2.79 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import Swiper from '../swiper-class';
3export interface AutoplayMethods {
4 /**
5 * Whether autoplay enabled and running
6 */
7 running: boolean;
9 /**
10 * Whether autoplay is paused
11 */
12 paused: boolean;
14 /**
15 * Pause autoplay
16 */
17 pause(speed?: number): void;
19 /**
20 * Run the autoplay logic
21 */
22 run(): void;
24 /**
25 * Start autoplay
26 */
27 start(): boolean;
29 /**
30 * Stop autoplay
31 */
32 stop(): boolean;
35export interface AutoplayEvents {
36 /**
37 * Event will be fired in when autoplay started
38 */
39 autoplayStart: (swiper: Swiper) => void;
40 /**
41 * Event will be fired when autoplay stopped
42 */
43 autoplayStop: (swiper: Swiper) => void;
44 /**
45 * Event will be fired on autoplay pause (on mouse/pointer enter), when `pauseOnMouseEnter` enabled
46 */
47 autoplayPause: (swiper: Swiper) => void;
48 /**
49 * Event will be fired on autoplay resume (on mouse/pointer leave), when `pauseOnMouseEnter` enabled
50 */
51 autoplayResume: (swiper: Swiper) => void;
52 /**
53 * Event will be fired when slide changed with autoplay
54 */
55 autoplay: (swiper: Swiper) => void;
59 * Object with autoplay parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings.
60 *
61 * @example
62 * ```js
63 * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', {
64 * autoplay: {
65 * delay: 5000,
66 * },
67 * });
68 * ```
69 */
70export interface AutoplayOptions {
71 /**
72 * Delay between transitions (in ms). If this parameter is not specified, auto play will be disabled
73 *
74 * If you need to specify different delay for specific slides you can do it by using
75 * `data-swiper-autoplay` (in ms) attribute on slide.
76 *
77 * @example
78 * ```html
79 * <!-- hold this slide for 2 seconds -->
80 * <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-autoplay="2000">
81 * ```
82 *
83 * @default 3000
84 */
85 delay?: number;
87 /**
88 * Enable this parameter and autoplay will be stopped when it reaches last slide (has no effect in loop mode)
89 *
90 * @default false
91 */
92 stopOnLastSlide?: boolean;
94 /**
95 * Set to `false` and autoplay will not be disabled after user interactions (swipes),
96 * it will be restarted every time after interaction
97 *
98 * @default true
99 */
100 disableOnInteraction?: boolean;
102 /**
103 * Enables autoplay in reverse direction
104 *
105 * @default false
106 */
107 reverseDirection?: boolean;
109 /**
110 * When enabled autoplay will wait for wrapper transition to continue.
111 * Can be disabled in case of using Virtual Translate when your
112 * slider may not have transition
113 *
114 * @default true
115 */
116 waitForTransition?: boolean;
118 /**
119 * When enabled autoplay will be paused on mouse enter over Swiper container. If `disableOnInteraction` is also enabled, it will stop autoplay instead of pause
120 *
121 * @default false
122 */
123 pauseOnMouseEnter?: boolean;