15.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1module.exports = function (grunt) {
2 var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config.js');
3 var webpackDevConfig = require('./webpack.dev.config.js');
4 var webpackTestConfig = require('./webpack.test.config.js');
5 var fs = require('fs');
6 var path = require('path');
7 var testDir = 'test';
8 var testHost = 'http://localhost:8000/';
9 var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
10 var repo = 'github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter';
11 var styleDirDist = 'dist/tablefilter/style/';
13 grunt.initConfig({
15 eslint: {
16 options: {
17 configFile: '.eslintrc'
18 },
19 target: [
20 'Gruntfile.js',
21 'webpack.config.js',
22 'webpack.dev.config.js',
23 'webpack.test.config.js',
24 'src/**/*.js',
25 'test/*.js'
26 ]
27 },
29 qunit: {
30 options: {
31 '--web-security': 'no',
32 coverage: {
33 disposeCollector: true,
34 src: ['dist/tablefilter/*.js'],
35 instrumentedFiles: 'temp/',
36 htmlReport: 'report/coverage',
37 coberturaReport: 'report/',
38 lcovReport: 'report/',
39 jsonReport: 'report',
40 linesThresholdPct: 80
41 }
42 },
43 all: {
44 options: {
45 urls: getTestFiles(testDir, testHost)
46 }
47 },
48 only: {
49 options: {
50 urls: []
51 }
52 }
53 },
55 connect: {
56 server: {
57 options: {
58 port: 8000,
59 base: '.'
60 }
61 }
62 },
64 copy: {
65 dist: {
66 src: [
67 '**',
68 '!**/*.styl',
69 '!**/extensions/**',
70 '!**/mixins/**'
71 ],
72 cwd: 'static/style',
73 dest: 'dist/tablefilter/style',
74 expand: true
75 },
76 templates: {
77 src: ['**'],
78 cwd: 'static/templates',
79 dest: 'demos',
80 expand: true
81 },
82 assets: {
83 src: ['**'],
84 cwd: 'static/demos-assets',
85 dest: 'demos/assets',
86 expand: true
87 },
88 starter: {
89 src: ['demos/starter.html'],
90 dest: 'dist/starter.html'
91 }
92 },
94 'string-replace': {
95 demos: {
96 files: { 'demos/': 'demos/*.html' },
97 options: {
98 replacements: [
99 {
100 pattern: /{NAME}/ig,
101 replacement: pkg.name
102 }, {
103 pattern: /{VERSION}/ig,
104 replacement: pkg.version
105 }, {
106 pattern: /{EZEDITTABLE_LINK}/ig,
107 replacement: '<a href="http://edittable.free.fr/' +
108 'zip.php?f=ezEditTable.zip&amp;p=1"' +
109 'target="_blank" title="ezEditTable is a ' +
110 'javascript code aimed at enhancing regular ' +
111 'HTML tables by adding features such as ' +
112 'inline editing components, advanced ' +
113 'selection and keyboard navigation ' +
114 '- Developed by ' + pkg.author.name + '">' +
115 'ezEditTable</a>'
116 }, {
117 pattern: /<!-- @import (.*?) -->/ig,
118 replacement: function (match, p1) {
119 return grunt.file.read('static/' + p1);
120 }
121 }
122 ]
123 }
124 }
125 },
127 clean: ['demos/starter.html'],
129 'webpack-dev-server': {
130 options: {
131 webpack: webpackDevConfig,
132 publicPath: '/dist/'
133 },
134 start: {
135 webpack: {
136 devtool: 'eval'
137 }
138 }
139 },
141 webpack: {
142 build: webpackConfig,
143 dev: webpackDevConfig,
144 test: webpackTestConfig
145 },
147 watch: {
148 app: {
149 files: ['src/**/*', 'static/style/**/*'],
150 tasks: ['dev'],
151 options: {
152 spawn: false
153 }
154 },
155 templates: {
156 files: ['static/templates/**/*', 'static/partials/**/*'],
157 tasks: ['build-demos'],
158 options: {
159 spawn: false
160 }
161 }
162 },
164 babel: {
165 options: {
166 sourceMap: true,
167 modules: 'amd',
168 compact: false,
169 presets: ['es2015']
170 },
171 dist: {
172 files: [{
173 expand: true,
174 cwd: 'src',
175 src: ['**/*.js'],
176 dest: 'dist/tablefilter'
177 }]
178 }
179 },
181 esdoc: {
182 dist: {
183 options: {
184 source: 'src',
185 destination: 'docs/docs',
186 title: pkg.name + ' v' + pkg.version
187 }
188 }
189 },
191 stylus: {
192 compile: {
193 options: {
194 banner: '/** \n' +
195 ' *\t ' + pkg.name + ' v' + pkg.version +
196 ' by ' + pkg.author.name + ' \n' +
197 ' *\t build date: ' + new Date().toISOString() + ' \n' +
198 ' *\t MIT License \n' +
199 ' */ \n'
200 },
201 files: [
202 {
203 src: ['static/style/*.styl'],
204 dest: styleDirDist + 'tablefilter.css'
205 }, {
206 src: ['static/style/extensions/colsVisibility.styl'],
207 dest: styleDirDist + 'colsVisibility.css'
208 }, {
209 src: ['static/style/extensions/filtersVisibility.styl'],
