7.18 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2019 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found
6 * at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may
7 * be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by
8 * Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP
9 * rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
10 */
11import { BrowserName } from './browser';
12import { Config } from './config';
13import { ExtendedPackageDependencyMap, Measurement } from './types';
15 * Expected format of the top-level JSON config file. Note this interface is
16 * used to generate the JSON schema for validation.
17 */
18export interface ConfigFile {
19 /**
20 * Root directory to serve benchmarks from (default current directory).
21 */
22 root?: string;
23 /**
24 * Minimum number of times to run each benchmark (default 50).
25 * @TJS-type integer
26 * @TJS-minimum 2
27 */
28 sampleSize?: number;
29 /**
30 * The maximum number of minutes to spend auto-sampling (default 3).
31 * @TJS-minimum 0
32 */
33 timeout?: number;
34 /**
35 * The degrees of difference to try and resolve when auto-sampling
36 * (e.g. 0ms, +1ms, -1ms, 0%, +1%, -1%, default 0%).
37 */
38 horizons?: string[];
39 /**
40 * Benchmarks to run.
41 * @TJS-minItems 1
42 */
43 benchmarks: ConfigFileBenchmark[];
44 /**
45 * Whether to automatically convert ES module imports with bare module
46 * specifiers to paths.
47 */
48 resolveBareModules?: boolean;
49 /**
50 * An optional reference to the JSON Schema for this file.
51 *
52 * If none is given, and the file is a valid tachometer config file,
53 * tachometer will write back to the config file to give this a value.
54 */
55 $schema?: string;
58 * Expected format of a benchmark in a JSON config file.
59 */
60interface ConfigFileBenchmark {
61 /**
62 * A fully qualified URL, or a local path to an HTML file or directory. If a
63 * directory, must contain an index.html. Query parameters are permitted on
64 * local paths (e.g. 'my/benchmark.html?foo=bar').
65 */
66 url?: string;
67 /**
68 * An optional label for this benchmark. Defaults to the URL.
69 */
70 name?: string;
71 /**
72 * Which browser to run the benchmark in.
73 *
74 * Options:
75 * - chrome (default)
76 * - chrome-headless
77 * - firefox
78 * - firefox-headless
79 * - safari
80 * - edge
81 * - ie
82 */
83 browser?: string | BrowserConfigs;
84 /**
85 * Which time interval to measure.
86 *
87 * Options:
88 * - callback: bench.start() to bench.stop() (default for local paths)
89 * - fcp: first contentful paint (default for fully qualified URLs)
90 * - global: result returned from window.tachometerResult (or custom
91 * expression set via measurementExpression)
92 * - {
93 * performanceEntry: {
94 * //
95 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PerformanceEntry/name
96 * name: string;
97 * }
98 * }
99 */
100 measurement?: ConfigFileMeasurement;
101 /**
102 * Expression to use to retrieve global result. Defaults to
103 * `window.tachometerResult`.
104 */
105 measurementExpression?: string;
106 /**
107 * Optional NPM dependency overrides to apply and install. Only supported with
108 * local paths.
109 */
110 packageVersions?: ConfigFilePackageVersion;
111 /**
112 * Recursively expand this benchmark configuration with any number of
113 * variations. Useful for testing the same base configuration with e.g.
114 * multiple browers or package versions.
115 */
116 expand?: ConfigFileBenchmark[];
118declare type ConfigFileMeasurement = 'callback' | 'fcp' | 'global' | Measurement | Array<Measurement>;
119declare type BrowserConfigs = ChromeConfig | FirefoxConfig | SafariConfig | EdgeConfig | IEConfig;
120interface BrowserConfigBase {
121 /**
122 * Name of the browser:
123 *
124 * Options:
125 * - chrome
126 * - firefox
127 * - safari
128 * - edge
129 * - ie
130 */
131 name: BrowserName;
132 /**
133 * A remote WebDriver server HTTP address to launch the browser from.
134 */
135 remoteUrl?: string;
136 /**
137 * The size of new windows created from this browser. Defaults to 1024x768.
138 */
139 windowSize?: WindowSize;
141interface WindowSize {
142 /**
143 * Width of the browser window in pixels. Defaults to 1024.
144 *
145 * @TJS-type integer
146 * @TJS-minimum 0
147 */
148 width: number;
149 /**
150 * Height of the browser window in pixels. Defaults to 768.
151 *
152 * @TJS-type integer
153 * @TJS-minimum 0
154 */
155 height: number;
157interface ChromeConfig extends BrowserConfigBase {
158 name: 'chrome';
159 /**
160 * Whether to launch the headless (no GUI) version of this browser.
161 */
162 headless?: boolean;
163 /**
164 * Path to the binary to use when launching this browser, instead of the
165 * default one.
166 */
167 binary?: string;
168 /**
169 * Additional command-line arguments to pass when launching the browser.
170 */
171 addArguments?: string[];
172 /**
173 * Command-line arguments that WebDriver normally adds by default when
174 * launching the browser, which you would like to omit.
175 */
176 removeArguments?: string[];
177 /**
178 * Optional CPU Throttling rate. (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown,
179 * etc). This is currently only supported in headless mode.
180 * @TJS-minimum 1
181 */
182 cpuThrottlingRate?: number;
184interface FirefoxConfig extends BrowserConfigBase {
185 name: 'firefox';
186 /**
187 * Whether to launch the headless (no GUI) version of this browser.
188 */
189 headless?: boolean;
190 /**
191 * Path to the binary to use when launching this browser, instead of the
192 * default one.
193 */
194 binary?: string;
195 /**
196 * Additional command-line arguments to pass when launching the browser.
197 */
198 addArguments?: string[];
199 /**
200 * Advanced preferences that are usually set from the about:config page
201 * in Firefox (see
202 * https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/about-config-editor-firefox).
203 */
204 preferences?: {
205 [name: string]: string | number | boolean;
206 };
208interface SafariConfig extends BrowserConfigBase {
209 name: 'safari';
211interface EdgeConfig extends BrowserConfigBase {
212 name: 'edge';
214interface IEConfig extends BrowserConfigBase {
215 name: 'ie';
217interface ConfigFilePackageVersion {
218 /**
219 * Required label to identify this version map.
220 */
221 label: string;
222 /**
223 * Map from NPM package to version. Any version syntax supported by NPM is
224 * supported here.
225 */
226 dependencies: ExtendedPackageDependencyMap;
229 * Validate the given JSON object parsed from a config file, and expand it into
230 * a fully specified configuration.
231 */
232export declare function parseConfigFile(parsedJson: unknown): Promise<Partial<Config>>;
233export declare function writeBackSchemaIfNeeded(rawConfigObj: Partial<ConfigFile>, configFile: string): Promise<void>;
234export {};