit: swiper.emit.bind(swiper)
3849 | });
3850 | });
3851 |
3852 |
3853 | const swiperParams = extend({}, defaults, allModulesParams);
3854 |
3855 |
3856 | swiper.params = extend({}, swiperParams, extendedDefaults, params);
3857 | swiper.originalParams = extend({}, swiper.params);
3858 | swiper.passedParams = extend({}, params);
3859 |
3860 |
3861 | if (swiper.params && swiper.params.on) {
3862 | Object.keys(swiper.params.on).forEach(eventName => {
3863 | swiper.on(eventName, swiper.params.on[eventName]);
3864 | });
3865 | }
3866 | if (swiper.params && swiper.params.onAny) {
3867 | swiper.onAny(swiper.params.onAny);
3868 | }
3869 |
3870 |
3871 | Object.assign(swiper, {
3872 | enabled: swiper.params.enabled,
3873 | el,
3874 |
3875 | classNames: [],
3876 |
3877 | slides: [],
3878 | slidesGrid: [],
3879 | snapGrid: [],
3880 | slidesSizesGrid: [],
3881 |
3882 | isHorizontal() {
3883 | return swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal';
3884 | },
3885 | isVertical() {
3886 | return swiper.params.direction === 'vertical';
3887 | },
3888 |
3889 | activeIndex: 0,
3890 | realIndex: 0,
3891 |
3892 | isBeginning: true,
3893 | isEnd: false,
3894 |
3895 | translate: 0,
3896 | previousTranslate: 0,
3897 | progress: 0,
3898 | velocity: 0,
3899 | animating: false,
3900 | cssOverflowAdjustment() {
3901 |
3902 |
3903 | return Math.trunc(this.translate / 2 ** 23) * 2 ** 23;
3904 | },
3905 |
3906 | allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,
3907 | allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev,
3908 |
3909 | touchEventsData: {
3910 | isTouched: undefined,
3911 | isMoved: undefined,
3912 | allowTouchCallbacks: undefined,
3913 | touchStartTime: undefined,
3914 | isScrolling: undefined,
3915 | currentTranslate: undefined,
3916 | startTranslate: undefined,
3917 | allowThresholdMove: undefined,
3918 |
3919 | focusableElements: swiper.params.focusableElements,
3920 |
3921 | lastClickTime: 0,
3922 | clickTimeout: undefined,
3923 |
3924 | velocities: [],
3925 | allowMomentumBounce: undefined,
3926 | startMoving: undefined,
3927 | pointerId: null,
3928 | touchId: null
3929 | },
3930 |
3931 | allowClick: true,
3932 |
3933 | allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,
3934 | touches: {
3935 | startX: 0,
3936 | startY: 0,
3937 | currentX: 0,
3938 | currentY: 0,
3939 | diff: 0
3940 | },
3941 |
3942 | imagesToLoad: [],
3943 | imagesLoaded: 0
3944 | });
3945 | swiper.emit('_swiper');
3946 |
3947 |
3948 | if (swiper.params.init) {
3949 | swiper.init();
3950 | }
3951 |
3952 |
3953 |
3954 | return swiper;
3955 | }
3956 | getDirectionLabel(property) {
3957 | if (this.isHorizontal()) {
3958 | return property;
3959 | }
3960 |
3961 | return {
3962 | 'width': 'height',
3963 | 'margin-top': 'margin-left',
3964 | 'margin-bottom ': 'margin-right',
3965 | 'margin-left': 'margin-top',
3966 | 'margin-right': 'margin-bottom',
3967 | 'padding-left': 'padding-top',
3968 | 'padding-right': 'padding-bottom',
3969 | 'marginRight': 'marginBottom'
3970 | }[property];
3971 | }
3972 | getSlideIndex(slideEl) {
3973 | const {
3974 | slidesEl,
3975 | params
3976 | } = this;
3977 | const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
3978 | const firstSlideIndex = elementIndex(slides[0]);
3979 | return elementIndex(slideEl) - firstSlideIndex;
3980 | }
3981 | getSlideIndexByData(index) {
3982 | return this.getSlideIndex(this.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === index));
3983 | }
3984 | recalcSlides() {
3985 | const swiper = this;
3986 | const {
3987 | slidesEl,
3988 | params
3989 | } = swiper;
3990 | swiper.slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
3991 | }
3992 | enable() {
3993 | const swiper = this;
3994 | if (swiper.enabled) return;
3995 | swiper.enabled = true;
3996 | if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {
3997 | swiper.setGrabCursor();
3998 | }
3999 | swiper.emit('enable');
4000 | }
4001 | disable() {
4002 | const swiper = this;
4003 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
4004 | swiper.enabled = false;
4005 | if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {
4006 | swiper.unsetGrabCursor();
4007 | }
4008 | swiper.emit('disable');
4009 | }
4010 | setProgress(progress, speed) {
4011 | const swiper = this;
4012 | progress = Math.min(Math.max(progress, 0), 1);
4013 | const min = swiper.minTranslate();
4014 | const max = swiper.maxTranslate();
4015 | const current = (max - min) * progress + min;
4016 | swiper.translateTo(current, typeof speed === 'undefined' ? 0 : speed);
4017 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
4018 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
4019 | }
4020 | emitContainerClasses() {
4021 | const swiper = this;
4022 | if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;
4023 | const cls = swiper.el.className.split(' ').filter(className => {
4024 | return className.indexOf('swiper') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.containerModifierClass) === 0;
4025 | });
4026 | swiper.emit('_containerClasses', cls.join(' '));
4027 | }
4028 | getSlideClasses(slideEl) {
4029 | const swiper = this;
4030 | if (swiper.destroyed) return '';
4031 | return slideEl.className.split(' ').filter(className => {
4032 | return className.indexOf('swiper-slide') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.slideClass) === 0;
4033 | }).join(' ');
4034 | }
4035 | emitSlidesClasses() {
4036 | const swiper = this;
4037 | if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;
4038 | const updates = [];
4039 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
4040 | const classNames = swiper.getSlideClasses(slideEl);
4041 | updates.push({
4042 | slideEl,
4043 | classNames
4044 | });
4045 | swiper.emit('_slideClass', slideEl, classNames);
4046 | });
4047 | swiper.emit('_slideClasses', updates);
4048 | }
4049 | slidesPerViewDynamic(view, exact) {
4050 | if (view === void 0) {
4051 | view = 'current';
4052 | }
4053 | if (exact === void 0) {
4054 | exact = false;
4055 | }
4056 | const swiper = this;
4057 | const {
4058 | params,
4059 | slides,
4060 | slidesGrid,
4061 | slidesSizesGrid,
4062 | size: swiperSize,
4063 | activeIndex
4064 | } = swiper;
4065 | let spv = 1;
4066 | if (typeof params.slidesPerView === 'number') return params.slidesPerView;
4067 | if (params.centeredSlides) {
4068 | let slideSize = slides[activeIndex] ? Math.ceil(slides[activeIndex].swiperSlideSize) : 0;
4069 | let breakLoop;
4070 | for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
4071 | if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {
4072 | slideSize += Math.ceil(slides[i].swiperSlideSize);
4073 | spv += 1;
4074 | if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;
4075 | }
4076 | }
4077 | for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
4078 | if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {
4079 | slideSize += slides[i].swiperSlideSize;
4080 | spv += 1;
4081 | if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;
4082 | }
4083 | }
4084 | } else {
4085 |
4086 | if (view === 'current') {
4087 | for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
4088 | const slideInView = exact ? slidesGrid[i] + slidesSizesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize : slidesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize;
4089 | if (slideInView) {
4090 | spv += 1;
4091 | }
4092 | }
4093 | } else {
4094 |
4095 | for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
4096 | const slideInView = slidesGrid[activeIndex] - slidesGrid[i] < swiperSize;
4097 | if (slideInView) {
4098 | spv += 1;
4099 | }
4100 | }
4101 | }
4102 | }
4103 | return spv;
4104 | }
4105 | update() {
4106 | const swiper = this;
4107 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
4108 | const {
4109 | snapGrid,
4110 | params
4111 | } = swiper;
4112 |
4113 | if (params.breakpoints) {
4114 | swiper.setBreakpoint();
4115 | }
4116 | [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll('[loading="lazy"]')].forEach(imageEl => {
4117 | if (imageEl.complete) {
4118 | processLazyPreloader(swiper, imageEl);
4119 | }
4120 | });
4121 | swiper.updateSize();
4122 | swiper.updateSlides();
4123 | swiper.updateProgress();
4124 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
4125 | function setTranslate() {
4126 | const translateValue = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate * -1 : swiper.translate;
4127 | const newTranslate = Math.min(Math.max(translateValue, swiper.maxTranslate()), swiper.minTranslate());
4128 | swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
4129 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
4130 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
4131 | }
4132 | let translated;
4133 | if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && !params.cssMode) {
4134 | setTranslate();
4135 | if (params.autoHeight) {
4136 | swiper.updateAutoHeight();
4137 | }
4138 | } else {
4139 | if ((params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !params.centeredSlides) {
4140 | const slides = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides : swiper.slides;
4141 | translated = swiper.slideTo(slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
4142 | } else {
4143 | translated = swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
4144 | }
4145 | if (!translated) {
4146 | setTranslate();
4147 | }
4148 | }
4149 | if (params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {
4150 | swiper.checkOverflow();
4151 | }
4152 | swiper.emit('update');
4153 | }
4154 | changeDirection(newDirection, needUpdate) {
4155 | if (needUpdate === void 0) {
4156 | needUpdate = true;
4157 | }
4158 | const swiper = this;
4159 | const currentDirection = swiper.params.direction;
4160 | if (!newDirection) {
4161 |
4162 | newDirection = currentDirection === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
4163 | }
4164 | if (newDirection === currentDirection || newDirection !== 'horizontal' && newDirection !== 'vertical') {
4165 | return swiper;
4166 | }
4167 | swiper.el.classList.remove(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${currentDirection}`);
4168 | swiper.el.classList.add(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${newDirection}`);
4169 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
4170 | swiper.params.direction = newDirection;
4171 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
4172 | if (newDirection === 'vertical') {
4173 | slideEl.style.width = '';
4174 | } else {
4175 | slideEl.style.height = '';
4176 | }
4177 | });
4178 | swiper.emit('changeDirection');
4179 | if (needUpdate) swiper.update();
4180 | return swiper;
4181 | }
4182 | changeLanguageDirection(direction) {
4183 | const swiper = this;
4184 | if (swiper.rtl && direction === 'rtl' || !swiper.rtl && direction === 'ltr') return;
4185 | swiper.rtl = direction === 'rtl';
4186 | swiper.rtlTranslate = swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && swiper.rtl;
4187 | if (swiper.rtl) {
4188 | swiper.el.classList.add(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}rtl`);
4189 | swiper.el.dir = 'rtl';
4190 | } else {
4191 | swiper.el.classList.remove(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}rtl`);
4192 | swiper.el.dir = 'ltr';
4193 | }
4194 | swiper.update();
4195 | }
4196 | mount(element) {
4197 | const swiper = this;
4198 | if (swiper.mounted) return true;
4199 |
4200 |
4201 | let el = element || swiper.params.el;
4202 | if (typeof el === 'string') {
4203 | el = document.querySelector(el);
4204 | }
4205 | if (!el) {
4206 | return false;
4207 | }
4208 | el.swiper = swiper;
4209 | if (el.parentNode && el.parentNode.host && el.parentNode.host.nodeName === swiper.params.swiperElementNodeName.toUpperCase()) {
4210 | swiper.isElement = true;
4211 | }
4212 | const getWrapperSelector = () => {
4213 | return `.${(swiper.params.wrapperClass || '').trim().split(' ').join('.')}`;
4214 | };
4215 | const getWrapper = () => {
4216 | if (el && el.shadowRoot && el.shadowRoot.querySelector) {
4217 | const res = el.shadowRoot.querySelector(getWrapperSelector());
4218 |
4219 | return res;
4220 | }
4221 | return elementChildren(el, getWrapperSelector())[0];
4222 | };
4223 |
4224 | let wrapperEl = getWrapper();
4225 | if (!wrapperEl && swiper.params.createElements) {
4226 | wrapperEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.wrapperClass);
4227 | el.append(wrapperEl);
4228 | elementChildren(el, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`).forEach(slideEl => {
4229 | wrapperEl.append(slideEl);
4230 | });
4231 | }
4232 | Object.assign(swiper, {
4233 | el,
4234 | wrapperEl,
4235 | slidesEl: swiper.isElement && !el.parentNode.host.slideSlots ? el.parentNode.host : wrapperEl,
4236 | hostEl: swiper.isElement ? el.parentNode.host : el,
4237 | mounted: true,
4238 |
4239 | rtl: el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || elementStyle(el, 'direction') === 'rtl',
4240 | rtlTranslate: swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && (el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || elementStyle(el, 'direction') === 'rtl'),
4241 | wrongRTL: elementStyle(wrapperEl, 'display') === '-webkit-box'
4242 | });
4243 | return true;
4244 | }
4245 | init(el) {
4246 | const swiper = this;
4247 | if (swiper.initialized) return swiper;
4248 | const mounted = swiper.mount(el);
4249 | if (mounted === false) return swiper;
4250 | swiper.emit('beforeInit');
4251 |
4252 |
4253 | if (swiper.params.breakpoints) {
4254 | swiper.setBreakpoint();
4255 | }
4256 |
4257 |
4258 | swiper.addClasses();
4259 |
4260 |
4261 | swiper.updateSize();
4262 |
4263 |
4264 | swiper.updateSlides();
4265 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) {
4266 | swiper.checkOverflow();
4267 | }
4268 |
4269 |
4270 | if (swiper.params.grabCursor && swiper.enabled) {
4271 | swiper.setGrabCursor();
4272 | }
4273 |
4274 |
4275 | if (swiper.params.loop && swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
4276 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide + swiper.virtual.slidesBefore, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);
4277 | } else {
4278 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);
4279 | }
4280 |
4281 |
4282 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
4283 | swiper.loopCreate();
4284 | }
4285 |
4286 |
4287 | swiper.attachEvents();
4288 | const lazyElements = [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll('[loading="lazy"]')];
4289 | if (swiper.isElement) {
4290 | lazyElements.push(...swiper.hostEl.querySelectorAll('[loading="lazy"]'));
4291 | }
4292 | lazyElements.forEach(imageEl => {
4293 | if (imageEl.complete) {
4294 | processLazyPreloader(swiper, imageEl);
4295 | } else {
4296 | imageEl.addEventListener('load', e => {
4297 | processLazyPreloader(swiper, e.target);
4298 | });
4299 | }
4300 | });
4301 | preload(swiper);
4302 |
4303 |
4304 | swiper.initialized = true;
4305 | preload(swiper);
4306 |
4307 |
4308 | swiper.emit('init');
4309 | swiper.emit('afterInit');
4310 | return swiper;
4311 | }
4312 | destroy(deleteInstance, cleanStyles) {
4313 | if (deleteInstance === void 0) {
4314 | deleteInstance = true;
4315 | }
4316 | if (cleanStyles === void 0) {
4317 | cleanStyles = true;
4318 | }
4319 | const swiper = this;
4320 | const {
4321 | params,
4322 | el,
4323 | wrapperEl,
4324 | slides
4325 | } = swiper;
4326 | if (typeof swiper.params === 'undefined' || swiper.destroyed) {
4327 | return null;
4328 | }
4329 | swiper.emit('beforeDestroy');
4330 |
4331 |
4332 | swiper.initialized = false;
4333 |
4334 |
4335 | swiper.detachEvents();
4336 |
4337 |
4338 | if (params.loop) {
4339 | swiper.loopDestroy();
4340 | }
4341 |
4342 |
4343 | if (cleanStyles) {
4344 | swiper.removeClasses();
4345 | if (el && typeof el !== 'string') {
4346 | el.removeAttribute('style');
4347 | }
4348 | if (wrapperEl) {
4349 | wrapperEl.removeAttribute('style');
4350 | }
4351 | if (slides && slides.length) {
4352 | slides.forEach(slideEl => {
4353 | slideEl.classList.remove(params.slideVisibleClass, params.slideFullyVisibleClass, params.slideActiveClass, params.slideNextClass, params.slidePrevClass);
4354 | slideEl.removeAttribute('style');
4355 | slideEl.removeAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');
4356 | });
4357 | }
4358 | }
4359 | swiper.emit('destroy');
4360 |
4361 |
4362 | Object.keys(swiper.eventsListeners).forEach(eventName => {
4363 | swiper.off(eventName);
4364 | });
4365 | if (deleteInstance !== false) {
4366 | if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {
4367 | swiper.el.swiper = null;
4368 | }
4369 | deleteProps(swiper);
4370 | }
4371 | swiper.destroyed = true;
4372 | return null;
4373 | }
4374 | static extendDefaults(newDefaults) {
4375 | extend(extendedDefaults, newDefaults);
4376 | }
4377 | static get extendedDefaults() {
4378 | return extendedDefaults;
4379 | }
4380 | static get defaults() {
4381 | return defaults;
4382 | }
4383 | static installModule(mod) {
4384 | if (!Swiper.prototype.__modules__) Swiper.prototype.__modules__ = [];
4385 | const modules = Swiper.prototype.__modules__;
4386 | if (typeof mod === 'function' && modules.indexOf(mod) < 0) {
4387 | modules.push(mod);
4388 | }
4389 | }
4390 | static use(module) {
4391 | if (Array.isArray(module)) {
4392 | module.forEach(m => Swiper.installModule(m));
4393 | return Swiper;
4394 | }
4395 | Swiper.installModule(module);
4396 | return Swiper;
4397 | }
4398 | }
4399 | Object.keys(prototypes).forEach(prototypeGroup => {
4400 | Object.keys(prototypes[prototypeGroup]).forEach(protoMethod => {
4401 | Swiper.prototype[protoMethod] = prototypes[prototypeGroup][protoMethod];
4402 | });
4403 | });
4404 | Swiper.use([Resize, Observer]);
4405 |
4406 | function Virtual(_ref) {
4407 | let {
4408 | swiper,
4409 | extendParams,
4410 | on,
4411 | emit
4412 | } = _ref;
4413 | extendParams({
4414 | virtual: {
4415 | enabled: false,
4416 | slides: [],
4417 | cache: true,
4418 | renderSlide: null,
4419 | renderExternal: null,
4420 | renderExternalUpdate: true,
4421 | addSlidesBefore: 0,
4422 | addSlidesAfter: 0
4423 | }
4424 | });
4425 | let cssModeTimeout;
4426 | const document = getDocument();
4427 | swiper.virtual = {
4428 | cache: {},
4429 | from: undefined,
4430 | to: undefined,
4431 | slides: [],
4432 | offset: 0,
4433 | slidesGrid: []
4434 | };
4435 | const tempDOM = document.createElement('div');
4436 | function renderSlide(slide, index) {
4437 | const params = swiper.params.virtual;
4438 | if (params.cache && swiper.virtual.cache[index]) {
4439 | return swiper.virtual.cache[index];
4440 | }
4441 |
4442 | let slideEl;
4443 | if (params.renderSlide) {
4444 | slideEl = params.renderSlide.call(swiper, slide, index);
4445 | if (typeof slideEl === 'string') {
4446 | tempDOM.innerHTML = slideEl;
4447 | slideEl = tempDOM.children[0];
4448 | }
4449 | } else if (swiper.isElement) {
4450 | slideEl = createElement('swiper-slide');
4451 | } else {
4452 | slideEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.slideClass);
4453 | }
4454 | slideEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', index);
4455 | if (!params.renderSlide) {
4456 | slideEl.innerHTML = slide;
4457 | }
4458 | if (params.cache) {
4459 | swiper.virtual.cache[index] = slideEl;
4460 | }
4461 | return slideEl;
4462 | }
4463 | function update(force, beforeInit, forceActiveIndex) {
4464 | const {
4465 | slidesPerView,
4466 | slidesPerGroup,
4467 | centeredSlides,
4468 | loop: isLoop,
4469 | initialSlide
4470 | } = swiper.params;
4471 | if (beforeInit && !isLoop && initialSlide > 0) {
4472 | return;
4473 | }
4474 | const {
4475 | addSlidesBefore,
4476 | addSlidesAfter
4477 | } = swiper.params.virtual;
4478 | const {
4479 | from: previousFrom,
4480 | to: previousTo,
4481 | slides,
4482 | slidesGrid: previousSlidesGrid,
4483 | offset: previousOffset
4484 | } = swiper.virtual;
4485 | if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {
4486 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
4487 | }
4488 | const activeIndex = typeof forceActiveIndex === 'undefined' ? swiper.activeIndex || 0 : forceActiveIndex;
4489 | let offsetProp;
4490 | if (swiper.rtlTranslate) offsetProp = 'right';else offsetProp = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top';
4491 | let slidesAfter;
4492 | let slidesBefore;
4493 | if (centeredSlides) {
4494 | slidesAfter = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesAfter;
4495 | slidesBefore = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesBefore;
4496 | } else {
4497 | slidesAfter = slidesPerView + (slidesPerGroup - 1) + addSlidesAfter;
4498 | slidesBefore = (isLoop ? slidesPerView : slidesPerGroup) + addSlidesBefore;
4499 | }
4500 | let from = activeIndex - slidesBefore;
4501 | let to = activeIndex + slidesAfter;
4502 | if (!isLoop) {
4503 | from = Math.max(from, 0);
4504 | to = Math.min(to, slides.length - 1);
4505 | }
4506 | let offset = (swiper.slidesGrid[from] || 0) - (swiper.slidesGrid[0] || 0);
4507 | if (isLoop && activeIndex >= slidesBefore) {
4508 | from -= slidesBefore;
4509 | if (!centeredSlides) offset += swiper.slidesGrid[0];
4510 | } else if (isLoop && activeIndex < slidesBefore) {
4511 | from = -slidesBefore;
4512 | if (centeredSlides) offset += swiper.slidesGrid[0];
4513 | }
4514 | Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {
4515 | from,
4516 | to,
4517 | offset,
4518 | slidesGrid: swiper.slidesGrid,
4519 | slidesBefore,
4520 | slidesAfter
4521 | });
4522 | function onRendered() {
4523 | swiper.updateSlides();
4524 | swiper.updateProgress();
4525 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
4526 | emit('virtualUpdate');
4527 | }
4528 | if (previousFrom === from && previousTo === to && !force) {
4529 | if (swiper.slidesGrid !== previousSlidesGrid && offset !== previousOffset) {
4530 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
4531 | slideEl.style[offsetProp] = `${offset - Math.abs(swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment())}px`;
4532 | });
4533 | }
4534 | swiper.updateProgress();
4535 | emit('virtualUpdate');
4536 | return;
4537 | }
4538 | if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternal) {
4539 | swiper.params.virtual.renderExternal.call(swiper, {
4540 | offset,
4541 | from,
4542 | to,
4543 | slides: function getSlides() {
4544 | const slidesToRender = [];
4545 | for (let i = from; i <= to; i += 1) {
4546 | slidesToRender.push(slides[i]);
4547 | }
4548 | return slidesToRender;
4549 | }()
4550 | });
4551 | if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternalUpdate) {
4552 | onRendered();
4553 | } else {
4554 | emit('virtualUpdate');
4555 | }
4556 | return;
4557 | }
4558 | const prependIndexes = [];
4559 | const appendIndexes = [];
4560 | const getSlideIndex = index => {
4561 | let slideIndex = index;
4562 | if (index < 0) {
4563 | slideIndex = slides.length + index;
4564 | } else if (slideIndex >= slides.length) {
4565 |
4566 | slideIndex = slideIndex - slides.length;
4567 | }
4568 | return slideIndex;
4569 | };
4570 | if (force) {
4571 | swiper.slides.filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)).forEach(slideEl => {
4572 | slideEl.remove();
4573 | });
4574 | } else {
4575 | for (let i = previousFrom; i <= previousTo; i += 1) {
4576 | if (i < from || i > to) {
4577 | const slideIndex = getSlideIndex(i);
4578 | swiper.slides.filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideIndex}"], swiper-slide[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideIndex}"]`)).forEach(slideEl => {
4579 | slideEl.remove();
4580 | });
4581 | }
4582 | }
4583 | }
4584 | const loopFrom = isLoop ? -slides.length : 0;
4585 | const loopTo = isLoop ? slides.length * 2 : slides.length;
4586 | for (let i = loopFrom; i < loopTo; i += 1) {
4587 | if (i >= from && i <= to) {
4588 | const slideIndex = getSlideIndex(i);
4589 | if (typeof previousTo === 'undefined' || force) {
4590 | appendIndexes.push(slideIndex);
4591 | } else {
4592 | if (i > previousTo) appendIndexes.push(slideIndex);
4593 | if (i < previousFrom) prependIndexes.push(slideIndex);
4594 | }
4595 | }
4596 | }
4597 | appendIndexes.forEach(index => {
4598 | swiper.slidesEl.append(renderSlide(slides[index], index));
4599 | });
4600 | if (isLoop) {
4601 | for (let i = prependIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
4602 | const index = prependIndexes[i];
4603 | swiper.slidesEl.prepend(renderSlide(slides[index], index));
4604 | }
4605 | } else {
4606 | prependIndexes.sort((a, b) => b - a);
4607 | prependIndexes.forEach(index => {
4608 | swiper.slidesEl.prepend(renderSlide(slides[index], index));
4609 | });
4610 | }
4611 | elementChildren(swiper.slidesEl, '.swiper-slide, swiper-slide').forEach(slideEl => {
4612 | slideEl.style[offsetProp] = `${offset - Math.abs(swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment())}px`;
4613 | });
4614 | onRendered();
4615 | }
4616 | function appendSlide(slides) {
4617 | if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
4618 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
4619 | if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides[i]);
4620 | }
4621 | } else {
4622 | swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides);
4623 | }
4624 | update(true);
4625 | }
4626 | function prependSlide(slides) {
4627 | const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
4628 | let newActiveIndex = activeIndex + 1;
4629 | let numberOfNewSlides = 1;
4630 | if (Array.isArray(slides)) {
4631 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
4632 | if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides[i]);
4633 | }
4634 | newActiveIndex = activeIndex + slides.length;
4635 | numberOfNewSlides = slides.length;
4636 | } else {
4637 | swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides);
4638 | }
4639 | if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
4640 | const cache = swiper.virtual.cache;
4641 | const newCache = {};
4642 | Object.keys(cache).forEach(cachedIndex => {
4643 | const cachedEl = cache[cachedIndex];
4644 | const cachedElIndex = cachedEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');
4645 | if (cachedElIndex) {
4646 | cachedEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', parseInt(cachedElIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides);
4647 | }
4648 | newCache[parseInt(cachedIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides] = cachedEl;
4649 | });
4650 | swiper.virtual.cache = newCache;
4651 | }
4652 | update(true);
4653 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0);
4654 | }
4655 | function removeSlide(slidesIndexes) {
4656 | if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'undefined' || slidesIndexes === null) return;
4657 | let activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
4658 | if (Array.isArray(slidesIndexes)) {
4659 | for (let i = slidesIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
4660 | if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
4661 | delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes[i]];
4662 |
4663 | Object.keys(swiper.virtual.cache).forEach(key => {
4664 | if (key > slidesIndexes) {