210 dest: styleDirDist + 'filtersVisibility.css'
211 }, {
212 src: ['static/style/themes/default/*.styl'],
213 dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/default/default.css'
214 }, {
215 src: ['static/style/themes/mytheme/*.styl'],
216 dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/mytheme/mytheme.css'
217 }, {
218 src: ['static/style/themes/skyblue/*.styl'],
219 dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/skyblue/skyblue.css'
220 }, {
221 src: ['static/style/themes/transparent/*.styl'],
222 dest:
223 styleDirDist + 'themes/transparent/transparent.css'
224 }
225 ]
226 }
227 },
229 'gh-pages': {
230 options: {
231 branch: 'gh-pages',
232 add: true
233 },
234 'publish-lib': {
235 options: {
236 base: 'dist',
237 repo: 'https://' + repo,
238 message: 'publish TableFilter lib to gh-pages (cli)'
239 },
240 src: ['**/*']
241 },
242 'publish-readme': {
243 options: {
244 base: './',
245 repo: 'https://' + repo,
246 message: 'publish README and LICENSE to gh-pages (cli)'
247 },
248 src: ['README.md', 'LICENSE']
249 },
250 'publish-docs': {
251 options: {
252 base: 'docs',
253 repo: 'https://' + repo,
254 message: 'publish Docs to gh-pages (cli)'
255 },
256 src: ['**/*']
257 },
258 'deploy-lib': {
259 options: {
260 user: {
261 name: 'koalyptus'
262 },
263 base: 'dist',
264 repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo,
265 message: 'publish TableFilter to gh-pages (auto)' +
266 getDeployMessage(),
267 silent: true
268 },
269 src: ['**/*']
270 },
271 'deploy-readme': {
272 options: {
273 user: {
274 name: 'koalyptus'
275 },
276 base: './',
277 repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo,
278 message: 'publish README to gh-pages (auto)' +
279 getDeployMessage(),
280 silent: true
281 },
282 src: ['README.md', 'LICENSE']
283 },
284 'deploy-docs': {
285 options: {
286 user: {
287 name: 'koalyptus'
288 },
289 base: 'docs',
290 repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo,
291 message: 'publish Docs to gh-pages (auto)' +
292 getDeployMessage(),
293 silent: true
294 },
295 src: ['**/*']
296 }
297 }
299 });
301 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-eslint');
302 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy');
303 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean');
304 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');
305 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-string-replace');
306 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect');
307 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-webpack');
308 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-babel');
309 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-esdoc');
310 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-qunit-istanbul');
311 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-stylus');
312 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-gh-pages');
314 grunt.registerTask('default', ['test', 'build', 'build-demos']);
316 // Development server
317 grunt.registerTask('server', ['webpack-dev-server:start']);
319 // Dev dev/build/watch cycle
320 grunt.registerTask('dev',
321 ['eslint', 'webpack:dev', 'copy:dist', 'stylus:compile', 'watch:app']);
323 // Production build
324 grunt.registerTask('build',
325 ['eslint', 'webpack:build', 'copy:dist', 'stylus:compile']);
327 // Build demos
328 grunt.registerTask('dev-demos', ['build-demos', 'watch:templates']);
329 grunt.registerTask('build-demos', ['copy:templates', 'copy:assets',
330 'string-replace:demos', 'copy:starter', 'clean']);
332 // Build tests
333 grunt.registerTask('build-test',
334 ['eslint', 'webpack:test', 'copy:dist', 'stylus:compile']);
336 // Transpile with Babel
337 grunt.registerTask('dev-modules', ['babel', 'copy:dist']);
339 // Tests with coverage
340 grunt.registerTask('test', ['build-test', 'connect', 'qunit:all']);
342 // Publish to gh-pages
343 grunt.registerTask('publish', 'Publish from CLI', [
344 'build', 'build-demos', 'esdoc', 'gh-pages:publish-lib',
345 'gh-pages:publish-readme', 'gh-pages:publish-docs'
346 ]);
348 // Deploy to gh-pages
349 grunt.registerTask('deploy', 'Publish from Travis', [
350 'build', 'esdoc', 'check-deploy'
351 ]);
353 // Custom task running QUnit tests for specified files.
