1 | # TapeSlider
2 |
3 | make your page more interactive by let client read last notifications and news about your site
4 | with simple tool to apply in simple way ... let's start
5 | ## Demo
6 |
7 |
8 | ![preview](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUsTK1L0GGnWwQVFOO8oy2OFCWElc8GSEzf150h_YHiOAPzkKv7eNRZIgzamwrmf1c3X8ln_sbE_P6u14CXSYCDbozXtTlhxNELr8pEJIK3EPpfmw2B_XayjW3LHGsVtqavVB5JxHrwsy-6l-vMYR59=w1920-h582-no?authuser=0)
9 | ## Installation
10 | You can use either the npm command-line tool to install packages.
11 | ## NPM
12 |
13 | > npm i tap-slider
14 |
15 | # Usage ⁉
16 |
17 | ### Html
18 | ```html
19 | <head>
20 | <!-- Add Style -->
21 | <link
22 | rel="stylesheet"
23 | href="./node_modules/tape-slider/dist/style/_index.css"
24 | />
25 | </head>
26 |
27 | <body>
28 | <!-- Add Element -->
29 | <div class="ts-tap"></div>
30 |
31 | <!-- import tool -->
32 | <script src="./node_modules/tape-slider/dist/index.js"></script>
33 |
34 | <!-- Let's start 👏 -->
35 | <script>
36 | /* Generate Fake Data */
37 | const data = [];
38 | for (let index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
39 | const element = {
40 | text: "news" + index,
41 | };
42 | data.push(element);
43 | }
44 | /* */
45 |
46 | /* Here The Code */
47 | // set options
48 | const options = { speed: 1, data: { itemsData: data } };
49 | // create tool object
50 | const t = tapeSlider.make(".ts-tap", options);
51 | // run tool.
52 | t.boot();
53 | /* */
54 | </script>
55 | </body>
56 | ```
57 |
58 |
59 | ![preview](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUsTK1L0GGnWwQVFOO8oy2OFCWElc8GSEzf150h_YHiOAPzkKv7eNRZIgzamwrmf1c3X8ln_sbE_P6u14CXSYCDbozXtTlhxNELr8pEJIK3EPpfmw2B_XayjW3LHGsVtqavVB5JxHrwsy-6l-vMYR59=w1920-h582-no?authuser=0)
60 |
61 | # Advanced
62 |
63 | ## Events
64 |
65 | ```javascript
66 | const options = { speed: 1, data: { itemsData: data } };
67 | const t = tapeSlider.make(".ts-tap", options);
68 |
69 | // Listen When Start
70 | t.onStarted().subscribe((e) => {
71 | console.log("started");
72 | });
73 | // Listen When Stopped
74 | t.onStopped().subscribe((e) => {
75 | console.log("stopped");
76 | });
77 | // Listen When With Every Tick
78 | t.onTick().subscribe((tick) => {
79 | console.log("tick" + tick);
80 | });
81 |
82 | t.boot();
83 | ```
84 |
85 | ## Customize Style
86 |
87 | ![customize css](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUgyA_iovZO41YxWG2a-m93SB6IbBICxm2THqyoqhxdpmG_5ufXgZg6wB2WNDgKPH18UXhZy7rhNnKUPZrUUmbAlE1cPw9fWxR4to4KlB64QVtsYhYAOfryFbGC8lfQtG-lKJWCvNu91zzaSG4e6LMV=w952-h864-no?authuser=0)
88 |
89 | ![preview](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUsTK1L0GGnWwQVFOO8oy2OFCWElc8GSEzf150h_YHiOAPzkKv7eNRZIgzamwrmf1c3X8ln_sbE_P6u14CXSYCDbozXtTlhxNELr8pEJIK3EPpfmw2B_XayjW3LHGsVtqavVB5JxHrwsy-6l-vMYR59=w1920-h582-no?authuser=0)
90 |
91 | ### Css
92 | ```css
93 | .ts-tapeSlider-container {
94 | /* You can override Style */
95 | }
96 | .ts-tapeSlider-container .ts-tapeSlider-item {
97 | /* You can override Style */
98 | }
99 | ```
100 |
101 | ## Options
102 |
103 | ```javascript
104 | var options = {
105 | speed:/* slider speed from 1 to 15 */
106 | data:[/* Array of objects as {text:"👌"}*/]
107 | }
108 | ```
109 |
110 | Simplest and Easiest 👌💖👏
111 |
112 | ## Contribution
113 |
114 | I welcome you to fork and add more features into it. If you have any bugs or feature request, please create an issue at [github repository](https://github.com/mahmoudshahin1111/tape-slider/issues).
115 |
116 | ## License
117 |
118 | MIT |
\ | No newline at end of file |