4665 | swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1] = swiper.virtual.cache[key];
4666 | swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1].setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', key - 1);
4667 | delete swiper.virtual.cache[key];
4668 | }
4669 | });
4670 | }
4671 | swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes[i], 1);
4672 | if (slidesIndexes[i] < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;
4673 | activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);
4674 | }
4675 | } else {
4676 | if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
4677 | delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes];
4678 |
4679 | Object.keys(swiper.virtual.cache).forEach(key => {
4680 | if (key > slidesIndexes) {
4681 | swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1] = swiper.virtual.cache[key];
4682 | swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1].setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', key - 1);
4683 | delete swiper.virtual.cache[key];
4684 | }
4685 | });
4686 | }
4687 | swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes, 1);
4688 | if (slidesIndexes < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;
4689 | activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);
4690 | }
4691 | update(true);
4692 | swiper.slideTo(activeIndex, 0);
4693 | }
4694 | function removeAllSlides() {
4695 | swiper.virtual.slides = [];
4696 | if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
4697 | swiper.virtual.cache = {};
4698 | }
4699 | update(true);
4700 | swiper.slideTo(0, 0);
4701 | }
4702 | on('beforeInit', () => {
4703 | if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
4704 | let domSlidesAssigned;
4705 | if (typeof swiper.passedParams.virtual.slides === 'undefined') {
4706 | const slides = [...swiper.slidesEl.children].filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`));
4707 | if (slides && slides.length) {
4708 | swiper.virtual.slides = [...slides];
4709 | domSlidesAssigned = true;
4710 | slides.forEach((slideEl, slideIndex) => {
4711 | slideEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', slideIndex);
4712 | swiper.virtual.cache[slideIndex] = slideEl;
4713 | slideEl.remove();
4714 | });
4715 | }
4716 | }
4717 | if (!domSlidesAssigned) {
4718 | swiper.virtual.slides = swiper.params.virtual.slides;
4719 | }
4720 | swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}virtual`);
4721 | swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
4722 | swiper.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = true;
4723 | update(false, true);
4724 | });
4725 | on('setTranslate', () => {
4726 | if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
4727 | if (swiper.params.cssMode && !swiper._immediateVirtual) {
4728 | clearTimeout(cssModeTimeout);
4729 | cssModeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
4730 | update();
4731 | }, 100);
4732 | } else {
4733 | update();
4734 | }
4735 | });
4736 | on('init update resize', () => {
4737 | if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
4738 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
4739 | setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-virtual-size', `${swiper.virtualSize}px`);
4740 | }
4741 | });
4742 | Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {
4743 | appendSlide,
4744 | prependSlide,
4745 | removeSlide,
4746 | removeAllSlides,
4747 | update
4748 | });
4749 | }
4750 |
4751 |
4752 | function Keyboard(_ref) {
4753 | let {
4754 | swiper,
4755 | extendParams,
4756 | on,
4757 | emit
4758 | } = _ref;
4759 | const document = getDocument();
4760 | const window = getWindow();
4761 | swiper.keyboard = {
4762 | enabled: false
4763 | };
4764 | extendParams({
4765 | keyboard: {
4766 | enabled: false,
4767 | onlyInViewport: true,
4768 | pageUpDown: true
4769 | }
4770 | });
4771 | function handle(event) {
4772 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
4773 | const {
4774 | rtlTranslate: rtl
4775 | } = swiper;
4776 | let e = event;
4777 | if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
4778 | const kc = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
4779 | const pageUpDown = swiper.params.keyboard.pageUpDown;
4780 | const isPageUp = pageUpDown && kc === 33;
4781 | const isPageDown = pageUpDown && kc === 34;
4782 | const isArrowLeft = kc === 37;
4783 | const isArrowRight = kc === 39;
4784 | const isArrowUp = kc === 38;
4785 | const isArrowDown = kc === 40;
4786 |
4787 | if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && (swiper.isHorizontal() && isArrowRight || swiper.isVertical() && isArrowDown || isPageDown)) {
4788 | return false;
4789 | }
4790 | if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && (swiper.isHorizontal() && isArrowLeft || swiper.isVertical() && isArrowUp || isPageUp)) {
4791 | return false;
4792 | }
4793 | if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
4794 | return undefined;
4795 | }
4796 | if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName && (document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea')) {
4797 | return undefined;
4798 | }
4799 | if (swiper.params.keyboard.onlyInViewport && (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowLeft || isArrowRight || isArrowUp || isArrowDown)) {
4800 | let inView = false;
4801 |
4802 | if (elementParents(swiper.el, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`).length > 0 && elementParents(swiper.el, `.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`).length === 0) {
4803 | return undefined;
4804 | }
4805 | const el = swiper.el;
4806 | const swiperWidth = el.clientWidth;
4807 | const swiperHeight = el.clientHeight;
4808 | const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
4809 | const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
4810 | const swiperOffset = elementOffset(el);
4811 | if (rtl) swiperOffset.left -= el.scrollLeft;
4812 | const swiperCoord = [[swiperOffset.left, swiperOffset.top], [swiperOffset.left + swiperWidth, swiperOffset.top], [swiperOffset.left, swiperOffset.top + swiperHeight], [swiperOffset.left + swiperWidth, swiperOffset.top + swiperHeight]];
4813 | for (let i = 0; i < swiperCoord.length; i += 1) {
4814 | const point = swiperCoord[i];
4815 | if (point[0] >= 0 && point[0] <= windowWidth && point[1] >= 0 && point[1] <= windowHeight) {
4816 | if (point[0] === 0 && point[1] === 0) continue;
4817 | inView = true;
4818 | }
4819 | }
4820 | if (!inView) return undefined;
4821 | }
4822 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
4823 | if (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowLeft || isArrowRight) {
4824 | if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
4825 | }
4826 | if ((isPageDown || isArrowRight) && !rtl || (isPageUp || isArrowLeft) && rtl) swiper.slideNext();
4827 | if ((isPageUp || isArrowLeft) && !rtl || (isPageDown || isArrowRight) && rtl) swiper.slidePrev();
4828 | } else {
4829 | if (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowUp || isArrowDown) {
4830 | if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
4831 | }
4832 | if (isPageDown || isArrowDown) swiper.slideNext();
4833 | if (isPageUp || isArrowUp) swiper.slidePrev();
4834 | }
4835 | emit('keyPress', kc);
4836 | return undefined;
4837 | }
4838 | function enable() {
4839 | if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) return;
4840 | document.addEventListener('keydown', handle);
4841 | swiper.keyboard.enabled = true;
4842 | }
4843 | function disable() {
4844 | if (!swiper.keyboard.enabled) return;
4845 | document.removeEventListener('keydown', handle);
4846 | swiper.keyboard.enabled = false;
4847 | }
4848 | on('init', () => {
4849 | if (swiper.params.keyboard.enabled) {
4850 | enable();
4851 | }
4852 | });
4853 | on('destroy', () => {
4854 | if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) {
4855 | disable();
4856 | }
4857 | });
4858 | Object.assign(swiper.keyboard, {
4859 | enable,
4860 | disable
4861 | });
4862 | }
4863 |
4864 |
4865 | function Mousewheel(_ref) {
4866 | let {
4867 | swiper,
4868 | extendParams,
4869 | on,
4870 | emit
4871 | } = _ref;
4872 | const window = getWindow();
4873 | extendParams({
4874 | mousewheel: {
4875 | enabled: false,
4876 | releaseOnEdges: false,
4877 | invert: false,
4878 | forceToAxis: false,
4879 | sensitivity: 1,
4880 | eventsTarget: 'container',
4881 | thresholdDelta: null,
4882 | thresholdTime: null,
4883 | noMousewheelClass: 'swiper-no-mousewheel'
4884 | }
4885 | });
4886 | swiper.mousewheel = {
4887 | enabled: false
4888 | };
4889 | let timeout;
4890 | let lastScrollTime = now();
4891 | let lastEventBeforeSnap;
4892 | const recentWheelEvents = [];
4893 | function normalize(e) {
4894 |
4895 | const PIXEL_STEP = 10;
4896 | const LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
4897 | const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
4898 | let sX = 0;
4899 | let sY = 0;
4900 | let pX = 0;
4901 | let pY = 0;
4902 |
4903 |
4904 | if ('detail' in e) {
4905 | sY = e.detail;
4906 | }
4907 | if ('wheelDelta' in e) {
4908 | sY = -e.wheelDelta / 120;
4909 | }
4910 | if ('wheelDeltaY' in e) {
4911 | sY = -e.wheelDeltaY / 120;
4912 | }
4913 | if ('wheelDeltaX' in e) {
4914 | sX = -e.wheelDeltaX / 120;
4915 | }
4916 |
4917 |
4918 | if ('axis' in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) {
4919 | sX = sY;
4920 | sY = 0;
4921 | }
4922 | pX = sX * PIXEL_STEP;
4923 | pY = sY * PIXEL_STEP;
4924 | if ('deltaY' in e) {
4925 | pY = e.deltaY;
4926 | }
4927 | if ('deltaX' in e) {
4928 | pX = e.deltaX;
4929 | }
4930 | if (e.shiftKey && !pX) {
4931 |
4932 | pX = pY;
4933 | pY = 0;
4934 | }
4935 | if ((pX || pY) && e.deltaMode) {
4936 | if (e.deltaMode === 1) {
4937 |
4938 | pX *= LINE_HEIGHT;
4939 | pY *= LINE_HEIGHT;
4940 | } else {
4941 |
4942 | pX *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
4943 | pY *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
4944 | }
4945 | }
4946 |
4947 |
4948 | if (pX && !sX) {
4949 | sX = pX < 1 ? -1 : 1;
4950 | }
4951 | if (pY && !sY) {
4952 | sY = pY < 1 ? -1 : 1;
4953 | }
4954 | return {
4955 | spinX: sX,
4956 | spinY: sY,
4957 | pixelX: pX,
4958 | pixelY: pY
4959 | };
4960 | }
4961 | function handleMouseEnter() {
4962 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
4963 | swiper.mouseEntered = true;
4964 | }
4965 | function handleMouseLeave() {
4966 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
4967 | swiper.mouseEntered = false;
4968 | }
4969 | function animateSlider(newEvent) {
4970 | if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdDelta && newEvent.delta < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdDelta) {
4971 |
4972 | return false;
4973 | }
4974 | if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdTime && now() - lastScrollTime < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdTime) {
4975 |
4976 | return false;
4977 | }
4978 |
4979 |
4980 |
4981 |
4982 | if (newEvent.delta >= 6 && now() - lastScrollTime < 60) {
4983 |
4984 | return true;
4985 | }
4986 |
4987 |
4988 |
4989 |
4990 |
4991 |
4992 |
4993 |
4994 |
4995 |
4996 |
4997 |
4998 | if (newEvent.direction < 0) {
4999 | if ((!swiper.isEnd || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) {
5000 | swiper.slideNext();
5001 | emit('scroll', newEvent.raw);
5002 | }
5003 | } else if ((!swiper.isBeginning || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) {
5004 | swiper.slidePrev();
5005 | emit('scroll', newEvent.raw);
5006 | }
5007 |
5008 | lastScrollTime = new window.Date().getTime();
5009 |
5010 | return false;
5011 | }
5012 | function releaseScroll(newEvent) {
5013 | const params = swiper.params.mousewheel;
5014 | if (newEvent.direction < 0) {
5015 | if (swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseOnEdges) {
5016 |
5017 | return true;
5018 | }
5019 | } else if (swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseOnEdges) {
5020 |
5021 | return true;
5022 | }
5023 | return false;
5024 | }
5025 | function handle(event) {
5026 | let e = event;
5027 | let disableParentSwiper = true;
5028 | if (!swiper.enabled) return;
5029 |
5030 |
5031 | if (event.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.mousewheel.noMousewheelClass}`)) return;
5032 | const params = swiper.params.mousewheel;
5033 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
5034 | e.preventDefault();
5035 | }
5036 | let targetEl = swiper.el;
5037 | if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget !== 'container') {
5038 | targetEl = document.querySelector(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget);
5039 | }
5040 | const targetElContainsTarget = targetEl && targetEl.contains(e.target);
5041 | if (!swiper.mouseEntered && !targetElContainsTarget && !params.releaseOnEdges) return true;
5042 | if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
5043 | let delta = 0;
5044 | const rtlFactor = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1;
5045 | const data = normalize(e);
5046 | if (params.forceToAxis) {
5047 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
5048 | if (Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY)) delta = -data.pixelX * rtlFactor;else return true;
5049 | } else if (Math.abs(data.pixelY) > Math.abs(data.pixelX)) delta = -data.pixelY;else return true;
5050 | } else {
5051 | delta = Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY) ? -data.pixelX * rtlFactor : -data.pixelY;
5052 | }
5053 | if (delta === 0) return true;
5054 | if (params.invert) delta = -delta;
5055 |
5056 |
5057 | let positions = swiper.getTranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity;
5058 | if (positions >= swiper.minTranslate()) positions = swiper.minTranslate();
5059 | if (positions <= swiper.maxTranslate()) positions = swiper.maxTranslate();
5060 |
5061 |
5062 |
5063 |
5064 |
5065 |
5066 |
5067 |
5068 | disableParentSwiper = swiper.params.loop ? true : !(positions === swiper.minTranslate() || positions === swiper.maxTranslate());
5069 | if (disableParentSwiper && swiper.params.nested) e.stopPropagation();
5070 | if (!swiper.params.freeMode || !swiper.params.freeMode.enabled) {
5071 |
5072 | const newEvent = {
5073 | time: now(),
5074 | delta: Math.abs(delta),
5075 | direction: Math.sign(delta),
5076 | raw: event
5077 | };
5078 |
5079 |
5080 | if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 2) {
5081 | recentWheelEvents.shift();
5082 | }
5083 |
5084 | const prevEvent = recentWheelEvents.length ? recentWheelEvents[recentWheelEvents.length - 1] : undefined;
5085 | recentWheelEvents.push(newEvent);
5086 |
5087 |
5088 |
5089 |
5090 |
5091 |
5092 |
5093 | if (prevEvent) {
5094 | if (newEvent.direction !== prevEvent.direction || newEvent.delta > prevEvent.delta || newEvent.time > prevEvent.time + 150) {
5095 | animateSlider(newEvent);
5096 | }
5097 | } else {
5098 | animateSlider(newEvent);
5099 | }
5100 |
5101 |
5102 |
5103 | if (releaseScroll(newEvent)) {
5104 | return true;
5105 | }
5106 | } else {
5107 |
5108 |
5109 |
5110 |
5111 |
5112 |
5113 | const newEvent = {
5114 | time: now(),
5115 | delta: Math.abs(delta),
5116 | direction: Math.sign(delta)
5117 | };
5118 | const ignoreWheelEvents = lastEventBeforeSnap && newEvent.time < lastEventBeforeSnap.time + 500 && newEvent.delta <= lastEventBeforeSnap.delta && newEvent.direction === lastEventBeforeSnap.direction;
5119 | if (!ignoreWheelEvents) {
5120 | lastEventBeforeSnap = undefined;
5121 | let position = swiper.getTranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity;
5122 | const wasBeginning = swiper.isBeginning;
5123 | const wasEnd = swiper.isEnd;
5124 | if (position >= swiper.minTranslate()) position = swiper.minTranslate();
5125 | if (position <= swiper.maxTranslate()) position = swiper.maxTranslate();
5126 | swiper.setTransition(0);
5127 | swiper.setTranslate(position);
5128 | swiper.updateProgress();
5129 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
5130 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
5131 | if (!wasBeginning && swiper.isBeginning || !wasEnd && swiper.isEnd) {
5132 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
5133 | }
5134 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
5135 | swiper.loopFix({
5136 | direction: newEvent.direction < 0 ? 'next' : 'prev',
5137 | byMousewheel: true
5138 | });
5139 | }
5140 | if (swiper.params.freeMode.sticky) {
5141 |
5142 |
5143 |
5144 |
5145 |
5146 |
5147 |
5148 |
5149 |
5150 |
5151 |
5152 | clearTimeout(timeout);
5153 | timeout = undefined;
5154 | if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 15) {
5155 | recentWheelEvents.shift();
5156 | }
5157 |
5158 | const prevEvent = recentWheelEvents.length ? recentWheelEvents[recentWheelEvents.length - 1] : undefined;
5159 | const firstEvent = recentWheelEvents[0];
5160 | recentWheelEvents.push(newEvent);
5161 | if (prevEvent && (newEvent.delta > prevEvent.delta || newEvent.direction !== prevEvent.direction)) {
5162 |
5163 | recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
5164 | } else if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 15 && newEvent.time - firstEvent.time < 500 && firstEvent.delta - newEvent.delta >= 1 && newEvent.delta <= 6) {
5165 |
5166 |
5167 |
5168 |
5169 |
5170 |
5171 | const snapToThreshold = delta > 0 ? 0.8 : 0.2;
5172 | lastEventBeforeSnap = newEvent;
5173 | recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
5174 | timeout = nextTick(() => {
5175 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;
5176 | swiper.slideToClosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snapToThreshold);
5177 | }, 0);
5178 | }
5179 |
5180 | if (!timeout) {
5181 |
5182 |
5183 |
5184 | timeout = nextTick(() => {
5185 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;
5186 | const snapToThreshold = 0.5;
5187 | lastEventBeforeSnap = newEvent;
5188 | recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
5189 | swiper.slideToClosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snapToThreshold);
5190 | }, 500);
5191 | }
5192 | }
5193 |
5194 |
5195 | if (!ignoreWheelEvents) emit('scroll', e);
5196 |
5197 |
5198 | if (swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) swiper.autoplay.stop();
5199 |
5200 | if (params.releaseOnEdges && (position === swiper.minTranslate() || position === swiper.maxTranslate())) {
5201 | return true;
5202 | }
5203 | }
5204 | }
5205 | if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
5206 | return false;
5207 | }
5208 | function events(method) {
5209 | let targetEl = swiper.el;
5210 | if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget !== 'container') {
5211 | targetEl = document.querySelector(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget);
5212 | }
5213 | targetEl[method]('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
5214 | targetEl[method]('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);
5215 | targetEl[method]('wheel', handle);
5216 | }
5217 | function enable() {
5218 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
5219 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('wheel', handle);
5220 | return true;
5221 | }
5222 | if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false;
5223 | events('addEventListener');
5224 | swiper.mousewheel.enabled = true;
5225 | return true;
5226 | }
5227 | function disable() {
5228 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
5229 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener(event, handle);
5230 | return true;
5231 | }
5232 | if (!swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false;
5233 | events('removeEventListener');
5234 | swiper.mousewheel.enabled = false;
5235 | return true;
5236 | }
5237 | on('init', () => {
5238 | if (!swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled && swiper.params.cssMode) {
5239 | disable();
5240 | }
5241 | if (swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled) enable();
5242 | });
5243 | on('destroy', () => {
5244 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
5245 | enable();
5246 | }
5247 | if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) disable();
5248 | });
5249 | Object.assign(swiper.mousewheel, {
5250 | enable,
5251 | disable
5252 | });
5253 | }
5254 |
5255 | function createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, originalParams, params, checkProps) {
5256 | if (swiper.params.createElements) {
5257 | Object.keys(checkProps).forEach(key => {
5258 | if (!params[key] && params.auto === true) {
5259 | let element = elementChildren(swiper.el, `.${checkProps[key]}`)[0];
5260 | if (!element) {
5261 | element = createElement('div', checkProps[key]);
5262 | element.className = checkProps[key];
5263 | swiper.el.append(element);
5264 | }
5265 | params[key] = element;
5266 | originalParams[key] = element;
5267 | }
5268 | });
5269 | }
5270 | return params;
5271 | }
5272 |
5273 | function Navigation(_ref) {
5274 | let {
5275 | swiper,
5276 | extendParams,
5277 | on,
5278 | emit
5279 | } = _ref;
5280 | extendParams({
5281 | navigation: {
5282 | nextEl: null,
5283 | prevEl: null,
5284 | hideOnClick: false,
5285 | disabledClass: 'swiper-button-disabled',
5286 | hiddenClass: 'swiper-button-hidden',
5287 | lockClass: 'swiper-button-lock',
5288 | navigationDisabledClass: 'swiper-navigation-disabled'
5289 | }
5290 | });
5291 | swiper.navigation = {
5292 | nextEl: null,
5293 | prevEl: null
5294 | };
5295 | function getEl(el) {
5296 | let res;
5297 | if (el && typeof el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {
5298 | res = swiper.el.querySelector(el) || swiper.hostEl.querySelector(el);
5299 | if (res) return res;
5300 | }
5301 | if (el) {
5302 | if (typeof el === 'string') res = [...document.querySelectorAll(el)];
5303 | if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof el === 'string' && res && res.length > 1 && swiper.el.querySelectorAll(el).length === 1) {
5304 | res = swiper.el.querySelector(el);
5305 | } else if (res && res.length === 1) {
5306 | res = res[0];
5307 | }
5308 | }
5309 | if (el && !res) return el;
5310 |
5311 | return res;
5312 | }
5313 | function toggleEl(el, disabled) {
5314 | const params = swiper.params.navigation;
5315 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5316 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5317 | if (subEl) {
5318 | subEl.classList[disabled ? 'add' : 'remove'](...params.disabledClass.split(' '));
5319 | if (subEl.tagName === 'BUTTON') subEl.disabled = disabled;
5320 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
5321 | subEl.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](params.lockClass);
5322 | }
5323 | }
5324 | });
5325 | }
5326 | function update() {
5327 |
5328 | const {
5329 | nextEl,
5330 | prevEl
5331 | } = swiper.navigation;
5332 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
5333 | toggleEl(prevEl, false);
5334 | toggleEl(nextEl, false);
5335 | return;
5336 | }
5337 | toggleEl(prevEl, swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.rewind);
5338 | toggleEl(nextEl, swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.rewind);
5339 | }
5340 | function onPrevClick(e) {
5341 | e.preventDefault();
5342 | if (swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;
5343 | swiper.slidePrev();
5344 | emit('navigationPrev');
5345 | }
5346 | function onNextClick(e) {
5347 | e.preventDefault();
5348 | if (swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;
5349 | swiper.slideNext();
5350 | emit('navigationNext');
5351 | }
5352 | function init() {
5353 | const params = swiper.params.navigation;
5354 | swiper.params.navigation = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.navigation, swiper.params.navigation, {
5355 | nextEl: 'swiper-button-next',
5356 | prevEl: 'swiper-button-prev'
5357 | });
5358 | if (!(params.nextEl || params.prevEl)) return;
5359 | let nextEl = getEl(params.nextEl);
5360 | let prevEl = getEl(params.prevEl);
5361 | Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {
5362 | nextEl,
5363 | prevEl
5364 | });
5365 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
5366 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
5367 | const initButton = (el, dir) => {
5368 | if (el) {
5369 | el.addEventListener('click', dir === 'next' ? onNextClick : onPrevClick);
5370 | }
5371 | if (!swiper.enabled && el) {
5372 | el.classList.add(...params.lockClass.split(' '));
5373 | }
5374 | };
5375 | nextEl.forEach(el => initButton(el, 'next'));
5376 | prevEl.forEach(el => initButton(el, 'prev'));
5377 | }
5378 | function destroy() {
5379 | let {
5380 | nextEl,
5381 | prevEl
5382 | } = swiper.navigation;
5383 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
5384 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
5385 | const destroyButton = (el, dir) => {
5386 | el.removeEventListener('click', dir === 'next' ? onNextClick : onPrevClick);
5387 | el.classList.remove(...swiper.params.navigation.disabledClass.split(' '));
5388 | };
5389 | nextEl.forEach(el => destroyButton(el, 'next'));
5390 | prevEl.forEach(el => destroyButton(el, 'prev'));
5391 | }
5392 | on('init', () => {
5393 | if (swiper.params.navigation.enabled === false) {
5394 |
5395 | disable();
5396 | } else {
5397 | init();
5398 | update();
5399 | }
5400 | });
5401 | on('toEdge fromEdge lock unlock', () => {
5402 | update();
5403 | });
5404 | on('destroy', () => {
5405 | destroy();
5406 | });
5407 | on('enable disable', () => {
5408 | let {
5409 | nextEl,
5410 | prevEl
5411 | } = swiper.navigation;
5412 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
5413 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
5414 | if (swiper.enabled) {
5415 | update();
5416 | return;
5417 | }
5418 | [...nextEl, ...prevEl].filter(el => !!el).forEach(el => el.classList.add(swiper.params.navigation.lockClass));
5419 | });
5420 | on('click', (_s, e) => {
5421 | let {
5422 | nextEl,
5423 | prevEl
5424 | } = swiper.navigation;
5425 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
5426 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
5427 | const targetEl = e.target;
5428 | let targetIsButton = prevEl.includes(targetEl) || nextEl.includes(targetEl);
5429 | if (swiper.isElement && !targetIsButton) {
5430 | const path = e.path || e.composedPath && e.composedPath();
5431 | if (path) {
5432 | targetIsButton = path.find(pathEl => nextEl.includes(pathEl) || prevEl.includes(pathEl));
5433 | }
5434 | }
5435 | if (swiper.params.navigation.hideOnClick && !targetIsButton) {
5436 | if (swiper.pagination && swiper.params.pagination && swiper.params.pagination.clickable && (swiper.pagination.el === targetEl || swiper.pagination.el.contains(targetEl))) return;
5437 | let isHidden;
5438 | if (nextEl.length) {
5439 | isHidden = nextEl[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
5440 | } else if (prevEl.length) {
5441 | isHidden = prevEl[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
5442 | }
5443 | if (isHidden === true) {
5444 | emit('navigationShow');
5445 | } else {
5446 | emit('navigationHide');
5447 | }
5448 | [...nextEl, ...prevEl].filter(el => !!el).forEach(el => el.classList.toggle(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass));
5449 | }
5450 | });
5451 | const enable = () => {