354 // Usage example: grunt test-only:test.html,test-help.html
355 grunt.registerTask('test-only',
356 'A task that runs only specified tests.',
357 function (tests) {
358 if (!tests) {
359 return;
360 }
361 tests = tests.split(',');
362 var res = [];
364 tests.forEach(function (itm) {
365 var filePath = path.resolve(testDir, itm);
366 var parts = filePath.split(path.sep);
367 res.push(buildTestUrl(testHost, testDir, parts));
368 });
370 grunt.task.run('connect');
371 grunt.config('qunit.only.options.urls', res);
372 grunt.task.run('qunit:only');
373 }
374 );
376 function isTestFile(pth) {
377 var allowedExts = ['.html', '.htm'];
378 for (var i = 0, len = allowedExts.length; i < len; i++) {
379 var ext = allowedExts[i];
380 if (pth.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
381 return true;
382 }
383 }
384 return false;
385 }
387 function buildTestUrl(host, testDir, parts) {
388 var idx = parts.indexOf(testDir);
389 var fileIdx = parts.length;
390 var relParts = parts.slice(idx, fileIdx);
391 return host.concat(relParts.join('/'));
392 }
394 // Returns the list of test files from the test folder for qunit task
395 function getTestFiles(testDir, host) {
396 var getFiles = function (dir, host) {
397 var res = [];
398 var items = fs.readdirSync(dir);
400 items.forEach(function (itm) {
401 var fileOrDir = path.resolve(dir, itm);
402 if (isTestFile(fileOrDir)) {
403 var parts = fileOrDir.split(path.sep);
404 res.push(buildTestUrl(host, testDir, parts));
405 } else {
406 if (fs.lstatSync(fileOrDir).isDirectory()) {
407 res = res.concat(getFiles(fileOrDir, host));
408 }
409 }
410 });
412 return res;
413 };
415 return getFiles(testDir, host);
416 }
418 grunt.registerTask('check-deploy', function () {
419 var env = process.env;
420 // need this
421 this.requires(['build', 'esdoc']);
423 // only deploy under these conditions
424 if (env.TRAVIS === 'true' &&
425 env.TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS === 'true' &&
426 env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST === 'false') {
427 grunt.log.writeln('executing deployment');
428 // queue deploy
429 grunt.task.run([
430 'gh-pages:deploy-lib',
431 'gh-pages:deploy-readme',
432 'gh-pages:deploy-docs'
433 ]);
434 } else {
435 grunt.log.writeln('skipped deployment');
436 }
437 });
439 // Get a formatted commit message to review changes from the commit log
440 // github will turn some of these into clickable links
441 function getDeployMessage() {
442 var ret = '\n\n';
443 var env = process.env;
444 if (env.TRAVIS !== 'true') {
445 ret += 'missing env vars for travis-ci';
446 return ret;
447 }
448 ret += 'branch: ' + env.TRAVIS_BRANCH + '\n';
449 ret += 'SHA: ' + env.TRAVIS_COMMIT + '\n';
450 ret += 'range SHA: ' + env.TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE + '\n';
451 ret += 'build id: ' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID + '\n';
452 ret += 'build number: ' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER + '\n';
453 return ret;
454 }