6.28 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var tape = require('../');
4var tap = require('tap');
5var concat = require('concat-stream');
7var stripFullStack = require('./common').stripFullStack;
9tap.test('match', function (tt) {
10 tt.plan(1);
12 var test = tape.createHarness({ exit: false });
13 var tc = function (rows) {
14 tt.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
15 'TAP version 13',
16 '# match',
17 'ok 1 regex arg must be a regex',
18 'ok 2 string arg must be a string',
19 'not ok 3 The input did not match the regular expression /abc/. Input: \'string\'',
20 ' ---',
21 ' operator: match',
22 ' expected: /abc/',
23 ' actual: \'string\'',
24 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
25 ' stack: |-',
26 ' Error: The input did not match the regular expression /abc/. Input: \'string\'',
27 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
28 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
29 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
30 ' ...',
31 'not ok 4 "string" does not match /abc/',
32 ' ---',
33 ' operator: match',
34 ' expected: /abc/',
35 ' actual: \'string\'',
36 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
37 ' stack: |-',
38 ' Error: "string" does not match /abc/',
39 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
40 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
41 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
42 ' ...',
43 'ok 5 The input did not match the regular expression /pass$/. Input: \'I will pass\'',
44 'ok 6 "I will pass" matches /pass$/',
45 '',
46 '1..6',
47 '# tests 6',
48 '# pass 4',
49 '# fail 2',
50 ''
51 ].join('\n'));
52 };
54 test.createStream().pipe(concat(tc));
56 test('match', function (t) {
57 t.plan(6);
59 t.throws(
60 function () { t.match(/abc/, 'string'); },
61 TypeError,
62 'regex arg must be a regex'
63 );
65 t.throws(
66 function () { t.match({ abc: 123 }, /abc/); },
67 TypeError,
68 'string arg must be a string'
69 );
71 t.match('string', /abc/);
72 t.match('string', /abc/, '"string" does not match /abc/');
74 t.match('I will pass', /pass$/);
75 t.match('I will pass', /pass$/, '"I will pass" matches /pass$/');
77 t.end();
78 });
81tap.test('doesNotMatch', function (tt) {
82 tt.plan(1);
84 var test = tape.createHarness({ exit: false });
85 var tc = function (rows) {
86 tt.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
87 'TAP version 13',
88 '# doesNotMatch',
89 'ok 1 regex arg must be a regex',
90 'ok 2 string arg must be a string',
91 'not ok 3 The input was expected to not match the regular expression /string/. Input: \'string\'',
92 ' ---',
93 ' operator: doesNotMatch',
94 ' expected: /string/',
95 ' actual: \'string\'',
96 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
97 ' stack: |-',
98 ' Error: The input was expected to not match the regular expression /string/. Input: \'string\'',
99 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
100 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
101 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
102 ' ...',
103 'not ok 4 "string" should not match /string/',
104 ' ---',
105 ' operator: doesNotMatch',
106 ' expected: /string/',
107 ' actual: \'string\'',
108 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
109 ' stack: |-',
110 ' Error: "string" should not match /string/',
111 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
112 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
113 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
114 ' ...',
115 'not ok 5 The input was expected to not match the regular expression /pass$/. Input: \'I will pass\'',
116 ' ---',
117 ' operator: doesNotMatch',
118 ' expected: /pass$/',
119 ' actual: \'I will pass\'',
120 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
121 ' stack: |-',
122 ' Error: The input was expected to not match the regular expression /pass$/. Input: \'I will pass\'',
123 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
124 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
125 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
126 ' ...',
127 'not ok 6 "I will pass" should not match /pass$/',
128 ' ---',
129 ' operator: doesNotMatch',
130 ' expected: /pass$/',
131 ' actual: \'I will pass\'',
132 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
133 ' stack: |-',
134 ' Error: "I will pass" should not match /pass$/',
135 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
136 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/match.js:$LINE:$COL)',
137 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
138 ' ...',
139 '',
140 '1..6',
141 '# tests 6',
142 '# pass 2',
143 '# fail 4',
144 ''
145 ].join('\n'));
146 };
148 test.createStream().pipe(concat(tc));
150 test('doesNotMatch', function (t) {
151 t.plan(6);
153 t.throws(
154 function () { t.doesNotMatch(/abc/, 'string'); },
155 TypeError,
156 'regex arg must be a regex'
157 );
159 t.throws(
160 function () { t.doesNotMatch({ abc: 123 }, /abc/); },
161 TypeError,
162 'string arg must be a string'
163 );
165 t.doesNotMatch('string', /string/);
166 t.doesNotMatch('string', /string/, '"string" should not match /string/');
168 t.doesNotMatch('I will pass', /pass$/);
169 t.doesNotMatch('I will pass', /pass$/, '"I will pass" should not match /pass$/');
171 t.end();
172 });