5452 | swiper.el.classList.remove(...swiper.params.navigation.navigationDisabledClass.split(' '));
5453 | init();
5454 | update();
5455 | };
5456 | const disable = () => {
5457 | swiper.el.classList.add(...swiper.params.navigation.navigationDisabledClass.split(' '));
5458 | destroy();
5459 | };
5460 | Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {
5461 | enable,
5462 | disable,
5463 | update,
5464 | init,
5465 | destroy
5466 | });
5467 | }
5468 |
5469 | function classesToSelector(classes) {
5470 | if (classes === void 0) {
5471 | classes = '';
5472 | }
5473 | return `.${classes.trim().replace(/([\.:!+\/])/g, '\\$1') // eslint-disable-line
5474 | .replace(/ /g, '.')}`;
5475 | }
5476 |
5477 | function Pagination(_ref) {
5478 | let {
5479 | swiper,
5480 | extendParams,
5481 | on,
5482 | emit
5483 | } = _ref;
5484 | const pfx = 'swiper-pagination';
5485 | extendParams({
5486 | pagination: {
5487 | el: null,
5488 | bulletElement: 'span',
5489 | clickable: false,
5490 | hideOnClick: false,
5491 | renderBullet: null,
5492 | renderProgressbar: null,
5493 | renderFraction: null,
5494 | renderCustom: null,
5495 | progressbarOpposite: false,
5496 | type: 'bullets',
5497 |
5498 | dynamicBullets: false,
5499 | dynamicMainBullets: 1,
5500 | formatFractionCurrent: number => number,
5501 | formatFractionTotal: number => number,
5502 | bulletClass: `${pfx}-bullet`,
5503 | bulletActiveClass: `${pfx}-bullet-active`,
5504 | modifierClass: `${pfx}-`,
5505 | currentClass: `${pfx}-current`,
5506 | totalClass: `${pfx}-total`,
5507 | hiddenClass: `${pfx}-hidden`,
5508 | progressbarFillClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-fill`,
5509 | progressbarOppositeClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-opposite`,
5510 | clickableClass: `${pfx}-clickable`,
5511 | lockClass: `${pfx}-lock`,
5512 | horizontalClass: `${pfx}-horizontal`,
5513 | verticalClass: `${pfx}-vertical`,
5514 | paginationDisabledClass: `${pfx}-disabled`
5515 | }
5516 | });
5517 | swiper.pagination = {
5518 | el: null,
5519 | bullets: []
5520 | };
5521 | let bulletSize;
5522 | let dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
5523 | function isPaginationDisabled() {
5524 | return !swiper.params.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.el || Array.isArray(swiper.pagination.el) && swiper.pagination.el.length === 0;
5525 | }
5526 | function setSideBullets(bulletEl, position) {
5527 | const {
5528 | bulletActiveClass
5529 | } = swiper.params.pagination;
5530 | if (!bulletEl) return;
5531 | bulletEl = bulletEl[`${position === 'prev' ? 'previous' : 'next'}ElementSibling`];
5532 | if (bulletEl) {
5533 | bulletEl.classList.add(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}`);
5534 | bulletEl = bulletEl[`${position === 'prev' ? 'previous' : 'next'}ElementSibling`];
5535 | if (bulletEl) {
5536 | bulletEl.classList.add(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}-${position}`);
5537 | }
5538 | }
5539 | }
5540 | function getMoveDirection(prevIndex, nextIndex, length) {
5541 | prevIndex = prevIndex % length;
5542 | nextIndex = nextIndex % length;
5543 | if (nextIndex === prevIndex + 1) {
5544 | return 'next';
5545 | } else if (nextIndex === prevIndex - 1) {
5546 | return 'previous';
5547 | }
5548 | return;
5549 | }
5550 | function onBulletClick(e) {
5551 | const bulletEl = e.target.closest(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass));
5552 | if (!bulletEl) {
5553 | return;
5554 | }
5555 | e.preventDefault();
5556 | const index = elementIndex(bulletEl) * swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
5557 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
5558 | if (swiper.realIndex === index) return;
5559 | const moveDirection = getMoveDirection(swiper.realIndex, index, swiper.slides.length);
5560 | if (moveDirection === 'next') {
5561 | swiper.slideNext();
5562 | } else if (moveDirection === 'previous') {
5563 | swiper.slidePrev();
5564 | } else {
5565 | swiper.slideToLoop(index);
5566 | }
5567 | } else {
5568 | swiper.slideTo(index);
5569 | }
5570 | }
5571 | function update() {
5572 |
5573 | const rtl = swiper.rtl;
5574 | const params = swiper.params.pagination;
5575 | if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
5576 | let el = swiper.pagination.el;
5577 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5578 |
5579 | let current;
5580 | let previousIndex;
5581 | const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;
5582 | const total = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil(slidesLength / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;
5583 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
5584 | previousIndex = swiper.previousRealIndex || 0;
5585 | current = swiper.params.slidesPerGroup > 1 ? Math.floor(swiper.realIndex / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.realIndex;
5586 | } else if (typeof swiper.snapIndex !== 'undefined') {
5587 | current = swiper.snapIndex;
5588 | previousIndex = swiper.previousSnapIndex;
5589 | } else {
5590 | previousIndex = swiper.previousIndex || 0;
5591 | current = swiper.activeIndex || 0;
5592 | }
5593 |
5594 | if (params.type === 'bullets' && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length > 0) {
5595 | const bullets = swiper.pagination.bullets;
5596 | let firstIndex;
5597 | let lastIndex;
5598 | let midIndex;
5599 | if (params.dynamicBullets) {
5600 | bulletSize = elementOuterSize(bullets[0], swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height', true);
5601 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5602 | subEl.style[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height'] = `${bulletSize * (params.dynamicMainBullets + 4)}px`;
5603 | });
5604 | if (params.dynamicMainBullets > 1 && previousIndex !== undefined) {
5605 | dynamicBulletIndex += current - (previousIndex || 0);
5606 | if (dynamicBulletIndex > params.dynamicMainBullets - 1) {
5607 | dynamicBulletIndex = params.dynamicMainBullets - 1;
5608 | } else if (dynamicBulletIndex < 0) {
5609 | dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
5610 | }
5611 | }
5612 | firstIndex = Math.max(current - dynamicBulletIndex, 0);
5613 | lastIndex = firstIndex + (Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets) - 1);
5614 | midIndex = (lastIndex + firstIndex) / 2;
5615 | }
5616 | bullets.forEach(bulletEl => {
5617 | const classesToRemove = [...['', '-next', '-next-next', '-prev', '-prev-prev', '-main'].map(suffix => `${params.bulletActiveClass}${suffix}`)].map(s => typeof s === 'string' && s.includes(' ') ? s.split(' ') : s).flat();
5618 | bulletEl.classList.remove(...classesToRemove);
5619 | });
5620 | if (el.length > 1) {
5621 | bullets.forEach(bullet => {
5622 | const bulletIndex = elementIndex(bullet);
5623 | if (bulletIndex === current) {
5624 | bullet.classList.add(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' '));
5625 | } else if (swiper.isElement) {
5626 | bullet.setAttribute('part', 'bullet');
5627 | }
5628 | if (params.dynamicBullets) {
5629 | if (bulletIndex >= firstIndex && bulletIndex <= lastIndex) {
5630 | bullet.classList.add(...`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`.split(' '));
5631 | }
5632 | if (bulletIndex === firstIndex) {
5633 | setSideBullets(bullet, 'prev');
5634 | }
5635 | if (bulletIndex === lastIndex) {
5636 | setSideBullets(bullet, 'next');
5637 | }
5638 | }
5639 | });
5640 | } else {
5641 | const bullet = bullets[current];
5642 | if (bullet) {
5643 | bullet.classList.add(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' '));
5644 | }
5645 | if (swiper.isElement) {
5646 | bullets.forEach((bulletEl, bulletIndex) => {
5647 | bulletEl.setAttribute('part', bulletIndex === current ? 'bullet-active' : 'bullet');
5648 | });
5649 | }
5650 | if (params.dynamicBullets) {
5651 | const firstDisplayedBullet = bullets[firstIndex];
5652 | const lastDisplayedBullet = bullets[lastIndex];
5653 | for (let i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i += 1) {
5654 | if (bullets[i]) {
5655 | bullets[i].classList.add(...`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`.split(' '));
5656 | }
5657 | }
5658 | setSideBullets(firstDisplayedBullet, 'prev');
5659 | setSideBullets(lastDisplayedBullet, 'next');
5660 | }
5661 | }
5662 | if (params.dynamicBullets) {
5663 | const dynamicBulletsLength = Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets + 4);
5664 | const bulletsOffset = (bulletSize * dynamicBulletsLength - bulletSize) / 2 - midIndex * bulletSize;
5665 | const offsetProp = rtl ? 'right' : 'left';
5666 | bullets.forEach(bullet => {
5667 | bullet.style[swiper.isHorizontal() ? offsetProp : 'top'] = `${bulletsOffset}px`;
5668 | });
5669 | }
5670 | }
5671 | el.forEach((subEl, subElIndex) => {
5672 | if (params.type === 'fraction') {
5673 | subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.currentClass)).forEach(fractionEl => {
5674 | fractionEl.textContent = params.formatFractionCurrent(current + 1);
5675 | });
5676 | subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.totalClass)).forEach(totalEl => {
5677 | totalEl.textContent = params.formatFractionTotal(total);
5678 | });
5679 | }
5680 | if (params.type === 'progressbar') {
5681 | let progressbarDirection;
5682 | if (params.progressbarOpposite) {
5683 | progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
5684 | } else {
5685 | progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
5686 | }
5687 | const scale = (current + 1) / total;
5688 | let scaleX = 1;
5689 | let scaleY = 1;
5690 | if (progressbarDirection === 'horizontal') {
5691 | scaleX = scale;
5692 | } else {
5693 | scaleY = scale;
5694 | }
5695 | subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.progressbarFillClass)).forEach(progressEl => {
5696 | progressEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(${scaleX}) scaleY(${scaleY})`;
5697 | progressEl.style.transitionDuration = `${swiper.params.speed}ms`;
5698 | });
5699 | }
5700 | if (params.type === 'custom' && params.renderCustom) {
5701 | subEl.innerHTML = params.renderCustom(swiper, current + 1, total);
5702 | if (subElIndex === 0) emit('paginationRender', subEl);
5703 | } else {
5704 | if (subElIndex === 0) emit('paginationRender', subEl);
5705 | emit('paginationUpdate', subEl);
5706 | }
5707 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
5708 | subEl.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](params.lockClass);
5709 | }
5710 | });
5711 | }
5712 | function render() {
5713 |
5714 | const params = swiper.params.pagination;
5715 | if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
5716 | const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1 ? swiper.slides.length / Math.ceil(swiper.params.grid.rows) : swiper.slides.length;
5717 | let el = swiper.pagination.el;
5718 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5719 | let paginationHTML = '';
5720 | if (params.type === 'bullets') {
5721 | let numberOfBullets = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil(slidesLength / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;
5722 | if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled && numberOfBullets > slidesLength) {
5723 | numberOfBullets = slidesLength;
5724 | }
5725 | for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBullets; i += 1) {
5726 | if (params.renderBullet) {
5727 | paginationHTML += params.renderBullet.call(swiper, i, params.bulletClass);
5728 | } else {
5729 |
5730 | paginationHTML += `<${params.bulletElement} ${swiper.isElement ? 'part="bullet"' : ''} class="${params.bulletClass}"></${params.bulletElement}>`;
5731 | }
5732 | }
5733 | }
5734 | if (params.type === 'fraction') {
5735 | if (params.renderFraction) {
5736 | paginationHTML = params.renderFraction.call(swiper, params.currentClass, params.totalClass);
5737 | } else {
5738 | paginationHTML = `<span class="${params.currentClass}"></span>` + ' / ' + `<span class="${params.totalClass}"></span>`;
5739 | }
5740 | }
5741 | if (params.type === 'progressbar') {
5742 | if (params.renderProgressbar) {
5743 | paginationHTML = params.renderProgressbar.call(swiper, params.progressbarFillClass);
5744 | } else {
5745 | paginationHTML = `<span class="${params.progressbarFillClass}"></span>`;
5746 | }
5747 | }
5748 | swiper.pagination.bullets = [];
5749 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5750 | if (params.type !== 'custom') {
5751 | subEl.innerHTML = paginationHTML || '';
5752 | }
5753 | if (params.type === 'bullets') {
5754 | swiper.pagination.bullets.push(...subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.bulletClass)));
5755 | }
5756 | });
5757 | if (params.type !== 'custom') {
5758 | emit('paginationRender', el[0]);
5759 | }
5760 | }
5761 | function init() {
5762 | swiper.params.pagination = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.pagination, swiper.params.pagination, {
5763 | el: 'swiper-pagination'
5764 | });
5765 | const params = swiper.params.pagination;
5766 | if (!params.el) return;
5767 | let el;
5768 | if (typeof params.el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {
5769 | el = swiper.el.querySelector(params.el);
5770 | }
5771 | if (!el && typeof params.el === 'string') {
5772 | el = [...document.querySelectorAll(params.el)];
5773 | }
5774 | if (!el) {
5775 | el = params.el;
5776 | }
5777 | if (!el || el.length === 0) return;
5778 | if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && Array.isArray(el) && el.length > 1) {
5779 | el = [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll(params.el)];
5780 |
5781 | if (el.length > 1) {
5782 | el = el.find(subEl => {
5783 | if (elementParents(subEl, '.swiper')[0] !== swiper.el) return false;
5784 | return true;
5785 | });
5786 | }
5787 | }
5788 | if (Array.isArray(el) && el.length === 1) el = el[0];
5789 | Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {
5790 | el
5791 | });
5792 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5793 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5794 | if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.clickable) {
5795 | subEl.classList.add(...(params.clickableClass || '').split(' '));
5796 | }
5797 | subEl.classList.add(params.modifierClass + params.type);
5798 | subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
5799 | if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.dynamicBullets) {
5800 | subEl.classList.add(`${params.modifierClass}${params.type}-dynamic`);
5801 | dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
5802 | if (params.dynamicMainBullets < 1) {
5803 | params.dynamicMainBullets = 1;
5804 | }
5805 | }
5806 | if (params.type === 'progressbar' && params.progressbarOpposite) {
5807 | subEl.classList.add(params.progressbarOppositeClass);
5808 | }
5809 | if (params.clickable) {
5810 | subEl.addEventListener('click', onBulletClick);
5811 | }
5812 | if (!swiper.enabled) {
5813 | subEl.classList.add(params.lockClass);
5814 | }
5815 | });
5816 | }
5817 | function destroy() {
5818 | const params = swiper.params.pagination;
5819 | if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
5820 | let el = swiper.pagination.el;
5821 | if (el) {
5822 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5823 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5824 | subEl.classList.remove(params.hiddenClass);
5825 | subEl.classList.remove(params.modifierClass + params.type);
5826 | subEl.classList.remove(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
5827 | if (params.clickable) {
5828 | subEl.classList.remove(...(params.clickableClass || '').split(' '));
5829 | subEl.removeEventListener('click', onBulletClick);
5830 | }
5831 | });
5832 | }
5833 | if (swiper.pagination.bullets) swiper.pagination.bullets.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.remove(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' ')));
5834 | }
5835 | on('changeDirection', () => {
5836 | if (!swiper.pagination || !swiper.pagination.el) return;
5837 | const params = swiper.params.pagination;
5838 | let {
5839 | el
5840 | } = swiper.pagination;
5841 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5842 | el.forEach(subEl => {
5843 | subEl.classList.remove(params.horizontalClass, params.verticalClass);
5844 | subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
5845 | });
5846 | });
5847 | on('init', () => {
5848 | if (swiper.params.pagination.enabled === false) {
5849 |
5850 | disable();
5851 | } else {
5852 | init();
5853 | render();
5854 | update();
5855 | }
5856 | });
5857 | on('activeIndexChange', () => {
5858 | if (typeof swiper.snapIndex === 'undefined') {
5859 | update();
5860 | }
5861 | });
5862 | on('snapIndexChange', () => {
5863 | update();
5864 | });
5865 | on('snapGridLengthChange', () => {
5866 | render();
5867 | update();
5868 | });
5869 | on('destroy', () => {
5870 | destroy();
5871 | });
5872 | on('enable disable', () => {
5873 | let {
5874 | el
5875 | } = swiper.pagination;
5876 | if (el) {
5877 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5878 | el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](swiper.params.pagination.lockClass));
5879 | }
5880 | });
5881 | on('lock unlock', () => {
5882 | update();
5883 | });
5884 | on('click', (_s, e) => {
5885 | const targetEl = e.target;
5886 | const el = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);
5887 | if (swiper.params.pagination.el && swiper.params.pagination.hideOnClick && el && el.length > 0 && !targetEl.classList.contains(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass)) {
5888 | if (swiper.navigation && (swiper.navigation.nextEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.nextEl || swiper.navigation.prevEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.prevEl)) return;
5889 | const isHidden = el[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass);
5890 | if (isHidden === true) {
5891 | emit('paginationShow');
5892 | } else {
5893 | emit('paginationHide');
5894 | }
5895 | el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.toggle(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass));
5896 | }
5897 | });
5898 | const enable = () => {
5899 | swiper.el.classList.remove(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass);
5900 | let {
5901 | el
5902 | } = swiper.pagination;
5903 | if (el) {
5904 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5905 | el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.remove(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass));
5906 | }
5907 | init();
5908 | render();
5909 | update();
5910 | };
5911 | const disable = () => {
5912 | swiper.el.classList.add(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass);
5913 | let {
5914 | el
5915 | } = swiper.pagination;
5916 | if (el) {
5917 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
5918 | el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.add(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass));
5919 | }
5920 | destroy();
5921 | };
5922 | Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {
5923 | enable,
5924 | disable,
5925 | render,
5926 | update,
5927 | init,
5928 | destroy
5929 | });
5930 | }
5931 |
5932 | function Scrollbar(_ref) {
5933 | let {
5934 | swiper,
5935 | extendParams,
5936 | on,
5937 | emit
5938 | } = _ref;
5939 | const document = getDocument();
5940 | let isTouched = false;
5941 | let timeout = null;
5942 | let dragTimeout = null;
5943 | let dragStartPos;
5944 | let dragSize;
5945 | let trackSize;
5946 | let divider;
5947 | extendParams({
5948 | scrollbar: {
5949 | el: null,
5950 | dragSize: 'auto',
5951 | hide: false,
5952 | draggable: false,
5953 | snapOnRelease: true,
5954 | lockClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-lock',
5955 | dragClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-drag',
5956 | scrollbarDisabledClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-disabled',
5957 | horizontalClass: `swiper-scrollbar-horizontal`,
5958 | verticalClass: `swiper-scrollbar-vertical`
5959 | }
5960 | });
5961 | swiper.scrollbar = {
5962 | el: null,
5963 | dragEl: null
5964 | };
5965 | function setTranslate() {
5966 | if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
5967 | const {
5968 | scrollbar,
5969 | rtlTranslate: rtl
5970 | } = swiper;
5971 | const {
5972 | dragEl,
5973 | el
5974 | } = scrollbar;
5975 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
5976 | const progress = swiper.params.loop ? swiper.progressLoop : swiper.progress;
5977 | let newSize = dragSize;
5978 | let newPos = (trackSize - dragSize) * progress;
5979 | if (rtl) {
5980 | newPos = -newPos;
5981 | if (newPos > 0) {
5982 | newSize = dragSize - newPos;
5983 | newPos = 0;
5984 | } else if (-newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {
5985 | newSize = trackSize + newPos;
5986 | }
5987 | } else if (newPos < 0) {
5988 | newSize = dragSize + newPos;
5989 | newPos = 0;
5990 | } else if (newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {
5991 | newSize = trackSize - newPos;
5992 | }
5993 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
5994 | dragEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${newPos}px, 0, 0)`;
5995 | dragEl.style.width = `${newSize}px`;
5996 | } else {
5997 | dragEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0px, ${newPos}px, 0)`;
5998 | dragEl.style.height = `${newSize}px`;
5999 | }
6000 | if (params.hide) {
6001 | clearTimeout(timeout);
6002 | el.style.opacity = 1;
6003 | timeout = setTimeout(() => {
6004 | el.style.opacity = 0;
6005 | el.style.transitionDuration = '400ms';
6006 | }, 1000);
6007 | }
6008 | }
6009 | function setTransition(duration) {
6010 | if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
6011 | swiper.scrollbar.dragEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
6012 | }
6013 | function updateSize() {
6014 | if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
6015 | const {
6016 | scrollbar
6017 | } = swiper;
6018 | const {
6019 | dragEl,
6020 | el
6021 | } = scrollbar;
6022 | dragEl.style.width = '';
6023 | dragEl.style.height = '';
6024 | trackSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? el.offsetWidth : el.offsetHeight;
6025 | divider = swiper.size / (swiper.virtualSize + swiper.params.slidesOffsetBefore - (swiper.params.centeredSlides ? swiper.snapGrid[0] : 0));
6026 | if (swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize === 'auto') {
6027 | dragSize = trackSize * divider;
6028 | } else {
6029 | dragSize = parseInt(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize, 10);
6030 | }
6031 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
6032 | dragEl.style.width = `${dragSize}px`;
6033 | } else {
6034 | dragEl.style.height = `${dragSize}px`;
6035 | }
6036 | if (divider >= 1) {
6037 | el.style.display = 'none';
6038 | } else {
6039 | el.style.display = '';
6040 | }
6041 | if (swiper.params.scrollbar.hide) {
6042 | el.style.opacity = 0;
6043 | }
6044 | if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
6045 | scrollbar.el.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass);
6046 | }
6047 | }
6048 | function getPointerPosition(e) {
6049 | return swiper.isHorizontal() ? e.clientX : e.clientY;
6050 | }
6051 | function setDragPosition(e) {
6052 | const {
6053 | scrollbar,
6054 | rtlTranslate: rtl
6055 | } = swiper;
6056 | const {
6057 | el
6058 | } = scrollbar;
6059 | let positionRatio;
6060 | positionRatio = (getPointerPosition(e) - elementOffset(el)[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] - (dragStartPos !== null ? dragStartPos : dragSize / 2)) / (trackSize - dragSize);
6061 | positionRatio = Math.max(Math.min(positionRatio, 1), 0);
6062 | if (rtl) {
6063 | positionRatio = 1 - positionRatio;
6064 | }
6065 | const position = swiper.minTranslate() + (swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate()) * positionRatio;
6066 | swiper.updateProgress(position);
6067 | swiper.setTranslate(position);
6068 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
6069 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
6070 | }
6071 | function onDragStart(e) {
6072 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
6073 | const {
6074 | scrollbar,
6075 | wrapperEl
6076 | } = swiper;
6077 | const {
6078 | el,
6079 | dragEl
6080 | } = scrollbar;
6081 | isTouched = true;
6082 | dragStartPos = e.target === dragEl ? getPointerPosition(e) - e.target.getBoundingClientRect()[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] : null;
6083 | e.preventDefault();
6084 | e.stopPropagation();
6085 | wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '100ms';
6086 | dragEl.style.transitionDuration = '100ms';
6087 | setDragPosition(e);
6088 | clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
6089 | el.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6090 | if (params.hide) {
6091 | el.style.opacity = 1;
6092 | }
6093 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
6094 | swiper.wrapperEl.style['scroll-snap-type'] = 'none';
6095 | }
6096 | emit('scrollbarDragStart', e);
6097 | }
6098 | function onDragMove(e) {
6099 | const {
6100 | scrollbar,
6101 | wrapperEl
6102 | } = swiper;
6103 | const {
6104 | el,
6105 | dragEl
6106 | } = scrollbar;
6107 | if (!isTouched) return;
6108 | if (e.preventDefault && e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
6109 | setDragPosition(e);
6110 | wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6111 | el.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6112 | dragEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6113 | emit('scrollbarDragMove', e);
6114 | }
6115 | function onDragEnd(e) {
6116 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
6117 | const {
6118 | scrollbar,
6119 | wrapperEl
6120 | } = swiper;
6121 | const {
6122 | el
6123 | } = scrollbar;
6124 | if (!isTouched) return;
6125 | isTouched = false;
6126 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
6127 | swiper.wrapperEl.style['scroll-snap-type'] = '';
6128 | wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '';
6129 | }
6130 | if (params.hide) {
6131 | clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
6132 | dragTimeout = nextTick(() => {
6133 | el.style.opacity = 0;
6134 | el.style.transitionDuration = '400ms';
6135 | }, 1000);
6136 | }
6137 | emit('scrollbarDragEnd', e);
6138 | if (params.snapOnRelease) {
6139 | swiper.slideToClosest();
6140 | }
6141 | }
6142 | function events(method) {
6143 | const {
6144 | scrollbar,
6145 | params
6146 | } = swiper;
6147 | const el = scrollbar.el;
6148 | if (!el) return;
6149 | const target = el;
6150 | const activeListener = params.passiveListeners ? {
6151 | passive: false,
6152 | capture: false
6153 | } : false;
6154 | const passiveListener = params.passiveListeners ? {
6155 | passive: true,
6156 | capture: false
6157 | } : false;
6158 | if (!target) return;
6159 | const eventMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
6160 | target[eventMethod]('pointerdown', onDragStart, activeListener);
6161 | document[eventMethod]('pointermove', onDragMove, activeListener);
6162 | document[eventMethod]('pointerup', onDragEnd, passiveListener);
6163 | }
6164 | function enableDraggable() {
6165 | if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
6166 | events('on');
6167 | }
6168 | function disableDraggable() {
6169 | if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
6170 | events('off');
6171 | }
6172 | function init() {
6173 | const {
6174 | scrollbar,
6175 | el: swiperEl
6176 | } = swiper;
6177 | swiper.params.scrollbar = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.scrollbar, swiper.params.scrollbar, {
6178 | el: 'swiper-scrollbar'
6179 | });
6180 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
6181 | if (!params.el) return;
6182 | let el;
6183 | if (typeof params.el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {
6184 | el = swiper.el.querySelector(params.el);
6185 | }
6186 | if (!el && typeof params.el === 'string') {
6187 | el = document.querySelectorAll(params.el);
6188 | if (!el.length) return;
6189 | } else if (!el) {
6190 | el = params.el;
6191 | }
6192 | if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && el.length > 1 && swiperEl.querySelectorAll(params.el).length === 1) {
6193 | el = swiperEl.querySelector(params.el);
6194 | }
6195 | if (el.length > 0) el = el[0];
6196 | el.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
6197 | let dragEl;
6198 | if (el) {
6199 | dragEl = el.querySelector(classesToSelector(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragClass));
6200 | if (!dragEl) {
6201 | dragEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.scrollbar.dragClass);
6202 | el.append(dragEl);
6203 | }
6204 | }
6205 | Object.assign(scrollbar, {
6206 | el,
6207 | dragEl
6208 | });
6209 | if (params.draggable) {
6210 | enableDraggable();
6211 | }
6212 | if (el) {
6213 | el.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass));
6214 | }
6215 | }
6216 | function destroy() {
6217 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
6218 | const el = swiper.scrollbar.el;
6219 | if (el) {
6220 | el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass));
6221 | }
6222 | disableDraggable();
6223 | }
6224 | on('changeDirection', () => {
6225 | if (!swiper.scrollbar || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
6226 | const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
6227 | let {
6228 | el
6229 | } = swiper.scrollbar;
6230 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
6231 | el.forEach(subEl => {
6232 | subEl.classList.remove(params.horizontalClass, params.verticalClass);
6233 | subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
6234 | });
6235 | });
6236 | on('init', () => {
6237 | if (swiper.params.scrollbar.enabled === false) {
6238 |
6239 | disable();
6240 | } else {
6241 | init();
6242 | updateSize();
6243 | setTranslate();
6244 | }
6245 | });
6246 | on('update resize observerUpdate lock unlock changeDirection', () => {
6247 | updateSize();
6248 | });
6249 | on('setTranslate', () => {
6250 | setTranslate();
6251 | });
6252 | on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
6253 | setTransition(duration);
6254 | });
6255 | on('enable disable', () => {
6256 | const {
6257 | el
6258 | } = swiper.scrollbar;
6259 | if (el) {
6260 | el.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass));
6261 | }
6262 | });
6263 | on('destroy', () => {
6264 | destroy();
6265 | });
6266 | const enable = () => {
6267 | swiper.el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));
6268 | if (swiper.scrollbar.el) {
6269 | swiper.scrollbar.el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));
6270 | }
6271 | init();
6272 | updateSize();
6273 | setTranslate();
6274 | };
6275 | const disable = () => {
6276 | swiper.el.classList.add(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));
6277 | if (swiper.scrollbar.el) {
6278 | swiper.scrollbar.el.classList.add(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));
6279 | }
6280 | destroy();
6281 | };
6282 | Object.assign(swiper.scrollbar, {
6283 | enable,
6284 | disable,
6285 | updateSize,
6286 | setTranslate,
6287 | init,
6288 | destroy
6289 | });
6290 | }
6291 |
6292 | function Parallax(_ref) {
6293 | let {
6294 | swiper,
6295 | extendParams,
6296 | on
6297 | } = _ref;
6298 | extendParams({
6299 | parallax: {
6300 | enabled: false
6301 | }
6302 | });
6303 | const elementsSelector = '[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]';
6304 | const setTransform = (el, progress) => {
6305 | const {
6306 | rtl
6307 | } = swiper;
6308 | const rtlFactor = rtl ? -1 : 1;
6309 | const p = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax') || '0';
6310 | let x = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-x');
6311 | let y = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-y');
6312 | const scale = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-scale');
6313 | const opacity = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-opacity');
6314 | const rotate = el.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-rotate');
6315 | if (x || y) {
6316 | x = x || '0';
6317 | y = y || '0';
6318 | } else if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
6319 | x = p;
6320 | y = '0';
6321 | } else {
6322 | y = p;
6323 | x = '0';
6324 | }
6325 | if (x.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
6326 | x = `${parseInt(x, 10) * progress * rtlFactor}%`;
6327 | } else {
6328 | x = `${x * progress * rtlFactor}px`;
6329 | }
6330 | if (y.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
6331 | y = `${parseInt(y, 10) * progress}%`;
6332 | } else {
6333 | y = `${y * progress}px`;
6334 | }
6335 | if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined' && opacity !== null) {
6336 | const currentOpacity = opacity - (opacity - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(progress));
6337 | el.style.opacity = currentOpacity;
6338 | }
6339 | let transform = `translate3d(${x}, ${y}, 0px)`;
6340 | if (typeof scale !== 'undefined' && scale !== null) {
6341 | const currentScale = scale - (scale - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(progress));
6342 | transform += ` scale(${currentScale})`;
6343 | }
6344 | if (rotate && typeof rotate !== 'undefined' && rotate !== null) {
6345 | const currentRotate = rotate * progress * -1;
6346 | transform += ` rotate(${currentRotate}deg)`;
6347 | }
6348 | el.style.transform = transform;
6349 | };
6350 | const setTranslate = () => {
6351 | const {
6352 | el,
6353 | slides,
6354 | progress,
6355 | snapGrid,
6356 | isElement
6357 | } = swiper;
6358 | const elements = elementChildren(el, elementsSelector);
6359 | if (swiper.isElement) {
6360 | elements.push(...elementChildren(swiper.hostEl, elementsSelector));
6361 | }
6362 | elements.forEach(subEl => {
6363 | setTransform(subEl, progress);
6364 | });
6365 | slides.forEach((slideEl, slideIndex) => {
6366 | let slideProgress = slideEl.progress;
6367 | if (swiper.params.slidesPerGroup > 1 && swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto') {
6368 | slideProgress += Math.ceil(slideIndex / 2) - progress * (snapGrid.length - 1);
6369 | }
6370 | slideProgress = Math.min(Math.max(slideProgress, -1), 1);
6371 | slideEl.querySelectorAll(`${elementsSelector}, [data-swiper-parallax-rotate]`).forEach(subEl => {
6372 | setTransform(subEl, slideProgress);
6373 | });
6374 | });
6375 | };
6376 | const setTransition = function (duration) {
6377 | if (duration === void 0) {
6378 | duration = swiper.params.speed;
6379 | }
6380 | const {
6381 | el,
6382 | hostEl
6383 | } = swiper;
6384 | const elements = [...el.querySelectorAll(elementsSelector)];
6385 | if (swiper.isElement) {
6386 | elements.push(...hostEl.querySelectorAll(elementsSelector));
6387 | }
6388 | elements.forEach(parallaxEl => {
6389 | let parallaxDuration = parseInt(parallaxEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-parallax-duration'), 10) || duration;
6390 | if (duration === 0) parallaxDuration = 0;
6391 | parallaxEl.style.transitionDuration = `${parallaxDuration}ms`;
6392 | });
6393 | };
6394 | on('beforeInit', () => {
6395 | if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
6396 | swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
6397 | swiper.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = true;
6398 | });
6399 | on('init', () => {
6400 | if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
6401 | setTranslate();
6402 | });
6403 | on('setTranslate', () => {
6404 | if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
6405 | setTranslate();
6406 | });
6407 | on('setTransition', (_swiper, duration) => {
6408 | if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
6409 | setTransition(duration);
6410 | });
6411 | }
6412 |
6413 | function Zoom(_ref) {
6414 | let {
6415 | swiper,
6416 | extendParams,
6417 | on,
6418 | emit
6419 | } = _ref;
6420 | const window = getWindow();
6421 | extendParams({
6422 | zoom: {
6423 | enabled: false,
6424 | limitToOriginalSize: false,
6425 | maxRatio: 3,
6426 | minRatio: 1,
6427 | panOnMouseMove: false,
6428 | toggle: true,
6429 | containerClass: 'swiper-zoom-container',
6430 | zoomedSlideClass: 'swiper-slide-zoomed'
6431 | }
6432 | });
6433 | swiper.zoom = {
6434 | enabled: false
6435 | };
6436 | let currentScale = 1;
6437 | let isScaling = false;
6438 | let isPanningWithMouse = false;
6439 | let mousePanStart = {
6440 | x: 0,
6441 | y: 0
6442 | };
6443 | const mousePanSensitivity = -3;
6444 | let fakeGestureTouched;
6445 | let fakeGestureMoved;
6446 | const evCache = [];
6447 | const gesture = {
6448 | originX: 0,
6449 | originY: 0,
6450 | slideEl: undefined,
6451 | slideWidth: undefined,
6452 | slideHeight: undefined,
6453 | imageEl: undefined,
6454 | imageWrapEl: undefined,
6455 | maxRatio: 3
6456 | };
6457 | const image = {
6458 | isTouched: undefined,
6459 | isMoved: undefined,
6460 | currentX: undefined,
6461 | currentY: undefined,
6462 | minX: undefined,
6463 | minY: undefined,
6464 | maxX: undefined,
6465 | maxY: undefined,
6466 | width: undefined,
6467 | height: undefined,
6468 | startX: undefined,
6469 | startY: undefined,
6470 | touchesStart: {},
6471 | touchesCurrent: {}
6472 | };
6473 | const velocity = {
6474 | x: undefined,
6475 | y: undefined,
6476 | prevPositionX: undefined,
6477 | prevPositionY: undefined,
6478 | prevTime: undefined
6479 | };
6480 | let scale = 1;
6481 | Object.defineProperty(swiper.zoom, 'scale', {
6482 | get() {
6483 | return scale;
6484 | },
6485 | set(value) {
6486 | if (scale !== value) {
6487 | const imageEl = gesture.imageEl;
6488 | const slideEl = gesture.slideEl;
6489 | emit('zoomChange', value, imageEl, slideEl);
6490 | }
6491 | scale = value;
6492 | }
6493 | });
6494 | function getDistanceBetweenTouches() {
6495 | if (evCache.length < 2) return 1;
6496 | const x1 = evCache[0].pageX;
6497 | const y1 = evCache[0].pageY;
6498 | const x2 = evCache[1].pageX;
6499 | const y2 = evCache[1].pageY;
6500 | const distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2);
6501 | return distance;
6502 | }
6503 | function getMaxRatio() {
6504 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6505 | const maxRatio = gesture.imageWrapEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxRatio;
6506 | if (params.limitToOriginalSize && gesture.imageEl && gesture.imageEl.naturalWidth) {
6507 | const imageMaxRatio = gesture.imageEl.naturalWidth / gesture.imageEl.offsetWidth;
6508 | return Math.min(imageMaxRatio, maxRatio);
6509 | }
6510 | return maxRatio;
6511 | }
6512 | function getScaleOrigin() {
6513 | if (evCache.length < 2) return {
6514 | x: null,
6515 | y: null
6516 | };
6517 | const box = gesture.imageEl.getBoundingClientRect();
6518 | return [(evCache[0].pageX + (evCache[1].pageX - evCache[0].pageX) / 2 - box.x - window.scrollX) / currentScale, (evCache[0].pageY + (evCache[1].pageY - evCache[0].pageY) / 2 - box.y - window.scrollY) / currentScale];
6519 | }
6520 | function getSlideSelector() {
6521 | return swiper.isElement ? `swiper-slide` : `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`;
6522 | }
6523 | function eventWithinSlide(e) {
6524 | const slideSelector = getSlideSelector();
6525 | if (e.target.matches(slideSelector)) return true;
6526 | if (swiper.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.contains(e.target)).length > 0) return true;
6527 | return false;
6528 | }
6529 | function eventWithinZoomContainer(e) {
6530 | const selector = `.${swiper.params.zoom.containerClass}`;
6531 | if (e.target.matches(selector)) return true;
6532 | if ([...swiper.hostEl.querySelectorAll(selector)].filter(containerEl => containerEl.contains(e.target)).length > 0) return true;
6533 | return false;
6534 | }
6535 |
6536 |
6537 | function onGestureStart(e) {
6538 | if (e.pointerType === 'mouse') {
6539 | evCache.splice(0, evCache.length);
6540 | }
6541 | if (!eventWithinSlide(e)) return;
6542 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6543 | fakeGestureTouched = false;
6544 | fakeGestureMoved = false;
6545 | evCache.push(e);
6546 | if (evCache.length < 2) {
6547 | return;
6548 | }
6549 | fakeGestureTouched = true;
6550 | gesture.scaleStart = getDistanceBetweenTouches();
6551 | if (!gesture.slideEl) {
6552 | gesture.slideEl = e.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
6553 | if (!gesture.slideEl) gesture.slideEl = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
6554 | let imageEl = gesture.slideEl.querySelector(`.${params.containerClass}`);
6555 | if (imageEl) {
6556 | imageEl = imageEl.querySelectorAll('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target')[0];
6557 | }
6558 | gesture.imageEl = imageEl;
6559 | if (imageEl) {
6560 | gesture.imageWrapEl = elementParents(gesture.imageEl, `.${params.containerClass}`)[0];
6561 | } else {
6562 | gesture.imageWrapEl = undefined;
6563 | }
6564 | if (!gesture.imageWrapEl) {
6565 | gesture.imageEl = undefined;
6566 | return;
6567 | }
6568 | gesture.maxRatio = getMaxRatio();
6569 | }
6570 | if (gesture.imageEl) {
6571 | const [originX, originY] = getScaleOrigin();
6572 | gesture.originX = originX;
6573 | gesture.originY = originY;
6574 | gesture.imageEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6575 | }
6576 | isScaling = true;
6577 | }
6578 | function onGestureChange(e) {
6579 | if (!eventWithinSlide(e)) return;
6580 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6581 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6582 | const pointerIndex = evCache.findIndex(cachedEv => cachedEv.pointerId === e.pointerId);
6583 | if (pointerIndex >= 0) evCache[pointerIndex] = e;
6584 | if (evCache.length < 2) {
6585 | return;
6586 | }
6587 | fakeGestureMoved = true;
6588 | gesture.scaleMove = getDistanceBetweenTouches();
6589 | if (!gesture.imageEl) {
6590 | return;
6591 | }
6592 | zoom.scale = gesture.scaleMove / gesture.scaleStart * currentScale;
6593 | if (zoom.scale > gesture.maxRatio) {
6594 | zoom.scale = gesture.maxRatio - 1 + (zoom.scale - gesture.maxRatio + 1) ** 0.5;
6595 | }
6596 | if (zoom.scale < params.minRatio) {
6597 | zoom.scale = params.minRatio + 1 - (params.minRatio - zoom.scale + 1) ** 0.5;
6598 | }
6599 | gesture.imageEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`;
6600 | }
6601 | function onGestureEnd(e) {
6602 | if (!eventWithinSlide(e)) return;
6603 | if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' && e.type === 'pointerout') return;
6604 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6605 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6606 | const pointerIndex = evCache.findIndex(cachedEv => cachedEv.pointerId === e.pointerId);
6607 | if (pointerIndex >= 0) evCache.splice(pointerIndex, 1);
6608 | if (!fakeGestureTouched || !fakeGestureMoved) {
6609 | return;
6610 | }
6611 | fakeGestureTouched = false;
6612 | fakeGestureMoved = false;
6613 | if (!gesture.imageEl) return;
6614 | zoom.scale = Math.max(Math.min(zoom.scale, gesture.maxRatio), params.minRatio);
6615 | gesture.imageEl.style.transitionDuration = `${swiper.params.speed}ms`;
6616 | gesture.imageEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`;
6617 | currentScale = zoom.scale;
6618 | isScaling = false;
6619 | if (zoom.scale > 1 && gesture.slideEl) {
6620 | gesture.slideEl.classList.add(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
6621 | } else if (zoom.scale <= 1 && gesture.slideEl) {
6622 | gesture.slideEl.classList.remove(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
6623 | }
6624 | if (zoom.scale === 1) {
6625 | gesture.originX = 0;
6626 | gesture.originY = 0;
6627 | gesture.slideEl = undefined;
6628 | }
6629 | }
6630 | let allowTouchMoveTimeout;
6631 | function allowTouchMove() {
6632 | swiper.touchEventsData.preventTouchMoveFromPointerMove = false;
6633 | }
6634 | function preventTouchMove() {
6635 | clearTimeout(allowTouchMoveTimeout);
6636 | swiper.touchEventsData.preventTouchMoveFromPointerMove = true;
6637 | allowTouchMoveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
6638 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
6639 | allowTouchMove();
6640 | });
6641 | }
6642 | function onTouchStart(e) {
6643 | const device = swiper.device;
6644 | if (!gesture.imageEl) return;
6645 | if (image.isTouched) return;
6646 | if (device.android && e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
6647 | image.isTouched = true;
6648 | const event = evCache.length > 0 ? evCache[0] : e;
6649 | image.touchesStart.x = event.pageX;
6650 | image.touchesStart.y = event.pageY;
6651 | }
6652 | function onTouchMove(e) {
6653 | const isMouseEvent = e.pointerType === 'mouse';
6654 | const isMousePan = isMouseEvent && swiper.params.zoom.panOnMouseMove;
6655 | if (!eventWithinSlide(e) || !eventWithinZoomContainer(e)) {
6656 | return;
6657 | }
6658 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6659 | if (!gesture.imageEl) {
6660 | return;
6661 | }
6662 | if (!image.isTouched || !gesture.slideEl) {
6663 | if (isMousePan) onMouseMove(e);
6664 | return;
6665 | }
6666 | if (isMousePan) {
6667 | onMouseMove(e);
6668 | return;
6669 | }
6670 | if (!image.isMoved) {
6671 | image.width = gesture.imageEl.offsetWidth || gesture.imageEl.clientWidth;
6672 | image.height = gesture.imageEl.offsetHeight || gesture.imageEl.clientHeight;
6673 | image.startX = getTranslate(gesture.imageWrapEl, 'x') || 0;
6674 | image.startY = getTranslate(gesture.imageWrapEl, 'y') || 0;
6675 | gesture.slideWidth = gesture.slideEl.offsetWidth;
6676 | gesture.slideHeight = gesture.slideEl.offsetHeight;
6677 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6678 | }
6679 |
6680 | const scaledWidth = image.width * zoom.scale;
6681 | const scaledHeight = image.height * zoom.scale;
6682 | image.minX = Math.min(gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
6683 | image.maxX = -image.minX;
6684 | image.minY = Math.min(gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
6685 | image.maxY = -image.minY;
6686 | image.touchesCurrent.x = evCache.length > 0 ? evCache[0].pageX : e.pageX;
6687 | image.touchesCurrent.y = evCache.length > 0 ? evCache[0].pageY : e.pageY;
6688 | const touchesDiff = Math.max(Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.x - image.touchesStart.x), Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.y - image.touchesStart.y));
6689 | if (touchesDiff > 5) {
6690 | swiper.allowClick = false;
6691 | }
6692 | if (!image.isMoved && !isScaling) {
6693 | if (swiper.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(image.minX) === Math.floor(image.startX) && image.touchesCurrent.x < image.touchesStart.x || Math.floor(image.maxX) === Math.floor(image.startX) && image.touchesCurrent.x > image.touchesStart.x)) {
6694 | image.isTouched = false;
6695 | allowTouchMove();
6696 | return;
6697 | }
6698 | if (!swiper.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(image.minY) === Math.floor(image.startY) && image.touchesCurrent.y < image.touchesStart.y || Math.floor(image.maxY) === Math.floor(image.startY) && image.touchesCurrent.y > image.touchesStart.y)) {
6699 | image.isTouched = false;
6700 | allowTouchMove();
6701 | return;
6702 | }
6703 | }
6704 | if (e.cancelable) {
6705 | e.preventDefault();
6706 | }
6707 | e.stopPropagation();
6708 | preventTouchMove();
6709 | image.isMoved = true;
6710 | const scaleRatio = (zoom.scale - currentScale) / (gesture.maxRatio - swiper.params.zoom.minRatio);
6711 | const {
6712 | originX,
6713 | originY
6714 | } = gesture;
6715 | image.currentX = image.touchesCurrent.x - image.touchesStart.x + image.startX + scaleRatio * (image.width - originX * 2);
6716 | image.currentY = image.touchesCurrent.y - image.touchesStart.y + image.startY + scaleRatio * (image.height - originY * 2);
6717 | if (image.currentX < image.minX) {
6718 | image.currentX = image.minX + 1 - (image.minX - image.currentX + 1) ** 0.8;
6719 | }
6720 | if (image.currentX > image.maxX) {
6721 | image.currentX = image.maxX - 1 + (image.currentX - image.maxX + 1) ** 0.8;
6722 | }
6723 | if (image.currentY < image.minY) {
6724 | image.currentY = image.minY + 1 - (image.minY - image.currentY + 1) ** 0.8;
6725 | }
6726 | if (image.currentY > image.maxY) {
6727 | image.currentY = image.maxY - 1 + (image.currentY - image.maxY + 1) ** 0.8;
6728 | }
6729 |
6730 |
6731 | if (!velocity.prevPositionX) velocity.prevPositionX = image.touchesCurrent.x;
6732 | if (!velocity.prevPositionY) velocity.prevPositionY = image.touchesCurrent.y;
6733 | if (!velocity.prevTime) velocity.prevTime = Date.now();
6734 | velocity.x = (image.touchesCurrent.x - velocity.prevPositionX) / (Date.now() - velocity.prevTime) / 2;
6735 | velocity.y = (image.touchesCurrent.y - velocity.prevPositionY) / (Date.now() - velocity.prevTime) / 2;
6736 | if (Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.x - velocity.prevPositionX) < 2) velocity.x = 0;
6737 | if (Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.y - velocity.prevPositionY) < 2) velocity.y = 0;
6738 | velocity.prevPositionX = image.touchesCurrent.x;
6739 | velocity.prevPositionY = image.touchesCurrent.y;
6740 | velocity.prevTime = Date.now();
6741 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${image.currentX}px, ${image.currentY}px,0)`;
6742 | }
6743 | function onTouchEnd() {
6744 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6745 | evCache.length = 0;
6746 | if (!gesture.imageEl) return;
6747 | if (!image.isTouched || !image.isMoved) {
6748 | image.isTouched = false;
6749 | image.isMoved = false;
6750 | return;
6751 | }
6752 | image.isTouched = false;
6753 | image.isMoved = false;
6754 | let momentumDurationX = 300;
6755 | let momentumDurationY = 300;
6756 | const momentumDistanceX = velocity.x * momentumDurationX;
6757 | const newPositionX = image.currentX + momentumDistanceX;
6758 | const momentumDistanceY = velocity.y * momentumDurationY;
6759 | const newPositionY = image.currentY + momentumDistanceY;
6760 |
6761 |
6762 | if (velocity.x !== 0) momentumDurationX = Math.abs((newPositionX - image.currentX) / velocity.x);
6763 | if (velocity.y !== 0) momentumDurationY = Math.abs((newPositionY - image.currentY) / velocity.y);
6764 | const momentumDuration = Math.max(momentumDurationX, momentumDurationY);
6765 | image.currentX = newPositionX;
6766 | image.currentY = newPositionY;
6767 |
6768 | const scaledWidth = image.width * zoom.scale;
6769 | const scaledHeight = image.height * zoom.scale;
6770 | image.minX = Math.min(gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
6771 | image.maxX = -image.minX;
6772 | image.minY = Math.min(gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
6773 | image.maxY = -image.minY;
6774 | image.currentX = Math.max(Math.min(image.currentX, image.maxX), image.minX);
6775 | image.currentY = Math.max(Math.min(image.currentY, image.maxY), image.minY);
6776 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transitionDuration = `${momentumDuration}ms`;
6777 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${image.currentX}px, ${image.currentY}px,0)`;
6778 | }
6779 | function onTransitionEnd() {
6780 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6781 | if (gesture.slideEl && swiper.activeIndex !== swiper.slides.indexOf(gesture.slideEl)) {
6782 | if (gesture.imageEl) {
6783 | gesture.imageEl.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)';
6784 | }
6785 | if (gesture.imageWrapEl) {
6786 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
6787 | }
6788 | gesture.slideEl.classList.remove(`${swiper.params.zoom.zoomedSlideClass}`);
6789 | zoom.scale = 1;
6790 | currentScale = 1;
6791 | gesture.slideEl = undefined;
6792 | gesture.imageEl = undefined;
6793 | gesture.imageWrapEl = undefined;
6794 | gesture.originX = 0;
6795 | gesture.originY = 0;
6796 | }
6797 | }
6798 | function onMouseMove(e) {
6799 |
6800 | if (currentScale <= 1 || !gesture.imageWrapEl) return;
6801 | if (!eventWithinSlide(e) || !eventWithinZoomContainer(e)) return;
6802 | const currentTransform = window.getComputedStyle(gesture.imageWrapEl).transform;
6803 | const matrix = new window.DOMMatrix(currentTransform);
6804 | if (!isPanningWithMouse) {
6805 | isPanningWithMouse = true;
6806 | mousePanStart.x = e.clientX;
6807 | mousePanStart.y = e.clientY;
6808 | image.startX = matrix.e;
6809 | image.startY = matrix.f;
6810 | image.width = gesture.imageEl.offsetWidth || gesture.imageEl.clientWidth;
6811 | image.height = gesture.imageEl.offsetHeight || gesture.imageEl.clientHeight;
6812 | gesture.slideWidth = gesture.slideEl.offsetWidth;
6813 | gesture.slideHeight = gesture.slideEl.offsetHeight;
6814 | return;
6815 | }
6816 | const deltaX = (e.clientX - mousePanStart.x) * mousePanSensitivity;
6817 | const deltaY = (e.clientY - mousePanStart.y) * mousePanSensitivity;
6818 | const scaledWidth = image.width * currentScale;
6819 | const scaledHeight = image.height * currentScale;
6820 | const slideWidth = gesture.slideWidth;
6821 | const slideHeight = gesture.slideHeight;
6822 | const minX = Math.min(slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
6823 | const maxX = -minX;
6824 | const minY = Math.min(slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
6825 | const maxY = -minY;
6826 | const newX = Math.max(Math.min(image.startX + deltaX, maxX), minX);
6827 | const newY = Math.max(Math.min(image.startY + deltaY, maxY), minY);
6828 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';
6829 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${newX}px, ${newY}px, 0)`;
6830 | mousePanStart.x = e.clientX;
6831 | mousePanStart.y = e.clientY;
6832 | image.startX = newX;
6833 | image.startY = newY;
6834 | image.currentX = newX;
6835 | image.currentY = newY;
6836 | }
6837 | function zoomIn(e) {
6838 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6839 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6840 | if (!gesture.slideEl) {
6841 | if (e && e.target) {
6842 | gesture.slideEl = e.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
6843 | }
6844 | if (!gesture.slideEl) {
6845 | if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) {
6846 | gesture.slideEl = elementChildren(swiper.slidesEl, `.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`)[0];
6847 | } else {
6848 | gesture.slideEl = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
6849 | }
6850 | }
6851 | let imageEl = gesture.slideEl.querySelector(`.${params.containerClass}`);
6852 | if (imageEl) {
6853 | imageEl = imageEl.querySelectorAll('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target')[0];
6854 | }
6855 | gesture.imageEl = imageEl;
6856 | if (imageEl) {
6857 | gesture.imageWrapEl = elementParents(gesture.imageEl, `.${params.containerClass}`)[0];
6858 | } else {
6859 | gesture.imageWrapEl = undefined;
6860 | }
6861 | }
6862 | if (!gesture.imageEl || !gesture.imageWrapEl) return;
6863 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
6864 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = 'hidden';
6865 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.touchAction = 'none';
6866 | }
6867 | gesture.slideEl.classList.add(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
6868 | let touchX;
6869 | let touchY;
6870 | let offsetX;
6871 | let offsetY;
6872 | let diffX;
6873 | let diffY;
6874 | let translateX;
6875 | let translateY;
6876 | let imageWidth;
6877 | let imageHeight;
6878 | let scaledWidth;
6879 | let scaledHeight;
6880 | let translateMinX;
6881 | let translateMinY;
6882 | let translateMaxX;
6883 | let translateMaxY;
6884 | let slideWidth;
6885 | let slideHeight;
6886 | if (typeof image.touchesStart.x === 'undefined' && e) {
6887 | touchX = e.pageX;
6888 | touchY = e.pageY;
6889 | } else {
6890 | touchX = image.touchesStart.x;
6891 | touchY = image.touchesStart.y;
6892 | }
6893 | const prevScale = currentScale;
6894 | const forceZoomRatio = typeof e === 'number' ? e : null;
6895 | if (currentScale === 1 && forceZoomRatio) {
6896 | touchX = undefined;
6897 | touchY = undefined;
6898 | image.touchesStart.x = undefined;
6899 | image.touchesStart.y = undefined;
6900 | }
6901 | const maxRatio = getMaxRatio();
6902 | zoom.scale = forceZoomRatio || maxRatio;
6903 | currentScale = forceZoomRatio || maxRatio;
6904 | if (e && !(currentScale === 1 && forceZoomRatio)) {
6905 | slideWidth = gesture.slideEl.offsetWidth;
6906 | slideHeight = gesture.slideEl.offsetHeight;
6907 | offsetX = elementOffset(gesture.slideEl).left + window.scrollX;
6908 | offsetY = elementOffset(gesture.slideEl).top + window.scrollY;
6909 | diffX = offsetX + slideWidth / 2 - touchX;
6910 | diffY = offsetY + slideHeight / 2 - touchY;
6911 | imageWidth = gesture.imageEl.offsetWidth || gesture.imageEl.clientWidth;
6912 | imageHeight = gesture.imageEl.offsetHeight || gesture.imageEl.clientHeight;
6913 | scaledWidth = imageWidth * zoom.scale;
6914 | scaledHeight = imageHeight * zoom.scale;
6915 | translateMinX = Math.min(slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
6916 | translateMinY = Math.min(slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
6917 | translateMaxX = -translateMinX;
6918 | translateMaxY = -translateMinY;
6919 | if (prevScale > 0 && forceZoomRatio && typeof image.currentX === 'number' && typeof image.currentY === 'number') {
6920 | translateX = image.currentX * zoom.scale / prevScale;
6921 | translateY = image.currentY * zoom.scale / prevScale;
6922 | } else {
6923 | translateX = diffX * zoom.scale;
6924 | translateY = diffY * zoom.scale;
6925 | }
6926 | if (translateX < translateMinX) {
6927 | translateX = translateMinX;
6928 | }
6929 | if (translateX > translateMaxX) {
6930 | translateX = translateMaxX;
6931 | }
6932 | if (translateY < translateMinY) {
6933 | translateY = translateMinY;
6934 | }
6935 | if (translateY > translateMaxY) {
6936 | translateY = translateMaxY;
6937 | }
6938 | } else {
6939 | translateX = 0;
6940 | translateY = 0;
6941 | }
6942 | if (forceZoomRatio && zoom.scale === 1) {
6943 | gesture.originX = 0;
6944 | gesture.originY = 0;
6945 | }
6946 | image.currentX = translateX;
6947 | image.currentY = translateY;
6948 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transitionDuration = '300ms';
6949 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${translateX}px, ${translateY}px,0)`;
6950 | gesture.imageEl.style.transitionDuration = '300ms';
6951 | gesture.imageEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`;
6952 | }
6953 | function zoomOut() {
6954 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
6955 | const params = swiper.params.zoom;
6956 | if (!gesture.slideEl) {
6957 | if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) {
6958 | gesture.slideEl = elementChildren(swiper.slidesEl, `.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`)[0];
6959 | } else {
6960 | gesture.slideEl = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
6961 | }
6962 | let imageEl = gesture.slideEl.querySelector(`.${params.containerClass}`);
6963 | if (imageEl) {
6964 | imageEl = imageEl.querySelectorAll('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target')[0];
6965 | }
6966 | gesture.imageEl = imageEl;
6967 | if (imageEl) {
6968 | gesture.imageWrapEl = elementParents(gesture.imageEl, `.${params.containerClass}`)[0];
6969 | } else {
6970 | gesture.imageWrapEl = undefined;
6971 | }
6972 | }
6973 | if (!gesture.imageEl || !gesture.imageWrapEl) return;
6974 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
6975 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = '';
6976 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.touchAction = '';
6977 | }
6978 | zoom.scale = 1;
6979 | currentScale = 1;
6980 | image.currentX = undefined;
6981 | image.currentY = undefined;
6982 | image.touchesStart.x = undefined;
6983 | image.touchesStart.y = undefined;
6984 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transitionDuration = '300ms';
6985 | gesture.imageWrapEl.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
6986 | gesture.imageEl.style.transitionDuration = '300ms';
6987 | gesture.imageEl.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)';
6988 | gesture.slideEl.classList.remove(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
6989 | gesture.slideEl = undefined;
6990 | gesture.originX = 0;
6991 | gesture.originY = 0;
6992 | if (swiper.params.zoom.panOnMouseMove) {
6993 | mousePanStart = {
6994 | x: 0,
6995 | y: 0
6996 | };
6997 | if (isPanningWithMouse) {
6998 | isPanningWithMouse = false;
6999 | image.startX = 0;
7000 | image.startY = 0;
7001 | }
7002 | }
7003 | }
7004 |
7005 |
7006 | function zoomToggle(e) {
7007 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
7008 | if (zoom.scale && zoom.scale !== 1) {
7009 |
7010 | zoomOut();
7011 | } else {
7012 |
7013 | zoomIn(e);
7014 | }
7015 | }
7016 | function getListeners() {
7017 | const passiveListener = swiper.params.passiveListeners ? {
7018 | passive: true,
7019 | capture: false
7020 | } : false;
7021 | const activeListenerWithCapture = swiper.params.passiveListeners ? {
7022 | passive: false,
7023 | capture: true
7024 | } : true;
7025 | return {
7026 | passiveListener,
7027 | activeListenerWithCapture
7028 | };
7029 | }
7030 |
7031 |
7032 | function enable() {
7033 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
7034 | if (zoom.enabled) return;
7035 | zoom.enabled = true;
7036 | const {
7037 | passiveListener,
7038 | activeListenerWithCapture
7039 | } = getListeners();
7040 |
7041 |
7042 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('pointerdown', onGestureStart, passiveListener);
7043 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('pointermove', onGestureChange, activeListenerWithCapture);
7044 | ['pointerup', 'pointercancel', 'pointerout'].forEach(eventName => {
7045 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener(eventName, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
7046 | });
7047 |
7048 |
7049 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('pointermove', onTouchMove, activeListenerWithCapture);
7050 | }
7051 | function disable() {
7052 | const zoom = swiper.zoom;
7053 | if (!zoom.enabled) return;
7054 | zoom.enabled = false;
7055 | const {
7056 | passiveListener,
7057 | activeListenerWithCapture
7058 | } = getListeners();
7059 |
7060 |
7061 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('pointerdown', onGestureStart, passiveListener);
7062 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('pointermove', onGestureChange, activeListenerWithCapture);
7063 | ['pointerup', 'pointercancel', 'pointerout'].forEach(eventName => {
7064 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener(eventName, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
7065 | });
7066 |
7067 |
7068 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('pointermove', onTouchMove, activeListenerWithCapture);
7069 | }
7070 | on('init', () => {
7071 | if (swiper.params.zoom.enabled) {
7072 | enable();
7073 | }
7074 | });
7075 | on('destroy', () => {
7076 | disable();
7077 | });
7078 | on('touchStart', (_s, e) => {
7079 | if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return;
7080 | onTouchStart(e);
7081 | });
7082 | on('touchEnd', (_s, e) => {
7083 | if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return;
7084 | onTouchEnd();
7085 | });
7086 | on('doubleTap', (_s, e) => {
7087 | if (!swiper.animating && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.toggle) {
7088 | zoomToggle(e);
7089 | }
7090 | });
7091 | on('transitionEnd', () => {
7092 | if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled) {
7093 | onTransitionEnd();
7094 | }
7095 | });
7096 | on('slideChange', () => {
7097 | if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.cssMode) {
7098 | onTransitionEnd();
7099 | }
7100 | });
7101 | Object.assign(swiper.zoom, {
7102 | enable,
7103 | disable,
7104 | in: zoomIn,
7105 | out: zoomOut,
7106 | toggle: zoomToggle
7107 | });
7108 | }
7109 |
7110 |
7111 | function Controller(_ref) {
7112 | let {
7113 | swiper,
7114 | extendParams,
7115 | on
7116 | } = _ref;
7117 | extendParams({
7118 | controller: {
7119 | control: undefined,
7120 | inverse: false,
7121 | by: 'slide'
7122 | }
7123 | });
7124 |
7125 | swiper.controller = {
7126 | control: undefined
7127 | };
7128 | function LinearSpline(x, y) {
7129 | const binarySearch = function search() {
7130 | let maxIndex;
7131 | let minIndex;
7132 | let guess;
7133 | return (array, val) => {
7134 | minIndex = -1;
7135 | maxIndex = array.length;
7136 | while (maxIndex - minIndex > 1) {
7137 | guess = maxIndex + minIndex >> 1;
7138 | if (array[guess] <= val) {
7139 | minIndex = guess;
7140 | } else {
7141 | maxIndex = guess;
7142 | }
7143 | }
7144 | return maxIndex;
7145 | };
7146 | }();
7147 | this.x = x;
7148 | this.y = y;
7149 | this.lastIndex = x.length - 1;
7150 |
7151 |
7152 |
7153 | let i1;
7154 | let i3;
7155 | this.interpolate = function interpolate(x2) {
7156 | if (!x2) return 0;
7157 |
7158 |
7159 | i3 = binarySearch(this.x, x2);
7160 | i1 = i3 - 1;
7161 |
7162 |
7163 |
7164 | return (x2 - this.x[i1]) * (this.y[i3] - this.y[i1]) / (this.x[i3] - this.x[i1]) + this.y[i1];
7165 | };
7166 | return this;
7167 | }
7168 | function getInterpolateFunction(c) {
7169 | swiper.controller.spline = swiper.params.loop ? new LinearSpline(swiper.slidesGrid, c.slidesGrid) : new LinearSpline(swiper.snapGrid, c.snapGrid);
7170 | }
7171 | function setTranslate(_t, byController) {
7172 | const controlled = swiper.controller.control;
7173 | let multiplier;
7174 | let controlledTranslate;
7175 | const Swiper = swiper.constructor;
7176 | function setControlledTranslate(c) {
7177 | if (c.destroyed) return;
7178 |
7179 |
7180 |
7181 |
7182 |
7183 | const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate;
7184 | if (swiper.params.controller.by === 'slide') {
7185 | getInterpolateFunction(c);
7186 |
7187 |
7188 | controlledTranslate = -swiper.controller.spline.interpolate(-translate);
7189 | }
7190 | if (!controlledTranslate || swiper.params.controller.by === 'container') {
7191 | multiplier = (c.maxTranslate() - c.minTranslate()) / (swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate());
7192 | if (Number.isNaN(multiplier) || !Number.isFinite(multiplier)) {
7193 | multiplier = 1;
7194 | }
7195 | controlledTranslate = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) * multiplier + c.minTranslate();
7196 | }
7197 | if (swiper.params.controller.inverse) {
7198 | controlledTranslate = c.maxTranslate() - controlledTranslate;
7199 | }
7200 | c.updateProgress(controlledTranslate);
7201 | c.setTranslate(controlledTranslate, swiper);
7202 | c.updateActiveIndex();
7203 | c.updateSlidesClasses();
7204 | }
7205 | if (Array.isArray(controlled)) {
7206 | for (let i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) {
7207 | if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
7208 | setControlledTranslate(controlled[i]);
7209 | }
7210 | }
7211 | } else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {
7212 | setControlledTranslate(controlled);
7213 | }
7214 | }
7215 | function setTransition(duration, byController) {
7216 | const Swiper = swiper.constructor;
7217 | const controlled = swiper.controller.control;
7218 | let i;
7219 | function setControlledTransition(c) {
7220 | if (c.destroyed) return;
7221 | c.setTransition(duration, swiper);
7222 | if (duration !== 0) {
7223 | c.transitionStart();
7224 | if (c.params.autoHeight) {
7225 | nextTick(() => {
7226 | c.updateAutoHeight();
7227 | });
7228 | }
7229 | elementTransitionEnd(c.wrapperEl, () => {
7230 | if (!controlled) return;
7231 | c.transitionEnd();
7232 | });
7233 | }
7234 | }
7235 | if (Array.isArray(controlled)) {
7236 | for (i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) {
7237 | if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
7238 | setControlledTransition(controlled[i]);
7239 | }
7240 | }
7241 | } else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {
7242 | setControlledTransition(controlled);
7243 | }
7244 | }
7245 | function removeSpline() {
7246 | if (!swiper.controller.control) return;
7247 | if (swiper.controller.spline) {
7248 | swiper.controller.spline = undefined;
7249 | delete swiper.controller.spline;
7250 | }
7251 | }
7252 | on('beforeInit', () => {
7253 | if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && (
7254 |
7255 | typeof swiper.params.controller.control === 'string' || swiper.params.controller.control instanceof HTMLElement)) {
7256 | const controlElements = typeof swiper.params.controller.control === 'string' ? [...document.querySelectorAll(swiper.params.controller.control)] : [swiper.params.controller.control];
7257 | controlElements.forEach(controlElement => {
7258 | if (!swiper.controller.control) swiper.controller.control = [];
7259 | if (controlElement && controlElement.swiper) {
7260 | swiper.controller.control.push(controlElement.swiper);
7261 | } else if (controlElement) {
7262 | const eventName = `${swiper.params.eventsPrefix}init`;
7263 | const onControllerSwiper = e => {
7264 | swiper.controller.control.push(e.detail[0]);
7265 | swiper.update();
7266 | controlElement.removeEventListener(eventName, onControllerSwiper);
7267 | };
7268 | controlElement.addEventListener(eventName, onControllerSwiper);
7269 | }
7270 | });
7271 | return;
7272 | }
7273 | swiper.controller.control = swiper.params.controller.control;
7274 | });
7275 | on('update', () => {
7276 | removeSpline();
7277 | });
7278 | on('resize', () => {
7279 | removeSpline();
7280 | });
7281 | on('observerUpdate', () => {
7282 | removeSpline();
7283 | });
7284 | on('setTranslate', (_s, translate, byController) => {
7285 | if (!swiper.controller.control || swiper.controller.control.destroyed) return;
7286 | swiper.controller.setTranslate(translate, byController);
7287 | });
7288 | on('setTransition', (_s, duration, byController) => {
7289 | if (!swiper.controller.control || swiper.controller.control.destroyed) return;
7290 | swiper.controller.setTransition(duration, byController);
7291 | });
7292 | Object.assign(swiper.controller, {
7293 | setTranslate,
7294 | setTransition
7295 | });
7296 | }
7297 |
7298 | function A11y(_ref) {
7299 | let {
7300 | swiper,
7301 | extendParams,
7302 | on
7303 | } = _ref;
7304 | extendParams({
7305 | a11y: {
7306 | enabled: true,
7307 | notificationClass: 'swiper-notification',
7308 | prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide',
7309 | nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide',
7310 | firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide',
7311 | lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide',
7312 | paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}',
7313 | slideLabelMessage: '{{index}} / {{slidesLength}}',
7314 | containerMessage: null,
7315 | containerRoleDescriptionMessage: null,
7316 | containerRole: null,
7317 | itemRoleDescriptionMessage: null,
7318 | slideRole: 'group',
7319 | id: null,
7320 | scrollOnFocus: true
7321 | }
7322 | });
7323 | swiper.a11y = {
7324 | clicked: false
7325 | };
7326 | let liveRegion = null;
7327 | let preventFocusHandler;
7328 | let focusTargetSlideEl;
7329 | let visibilityChangedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
7330 | function notify(message) {
7331 | const notification = liveRegion;
7332 | if (notification.length === 0) return;
7333 | notification.innerHTML = '';
7334 | notification.innerHTML = message;
7335 | }
7336 | function getRandomNumber(size) {
7337 | if (size === void 0) {
7338 | size = 16;
7339 | }
7340 | const randomChar = () => Math.round(16 * Math.random()).toString(16);
7341 | return 'x'.repeat(size).replace(/x/g, randomChar);
7342 | }
7343 | function makeElFocusable(el) {
7344 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7345 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7346 | subEl.setAttribute('tabIndex', '0');
7347 | });
7348 | }
7349 | function makeElNotFocusable(el) {
7350 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7351 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7352 | subEl.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1');
7353 | });
7354 | }
7355 | function addElRole(el, role) {
7356 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7357 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7358 | subEl.setAttribute('role', role);
7359 | });
7360 | }
7361 | function addElRoleDescription(el, description) {
7362 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7363 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7364 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-roledescription', description);
7365 | });
7366 | }
7367 | function addElControls(el, controls) {
7368 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7369 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7370 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-controls', controls);
7371 | });
7372 | }
7373 | function addElLabel(el, label) {
7374 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7375 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7376 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
7377 | });
7378 | }
7379 | function addElId(el, id) {
7380 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7381 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7382 | subEl.setAttribute('id', id);
7383 | });
7384 | }
7385 | function addElLive(el, live) {
7386 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7387 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7388 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-live', live);
7389 | });
7390 | }
7391 | function disableEl(el) {
7392 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7393 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7394 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true);
7395 | });
7396 | }
7397 | function enableEl(el) {
7398 | el = makeElementsArray(el);
7399 | el.forEach(subEl => {
7400 | subEl.setAttribute('aria-disabled', false);
7401 | });
7402 | }
7403 | function onEnterOrSpaceKey(e) {
7404 | if (e.keyCode !== 13 && e.keyCode !== 32) return;
7405 | const params = swiper.params.a11y;
7406 | const targetEl = e.target;
7407 | if (swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.el && (targetEl === swiper.pagination.el || swiper.pagination.el.contains(e.target))) {
7408 | if (!e.target.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass))) return;
7409 | }
7410 | if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.prevEl && swiper.navigation.nextEl) {
7411 | const prevEls = makeElementsArray(swiper.navigation.prevEl);
7412 | const nextEls = makeElementsArray(swiper.navigation.nextEl);
7413 | if (nextEls.includes(targetEl)) {
7414 | if (!(swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop)) {
7415 | swiper.slideNext();
7416 | }
7417 | if (swiper.isEnd) {
7418 | notify(params.lastSlideMessage);
7419 | } else {
7420 | notify(params.nextSlideMessage);
7421 | }
7422 | }
7423 | if (prevEls.includes(targetEl)) {
7424 | if (!(swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop)) {
7425 | swiper.slidePrev();
7426 | }
7427 | if (swiper.isBeginning) {
7428 | notify(params.firstSlideMessage);
7429 | } else {
7430 | notify(params.prevSlideMessage);
7431 | }
7432 | }
7433 | }
7434 | if (swiper.pagination && targetEl.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass))) {
7435 | targetEl.click();
7436 | }
7437 | }
7438 | function updateNavigation() {
7439 | if (swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind || !swiper.navigation) return;
7440 | const {
7441 | nextEl,
7442 | prevEl
7443 | } = swiper.navigation;
7444 | if (prevEl) {
7445 | if (swiper.isBeginning) {
7446 | disableEl(prevEl);
7447 | makeElNotFocusable(prevEl);
7448 | } else {
7449 | enableEl(prevEl);
7450 | makeElFocusable(prevEl);
7451 | }
7452 | }
7453 | if (nextEl) {
7454 | if (swiper.isEnd) {
7455 | disableEl(nextEl);
7456 | makeElNotFocusable(nextEl);
7457 | } else {
7458 | enableEl(nextEl);
7459 | makeElFocusable(nextEl);
7460 | }
7461 | }
7462 | }
7463 | function hasPagination() {
7464 | return swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length;
7465 | }
7466 | function hasClickablePagination() {
7467 | return hasPagination() && swiper.params.pagination.clickable;
7468 | }
7469 | function updatePagination() {
7470 | const params = swiper.params.a11y;
7471 | if (!hasPagination()) return;
7472 | swiper.pagination.bullets.forEach(bulletEl => {
7473 | if (swiper.params.pagination.clickable) {
7474 | makeElFocusable(bulletEl);
7475 | if (!swiper.params.pagination.renderBullet) {
7476 | addElRole(bulletEl, 'button');
7477 | addElLabel(bulletEl, params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, elementIndex(bulletEl) + 1));
7478 | }
7479 | }
7480 | if (bulletEl.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletActiveClass))) {
7481 | bulletEl.setAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
7482 | } else {
7483 | bulletEl.removeAttribute('aria-current');
7484 | }
7485 | });
7486 | }
7487 | const initNavEl = (el, wrapperId, message) => {
7488 | makeElFocusable(el);
7489 | if (el.tagName !== 'BUTTON') {
7490 | addElRole(el, 'button');
7491 | el.addEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
7492 | }
7493 | addElLabel(el, message);
7494 | addElControls(el, wrapperId);
7495 | };
7496 | const handlePointerDown = e => {
7497 | if (focusTargetSlideEl && focusTargetSlideEl !== e.target && !focusTargetSlideEl.contains(e.target)) {
7498 | preventFocusHandler = true;
7499 | }
7500 | swiper.a11y.clicked = true;
7501 | };
7502 | const handlePointerUp = () => {
7503 | preventFocusHandler = false;
7504 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
7505 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
7506 | if (!swiper.destroyed) {
7507 | swiper.a11y.clicked = false;
7508 | }
7509 | });
7510 | });
7511 | };
7512 | const onVisibilityChange = e => {
7513 | visibilityChangedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
7514 | };
7515 | const handleFocus = e => {
7516 | if (swiper.a11y.clicked || !swiper.params.a11y.scrollOnFocus) return;
7517 | if (new Date().getTime() - visibilityChangedTimestamp < 100) return;
7518 | const slideEl = e.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);
7519 | if (!slideEl || !swiper.slides.includes(slideEl)) return;
7520 | focusTargetSlideEl = slideEl;
7521 | const isActive = swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl) === swiper.activeIndex;
7522 | const isVisible = swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress && swiper.visibleSlides && swiper.visibleSlides.includes(slideEl);
7523 | if (isActive || isVisible) return;
7524 | if (e.sourceCapabilities && e.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents) return;
7525 | if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
7526 | swiper.el.scrollLeft = 0;
7527 | } else {
7528 | swiper.el.scrollTop = 0;
7529 | }
7530 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
7531 | if (preventFocusHandler) return;
7532 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
7533 | swiper.slideToLoop(parseInt(slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index')), 0);
7534 | } else {
7535 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl), 0);
7536 | }
7537 | preventFocusHandler = false;
7538 | });
7539 | };
7540 | const initSlides = () => {
7541 | const params = swiper.params.a11y;
7542 | if (params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage) {
7543 | addElRoleDescription(swiper.slides, params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage);
7544 | }
7545 | if (params.slideRole) {
7546 | addElRole(swiper.slides, params.slideRole);
7547 | }
7548 | const slidesLength = swiper.slides.length;
7549 | if (params.slideLabelMessage) {
7550 | swiper.slides.forEach((slideEl, index) => {
7551 | const slideIndex = swiper.params.loop ? parseInt(slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) : index;
7552 | const ariaLabelMessage = params.slideLabelMessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, slideIndex + 1).replace(/\{\{slidesLength\}\}/, slidesLength);
7553 | addElLabel(slideEl, ariaLabelMessage);
7554 | });
7555 | }
7556 | };
7557 | const init = () => {
7558 | const params = swiper.params.a11y;
7559 | swiper.el.append(liveRegion);
7560 |
7561 |
7562 | const containerEl = swiper.el;
7563 | if (params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage) {
7564 | addElRoleDescription(containerEl, params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage);
7565 | }
7566 | if (params.containerMessage) {
7567 | addElLabel(containerEl, params.containerMessage);
7568 | }
7569 | if (params.containerRole) {
7570 | addElRole(containerEl, params.containerRole);
7571 | }
7572 |
7573 |
7574 | const wrapperEl = swiper.wrapperEl;
7575 | const wrapperId = params.id || wrapperEl.getAttribute('id') || `swiper-wrapper-${getRandomNumber(16)}`;
7576 | const live = swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplay.enabled ? 'off' : 'polite';
7577 | addElId(wrapperEl, wrapperId);
7578 | addElLive(wrapperEl, live);
7579 |
7580 |
7581 | initSlides();
7582 |
7583 |
7584 | let {
7585 | nextEl,
7586 | prevEl
7587 | } = swiper.navigation ? swiper.navigation : {};
7588 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
7589 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
7590 | if (nextEl) {
7591 | nextEl.forEach(el => initNavEl(el, wrapperId, params.nextSlideMessage));
7592 | }
7593 | if (prevEl) {
7594 | prevEl.forEach(el => initNavEl(el, wrapperId, params.prevSlideMessage));
7595 | }
7596 |
7597 |
7598 | if (hasClickablePagination()) {
7599 | const paginationEl = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);
7600 | paginationEl.forEach(el => {
7601 | el.addEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
7602 | });
7603 | }
7604 |
7605 |
7606 | const document = getDocument();
7607 | document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
7608 | swiper.el.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);
7609 | swiper.el.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);
7610 | swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerDown, true);
7611 | swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerUp, true);
7612 | };
7613 | function destroy() {
7614 | if (liveRegion) liveRegion.remove();
7615 | let {
7616 | nextEl,
7617 | prevEl
7618 | } = swiper.navigation ? swiper.navigation : {};
7619 | nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);
7620 | prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);
7621 | if (nextEl) {
7622 | nextEl.forEach(el => el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey));
7623 | }
7624 | if (prevEl) {
7625 | prevEl.forEach(el => el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey));
7626 | }
7627 |
7628 |
7629 | if (hasClickablePagination()) {
7630 | const paginationEl = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);
7631 | paginationEl.forEach(el => {
7632 | el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
7633 | });
7634 | }
7635 | const document = getDocument();
7636 | document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
7637 |
7638 | if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {
7639 | swiper.el.removeEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);
7640 | swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerDown, true);
7641 | swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerUp, true);
7642 | }
7643 | }
7644 | on('beforeInit', () => {
7645 | liveRegion = createElement('span', swiper.params.a11y.notificationClass);
7646 | liveRegion.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive');
7647 | liveRegion.setAttribute('aria-atomic', 'true');
7648 | });
7649 | on('afterInit', () => {
7650 | if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
7651 | init();
7652 | });
7653 | on('slidesLengthChange snapGridLengthChange slidesGridLengthChange', () => {
7654 | if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
7655 | initSlides();
7656 | });
7657 | on('fromEdge toEdge afterInit lock unlock', () => {
7658 | if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
7659 | updateNavigation();
7660 | });
7661 | on('paginationUpdate', () => {
7662 | if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
7663 | updatePagination();
7664 | });
7665 | on('destroy', () => {
7666 | if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
7667 | destroy();
7668 | });
7669 | }
7670 |
7671 | function History(_ref) {
7672 | let {
7673 | swiper,
7674 | extendParams,
7675 | on
7676 | } = _ref;
7677 | extendParams({
7678 | history: {
7679 | enabled: false,
7680 | root: '',
7681 | replaceState: false,
7682 | key: 'slides',
7683 | keepQuery: false
7684 | }
7685 | });
7686 | let initialized = false;
7687 | let paths = {};
7688 | const slugify = text => {
7689 | return text.toString().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '').replace(/--+/g, '-').replace(/^-+/, '').replace(/-+$/, '');
7690 | };
7691 | const getPathValues = urlOverride => {
7692 | const window = getWindow();
7693 | let location;
7694 | if (urlOverride) {
7695 | location = new URL(urlOverride);
7696 | } else {
7697 | location = window.location;
7698 | }
7699 | const pathArray = location.pathname.slice(1).split('/').filter(part => part !== '');
7700 | const total = pathArray.length;
7701 | const key = pathArray[total - 2];
7702 | const value = pathArray[total - 1];
7703 | return {
7704 | key,
7705 | value
7706 | };
7707 | };
7708 | const setHistory = (key, index) => {
7709 | const window = getWindow();
7710 | if (!initialized || !swiper.params.history.enabled) return;
7711 | let location;
7712 | if (swiper.params.url) {
7713 | location = new URL(swiper.params.url);
7714 | } else {
7715 | location = window.location;
7716 | }
7717 | const slide = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.slidesEl.querySelector(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${index}"]`) : swiper.slides[index];
7718 | let value = slugify(slide.getAttribute('data-history'));
7719 | if (swiper.params.history.root.length > 0) {
7720 | let root = swiper.params.history.root;
7721 | if (root[root.length - 1] === '/') root = root.slice(0, root.length - 1);
7722 | value = `${root}/${key ? `${key}/` : ''}${value}`;
7723 | } else if (!location.pathname.includes(key)) {
7724 | value = `${key ? `${key}/` : ''}${value}`;
7725 | }
7726 | if (swiper.params.history.keepQuery) {
7727 | value += location.search;
7728 | }
7729 | const currentState = window.history.state;
7730 | if (currentState && currentState.value === value) {
7731 | return;
7732 | }
7733 | if (swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
7734 | window.history.replaceState({
7735 | value
7736 | }, null, value);
7737 | } else {
7738 | window.history.pushState({
7739 | value
7740 | }, null, value);
7741 | }
7742 | };
7743 | const scrollToSlide = (speed, value, runCallbacks) => {
7744 | if (value) {
7745 | for (let i = 0, length = swiper.slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {
7746 | const slide = swiper.slides[i];
7747 | const slideHistory = slugify(slide.getAttribute('data-history'));
7748 | if (slideHistory === value) {
7749 | const index = swiper.getSlideIndex(slide);
7750 | swiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks);
7751 | }
7752 | }
7753 | } else {
7754 | swiper.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks);
7755 | }
7756 | };
7757 | const setHistoryPopState = () => {
7758 | paths = getPathValues(swiper.params.url);
7759 | scrollToSlide(swiper.params.speed, paths.value, false);
7760 | };
7761 | const init = () => {
7762 | const window = getWindow();
7763 | if (!swiper.params.history) return;
7764 | if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) {
7765 | swiper.params.history.enabled = false;
7766 | swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled = true;
7767 | return;
7768 | }
7769 | initialized = true;
7770 | paths = getPathValues(swiper.params.url);
7771 | if (!paths.key && !paths.value) {
7772 | if (!swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
7773 | window.addEventListener('popstate', setHistoryPopState);
7774 | }
7775 | return;
7776 | }
7777 | scrollToSlide(0, paths.value, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit);
7778 | if (!swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
7779 | window.addEventListener('popstate', setHistoryPopState);
7780 | }
7781 | };
7782 | const destroy = () => {
7783 | const window = getWindow();
7784 | if (!swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
7785 | window.removeEventListener('popstate', setHistoryPopState);
7786 | }
7787 | };
7788 | on('init', () => {
7789 | if (swiper.params.history.enabled) {
7790 | init();
7791 | }
7792 | });
7793 | on('destroy', () => {
7794 | if (swiper.params.history.enabled) {
7795 | destroy();
7796 | }
7797 | });
7798 | on('transitionEnd _freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
7799 | if (initialized) {
7800 | setHistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeIndex);
7801 | }
7802 | });
7803 | on('slideChange', () => {
7804 | if (initialized && swiper.params.cssMode) {
7805 | setHistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeIndex);
7806 | }
7807 | });
7808 | }
7809 |
7810 | function HashNavigation(_ref) {
7811 | let {
7812 | swiper,
7813 | extendParams,
7814 | emit,
7815 | on
7816 | } = _ref;
7817 | let initialized = false;
7818 | const document = getDocument();
7819 | const window = getWindow();
7820 | extendParams({
7821 | hashNavigation: {
7822 | enabled: false,
7823 | replaceState: false,
7824 | watchState: false,
7825 | getSlideIndex(_s, hash) {
7826 | if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
7827 | const slideWithHash = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-hash') === hash);
7828 | if (!slideWithHash) return 0;
7829 | const index = parseInt(slideWithHash.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
7830 | return index;
7831 | }
7832 | return swiper.getSlideIndex(elementChildren(swiper.slidesEl, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-hash="${hash}"], swiper-slide[data-hash="${hash}"]`)[0]);
7833 | }
7834 | }
7835 | });
7836 | const onHashChange = () => {
7837 | emit('hashChange');
7838 | const newHash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
7839 | const activeSlideEl = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.slidesEl.querySelector(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.activeIndex}"]`) : swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
7840 | const activeSlideHash = activeSlideEl ? activeSlideEl.getAttribute('data-hash') : '';
7841 | if (newHash !== activeSlideHash) {
7842 | const newIndex = swiper.params.hashNavigation.getSlideIndex(swiper, newHash);
7843 | if (typeof newIndex === 'undefined' || Number.isNaN(newIndex)) return;
7844 | swiper.slideTo(newIndex);
7845 | }
7846 | };
7847 | const setHash = () => {
7848 | if (!initialized || !swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) return;
7849 | const activeSlideEl = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.slidesEl.querySelector(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.activeIndex}"]`) : swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
7850 | const activeSlideHash = activeSlideEl ? activeSlideEl.getAttribute('data-hash') || activeSlideEl.getAttribute('data-history') : '';
7851 | if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.replaceState && window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
7852 | window.history.replaceState(null, null, `#${activeSlideHash}` || '');
7853 | emit('hashSet');
7854 | } else {
7855 | document.location.hash = activeSlideHash || '';
7856 | emit('hashSet');
7857 | }
7858 | };
7859 | const init = () => {
7860 | if (!swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled || swiper.params.history && swiper.params.history.enabled) return;
7861 | initialized = true;
7862 | const hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
7863 | if (hash) {
7864 | const speed = 0;
7865 | const index = swiper.params.hashNavigation.getSlideIndex(swiper, hash);
7866 | swiper.slideTo(index || 0, speed, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, true);
7867 | }
7868 | if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.watchState) {
7869 | window.addEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange);
7870 | }
7871 | };
7872 | const destroy = () => {
7873 | if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.watchState) {
7874 | window.removeEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange);
7875 | }
7876 | };
7877 | on('init', () => {
7878 | if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) {
7879 | init();
7880 | }
7881 | });
7882 | on('destroy', () => {
7883 | if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) {
7884 | destroy();
7885 | }
7886 | });
7887 | on('transitionEnd _freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
7888 | if (initialized) {
7889 | setHash();
7890 | }
7891 | });
7892 | on('slideChange', () => {
7893 | if (initialized && swiper.params.cssMode) {
7894 | setHash();
7895 | }
7896 | });
7897 | }
7898 |
7899 |
7900 |
7901 | function Autoplay(_ref) {
7902 | let {
7903 | swiper,
7904 | extendParams,
7905 | on,
7906 | emit,
7907 | params
7908 | } = _ref;
7909 | swiper.autoplay = {
7910 | running: false,
7911 | paused: false,
7912 | timeLeft: 0
7913 | };
7914 | extendParams({
7915 | autoplay: {
7916 | enabled: false,
7917 | delay: 3000,
7918 | waitForTransition: true,
7919 | disableOnInteraction: false,
7920 | stopOnLastSlide: false,
7921 | reverseDirection: false,
7922 | pauseOnMouseEnter: false
7923 | }
7924 | });
7925 | let timeout;
7926 | let raf;
7927 | let autoplayDelayTotal = params && params.autoplay ? params.autoplay.delay : 3000;
7928 | let autoplayDelayCurrent = params && params.autoplay ? params.autoplay.delay : 3000;
7929 | let autoplayTimeLeft;
7930 | let autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();
7931 | let wasPaused;
7932 | let isTouched;
7933 | let pausedByTouch;
7934 | let touchStartTimeout;
7935 | let slideChanged;
7936 | let pausedByInteraction;
7937 | let pausedByPointerEnter;
7938 | function onTransitionEnd(e) {
7939 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.wrapperEl) return;
7940 | if (e.target !== swiper.wrapperEl) return;
7941 | swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd);
7942 | if (pausedByPointerEnter || e.detail && e.detail.bySwiperTouchMove) {
7943 | return;
7944 | }
7945 | resume();
7946 | }
7947 | const calcTimeLeft = () => {
7948 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
7949 | if (swiper.autoplay.paused) {
7950 | wasPaused = true;
7951 | } else if (wasPaused) {
7952 | autoplayDelayCurrent = autoplayTimeLeft;
7953 | wasPaused = false;
7954 | }
7955 | const timeLeft = swiper.autoplay.paused ? autoplayTimeLeft : autoplayStartTime + autoplayDelayCurrent - new Date().getTime();
7956 | swiper.autoplay.timeLeft = timeLeft;
7957 | emit('autoplayTimeLeft', timeLeft, timeLeft / autoplayDelayTotal);
7958 | raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
7959 | calcTimeLeft();
7960 | });
7961 | };
7962 | const getSlideDelay = () => {
7963 | let activeSlideEl;
7964 | if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
7965 | activeSlideEl = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.classList.contains('swiper-slide-active'));
7966 | } else {
7967 | activeSlideEl = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];
7968 | }
7969 | if (!activeSlideEl) return undefined;
7970 | const currentSlideDelay = parseInt(activeSlideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-autoplay'), 10);
7971 | return currentSlideDelay;
7972 | };
7973 | const run = delayForce => {
7974 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
7975 | cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
7976 | calcTimeLeft();
7977 | let delay = typeof delayForce === 'undefined' ? swiper.params.autoplay.delay : delayForce;
7978 | autoplayDelayTotal = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
7979 | autoplayDelayCurrent = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
7980 | const currentSlideDelay = getSlideDelay();
7981 | if (!Number.isNaN(currentSlideDelay) && currentSlideDelay > 0 && typeof delayForce === 'undefined') {
7982 | delay = currentSlideDelay;
7983 | autoplayDelayTotal = currentSlideDelay;
7984 | autoplayDelayCurrent = currentSlideDelay;
7985 | }
7986 | autoplayTimeLeft = delay;
7987 | const speed = swiper.params.speed;
7988 | const proceed = () => {
7989 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
7990 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.reverseDirection) {
7991 | if (!swiper.isBeginning || swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind) {
7992 | swiper.slidePrev(speed, true, true);
7993 | emit('autoplay');
7994 | } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {
7995 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, speed, true, true);
7996 | emit('autoplay');
7997 | }
7998 | } else {
7999 | if (!swiper.isEnd || swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind) {
8000 | swiper.slideNext(speed, true, true);
8001 | emit('autoplay');
8002 | } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {
8003 | swiper.slideTo(0, speed, true, true);
8004 | emit('autoplay');
8005 | }
8006 | }
8007 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
8008 | autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();
8009 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
8010 | run();
8011 | });
8012 | }
8013 | };
8014 | if (delay > 0) {
8015 | clearTimeout(timeout);
8016 | timeout = setTimeout(() => {
8017 | proceed();
8018 | }, delay);
8019 | } else {
8020 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
8021 | proceed();
8022 | });
8023 | }
8024 |
8025 |
8026 | return delay;
8027 | };
8028 | const start = () => {
8029 | autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();
8030 | swiper.autoplay.running = true;
8031 | run();
8032 | emit('autoplayStart');
8033 | };
8034 | const stop = () => {
8035 | swiper.autoplay.running = false;
8036 | clearTimeout(timeout);
8037 | cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
8038 | emit('autoplayStop');
8039 | };
8040 | const pause = (internal, reset) => {
8041 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8042 | clearTimeout(timeout);
8043 | if (!internal) {
8044 | pausedByInteraction = true;
8045 | }
8046 | const proceed = () => {
8047 | emit('autoplayPause');
8048 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.waitForTransition) {
8049 | swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd);
8050 | } else {
8051 | resume();
8052 | }
8053 | };
8054 | swiper.autoplay.paused = true;
8055 | if (reset) {
8056 | if (slideChanged) {
8057 | autoplayTimeLeft = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
8058 | }
8059 | slideChanged = false;
8060 | proceed();
8061 | return;
8062 | }
8063 | const delay = autoplayTimeLeft || swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
8064 | autoplayTimeLeft = delay - (new Date().getTime() - autoplayStartTime);
8065 | if (swiper.isEnd && autoplayTimeLeft < 0 && !swiper.params.loop) return;
8066 | if (autoplayTimeLeft < 0) autoplayTimeLeft = 0;
8067 | proceed();
8068 | };
8069 | const resume = () => {
8070 | if (swiper.isEnd && autoplayTimeLeft < 0 && !swiper.params.loop || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8071 | autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();
8072 | if (pausedByInteraction) {
8073 | pausedByInteraction = false;
8074 | run(autoplayTimeLeft);
8075 | } else {
8076 | run();
8077 | }
8078 | swiper.autoplay.paused = false;
8079 | emit('autoplayResume');
8080 | };
8081 | const onVisibilityChange = () => {
8082 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8083 | const document = getDocument();
8084 | if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') {
8085 | pausedByInteraction = true;
8086 | pause(true);
8087 | }
8088 | if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
8089 | resume();
8090 | }
8091 | };
8092 | const onPointerEnter = e => {
8093 | if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
8094 | pausedByInteraction = true;
8095 | pausedByPointerEnter = true;
8096 | if (swiper.animating || swiper.autoplay.paused) return;
8097 | pause(true);
8098 | };
8099 | const onPointerLeave = e => {
8100 | if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;
8101 | pausedByPointerEnter = false;
8102 | if (swiper.autoplay.paused) {
8103 | resume();
8104 | }
8105 | };
8106 | const attachMouseEvents = () => {
8107 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.pauseOnMouseEnter) {
8108 | swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerenter', onPointerEnter);
8109 | swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerleave', onPointerLeave);
8110 | }
8111 | };
8112 | const detachMouseEvents = () => {
8113 | if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {
8114 | swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerenter', onPointerEnter);
8115 | swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerleave', onPointerLeave);
8116 | }
8117 | };
8118 | const attachDocumentEvents = () => {
8119 | const document = getDocument();
8120 | document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
8121 | };
8122 | const detachDocumentEvents = () => {
8123 | const document = getDocument();
8124 | document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
8125 | };
8126 | on('init', () => {
8127 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.enabled) {
8128 | attachMouseEvents();
8129 | attachDocumentEvents();
8130 | start();
8131 | }
8132 | });
8133 | on('destroy', () => {
8134 | detachMouseEvents();
8135 | detachDocumentEvents();
8136 | if (swiper.autoplay.running) {
8137 | stop();
8138 | }
8139 | });
8140 | on('_freeModeStaticRelease', () => {
8141 | if (pausedByTouch || pausedByInteraction) {
8142 | resume();
8143 | }
8144 | });
8145 | on('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
8146 | if (!swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
8147 | pause(true, true);
8148 | } else {
8149 | stop();
8150 | }
8151 | });
8152 | on('beforeTransitionStart', (_s, speed, internal) => {
8153 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8154 | if (internal || !swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
8155 | pause(true, true);
8156 | } else {
8157 | stop();
8158 | }
8159 | });
8160 | on('sliderFirstMove', () => {
8161 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8162 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
8163 | stop();
8164 | return;
8165 | }
8166 | isTouched = true;
8167 | pausedByTouch = false;
8168 | pausedByInteraction = false;
8169 | touchStartTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
8170 | pausedByInteraction = true;
8171 | pausedByTouch = true;
8172 | pause(true);
8173 | }, 200);
8174 | });
8175 | on('touchEnd', () => {
8176 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running || !isTouched) return;
8177 | clearTimeout(touchStartTimeout);
8178 | clearTimeout(timeout);
8179 | if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
8180 | pausedByTouch = false;
8181 | isTouched = false;
8182 | return;
8183 | }
8184 | if (pausedByTouch && swiper.params.cssMode) resume();
8185 | pausedByTouch = false;
8186 | isTouched = false;
8187 | });
8188 | on('slideChange', () => {
8189 | if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;
8190 | slideChanged = true;
8191 | });
8192 | Object.assign(swiper.autoplay, {
8193 | start,
8194 | stop,
8195 | pause,
8196 | resume
8197 | });
8198 | }
8199 |
8200 | function Thumb(_ref) {
8201 | let {
8202 | swiper,
8203 | extendParams,
8204 | on
8205 | } = _ref;
8206 | extendParams({
8207 | thumbs: {
8208 | swiper: null,
8209 | multipleActiveThumbs: true,
8210 | autoScrollOffset: 0,
8211 | slideThumbActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-thumb-active',
8212 | thumbsContainerClass: 'swiper-thumbs'
8213 | }
8214 | });
8215 | let initialized = false;
8216 | let swiperCreated = false;
8217 | swiper.thumbs = {
8218 | swiper: null
8219 | };
8220 | function onThumbClick() {
8221 | const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
8222 | if (!thumbsSwiper || thumbsSwiper.destroyed) return;
8223 | const clickedIndex = thumbsSwiper.clickedIndex;
8224 | const clickedSlide = thumbsSwiper.clickedSlide;
8225 | if (clickedSlide && clickedSlide.classList.contains(swiper.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass)) return;
8226 | if (typeof clickedIndex === 'undefined' || clickedIndex === null) return;
8227 | let slideToIndex;
8228 | if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop) {
8229 | slideToIndex = parseInt(thumbsSwiper.clickedSlide.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
8230 | } else {
8231 | slideToIndex = clickedIndex;
8232 | }
8233 | if (swiper.params.loop) {
8234 | swiper.slideToLoop(slideToIndex);
8235 | } else {
8236 | swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
8237 | }
8238 | }
8239 | function init() {
8240 | const {
8241 | thumbs: thumbsParams
8242 | } = swiper.params;
8243 | if (initialized) return false;
8244 | initialized = true;
8245 | const SwiperClass = swiper.constructor;
8246 | if (thumbsParams.swiper instanceof SwiperClass) {
8247 | if (thumbsParams.swiper.destroyed) {
8248 | initialized = false;
8249 | return false;
8250 | }
8251 | swiper.thumbs.swiper = thumbsParams.swiper;
8252 | Object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.originalParams, {
8253 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
8254 | slideToClickedSlide: false
8255 | });
8256 | Object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.params, {
8257 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
8258 | slideToClickedSlide: false
8259 | });
8260 | swiper.thumbs.swiper.update();
8261 | } else if (isObject(thumbsParams.swiper)) {
8262 | const thumbsSwiperParams = Object.assign({}, thumbsParams.swiper);
8263 | Object.assign(thumbsSwiperParams, {
8264 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
8265 | slideToClickedSlide: false
8266 | });
8267 | swiper.thumbs.swiper = new SwiperClass(thumbsSwiperParams);
8268 | swiperCreated = true;
8269 | }
8270 | swiper.thumbs.swiper.el.classList.add(swiper.params.thumbs.thumbsContainerClass);
8271 | swiper.thumbs.swiper.on('tap', onThumbClick);
8272 | return true;
8273 | }
8274 | function update(initial) {
8275 | const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
8276 | if (!thumbsSwiper || thumbsSwiper.destroyed) return;
8277 | const slidesPerView = thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? thumbsSwiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerView;
8278 |
8279 |
8280 | let thumbsToActivate = 1;
8281 | const thumbActiveClass = swiper.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass;
8282 | if (swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1 && !swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
8283 | thumbsToActivate = swiper.params.slidesPerView;
8284 | }
8285 | if (!swiper.params.thumbs.multipleActiveThumbs) {
8286 | thumbsToActivate = 1;
8287 | }
8288 | thumbsToActivate = Math.floor(thumbsToActivate);
8289 | thumbsSwiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => slideEl.classList.remove(thumbActiveClass));
8290 | if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop || thumbsSwiper.params.virtual && thumbsSwiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
8291 | for (let i = 0; i < thumbsToActivate; i += 1) {
8292 | elementChildren(thumbsSwiper.slidesEl, `[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realIndex + i}"]`).forEach(slideEl => {
8293 | slideEl.classList.add(thumbActiveClass);
8294 | });
8295 | }
8296 | } else {
8297 | for (let i = 0; i < thumbsToActivate; i += 1) {
8298 | if (thumbsSwiper.slides[swiper.realIndex + i]) {
8299 | thumbsSwiper.slides[swiper.realIndex + i].classList.add(thumbActiveClass);
8300 | }
8301 | }
8302 | }
8303 | const autoScrollOffset = swiper.params.thumbs.autoScrollOffset;
8304 | const useOffset = autoScrollOffset && !thumbsSwiper.params.loop;
8305 | if (swiper.realIndex !== thumbsSwiper.realIndex || useOffset) {
8306 | const currentThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.activeIndex;
8307 | let newThumbsIndex;
8308 | let direction;
8309 | if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop) {
8310 | const newThumbsSlide = thumbsSwiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') === `${swiper.realIndex}`);
8311 | newThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.slides.indexOf(newThumbsSlide);
8312 | direction = swiper.activeIndex > swiper.previousIndex ? 'next' : 'prev';
8313 | } else {
8314 | newThumbsIndex = swiper.realIndex;
8315 | direction = newThumbsIndex > swiper.previousIndex ? 'next' : 'prev';
8316 | }
8317 | if (useOffset) {
8318 | newThumbsIndex += direction === 'next' ? autoScrollOffset : -1 * autoScrollOffset;
8319 | }
8320 | if (thumbsSwiper.visibleSlidesIndexes && thumbsSwiper.visibleSlidesIndexes.indexOf(newThumbsIndex) < 0) {
8321 | if (thumbsSwiper.params.centeredSlides) {
8322 | if (newThumbsIndex > currentThumbsIndex) {
8323 | newThumbsIndex = newThumbsIndex - Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + 1;
8324 | } else {
8325 | newThumbsIndex = newThumbsIndex + Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) - 1;
8326 | }
8327 | } else if (newThumbsIndex > currentThumbsIndex && thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerGroup === 1) ;
8328 | thumbsSwiper.slideTo(newThumbsIndex, initial ? 0 : undefined);
8329 | }
8330 | }
8331 | }
8332 | on('beforeInit', () => {
8333 | const {
8334 | thumbs
8335 | } = swiper.params;
8336 | if (!thumbs || !thumbs.swiper) return;
8337 | if (typeof thumbs.swiper === 'string' || thumbs.swiper instanceof HTMLElement) {
8338 | const document = getDocument();
8339 | const getThumbsElementAndInit = () => {
8340 | const thumbsElement = typeof thumbs.swiper === 'string' ? document.querySelector(thumbs.swiper) : thumbs.swiper;
8341 | if (thumbsElement && thumbsElement.swiper) {
8342 | thumbs.swiper = thumbsElement.swiper;
8343 | init();
8344 | update(true);
8345 | } else if (thumbsElement) {
8346 | const eventName = `${swiper.params.eventsPrefix}init`;
8347 | const onThumbsSwiper = e => {
8348 | thumbs.swiper = e.detail[0];
8349 | thumbsElement.removeEventListener(eventName, onThumbsSwiper);
8350 | init();
8351 | update(true);
8352 | thumbs.swiper.update();
8353 | swiper.update();
8354 | };
8355 | thumbsElement.addEventListener(eventName, onThumbsSwiper);
8356 | }
8357 | return thumbsElement;
8358 | };
8359 | const watchForThumbsToAppear = () => {
8360 | if (swiper.destroyed) return;
8361 | const thumbsElement = getThumbsElementAndInit();
8362 | if (!thumbsElement) {
8363 | requestAnimationFrame(watchForThumbsToAppear);
8364 | }
8365 | };
8366 | requestAnimationFrame(watchForThumbsToAppear);
8367 | } else {
8368 | init();
8369 | update(true);
8370 | }
8371 | });
8372 | on('slideChange update resize observerUpdate', () => {
8373 | update();
8374 | });
8375 | on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
8376 | const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
8377 | if (!thumbsSwiper || thumbsSwiper.destroyed) return;
8378 | thumbsSwiper.setTransition(duration);
8379 | });
8380 | on('beforeDestroy', () => {
8381 | const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
8382 | if (!thumbsSwiper || thumbsSwiper.destroyed) return;
8383 | if (swiperCreated) {
8384 | thumbsSwiper.destroy();
8385 | }
8386 | });
8387 | Object.assign(swiper.thumbs, {
8388 | init,
8389 | update
8390 | });
8391 | }
8392 |
8393 | function freeMode(_ref) {
8394 | let {
8395 | swiper,
8396 | extendParams,
8397 | emit,
8398 | once
8399 | } = _ref;
8400 | extendParams({
8401 | freeMode: {
8402 | enabled: false,
8403 | momentum: true,
8404 | momentumRatio: 1,
8405 | momentumBounce: true,
8406 | momentumBounceRatio: 1,
8407 | momentumVelocityRatio: 1,
8408 | sticky: false,
8409 | minimumVelocity: 0.02
8410 | }
8411 | });
8412 | function onTouchStart() {
8413 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;
8414 | const translate = swiper.getTranslate();
8415 | swiper.setTranslate(translate);
8416 | swiper.setTransition(0);
8417 | swiper.touchEventsData.velocities.length = 0;
8418 | swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({
8419 | currentPos: swiper.rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate
8420 | });
8421 | }
8422 | function onTouchMove() {
8423 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;
8424 | const {
8425 | touchEventsData: data,
8426 | touches
8427 | } = swiper;
8428 |
8429 | if (data.velocities.length === 0) {
8430 | data.velocities.push({
8431 | position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'startX' : 'startY'],
8432 | time: data.touchStartTime
8433 | });
8434 | }
8435 | data.velocities.push({
8436 | position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'currentX' : 'currentY'],
8437 | time: now()
8438 | });
8439 | }
8440 | function onTouchEnd(_ref2) {
8441 | let {
8442 | currentPos
8443 | } = _ref2;
8444 | if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;
8445 | const {
8446 | params,
8447 | wrapperEl,
8448 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
8449 | snapGrid,
8450 | touchEventsData: data
8451 | } = swiper;
8452 |
8453 | const touchEndTime = now();
8454 | const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime;
8455 | if (currentPos < -swiper.minTranslate()) {
8456 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
8457 | return;
8458 | }
8459 | if (currentPos > -swiper.maxTranslate()) {
8460 | if (swiper.slides.length < snapGrid.length) {
8461 | swiper.slideTo(snapGrid.length - 1);
8462 | } else {
8463 | swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1);
8464 | }
8465 | return;
8466 | }
8467 | if (params.freeMode.momentum) {
8468 | if (data.velocities.length > 1) {
8469 | const lastMoveEvent = data.velocities.pop();
8470 | const velocityEvent = data.velocities.pop();
8471 | const distance = lastMoveEvent.position - velocityEvent.position;
8472 | const time = lastMoveEvent.time - velocityEvent.time;
8473 | swiper.velocity = distance / time;
8474 | swiper.velocity /= 2;
8475 | if (Math.abs(swiper.velocity) < params.freeMode.minimumVelocity) {
8476 | swiper.velocity = 0;
8477 | }
8478 |
8479 |
8480 | if (time > 150 || now() - lastMoveEvent.time > 300) {
8481 | swiper.velocity = 0;
8482 | }
8483 | } else {
8484 | swiper.velocity = 0;
8485 | }
8486 | swiper.velocity *= params.freeMode.momentumVelocityRatio;
8487 | data.velocities.length = 0;
8488 | let momentumDuration = 1000 * params.freeMode.momentumRatio;
8489 | const momentumDistance = swiper.velocity * momentumDuration;
8490 | let newPosition = swiper.translate + momentumDistance;
8491 | if (rtl) newPosition = -newPosition;
8492 | let doBounce = false;
8493 | let afterBouncePosition;
8494 | const bounceAmount = Math.abs(swiper.velocity) * 20 * params.freeMode.momentumBounceRatio;
8495 | let needsLoopFix;
8496 | if (newPosition < swiper.maxTranslate()) {
8497 | if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {
8498 | if (newPosition + swiper.maxTranslate() < -bounceAmount) {
8499 | newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate() - bounceAmount;
8500 | }
8501 | afterBouncePosition = swiper.maxTranslate();
8502 | doBounce = true;
8503 | data.allowMomentumBounce = true;
8504 | } else {
8505 | newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate();
8506 | }
8507 | if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;
8508 | } else if (newPosition > swiper.minTranslate()) {
8509 | if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {
8510 | if (newPosition - swiper.minTranslate() > bounceAmount) {
8511 | newPosition = swiper.minTranslate() + bounceAmount;
8512 | }
8513 | afterBouncePosition = swiper.minTranslate();
8514 | doBounce = true;
8515 | data.allowMomentumBounce = true;
8516 | } else {
8517 | newPosition = swiper.minTranslate();
8518 | }
8519 | if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;
8520 | } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
8521 | let nextSlide;
8522 | for (let j = 0; j < snapGrid.length; j += 1) {
8523 | if (snapGrid[j] > -newPosition) {
8524 | nextSlide = j;
8525 | break;
8526 | }
8527 | }
8528 | if (Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide] - newPosition) < Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide - 1] - newPosition) || swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
8529 | newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide];
8530 | } else {
8531 | newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide - 1];
8532 | }
8533 | newPosition = -newPosition;
8534 | }
8535 | if (needsLoopFix) {
8536 | once('transitionEnd', () => {
8537 | swiper.loopFix();
8538 | });
8539 | }
8540 |
8541 | if (swiper.velocity !== 0) {
8542 | if (rtl) {
8543 | momentumDuration = Math.abs((-newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);
8544 | } else {
8545 | momentumDuration = Math.abs((newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);
8546 | }
8547 | if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
8548 |
8549 |
8550 |
8551 |
8552 |
8553 |
8554 |
8555 | const moveDistance = Math.abs((rtl ? -newPosition : newPosition) - swiper.translate);
8556 | const currentSlideSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex];
8557 | if (moveDistance < currentSlideSize) {
8558 | momentumDuration = params.speed;
8559 | } else if (moveDistance < 2 * currentSlideSize) {
8560 | momentumDuration = params.speed * 1.5;
8561 | } else {
8562 | momentumDuration = params.speed * 2.5;
8563 | }
8564 | }
8565 | } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
8566 | swiper.slideToClosest();
8567 | return;
8568 | }
8569 | if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce && doBounce) {
8570 | swiper.updateProgress(afterBouncePosition);
8571 | swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);
8572 | swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);
8573 | swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);
8574 | swiper.animating = true;
8575 | elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {
8576 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !data.allowMomentumBounce) return;
8577 | emit('momentumBounce');
8578 | swiper.setTransition(params.speed);
8579 | setTimeout(() => {
8580 | swiper.setTranslate(afterBouncePosition);
8581 | elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {
8582 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
8583 | swiper.transitionEnd();
8584 | });
8585 | }, 0);
8586 | });
8587 | } else if (swiper.velocity) {
8588 | emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');
8589 | swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);
8590 | swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);
8591 | swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);
8592 | swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);
8593 | if (!swiper.animating) {
8594 | swiper.animating = true;
8595 | elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {
8596 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
8597 | swiper.transitionEnd();
8598 | });
8599 | }
8600 | } else {
8601 | swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);
8602 | }
8603 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
8604 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
8605 | } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
8606 | swiper.slideToClosest();
8607 | return;
8608 | } else if (params.freeMode) {
8609 | emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');
8610 | }
8611 | if (!params.freeMode.momentum || timeDiff >= params.longSwipesMs) {
8612 | emit('_freeModeStaticRelease');
8613 | swiper.updateProgress();
8614 | swiper.updateActiveIndex();
8615 | swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
8616 | }
8617 | }
8618 | Object.assign(swiper, {
8619 | freeMode: {
8620 | onTouchStart,
8621 | onTouchMove,
8622 | onTouchEnd
8623 | }
8624 | });
8625 | }
8626 |
8627 | function Grid(_ref) {
8628 | let {
8629 | swiper,
8630 | extendParams,
8631 | on
8632 | } = _ref;
8633 | extendParams({
8634 | grid: {
8635 | rows: 1,
8636 | fill: 'column'
8637 | }
8638 | });
8639 | let slidesNumberEvenToRows;
8640 | let slidesPerRow;
8641 | let numFullColumns;
8642 | let wasMultiRow;
8643 | const getSpaceBetween = () => {
8644 | let spaceBetween = swiper.params.spaceBetween;
8645 | if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
8646 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiper.size;
8647 | } else if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string') {
8648 | spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween);
8649 | }
8650 | return spaceBetween;
8651 | };
8652 | const initSlides = slides => {
8653 | const {
8654 | slidesPerView
8655 | } = swiper.params;
8656 | const {
8657 | rows,
8658 | fill
8659 | } = swiper.params.grid;
8660 | const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length;
8661 | numFullColumns = Math.floor(slidesLength / rows);
8662 | if (Math.floor(slidesLength / rows) === slidesLength / rows) {
8663 | slidesNumberEvenToRows = slidesLength;
8664 | } else {
8665 | slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.ceil(slidesLength / rows) * rows;
8666 | }
8667 | if (slidesPerView !== 'auto' && fill === 'row') {
8668 | slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.max(slidesNumberEvenToRows, slidesPerView * rows);
8669 | }
8670 | slidesPerRow = slidesNumberEvenToRows / rows;
8671 | };
8672 | const unsetSlides = () => {
8673 | if (swiper.slides) {
8674 | swiper.slides.forEach(slide => {
8675 | if (slide.swiperSlideGridSet) {
8676 | slide.style.height = '';
8677 | slide.style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('margin-top')] = '';
8678 | }
8679 | });
8680 | }
8681 | };
8682 | const updateSlide = (i, slide, slides) => {
8683 | const {
8684 | slidesPerGroup
8685 | } = swiper.params;
8686 | const spaceBetween = getSpaceBetween();
8687 | const {
8688 | rows,
8689 | fill
8690 | } = swiper.params.grid;
8691 | const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length;
8692 |
8693 | let newSlideOrderIndex;
8694 | let column;
8695 | let row;
8696 | if (fill === 'row' && slidesPerGroup > 1) {
8697 | const groupIndex = Math.floor(i / (slidesPerGroup * rows));
8698 | const slideIndexInGroup = i - rows * slidesPerGroup * groupIndex;
8699 | const columnsInGroup = groupIndex === 0 ? slidesPerGroup : Math.min(Math.ceil((slidesLength - groupIndex * rows * slidesPerGroup) / rows), slidesPerGroup);
8700 | row = Math.floor(slideIndexInGroup / columnsInGroup);
8701 | column = slideIndexInGroup - row * columnsInGroup + groupIndex * slidesPerGroup;
8702 | newSlideOrderIndex = column + row * slidesNumberEvenToRows / rows;
8703 | slide.style.order = newSlideOrderIndex;
8704 | } else if (fill === 'column') {
8705 | column = Math.floor(i / rows);
8706 | row = i - column * rows;
8707 | if (column > numFullColumns || column === numFullColumns && row === rows - 1) {
8708 | row += 1;
8709 | if (row >= rows) {
8710 | row = 0;
8711 | column += 1;
8712 | }
8713 | }
8714 | } else {
8715 | row = Math.floor(i / slidesPerRow);
8716 | column = i - row * slidesPerRow;
8717 | }
8718 | slide.row = row;
8719 | slide.column = column;
8720 | slide.style.height = `calc((100% - ${(rows - 1) * spaceBetween}px) / ${rows})`;
8721 | slide.style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('margin-top')] = row !== 0 ? spaceBetween && `${spaceBetween}px` : '';
8722 | slide.swiperSlideGridSet = true;
8723 | };
8724 | const updateWrapperSize = (slideSize, snapGrid) => {
8725 | const {
8726 | centeredSlides,
8727 | roundLengths
8728 | } = swiper.params;
8729 | const spaceBetween = getSpaceBetween();
8730 | const {
8731 | rows
8732 | } = swiper.params.grid;
8733 | swiper.virtualSize = (slideSize + spaceBetween) * slidesNumberEvenToRows;
8734 | swiper.virtualSize = Math.ceil(swiper.virtualSize / rows) - spaceBetween;
8735 | if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {
8736 | swiper.wrapperEl.style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`;
8737 | }
8738 | if (centeredSlides) {
8739 | const newSlidesGrid = [];
8740 | for (let i = 0; i < snapGrid.length; i += 1) {
8741 | let slidesGridItem = snapGrid[i];
8742 | if (roundLengths) slidesGridItem = Math.floor(slidesGridItem);
8743 | if (snapGrid[i] < swiper.virtualSize + snapGrid[0]) newSlidesGrid.push(slidesGridItem);
8744 | }
8745 | snapGrid.splice(0, snapGrid.length);
8746 | snapGrid.push(...newSlidesGrid);
8747 | }
8748 | };
8749 | const onInit = () => {
8750 | wasMultiRow = swiper.params.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1;
8751 | };
8752 | const onUpdate = () => {
8753 | const {
8754 | params,
8755 | el
8756 | } = swiper;
8757 | const isMultiRow = params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
8758 | if (wasMultiRow && !isMultiRow) {
8759 | el.classList.remove(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`, `${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
8760 | numFullColumns = 1;
8761 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
8762 | } else if (!wasMultiRow && isMultiRow) {
8763 | el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`);
8764 | if (params.grid.fill === 'column') {
8765 | el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
8766 | }
8767 | swiper.emitContainerClasses();
8768 | }
8769 | wasMultiRow = isMultiRow;
8770 | };
8771 | on('init', onInit);
8772 | on('update', onUpdate);
8773 | swiper.grid = {
8774 | initSlides,
8775 | unsetSlides,
8776 | updateSlide,
8777 | updateWrapperSize
8778 | };
8779 | }
8780 |
8781 | function appendSlide(slides) {
8782 | const swiper = this;
8783 | const {
8784 | params,
8785 | slidesEl
8786 | } = swiper;
8787 | if (params.loop) {
8788 | swiper.loopDestroy();
8789 | }
8790 | const appendElement = slideEl => {
8791 | if (typeof slideEl === 'string') {
8792 | const tempDOM = document.createElement('div');
8793 | tempDOM.innerHTML = slideEl;
8794 | slidesEl.append(tempDOM.children[0]);
8795 | tempDOM.innerHTML = '';
8796 | } else {
8797 | slidesEl.append(slideEl);
8798 | }
8799 | };
8800 | if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
8801 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
8802 | if (slides[i]) appendElement(slides[i]);
8803 | }
8804 | } else {
8805 | appendElement(slides);
8806 | }
8807 | swiper.recalcSlides();
8808 | if (params.loop) {
8809 | swiper.loopCreate();
8810 | }
8811 | if (!params.observer || swiper.isElement) {
8812 | swiper.update();
8813 | }
8814 | }
8815 |
8816 | function prependSlide(slides) {
8817 | const swiper = this;
8818 | const {
8819 | params,
8820 | activeIndex,
8821 | slidesEl
8822 | } = swiper;
8823 | if (params.loop) {
8824 | swiper.loopDestroy();
8825 | }
8826 | let newActiveIndex = activeIndex + 1;
8827 | const prependElement = slideEl => {
8828 | if (typeof slideEl === 'string') {
8829 | const tempDOM = document.createElement('div');
8830 | tempDOM.innerHTML = slideEl;
8831 | slidesEl.prepend(tempDOM.children[0]);
8832 | tempDOM.innerHTML = '';
8833 | } else {
8834 | slidesEl.prepend(slideEl);
8835 | }
8836 | };
8837 | if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
8838 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
8839 | if (slides[i]) prependElement(slides[i]);
8840 | }
8841 | newActiveIndex = activeIndex + slides.length;
8842 | } else {
8843 | prependElement(slides);
8844 | }
8845 | swiper.recalcSlides();
8846 | if (params.loop) {
8847 | swiper.loopCreate();
8848 | }
8849 | if (!params.observer || swiper.isElement) {
8850 | swiper.update();
8851 | }
8852 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
8853 | }
8854 |
8855 | function addSlide(index, slides) {
8856 | const swiper = this;
8857 | const {
8858 | params,
8859 | activeIndex,
8860 | slidesEl
8861 | } = swiper;
8862 | let activeIndexBuffer = activeIndex;
8863 | if (params.loop) {
8864 | activeIndexBuffer -= swiper.loopedSlides;
8865 | swiper.loopDestroy();
8866 | swiper.recalcSlides();
8867 | }
8868 | const baseLength = swiper.slides.length;
8869 | if (index <= 0) {
8870 | swiper.prependSlide(slides);
8871 | return;
8872 | }
8873 | if (index >= baseLength) {
8874 | swiper.appendSlide(slides);
8875 | return;
8876 | }
8877 | let newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer > index ? activeIndexBuffer + 1 : activeIndexBuffer;
8878 | const slidesBuffer = [];
8879 | for (let i = baseLength - 1; i >= index; i -= 1) {
8880 | const currentSlide = swiper.slides[i];
8881 | currentSlide.remove();
8882 | slidesBuffer.unshift(currentSlide);
8883 | }
8884 | if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
8885 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
8886 | if (slides[i]) slidesEl.append(slides[i]);
8887 | }
8888 | newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer > index ? activeIndexBuffer + slides.length : activeIndexBuffer;
8889 | } else {
8890 | slidesEl.append(slides);
8891 | }
8892 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesBuffer.length; i += 1) {
8893 | slidesEl.append(slidesBuffer[i]);
8894 | }
8895 | swiper.recalcSlides();
8896 | if (params.loop) {
8897 | swiper.loopCreate();
8898 | }
8899 | if (!params.observer || swiper.isElement) {
8900 | swiper.update();
8901 | }
8902 | if (params.loop) {
8903 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, false);
8904 | } else {
8905 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
8906 | }
8907 | }
8908 |
8909 | function removeSlide(slidesIndexes) {
8910 | const swiper = this;
8911 | const {
8912 | params,
8913 | activeIndex
8914 | } = swiper;
8915 | let activeIndexBuffer = activeIndex;
8916 | if (params.loop) {
8917 | activeIndexBuffer -= swiper.loopedSlides;
8918 | swiper.loopDestroy();
8919 | }
8920 | let newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer;
8921 | let indexToRemove;
8922 | if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'object' && 'length' in slidesIndexes) {
8923 | for (let i = 0; i < slidesIndexes.length; i += 1) {
8924 | indexToRemove = slidesIndexes[i];
8925 | if (swiper.slides[indexToRemove]) swiper.slides[indexToRemove].remove();
8926 | if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex -= 1;
8927 | }
8928 | newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
8929 | } else {
8930 | indexToRemove = slidesIndexes;
8931 | if (swiper.slides[indexToRemove]) swiper.slides[indexToRemove].remove();
8932 | if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex -= 1;
8933 | newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
8934 | }
8935 | swiper.recalcSlides();
8936 | if (params.loop) {
8937 | swiper.loopCreate();
8938 | }
8939 | if (!params.observer || swiper.isElement) {
8940 | swiper.update();
8941 | }
8942 | if (params.loop) {
8943 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, false);
8944 | } else {
8945 | swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
8946 | }
8947 | }
8948 |
8949 | function removeAllSlides() {
8950 | const swiper = this;
8951 | const slidesIndexes = [];
8952 | for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) {
8953 | slidesIndexes.push(i);
8954 | }
8955 | swiper.removeSlide(slidesIndexes);
8956 | }
8957 |
8958 | function Manipulation(_ref) {
8959 | let {
8960 | swiper
8961 | } = _ref;
8962 | Object.assign(swiper, {
8963 | appendSlide: appendSlide.bind(swiper),
8964 | prependSlide: prependSlide.bind(swiper),
8965 | addSlide: addSlide.bind(swiper),
8966 | removeSlide: removeSlide.bind(swiper),
8967 | removeAllSlides: removeAllSlides.bind(swiper)
8968 | });
8969 | }
8970 |
8971 | function effectInit(params) {
8972 | const {
8973 | effect,
8974 | swiper,
8975 | on,
8976 | setTranslate,
8977 | setTransition,
8978 | overwriteParams,
8979 | perspective,
8980 | recreateShadows,
8981 | getEffectParams
8982 | } = params;
8983 | on('beforeInit', () => {
8984 | if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
8985 | swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${effect}`);
8986 | if (perspective && perspective()) {
8987 | swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}3d`);
8988 | }
8989 | const overwriteParamsResult = overwriteParams ? overwriteParams() : {};
8990 | Object.assign(swiper.params, overwriteParamsResult);
8991 | Object.assign(swiper.originalParams, overwriteParamsResult);
8992 | });
8993 | on('setTranslate', () => {
8994 | if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
8995 | setTranslate();
8996 | });
8997 | on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
8998 | if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
8999 | setTransition(duration);
9000 | });
9001 | on('transitionEnd', () => {
9002 | if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
9003 | if (recreateShadows) {
9004 | if (!getEffectParams || !getEffectParams().slideShadows) return;
9005 |
9006 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
9007 | slideEl.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(shadowEl => shadowEl.remove());
9008 | });
9009 |
9010 | recreateShadows();
9011 | }
9012 | });
9013 | let requireUpdateOnVirtual;
9014 | on('virtualUpdate', () => {
9015 | if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
9016 | if (!swiper.slides.length) {
9017 | requireUpdateOnVirtual = true;
9018 | }
9019 | requestAnimationFrame(() => {
9020 | if (requireUpdateOnVirtual && swiper.slides && swiper.slides.length) {
9021 | setTranslate();
9022 | requireUpdateOnVirtual = false;
9023 | }
9024 | });
9025 | });
9026 | }
9027 |
9028 | function effectTarget(effectParams, slideEl) {
9029 | const transformEl = getSlideTransformEl(slideEl);
9030 | if (transformEl !== slideEl) {
9031 | transformEl.style.backfaceVisibility = 'hidden';
9032 | transformEl.style['-webkit-backface-visibility'] = 'hidden';
9033 | }
9034 | return transformEl;
9035 | }
9036 |
9037 | function effectVirtualTransitionEnd(_ref) {
9038 | let {
9039 | swiper,
9040 | duration,
9041 | transformElements,
9042 | allSlides
9043 | } = _ref;
9044 | const {
9045 | activeIndex
9046 | } = swiper;
9047 | const getSlide = el => {
9048 | if (!el.parentElement) {
9049 |
9050 | const slide = swiper.slides.find(slideEl => slideEl.shadowRoot && slideEl.shadowRoot === el.parentNode);
9051 | return slide;
9052 | }
9053 | return el.parentElement;
9054 | };
9055 | if (swiper.params.virtualTranslate && duration !== 0) {
9056 | let eventTriggered = false;
9057 | let transitionEndTarget;
9058 | if (allSlides) {
9059 | transitionEndTarget = transformElements;
9060 | } else {
9061 | transitionEndTarget = transformElements.filter(transformEl => {
9062 | const el = transformEl.classList.contains('swiper-slide-transform') ? getSlide(transformEl) : transformEl;
9063 | return swiper.getSlideIndex(el) === activeIndex;
9064 | });
9065 | }
9066 | transitionEndTarget.forEach(el => {
9067 | elementTransitionEnd(el, () => {
9068 | if (eventTriggered) return;
9069 | if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
9070 | eventTriggered = true;
9071 | swiper.animating = false;
9072 | const evt = new window.CustomEvent('transitionend', {
9073 | bubbles: true,
9074 | cancelable: true
9075 | });
9076 | swiper.wrapperEl.dispatchEvent(evt);
9077 | });
9078 | });
9079 | }
9080 | }
9081 |
9082 | function EffectFade(_ref) {
9083 | let {
9084 | swiper,
9085 | extendParams,
9086 | on
9087 | } = _ref;
9088 | extendParams({
9089 | fadeEffect: {
9090 | crossFade: false
9091 | }
9092 | });
9093 | const setTranslate = () => {
9094 | const {
9095 | slides
9096 | } = swiper;
9097 | const params = swiper.params.fadeEffect;
9098 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
9099 | const slideEl = swiper.slides[i];
9100 | const offset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;
9101 | let tx = -offset;
9102 | if (!swiper.params.virtualTranslate) tx -= swiper.translate;
9103 | let ty = 0;
9104 | if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
9105 | ty = tx;
9106 | tx = 0;
9107 | }
9108 | const slideOpacity = swiper.params.fadeEffect.crossFade ? Math.max(1 - Math.abs(slideEl.progress), 0) : 1 + Math.min(Math.max(slideEl.progress, -1), 0);
9109 | const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);
9110 | targetEl.style.opacity = slideOpacity;
9111 | targetEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px)`;
9112 | }
9113 | };
9114 | const setTransition = duration => {
9115 | const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));
9116 | transformElements.forEach(el => {
9117 | el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9118 | });
9119 | effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
9120 | swiper,
9121 | duration,
9122 | transformElements,
9123 | allSlides: true
9124 | });
9125 | };
9126 | effectInit({
9127 | effect: 'fade',
9128 | swiper,
9129 | on,
9130 | setTranslate,
9131 | setTransition,
9132 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9133 | slidesPerView: 1,
9134 | slidesPerGroup: 1,
9135 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
9136 | spaceBetween: 0,
9137 | virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
9138 | })
9139 | });
9140 | }
9141 |
9142 | function EffectCube(_ref) {
9143 | let {
9144 | swiper,
9145 | extendParams,
9146 | on
9147 | } = _ref;
9148 | extendParams({
9149 | cubeEffect: {
9150 | slideShadows: true,
9151 | shadow: true,
9152 | shadowOffset: 20,
9153 | shadowScale: 0.94
9154 | }
9155 | });
9156 | const createSlideShadows = (slideEl, progress, isHorizontal) => {
9157 | let shadowBefore = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
9158 | let shadowAfter = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
9159 | if (!shadowBefore) {
9160 | shadowBefore = createElement('div', `swiper-slide-shadow-cube swiper-slide-shadow-${isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top'}`.split(' '));
9161 | slideEl.append(shadowBefore);
9162 | }
9163 | if (!shadowAfter) {
9164 | shadowAfter = createElement('div', `swiper-slide-shadow-cube swiper-slide-shadow-${isHorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom'}`.split(' '));
9165 | slideEl.append(shadowAfter);
9166 | }
9167 | if (shadowBefore) shadowBefore.style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
9168 | if (shadowAfter) shadowAfter.style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
9169 | };
9170 | const recreateShadows = () => {
9171 |
9172 | const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();
9173 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
9174 | const progress = Math.max(Math.min(slideEl.progress, 1), -1);
9175 | createSlideShadows(slideEl, progress, isHorizontal);
9176 | });
9177 | };
9178 | const setTranslate = () => {
9179 | const {
9180 | el,
9181 | wrapperEl,
9182 | slides,
9183 | width: swiperWidth,
9184 | height: swiperHeight,
9185 | rtlTranslate: rtl,
9186 | size: swiperSize,
9187 | browser
9188 | } = swiper;
9189 | const r = getRotateFix(swiper);
9190 | const params = swiper.params.cubeEffect;
9191 | const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();
9192 | const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
9193 | let wrapperRotate = 0;
9194 | let cubeShadowEl;
9195 | if (params.shadow) {
9196 | if (isHorizontal) {
9197 | cubeShadowEl = swiper.wrapperEl.querySelector('.swiper-cube-shadow');
9198 | if (!cubeShadowEl) {
9199 | cubeShadowEl = createElement('div', 'swiper-cube-shadow');
9200 | swiper.wrapperEl.append(cubeShadowEl);
9201 | }
9202 | cubeShadowEl.style.height = `${swiperWidth}px`;
9203 | } else {
9204 | cubeShadowEl = el.querySelector('.swiper-cube-shadow');
9205 | if (!cubeShadowEl) {
9206 | cubeShadowEl = createElement('div', 'swiper-cube-shadow');
9207 | el.append(cubeShadowEl);
9208 | }
9209 | }
9210 | }
9211 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
9212 | const slideEl = slides[i];
9213 | let slideIndex = i;
9214 | if (isVirtual) {
9215 | slideIndex = parseInt(slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
9216 | }
9217 | let slideAngle = slideIndex * 90;
9218 | let round = Math.floor(slideAngle / 360);
9219 | if (rtl) {
9220 | slideAngle = -slideAngle;
9221 | round = Math.floor(-slideAngle / 360);
9222 | }
9223 | const progress = Math.max(Math.min(slideEl.progress, 1), -1);
9224 | let tx = 0;
9225 | let ty = 0;
9226 | let tz = 0;
9227 | if (slideIndex % 4 === 0) {
9228 | tx = -round * 4 * swiperSize;
9229 | tz = 0;
9230 | } else if ((slideIndex - 1) % 4 === 0) {
9231 | tx = 0;
9232 | tz = -round * 4 * swiperSize;
9233 | } else if ((slideIndex - 2) % 4 === 0) {
9234 | tx = swiperSize + round * 4 * swiperSize;
9235 | tz = swiperSize;
9236 | } else if ((slideIndex - 3) % 4 === 0) {
9237 | tx = -swiperSize;
9238 | tz = 3 * swiperSize + swiperSize * 4 * round;
9239 | }
9240 | if (rtl) {
9241 | tx = -tx;
9242 | }
9243 | if (!isHorizontal) {
9244 | ty = tx;
9245 | tx = 0;
9246 | }
9247 | const transform = `rotateX(${r(isHorizontal ? 0 : -slideAngle)}deg) rotateY(${r(isHorizontal ? slideAngle : 0)}deg) translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, ${tz}px)`;
9248 | if (progress <= 1 && progress > -1) {
9249 | wrapperRotate = slideIndex * 90 + progress * 90;
9250 | if (rtl) wrapperRotate = -slideIndex * 90 - progress * 90;
9251 | }
9252 | slideEl.style.transform = transform;
9253 | if (params.slideShadows) {
9254 | createSlideShadows(slideEl, progress, isHorizontal);
9255 | }
9256 | }
9257 | wrapperEl.style.transformOrigin = `50% 50% -${swiperSize / 2}px`;
9258 | wrapperEl.style['-webkit-transform-origin'] = `50% 50% -${swiperSize / 2}px`;
9259 | if (params.shadow) {
9260 | if (isHorizontal) {
9261 | cubeShadowEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0px, ${swiperWidth / 2 + params.shadowOffset}px, ${-swiperWidth / 2}px) rotateX(89.99deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(${params.shadowScale})`;
9262 | } else {
9263 | const shadowAngle = Math.abs(wrapperRotate) - Math.floor(Math.abs(wrapperRotate) / 90) * 90;
9264 | const multiplier = 1.5 - (Math.sin(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2 + Math.cos(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2);
9265 | const scale1 = params.shadowScale;
9266 | const scale2 = params.shadowScale / multiplier;
9267 | const offset = params.shadowOffset;
9268 | cubeShadowEl.style.transform = `scale3d(${scale1}, 1, ${scale2}) translate3d(0px, ${swiperHeight / 2 + offset}px, ${-swiperHeight / 2 / scale2}px) rotateX(-89.99deg)`;
9269 | }
9270 | }
9271 | const zFactor = (browser.isSafari || browser.isWebView) && browser.needPerspectiveFix ? -swiperSize / 2 : 0;
9272 | wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0px,0,${zFactor}px) rotateX(${r(swiper.isHorizontal() ? 0 : wrapperRotate)}deg) rotateY(${r(swiper.isHorizontal() ? -wrapperRotate : 0)}deg)`;
9273 | wrapperEl.style.setProperty('--swiper-cube-translate-z', `${zFactor}px`);
9274 | };
9275 | const setTransition = duration => {
9276 | const {
9277 | el,
9278 | slides
9279 | } = swiper;
9280 | slides.forEach(slideEl => {
9281 | slideEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9282 | slideEl.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(subEl => {
9283 | subEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9284 | });
9285 | });
9286 | if (swiper.params.cubeEffect.shadow && !swiper.isHorizontal()) {
9287 | const shadowEl = el.querySelector('.swiper-cube-shadow');
9288 | if (shadowEl) shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9289 | }
9290 | };
9291 | effectInit({
9292 | effect: 'cube',
9293 | swiper,
9294 | on,
9295 | setTranslate,
9296 | setTransition,
9297 | recreateShadows,
9298 | getEffectParams: () => swiper.params.cubeEffect,
9299 | perspective: () => true,
9300 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9301 | slidesPerView: 1,
9302 | slidesPerGroup: 1,
9303 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
9304 | resistanceRatio: 0,
9305 | spaceBetween: 0,
9306 | centeredSlides: false,
9307 | virtualTranslate: true
9308 | })
9309 | });
9310 | }
9311 |
9312 | function createShadow(suffix, slideEl, side) {
9313 | const shadowClass = `swiper-slide-shadow${side ? `-${side}` : ''}${suffix ? ` swiper-slide-shadow-${suffix}` : ''}`;
9314 | const shadowContainer = getSlideTransformEl(slideEl);
9315 | let shadowEl = shadowContainer.querySelector(`.${shadowClass.split(' ').join('.')}`);
9316 | if (!shadowEl) {
9317 | shadowEl = createElement('div', shadowClass.split(' '));
9318 | shadowContainer.append(shadowEl);
9319 | }
9320 | return shadowEl;
9321 | }
9322 |
9323 | function EffectFlip(_ref) {
9324 | let {
9325 | swiper,
9326 | extendParams,
9327 | on
9328 | } = _ref;
9329 | extendParams({
9330 | flipEffect: {
9331 | slideShadows: true,
9332 | limitRotation: true
9333 | }
9334 | });
9335 | const createSlideShadows = (slideEl, progress) => {
9336 | let shadowBefore = swiper.isHorizontal() ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
9337 | let shadowAfter = swiper.isHorizontal() ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
9338 | if (!shadowBefore) {
9339 | shadowBefore = createShadow('flip', slideEl, swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top');
9340 | }
9341 | if (!shadowAfter) {
9342 | shadowAfter = createShadow('flip', slideEl, swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom');
9343 | }
9344 | if (shadowBefore) shadowBefore.style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
9345 | if (shadowAfter) shadowAfter.style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
9346 | };
9347 | const recreateShadows = () => {
9348 |
9349 | swiper.params.flipEffect;
9350 | swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {
9351 | let progress = slideEl.progress;
9352 | if (swiper.params.flipEffect.limitRotation) {
9353 | progress = Math.max(Math.min(slideEl.progress, 1), -1);
9354 | }
9355 | createSlideShadows(slideEl, progress);
9356 | });
9357 | };
9358 | const setTranslate = () => {
9359 | const {
9360 | slides,
9361 | rtlTranslate: rtl
9362 | } = swiper;
9363 | const params = swiper.params.flipEffect;
9364 | const rotateFix = getRotateFix(swiper);
9365 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
9366 | const slideEl = slides[i];
9367 | let progress = slideEl.progress;
9368 | if (swiper.params.flipEffect.limitRotation) {
9369 | progress = Math.max(Math.min(slideEl.progress, 1), -1);
9370 | }
9371 | const offset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;
9372 | const rotate = -180 * progress;
9373 | let rotateY = rotate;
9374 | let rotateX = 0;
9375 | let tx = swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset;
9376 | let ty = 0;
9377 | if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
9378 | ty = tx;
9379 | tx = 0;
9380 | rotateX = -rotateY;
9381 | rotateY = 0;
9382 | } else if (rtl) {
9383 | rotateY = -rotateY;
9384 | }
9385 | slideEl.style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(progress)) + slides.length;
9386 | if (params.slideShadows) {
9387 | createSlideShadows(slideEl, progress);
9388 | }
9389 | const transform = `translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px) rotateX(${rotateFix(rotateX)}deg) rotateY(${rotateFix(rotateY)}deg)`;
9390 | const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);
9391 | targetEl.style.transform = transform;
9392 | }
9393 | };
9394 | const setTransition = duration => {
9395 | const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));
9396 | transformElements.forEach(el => {
9397 | el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9398 | el.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(shadowEl => {
9399 | shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9400 | });
9401 | });
9402 | effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
9403 | swiper,
9404 | duration,
9405 | transformElements
9406 | });
9407 | };
9408 | effectInit({
9409 | effect: 'flip',
9410 | swiper,
9411 | on,
9412 | setTranslate,
9413 | setTransition,
9414 | recreateShadows,
9415 | getEffectParams: () => swiper.params.flipEffect,
9416 | perspective: () => true,
9417 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9418 | slidesPerView: 1,
9419 | slidesPerGroup: 1,
9420 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
9421 | spaceBetween: 0,
9422 | virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
9423 | })
9424 | });
9425 | }
9426 |
9427 | function EffectCoverflow(_ref) {
9428 | let {
9429 | swiper,
9430 | extendParams,
9431 | on
9432 | } = _ref;
9433 | extendParams({
9434 | coverflowEffect: {
9435 | rotate: 50,
9436 | stretch: 0,
9437 | depth: 100,
9438 | scale: 1,
9439 | modifier: 1,
9440 | slideShadows: true
9441 | }
9442 | });
9443 | const setTranslate = () => {
9444 | const {
9445 | width: swiperWidth,
9446 | height: swiperHeight,
9447 | slides,
9448 | slidesSizesGrid
9449 | } = swiper;
9450 | const params = swiper.params.coverflowEffect;
9451 | const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();
9452 | const transform = swiper.translate;
9453 | const center = isHorizontal ? -transform + swiperWidth / 2 : -transform + swiperHeight / 2;
9454 | const rotate = isHorizontal ? params.rotate : -params.rotate;
9455 | const translate = params.depth;
9456 | const r = getRotateFix(swiper);
9457 |
9458 | for (let i = 0, length = slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {
9459 | const slideEl = slides[i];
9460 | const slideSize = slidesSizesGrid[i];
9461 | const slideOffset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;
9462 | const centerOffset = (center - slideOffset - slideSize / 2) / slideSize;
9463 | const offsetMultiplier = typeof params.modifier === 'function' ? params.modifier(centerOffset) : centerOffset * params.modifier;
9464 | let rotateY = isHorizontal ? rotate * offsetMultiplier : 0;
9465 | let rotateX = isHorizontal ? 0 : rotate * offsetMultiplier;
9466 |
9467 | let translateZ = -translate * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);
9468 | let stretch = params.stretch;
9469 |
9470 | if (typeof stretch === 'string' && stretch.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
9471 | stretch = parseFloat(params.stretch) / 100 * slideSize;
9472 | }
9473 | let translateY = isHorizontal ? 0 : stretch * offsetMultiplier;
9474 | let translateX = isHorizontal ? stretch * offsetMultiplier : 0;
9475 | let scale = 1 - (1 - params.scale) * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);
9476 |
9477 |
9478 | if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.001) translateX = 0;
9479 | if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.001) translateY = 0;
9480 | if (Math.abs(translateZ) < 0.001) translateZ = 0;
9481 | if (Math.abs(rotateY) < 0.001) rotateY = 0;
9482 | if (Math.abs(rotateX) < 0.001) rotateX = 0;
9483 | if (Math.abs(scale) < 0.001) scale = 0;
9484 | const slideTransform = `translate3d(${translateX}px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) rotateX(${r(rotateX)}deg) rotateY(${r(rotateY)}deg) scale(${scale})`;
9485 | const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);
9486 | targetEl.style.transform = slideTransform;
9487 | slideEl.style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(offsetMultiplier)) + 1;
9488 | if (params.slideShadows) {
9489 |
9490 | let shadowBeforeEl = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
9491 | let shadowAfterEl = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
9492 | if (!shadowBeforeEl) {
9493 | shadowBeforeEl = createShadow('coverflow', slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top');
9494 | }
9495 | if (!shadowAfterEl) {
9496 | shadowAfterEl = createShadow('coverflow', slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom');
9497 | }
9498 | if (shadowBeforeEl) shadowBeforeEl.style.opacity = offsetMultiplier > 0 ? offsetMultiplier : 0;
9499 | if (shadowAfterEl) shadowAfterEl.style.opacity = -offsetMultiplier > 0 ? -offsetMultiplier : 0;
9500 | }
9501 | }
9502 | };
9503 | const setTransition = duration => {
9504 | const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));
9505 | transformElements.forEach(el => {
9506 | el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9507 | el.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(shadowEl => {
9508 | shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9509 | });
9510 | });
9511 | };
9512 | effectInit({
9513 | effect: 'coverflow',
9514 | swiper,
9515 | on,
9516 | setTranslate,
9517 | setTransition,
9518 | perspective: () => true,
9519 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9520 | watchSlidesProgress: true
9521 | })
9522 | });
9523 | }
9524 |
9525 | function EffectCreative(_ref) {
9526 | let {
9527 | swiper,
9528 | extendParams,
9529 | on
9530 | } = _ref;
9531 | extendParams({
9532 | creativeEffect: {
9533 | limitProgress: 1,
9534 | shadowPerProgress: false,
9535 | progressMultiplier: 1,
9536 | perspective: true,
9537 | prev: {
9538 | translate: [0, 0, 0],
9539 | rotate: [0, 0, 0],
9540 | opacity: 1,
9541 | scale: 1
9542 | },
9543 | next: {
9544 | translate: [0, 0, 0],
9545 | rotate: [0, 0, 0],
9546 | opacity: 1,
9547 | scale: 1
9548 | }
9549 | }
9550 | });
9551 | const getTranslateValue = value => {
9552 | if (typeof value === 'string') return value;
9553 | return `${value}px`;
9554 | };
9555 | const setTranslate = () => {
9556 | const {
9557 | slides,
9558 | wrapperEl,
9559 | slidesSizesGrid
9560 | } = swiper;
9561 | const params = swiper.params.creativeEffect;
9562 | const {
9563 | progressMultiplier: multiplier
9564 | } = params;
9565 | const isCenteredSlides = swiper.params.centeredSlides;
9566 | const rotateFix = getRotateFix(swiper);
9567 | if (isCenteredSlides) {
9568 | const margin = slidesSizesGrid[0] / 2 - swiper.params.slidesOffsetBefore || 0;
9569 | wrapperEl.style.transform = `translateX(calc(50% - ${margin}px))`;
9570 | }
9571 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
9572 | const slideEl = slides[i];
9573 | const slideProgress = slideEl.progress;
9574 | const progress = Math.min(Math.max(slideEl.progress, -params.limitProgress), params.limitProgress);
9575 | let originalProgress = progress;
9576 | if (!isCenteredSlides) {
9577 | originalProgress = Math.min(Math.max(slideEl.originalProgress, -params.limitProgress), params.limitProgress);
9578 | }
9579 | const offset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;
9580 | const t = [swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset, 0, 0];
9581 | const r = [0, 0, 0];
9582 | let custom = false;
9583 | if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
9584 | t[1] = t[0];
9585 | t[0] = 0;
9586 | }
9587 | let data = {
9588 | translate: [0, 0, 0],
9589 | rotate: [0, 0, 0],
9590 | scale: 1,
9591 | opacity: 1
9592 | };
9593 | if (progress < 0) {
9594 | data = params.next;
9595 | custom = true;
9596 | } else if (progress > 0) {
9597 | data = params.prev;
9598 | custom = true;
9599 | }
9600 |
9601 | t.forEach((value, index) => {
9602 | t[index] = `calc(${value}px + (${getTranslateValue(data.translate[index])} * ${Math.abs(progress * multiplier)}))`;
9603 | });
9604 |
9605 | r.forEach((value, index) => {
9606 | let val = data.rotate[index] * Math.abs(progress * multiplier);
9607 | r[index] = val;
9608 | });
9609 | slideEl.style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(slideProgress)) + slides.length;
9610 | const translateString = t.join(', ');
9611 | const rotateString = `rotateX(${rotateFix(r[0])}deg) rotateY(${rotateFix(r[1])}deg) rotateZ(${rotateFix(r[2])}deg)`;
9612 | const scaleString = originalProgress < 0 ? `scale(${1 + (1 - data.scale) * originalProgress * multiplier})` : `scale(${1 - (1 - data.scale) * originalProgress * multiplier})`;
9613 | const opacityString = originalProgress < 0 ? 1 + (1 - data.opacity) * originalProgress * multiplier : 1 - (1 - data.opacity) * originalProgress * multiplier;
9614 | const transform = `translate3d(${translateString}) ${rotateString} ${scaleString}`;
9615 |
9616 |
9617 | if (custom && data.shadow || !custom) {
9618 | let shadowEl = slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow');
9619 | if (!shadowEl && data.shadow) {
9620 | shadowEl = createShadow('creative', slideEl);
9621 | }
9622 | if (shadowEl) {
9623 | const shadowOpacity = params.shadowPerProgress ? progress * (1 / params.limitProgress) : progress;
9624 | shadowEl.style.opacity = Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(shadowOpacity), 0), 1);
9625 | }
9626 | }
9627 | const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);
9628 | targetEl.style.transform = transform;
9629 | targetEl.style.opacity = opacityString;
9630 | if (data.origin) {
9631 | targetEl.style.transformOrigin = data.origin;
9632 | }
9633 | }
9634 | };
9635 | const setTransition = duration => {
9636 | const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));
9637 | transformElements.forEach(el => {
9638 | el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9639 | el.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow').forEach(shadowEl => {
9640 | shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9641 | });
9642 | });
9643 | effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
9644 | swiper,
9645 | duration,
9646 | transformElements,
9647 | allSlides: true
9648 | });
9649 | };
9650 | effectInit({
9651 | effect: 'creative',
9652 | swiper,
9653 | on,
9654 | setTranslate,
9655 | setTransition,
9656 | perspective: () => swiper.params.creativeEffect.perspective,
9657 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9658 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
9659 | virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
9660 | })
9661 | });
9662 | }
9663 |
9664 | function EffectCards(_ref) {
9665 | let {
9666 | swiper,
9667 | extendParams,
9668 | on
9669 | } = _ref;
9670 | extendParams({
9671 | cardsEffect: {
9672 | slideShadows: true,
9673 | rotate: true,
9674 | perSlideRotate: 2,
9675 | perSlideOffset: 8
9676 | }
9677 | });
9678 | const setTranslate = () => {
9679 | const {
9680 | slides,
9681 | activeIndex,
9682 | rtlTranslate: rtl
9683 | } = swiper;
9684 | const params = swiper.params.cardsEffect;
9685 | const {
9686 | startTranslate,
9687 | isTouched
9688 | } = swiper.touchEventsData;
9689 | const currentTranslate = rtl ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate;
9690 | for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
9691 | const slideEl = slides[i];
9692 | const slideProgress = slideEl.progress;
9693 | const progress = Math.min(Math.max(slideProgress, -4), 4);
9694 | let offset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;
9695 | if (swiper.params.centeredSlides && !swiper.params.cssMode) {
9696 | swiper.wrapperEl.style.transform = `translateX(${swiper.minTranslate()}px)`;
9697 | }
9698 | if (swiper.params.centeredSlides && swiper.params.cssMode) {
9699 | offset -= slides[0].swiperSlideOffset;
9700 | }
9701 | let tX = swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset;
9702 | let tY = 0;
9703 | const tZ = -100 * Math.abs(progress);
9704 | let scale = 1;
9705 | let rotate = -params.perSlideRotate * progress;
9706 | let tXAdd = params.perSlideOffset - Math.abs(progress) * 0.75;
9707 | const slideIndex = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.from + i : i;
9708 | const isSwipeToNext = (slideIndex === activeIndex || slideIndex === activeIndex - 1) && progress > 0 && progress < 1 && (isTouched || swiper.params.cssMode) && currentTranslate < startTranslate;
9709 | const isSwipeToPrev = (slideIndex === activeIndex || slideIndex === activeIndex + 1) && progress < 0 && progress > -1 && (isTouched || swiper.params.cssMode) && currentTranslate > startTranslate;
9710 | if (isSwipeToNext || isSwipeToPrev) {
9711 | const subProgress = (1 - Math.abs((Math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5)) ** 0.5;
9712 | rotate += -28 * progress * subProgress;
9713 | scale += -0.5 * subProgress;
9714 | tXAdd += 96 * subProgress;
9715 | tY = `${-25 * subProgress * Math.abs(progress)}%`;
9716 | }
9717 | if (progress < 0) {
9718 |
9719 | tX = `calc(${tX}px ${rtl ? '-' : '+'} (${tXAdd * Math.abs(progress)}%))`;
9720 | } else if (progress > 0) {
9721 |
9722 | tX = `calc(${tX}px ${rtl ? '-' : '+'} (-${tXAdd * Math.abs(progress)}%))`;
9723 | } else {
9724 | tX = `${tX}px`;
9725 | }
9726 | if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
9727 | const prevY = tY;
9728 | tY = tX;
9729 | tX = prevY;
9730 | }
9731 | const scaleString = progress < 0 ? `${1 + (1 - scale) * progress}` : `${1 - (1 - scale) * progress}`;
9732 |
9733 |
9734 | const transform = `
9735 | translate3d(${tX}, ${tY}, ${tZ}px)
9736 | rotateZ(${params.rotate ? rtl ? -rotate : rotate : 0}deg)
9737 | scale(${scaleString})
9738 | `;
9739 |
9740 |
9741 | if (params.slideShadows) {
9742 |
9743 | let shadowEl = slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow');
9744 | if (!shadowEl) {
9745 | shadowEl = createShadow('cards', slideEl);
9746 | }
9747 | if (shadowEl) shadowEl.style.opacity = Math.min(Math.max((Math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5, 0), 1);
9748 | }
9749 | slideEl.style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(slideProgress)) + slides.length;
9750 | const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);
9751 | targetEl.style.transform = transform;
9752 | }
9753 | };
9754 | const setTransition = duration => {
9755 | const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));
9756 | transformElements.forEach(el => {
9757 | el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9758 | el.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow').forEach(shadowEl => {
9759 | shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
9760 | });
9761 | });
9762 | effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
9763 | swiper,
9764 | duration,
9765 | transformElements
9766 | });
9767 | };
9768 | effectInit({
9769 | effect: 'cards',
9770 | swiper,
9771 | on,
9772 | setTranslate,
9773 | setTransition,
9774 | perspective: () => true,
9775 | overwriteParams: () => ({
9776 | _loopSwapReset: false,
9777 | watchSlidesProgress: true,
9778 | loopAdditionalSlides: 3,
9779 | centeredSlides: true,
9780 | virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
9781 | })
9782 | });
9783 | }
9784 |
9785 | |
9786 |
9787 |
9788 |
9789 |
9790 |
9791 |
9792 |
9793 |
9794 |
9795 |
9796 |
9797 |
9798 |
9799 | const modules = [Virtual, Keyboard, Mousewheel, Navigation, Pagination, Scrollbar, Parallax, Zoom, Controller, A11y, History, HashNavigation, Autoplay, Thumb, freeMode, Grid, Manipulation, EffectFade, EffectCube, EffectFlip, EffectCoverflow, EffectCreative, EffectCards];
9800 | Swiper.use(modules);
9801 |
9802 | return Swiper;
9803 |
9804 | })();